LI, " ,. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (214)450-2871 PORl Office Box 144 Additmn, Texas 75001 16801 􀁗􀁥􀁳􀁴􀁢􀀧􀀱􀀧􀁯􀁖􀀨􀁾􀀠September 6, 1994 MEMORANDUM To: Randy Moravec 'f1, Finance 􀁄􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁯􀁲􀁾􀀠V'v From: John Baumgartner r· Director of Public orks Re: Updated Expenditure Schedule for the 1993 Utility Revenue Bonds Per Sandra's request is a revised schedule of expenditures for the major utility projects. This does Dot include the minor Insituform and water projects scheduled for later this budgct year. Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. JRB/gmk cc: Sandra Goforth Attachments: 1993 Schedule 1994 Schedule ) FOR THE ExpeNDITURE SCHEDULE 1994 WATER/SEWER BOND AUGUST J 0, 1994 SALB SEWER CONSTRUCT """",,1, Engineering! Inspection CONV. SYSTEM FARMERS BRANCH Engineering/CONSTRUCT Inspection MARSH LJ\Nl! Bngineering/CONSTRUCT Inspection DALLAS CONSTRUCT FRANCHISE Engineeringl Inspection CARROLL'l'ON Engineeringl CONSTRUCT Inspection F1\RMERS BRANCH CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMEN"l' SUBTOTAL Previous Expenditures September 1994 October November December 1,450,000 :no,ooo 470,000 490, 000 455,000 172.,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40. 000 68,000 4.000 4,000' 6,000 G,OOO 150,000 350,000 )70,000 2.35,000 25,000 as,OOO 25,000 :22, 000 140,000 415,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 13,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 )5,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5. 000 2,1.53,000 859,000 759,000 961, 000 943,000 January 1995 k'ebruary March April May JUne July AuguSt. sept.(J:mher October November December 400,000 380,000 375,000 370,000 330,000 330,000 130, 000 120,000 100,000 60,000 100,000 200,000 35, 000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 11,000 12,000 30,000 35,000 75,000 100,000 90,000 SO,ooo SO,OOO 65,000 55,000 50,000 40,000 75,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,iH)0 5,000 5,000 ].,000 340,000 340,000 310,000 no,ooo 290,000 260,000 260.000 190,000 190,000 190,000 250,000 20,000 􀁾􀀵􀀬􀀠000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 ].0,000 10,000 17,000 10.000 250,000 2:30,000 265,000 240,000 215,000 190,000 1&5,000 165,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 1-5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 866,000 845,000 840,000 859,000 ].,024,000 1,024,000 794,000 67:3,000 624,000 555,000 60S,000 483,000 January 1996 F(J:bruary March April May June JUly A1,l.gust September October November December Total 6,100,000 20,000 105,000 775,000 139,000 3,800,000 494, 000 505,000 65,000 165,000 1-65,000 140,000 250,000 2,500,000 15,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 10,000 5,000 385,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 145,000 185,000 184,000 159,000 264,000 10,000 5,000 20,000 ].5,703,OCO I f" ./EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE ':1 ., ; r SUBTOTAL 'I 5.000 . . -5.000 .. -.,", . ...•. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (214) 450-2811 Post Offil:e Box 144 Addison, Tcxns 75001 16801 Westgrove September 6, 1994 MEMORANDUM To: Ron Whitehead City Manager From: John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Re: Sewer Tunnel and Related Projects In the early 1960's the Town of Addison entered into a fifty year agreement exchanging sewer service for the west side of town; for land that is currently occupied by a portion of the Brookhaven College Campus. This agreement remained in place until 1986 when the Town's growth started to surpass Farmers Branch's ability to provide sewer service without major infrastructure improvement. Fanners Branch and Addison litigated the dispute to determine Farmers Branch's responsibility to provide Addison with sewer service. Addison prevailed in the lower court; but On appeal it was detennined that the original agreement was vague and Fanners Branch was not obligated to provide Addison with uniimited sewer service. Consequently, Addison and Farmers Branch entered into a series of interim 6 month agreements affectively limiting our sewer flows through their community to 105 %of the 1986 flow. These agreements work effectively during the slow growth years of the late 80's and early 90's. During tbe initial years of the interim agreements, Addison and Fanners Branch studied the various methodologies to eliminate the constraints to their sewer systems and provide opportunities for new growth. After looking at the various options, it was deterroined that a cooperative effort with Farmers Branch to construct a series of sewer interceptors from the North Dallas Tollway to the Trinity River Authority (TRA) interceptor at the Trinity River and 635 was tbe most cost effective method to meet Addison's needs for sewer. Since 1991, Addison has experienced a growth spurt in the western portion of the community including K-Mart, Sams, Winn Dixie, several restaurants and the construction of over 500 new homes, additional apartments and retail shops. In an effort to satisfy the demand for sewer, Addison has borrowed capacity from Dallas on a five year basis. Consequently, we have begun to implement the plan that should provide for Addison's sewer needs well into the 21st century. The following four pbases represents Addison's commitment to implement the plan necessary to provide sewer service: Phase I -Addison/Farmers Branch Sewer Tunnel. 20,500 linear feet of 60 inch sanitary sewer line from the Trioity River at 1635 to Marsh Lane at Farmers Branch Creek. Design -Started in late 1991 with the bid opening in July 1993. Contract Awarded -September 1993 to Seven K Construction Company, Inc. Construction Started -December 1993 Anticipated Completion -October 1995 Costs -Approximately $13.5 million 57 % Addison $ 7.7 million 43 %Farmers Branch $5.8 million Notes: The contractor continues to have minor difficulties regarding site conditions and equipment. He is hopeful that they can make up some of the time lost with better production between 135 and Marsh Lane. Schedule has slipped incrementally from August to October. The project is approximately 25 % complete. Phase H -AddisoniFarmers Branch Sanitary Sewer Interceptor -(Phase II) This phase coosists of a series of smaller diameter (15 inch to 30 inch) lines from Marsh Lane at Farmers Branch Creek to the North Dallas Tollway near Spriog Valley. This This project is almost entirely located within Farmers Branch and provides service to Addison's south Midway Road/Spring Valley areas and to the south Quorum area. Design -Started in January 1994 Bid opening -Estimated January 1995 Start construction -Estimated March 1995 Completion -Estimated March 1996 Costs -Approximately $2.4 million 38% Addison $0.9 million 62%Farmers Branch $1.5 million Phase ill -Marsh Lane Interceptor -This phase of the project consists of approximately 8000 l.f. of 24 inch sewer line. When completed it will connect the Addison-Farmers Branch sewer tunnel to Addison's sewer system at Marsh and Belt Line. Design -Started in January 1994 Bid award -Scheduled for September 13, 1994 Start construction -Estitnated November I, 1994 Completion -Estimated November 1995 for substantial completion with fmal cleanup by January 1996 Costs-Approximately $3.9 million 100% Addison Notes: This project will be a tunnel project in an effort to minimize disruption to the public and to eliminate the continual expense of operating a major sewer lift station. Phase IV -Midway/BeIt Line Road Sewer Interceptor -This phase ofthe project is approximately 7,500 linear feet and will include a lift station, force main and conventional sewer system. It provides a method to move Addison's sewer in the northwest part of town from the Carrollton system to the Marsh Lane Interceptor. This is consistent with our commitment to Carrollton to be off their system when the runnel is complete. Design -The feasibility srudy was completed in August 1994 and the consultant is reviewing site selection for the lift station and routing of the forcemain and conventional line. Schedule -Depending on the requirements for land acquisition, it is intended to award a construction contract in the spring of 1995 and complete the project by the spring of 1996. Cost -Estimated at $2.9 million -100% Addison. Summary 1964 -Entered 50 year agreement for Farmers Branch to provide sewer service in exchange for a favorable Boundary Adjustment. 1986 -Court determines original 1964 agreement is not valid valid and Farmers Branch is not obligated to provide unlimited sewer capacity. 1987 -Town enters into the first of a series of Ii month agreements with Farmers Branch for constrained sewer service. 1987-90 Various sewer alternatives are studied and it is determined that a series of sewer interceptors from the North Dallas Tollway to the Trinity River under Farmers Branch is the most cost effective solution. 1991 -The North Dallas County Water Supply Corporation is created. 1992 -Design begins on the first phase of the sewer interceptor. 1993 -The contractor was issued a notice to proceed on the first phase (sewer tunnel) of the project. 1994 -Design is started on phases II, Ill, IV. 1995 -Estimated completion of phases I and III in the late 1995. 1996 -Estimated completion of phases II and rv in early 1996. ., "'.. , .. WATER & SEWER SPECIFICATIONS PVC (Water) Pressure Pipe " The PVC pipe shall be SDR-18. Dimensions Class 150. The pipe shall meet or exceed requirements of AWWA C-900-75, PVC pipe with cast iron outside dimensions and with rubber ring joints. PVC water pipe shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and approved for use in cities and towns of Texas by the State Board of Insurance. The rigid PVC pipe shall bear the seal of approval (or "NSF" mark) of the National Sanitation Foundation Testing Laboratory for potable water pipe. Provisions must be made for contraction and expansion at each joint with a rubber ring and an integral thickened bell as part of each joint. Pipe and fittings must be assembled with a non-toxic lubricant. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Class l2454-A or B PVC Pipe Compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 01784. Joints and Fittings Fittings shall be mechanical joint or rubber ring slip joint cast 􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁮􀀠fittings. All cast iron fittings will be polywrapped (8 8 mil.). Pipe Bedding Bedding material for water and sewer pipe shall be sand. Sand shall be placed six (6) inches below the pipe, six (6) inches each side of the pipe and six (6) inches above the pipe. Sand must be free of clods or lumps exceeding three (3) inches. Tracer The No. 12 plastic cpated copper wire shall be placed in the trench over all water lines. The wire will be tied to all valves and fire hydrants and attached directly to the top of pipe and extending to six (6) inches above finished grade along the outside of all valve stacks and fire hdyrants. Fire Hydrants Fire hydrants will be Mueller Centurion Model with two and one half 􀀨􀀲􀁾􀀩􀀠inch hose nozzles and a four (4) inch steamer connection. Threads will be national standard. Fire hydrants shall be located as shown on the plans and shall be set truly vertical with the base resting upon a stone or concrete slab four (4) inches thick and approximately twelve (12) inches square. The base of the hydrant shall be 'surrounded by not less than two (2) cubic feet of clean crushed stone or gravel, size one (1) inch to two (2) inches. Pipe joints shall be made as specified for pipe laying. The hydrants shall be carefully and substantially blocked against firm trench walls with concrete of 3,000 psi concrete. RESIDENTIAL WATER TAPS & SERVICE The Town of Addison's policy regarding water taps is as follows: Contractors and/or plumbers are responsible for all taps, copper line to meter, flanged-flare type angle curb stop, meter, setting a box large enough to have access to the entire meter, including flanges and curb stop. No hand valves will be allowed on inlet side of meter. All materials will be provided by the contractor, including double check as sembly af ter all me ters. All materials mus t conform to the town specifications. Meters will be set at the property line out of the flow of vehicles or parking spaces. The meter box will be concrete with reader lid and the meter shall be easily accessible for future repairs. Depth of the meter is to be between six (6) inches and twelve (12) inches from the top of the meter to the top of the meter, box. The meter must be a Badger or Hersey, straight-read regt'ster, measuring in ga'lons. All 􀁭􀁥􀁴􀁥􀁾􀀠flanges shall be brass and all meter flange bolts will be stainless steel. Backfill: The tapping saddle and corporation stop must be polywrapped (8 mil) and sand placed on the pipe to a depth of six (6) inches to twelve (12) inches deep by hand shovels only. No backhoes. The rest of the backfill may be done by machine, with material free of rocks and clods exceeding three (3) inches in diameter. CAUTION: If a tap is made and baCkfilled without an inspector present, it will have to be exposed by the contractor so it may be inspected by the town. TAP FEES: 3/4" = $50.00 I" = $100.00 1 1/2" = $150.00 2" = $400.00 4" = $600.00 6" = $800.00 VATER TAP AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Contractors or plumbers will be responsible for all taps and materials. Prior to the actual tap, the Utilities Division will be called to locate the water line, inspect the tapping procedures and supervise the backfill operations. The Utilities Department telephone number is 450-2873. On taps up to 􀁬􀁾􀀢􀀮􀀠the following materials will be used: 1. Double strap bronze tapping saddle (Mueller-CC threads). 2. Mueller Corporation stop #H-15000. 3. Tapping saddle and Corporation stop to be poly-wrapped prior to backfill. 4. Six (6) inches of cushion sand to be put around main tap and copper line. 5. Copper type "K" soft with flared fittings. 6. Mueller #14255 angle curb stop. 7. Badger or Hersey me ter. All meters mus t have a tes t port for testing the accuracy of the water meter. 8. Meter box to be concrete meter box. All meter flanges to be brass and flange bolts to be stainless steal. 9. Box to be set at finished grade level. 10. Backflow preventor or double check assembly installed in same manner as required for water meters. For 􀁬􀁾􀀢􀀠to 2" taps, use compression angle curb stop Mueller 914277 with locking wing and Muller compression corporation (Mueller-CC threads) #15013. Taps over 2": tapping sleeve Mueller #H-6l5 tapping valve Mueller #H-667 WATE& METER (DOUBLE-CHECK) BOX When a meter must be located in a traffic area, it will be enclosed in a concrete me ter box wi th a cas t iron lid #T36. If necessary, a concrete pad will be poured under the box to take the traffic load. All meter boxes will be located at a finished grade wi th the meter top not lower than six (6) to twelve (12) inches below the finished grade. To prevent the inflow of mud and silt into the box, a minimum of eight (8) inches of washed pea gravel will be placed 􀁵􀁮􀁤􀁾􀁲􀁴􀁨􀁥􀀠meter inside of the meter box. Double-check valves must be installed on all water lines and should be installed in the same manner as is required for water meters. They must be located in a separate box with a minimum of an eighteen (18) inch nipple between the water meter and the double-check. A deposit is required on all meters in the Town of Addison. This deposit is to be made by the party responsible for the water bill. ; < Revised 12/22/87 "On an open tYpe system, Be!:"sey Detec::cr mete!:" MFM. will' used. An open system is defined as a system "ith hose stac.ons or facilitie!l for fire hoses to be connected to the sprinkle!:" system. Pipe inlet and outlet must be sealed 3',3' HINGC:O Must be large e!lough to remove disse!llbly a-COM6INEO S' F.... METER COVER I!.WSTRATED 􀁾􀁾􀁥􀀠meter without SERVIce: WIT'; have test '. Valves and by-pass must must be installed in vau1.t All meters mus t ports.