Clay: I concur with your assessment and recommend that we meet with the contractor one more time with a specific list of expectations and we discuss everyone’s desire to have all work performed in a safe manner. Although we are not convinced that the contractor will perform as required, we can set the stage early of our expectations and it is also appropriate to inform the contractor that we will be recommending him for award. This meeting will show the Town’s hand of good faith while also indirectly putting him on notice of what we expect from him so he can hit the ground running. This will be very important if we expect him to meet the 150 day schedule. Let me know if you have any questions and I can help you with an brief agenda if necessary. THANKS ! Kent Power, P.E. 210.889.8143 (Mobile) 210.525.0647 (Office) R. H. Shackelford, Inc. 1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 546 15218 Isla Pinta Drive San Antonio, TX 78213 Corpus Christi, TX 78418 Email: Fax: 210.492.8842 A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) From: Clay Barnett [] Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 6:07 PM To: Nancy Cline; Lea Dunn; Tom Forrest; Matt McCombs; 'Nick Jacob ('; 'Tom Lamberth'; 'Eric Little ('; 'Bruce Dunne'; 'K Power' Cc: Ext_mail John Hill Subject: RE: Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park, Phase 2 Vitruvian Team, Attached is a draft of the council agenda item. Although I am reluctant to recommend the project to CPS Civil, I do not know if we have the basis needed to award the job to the next low bidder. I have incorporated all of the results of our information gathering into the report. Please give me your thoughts. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Clay Barnett Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:23 AM To: Nancy Cline; Lea Dunn; Tom Forrest; Matt McCombs; 'Nick Jacob ('; 'Tom Lamberth'; 'Eric Little ('; 'Bruce Dunne'; 'K Power' Cc: John Hill ( Subject: RE: Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park, Phase 2 Vitruvian Team, Attached is an email from Randy Moravec regarding the financial statements provided by Civil CPS. I have also called all of the references provided by Civil CPS. I am awaiting to hear back from two of them. Here is a summary of the individuals I have spoken with thus far: Project 1: 1. Did a good Job. 2. Did not initially show up with a backhoe large enough to handle the job. Did eventually get the right equipment for the job and did complete on schedule. 3. No safety issues. 4. No problems on change orders. Project 2: 1. Did a good job. 2. No safety issues. 3. Finished on schedule. 4. Only problem was that the superintendant they sent did not speak English. Project 3: 1. Quality of work was great, but had a lot of problems on the administration side. They had particular issues in completing the large amount of paperwork associated with a Federally funded project. 2. Change Orders were a nightmare. Very difficult to reach a reasonable standard. 3. Finished 3 days ahead of schedule. 4. No safety issues. 5. Would work with again on projects not involving Federal funding. Project 4: 1. Did a good job on a project that involved a lot of coordination. 2. Company administration was difficult to work with. 3. They did have an instance in which the shoring they were using was inadequate. They were in a trench of greater than 10’ depth. The shoring was inadequately supported and street plates were used to extend the height of the shoring to the same height as the adjacent curb. The client shut the project down. It was resolved after a lot of heated discussion and required CPS Civil administration to come to the site to inspect and discuss the inadequacies of the shoring. 4. Change Orders were a little excessive compared to other contractors. They were able to negotiate some of the costs. 5. Would hire again, but recommended strict inspection. 6. “Not the best but certainly not the worst.” Please review this information and let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Clay Barnett Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 6:10 PM To: Lea Dunn Cc: Nancy Cline; Tom Forrest; Matt McCombs; 'Nick Jacob ('; 'Tom Lamberth'; 'Eric Little ('; 'Bruce Dunne' Subject: RE: Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park, Phase 2 Lea, We do have an issue in which I am unsure if the low bidder is qualified to complete the project. I would like to set up a meeting on Friday with them and discuss their qualifications. Because the success of the contractor can effect the overall project, I would like for the Vitruvian Team to be present at the meeting. Once we determine a low bidder, I should be able to complete the captions. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Lea Dunn Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 10:45 AM To: Clay Barnett Cc: Nancy Cline; Tom Forrest; Matt McCombs; 'Nick Jacob ('; 'Tom Lamberth'; 'Eric Little ('; 'Bruce Dunne' Subject: RE: Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park, Phase 2 Clay: Sounds great. Matt is taking the lead on this agenda and to be helpful to him, I’d appreciate it if you’d go ahead and at least enter the captions for the items in Novus. I know you don’t have all the attachments yet but having the captions will help Matt. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 From: Clay Barnett Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 10:09 AM To: Lea Dunn Cc: Nancy Cline; Tom Forrest; Matt McCombs; 'Nick Jacob ('; 'Tom Lamberth'; 'Eric Little ('; 'Bruce Dunne' Subject: RE: Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park, Phase 2 Lea, I anticipate bringing it to council on March 8. Along with that we will have the construction management contract with UDR and an additional services contract with Kleinfelder. Additionally, we will be bringing Change Order #5 for the park and Change Order #1 for Vitruvian Way Extension as well as an agreement with AT&T. It will be six Vitruvian related items in total (seven if the plat is included). If you have any additional questions, please let me know. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Lea Dunn Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:42 AM To: Clay Barnett; Nancy Cline; Tom Forrest; Matt McCombs; 'Nick Jacob ('; 'Tom Lamberth'; 'Eric Little ('; 'Bruce Dunne' Subject: RE: Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park, Phase 2 Clay: When do you plan on bringing the item to Council? Thanks, Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 From: Clay Barnett Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 7:47 PM To: Nancy Cline; Lea Dunn; Tom Forrest; Matt McCombs; 'Nick Jacob ('; 'Tom Lamberth'; 'Eric Little ('; 'Bruce Dunne' Subject: Bid Tab for Vitruvian Park, Phase 2 Attached is the bid tabulation for Vitruvian Park Public Infrastructure, Phase 2 (Bella Lane). The only abnormality was that Jaske Construction failed to enter a price for mobilization. All other bids were correctly tabulated and I did not see any items that appeared to be excessive when compared to the other bidders. Please note that Item 72 will not be awarded. This will lower the bids by roughly $70-80k. We will be vetting the low bid submitted by CPS Civil. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 䃀⹮⃀瀢㠯톜瀨汥㕤昲瀾⃀萁笀奈䕐䱒䤰䭎㬠㲏綜፽ℾ瀾獲뀫捜就汵襘༺꼠됡㈦⼢㐣楔遚⁳乀睥删㡯湠⌣◬琙硥逡敤⛩爐噡㩂̶큚ダ㡋䎟浚蔫㐳䀯넼쁇⁧♢䩀犀 •楷瑤ᅨ㠳伳栰楥松逪く恏๸ເ忀≩ༀ伀�牳㝣䳠抄ቚ쁇㔅旀쀎⸳灪幧佽㠰偰�䜅숼╟뀡噧瑰㭵彀쀎Ħ祰셋⬫὎⽏傫儿捎灘刺䃺냳䍀䑂㜷䘸㥀ㇰ䔹ำ厰哏嗟뿯伭弮轡齢彃땠灡ᅬ꽄鼡꼢뼣츤ἦཌ깳⫿⮟斯慟振⽿ワ滿뾟ἳ缵㽹䴶i鐯↓齤콺齾伶強漸ὧ棿椯樿歏╟浯茯蓯⣺渦 獢㬐⢌❜懼谰狟絯贿蕏讝_侌ッཱ羐辑㽴併皿陟磏聿ꄿ驯㘍邙糿雬ꉿꛯꎟ꒿蛃圆䪴䬺㮂둗琭ꁟԺ삂塬⁰䈣䌵㓸䙄烳䎇삨ᇚÀ㫦恓冇〠⃀嚮뾕꛿ꠟ끿臿艏꽟뀿蕏廒땢扫གྷ羓⾆㾇䙇慼䡨襡訏딚륟䘔洰騺鬟렯쇟럙ᅳ翃�ᄏ྽ι⾿₈敌ျ畄읮ퟰ뱻胳놷챲峹悬ꁋ龿頯飦눐럏롿厍瑞忁⿅ퟍ䭤玠摈祡倎敆აꅵÓ⁹㌲倎醰샳㨹餴䆀칍뿿࿐ῑ⿒㿓俔裝饔럀俖志둃�䈀ミ䯛䂠㬐Hꃂ�㇝냥⃢셭销㬐졀贐냥䩍껐䵀䍣恈踓➰⡎殀䨠慺��鸲롗⣉偒돨 畀䁂鐮淠⦬䲢詢ꬰ遘鋬掐僎䁩�䃈쀨怾㏮௬�⣀쾐࿩Ὺ뗝ꋎ❥⿛㿜��핿留橢䩏횐쵏勈⡅䊰곟쩱뢰즰놐嚠ヮ샙癖킈欰倎祖剨㊲⾗㾘侙꿁뿂鳿鵿麏ꃯ늿੯笟ᅬ�鼋漏漌缍輎ᓿ뎿됟딯ᐿ赏躯﾿㼚긁漅缆輇鼈꼉켖◿ឯᢟ᦯鑿锯⨿|鳺鼛輟꼂뼃켄༡⋿⨟Ⓙ☿㦟➿⡯⥿マ뼷꼫뼬켭缿㼰缜輝䏿ㅿ㊟㎯㒿㗏㛟䟯￯༹漻ὑ㼼伽弾὏罀䄧喏囏埓幨₀聤潹⁵呰므ꃉ굀귁⃁热嘿ﺦ敐샦¬寷裰㼐潅罆詇냽￱湐獫䃚cཅh䫿䬏䰟 䴯丿噏僯副ᅬ齮齓꽔콙齬�佳䣿攟感扏硟晟板梏゚꽩뽪콫�佰ナά狿眯荏痿癟詯캯硒゚꽹齽꽾뽿쾀�辋藿蜏驯衯褿蹏顯豯ソ辍ᾟ뽼轺齻⾤侒鏿鑟镯陿鞏颟馯鲿?쾱榪ᇴﰒ뾣ླ뾶龜鷿麯뚿刺및쟏즿�믠쭀찟㬪⾢꾻迿嶿ꨎꬿ빏ﯯ쬟゚辿澡ᅣᄏ龤侑龩忊췿곿귏껟꿯뇿렏�￟羹辺࿒࿏뾽쾾迏섟쏿쐏턟䓩灥甾ꃐῇ⿈혮僾⁹䷾烗僟냪㿖俗꿥῍큏펿푿햏゚쿱濵쿘�ᅴ࿝濟׿累翿꿧뿨쿩�￸夊瀓2㐭〵㜭㌰㟾꿽뿾Ἅ迴輗뼍 뿷᏿ਯ隷ﯯ﷿ᘏ᥏ï_企异漃缄�켩꼇뼈ᴿ᫿᳿ᴏ⸟⽿憏牨晥怭遠ၠ㪈摬뇉慀땤茀逭ꀏ⹸潧㉶�楦㕥⪐暲逵遜、篠奈䕐䱒䤰䭎㔠㘟紩፽脷퀹獲〡捜就汵།漋缌뼼໿ྟႯᆿ㋎㼯㤴㛟ᅠ⼢㼣^༙h彋潌꽉䟽懵踠ἠ⼡⽏潈位╿♯乿⢯⪟嫿⮟㇍ヺ兑딯丌屯弯⯿ᅬ�佟ὀἱ꽤뽥ὑ꛿ꜯ椿势卿咏喟嚯﾿콗⽮꽡彷ᄈྵ併硟糿禯竏某扦ၨ䥤‒渺灁㭥뒀भꀹ㩰⁤楬⁤⌀㕂㑃䙄瀠⸱瀰聃ꁾĶ졮㩧茳‒㠰葠V뽨サ彾�꽢뽣ᾅ⾆㴏㺿曏䁟珫穩๥崺菠䄓㭯慔Ṩ譯䈀䏟 误₏牆鏽㪀ッཱ뾎罊リ徏郿酯鉿鎏钟閯溿�䂊샰衂臀瑀₄ᱝ㇒酺牢�艜腀齀ཱུ廮龜뾍螧敓聁震鬿ꌏ咷敵摳ꓕⱠꙥ田₩샰㈤꼲㉰ꔰ⃠쀷㐺‷䵐ᾥ⾦꟟꠿ꥏ꩟덯咈ꁯ澬귫ꍿ仆肘꓀덀�옻짒뮓뢠洠ၨ㐟某뭰ꓠ䷡䍣ꀇ泀뮰➠楎正⃨慊둢댟꒵倨玾畀瀻朮壠⥭봧볱䱢쁁ꥢ‒桴勂ቅ挰탆璠ꁧ䃁쀷쯁㵂삯덣빑뿯짿敗缧⾱㾲侳⿆澵羶禫灵橢捥侬侹ꢣ�冂邠邎炟肇꾠囀䉶枠偐꽫偰棶傊ツ樲欯漿霯マ龘彲潳罴꿋齶侈鿟巿帯�/濦㿪ネྊᾋ 迩쿕콫泿ힿ�􋷿���俬⿻῭⿮㿯ꑁ뻠沀敨悂‶쌠쐰戰苛ﱑ扠ြ䂽齩펀胔䂂쭣쟯炵湉牦惾バ퀴꟔䃁㝂ﻀ쉐臁ﱀ⸩뿱쿲�脁肟䅽⃰僓₁˿°콷惾愁䂽憾歳㼅붦㢠ݱȲ㥣ű㤑캠갠脡ರ₀썰쒡ﴰꈂ빭㦠麀ˀृਏ紟Ⰻࡁ౰İﭱƐ玱໷༿瞵낁ツ솼퀿రšǵ�艠䥠@쁺悂₁₄Ⴂツ惙°쎉旰൭慵灰킻㐿ᇐ쏣ᜀ᧿斵탅烾ႀツŷ最쉐�쇼퐑爁圗ᑳ?࿵ῶ⿷㿸俹忺뿼漬﷿ﺏ゚⒯╯ᑿᗟマ�HἫ缭弼伮⿷た㩯偖ꁧ넜ツෝ䦓脝 ꂰ郗齷៰�눜Ã而倍톀ᑤ㐟ッ⸋䀁༟ἠᘚɄh脚ěŦ扐°—杵Ũ愌㜤ⴰ〸ォ弤RW༹Ἲ⼻輽㷿問㾟䁯ㅿ䴟㎟䘿?張nཐὑ⽒㽓佔꽖旟垏塿妏掟垃ᄢɄ䑿⊁ꐀ菠ơ䭣Ł玣켟鿰ꓠǠ䰑䌱卐꓿耰鼐䷰孟忿惯拿/ὣ⽤车佦カ潨罩὚滿峿崿幏灟煟牯獿マ齴꽵ླྀ�コ理翵禠灌퐠⋐ᴁꄲ儑끳灀瑂₞淪ツ౫瞰뽮彽侁苿荟葯蕿螏蟯鞯觟ᅬ�罻�齽꽾뽿㾑侒鏿鑟镯陿颏꟯駏骿�풷탔歮䂎㾝侞ꋿꌿꑏꕟ꙯꡿꣟뚟⦅뾪쾫澜篍䋙䁭‍냄뤗ʀአⵀ敺섺შ〮瑰봻ᅳ ㎐聭끌☺삍䄻썗몠뼐ⱄ䒿�獠뷳᪰榐뽦멄ဿ륥䡹䥯뭿䈵삷Ë쀀퓹⺡轅꾟휟��ッ翚꾱뾲徻�㾷⿑ྸ맿먟켯밯뵏빟뽯쁿瞏鿁᢭偋썮쑿횏䖵泿池ᵐ츀웁짿즏쨟O㿋俌忍濎翏运迬폿풿�힏���弯㿜忞濟翠ꁯ䆀⓿Āీo忧濨翩ῲ鿫■뼇쿮տ퍏忸☍㘱⁍僧אָ�䱧赠䑑〓傍﷿﹟ッƏʟίҿᅬ漍伉漣Ἂ⼋켓漡໿ཟၯᅿ኏᎟⢯ﳖ⟥ಮ弖ৼ塔끃〵ᗁⵠ㠲㠱༙Ἒ᯿ᰯᴿṏὟ⥿∟゚D⼿켥�缯⼽༪ἫⰟ⴯⸿⽏䑟侖晦椼䝣ㅠ ㉯䑿⢥ㄹ倾
㐴㐰㕱W켴�W༹Ἲ⼻㼼䓿㻟䁟媿䇯䊏䮟堿엯쑅赡爠晥끞쁗瑀㩰⼯扷⻐懎倘탡⹮偬⽆江쁌汥層昂攇汀赐篰奈䕐勀䥌䭎戠损䱬絽䁥獲聒晣就歵惀䔿䶏鹆䜲䢯咴轩猠₀敎⁷潒た溆汉顊琻硥၇撨捥ၟ蹡㨂퍜輯忀橯洪啒㐳囅㰐遮⁧形焐ɐ干グ•楷䑤桴끞㠳瘳栀旸杩쁗끞恑vぶ帥傰큌畴ၢ硟㐡㉀弰瘱猀癲幣现扔ꊎ遮遜腥䀴⸳灪絧v彗着ﰱ䟥鉣䝟朰渶ꁱ≸㐶幀潐ﹰ特冑瓻痯矿砏帟⪰罣㩰啕ᕀ䍠၂㝄㠷ၭㄹﰹ㍅〴콺�ὔ⽕裯覿櫏蜯懥辞 罫὇䣿䤯䨿牏貿儿剟豯ソ侈龊꽖뽗��㽜羟巿帏弟鴯蹿輿遏酟软羒输殮渦饢쉠ꬻ峨愧갰颟﾿쾙⾕㾖亗ྛᾜ⾝㾞龿ꅏ몯듟ꢴ댐⿁ý瘾羱辸㾼࿀螴㠵音绁撰둹섮쒿둏度霷럁絒씾緕⃉