GEOMETRIC DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THOROUGHFARES THE CITY OF ADDISON TEXAS 1980 Prepared By GINN, INC. Consulting Engineers Dallas, Texas . , . CITY OF ADDISON GEOMETRIC DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THOROUGHFARES TABLE OF CONTENTS 223 PAGE . . . . . . , . . 1 ROADWAY l\'1 DTH . DEFINITIONS. RIGHT-OF.-WAY . 1·1EDIAN OPEJ\ING . LEFT-TURN LANE 3 NEDIAN l-:IDTH . LANE WIDTH . DESIGN SPEED . VERTICAL GRADES. . HORIZONTAL CURVATURE INTERSECTION RADIUS: 334444 CONNERCIAL DRIVEl\'AY STANDARDS. 5 GEOMETRIC DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THOROUGHFARES DEFINITIONS MAJOR ARTERIAL A thoroughfare that serves the entire region and carries a high volume of long trips. t·lINOR ARTERIAL A thoroughfare that interconnects with the major arterial, but serves a smaller geographic area. COLLECTOR A thoroughfare that collects traffic within residential, commercial and industrial areas, and channels it into the arterial system. LOCAL A thoroughfare that primarily serves as direct access to abutting property, such as a residential street. -1- GEONETRIC DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THOROUGHFARES RIGHT-OF-WAY A. Maior Arterial: 6 Lanes Divided Minimum lOO ft. Desirable 120 ft. 4 Lanes Divided Minimum 80 ft. Desirable 100 ft. B. Minor Arterial: C. Collector: 2 or 4. Lanes Undivided Minimum..•..... 60 ft. Desirable 60 ft. D. Local: 2 Lanes Undivided Minimum 50 ft. Desirable 50 ft. ROADl\'AY KIDTH A. Major Arterial: 6 Lanes Divided Minimum 2-34 ft. b-b Maximum 2-37 ft. b-b 4 Lanes Divided Minimum 2-23 ft. b-b 1-iaximum 2-25ft. b-b B. Minor Arterial: 6 Lanes Undivided ..... Minimum....... 67 ft. b-b Maximum 73 ft. b-b 5 Lanes Undivided ..... Ninimum....... 56 ft. b-b Maximum 61 ft. b-b-4 Lanes Undivided ..... Minimum....... 45 ft. b-b r-faximum 49 ft. b-b C. Colleq:or: 4 Lanes Undivided ... 􀁾 􀀮􀁾􀀱􀁩􀁮􀁩􀁭􀁵􀁭....... 45 ft. b-b !·1aximum 49 ft. b-b 2 Lanes Undivi ded ..... Minimum ....... 37 ft. b-b Maximum 41 ft. b-b D. Local: 2 Lanes Undivided Minimum 28 ft. b-b Maximum 31 ft. b-b -2- MEDIAN OPENINGS (Figure 1) Distance Between Opening (nose-to-nose of median) S Minimum 300 ft. Desirable 500 ft. MaximUI!l 1,300 ft. 􀁾􀁩􀁤􀁴􀁨 Opening: 0 Minimum 60 ft. Maximum 120 ft. 􀁌􀁅􀁆􀁔􀀭􀁔􀁕􀁾􀁾 LANE (Figure 1) Length of Lane T A. Low volume driveways or local street .. 􀁾 Minimum .•.••......• 60 ft. Maximum 100 ft. B. High volume driveways and collector or minor arteriaL Minimum 100 ft. Maximum ISO ft. C. Signalized Intersection Minimum ....•...... 150 ft. Desirable 200 ft. Maximum 300 ft. Width of Lane Transition N Minimum.....•...... lO ft. f.!aximum 13 ft. X Length Reverse Curves ·99.5 ft. 250 ft. MEDIAN WIDTH (Figure 1) M Minimum 14 ft. Maximum SO ft. LANE WIDTH (Figure 1) L Through Lanes Minimum ll ft. Maximum 12 ft. -3- DESIGN SPEEDS Major Arterial Minor Arterial Collector Local VERTICAL GRADES 40-50 MPH 35 -45 J-1PH 30-40 MPH 30 MPH Major &Minor Arterial Collector &Local HORIZONTAL CURVATURE Design Speed 30 MPH 40 MPH 50.MPH INTERSECTION RADIUS (Figure 1) J-faj or to Major Minimum Major to Minor J-1inimum Major to Local J-1inimum 􀁾􀁦􀁩􀁮􀁯􀁲 to I·linor Minimum i'finor to Local Minimum Local to Local J.-1inimum -4-Maximum 6% Maximum 10% Minimum Radius 425 ft. 820 ft. 1,390 ft.R 40 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 20 ft. ))ESJGN STJ\NDARDS FOR. Cm·If\IERCIAL 􀁄􀁒􀁉􀁖􀁅􀁜􀁾􀁊􀁜􀁙􀁓 (Figure 2) Distance Back From Intcrsection 􀁁􀁾􀁎􀁩􀁮􀁩􀁭􀁵􀁭 -Interscction radius + 10 ft. + length of inlet (if exists) DI1VC\vay Radius R=Minimum -10 ft. 􀁾􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁡􀁣􀁨 􀁜􀁾􀁩􀁤􀁴􀁨 \V=Minimum 25 ft. De 5 ira b1e 30· f t. 􀁾􀀱􀁡􀁸􀁩􀁭􀁵􀁭 35 ft. (45 ft. for large truck volumes) One-way driveway -Minimum 15 ft. Naximum 20 ft. Distance Between Driveways at Property Lines D=Ninimum -40 ft. Distance from Property Corner R=Ninimum -Driveway Radius -5- «􀁾 ·A 􀁾􀁾 l. w J. D--J LEGEND A -Distance bock from intersection R -Driveway radius W -Approach width o-Distance between driveways FIGURE 2 -GEOMETRIC FOR DRIVEWAY DESIGN GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS , I II -t ,-"..-,--=_",_",_====:9" 􀁟􀁾􀁟􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀺􀁊􀀮r -0 --l I . I I I II , II 1 -. ,I 􀁾􀁌 __ I -----􀁾 􀁾 '--""'=-", --G: T X IN =-w c= 􀀬􀁍􀁾t=' ._.--s --, /I ------LEGEND I, W -Right of way width L -Lane width R -Intersection radius M -Median width S -Distance between opening o -Width opening T -Length left turn lone X -Transition N -Width left turn lane FIGURE 1-GEOMETRIC FOR THOROUHFARE DESIGN GINN,. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CITY OF ADDISON RECOMMENDED DESIGN CRITERIA FOR STORM SEWERS 1980 1-01. Definition. Runoff is the quantity of water passing any given point of the drainage course as a result of precipitation. Runoff may properly be referred to as storm water, flow, or discharge. 1-02. Rainfall. The U. S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau Technical Paper No. 40 is to be utilized to determine the rainfall intensities. Texas Highway Department criteria may also be used. 1-03. The Rational Method A. Description. For drainage areas that are not complex and have an area of less than 1,000 acres, the Rational Method of determining runoff is recommended. B. Formula. The Rational Method is based on formula: Q = CIA where: Q is the rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (CFS). C is coefficient of runoff which is the ratio of the maximum rate of runoff and the average rainfall intensity. As a ratio, C has no unit. I is the average intensity of the rainfall in inches per hour for the duration under consideration. A is the area in in acres contributing to the runoff. NOTE: The unit of Q as expressed by the formula is inches per hour per acre; however, this rate differs from cubic £eet per second by less than one percent and the unit of cubic feet per second is commonly used. . 1-04. Coefficient of Runoff A. Description. The coefficient of runoff represents the effects of infiltration, detention, storage, and evaporation. Some of the factors which affect the coefficient of runoff are permeability of the soil, amount and type of vegetation, slope of the surface, and future land uses. 1-04. (continued) B. Values. Table I lists various values of "C" ap-: plicable to the City of Addison. The value listed in the Design "C" column is recommended for general use. C. Complex Areas. Many drainage areas contain land of more than one use, such as Planned Unit Developments, and therefore more than one value for "C." These areas may be measured separately and a CA value established for each sub-area. The total CA v,alue for the drainage area is then the sum of the CA values of the sub-areas. In many instances it is considered adequate to assign a "c" value to a drainage area based on its overall use. I-OS. Time of Concentration A. Definition. The time of concentration is the time required for all parts of the drainage area to contribute flow to the point under consideration. B. Overland. flow can be determined. at the distance of flow, coefficient of runoff. The ·time of concentration for overland The time thus obtained is a function the average slope of the land and the C. Velocity. The velocity of flow in natural or constructed channels can be determined by use of Manning's Formula. Considering the anticipated growth in the area, a velocity of less than five feet per second is not recommended. D. Minimum Time. A minimum time of concentration of ten minutes for inlets and twenty minutes for culverts is recommended. A maximum inlet time of twenty minutes is recommended. I-06. Design Frequency A. Definition. The design frequency is thi frequency of the design runoff or the rainfall return period. A design frequency is based on the importance of the facility under design consideration and the possible flood damage resulting from an overflow of the drainage facility. B. Recommended Values. The recommended design frequencies are listed in Table II. I-07. Intensity. Rainfall intensity curves for design frequencies of two years to 100 years are presented in Technical Paper No. 40, or can be obtained from the Texas Highway Department. LAND USE TABLE I COEFFICIENTS OF RUNOFF RANGE OF C DESIGN C Residential 0.3 -0.6 Commercial 0.7 -0.9 Industrial 0.6 -0.8 Multiple Unit Dwelling 0.6 -0.8 Parks 0.3 -0.5 Pasture 0.3 -0.5 Shopping Centers 0.8 -0.9 Paved Areas 0.9 TABLE II DESIGN FREQUENCY O. 5 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.9 􀁒􀁅􀁃􀁏􀁾􀁾􀁅􀁎􀁄􀁅􀁄 DESIGN TYPE OF FACILITY FREQUENCY (YEARS) Storm Sewers and Inlets 25* Culverts, Channels, Storm Sewers and Inlets at Low Points 50** Bridges 100 * The total capacity of the storm sewer and the surface flow within the limits of the right-of-way should be compatible with a 100-year design frequency. ** If no positive overflow is provided, the storm sewer system should be designed on a 100-year design frequency. CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE Post 'Office Box 144 Addison. Texas 75001 (214) 450-2886 16801 Westgrove May 15, 1991 Mr. David Adams TU Electric P. O. Box 151325 Irving, Texas 75015-1325 Dear Mr. Adams, Attached is a list. of Bench Marks in Addison. questions, please call me at 450-2886. Sincerely, John R. Baumgartner, P.E. City Engineer JRB/rp Attachment If you have any BENCH MARK DESCRIPTIONS AIRPORT PARKWAY 1. 60 d. nail in 10" Live Oak, 80'+ west of C Addison Road at entrance road to terminal restuarant. Elevation 644.08 2. RR spike in P.P., 􀁬􀀵􀀰􀀧􀁾 west of C Addison Road and 75' north of enterance to airport flying school. BENCH MARK DESCRIPTIONS QUORUM DRIVE 1. "0" on southeast corner sidewalk at front entrance to 4805 Quorum Drive. Elevation: 630.66 2. "0" on southeast corner sidewalk at south ent.rance to 4805 Quorum Drive. Elevation: 630 􀁾􀀴 3. RR Spike in telepnone pole 􀀱􀀲􀀰􀀧􀁾 Rt. Sta. 8+18. Elevation: 622.54 4. RR Spike" in 8"" Hackberry -90' Lt. Sta. 26 +20. Elevation: 636.41 5. "0" on center of 14' inlet, 50' Lt. Sta. 30+69. Elevation: 634.90 6. #2-2 Keller Springs Road Survey 7. "0" on top curb center radi us island @Sta. 14+60+ and right 40'.Elevation: 638.44' 8. "0" on northmost NW corner United Fidelity Life Insurance parking lot -Sta. 46+91.50 39.3' Rt C. Elevation: 627.58 BENCH 􀁾􀁾􀁒􀁋 DESCRIPTIONS MARSH LANE 1. RR spike in p.p. approximately 400 ft. South of Brookhaven Club Drive on West side of Marsh Lane. Elevation: 546.99 II II 2. [] cut on NorthWest curb return and sidewalks on East side of Marsh Lane approximately 375 ft. North of Brookhaven Club Drive. Elevation: 550.86 3. RR spike in p.o. on West side of Marsh Lane approximately 1,225 ft. South of Spring Valley. Elevation: 559.72 4. "X" cut on top of bolt on SouthWest corner base plates light standard at Greenhaven Shopping Center, West side of Marsh Lane, approximately 370 ft. South of Spring Valley Road. Elevation: 571.95 5. "0" cut on light base in island Beach Drive. Elevation: 564.14 on West side of Marsh Lane at Pebble 6. "0" cut on NorthWest corner North side of Sidney Drive. Elevation: 574.98 of concrete box on East side of Marsh and 7. RR spike in p.o. on West side of Marsh Lane approximately 1,000 ft. North of Pebble Beach Drive. Elevation: 580.69 8. "0" cut on nose of concrete island at South entrance to Brookhaven, North of Tanglewood Drive, West side of Marsh Lane. Elevation: 575.51 9. Letter "Mil on Mueller Hydrant on West side of Marsh Lane and South side of Gardenbrook Drive. Elevation: 586.08 10. RR spike in p.p. West side of Marsh Lane, 415 ft. North of Cardenbrook Drive. Elevation: 11. RR spike in p.p. West side of Marsh Lane approximately 300 ft. South of Belt Line Road. Elevation: 566.87 BENCH 􀁾􀁾􀁒􀁋 DESCRIPTIONS MIDWAY ROAD 1. 110'1 on NorthWest corner of parking lot at Gulf station, SouthWest corner Belt Line Road and Midway Road. Elevation: 624.32 2. SouthEast corner of concrete walk at building, 15101 Midway Road. Elevation: 614.84 11 0 11 3. on concrete walk at SouthEast corner of building at 15301 Midway Road. Elevation: 621.43 11 0 '1 4. on concrete walk at NorthEast corner of building at 15321 Midway Road. Elevation: 625.55 5. IIo" on concrete base of lamp post at SouthWest corner of Wiley Post and Midway Road. Elevation: 631.34 6. "011 bottom step to loading dock at 15502 Midway Road. Elevation: 636.05 7. "011 on steps of building at 15508 Midway Road. Elevation: 638.57 110M 8. on concrete pavement at SouthEast corner of building at 15635 Midway Road. Elevation: 642.61 9. 'lOR on corner of parking lot of Wright Brothers Drive and Elevation: 647.28 curb (NorthWest corner) at NorthEast corner Midway Road. BENCH MARK DESCRIPTIONS SPRING VALLEY ROAD . 1. 110" on concrete walk at SouthWest corner of 7-11 building at NorthEast corner of Spring Valley and Marsh Lane. Elevation: 572.565 2. liD" on concrete walk at NorthWest corner Goods, South side of Spring Valley. Elevation: . 585.90 of building for L&R Sporting 3. liD· on top of curb East side of Woodway and 25 ft. North of East curb return. Elevation: 588.12 4. top of operating nut of fire hydrant on South side of Spring Valley at entrance drive to Springhaven Apartments office at 3820 Spring Valley. 􀁅􀁬􀁥􀁶􀁡􀁾􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀺 580.45 5. 11 0 " on concrete walk at NorthEast SouthWest corner of Spring Valley Elevation: 583.36 corner of Stop-N-Go building at and Brookhaven Drive. 6. II I o on concrete at Fire Station #2 at Elevation: NorthEast corner sidewalk of City of Farmers Branch NorthEast corner of building. 584.57 7. RR spike in power pole on North side of Spring Valley, approximately 900 ft. East of City of Farmers Branch Fire Station (35+83±). Elevation: 583.50 8. RR spike in 14" Elm on North side of Spring Valley, approximately 600 ft. West of Midway Road. Elevation: 1 II 9. 0 on concrete foundations of Greenhill School brick sign -SouthWest corner, North side of Spring Valley at Midway Road. Elevation: 588.18 BENCH MARK 􀁄􀁅􀁓􀁃􀁒􀁉􀁐􀁔􀁉􀁏􀁾􀁓 BELT LINE ROAD (continued) 1I 0 ij 12. on concrete walk at NorthWest corner of Minx Restaurant, East side of Beltwood Drive and South side of Belt Line Road. Elevation: 627.80 13. \1 0 ' on NorthEast corner of concrete Line Road and Addison Road. Elevation: 634.20 vault at NorthEast corner of Belt 14. \\0" on concrete walk at SouthEast Cashways, North side of Belt Line Elevation: 638.65 corner of storage building at Payless Road. 15. \\0" on top of North curb of Belt Line Road, 175' West of Dallas Parkway. Elevation: 635.53 BENCH MARK DESCRIPTIONS BELT LINE ROAD II • 1. [J on median nose, centerline Marsh Lane, 50' North of centerline of Belt Line Road. Elevation: 571.55 2. RR spike in 12" willow 75' North of centerline Belt Line Road, 25(}ffrom centerline of 'old Marsh Lane. Elevation: 576.32 3. 4. \' [JR on top curb at Belt Line Road. Elevation: ",[J" on top of curb of Belt Line Road. Elevation: curb return East side Business Ave and North side of 579.86 at curb return East side of Commercial and North side 582.16 s. "[J" on top of curb at curb side offfelt Line Road. Elevation: 596.16 return East side of Surveyor Bldv. and North 6. "[J" on top of curb at curb return East side of Runyon Road and North side of Belt Line Road. Elevation: 606.00 \' " 7. [J on SouthWest corner of concrete water valve box at SouthWest corner of building @4055 Belt Line Road. Elevation: 􀀶􀁾􀁏􀀮􀀷􀀴 8. " [J " on' top of curb at NorthWest corner of parking lot at Gulf station at SouthWest corner of Belt Line and Midway Roads. Elevation: 624.32 9. \'\'d' on top of curb at curb Victoria Station and South Elevation: 633.05 return, West side of most western drive into side of Belt Line Road. 10. \\ 11 [J on top of curb Station, 4500 blk. Elevation: at center radius North side of west drive into Fire Belt Line Road. 629.33 11. "0 '1 on top of curb at curb side of Belt Line Road. Elevation: 629.05 return East side of Beltway Drive and South BENCH MARK DESCRIPTIONS (FACTORY /r-1ARCY) 1. B. M. 1 "0" on corner of loading dock at Howard Green Furniture, 15289 Addison Road. Elevation: 629.854 2. B.M. 3 "0" on southeast corner of concrete walk at front entrance to 4805 Arapaho Road. Elevation: 630.66 3. "0" on southeast corner of retain ing wall at southeast corner of building at Whittaker Metals, 15251 Marcy Road (Quorum) Elevation: 637.61 4. "0" on cUJ;"b at northwest corner of walk at the northwest corner of Shakey's pizza, Belt Line at Quorum Drive. Elevation: 6£16.07