Nancy: Thanks for the information. Its concerning because at this rate, our projects will be well underway. We may need to regroup. Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 -----Original Message----- From: Nancy Cline Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 2:52 PM To: Lea Dunn; Clay Barnett; Slade Strickland; Carmen Moran; Tom Forrest Subject: FW: Anticipated TTC approval of TIP modifications Lea, There is not an agenda item for the Transportation Commission agenda on Dec. 16th for Sustainable Development RTR projects. (There is an agenda item for the funding of Addison airport improvements for $11,600,000). I called Wes McClure at TxDOT who Karla had previously mentioned was the reason it was not on the November Commission agenda. He said it was not on the Dec. 16th but it should be on the Feb. 24th agenda. The issue is that the RTR account is over-committed in TxDOT's eyes until the SH 161 funds are paid back. I told him the urgency of getting approval because all of the Town of Addison projects are moving along quickly. We are exploring ways to speed this up and I am hopeful that maybe we can get it on the agenda for January instead. Thank you, Nancy -----Original Message----- From: Wes McClure [] Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:26 AM To: Nancy Cline Subject: Fwd: RE: Anticipated TTC approval of TIP modifications Nancy, See paragraph below. "Sustainable Development projects have not been presented to the Commission because the RTR account is over-committed. Paybacks such as SH 161 funds by NTTA will help with this situation and allow us to program additional projects." Wes