All: I don't believe the issue is TxDOT's ability to bid the construction before TxDOT Commission approval or anything having to do with the block grant that is the issue. The issue is receipt of federal funds from FAA. We schedule bid opening along with Commission approval in any instances where time is of the essence. We cannot however bid a project if we don't have the funds and I would be surprised to learn that the Town of Addison bids project without available funding either. The Town of Addison can bid the project but it will not be funded any sooner and would therefore not begin any sooner. Congress seems to be content to fund FAA this year with continuing resolutions and therefore, funds may well not be available for FY 10 until summer...late summer. As it appears from the notes, this project won't be ready for construction until summer anyway so I don't understand the issues raised about Commission approval. Additionally, block grant or no block grant does not change the receipt of federal funds or bidding. There must be confusion on someone's part about what a block grant is and how our program works and we probably do need a meeting. We work closely with FAA and know when we will receive grant funds. We have projects ready to begin construction when we get the funding. I'd be glad to discuss this with you but if Addison feels it necessary to bid early, that is certainly an option. Just remember, we won't fund it until we have the federal funds available and could have bid it for Addison with no delays associated with Commission approval or the "block grant" as it appears others think would happen. Karon Wiedemann TxDOT - Aviation Director, Grant Management (512) 416-4520 (512) 416-4510 FAX >>> "Siemens, Paul, T" 11/8/2009 6:34 PM >>> All, Please find attached minutes for the November Progress Meeting. Please let me know if you have any revisions or additions. Thanks. P. Timothy Siemens, PE Senior Project Manager Aviation Team Leader Office: 972-377-7480 Ext: 227 Mobile: 214-938-4291 E-mail: =================== We are looking for your ideas to get us where we want to go. Join the transportation discussion during the fifth annual Texas Transportation Forum, Jan. 6-8, 2010, in Austin. For more information, visit