To all, Here is a follow up on the night time operations at Addison. Typically, during the week (Sunday night – Thursday night) will have the most activity. You could expect 10 -15 operations a night with aircraft ranging from the DC-9 to single piston aircraft. Friday night and Saturday night should be lighter. I would not expect more than 5 – 6 operations a night from single pistons to corporate jets. Joseph McAnally Operations Manager Addison Airport (972) 392-4861 ________________________________ From: McAnally, Mitchell, R [] Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 8:21 AM To: McIllwain, Frank O.; Tolmachoff, J, Derek.; ''; Drew Dodson; Matt Aquino;;;; '';; Darrell Wylie; 'Clay Barnett'; Cc: Subject: ADS Weekly Construction Progress meeting minutes 2011 05 02 I have attached the meeting minutes from our weekly construction progress meeting held on Monday, May 2, 2011. If you notice any changes or if you have any questions regarding the meeting minutes feel free to ask at any time. Thanks, Mitchell McAnally Project Engineer Office: 972-377-7480 Direct: 972-377-7480 E-mail: ________________________________ This e-mail and any attachments contain URS Corporation confidential information that may be proprietary or privileged. If you receive this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should not retain, distribute, disclose or use any of this information and you should destroy the e-mail and any attachments or copies.