Mark, As you know, the 20th consecutive Continuing Resolution authorizing FAA to continue operating expired on midnight Friday July 22 with Congress failing to pass a 21st Continuing Resolution or (better yet) FAA Reauthorization legislation. This Congressional failure has resulted in the furlough of approximately 4,000 FAA personnel as of Monday July 25. Among the FAA personnel who were furloughed is the Resident Engineer (RE) assigned to Addison’s runway improvement project. Funding for the project has already been committed and construction will continue uninterrupted, although there will be some effect on construction of the MALSR (Medium-intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway alignment indicator lights) for Runway 15. The absence of the RE will not affect the progress of construction; the contractors will simply take additional photographs and carefully document work on all FAA-owned equipment. However, there was an unresolved issue concerning the placement of certain equipment that is part of the MALSR system, and until that issue is resolved and the drawings finalized, there is a small part of the MALSR that cannot be completed. If the FAA shut-down continues, we may still be able to get this issue resolved by personnel who have not been furloughed. The runway shut-downs for the next two weekends (July 29 – August 1 and August 5–8) will proceed as scheduled, as will all remaining work on our runway project that is not part of the MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) with FAA. Even most of the work covered by the MOA will proceed as scheduled; the only effects are when questions or issues arise with the work covered by the MOA, which affects FAA-owned equipment being rehabilitated as part of this project. Regards, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334 Runway Safety: Make it YOUR Priority! ________________________________ This e-mail and any attachments contain URS Corporation confidential information that may be proprietary or privileged. If you receive this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should not retain, distribute, disclose or use any of this information and you should destroy the e-mail and any attachments or copies.