Frank & Tim, I think I may have mentioned some of this to Tim at the FAA Partnership conference last week, but there are a couple of items that I would like to have considered in the PER on the runway improvements. Both relate to the safety areas rather than the actual runway pavement. First off, the project scheduled for FY11 includes grading and drainage improvements in the lateral RSA, along with upgrading the runway edge lighting system. Based on what I have heard from Dave, it appears increasingly likely that we will have to replace the entire edge lighting system including new light cans and conduits. He has not had a chance to check the entire runway yet, but the parts he has checked all have cans where both wires go out the same hole (perpendicular away from the runway, rather than having two conduit holes parallel to the runway) and the cabling is direct burial. So we will need to regrade the lateral RSAs anyway, and if we have to run all new cans and conduit to boot I think it would be worth looking at using artificial turf all around the runway, about 20 feet on each side (to 10 feet past the edge lights) and on bath ends as well. There is a relatively recent Advisory Circular on the subject (AC150/5370-15 ) "Airside Applications for Artificial Turf." I think it is something we should at least take a look at, for a couple of reasons: (1) it may help to keep birds away from the runway, and (2) it could reduce maintenance and increase operational safety if we do not have to mow around the lights and next to the runway. Maybe there is an opportunity to do some Value Engineering here? I would expect the requirements for soil compaction before you put down artificial turf would be greater that what you would need if we just used sod? Also, I would be concerned about maintaining the turf, is it hard to keep clean and free of dirt/debris, whether other airports have experienced any issues with it, how durable is it, will it stand up to Texas sunshine, and will it stay in place with jet blast. Second, although the EMAS is not really included with this project, I absolutely think we need to take a look at site preparation for EMAS at the south end. That could really save a lot of money if we prepare the south end for EMAS when we do the drainage and grading work ... it is my understanding that site prep is a major component of the expense of an EMAS installation. The EMAS is still programmed to use FAA discretionary funds (if any are available) in FY12 ... TX-DOT has put all of the rest of our projects in their CIP plan. If we can do some advance work to keep the cost of the EMAS down, that may increase the odds of actually getting the funding. So that's my two thoughts for today ... I'd be interested in your feedback on them. Thanks, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334