-----Original Message----- From: Tom Lamberth [mailto:TLamberth@udr.com] Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 4:20 PM To: Ron Whitehead; Chris Terry; Nancy Cline Subject: Key dates for Savoye Opening Ron, Chris and Nancy- First of all, thanks for meeting today and putting up with a temperamental old real estate guy. We all want great looking, well built bridges sooner than later and as inexpensive as possible. I know that the Addison team is working hard and I appreciate your commitment. I think the meeting on Monday is a great next step and we will make every effort to do our part in partnering with you to make that happen. Ron asked me to send you the critical dates for Savoye as we near the opening. There are three target dates for us: (1) Opening of the leasing center- January 2nd; (2) First occupied units- March 1st; and (3) Project completion- September 1st. This means that once we accept the first units, we will take down an average of 65 units per month. That is pretty aggressive and the reason we need the best story to tell in terms of the park and bridges that will be forthcoming. The romance of Vitruvian Park has always been centered on those two items and, without them, our surroundings at this point aren’t very special. Thanks again and have a great weekend. Tom Lamberth UDR 972 716 3560 (O) 214 662 1088 (C)