Good morning Frank, I would like to inform you that FAA currently does not have funding to obligate for lowering the 2400V cable. Thank you! Tigist E. Yemenu Navaids Civil Engineer 2601 Meacham Blvd Fort Worth, TX Office: 817-222-4925 From: "McIllwain, Frank O." To: Tigist Yemenu/ASW/FAA@FAA, "McAnally, Mitchell, R" Cc: Bobby McClelland , Clay Barnett , David Freeman/ASW/FAA@FAA, Dave , "Farmer, Eric, C" , "Tolmachoff, J, Derek." , "" , "" , Missy Nelson/ASW/FAA@FAA, Matt Aquino , "''" , Pamela Durrant/ASW/FAA@FAA, Robert Edwards/ASW/FAA@FAA, "" Date: 06/08/2011 02:37 PM Subject: RE: ADS Runway Improvements 2400V Cable Issue ________________________________ Tigist, The existing ground cover, prior to any stripping or grading, over the existing 2400V line is less than the FAA requirement of 24 inches. The airport’s project does not including grading over this line. The intent of Mitchell’s email is to make the FAA aware of the hazardous condition where cover of the FAA’s existing line does not comply with FAA requirements. The Airport is concerned for the safety of their maintenance staff and would like for the line to be lowered. For the FAA’s convenience, we could get the airport’s contractor to lower the line if the FAA will pay for the cost. Please let me know by email or phone. Thanks. Frank McIllwain, PE Garver 972-377-7480 From: [ ] Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 10:56 AM To: McAnally, Mitchell, R Cc: Bobby McClelland; Clay Barnett;; Dave; Farmer, Eric, C; McIllwain, Frank O.; Tolmachoff, J, Derek.;;;; Matt Aquino; '';;; Subject: Re: ADS Runway Improvements 2400V Cable Issue Good morning, If after you grade the area the cable becomes closer to the surface than it is now, then it should be lowered to 24" below finished grade. I believe that since the regrading is needed because of the sponsors improvements, the sponsor should also pay for the lowering of the power cable. Thank you! Tigist E. Yemenu Navaids Civil Engineer 2601 Meacham Blvd Fort Worth, TX Office: 817-222-4925 From: "McAnally, Mitchell, R" To: Missy Nelson/ASW/FAA@FAA, Pamela Durrant/ASW/FAA@FAA, Tigist Yemenu/ASW/FAA@FAA Cc: "McIllwain, Frank O." , "" , "Tolmachoff, J, Derek." , "" , "" , Bobby McClelland , Matt Aquino , Dave , Clay Barnett , "''" , David Freeman/ASW/FAA@FAA, Robert Edwards/ASW/FAA@FAA, "Farmer, Eric, C" Date: 06/04/2011 01:15 PM Subject: ADS Runway Improvements 2400V Cable Issue ________________________________ Missy, As you may know, there is a 2400V direct electrical burial (DEB) power cable that goes from the Glideslope antenna to the Localizer antenna and then to an outside power source on the Runway 33 end of Addison Airport. During construction of the REIL access road, the contractor located the 2400V cable to protect it from construction activities. In doing so, it has been survey verified that the existing 2400V power cable is less than 24 inches in locations that the contractor pot holed. I have attached an exhibit to show these locations where the cable depth has been verified. Per FAA specification FAA-E-2013b (Cable, Electrical Power, Exterior, 600-15,000V) DEB cables shall be buried at a minimum 24 inches below the finished grade on airport property (36 inches for anything off-airport property). Note that it specifies cable shall not be DEB below paved areas or ditches. As you can see in the attached exhibit, approximately 315 LF of cable doesn’t meet the standards specified in FAA-E-2013b. Additional verification will be needed to the south of Taxiway Charlie to determine the length of cable that doesn’t meet specification. Given the availability of the contractor on site and safety for all personnel working within these areas, lowering the depth of this 2400V power cable to meet specification is recommended. If you could let us know as soon as possible on what steps need to be taken that would be great. If you have any questions regarding this issue just let me know. Thanks, Mitchell McAnally Project Engineer Office: 972-377-7480 Direct: 972-377-7480 E-mail: [attachment "ADS_2400V CABLE ISSUE.pdf" deleted by Tigist Yemenu/ASW/FAA]