All, Having looked at the drawings for the ExecHangar project, it appears to me that we may have an opportunity now to save ourselves some money and hassle in the future. The area of concern / interest is the (proposed) concrete turn-in connecting Taxiway Victor to the ExecHangar ramp area. At present, there is a pair of 18-inch RCP drain lines running through that area, connecting to bar ditches on either side of the turn-in. The drawing shows that these are proposed to be left in place. At some future date, we will need to address the drainage on both sides of Taxiway Victor. I think we need to take a look at what we expect our long-term solution will be – I expect it will include some kind of subsurface drain lines with drop inlets – and see if we can install whatever line(s) would be appropriate just in that stretch extending maybe 10 feet to either side of the turn-in to the ExecHangar ramp. If we can do this now, it would save us having to come back and saw-cut their concrete turn-in later … which is going to be the only airside access to their ramp. I believe ExecHangar will be putting a water line in this area, for exactly the same reason: they will need it for Phase 2, and if they put it in now (at relatively low cost) it saves them from a bigger expense down the road. So two things: (1) do you think this is worth pursuing? and (2) how should we proceed if it is? My thoughts are that yes it is worth doing now, and we could get Garver to look at the drainage requirements for that area, size a pipe, and specify a depth and slope for placing the pipe (which would need to be coordinated with the ExecHangar contractors). My concerns include how much this is likely to cost (for engineering, possibly surveying as well, and for placing the pipe) and whether we have the budget available to pay for it. It looks like an opportunity to save a lot of trouble and expense in the future, if we can just take advantage of the opportunity. I would be interested in hearing other thoughts on this. Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334