Attached please find a red-lined copy of the proposed agreement with Halff Associates, Inc. I have asked David Metzler with our office to review the indemnity clause changes, and expect to have a response from him later today, so there may be other changes to that provisions. The insurance provisions need to be reviewed by Randy Moravec’s office. For example, ther is a provision that the Town be named as an additional insured with respect to general liability and automobile liability; but could the Town also be named as an additional insured on the employers liability insurance? Please review the description of the services being provided (Article II) to determine if they are sufficient. I have visited with the attorney for Halff, Dan Tanksley, regarding a couple of the big items. I would like to discuss them with you this afternoon following the Staff meeting. John ________________________________ From: Nancy Cline [] Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 4:32 PM To: Hill, John Cc: Clay Barnett Subject: FW: Vitruvian Park Bridges Agreement Importance: High John, Would you please review and comment? Thank you, Nancy -----Original Message----- From: Christiansen, Eric [] Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 4:20 PM To: Clay Barnett; Nancy Cline Cc: Caldwell, Stan Subject: Vitruvian Park Bridges Agreement Importance: High Clay and Nancy, Please find the attached copy of the Town of Addison's Agreement for Professional Services as modified by our general counsel, Dan Tanksley. As appropriate, Mr. Tanksley has provided comments to explain Halff's rationale and/or need for the proposed changes. It should be pointed out that while we believe the proposed changes are fair to both parties, we anticipate certain items will cause the City Attorney some concern. Therefore, we recommend that you forward this document to the City Attorney immediately, if possible, to begin his/her review. Halff looks forward to the opportunity to continue to serve the Town of Addison. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the attached agreement, please feel free to contact me directly. I can be reached on either the phone or cell number shown below. In addition, Mr. Tanksley can be reached at his direct line at (214) 346-6290. Sincerely, Eric Christiansen Eric S. Christiansen, P.E., SECB, LEED AP Senior Structural Engineer HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 1201 North Bowser Road Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone 214-346-6284 Fax 214-739-0095 Cell 972-955-2996