It was a pleasure seeing you again last week. Following our on site meeting I talked to Brian regarding some thoughts I had about our discussion. I would like to discuss these thoughts with you further. While the issue of long term durability is a valid point, the cracks appeared to be very tight and difficult to locate. The most appropriate remedial action to address this issue is the flood coat application of Sikadur 55 SLV. I don't feel the application of the Sikadur Broadcast Overlay system is required unless you just want that type of wearing surface. One of Brian's major concerns was how the 55SLV would affect the skid resistance, appearance and ride. I offer the opportunity for you, Eric and Brian to visit the bridge on 360 over Green Oaks Blvd to see what the system looks like after 4 years in service. It is my opinion that this site visit will answer any questions as to the suitability of this material for this application. Please call me Tuesday at your convenience to discuss any questions you might have and when might be a good time to meet. Thanks for your interest. Bill