Thanks for the "good news"! Harry >>> "McIllwain, Frank O." 05/31/11 3:48 PM >>> All: Testing of the in-situ subgrade in the north runway reconstruction area is complete. According to the lab test results, the sulfate content is much lower than the south end. With low in-situ sulfate content and without the need for imported fill, the mellowing period that was applied to the south end will not be needed for reconstruction on the north end. Lime treatment and initial mixing began on the north end today. This is very good news and I wanted to share with you. Garver Frank McIllwain, PE Senior Project Manager Aviation Team Leader Office: 972-377-7480 Direct: 972-377-7480 Mobile: 214-250-3967 E-mail: ======================= Buckle up! Safety belts and child safety seats save lives prevent injuries and can also keep you from getting a ticket. Click it or Ticket.