All: We received four bids for the Taxiway Romeo project. The bid tabulation is attached. The low bidder is Lambeth Home Builders (bid is attached). Their bonding and insurance references checked out. Lambeth’s largest municipal project as a prime contractor was a $40,000 sidewalk for the City of Rhome. The second low bidder is Estrada Concrete Company (bid is attached). Their project references checked out. Estrada Concrete Company has completed several municipal concrete projects above $200,000. I would like to discuss the option of these contractors with Nancy, Clay and Joel. For that discussion, I have develop a project budget and funding outlay for Estrada’s bid. Nancy/Clay/Joel: Please let me know when you can join me on a conference call. Mark: Will the Project Funding amounts of $52,543 for FY 2009-2010 and $97,976 for FY 2010-2011 listed in the As-Bid Project Budget attachment fit into remaining Ramp Grant balance? Frank McIllwain, PE Senior Project Manager Aviation Team Leader Office: 972-377-7480 Ext: 222 Mobile: 214-250-3967 E-mail: