Thanks Carmen. It is important to us that the easement through our townhouse plan restricts trucks and any deliveries. It can only be available for small vehicle traffic, primarily their employees. From: Carmen Moran [] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 1:02 PM To: 'Bruce Dunne'; Tom Forrest; Tom Lamberth; Lea Dunn; Clay Barnett; Slade Strickland; Nancy Cline; John Hill Subject: RE: meeting with Lemmons Company On Item #1, I will check with John and see if he has these. On Item #5, we are talking about the temporary access easement, which, as I understand it, will be an asphalt drive. Their request was that the asphalt drive be wide enough to accommodate trucks. We told them we don’t know yet what the permanent public street will look like and that it may be too narrow to get trucks through. Carmen Moran Director of Development Services Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001 Ph: 972-450-2886 Fax: 972-450-2837 Email: From: Bruce Dunne [] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 11:38 AM To: Carmen Moran; Tom Forrest; Tom Lamberth; Lea Dunn; Clay Barnett; Slade Strickland; Nancy Cline; John Hill Subject: RE: meeting with Lemmons Company Regarding item #1 below, we will need a sidewalk easement and a temporary construction easement from the Lemmons Company in order to construct the proposed improvements. These two easements (legal descriptions and exhibits) have been submitted to the town for review and comment, and I believe have already been forwarded on to John for the easement dedication language to be inserted. I have attached copies of these two easements as well for everyone’s perusal. Regarding item #4, it will certainly be a requirement of the contractor to keep access to the Lemmons site open at all times. Regarding item #5, I believe it is UDR’s desire not to have truck traffic allowed on the cross access easement through their property. Has this changed Tom? From: Carmen Moran [] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 11:10 AM To: Bruce Dunne; Tom Forrest; 'Tom Lamberth'; Lea Dunn; Clay Barnett; Slade Strickland; Nancy Cline; John Hill Subject: meeting with Lemmons Company Clay and I had a good meeting with the Lemmons Company yesterday. The owners agreed to the following: 1. They will give us the sidewalk easement. We need to get the documents and exhibits prepared for them to sign. I understand Bruce Dunne will prepare the exhibits. Once I get the exhibits, I will work with John Hill to get the boiler-plate easement language for it and will schedule it for a Council agenda. 2. They are fine with us taking out ALL Bradford Pear trees and understand that we will replace along the street frontage with High-Rise Live Oaks. Clay said all Bradford Pears are in the right-of-way, so we don’t need any document to remove them. 3. They had questions about how the maintenance would be handled in the future where our property will blend into theirs. Clay said there would be a drainage swale in the green area that would mark our property, but Slade might think through how we will handle mowing and maintenance for this area. 4. They want to be sure that they have access to their site at all times during the construction. They are fine with one drive or another being closed temporarily, but need access for their employees, customers, and deliveries. 5. As for the temporary drive, as I understand it, we will have a mutual cross-access easement between their property and UDR’s property to the south. They are fine with that. However, with regard to the temporary drive, they requested that it be wide enough to accommodate their 18-wheeler deliveries and that it be designed so that the turning radii at all corners would accommodate their trucks. Please call let me know if you have questions or need more information. Carmen Moran Director of Development Services Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001 Ph: 972-450-2886 Fax: 972-450-2837 Email: ****************************************************************************************************************** This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. 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