All Please see the attached letter from Sherwin Williams regarding the compatibility of their paint system with the applied Carbozinc 858 primer. Please let us know if there are still concerns with the proposed paint system. Thank you. Todd Henson Sr. Project Manager Austin Bridge & Road 214-681-2128 From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:57 AM To: Christiansen, Eric; Andrew Harper; Todd Henson; Andrew Harper Cc: Lara, Amanda; McCulley, Jonathan; Barnett, Clay Subject: RE: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Eric, That wasn’t my understanding. This is a question better posed to Austin. Todd, please reply. From: Christiansen, Eric [] Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:47 AM To: Eric T. Little; Andrew Harper Cc: Lara, Amanda; McCulley, Jonathan; Barnett, Clay Subject: FW: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Guys, At last week's meeting, there was plenty of discussion regarding the steel arch paint. It is my understanding that Jonathan and Amanda made it clear that the TxDOT spec required all coatings to be from the same manufacturer. I was led to believe that when Austin was made aware of this, they indicated that they would get back to us about how they wanted to proceed with the coatings. As of this moment, we have not seen any new information on coatings. My simple question is: when will we see this new information? We're ready to review any new submittal that Austin wants to bring to our attention. Thanks, Eric Eric S. Christiansen, P.E., SECB, LEED AP Senior Structural Engineer HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 1201 North Bowser Road Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone 214-346-6284 Fax 214-739-0095 Cell 972-955-2996 From: Christiansen, Eric Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:06 AM To: 'Eric T. Little'; Wade Geistweidt; Lara, Amanda; Nick Jacob Cc: Barnett, Clay; Richard J. Hammerberg Subject: RE: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Eric, We're looking at this issue and hope to have an answer later today. Eric S. Christiansen, P.E., SECB, LEED AP Senior Structural Engineer HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 1201 North Bowser Road Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone 214-346-6284 Fax 214-739-0095 Cell 972-955-2996 From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:04 AM To: Wade Geistweidt; Lara, Amanda; Christiansen, Eric; Nick Jacob Cc: Barnett, Clay; Richard J. Hammerberg Subject: RE: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Eric: Per our conversation a bit ago, we need some direction on the following two items: 1. The specifications on this project refer us to TxDOT Item 446 for painting. Nowhere in either the 446 or in the specs do we see anything mentioning requirements for warranties on the coating systems. Can you advise on what the intent was here? 2. The 446 outlines 4 methods for surface prep for paint. We are not sure which one is desired on this project. Please advise. Thanks, Eric From: Wade Geistweidt [] Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 8:53 AM To: Lara, Amanda;; Eric T. Little; Nick Jacob; Andrew Harper; Todd Henson; Derek Dodson Cc:; Richard J. Hammerberg Subject: FW: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Please see Robert Boswell comments below. Wade Geistweidt Engineering Tech 2035 Central Circle Suite 110 McKinney, TX 75069 o| 972.562.4677 c| 469.576.9951 f | 972.542.4366 Error! Filename not specified. ________________________________ From: Robert Boswell Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:44 PM To: Wade Geistweidt; David T. Hernandez Cc: Richard J. Hammerberg;; Robert Boswell Subject: Re: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Carboline or Sherwin Williams should provide a letter under their letter head giving direction on what action to take and what product to apply. This letter should be signed by someone of authority within their company that the Owner or engineer or both can go back to them for resolution if there is a problem later with this coating system. In addition, who is going to provide the warranty, Carboline or Sherwin Williams or the contractor or all three? My suggestion - if any coating is to be applied that is not from the same manufacturer, if recoat windows have been exceeded, if coating repairs are needed or anything else out of the ordinary with this coating is to be done, get clear direction in writing in letter form under the coating supplier's letter what is to be done. Industrial coatings are not cheap and contractors that apply industrial coatings are not cheap either. Lets apply coatings on these arches with the expectation that they perform as required and dont fail early. And another thing, you may want to ask that certified painters apply the coating. If this all gets setlled with using coatings from one supplier for the entire coating system, a warranty should still be provided. I design coating systems for corrosion control on large 10 and 12 million steel water tanks and I have worked with industrial coatings on many other types surfaces in the past years. I have also worked with and still do work with representatives within both Carboline and Sherwin Williams. If I can be of further help in this matter please do not hesitate to call me. Sent from myTouch 4G Robert Boswell 512-436-3380 NACE CCI, NACE CCT CWI, CRI, NDE Level II Project Manager/Consultant Welding/NDT Practice Leader Under Water Dive Con Specialist ----- Reply message ----- From: "Wade Geistweidt" To: "Robert Boswell" , "David T. Hernandez" Cc: "Richard J. Hammerberg" , "" Subject: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Date: Tue, Mar 29, 2011 4:04 pm David and Robert, What are your thought on this? Thanks Wade Geistweidt Engineering Tech 2035 Central Circle Suite 110 McKinney, TX 75069 o| 972.562.4677 c| 469.576.9951 f | 972.542.4366 ________________________________ From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:40 PM To: Andrew Harper; Nick Jacob;; Wade Geistweidt Cc: Todd Henson; Derek Dodson Subject: RE: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Thanks – I’ll get with Kleinfelder and make sure they are ok with that. From: Andrew Harper [] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:32 PM To: Eric T. Little; Nick Jacob;; Cc: Todd Henson; Derek Dodson Subject: RE: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Spoke with Bruce at Carboline Technical Services. He said that the special surface preparation involves simply pressure washing the surface, and applying a “tie-coat” primer. According to Scott Derr Painting, our intermediate coat of paint is a “Recoatable Epoxy Primer” which is the same as a “tie-coat”. Andrew Harper Cell (214) 886-6666 From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:00 PM To: Andrew Harper; Nick Jacob;; Cc: Todd Henson; Derek Dodson Subject: RE: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint The spec sheet says: The arches have weathered for more than 30 days. We need to see if any “special surface preparation” is required prior to topcoating. From: Andrew Harper [] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 11:12 AM To: Eric T. Little; Nick Jacob;; Cc: Todd Henson; Derek Dodson Subject: FW: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Sherwin-Williams says that their paint is compatible with the Carboline 828 Primer. Attached is the technical data for reference. Thanks, Andrew Harper Cell (214) 886-6666 From: 5896 Rep [] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 9:35 AM To: Andrew Harper Cc: Subject: Re: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Andrew, Sherwin-Williams Recoatable Epoxy Primer and High Solids Polyurethane are commonly used and approved for use for TXDOT Protection System #3 as an epoxy intermediate and polyurethane topcoat over an epoxy zinc primer. In review of the Carbozinc 858 epoxy zinc primer technical data sheet, the data sheet states that the Carbozinc 858 may be topcoated with epoxies and urethanes. Therefore, Sherwin-Williams Recoatable Epoxy primer should be compatible with the Carbozinc 858 epoxy zinc primer as long as it is applied within the recoat window of the Carbozinc 858 zinc rich primer as stated on the technical data sheet. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or clarifications. Thank you, Benjamin Hammond The Sherwin-Williams Company Protective and Marine Group Bridge and Highway N.A.C.E Certified 11415 SSPC Certified Concrete Coating Inspector 214-336-1082 -----Andrew Harper wrote: ----- To: "" From: Andrew Harper Date: 03/28/2011 03:09PM Subject: Town of Addison Vitruvian Park Phase 1D Steel Arch Paint Ben, Our steel arch supplier (AFCO) used Carboline No. 858 zinc primer on the arches. We just want to give the owner some piece of mind that your Sherwin Williams Recoatable Epoxy Primer and High Solids Polyurethane Topcoat is compatible. Thanks for looking into this for me. Andrew Harper | Project Coordinator AUSTIN BRIDGE & ROAD IH30/PGBT Interchange Lake Ray Hubbard – 608006 Addison Vitruvian Park Bridges - 610007 1013 I-30 East Garland, TX 75043 214.886.6666 (M) 972.240.6200 (O) 972.240.6204 (F) 軬髒䤕�옩麤糑䒌錚۹飨델磻沺壖鑋᚛蛓폪귍맋枽丳☺�ᤋ掙ꖍ挘쭦玶癒䭨쑃䘲亨�ỮẾ놎酭댹≡㏲澞䵛ᢐ侻茾⑩냳☧ి葤櫖䨎�륊方฽䉺涮눥荫邵ﯕ뚻횑Ǩ叴삵짉ꑞ슱�黶ꤥ멫쵛䏝렾쌈턭ᙕ頸ꄙ뻇ຸ剚㕺喀ﺢ얳錸꧴떭�㻦崄֓閰懟酜᪗덻鹅�Ჰ짋퓦橌⃬ƚ栎ᨏ磂췃暄動칼辊뛈噪䉰᡽驊맋㜤Ỵ鬄뻳㦒꺋㱶쥬켽嗺》バ䳆잔緃猑缦�媆Ꮱ懛�⽳抳䇥�冷ޙ㴘髠櫏�怯喞鵇扙弿ᜐ総陜欻槾�ࠖ泝ꖂ鴤⶝㩆氎邻됨떓譛 鑗➓ᤷᢻ틽걌褅Ꭻ轵ˆ፳瞘㟤ꉇ៷㎱廼嫇糧㘭ﴉԶ錭롹�䛄톼ቫﮎ쭥眖ㆷ濤㣪䧭ﺕṝ蚱䨩ᢓ⚣䲈ᅌ⹏귏췃ᅣ珎㋧婟匮氬ね떞┻嶲땗鵤蹙쳦⣩䣫軴䬓곗蕢ڵ齃쯫鷼ᴉ煭蟛羾拑ⷮ鋔ቝ뿫賻⌡넍ܼᴃ౓粍켈㳪닁豕뷟拙桩름蜨趾昝滺䨜阨ꆖ嚽좐㾯絇㡭틥骭쟽泙霈핬⒬篂缼�琤㝖꡹늼꾂ꣾ쾇抵ﺩ⥬춺⭞ⱇ䷌㟑⦹鰘┢켤輂沷壑鷄Ƴ�捚⨭悽ㇹ癮ᶞ郐ꨕ涼쀙அ떴�❱劗潞⛊氪궬疱◴똤ᇨﮧ釕縓༐鄛ₗ⬣쑏燒䵎ᔳ힩�饸啻 �甓㕸락⢳촩嫤䇠�∗哗牆⇸⻼厦쓳囂칍揵遬�֚ﲋ鬹僴溴ᥫ✉烽놰업蠣쓰쒻ࣞ쭦᳕助⡭車屽燭嘘欄꺷掰ыഹ㏝⯌廬⭤狲췄㳧薩蔥렓⛫崅⒍⼄ೱ츁㊒眢Ή袩搧뮫체黎ࢻ꽋᧹텢Ὑ绬왐✪᛼浢⛫ཎ穷啻໧᠓绣⵬䶑蠸塲꺻䝠錠㳄⼄斴ꃘ蓥㭜辊Ṅ똼♰懹櫧씋乷禰め혦墋ﶾ示藥䒤扝ꇷ꤄끫㤲킜쇝㽄Ⲵ踠鮣앜泯쀾芍詒漒慰⧯⨒앤䢨㐥հ⯶狶뒽骞ヤ츽劭톹鍕療毝룩逢먪碕ज़侷늇⠯湞흖训�詿伻䭸㜡帯퓧⒕꾒쇭퉛 鹶㦛ꣵ巃퍪묹寝阺鞬燺夼㙞⦛ಌ␥�䝃띀鹐虲⮭䗬屽᝙赸뤜塙繋蜴乃鈒裲꫼॒볙�㘎똫全叞賌છ릸⵷于᱾⡋勯࿮Ӯᤩ謃룙졏鲽겳諦挗蔌�詵鯣䢗懥臣縸᪼䫗䉉㸈ᶞ楣껍摋雔蕍흝䘱﷜ﱏ裸踄竻戊츮呦❑ꡦ䎇焯뼣詃ࢳ뫛蜜㭅颹䝓繣㬸徏∤䆷靚펌㢇♾잺荮ы뼜ꑄ쇼⵲岙뽘䜰ῖ↉飮茍㴬狙晛얮흻㡯짊틸㢧냽늁靻님嗔杚魫ጾ쥏嚣ꮇ৒讅�㷲䶜徕檮⪧鐥윭蠣鄯⺛♔摳⧳誮拉ꝓ讎昍₹툢鳼኷ꝲ枴蔬�庝軣떽⬃延⌥鸳宣狎ꔭ掬姂䢞ꛐ䓓钤ﱷ哝 趉�ᑭ빺욘햟ꈎ識鱱띚ֈ犒ㆉﺰ㗨ꭒ똞떦徤搎ꎱ노㐣슎ዺ젿对ᵹ㣢淶┌ꬺ䮺뗷㲷渠䧿❮犧ᘖ蠺鞶芰꼟㒕�쐢䧛뭪籬衃뮖䔓ﱲ鶞뺜⾕䤥֭㧶쥼흆蹣珡໺巹栗톴ម䴭霓眯䗿ⅻ윱塽넠뚥쭟駹忡㺡厛哋歸퇾૗㟼䉃혞ㅣ奐෿흇챰鋅ρ㭽គ倕⟠獐鏕鉑홃鐮濽ꡔự韇普ᢚꗒ⬻ꙵԻ굲韬մʒﰊ优ṏ㋪鈺⇭庹셱ᅮ娆৉蹙柡烃嚽�욖⭁빃泸턹�ꃥ苺紳牠ꍿ䵂ҙ⾻壄ᵕ㵍둭억훇禒ퟳ㩳ﬢᷧ깯ʀ蟿穸탲䵒챖ɉ꒮밋䕟龁皃 牪࣢਋꘡令⫺∲㣃ᐔ襇艢삥ꁣ㼹ꎚ⽧阓㿽噤쫛뭉込黵뢮몺뇢ᣭᓪ궝翀︅澷哕ŀᐅ䁐ԁ㦞Łᐅ䁐ԁ研⠢菈ਂꀨʀ⠊䓰遐ԇ倔ŀᐅ薡㮪顁⪩焳䓢並貚퓲쳩坒쩥䧤켝Ꚕ䄓돡骈Ɐ㨢㕸뮖⡣ꩾ쯠�ꖋໞ陮ꌾﹰ沚ڮ욭䃦伂奲孮㑑휇睘햴⧄籤1鬷䨌玹㭸曖䢇ჿ撵�펊즔ᤨ끹ꤷニ둵彦ﵠ斺薸鹶흋敊ࡢカ쵉鮍멙൹춞腮ⱓ닍屢暫湊숝蹳켘躪峸뢗꨿⚵鲟糼敊莱৵燻雋틨恟ᕩ俿Ӽ桹↣阯寽�熸ᬣ噽Ꝡ㷶庽扒諞᷵㛏돹䫽唺⋏빪⻦將 ㈠⪞뿈텻�䔕ਲ਼⿧욍竏⼄鱛纱ࠠᙁ㣪河䁻孇̉럢ᥬ隶�껟殹믉鵽߃㵮爛飷䪨옹�飣뙪䶜佻岥鷿⭨ꗲ鲳鉌ꨝ籓疝َ刌斷뛽鲣᪺桎䗸꓎㱔ﲓ䭚㤒朼㻯懁淚튰顧ˎﵼ릃띲韲郗時ﳣ끖앶㛈㑖쟧簐⫾㤑ඊઌ셋⼓摛娜�뛃ﭲ懟櫸㧓㧪瞅䎭엸묮聍㊋㤟殻謭콥槂넌䤽ཞ⮀ⴛູꦁ뿵媴ጾ岔蝞냥격﾿쫈蠼ꆡ匎鐎狿铊閼㩩챆��葀㦭鎶ꀨ⿀伝Ṇ쫚ᖹ쥨莛燗깑ກ豑ㄘ覆믎켈뇿沁ၹ臋贈᲌舱Ꮡ�稔掷ꀩ茮无밪륫᎙籇Ჰ舵 挑㆔࿵낣靚跇ꯣ뭰䂔�㰮䕔熚頪཭ꢧ铫㫙썲怏뉧꺲镛迈菜先熶ㅌ웛ᲥϹ�䪩삻圶碽쓧챩렋湊첵关↡У괏豁鏞ꏵ�빈䄐ꥊ᭼鋖慵丳䒓ꏞ큕ᥘ扂ꗗ淫ꞔ玆헄㶛繁跘촟ⴴ嘻࡯땠率䒞嶺넁뮡▻烔褥㯁끰䨼흪뿤뒚븳俘樂颌₂骏Ვ綕೯浫ꕔ㓭칆篟菜㻉蟫埁㽑몮燑䖟훨墕ᚌ軹읗椼�濵蠭磦櫐皼懯煉䘄骨ﲱ䩙큼찲䣇㏪ⴙ䂳�잒埻灎함渞崤�꙾㍈ꌕꜥ깈졹픣䱞�頥钎뷴䑷ꏲ쒻驄篛㇜꒑ꤙ�뎊ꯜ惫淑霹썝裲ꨂ丳粲埆꯺ ﲼ䣹⳦丹牼鬘괷鹂磜␪퀺⌕벉풍﹤讚㱤ꇦⷽꄙ�ᚰ⯯椒Ⅼ฾㱭땬ᇗᳵ뚅仝ଢṙ鞽䪅毲⾏デ�툩㮚ꭤ欢瓭犤씿⥴濻瘕姟齑큊㶖Ꭼ뚲녾汤넘쓲湍ἄ�쎦䑄쌜칵䘔验⮪㟤䬵㪗謧멧�ﴓ磐ꙩ쬌槦㤛ࣚ䂗훑兒䁿래挕统瞓ﳞ纄廚篒婛茳孱馳뇭쯝ⴖ줕䜲퉝퍶上㮐ꙧ뢊宭밹᳻燱壧朹좆艫蟨鉠ᐪ彊ԁ֞ᶞ桹뗾桍�뇢韂샀곭볎麙출峬滳㺣⡋പవ嚜⦳逰䬭冬㲟妑ꪨﱑ폽챉૷⦆䂎궶斶쪦鐔嶗穅復᩽弯溲윿蠏�찶㊘⦅쌫흤垂뒒釓 彏繘ꉐ叔馫愱긎랫늈ꑦᘡ们뢒ᭂ诈蟘骽ꬽ읣ᶎ彬轭캦呬幖룫뛎໢侁秢貨齧䣥~荚䜥鉯尯ⷷ쓅增듉໙꽸仟仠陿㦻散膰뱩铭�ﺄ꾫뗰ޞ魾玶嵯햍ጨ柶獅ᡁ仾䱪飞䰪Ŋ㰗㯹蓮蹉潗⻚吏騦뗣逩끫㦟⦃崓鄉ꓞ䳗ᙁ᪫뽡덶Ꝩ멻止肻농ꎏ蕵䡡솿⭎왵㌭㹚闍ᰉ㝘㆟诺뛙�▟터繌熇쭫愎벗怴�ﳛ�쐓㮩焿焔緓硫ꉻ挱㸁쾢Ѷ썮싛妀␄䠶ⷥ胭⨓穿�띙䠯ڮ᠆꺚勦첑흐㛘ꙗ렛믠鑅콯尦�聴껤巫㥓뷢ꦀ嘪�툦奬⦸ ჺ쐩㶻᭩㒳ᢔ▹ꚉ믲濾゚�븀報졅哕渊ꏺ欱ꌊ擼爇ⓗ�雋펩奬‛럞Ꮩ凣棊礼츘Ꚋ痨ꤨ㊩
婓룏穕粌⏾㨦敬ꊣ쮞咰肚즪⸚럤齓켟喹؇궙哣㷸뜤实뎏泾⻦爕옧�譍궘赮雳ᵛ�緀⣚~ٸ魎�覩屜춦挿倣펌䍩턇걿พひ⽸䮁ᣌ樷謞痶仞⽛칈㱪ᵬ�䁲츺埼ꀸ젹뜐酵औ鴂⵳ꌉ㲙㙺ྋ熆꒧몙䖰㽼癵涒쟩랰挱癊䨅쯺㬇崍鞬℞뺥ﱣ뉟䂜響掿๮㬞얶貘謞扮䅿⃎ᐅ濸㏅༢㓭忤뵥䓒㜴瑄Ӈ�蝡瓹㠆⚝ꖫ뮱裉ᲅ⚜醔ᄘ桊Ϣलᩱ䯍 髯퀐鵵⥳陗⟆鱮ᔫ뻊錱츣祣衩섫鷩ퟮ將퓴췤ᝏ平᥺㕑ﮩ黿朋�⩩캹�象㵶཭ऒ븋鉊乐ᕭᶶះ螆꾺ᚻ૥敛㯌鞽ℒ១侕Ṇ蘤ⲴᣩꞋ샾罇蝿筏怏늸麷빞嗜⷟�蠺�頩뿮緛棃姖ㆪ啦�ᮊ첾ص训뫭ꖈ⼥缜ⵧ돊ᙎ鮍軃襬⹑닠㶷븃쥞텍軷㇢④欪멢뾎쮭졲퉵�뜅蚸ﶟ䘌ٚ콷宺㦒살즐孊羈潌쥷彥蛬샎穇挹줝㴻�蝇坅澰㹊ꎄ⪊㬗㏚೯锋瑝䋝ﻟ枯淡䏷鮰褵瘾�羁⧥虄鎇봠Ꟶ첕⹃経珳坔癅幝睕ݫ蓳톱竞驗䫈음륶晻᭛ֱᦃ톳�썱奤 㫘闌ゕ鏚欩盿�퉛�鍚慷ꡤ擎铿ណṤ쳂᝜ϕ箲Ꭼ㎶惛化㨂焮灾ա䪆饓흾筭녅峡Ἲ繇促熷ⷓ㐿듴릙嬧陚痄谆泹暏六ﳳ㙃ᴌ誥衉菌벓妝왆蟨羙✎텃煷ꮷ䭯⾥氶��윞핲籑簱圱⊻殅庉솪꾰깲侳㤋㑬瞐頾完蕸姬㸢㍊ꦙ퀕함展䲦뉧遹랜袬멣꠪勤읹롸킱얆�偲敽ꌉ체ર䢕緊馎曎銌ܻ멳憯య豞გ鰃ꐏ隋쎺٤Ᵹ틆씫᝝ꔅ퉬쯢⛱嵸끗ԇ研㱚䣐엡豵퍹ꂌ黬⤿嵏夹䳘嵫㬢໧㏣돇ຏ갺뮨Ῠ괠׋䝙ᇆ祐榽灏孮巁侬큓쏵툚먎ܭ죤﯃ҋ ꣡⒣᭪ἦ斏ꎣ�쬛䧉䖽年夾儱幄슿�ꠞ漁뮽☧ሏ労鮗闄﻽㭸族쳶簟笠Ꙑ㺯総洓涺ꌑ甾갡핾梅��歩㒧ῒﻫ냃ⲻᬷ쵯쫣᝖꧆❮퉅괝峹㌖熬믪铉䱪礙書뜵᫚㫉藬៖壓▨㚧꺊쉬鰤箣畮ษ쇵⯴확㿅豎୆⇙쳞ꐟ儝횈艴砰ᾤ㴩홳鋝﷑玖鉓칝鱉和ﴕ㯘�澫綳⓮﴾蝚䞕즣篌ꀸ醮箻ゖ둯脡㏏爈䎲씠藭딜朶飢�篛寸゘橰ゐ疧Ⳅ쮟쇴⟿ᮛቚ癷螐ᶭ沵�膁ڡ�嘻寮ϣ鏐螐䳀�릆㌚葭䜕ṉ륚淭躊糲쯶読�죚ᵴ昭껊滘멡泮ິ䥤껿몽 锜덙㴱탱僲ᾼ퐳통⯜她帜瑓홑ꈋ桻዗墵괏踙ᜄ쭶쑫獂⊯殼䵳䄶㪚黌䏮䒴鮶䢊閸扆ᩲ觗ઈ쓣䜖�长問㢽累╗漸넳ᘲ봤䬔ސ尷拂⺄꺺᳙�⵨ⱴ譏䛩휓푭㖘᥻쏲瘟᮲풃뇍圿킠ૼ碔躡ꎬ밎⟷쌱盾̀ง綔Ꞿ⟯忢狦Ꜩ隙ᢪ콿꧗푺䱖쁉힤�வ꜡苋郔쑾痟␤䙟㰞ᩄ鏛쫤熭㯞蒸�ታ穩螒◳ᓕ�᫫�ꤵ燇㚟膌诚볘蠷箣夂伽�뤟ꅱ龂ṉ탤䝒煕焦뮡ㅙɧ緟貥ꑧ﵄猕쟝鞀봞᾿�荶�߮岞贬쀌㰄⨢廤䫚�걖䵆킖࿘�ꫦ욅瓮鼸㉋ 烲떻钖ཀ㸴ᄰ똳楀狌ﻔ矶￞빚܏�潧ﻳ錧祄✟ꇶ㲛説뢗渻톳胆떯톎䓓ᆕ횽妅涽ⴹ굹㲄鷌郆燵︼飾쩦꼒桲඙㌆柩ミ쵌鼚꧳䦔伍줣垻ꓠ䝤轈⭎鋤拫賦 ↭㶃鎖쯸㻟�ρ෽밟᧰⟽ᗮ긊켺絃஀⯧䧾ᾭ㲗죬㉂㾻慣욊ཐﲮ篌织Ṍ탌驓㻇ᓞᆻ㴵㑝旷둶᝖呈푰唞͝⏜�筊⣿퍺儍仱缐懜ᓩ吣舍볥㔅멄ꏫ紻윁좺╊⹡룖滛덲珋캒൞ṁ湦嘢檶畗㝻鏖颔ꛆ蟽焹ݺ⨞儣젧춃䄅訞颃츱�焾ꓴ꧀坬쓖惀ꂯ趆�䓏흛஋컝ꨮ⴮ߦ玲崸䐨ԁ研㰺玐菒㾯엑읣艡莃齥鳣봌 呄㙌䷥듭�鍤㽮聡酏ꣷ早滧ꬋ뉠뮚唕懚祐䰿氞롂䜯ᅠ줣ൃ靅顽�㸮驺僗섐썖䰱랜榱៤厗嵝஝䗃؝槣菉㍼鹦䇴덼㉌⻋模ⶋ籟왭揺⻚㎄쏧ᖸ ꁚ孫ﮱ᱾慮崽궮壸㊩剅械㦼뉻ᬺ鹆퐼睱⋗뺦贽煵媏桿㵡뽳踜�蟑혔츾ᯡ礏騞ऒば�ﶌ坈뗌躕邳ቋ℣༡ꫦ냼ᛦ籏䟄⥓㣗㡱㖐和쇑倨⒲仑滪ᙯ㬪�簣霢材琗݇�젤붃紡㩆砒렢�俇ᑲ鋥怰뢮ㄘ毱㳥⥺짥䏈疬�鋏遼伿Ẇṅ佦쮞곞㓮ㆍ첾ﶘ釐ꮴ�࿋ꖡ졮䶌㚒ᎌ쇤 ꦐ䟺�팼ṁꙴ瀹讴䡑菈踥ᬦ꼒�閝ɳ쌋豙�엂璘䯲꧊筫◀洇ꥦṸ个㞠ᣞ喽씡䳸월칠텡趻띜覛躖죥㝅큾達ԇ研砖薡㮊ㅻꏭ雍黸膁략㈏﹯戾�潩⛊쥤︴뎡㮷괐䱧�楬㔳轷炲䃸輌㹤媲৥롁ῶ잇㥵푵잞엩밚ꇹ᜛ฤ➂༢撵滀辺⇱�콢㔒➸ᚉ㫤뻴쮟ố港⴦耴숡䫨☂憷ࣿ䃲ś孡傽陼큌俞흶巔Ṇ庾䱅᭻圥饽簻똴ẗ蠝獘⃧璋ㅕ区�厝뙬치鲩姇༦漫຋콪鳧▇뾣챝拉뗓鈚淘쁣䧽璕噙쿈༧ꣲ캺㧪౺㣒ബ쵴톆ര◖৊㱕퐱㋺ 蓕璯着ឲ㶑縲燎鮭塰⸙姌᫑躧屷ꏓﵫ‡�䥆雾侨旒ꯏ폭螑뾎ザ䍓ᦋ৾�㮜㍊끴锈쇈阭㔼軣呄箯䤱⹿坎ץ鴡᨝᧣焺ᴱᏡ岕ᖴ珻홛鷔쇤鳪�墶욼䋌칽稡䒬Е㩣ଡ଼輽푫愐ꚣ༠⠊濰鏄螓଀὞隸༫뛭ꭨ♎拈ἂ廎藏얎橼轓璳壖禦≝䦿Ⅲ좚늿⦖䳟入䙈�▱킋皵屌䨘�舽ꚽ軰뇥탡晴붾ᎀ첮훛稧ޒᙁ뻺⣣죒쏈얾濢丧逽㓄牤䏚澝갦䋠蝡굥㵋ુ䌋⸼凧綛ᖎ蝓턱蛻逬骰郤ꢥ﹗軶✍ฤ䄋Ȟ閜惸�⃇ⴏꛔ抜稸࿏㥝�쑞菍燫崰桎䝮嬥⽲媳౧婟⏮꩞字 蠩苘ꪍ晴᎛㢑ꖕ螞捾瑙꽠䩖毡�≧䇺狙ョ⹼뒮ᆪ쮗ᒉ뽶⊭š唋췺䋜Ⲍꀼ⨸薐猖絙媳佴윺퀘駇督ሻ撴斟香쌚ݘ८烲╢۳慌豅譴픇ື㕢襕䯡쯎嵢䦪쳊櫁蜸䯤ַ架삞泑茪㽖社뵨ᕿ斿챶ᗝ緓柪᧮೜页⒴ऊ춍쓄廧辦给ꓢ⩕�ৗ䧍氶鶑决ᴛ馈磊⾆䢽檏༒ꂺꊥ펅岱數뉚塃㦬醅轳⺐㹵鄴敩邳ᦽᢂ�ꆍ䳁臘鉷䂇෴餄훘ṉ㎶彛攃餙乨訿賣谩㦳陁䧴⤽⒂럏챟풾㺟ꭔ훩퐦歧뚡䙛嘞ꊚ䤻痢仪ᣓ℣㨋�䧛㘞䴰遇ﶉ댲磛᎟덞꼙鼴鶝穋ᜅ齰쪡쓭裔㚊沮誀釞 녡�鄜༣鵗堭뱠޾�꺣꺍䛚䭮㣺ݭ➳ꁩᷭ뇕ꎓ貭ꎄ೎藬긱천磭旷䵛듴뢽㌤ᗼ㲂풌씴듲逷瞽ꌡ煢唤἖솓鬉貙늛ΐ痉ﻒ撻̹鰥➓ᜏㄖ홨᰼⯏菈ਂⴼ颞쐼齮⯋埽拾됼蘠ᯝぜ툘㺛빽�昑澸씻�᧮筫ㅃ߱惗㎣�墳꿐િ湦�굾�㓪窎禍쥇⎔�㶺ỡ�얺牱죤ꩃ憘秶䇃༠笩褗▿ꎄ꺾㉈럛獂ퟀ沢㏟陼㱬竢嫚좪ﺃ솔ⅼ㓊顠謮ҷ뀒蛔齙늩긡䩞똞主ᷠ僻㰞捖刵ᖚ쁁⼺瓬碍齯̾ㄘ諆뭕릂嬘뷜�䃖噱鬘ꬱ㟟瓒⚃님棾㒸徒찒⃸୼�撎闡䜟 랊�썤꿌�ꙛ쨜㞕称塜쵮齷풚㙎⹑듊�榐╽᧥ࣂ嬥瞼ႆ㴫ꌏ몍咂氮豘�ώ᡾親ꛃ∐骊匞婈㫈Ჾ纳妓ⴖ⊳㗭❤悜閹觟ݼ抎즴瘲袞㫮벆ุ쨦יִ붡肮䯸�훍鈷쑧䍘矜⁞뒶婑ẃ萞ﶶණ侢釿람䑄껷娄줪㡈䫉ⵋꑔ᧯壁睵嵶ꑍ떼㌫냏䓚覍㓒馣웂ム欲嬥眵㞠㩻㛣䠕ഽ뎺で펾焓᭧뫚䱪雚鲾⅛㒬욜웻꒡Ⴑ鎿ꐑw䤴詫旵뚆팆敶훻捲운懍鲷굳稱匽㒵릙莧㐬峟誇ᚦﯪ믒ꭻ鸨鶰顋紽뒂螿첫狆৭�얕푁읟퉭鑬๴ⷋ픻絰ₑ匥㥬엜⨨᜸荻䒵酶㒇 콶薘㓖戟ತ鲬쎄톫㨞㩐龜᪨₰࣠�ꓕ脞醕剕Ⱉ�꿰獛�ꌬ稺⌹跔瞙왒驔륲㙾䩙鎌枼᪴㣼沾劷᜹ꧦ㺢鷋犳锫䳽ᰳ짎䏈ざ䵳阼瓱⻞ᐅ￸伐쉸イꗂ맷羖趲뚮뮐鞑璹ዩ潗偦주杭ᒵ跜Ꚗ粹ᛵ엩洲훓䕈ᩁ栫竪᭽␅�釜岦Ꚛ⹒⭍攍楲ﱺ川뛎㲚깒ቝ廹㰡䬦吖輪ᵥ瞅牯鑙䫩淘䬲楫ꩪウỹ㔅땂횴驓䚟幂鏕䯝ﭑ첀⢄嵩殮䭞꼦ﺢ䆑궁�萤퉉屺崮䑧仑䵳뤉Ⲣ㗹傏䶢㋲鎸䡔轝㜗嵓䮔碊缮刦女╗蓹礑輧螪퐫䩜撺ꈛ猨呸ꢊ鏿仝敓㤑椩䰨綸 ㄺ料ꃴ责ꓥ劓㐭限䂑뒤⽽焓ỳ巭뿵ힻ骑衬챮⸕蹝雤鶐䞖뮔㼾ᢅ雷崮८輍午⁗䣒뫳汎ㅊ妝ힵ銗閝婁䍉�㵙⻾ꝷ희◦ⴓ齽霨ཱ滲⮯⌦錫늌躦ᕲ郥隕奃粓ޚ认餴ᵥ浯눗麘햙矵罷鎗�ꌡ㇡ᒩ篈�壄쭍邩⿫⩜몚惇�ᾲ﷐䛳㟑撙ᑥ쭷步㤥ᴉ跒ꐻ㞗쭉鶙䎓Ꝯਠ┠낖㢰�쳍绡卥纏봯譻鋫䓷燄墷❾୐젳Ⳍ⇨귛崙袤쥕뭨鼠띱鋯做读Ń縅僉ꫜ삩ヿ릚잷᪡꛸娨Ńᐅ䅙ṁ蘟㲄숬顤㸆춉䁐ԁ研偆ސ︅ↇ䉙꘩⬠늏蕆婣ԁ倔姠 䅁ᐞ䁐ԁ倔腀舧㲂ꀨʀ⠊肠伂Ԅ偹ŀᐅ䁐ԁ࢞肠ਂꀨʀ㰊ᐑ䇤ԁ倔ŀᐅ≸젨ʃ⠊肠ਂ偄ސᐅ䁐ԁ倔觠₠ਏꀨʀ⠊삠䄓ṁ倔ŀᐅ䁐➁ᅡ㤃�ᗅ좔"