Where have we been? We have explored multiple options over the past months concerning the revitalization of Belt Line Road. Most ideas have been conceptual, ranging from “New Urbanism,” to a “Site Specific Art” approach. While these ideas have been important in helping us understand Addison’s vision of Belt Line Road, most are not feasible when you consider the functional and programmatic needs of the project. Recap of work by RTKL A “New Urbanism” approach Recap of early work by Cunningham Architects A “Site Specific Art” approach While both approaches yield good ideas, they seem forced and are used in a “blanket approach,” ignoring the uniqueness of Addison. Furthermore, these approaches downplayed the importance of economics and feasibility. We now arrive at a more sustainable idea of using “what we have.” A CONTEXTUAL APPROACH TO BELT LINE ROAD 1. A design approach that acknowledges the unique qualities of each “block” and neighborhood. 2. Cohesive design solutions will be applied to the overall project. 3. This working method involves the careful cataloging of all elements within the right-of-way, including the signage and visibility needs of adjoining businesses. 4. The resulting design will respect the unique character and needs of each stretch of road today and in the future. A Tapestry and not a Billboard A tapestry conveys complexity and richness, but can be on the subtle side. Especially when compared to a… billboard. Billboards get your attention. This is their purpose. Their job is to hold your focus for a few moments. When you look closer… The tapestry unfolds and offers more information. Over time the viewer learns more and enjoys more. With the billboard, closer inspection offers very little. We want Beltline to have the richness and timelessness of a fine Tapestry. WE HAVE A PLAN. And it works on all levels. Cunningham Architects has collaborated closely with many departments of the Town of Addison to zero in on solutions for Belt Line Road. We have worked through the challenging issues of phasing, existing conditions, signage, and R.O.W. limits. This presentation focuses on a “test” location between Business Avenue and Commercial Drive, and addresses three phases; Existing Conditions, Intermediate Conditions and Final. The Intermediate Condition addresses the need to put in place permanent solutions well before the re-paving of Belt Line Road. We will also look at the Marsh and Tollway gateways. TEST STRIP AT BUSINESS Test Strip: View 1 Existing Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate (without pavement graphics) Final Final Final (night) Final (night) Alternate Sidewalk Location Alternate Sidewalk Location Test Strip: View 2 Existing Intermediate Intermediate Final Final Final at Night Final at Night Test Strip: View 3 (Les Lacs Crossing) Existing Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate (alternate graphics) Final Final Final (alternate colors) Final (night) Existing Final (night) MARSH GATEWAY AERIAL VIEW: BELTLINE AT MARSH - EXISTING AERIAL VIEW: BELTLINE AT MARSH - NEW MARSH INTERSECTION: EXISTING – LOOKING EAST MARSH INTERSECTION: NEW - DAYTIME VIEW MARSH INTERSECTION: NEW - NIGHT VIEW PYLON: LOOKING NORTH ALTERNATE PYLON / CARPET EXISTING NEW NEW TOLLWAY GATEWAY AERIAL VIEW: BELTLINE AT TOLLWAY - EXISTING AERIAL VIEW: BELTLINE AT TOLLWAY - NEW BELTLINE AT TOLLWAY: LOOKING WEST - EXISTING BELTLINE AT TOLLWAY: NEW – DAYTIME VIEW BELTLINE AT TOLLWAY: NEW – NIGHT VIEW DETAIL VIEW: ART PANELS - SOUTH STRUCTURE DETAIL VIEW: ART PANELS - NORTH STRUCTURE DETAIL VIEW: ART PANELS - ALTERNATE BELTLINE AT TOLLWAY: SECTION LOOKING WEST EXISTING NEW FIN SHORT TERM VS. LONG TERM: CURB AND MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION SHORT TERM VS. LONG TERM: ROADWAY SURFACING AND MARKINGS SIGN ORDINANCE Light Fixture