Jim Bob, The email titled “RE: Damage Claim Form” has a ticket that is attached that was called in prior to the damage to the Charter Facility. It is for the prime and not the sub. In the future I will request that all contractors (prime and subs) call in their own tickets. They may have in this instance, but I was unable to find one from prior to the damage. The other email titled “RE: Charter Communications Damage Claim” is from Rochelle at PRG. She was explaining to me that although Charter is not listed as being notified, they are allowed to “piggyback” on other utility’s ticket requests and utilize them for coverage. I am concerned that utilities can “piggyback” off of another utility’s tickets and still receive coverage under Texas811. This not only causes a misallocation of costs to those entities who properly participate in the program, such as the Town of Addison, but also allows a utility to be located in the area without anyone being cognizant of the fact that they have facilities in the area. Additionally, it makes it difficult for people who plan construction activities to properly coordinate relocation of those utilities or to determine to whom those utilities belong. Please review this information and let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857