Mark, Nancy, Here is some information from Kevin Quan at ESCO / Zodiac (the only EMAS manufacturer at present) regarding feasibility studies and primary design. Coffman did our preliminary estimate, but it might not be the best option to get them to do the feasibility study since they do not seem to play well with TX-DOT. (Well, I guess that’s what the consultant selection process is for!) Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334 ________________________________ From: [] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 3:05 PM To: Jenkinson, Joel Subject: Re: Addison EMAS Feasibility Study Joel, Sorry I wasn't able to respond until now. I had to look up some information regarding who has worked on feasibility studies for EMAS installation. While we have worked with about 20 different prime engineers on EMAS design. We have not been too deeply involved with feasibility studies. We typically provide preliminary estimates, such as those provided to Coffman Associates and others, for use in their analysis. I do recall providing some information to folks at URS, Ricondo and HNTB as well. Of all the consultants who have primed an EMAS design, I would have to say that Edwards & Kelcey (part of Jacobs now) has done the most number of designs. For the FAA Southwest region, I know that HNTB is currently working on a feasibility study for McAllen, TX. Let me know if you do need any specific contact info. Hope this helps. Kevin ENGINEERED ARRESTING SYSTEMS CORPORATION AEROSAFETY & TECHNOLOGY Kevin Quan, C.M. Director, U.S. Sales & Marketing 2239 High Hill Road - Logan Township - NJ - 08085 - USA Tel: (856-241-8620 ext.452) - Fax: (856-241-8621) From: "Jenkinson, Joel" To: Date: 07/06/2010 02:40 PM Subject: Addison EMAS Feasibility Study ________________________________ Kevin, We are inching along towards getting an EMAS installed at the south end of our runway here in Addison (ADS); right now we are programmed for installation in FY12, but that is with FAA Discretionary funds – by no means guaranteed – and we have a couple hurdles to pass over before we get to that point. The first hurdle is that we are being required to conduct a feasibility study for EMAS, which is really just one piece of a formal RSA Determination. This study is being funded (90-10) by a grant from TX-DOT Aviation, out of their FAA Block Grant funds (Texas is a Block Grant state, meaning that FAA gives TX-DOT Aviation one large block grant to fund all of the AIP projects at GA airports in the state, and TX-DOT Aviation is responsible for distributing and administering the funds). While we have an airport engineer (Garver) we cannot use them for this study: since they would oversee the design and construction of our EMAS, it would be a conflict of interest for them to conduct the feasibility study. We are therefore just beginning the process of selecting a consultant to conduct the feasibility study, and this is where I would like some input from you, if you have any. Do you know of any engineering firms that have previously conducted feasibility studies for EMAS, particularly those that resulted in a positive recommendation? Are there any firms that you believe have an understanding of EMAS that would particularly suit them to perform this type of work? We will of course be putting together our own list of potential proposing firms, but since ESCO Zodiac is still the only manufacturer of commercial aircraft arrestor beds, I felt it might be particularly helpful to have your input. Any suggestions you may have for firms qualified to perform this type of study – particularly any that have done work in the FAA Southwest Region – would be appreciated. Best regards, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334 This email is for the use of the intended recipient(s) only. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and then delete it. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not keep, use, disclose, copy or distribute this email without the author's prior permission. We have taken precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting software viruses, but we advise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment to this message. We cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses. If you are the intended recipient and you do not wish to receive similar electronic messages from us in future then please respond to the sender to this effect. EXPORT CONTROL NOTICE: This E-mail may contain technical data whose export, transfer and/or disclosure may be controlled by the US International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) 22 CFR part 120-130 or the Export Administration Regulations Commerce