Eric, Bruce called me and assured me he would get you everything you needed. Is this true? Also, have you received the report from Geotel? Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Christiansen, Eric [] Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 5:42 PM To: Clay Barnett Subject: FW: Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues Importance: High Clay, This message is intended to review the status of the list of outstanding items from Geotel and Icon we brought to your attention last week. Please see our comments in red following each paragraph below. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly. Eric Eric S. Christiansen, P.E., SECB, LEED AP Senior Structural Engineer HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 1201 North Bowser Road Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone 214-346-6284 Fax 214-739-0095 Cell 972-955-2996 From: Christiansen, Eric Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 5:01 PM To: Barnett, Clay Cc: Nancy Cline Subject: Vitruvian Park - Outstanding Issues Importance: High Clay, After our meeting last week, it is clear that a number of issues are still delaying Halff's design effort. Unfortunately, these issues are outside of our contract and therefore, outside of our control. Specifically, we are referring to the lack of a signed geotechnical report as well as the lack of civil engineering information at the Bella Lane Bridge and at the Southern Pedestrian Bridge. First, a sealed geotechnical report is still needed from Geotel or another geotechnical engineering firm to confirm the acceptability of the foundations at each bridge structure relative to global stability. The report must also confirm the active, at-rest, and passive soil pressures, as well as the soil spring constants that Halff has been using in the design of the drilled shaft foundations. We understand this report will be completed by April 16 and look forward to receiving a copy. While the formal report has yet to be delivered, we have received sufficient data for use at Ponte. Similarly, we have now received sufficient data for use at Bella. We just spoke to Maxwell and were informed that we'd receive a formal response Tuesday afternoon. Second, we need to confirm the length and elevation of the Southern Pedestrian Bridge. While we have received information that confirms we have located this bridge correctly, we still haven't received any CAD file from Icon that acknowledges the 148'-6" dimension from face of abutment to face of abutment. (We should point out that we are using a dimension of 151'-6" from CL of drilled shaft to CL of drilled shaft while Icon's files are currently showing a dimension of 150'-0".) In addition, the elevation of the landings has not been set. At last Thursday's meeting, Icon indicated that raising these landings would be acceptable. On Friday, Icon informed both the Town and Halff that something else should be considered for the structure as the Continental Keystone pedestrian truss would not be feasible. After another round of email today, we still don't have a workable solution. Moreover, it seems that Icon is unwilling to consider changing the landing elevation by even a few inches. Finally, we are also still trying to confirm the location of the RW-3 line near the east abutment. This information is not currently available on the CAD files to which we have access. We should note that when we contacted Joel Massey of Icon (at Bruce's suggestion) last week, he was unable to offer us any useful advice. Instead, he suggested we contact Bruce to get the data we needed. 1. The length issue is not entirely resolved, but we have informed Icon that the length of the bridge shown on their files is slightly shorter that what we previously agree to and are not waiting for additional data. 2. After our meeting on site last week, it was agreed that the landings could be raised ~8" to provide 1'-0" of freeboard, which was acceptable to you and Nancy Cline. The elevation has now been set at 556.15, leaving 1.01' of freeboard. 3. Lastly, despite requests for a CAD file showing the location of the RW-3 recirculation line, the best information we have received to date was given verbally at our meeting last Thursday when Bruce Dunne indicated the line would be roughly 20' away from our abutment and wouldn't necessarily be built until after the pedestrian bridge was in place. While we would still rather have the CAD file, we will note this dimension on our plans to warn the contractor of the planned location. Third, we still need to confirm a number of items at Bella Lane Bridge. Specifically, we need to know the elevations at each end of the bridge, the new rip-rap slope and limits, the location of the seawall (in CAD), as well as the location of utilities near the bridge (in CAD). After Bruce suggested we contact Joel Massey for this information, we did so last Friday. Unfortunately, he could not provide us with any useful information for this bridge either. 1. While we have received a grading plan (hardcopy) of the area around Bella, we are still waiting for it in electronic form. The last CAD files we received from Icon (04/16/10) did not include this data and phone calls to Icon went unanswered. Therefore, we are still assuming elevations at the ends of the bridge. Based on these assumptions, we believe the proposed grading will provide the bridge with 1'-11 1/4" of freeboard at its lowest point. 2. We have been told that the rip-rap slope will not be changing (3:1 per Bruce Dunne at last week's meeting), but the seawall location has been adjusted slightly, according to the grading plan. Until we have received this information in a CAD file, we will be unable to include the seawall in our drawings. 3. Lastly, the same grading plan mentioned above also indicates that the only utilities in the immediate vicinity of the bridge are the two storm drains that are located on the bridge centerline. Since these haven't been built, we would appreciate it if they would be shifted 3'-6" right to avoid our abutment and bent drilled shafts. We will forward this request to Icon and await their response. We should also point out that we are trying to confirm available power sources for each of the bridges. While we will direct these questions to Joel Massey (again courtesy of Bruce's suggestion), we don't believe this effort will be successful. We have contacted Joel at Icon and hope to hear back from him sometime Tuesday. At this point, we are trying to confirm three items. 1. Is Pull Box Type C (N 8145.03, E 11578.76) shown on Sheet C802 the same as Ground Box C as shown on Sheet C809? 2. Do VPEP and VPWP reference the panel schedules shown on Sheet C804? 3. Does Schematic Type D shown on Sheet C804 refer to both VPEP and VPWP? Absent this data, Halff has no alternative but to continue working on assumptions. Numerous problems could result from this approach. For example, we might inadvertently recommend that a drilled shaft penetrate an existing sanitary sewer because we didn't know where the utility was located, or we might not locate the interior bents at the Bella Lane Bridge in the correct location because we didn't know the proposed location of the seawall. We have been requesting much of this data since March 18 to no avail. As a result, we respectfully request that the Town actively encourage Geotel and Icon to provide the information listed above by Noon on Friday, April 16. If we don't have this information by that time, we might have no alternative but to delay the delivery of our plans and specifications to the Town of Addison. Obviously, it is Halff's preference to receive this data and complete the project in a timely manner. Hopefully, with the Town's assistance, this can still be accomplished. Sincerely, Eric Christiansen Eric S. Christiansen, P.E., SECB, LEED AP Senior Structural Engineer HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 1201 North Bowser Road Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone 214-346-6284 Fax 214-739-0095 Cell 972-955-2996 ￿∥ª酈