Given the useful feedback we received from the Taxiway Alpha project briefing for the preliminary engineering report, we would like to setup the same type of meeting for the airport tenants to incorporate their comments into the preliminary design phase. During this meeting we will discuss the overall project scope and the proposed construction phasing plan. Considering the magnitude of the Taxiway Alpha project is almost equal to the runway project we would like for everyone to be prepared for this construction project. To allow enough time to incorporate the comments from this meeting into our preliminary design submittal we would like to schedule this meeting for June 29th at 9:00am in the Airport Administration building conference room. If this date and time needs to be moved due to Kaboom town preparations or other scheduling conflicts just let me know as soon as possible. Thanks, Mitchell McAnally Project Engineer Office: 972-377-7480 Direct: 972-377-7480 E-mail: