All: Million Air will be starting work on their hangar construction project on Monday April 4. The project will require significant excavation, which will result in 2,000+ cubic yards of fill needing to be removed from the site. Ron Frederick of the Mission Companies is in charge of this project and he would be at least the initial point of contact. The airport runway reconstruction is scheduled to start on Monday April 11, and the engineering estimate is that the grading portions of the project will require in the neighborhood of 3,000 cubic yards of additional fill dirt. EAS is the prime contractor on this project, and if I am not mistaken, Bobby McClelland is their primary point of contact. Garver is the airport’s engineer, and Frank McIllwain is the primary POC there. So the airport has one project soon to start (the Million Air hangar development) that will produce some excess fill dirt and another project (the runway improvements) that will likely require a similar amount of fill dirt. With that in mind, I wanted to provide each of the project managers with contact information in the hope that you would get together and see whether some mutually beneficial arrangement can be worked out with respect to the fill dirt. One thing to note, it was mentioned in the preconstruction meeting this morning for the Million Air project that they will not be permitted to stockpile fill dirt on their site. Provided that the consent of the Town’s Public Works Department can be obtained, I think the airport may be able to stockpile fill material until it is needed for the project. Million Air will start moving dirt on Monday, so this opportunity has a short fuse: if EAS has an interest in using fill from the Million Air project, that needs to be negotiated pretty quickly. I should also note that from the airport’s perspective, we will be happy if our tenant and our runway contractor can work something out to the benefit of both, but the airport will not get involved in those arrangements … that is something that the respective contractors need to work out. I will also add that if an agreement is reached to use the Million Air fill for the runway project, the airport cannot allow hauling on taxiways; the operational hazards are just too great, so any hauling will need to be on public roadways. Best Regards, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334 ________________________________ ________________________________ This e-mail and any attachments contain URS Corporation confidential information that may be proprietary or privileged. If you receive this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should not retain, distribute, disclose or use any of this information and you should destroy the e-mail and any attachments or copies.