Eric: I am going to be out the rest of the week. A coupe issues. Regarding the paving finish that you guys saw. The City of Ft. worth wanted a heavy broom finish. We can provide a lighter broom and more consistent broom. The heavy broom requires earlier brooming and leads to more inconsistent finish. We will match the finish on the previously built street in the complex if that is what you want. Final positioning of the Electrical manhole. I am still working out the details with John Burns. As of this time I have withheld payment of their second draw pending resolution. We feel it important to protect our position as well as the towns on this just in case we are required to either self perform or hire an outside firm to complete this. I am working with David Jones and I am confident Burns will step up, I just wanted you to know. If we get agreement we will release their funds either Friday or Monday. I will have access to email and the contract files so do not hesitate to call if you need anything this week. Thanks Robert Farrow Chief Operating Officer CPS Civil LLC