Clay, This is the infomation my bonding agent sent me on Henry Builder's bonding company. It looks as if it is a strong company and will be there if anything happens to the contractor. If Henry cannot finish and a replacement contractor is needed there will be a substantial delay in completion. Usually the bonding company will assist their existing contractor with additional financing so thay can finish the project. This keeps the project more on schedule and usually reduces the bonding companies exposure. I did not get the letter to sign Friday. If you want to email a copy to me I will sign and return. If you need any additional information please let me know. Rick ----- Original Message ----- From: Ricardo Reyna To: Rick Burgett Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 10:14 AM Subject: Re: bonding company Rick, We do not use Employers as a surety trading partner but I have found out the following: Employers Mutual Casualty Company is domiciled in Des Moines, IA and currently has a Best rating of A- with a "stable" financial outlook. Treasury listing is at $72,376,000 which is pretty healthy. In 2008 Employers (Parent is EMC Group) was the 26th national writer of surety premium, coming in at $29.6M with a very good combined loss ratio of 37.9%. In Texas, Employers was the 19th largest writer at $3.4M (a small office compared to the top ten writers in TX all with a premium base over $10.0M). Based on the above items, I would say that Employers is a well rated company with good financial. Would be curious as to who this "low" bidder is. Hope this helps. Rick "rifle ready" Reyna "Rick Burgett" 09/21/2009 10:54 AM To "Ricardo Reyna" cc Subject bonding company Rick, What do you know about Employers Mutual Casualty Company. What is their rating? How solid a company are they? They are the bonding company on a Town of Addison project where the bidder is half price. Let me know what you can find out. Thanks Rick I hope you are getting your "rifle" cleaned for Thursday. RB R. E. (Rick) Burgett Rebcon, Inc. 972 444 8230 fax 972 444 8234