To the Addison Airport Community: Construction of the airport’s runway improvements will begin next spring, probably in mid-to-late April. The improvements include: full-depth pavement repairs at the north end, the south end, and the Taxiway Foxtrot intersection; a full-length asphalt overlay, followed by grooving and re-painting the runway markings; replacement of the MIRLs with HIRLs; removal of the Rwy 15 VASI; installation of PAPIs for both Rwy 15 and Rwy 33; upgrading the electrical circuits (regulators, conduit, cans, cables, etc.); and drainage and grading improvements in the lateral safety areas. Drainage and grading improvements will also be constructed along the north end of Taxiway Alpha, and there is a good possibility that we will get the MALSR (Rwy 15 approach light system) upgraded as well. Most of the runway paving work is expected to be completed by the end of June. However, grooving must wait until 30 days after the asphalt overlay is completed, and final re-painting will follow the grooving. The airport has hosted two meetings where staging and phasing plans for the project were presented. Because all tenants did not attend the meetings, we are forwarding the information to ensure every business is aware of the construction phasing and limitations. This project will affect your operations, so we want to make certain you remain fully informed as it goes forward. Three important documents are attached; we encourage you to review all three carefully: · Project Overview Narrative · ADS Runway Project phasing summary documents. The first page shows the overall project. The second page provides details of the relocated thresholds and declared distances expected to be available during different phases of the project. · Minutes from the November 2nd tenant meeting Please review the attached documents and answer the following questions: · Will your business/flight department continue using Addison Airport during the construction? · For the weekend closures, we are proposing an 8:00 p.m. close time on Friday evenings. Is this proposed time acceptable? If not, what changes would decrease the impact on your business? · Do you have any major events between April and June that the construction would impact? If so, please provide the dates and runway requirements. We are available to discuss the improvements, landing threshold relocations, runway lengths (declared distances) to be available, and scheduling to be certain that each business is aware of what the construction phasing and limitations will be. Please provide us with answers to the questions listed, and contact us if you need any additional information. In order to receive full consideration of your input, we need your answers and comments no later than the close of business on Tuesday November 16. This will enable our engineers to finalize the plans and allow time for the necessary reviews. Thank you, Darci Neuzil Deputy Director Addison Airport 972-392-4854