Jim and Dan, Sorry it has taken this long to respond back. At the minimum we must protect at least a 70’ from taxilane centerline from any obstacle. If necessary, I think we would prefer to see the parking spaces next to the building instead of next to the property line. Along the same line, we would not require the fence along the north property line separating the parking from the operating area (unless it later proves necessary for safety purposes). Instead we will require a painted line (not to be confused as fire lane) being at or just outside the 70’ from CL marked as the “Object Fee Area”. A vehicle can cross the line for movement purposes (naturally yielding to all aircraft) but should not be left parked outside the line (or any other obstacle) at any time. Given these parameters, there might also be sufficient room to use instead diagonal parking pointing towards the building, but might be hard to do with a dead-end lane. If so, sufficient room should be left between the building and the wheel stops to allow for a pedestrians walk. Airport Management supports the wider 60’ connection to the taxilane subject to the Town engineer’s review of all design changes and handling of the storm drainage. We have no objection to the location of the monument sign. Will the sign be back-lit or lighted? We request to see review the design details before installation/construction. Bill Dyer Real Estate Manager Addison Airport 972-392-4856 ________________________________ From: Jim Albertson [mailto:jimalbertson@cox.net] Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 8:35 AM To: Dyer, Bill; 'Clay Barnett' Cc: joehelmberger@verizon.net; 'Corey Van Trease'; 'Dan Claassen' Subject: ExecHangar - Additional Parking Bill, per our conversation, I have attached our proposed parking revision layout north of the building. This layout adds 5 parking stalls to our original plan for a total of seven stalls at the north end. In addition, we thought we should widen the taxi approach to 60 feet in lieu of the 40 foot originally shown. Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you will approve this conceptual change. Upon your approval we will complete working drawings including civil engineering documentation to submit to your office and the City of Addison. Thank you for your assistance. Jim (plan prints to scale on 11x17 paper) James R Albertson A.I.A. ALBERTSON ASSOCIATES LLC 9225 Peppertree Wichita, Kansas 67226 316 636-9472 OFFICE 866 488-0897 FAX 316 204-1115 CELL jimalbertson@cox.net