Mark et al., I was on the phone this morning with Frank McIllwain and the two McAnallys – ours (Joe) and Garver’s (Mitchell) – discussing the Taxiway Romeo project. As you know, we probably don’t have enough money with just the RAMP grant to do the entire project (both the east and the west ends) this fiscal year, and the plan was to do next year – with RAMP grant funds – what we could not afford to do this year. We had an idea how to do this all in one bid package, if TX-DOT is willing and able to go along with it: both the east end (near PlaneSmart!) and the west end (near Taxiway Alpha) will need to be done in two phases. We bid it all as one package, which should get us a better price, and depending on the costs, we will probably have the contractor do the west end first, completing it in September, and not begin the east end until October 1st, putting that project into FY11. So the basic idea is a single bid package, with the actual work split between FY10 and FY11. If TX-DOT goes along with that – and I can’t see why they would not, but Frank is checking with Kari Campbell – then it will probably be sufficient to have Council approve the bid award at the August 10 meeting. If we gave the NTP for August 16 with 30 days to complete the first part (west end) then they would be done with that by September 15 and we would have two weeks to close out the paperwork with TX-DOT, but an earlier start date may still be preferable. (The August 31 deadline is an artificial deadline imposed by TX-DOT to prod airports to get the work done and the paperwork in before September 30 so TX-DOT has time to process everything and close out their fiscal year in an orderly fashion … they are willing to work with us on that.) Even if TX-DOT can’t go along with our scheme to split the project over FY10 and FY11, I think we would probably be OK to get the bid award approved at the August 10 meeting, since the August 31 deadline is not a hard-and-fast deadline. Garver expects to have the plans ready to go by June 18 if we need them that quickly. My understanding is that purchasing reviews the plans and then puts them out for bid, then we have bid opening and go to Council to approve the award. I would appreciate some thoughts on the timeline, as well as the idea of splitting the work over FY10 and FY11. Also, if we don’t spend all the available FY10 RAMP funds on this project prior to the end of the fiscal year, we have plenty of items in the operating budget expenditures that we can use to make up the difference (as we did last year). Regards, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334