Eric, Good talking with you. To follow-up on our phone call, here is our summary of the lateral earth pressure issues for the abutment wall. Note that this discussion is intended to assist you with your evaluation of the wall with regard to the as-built condition provided by the contractor. · Provided by Geotel for design with select backfill: o phi’=28 deg o c’=200 psf o unit weight unknown o design values for at-rest LEP for select fill = 75 pcf · Actual sample data: o phi’=25 deg o c’=440 psf o wet unit weight = 134 pcf We ran an analysis using the frictional component only. We ran the numbers using a “standard” unit weight of 125 pcf, and also used the actual wet unit weight from the triaxial test. The results are as follows: Eff. phi, deg Ko LEP w/ UW=125 pcf LEP w/ UW=134 pcf 28 0.53 66 71 25 0.58 73 78 These results indicate that the LEP increases approximately 10 percent when comparing the design phi to the actual phi, which is large enough to be of concern. However, the design value of 75 pcf that Geotel provided is somewhat conservative. Since the actual LEP value is close to the design LEP value, it is likely that the rounding of the calculated wall dimensions to standard values provides enough excess capacity to manage the difference. However, this should be confirmed in your analysis. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Best regards, Marc T. Miller, PE Associate/Principal Engineer 7805 Mesquite Bend Dr., Suite 100 Irving, Texas 75063 o| 972.868.5900 d| 972.868.5947 c| 817.301.4067