Frank / Bobby, I would like to add a little emphasis to a couple of the punch-list items. First, with respect to the application of glass beads, hand application is not acceptable. It results in uneven application and it looks terrible. Use of a method that produces a uniform application of glass beads (such as a hopper dispenser) is required. That is the accepted standard, and that is what we expect here. Second, appearances are very important at Addison; we pride ourselves on maintaining high standards for the work we do and how it looks, particularly on the airfield. While we are very happy to see the grass growing in the re-graded safety areas, we are not at all happy with the 3-foot-high weeds.. The attached photos indicate the severity of this problem. The grass and weeds have grown so high in places that lights and signs are being obscured, an out-of-spec condition that requires immediate attention. For example, the Runway 33 threshold lights (picture #0637) are at least partially obscured by high grass and weeds (as are some guidance signs). We need to get these areas mowed. In the meantime, the watering crews seem to spend a lot of time watching the sprinklers. Is it too much to ask that they go pull some of the larger weeds while they are out there? I am also not convinced that punch list item #2 (grading around the edge lights, particularly the west side of the north 2,000 feet of the runway) has been satisfactorily completed. I was out there just yesterday, and it does not appear to have been addressed as yet. The grading is a huge issue for us; it needs to meet specs and we need to be able to mow and maintain the safety areas and around the lights in particular. With the grading variations around some of the lights, we can’t do that now. Photo #0640 shows tire marks in the asphalt at the west end of Taxiway Charlie that need to be fixed. Photo #0602 shows an area of ponding on the south half of ‘Taxiway Kilo’ that is separate from the larger area noted as punch-list item #14 (photo #0603). These pictures were taken around 1:30pm yesterday; ponds like that in this kind of heat are definitely an issue. Taxiway Juliet may also have some areas that hold water. Best Regards, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334 Runway Safety: Make it YOUR Priority! ________________________________ From: McIllwain, Frank O. [] Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 7:03 PM To: Bobby McClelland Cc: Rick Birchfield; Darrell Wylie; Tolmachoff, J, Derek.; McAnally, Mitchell, R; Jenkinson, Joel; Mcanally, Joe;; Harry Lorton Subject: ADS Runway - Preliminary Punch List Status Bobby, To follow up on our conversation today regarding work remaining for the runway closure next weekend, I have attached a marked-up version of the Preliminary Punch List for your review. The completed items have been struck through and we have added a few comments as well. The list includes several items of work, but we want to draw your attention to the following issues: - Correct paint overspray - Consider using bead dispenser next weekend - Consider additional paint crews (Taxiway tie-ins only on the east side of runway were completed the past weekend) - Attempt to expedite grooving next weekend (it appears that only approx. 55% of grooving has been completed, and small areas around light bars are not yet grooved) - Add enough personnel necessary to complete RSA Punch List items next weekend (current pace is too slow) Please take inventory of all work to done inside the RSA and schedule man-power and equipment to make sure all of that work is completed this weekend. Thanks for all your efforts and determination to get the job done on-time with high-quality workmanship. Frank McIllwain, PE Senior Project Manager Aviation Team Leader Office: 972-377-7480 Direct: 972-377-7480 Mobile: 214-250-3967 E-mail: ________________________________ This e-mail and any attachments contain URS Corporation confidential information that may be proprietary or privileged. If you receive this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should not retain, distribute, disclose or use any of this information and you should destroy the e-mail and any attachments or copies.