Great thanks!!! -----Original Message----- From: ALLMON, GREGORY L (ATTSWBT) Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 8:58 AM To: WALTERS, MICHAEL F (ATTSWBT); 'Clay Barnett' Cc: HARDI, BOB (ATTSWBT); MOSLEY, HAROLD L (ATTSWBT) Subject: RE: AT&T Fiber in Spring Valley to Serve the George Bush Elementary School All, I met with Josh Hodson on site 5/25/11. Josh and I agreed on a plan for his Sub-Contractor to place 4"pvc where the proposed 8" BOC fiber running line crosses the proposed sidewalk. This will allow Josh to keep his timeline schedule and at&t will not have to bore the new walk area. The bid for fiber placing opens 5/26, construction starts 5/30, placing ECD 6/10 Greg Allmon Mgr Sr Contract/ Sourcing SPECLST 972-361-4200 OFFICE 972-743-8656 CELL -----Original Message----- From: WALTERS, MICHAEL F (ATTSWBT) Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:59 AM To: Clay Barnett Cc: ALLMON, GREGORY L (ATTSWBT); HARDI, BOB (ATTSWBT); MOSLEY, HAROLD L (ATTSWBT) Subject: RE: AT&T Fiber in Spring Valley to Serve the George Bush Elementary School Clay, It sounds good to me. I am attempting to contact Greg to see if he can mobilize ( that quickly as mentioned below) as I don't know if a contractor has been determined. The other method may be the one that would work. Greg should be able to provide time lines. It would be a win-win if we can get the placing done before any of your finishing work is started. Thanks, mike -----Original Message----- From: Clay Barnett [] Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:20 AM To: WALTERS, MICHAEL F (ATTSWBT) Subject: FW: AT&T Fiber in Spring Valley to Serve the George Bush Elementary School Mike, Please review and let me know if this works for you. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 -----Original Message----- From: Josh Hodsdon [] Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:15 AM To: Clay Barnett Cc: Nancy Cline; 'Andy Nord' Subject: RE: AT&T Fiber in Spring Valley to Serve the George Bush Elementary School Clay, Our schedule has Axis mobilizing the Tuesday May 31st. If AT&T can and is willing to start and finish their work between tomorrow and Monday that would be great. I don't foresee this being possible so here is what I can propose. There will be a few spots where our sidewalk meanders over their proposed line. If AT&T will provide the necessary conduit for their line, Axis has agreed to place this under the sidewalk prior to pouring. AT&T will then need to wait for the sidewalks to be poured and cured out before working in and around these areas. I will make sure that they are able to move in prior to any work on the irrigation system work beginning. Let me know what you think and I will lock down a schedule with Axis tomorrow once he is able to see the site. Thanks, Josh Hodsdon Project Manager North Texas Contracting, Inc. 4999 Keller Haslet Road Fort Worth, Texas 76248 M: 817.401.1913 O: 817.430.9500 F: 817.719.9440 E: -----Original Message----- From: Clay Barnett [] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 1:09 PM To: '' Cc: Nancy Cline Subject: FW: AT&T Fiber in Spring Valley to Serve the George Bush Elementary School Josh, AT&T did do a good job on the relocates at the beginning of the project. I would like to help them if I can. I have attached their plans so that you know what they are looking at doing. I do not want to do anything that would jeopardize having our work complete within the contract time, but if there is a time when they can get in there and perform their work that would be ideal. Is there a time when it will fit in your schedule where it would not disrupt you? Please let me know if you think it is possible. Thanks, Chay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 -----Original Message----- From: WALTERS, MICHAEL F (ATTSWBT) [] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 12:17 PM To: Clay Barnett Cc: ALLMON, GREGORY L (ATTSWBT); MOSLEY, HAROLD L (ATTSWBT) Subject: RE: AT&T Fiber in Spring Valley to Serve the George Bush Elementary School Clay, When would they be done? We were trying to get in and out before they poured the sidewalk. Placing on the DISD side may initiate other problems regarding right of entry, etc. If we stayed as far north as possible, would that help the situation? Thanks, mike -----Original Message----- From: Clay Barnett [] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 12:04 PM To: WALTERS, MICHAEL F (ATTSWBT) Cc: Nancy Cline; David Wilde Subject: RE: AT&T Fiber in Spring Valley to Serve the George Bush Elementary School Michael, I spoke with the contractor. He was concerned about AT&T commencing their work at the same time they are trying to close out their project. I think it best to wait until the project is closer to completion before we issue a permit. An alternative would be to place the line on DISD's side of the property line. Under this scenario the only work that would be occurring in the public right-of-way would be the crossing, which could be permitted much sooner. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 -----Original Message----- From: WALTERS, MICHAEL F (ATTSWBT) [] Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 3:36 PM To: Clay Barnett Subject: FW: Clay, I used another PC and sent them to myself- which I will forward to you. Hope they open. If not, I will print them and hand carry or fax to you. Have a good weekend. Thanks, mike <<8318980-3.pdf>> <<8318980-4.pdf>> AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only) Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written agreement. ************************************************************ This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contain Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. 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桴瑡焠極正祬愠⁳敭瑮潩敮⁤敢潬⥷愠⁳⁉潤❮⁴湫睯椠⁦㱡剂ാ挊湯牴捡潴⁲慨⁳敢湥搠瑥牥業敮⹤渦獢㭰吠敨漠桴牥洠瑥潨⁤慭⁹敢琠敨漠敮琠慨㱴剂ാ眊畯摬眠牯⹫渦獢㭰䜠敲⁧桳畯摬戠⁥扡敬琠牰癯摩⁥楴敭氠湩獥☮扮灳※瑉眠畯摬戠⁥㱡剂ാ眊湩眭湩椠⁦敷挠湡朠瑥琠敨瀠慬楣杮搠湯⁥敢潦敲愠祮漠⁦潹牵映湩獩楨杮眠牯㱫剂 ാ椊⁳瑳牡整⹤䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍桔湡獫‬業敫䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍ⴭⴭ伭楲楧慮敍獳条ⵥⴭⴭ䈼㹒਍牆浯›汃祡䈠牡敮瑴嬠䄼䠠䕒㵆洢楡瑬㩯扣牡敮瑴慀摤獩湯硴朮癯㸢慭汩潴挺慢湲瑥䁴摡楤潳瑮⹸潧㱶䄯崾䈼㹒਍敓瑮›敗湤獥慤ⱹ䴠祡㈠ⰵ㈠㄰‱ㄱ㈺‰䵁䈼㹒਍潔›䅗呌剅ⱓ䴠䍉䅈䱅䘠⠠呁協䉗⥔䈼㹒਍畓橢捥㩴䘠㩗䄠♔浡㭰⁔楆敢⁲湩匠牰湩⁧慖汬祥琠敓癲⁥桴⁥敇牯敧䈠獵㱨剂ാ䔊敬敭瑮牡⁹捓潨汯䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍楍敫㰬剂ാ㰊剂ാ倊 敬獡⁥敲楶睥愠摮氠瑥洠⁥湫睯椠⁦桴獩眠牯獫映牯礠畯㰮剂ാ㰊剂ാ吊慨歮ⱳ䈼㹒਍汃祡䈠牡敮瑴‬⹐⹅䈼㹒਍潔湷䔠杮湩敥㱲剂ാ吊睯景䄠摤獩湯䈼㹒਍㘱〸‱敗瑳牧癯⁥牄癩㱥剂ാ䄊摤獩湯‬塔㜠〵㄰㈭ㄸ㰸剂ാ伊晦捩㩥⠠㜹⤲㐠〵㈭㔸㰷剂ാ㰊剂ാⴊⴭⴭ牏杩湩污䴠獥慳敧ⴭⴭ㰭剂ാ䘊潲㩭䨠獯⁨潈獤潤㱛⁁剈䙅∽慭汩潴樺獯䁨瑮硥潣⹮潣≭派楡瑬㩯潪桳湀整捸湯挮浯⼼㹁㱝剂ാ匊湥㩴圠摥敮摳祡‬慍⁹㔲‬〲ㄱㄠ㨱㔱䄠㱍剂ാ吊㩯䌠 慬⁹慂湲瑥㱴剂ാ䌊㩣丠湡祣䌠楬敮※䄧摮⁹潎摲㰧剂ാ匊扵敪瑣›䕒›呁愦灭吻䘠扩牥椠灓楲杮嘠污敬⁹潴匠牥敶琠敨䜠潥杲⁥畂桳䈼㹒਍汅浥湥慴祲匠档潯㱬剂ാ㰊剂ാ䌊慬ⱹ䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍畏⁲捳敨畤敬栠獡䄠楸⁳潭楢楬楺杮琠敨吠敵摳祡䴠祡㌠猱⹴渦獢㭰䤠⁦呁愦灭吻挠湡愠摮䈼㹒਍獩䈼㹒਍楷汬湩⁧潴猠慴瑲愠摮映湩獩⁨桴楥⁲潷歲戠瑥敷湥琠浯牯潲⁷湡⁤潍摮祡琠慨㱴剂ാ眊畯摬戠⁥牧慥⹴渦獢㭰䤠搠湯琧映牯獥敥琠楨⁳敢湩⁧潰獳扩 敬猠敨敲椠⁳桷瑡䤠䈼㹒਍慣㱮剂ാ瀊潲潰敳☮扮灳※桔牥⁥楷汬戠⁥⁡敦⁷灳瑯⁳桷牥⁥畯⁲楳敤慷歬洠慥摮牥⁳癯牥䈼㹒਍桴楥㱲剂ാ瀊潲潰敳⁤楬敮‮晉䄠♔浡㭰⁔楷汬瀠潲楶敤琠敨渠捥獥慳祲挠湯畤瑩映牯琠敨物䈼㹒਍楬敮㰬剂ാ䄊楸⁳慨⁳条敲摥琠汰捡⁥桴獩甠摮牥琠敨猠摩睥污牰潩⁲潴瀠畯楲杮‮呁愦灭吻䈼㹒਍楷汬䈼㹒਍桴湥渠敥⁤潴眠楡⁴潦⁲桴⁥楳敤慷歬⁳潴戠⁥潰牵摥愠摮挠牵摥漠瑵戠晥牯㱥剂ാ眊牯楫杮椠湡⁤牡畯 摮琠敨敳愠敲獡☮扮灳※⁉楷汬洠歡⁥畳敲琠慨⁴桴祥愠敲愠汢㱥剂ാ琊㱯剂ാ洊癯⁥湩瀠楲牯琠湡⁹潷歲漠桴⁥物楲慧楴湯猠獹整潷歲戠来湩楮杮☮扮灳※敌㱴剂ാ洊㱥剂ാ權潮⁷桷瑡礠畯琠楨歮愠摮䤠眠汩潬正搠睯⁡捳敨畤敬眠瑩⁨硁獩琠浯牯潲㱷剂ാ漊据㱥剂ാ栊⁥獩愠汢⁥潴猠敥琠敨猠瑩⹥䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍桔湡獫㰬剂ാ㰊剂ാ㰊剂ാ䨊獯⁨潈獤潤㱮剂ാ倊潲敪瑣䴠湡条牥䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍潎瑲⁨敔慸⁳潃瑮慲瑣湩Ⱨ䤠据☮扮灳☻扮灳☻ 扮灳☻扮灳※㤴㤹䬠汥敬⁲慈汳瑥删慯♤扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳※潆瑲䈼㹒਍潗瑲ⱨ䈼㹒਍敔慸♳扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳※㘷㐲㰸剂ാ㰊剂ാ䴊›ㄸ⸷〴⸱㤱㌱渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰传›ㄸ⸷㌴⸰㔹〰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰䘠›ㄸ⸷ㄷ⸹㐹〴渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰䔠㰺剂ാ樊獯䁨瑮硥潣⹮潣㱭剂ാ㰊剂ാⴊⴭⴭ牏杩湩污䴠獥慳敧ⴭⴭ㰭剂ാ䘊潲㩭䌠慬⁹慂湲瑥⁴㱛⁁剈䙅∽慭汩潴挺慢湲瑥䁴摡楤潳瑮⹸潧≶派楡瑬㩯扣牡敮瑴慀摤獩 湯硴朮癯⼼㹁㱝剂ാ匊湥㩴吠敵摳祡‬慍⁹㐲‬〲ㄱㄠ〺‹䵐䈼㹒਍潔›樧獯䁨瑮硥潣⹮潣❭䈼㹒਍捃›慎据⁹汃湩㱥剂ാ匊扵敪瑣›坆›呁愦灭吻䘠扩牥椠灓楲杮嘠污敬⁹潴匠牥敶琠敨䜠潥杲⁥畂桳䈼㹒਍汅浥湥慴祲䈼㹒਍捓潨汯䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍潊桳㰬剂ാ㰊剂ാ䄊♔浡㭰⁔楤⁤潤愠朠潯⁤潪⁢湯琠敨爠汥捯瑡獥愠⁴桴⁥敢楧湮湩⁧景琠敨瀠潲敪瑣㰮剂ാ䤊䈼㹒਍潷汵⁤楬敫琠敨灬琠敨晩䤠挠湡☮扮灳※⁉慨敶愠瑴捡敨⁤桴楥⁲汰湡⁳潳琠慨 㱴剂ാ礊畯䈼㹒਍湫睯眠慨⁴桴祥愠敲氠潯楫杮愠⁴潤湩⹧渦獢㭰䤠搠潮⁴慷瑮琠潤愠祮桴湩⁧桴瑡䈼㹒਍潷汵⁤敪灯牡楤敺栠癡湩⁧畯⁲潷歲挠浯汰瑥⁥楷桴湩琠敨挠湯牴捡⁴楴敭‬畢㱴剂ാ椊㱦剂ാ琊敨敲椠⁳⁡楴敭眠敨桴祥挠湡朠瑥椠桴牥⁥湡⁤数晲牯桴楥⁲潷歲琠慨㱴剂ാ眊畯摬䈼㹒਍敢椠敤污☮扮灳※獉琠敨敲愠琠浩⁥桷湥椠⁴楷汬映瑩椠潹牵猠档摥汵⁥桷牥⁥瑩䈼㹒਍潷汵㱤剂ാ渊瑯搠獩畲瑰礠畯☿扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳※汐 慥敳氠瑥洠⁥湫睯椠⁦潹⁵桴湩瑩椠⁳潰獳扩敬㰮剂ാ㰊剂ാ吊慨歮ⱳ䈼㹒਍桃祡䈠牡敮瑴‬⹐⹅䈼㹒਍潔湷䔠杮湩敥㱲剂ാ吊睯景䄠摤獩湯䈼㹒਍㘱〸‱敗瑳牧癯⁥牄癩㱥剂ാ䄊摤獩湯‬塔㜠〵㄰㈭ㄸ㰸剂ാ伊晦捩㩥⠠㜹⤲㐠〵㈭㔸㰷剂ാ㰊剂ാⴊⴭⴭ牏杩湩污䴠獥慳敧ⴭⴭ㰭剂ാ䘊潲㩭圠䱁䕔卒‬䥍䡃䕁⁌⁆䄨呔坓呂
㱛⁁剈䙅∽慭汩潴洺㍷㌴䀳瑡⹴潣≭派楡瑬㩯睭㐳㌳慀瑴挮浯⼼㹁㱝剂ാ匊湥㩴吠敵摳祡‬慍⁹㐲‬〲ㄱㄠ㨲㜱倠㱍剂ാ吊 㩯䌠慬⁹慂湲瑥㱴剂ാ䌊㩣䄠䱌位ⱎ䜠䕒佇奒䰠⠠呁協䉗⥔※位䱓奅‬䅈佒䑌䰠⠠呁協䉗⥔䈼㹒਍畓橢捥㩴删㩅䄠♔浡㭰⁔楆敢⁲湩匠牰湩⁧慖汬祥琠敓癲⁥桴⁥敇牯敧䈠獵㱨剂ാ䔊敬敭瑮牡㱹剂ാ匊档潯㱬剂ാ㰊剂ാ䌊慬ⱹ䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍桗湥眠畯摬琠敨⁹敢搠湯㽥渦獢㭰圠♥扮灳※敷敲琠祲湩⁧潴朠瑥椠湡⁤畯⁴敢潦敲琠敨㱹剂ാ瀊畯敲⁤桴⁥楳敤慷歬☮扮灳※汐捡湩⁧湯琠敨䐠卉⁄楳敤洠祡椠楮楴瑡⁥瑯敨㱲剂ാ瀊潲汢浥㱳剂ാ爊来牡楤杮 爠杩瑨漠⁦湥牴ⱹ攠捴☮扮灳※晉眠⁥瑳祡摥愠⁳慦⁲潮瑲⁨獡瀠獯楳汢ⱥ䈼㹒਍潷汵㱤剂ാ琊慨⁴敨灬琠敨猠瑩慵楴湯㰿剂ാ㰊剂ാ吊慨歮ⱳ洠歩㱥剂ാ㰊剂ാⴊⴭⴭ牏杩湩污䴠獥慳敧ⴭⴭ㰭剂ാ䘊潲㩭䌠慬⁹慂湲瑥⁴㱛⁁剈䙅∽慭汩潴挺慢湲瑥䁴摡楤潳瑮⹸潧≶派楡瑬㩯扣牡敮瑴慀摤獩湯硴朮癯⼼㹁㱝剂ാ匊湥㩴吠敵摳祡‬慍⁹㐲‬〲ㄱㄠ㨲㐰倠㱍剂ാ吊㩯圠䱁䕔卒‬䥍䡃䕁⁌⁆䄨呔坓呂㰩剂ാ䌊㩣丠湡祣䌠楬敮※慄楶⁤楗摬㱥剂ാ匊扵敪瑣› 䕒›呁愦灭吻䘠扩牥椠灓楲杮嘠污敬⁹潴匠牥敶琠敨䜠潥杲⁥畂桳䈼㹒਍汅浥湥慴祲䈼㹒਍捓潨汯䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍楍档敡ⱬ䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍⁉灳歯⁥楷桴琠敨挠湯牴捡潴⹲渦獢㭰䠠⁥慷⁳潣据牥敮⁤扡畯⁴呁愦灭吻挠浯敭据湩㱧剂ാ琊敨物䈼㹒਍潷歲愠⁴桴⁥慳敭琠浩⁥桴祥愠敲琠祲湩⁧潴挠潬敳漠瑵琠敨物瀠潲敪瑣㰮剂ാ䤊琠楨歮椠⁴敢瑳琠慷瑩甠瑮汩琠敨瀠潲敪瑣椠⁳汣獯牥琠潣灭敬楴湯戠晥牯㱥剂ാ眊㱥剂ാ椊獳敵愠瀠牥業⹴䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍ 湁愠瑬牥慮楴敶眠畯摬戠⁥潴瀠慬散琠敨氠湩⁥湯䐠卉❄⁳楳敤漠⁦桴⁥牰灯牥祴䈼㹒਍楬敮☮扮灳※湕敤⁲桴獩猠散慮楲桴⁥湯祬眠牯桴瑡眠畯摬戠⁥捯畣牲湩⁧湩琠敨䈼㹒਍異汢捩爠杩瑨漭ⵦ慷⁹潷汵⁤敢琠敨挠潲獳湩Ⱨ眠楨档挠畯摬戠⁥数浲瑩整⁤畭档䈼㹒਍潳湯牥㰮剂ാ㰊剂ാ䤊⁦潹⁵慨敶愠祮愠摤瑩潩慮畱獥楴湯ⱳ瀠敬獡⁥敬⁴敭欠潮⹷䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍桔湡獫㰬剂ാ䌊慬⁹慂湲瑥ⱴ倠䔮㰮剂ാ吊睯湅楧敮牥䈼㹒਍潔湷漠⁦摁楤潳㱮 剂ാㄊ㠶㄰圠獥杴潲敶䐠楲敶䈼㹒਍摁楤潳Ɱ吠⁘㔷〰ⴱ㠲㠱䈼㹒਍晏楦散›㤨㈷
㔴ⴰ㠲㜵䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍ⴭⴭ伭楲楧慮敍獳条ⵥⴭⴭ䈼㹒਍牆浯›䅗呌剅ⱓ䴠䍉䅈䱅䘠⠠呁協䉗⥔嬠䄼䠠䕒㵆洢楡瑬㩯睭㐳㌳慀瑴挮浯㸢慭汩潴洺㍷㌴䀳瑡⹴潣㱭䄯崾䈼㹒਍敓瑮›牆摩祡‬慍⁹㌱‬〲ㄱ㌠㌺‶䵐䈼㹒਍潔›汃祡䈠牡敮瑴䈼㹒਍畓橢捥㩴䘠㩗䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍汃祡㰬剂ാ䤊甠敳⁤湡瑯敨⁲䍐愠摮猠湥⁴桴浥琠祭敳晬‭桷捩⁨⁉楷汬映牯慷摲琠潹⹵䈼㹒 ਍潈数琠敨⁹灯湥☮扮灳※晉渠瑯‬⁉楷汬瀠楲瑮琠敨湡⁤慨摮挠牡祲漠⁲慦⁸潴礠畯㰮剂ാ䠊癡⁥⁡潧摯眠敥敫摮㰮剂ാ㰊剂ാ吊慨歮ⱳ䈼㹒਍業敫䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍渦獢㭰氦㭴氦㭴㌸㠱㠹ⴰ⸳摰♦瑧☻瑧☻扮灳※氦㭴氦㭴㌸㠱㠹ⴰ⸴摰♦瑧☻瑧㰻剂ാ㰊剂ാ㰊剂ാ䄊♔浡㭰⁔牐灯楲瑥牡⁹䤨瑮牥慮獕⁥湏祬㰩剂ാ上瑯映牯甠敳漠⁲楤捳潬畳敲漠瑵楳敤琠敨䄠♔浡㭰⁔潣灭湡敩⁳硥散瑰甠摮牥䈼㹒਍牷瑩整㱮剂ാ愊牧敥敭瑮㰮 剂ാ㰊剂ാ㰊剂ാ⨊⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪㰪剂ാ吊楨⁳ⵥ慭汩愠摮愠祮映汩獥漠⁲瑡慴档敭瑮⁳牴湡浳瑩整⁤楷桴椠⁴潣瑮楡㱮剂ാ䤊普牯慭楴湯琠慨⁴獩挠湯楦敤瑮慩湡⁤牰癩汩来摥‮桔獩搠捯浵湥⁴慭㱹剂ാ挊湯慴湩䈼㹒਍牐瑯捥整⁤效污桴䤠普牯慭楴湯⠠䡐⥉漠⁲瑯敨⁲湩潦浲瑡潩桴瑡椠⁳湩整摮摥䈼㹒਍湯祬映牯琠敨甠敳漠⁦桴⁥湩楤楶畤污猨
潴眠潨瑩椠㱳剂ാ愊摤敲 獳摥‮晉礠畯愠敲琠敨椠瑮湥敤⁤敲楣楰湥ⱴ映牵桴牥搠獩汣獯牵獥愠敲䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍牰桯扩瑩摥眠瑩潨瑵瀠潲数⁲畡桴牯穩瑡潩⹮䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥潮⁴桴⁥湩整摮摥䈼㹒਍敲楣楰湥ⱴ愠祮搠獩汣獯牵ⱥ挠灯楹杮‬牰湩楴杮‬牯甠敳漠⁦桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯䈼㹒਍獩䈼㹒਍瑳楲瑣祬瀠潲楨楢整⁤湡⁤潰獳扩祬愠瘠潩慬楴湯漠⁦敦敤慲牯猠慴整氠睡愠摮䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍敲畧慬楴湯⹳䤠⁦潹⁵慨敶爠捥楥敶⁤桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯椠牥潲Ⱳ瀠敬獡㱥剂ാ搊汥瑥 㱥剂ാ椊⁴湡⁤潮楴祦䠠浡摩䬠慨敬桧灩畯⁲瑡㤠㈷㐭〵㈭㘸‸浩敭楤瑡汥⹹吠慨歮礠畯㰮剂ാ㰊剂ാ⨊⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪㰪剂ാ㰊剂ാ⨊⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪㰪剂ാ吊楨⁳ⵥ慭汩愠摮愠祮映汩獥漠⁲瑡慴档敭瑮⁳牴湡浳瑩整⁤楷桴椠⁴潣瑮楡㱮剂ാ䤊普牯慭楴湯琠慨⁴獩挠湯楦敤瑮慩湡⁤牰癩汩来摥‮桔獩搠捯浵湥⁴慭㱹剂ാ挊湯慴湩䈼㹒਍牐瑯捥整⁤ 效污桴䤠普牯慭楴湯⠠䡐⥉漠⁲瑯敨⁲湩潦浲瑡潩桴瑡椠⁳湩整摮摥䈼㹒਍湯祬映牯琠敨甠敳漠⁦桴⁥湩楤楶畤污猨
潴眠潨瑩椠㱳剂ാ愊摤敲獳摥‮晉礠畯愠敲琠敨椠瑮湥敤⁤敲楣楰湥ⱴ映牵桴牥搠獩汣獯牵獥愠敲䈼㹒਍牰桯扩瑩摥眠瑩潨瑵瀠潲数⁲畡桴牯穩瑡潩⹮䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥潮⁴桴⁥湩整摮摥䈼㹒਍敲楣楰湥ⱴ愠祮搠獩汣獯牵ⱥ挠灯楹杮‬牰湩楴杮‬牯甠敳漠⁦桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯䈼㹒਍獩䈼㹒਍瑳楲瑣祬瀠潲楨楢整⁤湡 ⁤潰獳扩祬愠瘠潩慬楴湯漠⁦敦敤慲牯猠慴整氠睡愠摮䈼㹒਍敲畧慬楴湯⹳䤠⁦潹⁵慨敶爠捥楥敶⁤桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯椠牥潲Ⱳ瀠敬獡㱥剂ാ搊汥瑥㱥剂ാ椊⁴湡⁤潮楴祦䠠浡摩䬠慨敬桧灩畯⁲瑡㤠㈷㐭〵㈭㘸‸浩敭楤瑡汥⹹吠慨歮礠畯㰮剂ാ㰊剂ാ⨊⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪㰪剂ാ㰊剂ാ⨊⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪㰪剂ാ吊楨⁳ⵥ慭汩愠摮愠祮映汩獥漠⁲瑡慴档 敭瑮⁳牴湡浳瑩整⁤楷桴椠⁴潣瑮楡㱮剂ാ☊扮灳䤻普牯慭楴湯琠慨⁴獩挠湯楦敤瑮慩湡⁤牰癩汩来摥‮桔獩搠捯浵湥⁴慭㱹剂ാ挊湯慴湩倠潲整瑣摥䠠慥瑬⁨湉潦浲瑡潩倨䥈
牯漠桴牥椠普牯慭楴湯琠慨⁴獩䈼㹒਍湩整摮摥漠汮⁹潦⁲桴⁥獵⁥景琠敨椠摮癩摩慵⡬⥳愠摮攠瑮瑩⡹敩⥳琠桷浯䈼㹒਍瑩䈼㹒਍獩愠摤敲獳摥‮晉礠畯愠敲琠敨椠瑮湥敤⁤敲楣楰湥ⱴ映牵桴牥搠獩汣獯牵獥愠敲䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍牰桯扩瑩摥眠瑩潨瑵瀠潲数⁲畡桴牯穩瑡 潩⹮䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥潮⁴桴⁥湩整摮摥䈼㹒਍敲楣楰湥ⱴ愠祮搠獩汣獯牵ⱥ挠灯楹杮‬牰湩楴杮‬牯甠敳漠⁦桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯䈼㹒਍獩䈼㹒਍瑳楲瑣祬瀠潲楨楢整⁤湡⁤潰獳扩祬愠瘠潩慬楴湯漠⁦敦敤慲牯猠慴整氠睡愠摮䈼㹒਍䈼㹒਍敲畧慬楴湯⹳䤠⁦潹⁵慨敶爠捥楥敶⁤桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯椠牥潲Ⱳ瀠敬獡㱥剂ാ搊汥瑥㱥剂ാ椊⁴湡⁤潮楴祦䠠浡摩䬠慨敬桧灩畯⁲瑡㤠㈷㐭〵㈭㘸‸浩敭楤瑡汥⹹吠慨歮礠畯㰮剂ാ㰊剂ാ⨊⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪ ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪㰪剂ാ㰊剂ാ㰊䘯乏㹔਍⼼㹐਍਍⼼佂奄ാ㰊䠯䵔㹌