Could you pass this on to Jonathan and Major?
Clay Barnett, P.E.
Town Engineer
Town of Addison
16801 Westgrove Drive
Addison, TX 75001-2818
Office: (972) 450-2857
From: Lea Dunn
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 2:53 PM
To: Nancy Cline; Clay Barnett
Subject: FW: Bridge Pour Checklist
Lea Dunn
Deputy City Manager
From: Brian J. LaFoy []
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 2:00 PM
To: 'Eric T. Little'
Cc:; Lea Dunn; Tom Forrest; 'Brad Rusk'
Subject: Bridge Pour Checklist
As one of the items we discussed yeterday, attached is a bridge pour checklist that I've written to possibly aid in the inspections for this project. I assume Halff will have everything
covered, but this can help anyone else who might be out there to verify nothing was missed. I originally wrote this to help other municipalities we've worked with when they have a bridge
to build but don't necessarily have experienced brige inspectors. So most of it applies (obviously not the cold weather information). It's based on a TxDOT bridge.
Hope it helps.
Brian J. LaFoy, P.E.
Vice President
Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc.
8080 Park Lane, Suite 600
Dallas, Texas 75231
Ph. 214-739-4741 / Fax 214-739-5961