Mark, TX-DOT Aviation has released their Final CIP Plan for FY10-FY12 ( There are no changes for Addison from the Draft CIP, which is good news as it means the runway overlay (FY10, $12.69 million); AWOS upgrade (FY10, $60k); lateral RSA drainage and grading upgrades and runway lighting upgrades (FY11, $2.81 million); and reconstruction of Taxiway Quebec and associated ramps (FY12, $4.545 million) have all been retained in the block grant program. The EMAS project is not listed in the CIP because it is still slated to be funded with FAA Discretionary money in FY12. In short, we are solidly on track for our runway rehabilitation and upgrade work. One item of concern is the continuing failure of Congress to pass a multi-year FAA Reauthorization bill. As you may have heard, another 3-month extension was just passed which will enable FAA to continue operating through the end of this calendar year. I believe this is the 10th such continuing resolution (CR). This has the potential to delay the release of grant funding for our runway overlay project. In order to stay on track for construction starting next July, we need the grant funds released to TX-DOT in time to have the grant approved through the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) and then go out for a 90-day bid process. If the grant funds are not released to TX-DOT by the end of March, I do not see any way to get to construction in summer of 2010. We do not want to be trying to put down asphalt in October-November. In the event that Congress continues to fail to pass a multi-year FAA Reauthorization bill, we need to develop a contingency plan for our CIP projects. The asphalt work on the runway must be done in the warmer months. If that slips to FY11, then an alternative we should consider is to push the runway lighting and signage upgrades along with the grading and drainage in the lateral RSAs and the safety areas on the north half of Taxiway Alpha (our FY11 projects) up into FY10. While this would not be ideal, I think it would be preferable to having everything slip back another year. At the very least, we need to consider these issues and decide on our approach if the runway repaving slips to summer of 2011. Regards, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334