All: I know that we are pretty late in the game here, but now that the schedule is out there and people are looking at it and thinking about what they will need to do, the early consensus is that the first phase will be the worst, with the largest negative impact on operations because of the roughly 4,000-foot Landing Distance Available for Runway 15. That is the key number that will chase off most of our jet traffic while that work is going on. We have 30 days allotted for that work; is it too late to consider offering an incentive to the contractor for completing that work early? Anything that will get us back to an LDA of 5,000 feet on Runway 15 in less than 30 days is going to help. If the weather cooperates and the contractor really gets after it, then there is no reason they could not finish in less than 30 days, is there? At a minimum, we need to tell them that it is important to us, but I think it would be better if could provide a little financial incentive to make it happen. Is it possible? And just to be clear, I would not advocate changing the rest of the schedule if Stage 1 (or any other work) is completed early … we need to keep to the published schedule as much as possible because that is what we have put out there for our tenants to plan around. Also, if we can offer incentives for completing Stage 1 early, could we also offer incentives for completing other stages ahead of time? (I am thinking specifically about the weekend closures for reconstruction, overlay, and grooving: if we could cut any of those down to two weekends rather than three, that would obviously be nice.) Regards, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334 ________________________________ Runway 33 Temporary Threshold Displacement (continuous): Runway south end Reconstruction 04/11/2011 – 05/11/2011 Rwy 15 LDA 4,023’ Runway 15 Temporary Threshold Displacement (continuous): Runway north end Reconstruction 05/12/2011 – 06/10/2011 Runway Weekend Closures (Friday 11:00pm – Monday 6:00am): Runway middle Reconstruction 05/13/2011– 05/16/2011 05/20/2011 – 05/23/2011 05/27/2011 – 05/30/2011 Runway Overlay 06/10/2011 – 06/13/2011 06/17/2011 – 06/20/2011 06/24/2011 – 06/27/2011 Runway Grooving 07/29/2011 – 08/01/2011 08/05/2011 – 08/08/2011 08/12/2011 – 08/15/2011 The preconstruction meeting is scheduled for April 5th (time to be determined). ________________________________ This e-mail and any attachments contain URS Corporation confidential information that may be proprietary or privileged. If you receive this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should not retain, distribute, disclose or use any of this information and you should destroy the e-mail and any attachments or copies.