􀁁􀁾􀀮°DW INSoOFN .L\.L} PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT :'c"";;'''::-:--'';';'}<':''-: Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 November 9, 1995 Ms. Pam Hodges Finance 1945 Jackson Rd. Carrollton, Texas 75011 Re: Water Usage Summary Dear Pam: -1􀀮􀁾 Hand Delivered November 10, 1995 (214) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove Please find enclosed a water use summary for the area served by Carrollton's sewer system. The report reflects water consumption for the two year period ending October 15, 1995. Our calculations indicate an annual flow of44,640,760 gallons based on a winters monthly average flow of 3,720,063 gallons/month. I believe Carrollton's monthly billings for the next fiscal year should be based on these values and then reconciled next October. If you have any questions regarding this report or our wastewater system, please call me directly. JRB/amh Enclosure cc: Randy Moravec PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove October 19, 1994 Mr. Dudley St. Clair Utility Customer Service P.O. Box 115120 Carrollton, Texas 75011-5120 Re: Water usage summary Dear Mr. St. Clair: Hand delivered October 19, 1994 Please find enclosed a water use summary for the area served by Carrollton's sewer system. The report reflects water consumption for the two year period ending September 30, 1994. Our calculations indicate a annual now of 47,685,120 gallons based on a winters monthly average flow of 3,973,760 gallons/month. I believe Carrollton's monthly billings for the next fiscal year should be based on these values and the reconciled next October. If you have any questions regarding this report or our wastewater system, please call me directly. John R. Baumg er, P.E. Director of Publ c Works JRB/gmk Enclosure cc: Randy Moravec WATER 􀁃􀁏􀁎􀁓􀁕􀁍􀁐􀁾􀁉􀁏􀁎 IN SEWER AREAS B&J TO 􀁃􀁁􀁒􀁒􀁏􀁌􀁾􀁔􀁏􀁎 FROM OCTDBER f82 THRU SEPTEMBER '94 AeeT STREET NUMBER NUMBER STREET NAME WATER CONS: WATER CuNS: DuD YEAR MONTH EVEN YEAR 1'394 WINTER AVG JAN. FEB. r-1AR.' 1'3'34 000184 16503-31 ADDISON' 10i i 400 119,100 􀁩􀁾􀀴􀁦􀀲􀀰􀀰 143,300 126; '300· 179,700 210,400 1£"3,300 198,700' APR MAV linf jUN JUL AUG SE? DEC iO'3, '300 :34, '300 ;:;:: 􀁴􀀺􀀧􀁴􀀢􀁾􀁲􀀧􀁴 i"::.J 􀁩􀂷􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁾􀀮􀀺􀁴􀀮􀁩 118,500 50,600 122, '300 40; 4.00·' Ib j 300 25;800 19°,000 􀁾􀀱􀀷􀀲􀀻􀁇􀁏􀁏 147,2'00 338,300 oi oi ·';'1 ,r-; IlL; i'D! ; .'i:"l"'; ·-li.... 􀁩􀁾􀁜 1., ,j.j.J; 􀁬􀀮􀁾􀁽􀀡􀁽 NINTER MONTH TOTAL AvG WINTER MONTh AVG MONTH 􀁔􀁈􀁾􀁅􀁓 􀁁􀁌􀁌􀁾 r'OIAL 000187 i6601 ADDI.SON 23*3 j 100 206;200 􀀲􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀴􀀰􀀰 18;3; 􀀴􀀰􀀨􀁾 227;300 247; 1300 320,600 310,600 322,400 270;500 251,400 FEB 􀁾􀁩􀁁􀁙 jUL AUG ' SEP OCT NOV DEC 245j 80Q 253 1700 2:.5,900 200,800 184,700 232,500 .L:""':,.-,1,';:!, rr;,,.\ ,.P.H) 275;·'300 234;100 380,400 3'31,600 243,900 715,400 238,467 2j 86-1 f bOO WINTER MONTH TuTAL Ava WINTER MONTH lAve MONTH TIMES IL ACCT 2,'380,700 TOTAL 3, 1(1),800 TOTAL 0001'30 ACCT TOTAL 0001'32 16601 ADDISON 16775 ADDISON 10,400 JAN 7,400 -FEB 8;2(Hl MAR \) APR \21,"300 MAY 47,300 JUN 53;200 JUL 5'3,4(1) AUG o SEP 33;000 !JLi 27,500 NuiJ 25,600 DEC 2'33, 900 TOTAL 77 f 100 JAN 44,000 FEB '38,000 MAR 26;100 25 i 300 19,800 31,300 37,600 27,000 25 i '300 􀁾􀀺􀀮􀀱 ,600 19J 200 10,,400 10,600 5;600 270;400 62,200 65,400 \43;BOO 71 J200 23 1 733 284,800 176,400 58 i SOn 705,600 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTh AVS MONTH TIMES i2t· WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVGWINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 50,300 MAY 46,300 JUN 42;200 JUL 4:3,200 AUG 46,000 SEP 46,400 OCT· 51,000 NOV 61,400 DEC 42,300 40,700 7.3,100 51 i 7_00 48,200 51,200 42, '300 42,100 37;200 5133 j 000 TOTAt 109,5·00 JAN 115,7(1) FEB 105,400. MAR 121;600 APR 114 1'700 MAY ACCT TOTAL 000198 i6801 . ADDISON 107;.600 :39; 700 240,800 249,200 226,fOO 74;300 30-f 600 JUN JUL AUG NOV 605,800 36,900 34,200 21,800 55,600 􀀳􀁾􀀬􀀴􀀰􀀰 􀁯􀂷􀁾 ·-::t\r: u:..,.i..VV 71,100 i.18; O(J(} 92,500 104',300 104;600 '32,900 30,%7 371,600 . WINTER MONTH TOTAL' AVG WiNTER MONTH AVE MONTH TiMES 12 TOTAL ACCT TuTAL 16835 ADDISON 4201 AIRBORN i 1460 JAN 1,500 FEB 1,410 riAR 1,710 APR 3,8BO MAY i.2/l30 JUN 12;230 JUL 34,400 AUG 32,170. SE? 38,020, OCT 7,950 NOV 4,700 DEC 151,510 TOTAL JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 1,870 .-: --::"il', L;".J..:J\.t ·-1 ·i,· r.. i.,LOi,.i '3,570 8,400 14.; 540 􀀲􀀵􀀻􀁾􀀷􀀰􀀬 35;1.80 25;490 16;680 17;600 161 f '310 25,200 7,400 . 35;400 28,800 61;000 5,460 '-r '!E:'-: \ L i 􀁩􀁊􀁾 25,840 68,000 22;667 WINTER MONTH TOTAL· AvE WINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG wINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 JUN 51 J:300 􀀮􀁪􀁕􀁌􀁾 75 1200 AUG" 46,400 SEP 45;300 OCT (J NOV () DEC () AeeT TOTAL () TOTAL 377;600 62;500 MAR 78,000 APR 60,700 JAN 72,100 FEB 0002i5 4321 AIRBORN 73;700 '35; 000 i 􀁥􀁾􀀺􀁉􀁾 dofln 􀁾 ....,".' '.' 184;300 118,000 87,000 60 1800 60,500 MAY JUN NOV DEC 72;800 '34,000 52;300 613,500 61,600 76;100 i 13,700 116,400 110;200 104 j 600 82,600 -, ,-.. 􀀮􀁾 :-.. l"l. i \), 'tv l) 21 '3,100 73,033 876,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 7,200 JAN J3;iOO FEB 9,600 MAR, 11,500 APR 13,5(1) MAY 11;400 JUN 11,400 JUL . 1"3;'800 AUG i2 JOOO BE? AVG MONTH TIMES 12 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG ·WINTER. 'MONTH 45;500 ;,C' .. r-, iJ, iOl 182,.000 17 j 700 :5,300 12,500 13; 500 . 12;800 lB j 800 i2;700 1:3; 600 . 􀁾 0 Cl\f\ AU,1..P.I'..' 13,400 NOV 23,000 iI, 100 ' i3;400 14,600 000230 4310 AMELIA EARHART ACCT TOTAL Bj 300 DEC 138,600 TOTAL 62,000 JUL 41,500 AUG 83,400 SEP 9,800 GCT 8,400 NOV 􀁁􀁾􀁩􀀧􀀺 ML-=,.: 􀁾 TOTAL 000632 4500 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 5,BOO ;1 􀀢􀁲􀁾 .\ ::if ,:;t.H) ,8,000 8,500 '3,300 11,200 ,JAN FEB . MAR APR JUN 8;300 :3',100 10,400 􀁩􀁾􀁦􀀳􀀰􀀰 iO,'300 12,700 Ij,400 12,600 11,700 11,600 l1 i 700 7,800 27 1800 '3,267 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVe WINTER fl0NTH , AvE MONTH TIMES 12 AceT TuTAL 000637 '4505 CLAIRE CHENNAULT t'".;', '300 JAN 10; 000 CCD f l.;'} 10;200 riAR 12, ·-::-\t'\ AOO 􀁌􀁾􀁊􀁜􀀧􀀺 :':i H 5, 600 rlAY ::i, 800 JUN 􀀬􀁾 ", 700 JUL i 1,000 AUG 􀁴-􀀽􀀬􀀧,􀁾 800 BH '3,000 OCT °i300 NOV ,300 DEC 127;500 5,700 ' 4,700 .'! '-£""i. rot; J!..H} 5,100 4,800 5;700 '-.1'1(\'-\ OJ 􀁊􀀮􀁾􀁽􀀱􀁊 213,600 5,700 20,800 28 1 800 10;100 i5,300 5,100 61,200 WINTER MONTH TOTAL .Ave WINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 ACCT 103,BOP TuTAL TOTAL 000652 4554 CLAIRE 13,180 18 ,8bO 34", t3iO 22,670 . 32,850 64,660 56,420 54,6'30 22,690 19,740 22,7iO JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG Sf? OCT NOV DEC 132,200 241 000 22,110 13,470 16,420 20,070 '''''Pi ner, 0,j,O",,;') 35,840 45;210 43,080 24,310 17,570 15,470 59,580 1'3,860 '238,320 WINJER MuNTH TuTAL AVG WINTER MONTH Ave MDNTH TIMES 12 ACCT TOTAL 000658 ACCT 4570 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 434 i :370 TarAt , :37 f 61 () FEB 5, :3BO MAR 5;710 APR 4i 180 riAY 4,750 JUN 19,880 JUL 16 1 480 AUG 7i i10 SE? =3,040 GCT 7;040 NOV 14,610 DEC 20"i,G40 TOTAL 311,400 10,830 tO j 1330 5,880 8; 1330 1519130 of ....1 􀁾 -! 􀀺􀀢􀀧􀁾 1. j ill 􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀺 14 r 260 j. 9; 150 20;430 􀀶􀁩􀁾􀀴􀀰 7,720 3;560 143;230 27 ,640 WINTER MONTH TuTAl Ave WINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 6,500 JUL 6;220 J,UN 52,240 AUG' 57,630 SEP 81;760 OCT 􀀧􀀲􀁾􀀻 570 NOv 62;480 DEC 000660 4572 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 13 j :300 12,350 :3,730 1,500 600 JAN FEB MAR APR 23,870 12; '330 19,380 48;"720 41;080 46,1 􀀳􀁾􀀳􀀰 31,050 4.1 ;080 􀀳􀁡􀁾􀀲􀀰􀀰 .16, 120· 20,280 17,870 56,180 iO .;--'1,;, . Hoi,!L! _ 224 f 720 WINTER MDNTH TOTAL AVGWINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 ACCT TOTAL' ,00066:3 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 334;480 TOTAL 7,800 JAN 8,600 FEB 8,000 MAR , ! ,700 APR 8,200 M·AY '3, 000 JUN 10,000 jUL 8,600 AUG 61-40°. SEP 6,100 7,000 f,OOO 6,800 3; =300 4,000 4,100 4,100 20,3.00 6,700 80,400 WINTER MONTH TuTAL AVG WINTER MONTH AVE MONTH TI"E512 5j 700 OCT '3,000 NOV 6;500 DEC 12,000 . '1,200 8, '300 %,500 rDTAl 1j 000 JAN 1,500 FEB 17,400 MAR 1;400 APR 33,809 f-1AY' 3,.400' .JAN -5,400 FEB 4;500 MAR 1:.;<", :ILL· 􀁾 TOTAL 000696 . Ar-f"'7' i""H..':": :: TOTAL 000703 4575 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 4576 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 3;500 600 700 '300 i ,IOO 12;400 },bOO 4}6,00 i 􀀧􀀷􀁴􀀧􀁬􀁴􀁾 .,., ,'!',i f r500 6,500 5,700 ;:: '7 ill·, -...i,''.''.' 4,700 4,900 4;900 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JUL AUG DEC 77 f 700 4,700 4,200 2;500 7;900 2,:90{} 4,100 7i 200 3,500 2,600 1,800 1,500 -1 f 􀀳􀁾􀁪􀁏 ,44,300 5,200 5;500 6,000 6,200 5,300 71500 71300 8';800 5;800 3j OOO 2;200 .4,800 11,400 3,800 45 1600' c: 􀁾􀁃􀀧􀀷 ":f 􀀧􀁟􀁾􀁟􀁗􀀡 66,800 WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ave 􀀨􀁴􀁾􀀢􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁒 MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES lL WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTH AUG' MONTH TIMES 12 ACC! TuTAL '000704 Ace; TuTAL 000705 4580 CLAiRE CHENNAUL1 4581 'ClA iRE CHENNAULT 62 f 500 TuTAL 6,700 FEB 7,000 MAR 6,900 APR 7i :300 􀁴􀁾􀁬􀁁 y 71700 JUN 7,400 JUL 5,700 AUG 5;500 SEP 5,200 OCT 5,500 NOV 5,300 D-EC EC 77,100 TuTAL 320 JAN 360 FEB 400 􀁾􀁬􀁁􀁒 i,080 APR 3,310 MAY 12,710 .JUN 5,100 5, TOO Bi 31)(i 6,000 5i 51)1) 9,600 f,OOO 4%1 j :300 7;700 7;"800 :'i r:·.. ,·, Ul U\)1.J 5;800 127;000 8!480 11;610 10,010 13;840 7-;,610 12,%0 '::'-1 .;: ,\,., .!:1, !VIJ ,-􀁾􀁉􀁾􀀢 O,o,Jojf 76,400 30 f l00 10,033 120,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ave WiNTER MONTH Ave MONTH TIMES 12 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTH Aye MONTH TIMES 12 58, '3'30 TOTAL 4,400 JAN 6,100 FEB 3,400 MAR 9,400 APR 5,700 MAY 3,400 JUN 18;500 FEB !.3:3/100 TuTAL ACCT TOTAL 000707 ACC! TOTAL 000742 4582 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 4584 􀁃􀁌􀁾􀁉􀁒􀁅 CHENNAULT 8,820 7·,270 '3,130 6,620 10,430 8J540 7;000 il,500 6,800 b,8PO 20 j 900 47,600 8i BOO -: i r. r\ 􀀺􀀮􀁾 iii 􀁑􀁾􀀮􀁈􀀩 18 i 20(J 47,800 64,'800 6S; 􀁾􀁪􀁏􀁏 64,10.0 26,.600 . 2i, 100 10,900 JUL AUG SEP rtf'; U=..:i NOV SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN MAR JUN SEP NOV DEC 12,930 :4, 􀀧􀀭􀀺􀁾􀁬􀀺􀁩􀁴􀁾 .i;.i..i'.' 7,820 280 240 '31,400 23;500 :"il""t ....::"... :., 􀂷􀁊􀀺􀁾􀁩 􀁪􀁾􀁩􀁜􀁩 37,800 13,100 . 5; '300 14,700. 1s3, 10iJ 77, '300 16,000 26,200 􀀧􀁾􀀮 ::1no -; --. 2,.800 281 1200 uJ, 􀀢􀁊􀁲􀁾􀁻􀀧􀁲 >J'.".' f3 j 800 10; 80,0 of I-' l"":,-\r\ 1. J., 􀁊􀁬􀁽􀁾􀀩 21;200 ,41,700 4'3,500 80 j :300 150;200 34,000 30;300 8,200 '35,200 3;" 􀀷􀀳􀁾 380,800 2'3, '300 :3} :367 i 􀀱􀀱􀁾􀀻 500 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AvG WINTER MONTH Ave ACCT 369,900 TOTAL TOTAL 000743 :i.r'rT ii'.... \..t : TOTAL 000921 4585 CLAIRE CHENNAULT( bJ2l30 1,280 5,630 7;880 bJ690 8,700 7,'3'30 6.,970 .·8, 7'30 8;400 10,050 11,200 18,800 20,800 23, ij(H) . JAN FEB 􀁾􀀱􀁁􀁒 MAY JUN· JUl AUG NOV MAR 465,200 , i2, '330 12;550 􀀲􀀵􀀬􀁾􀀵􀀰 of o! 􀁴􀀺􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀮􀁴􀁾 1·!, :.J1V 􀁾 t:: 1l"itl ';'Wf .;.'."J 12 f 200 a,070 I 6j :300 4;860 6;360j; 􀁾􀁟􀀺 128,630 24;600 ·-11-: tll'"t.. L.J,OUU 28,300 50 f 730 WINTER MONTti TOTAL .. 􀀱􀀶􀁩􀁾􀀱􀀰 AVG WINTER MONTH 202,920· Ave MONTH TIMES 12 ·WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ava WINTER MONTH·' AVG MONTH T1MES 12 24'J 000 APR 25}300 MAY 26,000 jUN 27;700 JUt .25;·800 AUG 25;000 SEP 25 f 500 OCT 31,000 NOV 26,300 DEC 31;300 52 1500 3G i 1.00 '-I_i.., O..li.n 22, :300 i 'j, 800 25;_200 14,100 i6;500 ) 300;100 TOTAL 3,300 ·JAN 12;600 FEB 11 i OOO t1AR 14,513 MAR 210,000 TOTAL AeCY TOTAL ACCT TOTAL 000'330 15800 DOOLEY 15900 DOOLEV 86,600 35;500 18,000 12; :300 13 •.500 6,500 􀀵􀁩􀁾􀁏􀁏 5, 400 5,400 4;530 2,470 .3,860 2,440 2;860 2,260 1;850 i ,850 2.,830 . APK MAY JUN Sf? NOV DEC FEB MAY JUN JUL AUG ,e;rcnr NOV DEC 317,100 16,500 4;500 7,800 5;600 7;IOO 20 , 800 2:3; 000 4;200 IjojU 1i :380 2,390 3,200 .-: ·-:,-rl. LiLO'..; 11660 2,050 2,250 1,800 41 210 4,740 . 3,580 281 800 '3,600 115;200 5; 2(H) 2,Ob7 2'4,.800 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 wINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTH AceT TuTAL Ace; TuTAL 15j04 DOOLEY 4'6,200 1,200 JAN 1j 560· FEB 1;520 MAR 1i 770' APR 2-j 550 t1AY 􀀷􀁦􀀶􀁾􀁏 JUN 9,680 JUL 10;100 AUG '3,5'30 Sf? 10 J460 GCT 270 NOV 1.8,770 DEC .,. M:-:i, ! j=:l:iU 8.,670 6;850 7f 410 410 bJ 55Q '3; 050 7,550 8;4130 8,BiO 2;780 2,200 l t 410 7/,660 7;803 '33;.640 WINTE ,MONTH TOTAt AVG WNTH MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 14;750 '3 ,010 FEB 10, 300 􀁩􀁾􀁁􀁋 0001335 8; 􀀱􀀳􀁾􀀩 8.; 740 􀁴􀁏􀁾􀀵􀀳􀀰 12,320 8;670 8,170 'n ''''''::"'1'-\ 0, L-:JI) B; i 130 APR MAY JUN JUL· AUG SEP NOV DEC 1i; 8130 12,220 12; i/O ;;' i:' 􀁾 /: r, 1J,1'71) 9;350 i5,060 11,040 9;840 i5, '390 '3,61,.0 11 j 960-10,420 %;280 􀀨􀁾􀀩 􀁴􀁬􀁑􀁾 􀀮􀀦􀁯􀁾􀀮􀀻 ••'':'o.:" 145 f 12q WINTER MONTH rurAL AVG lHNTER MONTH AVG MuNTH TIMES 12 fleeT 117;160 TOTAL . 145,690 TOTAL 16115 DOOLEY 10,600 JAN 14,400 FEB. 18,1390 MAY 16,500 14,500 􀁾􀀮􀀻 ;. :'\:, 11,l!)lJ 13 f '300 '3 f 200 42,100 14,033 168, 400 WINTER MONTH TCTAL AVG WINTER MONTH .; r ,.i 􀀺􀀮􀁜􀀺􀀧􀀢􀁾 10 j 􀁾􀁬􀀮􀀺􀀧􀁾􀀩 􀁩􀀵􀁬􀀹􀀰􀁾􀀩 16; 50!) 16·; 800 13,800 JUN AUG SE? OCT NOV DEC 8;400 6;500 11,"600 r 􀀧􀁊􀂷􀁾􀁲􀀬 w,iiJU 11;SOO I1 f 300 10,300 TOTAL 000939 ACCT TOTAL UUIG4"L -, 4115 KELLER SPRiNGS i,'310 JAN 3;880 FEB 􀀳􀀻􀁾􀁂􀁏 MAR 4,080 APR 41 070 MAY 8,020 JUN 6,850 "JUL 6,500 AUG 81 4.20 SEP 8;100 OCT 8J·660 NOV 5,510 DEC 69,580 TOTAL 34,000 JAN '-,.-. 100 FEB Li., '7 400 􀁾􀀱􀁁􀁒 i I 0 50Cf AOD Wi n; :\ i ,·-I,·,,!\ 􀁲􀁾􀁩􀁁􀁙 L\.H] 8; 300 JUN "7 gOO jUL I , q 200 AUG -'j !0'l , 600 SEP n0, 000 OCT ,400 NOV c 800 DEC l.f, 61 74() !:,. , .of ..., 􀀬􀀢􀁾 J,'ti.!) 6;070 8;140 ,7; 780 .; 􀁾􀀭 "'1,-t .. lU, ielV 5;740 5, 649. '3,480 ':: :::=:!t: ,.;;,.;.1'.; 􀁾􀁪􀀶􀀷􀀰 i J610 7,000 27,600 12;100 66, '300 95·,300 i4j600 .12,400 16,'200 i3,100 46, '300 48,300 25,000 18,230 r 􀁩􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁩􀀢􀀷 w,Vli 72 f :320 46,7-00 15,557 􀀱􀀸􀁾􀀬􀀸􀀰􀀰 WINTER 􀁾􀁄􀁎􀁔􀁈 TOTAL AVG WINTER 􀁍􀁏􀁲􀁾􀁔􀁈 Ava MONTH TIMES 12 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG MONTH-TIMES 12 ) ACCT TOTAl 001516 \ 4125 KElLER SPRINGS 124,000 JAN 6131 100 FEB 24 1300 MAR 75,800 APR '32,400 MAY 30j400 65,700 49;700 5'3,200 52,800 i-4:.:1-,.. R-o-n. 48;600 583;200 WINTEx MONTh TuTAL AvG WINTER MuNTH Ave MONTH TIMES Ii 88,200 51;100 54 j':300 76;/00 45, '300 35,300 .]UN 57'1 100 JUL 45;400 AUG 53 j =300 ' SEP 81,100 NOV 51,400 DEC 82;100 ___ .1 _ 836,700 TOTAL 41,6(1) FEB 32,200 􀁾􀀱􀁁􀁒 23; =300 APR 21,50.0 MAY 22;100 JUN 22,600 JUL 23 j 800 AUG 35,800 SEP 34,200 OCT 31,300 NOV 25;200 DEC AVG 􀁬􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁒 􀁲􀁾􀁄􀁎􀁔􀁈 I AVG MONTH TIMES 12 AeCY TOTAL 'OOJ.122 4150 19 , 500 .JAN 672 , 100 34,400 32,200 46,700 -37, iOn 23,400 25,300 28 1 400 37,400 50,700 25,600 28,100 1137300 37,767· 453,200 􀁾􀁪􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁒 TOTAL 7,8BO· .JAN ACCT TGrAL 001125 4201 􀁾􀁾􀁅􀁌􀁌􀁗􀁁􀁙 '3; 7'30 2,180 i,860 140 21,000 1,250 14,000 52,58093;550 􀁲􀁲􀁲􀁾 reo MAR APR MAY 􀁊􀁕􀁾􀁩 . in! "JUL AUG SE? NOV DEC 37 f :320· 6;540 14;.300 2,760 35,760 2,840 7,i30 1i 460 22,000 26,6% ;3, :3:30 7;349 58;760 􀀱􀁾􀀳􀀱􀀵􀁈􀀷 235,040 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AvG WINTER ,MONTH AVG MDNTH TIXES 12 440 APR 870 .217i560 TOTAL Ava ·MONTH TIMES 12 WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ave WINTER 􀁾􀀱􀁇􀁎􀁔􀁋 SUBTOTAL FIRST 33 􀁾 􀁾􀀱􀀺􀀻􀁾 !.fW.!-.J 19,120 Ii 7i=lf\ 'f'''''··· 11,181 1 °80 2,8'30 1;040 MAR 850 313; 840 27;500 ACCT 00.1126 TOTAL ·330 MAY 740 30 JUN 870 o JUL 710 LQ;380 AUG 990 210 SE? 850 () GCT 66,030 610 DEC "h ,-'1,-, 􀁾􀁖􀁬 J.i\} 25,260 53 j 400 licC 42,800 APR 5'3, 000 􀁾􀀱􀁁􀁙 82,400 JUrr 86·; 000 JUL 88,700 AUG '31 :400 SEP . 125, 6QO OCT 134,500 NOV WINTER MONTH TuTAL AVE MONTH TIMES 12 A\16 WINTER MONTH 24=3,300 83,100 34;000 28,; 20-0 51 i :300 93, '300 I 10-a; 500 88.; 400 􀁾􀀳􀀴􀁩 200 151,000 180,400 158,700 QQ qilO "'-" ..., . 40,700 CCO 3'3,100 i i-U '37,;0-00 001 i27 4251 KELLWAY ACCT TuTAl 􀀱􀁾􀀱􀀢􀀧􀁬􀀮􀀢􀁬􀀧􀀢 !'i:..::..: 􀁾 TOTAL 001-128 4260-90 KELLWAV 28;300 22 f 500 23,100 -;Z,? .. 􀀺􀁾􀀨􀁽􀁏 --, ---15 i -1300 18,800 17,700 22,700 25;700 48,800 APR JUL AUG SE-P NOV DEC 60,000 􀁾􀁓􀀻􀀲􀀰􀀰 31 1 000 2.8;900 26;500 12;400 8,900 t c. ..;{Irl "'-..1"'."_--15,200 11,400 13 f OOO 7r300 l40 f 200 "46; 733 560;,800 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTH 42,100 JAN 62;100 FEB 46,%0 t1AR -ACCT TOTAL 001130 4265 KELLWAY 58,500 55;700 '30" 400 97,200 􀀧􀁾􀀱􀀬 900 82,300 '35,000 89,000 52 JOOO JUN JUL AUG SEP DEC 34 ,800 of I-I ,4... ,..,,.... 1.:i f 􀁖􀁖􀁾􀀮􀁬 37;500 30,500 71,800 66 i--500 87;300 SOi.SOO , 55,300 76;400 63;-400 ·9.1 r300 30 j 433 355,LfiO I WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ave WINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES lL (I JAN ,873; 100 TOTAL 56,200 FEB 5S;100 r1AR AVG MONTH TIMES 12 195 WINTER 􀁍􀁕􀁲􀁾􀁔􀁈 TOTA.L 1 100 65;033 780 j 400 221,600 64,800 76 i 200 54J iOO 64}700 115,900 705.; son 1iH::: Jlm 114;200 APR 135;,000 i,58; 800 15700' MIDWAY TOTAL 0014'34, ACCY 65 i 790' JAN . 1,4; 1230 FEB 40, 530 MAR AGCT TOTAL 00i.4-95 177jOOO 178, :300 172,600 80;700 r·-, i:'li.r·.. tiL, ...!v!) 46,410 '1-::J CICt\ L":J":UV 65;600 18; 7:30 18;130 17,040 22,,2-10 I'S1 7-50 I, 11n ...:w:... AUG Sf? OCT NOV JUN· JUL AUG SE? DeT NOV DEC -: t:,--...;';1·... 1,,10, 't')\} 1.50;200. i 24'; 1􀁏􀁾􀀩 8;800 21,4.10 .")'j fAil .:.,;,1-;'.' 25i 340 19;940 12,360 21;260 o!",... 􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀬 :., 􀁩􀀰􀁩􀀧􀁩􀁾􀁩􀀬􀀺 23;4:30 38}6'80 59;130 37 i 750 70,4'30 73,4'37 28i,%0 WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ave WINTER MONTH Ave 'MONTH 􀁔􀁉􀁾􀁅􀁓 12 ACCT TOTAL 383,120 TOTAL :310,100 2,100 JAN 2,200 FEB 001498 15770-82 MIDWAY 3j 700 31200 :3; 􀁳􀁾􀁯􀁯 5,000 2j·700 3,200 4;800 2;300o MAY AUG OCT DEC 7,600 "7 􀂷􀀢􀀺􀂷􀁾􀀱􀂷􀁜 ,! i 􀁾􀁴􀀩􀁾􀁽 3f 100 4;100 3;800 ,5,800 􀀮􀁾 􀀺􀀺􀁴􀁜􀁛􀁾 ,.. i Dlh) 7;000 15 F l00 2,200 4,8(1) 2,'300 18 1 000 6,,000 72 1 000 AvG WINTER 􀁴􀁾􀁏􀁎􀁔􀁈 AVG 􀁍􀁏􀁎􀁔􀁾 TIMES 12 AeCT 35,400 TOTAL TOTAL 001501 15800-20 t4IDWAY 50, roo 33; 60t} 44,400 44;1.00 74,200 3'3,300 22j, :300 􀀳􀀶􀁾􀀱􀀰􀀰 , 21; 400 34,500 32;900 2'1,000 JAN. . MAR r1AY JUN JUL AUG OCT DEC 67,'300 %,8(1) 33.,300 15,500 17 f 800 41,400 15,NO 113;200 ·-1"'7 􀀮􀁾 Z-,l\ Li 1"VV 121 700 37;800 36, /(y) .40;600 85,500 28',533 342;400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVG tnNTER MONTH . AVG MDNTH TIMES 12 \. ALCT TOTAL OOi504 15B70 􀁍􀁉􀁄􀁾􀁊􀁁􀁙 46=3,500 TGT'AL 381 000 JAN 25; 8:30 FEB 􀀳􀁾 j 020 􀁴􀁾􀁬􀁁R 56,730 55,060 58,350 170;140 er 􀀢􀀷􀀡􀁾 ·JUt i i·:: 580,560 WINTER MuNTH 'TOTAL AVG 􀁩􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁒 'f-1DNTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 ./105,710 APR 301570 fiAY 80;1-30 .JUN :38;400 JUL 117; 250 AUG 128,540 BE? '30,800 OCT 81.;380 NOV 57,040 DEC 82;340 li3 i 370 87 i 210 202;280 ·'"':'-11-: t,::t-. i..Lj;.'J.J\) li7, 680 .64J 700, JAN 88,600 FEB 65;400 MAR '32; 700 APR i29,80(l MAY fleCT TOTAL 001506 15900-60 MIDWAY 176;500 171,200 252,300 􀀲􀀳􀀴􀁊􀁾􀁏􀁏 􀁾 􀀷􀁴􀁾 􀀭􀀺􀀺􀁴􀁾􀁴􀁾 .i! :.: i. 􀂷􀀮􀁊􀁾􀁲􀂷...: 115,000 􀁾􀀰􀀷 j :300 JUN JUL AUG OCT NOV DEC 84,800 103;aO(l 159,500 116;100 1.46,600 1-rc. 􀁴􀀺􀁬􀁴􀁩􀁲􀁾 􀁾􀀻 Wi .F..l: 150J300 f 1-.'-: 􀁲􀁲􀁬􀀢􀁜􀀺􀀢􀀧􀁾 ;',1L, JIJ!} 227;700 288;300 157;400 '::l "'J(,:t; .1-:"; -"':\1\.: 348,100 116,033 11392;400 WINTER MONTH 􀁔􀁏􀁔􀁁􀁾 AVG WiNTER MONTH AV6 MONTH TIMES· 12 147;560 TOTAL TDTAL 001507 Aen TOTAL 001508 16260 16300 􀁾􀁉􀁄􀁗􀁁􀁙 2;020 2;620-.-: 􀁾􀁲􀀬􀁩􀀧 􀁌􀀬􀁾􀁜􀀮􀀱􀁜􀀮􀁩 3;580 6f 130 14;480 21;070 52; 2130 33,480 3f 230 3,710 2f 650 i J900 2;400 2,,000 .-: .,. 􀀽􀀭􀀬􀀺􀀮􀁾 L; i 􀁾..r.} 2,200 2;400 3,100 3;300, 3,100 i J900 2,200 ti 700 􀁔􀁮􀀷􀀱􀁾􀁦 ii..i!r1i... FEB MAR APR MAY .]UN 1'1'1i! ,JUi. AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUL AUG SE? NOV' DEC 1;898;600 2,200 2;750 1i r300 2;040 L;i20 ., C:i t: -..if 􀁾􀁬􀂷􀀮􀀧 2,200 '-IE:' '-:I"'!:r""\ LJ; i.,oj'.) 8;620 8·f 100 2.,080 71 j no if/OO 11 700 3;000 3,200 3,600 2;-400 2,200 io! , 1:,-'1./H\:·J" 2,200 2;400 2,500 i, '300 61 850 2,283 27;400 6,400 .-: i:'.Ii 􀁌􀀬􀁩􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁴 25 1 600 WINTER MuNTH TuTAL 7YMt'C 􀀭􀁾 .":= : 􀀮􀁾 􀁾 􀀽􀁩􀀮􀀮􀁾 .l i.. 􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁒 MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER riONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 ACCT 􀀲􀁾􀀻􀀷􀀰􀀰 16304 flI DWAY 4;400 JAN 61 100 FEB 2,400 MAR '4 1 100 􀁾􀁪􀁁􀁙 2,800 JUN 3,300 AUG 3,3-00 SEP 3;000 OCT 41 300 NOV {) DEC 5;000 3,;200 5;6"00 13,300 321 700 84,.1300 2,100 3,300 7,400 3;500 . 3;600 14,800 4-; :333 􀁾􀁂􀀱􀀱􀀰􀀰 WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ave 􀁴􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁒 􀁾􀁵􀁎􀁔􀁈 AUG MONTH T!MES 12 ACCT TOTAL 001435 4500 SOJOURN 3'3,000 ,TOTAL 11775,300-JAN" 1,707,000 􀀲􀀬􀀰􀀹􀁾􀁩􀀹􀀰􀀰 FEB 29 139;900 1;744;200 MAR 11775,100 5;622;000 1,·874; 000 22 J 488,.000· WINTER MONTH TuTAL AVG WiNTER MONTH AvG 􀁍􀁏􀁎􀁾􀁈 TIMES 12 i, %4, 200 i ,'332,'401) 2j 143:500 1f :3:31 j 300 2;468;lQO L,4i4;700 2,207, '300 2,264,3002,218,600 APR 􀁾􀀱􀁁􀁖 ,JUN AUG Mro·'!" Ln.,: 1 DEC I,; 828; 200 11 525,300 2,133,000 1,861,,700 2,030,800 􀁬􀀬􀀹􀀱􀁾􀁩􀁏􀁏􀁏 2;157 1 100 2j Oi.O,100 id'''\r-T 25,218,400 􀁔􀁃􀁔􀁁􀁾 23,052,300 􀁮􀁾􀁜􀀮􀀺􀁩 TOTAL 001521 4300-24 SUNBEtT 􀀺􀁜􀁾􀁬􀀢􀀧􀀷􀀧 ·tiLt.:: TOTAL o JAN 76; 4{H) FEB 45;,200 MAR 65;200 APR ,65 J400 􀁲􀁾􀀱􀁁y , 77,800 JUN 34,700 JUL 136f 400 􀁁􀁉􀁾􀁂 76,100 SEP' 42,200 OCT 24,500 NDV 42 J J OOO DEC 26,3fJfj MAR 28,400 APR 48,700 MAY 38,100 JUN 113; 400 .jUL 78, '300 AUG '38,000 SEP 53 j l00 OCT 40;300 NOV 'J i i 􀁲􀁈􀁾􀁾 oJ.':', .:.v:.:· 23 1 400. 23,400 24,100 47,200 70,tOO '35,600 82,500 80,100 90,800 74,300 678 j iOO 40,000 30;2'00 23,000 25,200 213j40021, :300 13,000 '3,500 13,600 15,-'BOO ,30 j 000 350;000 '33,200 31,067 372,800 WINTER MDNTH TOTAL AVG \(J. [·rf"ER 􀁲􀁾􀁵􀁎􀁔􀁈 AVG MONTH TIMES 12 WiNTER MGNTH TOTAL AVG WINTER MONTH AVG MONTH TIMES 12 ACCT 506',800 TOTAL \ 10,500 􀁊􀁍􀁾 161 200 FEB 13;900 MAR 001100 43S3 SUNBELT 14;800 15 1 100 15,000 20,100 15,700 42,000 12,'300 i3;200 11,100 APR MAY JUN JUl AUG OCT NOV DEC 10;300 13,200 11,4.00 14,300 1 Q ·-.:t'Hl ;;. .! f i-...l ....􀁾 13; 80·0 27, '300 1:3,300 12;800 14,200 13;200 10,200 34;900 􀀱􀀮􀀱􀀮􀀬􀀶􀀳􀁾􀂷 139,60'0 WINTER MONTH rOTAl AVS wINTER 􀁾􀁈􀁊􀁎􀁔􀁈 AVG MuNTH TIMES 12 ACCT TOTAL 4400 SUNBELT 200 i 500 TuTAL 1251800 JAN 130 i OOO FEB 121,200 MAR 11.8,300 76,400 342,100 WINTER MONTH TuTAL 114,033 -'AVe WINTER MONTH 1,368;400 AVG 􀁾􀁵􀁎􀁔􀁾 TIMES i2 7;410 JAN, l:i; 􀀶􀁾􀁏 FEB 16;220 MAR ACCT TOTAL '001108 4501 SUNBELT 􀁾 C:C: A 􀁲􀀢􀀺􀁴􀁾 J.'';\Jj 􀀢􀀧􀀷􀁖􀁾􀀮􀀺 131,700 􀁾 􀀮􀁾􀀢􀁾 􀀭􀀺􀁲􀁾􀀺􀀭􀀬 "'-'i-i i ,),) 130 j lOO 1'30 J 000 170 1600 182;100 168;.100 􀁏􀁾􀁉􀁌 ,O-:=O"){=. .:.u, i.. .. '.' 28,140 3'3 j '320 23,450 46 1380 23,700 i6;/40 18,460 APR JUN AUG NOV DEC APR MAY JUN '!!H JUL AUG SEP DEC :35; 400 􀀱􀁾􀁏􀀻􀀲􀀰􀀰 􀁾􀀺􀀸􀁊 500 34;500' 43,000 􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀺 7r,ri ........ ;' '.""c0 144,700 􀀺􀀮􀁾􀁓􀁊􀀵􀀰􀀰 106;200 17 f 0:30 . 20,040 2:J 1360 43,740 25,460 34;7°9 􀀴􀁾􀁦􀁧􀀳􀀰 '30,630 􀁾 r 􀀻􀀧􀁬􀀧􀁾 i'J,O't\.i 28,230 . 4,020 57,490 􀁾􀀺􀁾 􀁾􀁣􀁾􀀺 ,s,.ij 􀀮􀁩􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁩􀁾 22:3,;960 WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ave 􀁾􀁊􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁒 ·MONTH AVGMDNTH TIMES 12 IB i 027 AV6 􀁗􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁒􀀧􀁾􀁍􀁏􀁎􀁔􀁈 2161 320. AUG MONTH TIMES 12 ACCT ruTAL t·.r·. -i i 4 􀁾 􀁾􀀮􀁩 􀁾􀁩 i -1. i. .:. 4535 SUNBELT 8j 880 JAN 11,8'30 FEB , 􀁾 ,10 ;;'A n I k ,lW! i -j 500 APR 26; 380 MAY 7O, 1,70 JUN 45,840 JUt 1:'.' 120 '.!If'· ,J't; MUIJ 34 1600 SEP 13,030 18,150 22, '300 44,120 30,210 34,;390 28,120 , 33;5S0 32} l350 54 1 080 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 30,440 OCT 13 1 160 NOV 16i iiO DEC 38,270. 50,150 24,470 77;800 JAN 5:3,800 FEB 53;500 MAR Ar-r-T ;;=":1..:1 TOTAL 001112 􀀴􀀵􀀴􀀴􀁾􀀶􀀲 SUNBELT :35,809 3.07;100 :32f'400 106 j 600 2-12,000 371,000 􀁾 :Ji, 􀀷􀁴􀀱􀁲􀁾 lur,;'.;'.' 184; :300 1621209 APR tlAY 􀁾􀁔 TI JUi.. AUG DEC 156;800 191 i 500 203,800 23i i,BOO 􀀲􀁾􀁓􀁪􀀧􀀳􀀰􀀰 27:3,500 1431 100 185,800 134;300 100,600 104 j Ij(H) 84;300 552,100 184,03,3 Lj 2081 400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL Ave WINT.ER MuNTH Ava MONTH TIMES 􀁾􀁾 ACCT TOTAL 8;900 JAN :3; 700 FEB 8;800 MAR 12,500 APR (}01114 4620 SUNBELT 8,000 12!SOO 1i ,,300 13;400 1;400 4,600 4,000 AUG SEP NOV 3;600 3;80{j 3;500 4;000 4,300 :3 j 700 31 400 1': ''',,·,:'"L i. i.. f i..\J'j i(ijSOO 8; 1300 .i .1,Q('1f1 􀀭􀀧􀁾.._-3,%7 AVG MONTH TIMES i2 􀁁􀁉􀀭􀀧􀁾􀁔 ,ni.JLrl TOTAL 001.116 4655 SUNBElT o JAN I 100 FEB, 1,000 APR 􀁾􀀬􀀴􀀰􀀰 MAY 1,200 jUN 100 JUL 800 AUG· 2,000 OCT 2,.400 NOV 3}600 DEC 67,600 3;900 3,200 3,700 3,700 2,600, 2,500 2;500 .2,%0o 100 100 11,200 3',733 44,800 tnNTER MONTH TlEAt AVG WINTER MONTH AVG t10NTH TI MES 12 15,800 TOTAL 7;410 APR 5;71.0 MAY 3;810 JUN AVG WINY RMONTH WINTER MDNTH TOTAL TTMrc i:) 􀁾 􀀮􀁕􀁬􀀺􀁟􀁾 ,£,';:' , AVG MONT ,-,.-:: :-l'l.r, 􀁌􀁾􀁊􀀰􀀺􀀬􀀬􀀺􀁩􀁽 8;200 :381 400 8; 􀀲􀁾􀁾􀁏 6,030 z3;770 9;180 8,250 7,170 FEB 7,200 16;020 Sj'34{1 4200 􀁾􀀩􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁇􀁒􀁄􀁖􀁅 ACGT 001367 TOTAL 5;250 8,360 7;480 12,360 7,130 9,880 ilU JUL SEP OCT NOV DEC, 1,0,850 10f 860 12,310 ';640 11/370 22,660 32 i 200 FEB 30,400 MAR 31,70(1 APR 33,400 MAY 37,700 JUN 4.1,.200 jUL Ava MONTH TIMES 12 WINTER MONTH TOtAL AVG WINTER MONTH 8'3,800 29;·tj33 35'3,200 2'3,400 3'2,000 28,400 33,800 24,400 3-5,300 30;800 32,b(H) i24;'=320 AUG Sf? ':t.·i f:f-:l': oj"'!; 􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀮􀁬􀁾􀀢􀀺 32,400 4300 􀁾􀁊􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁇􀁒􀁏􀁖􀁅 TOTAL 601370 37;300 33,700 2S,600 rli'T 􀁉􀀧􀀻􀁾􀀮 NOV DEC 􀁾􀁾 􀁾􀀭􀁲􀁬􀁲􀀱 '""'"", '",,'.'.' 35,200 22,500 3'3':1,200 Tn"rr.1 􀁾􀁷􀀡􀁍􀁾 374,300 AVG MONTH TIMES :2 24;100 wINTER, MONTH TDTAL 81033 13,100 8i 800 ·-t.'f ·-:r,t\ 􀁌􀁾􀀻 LtH} 15;3QO· 12,100 18,200 16,600 10;200 31;200 NOV AUG JUL SEP OCT DEC 15,300 MAR 1'51 500 12;200 12,100 27;300 28;900 31,800 24 f 300 001377 . 4385 􀁾􀁊􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁂􀁒􀁵􀁖􀁅 ACCI TOT'AL 0013;30 439'3 WESTGROVE 1,090 JAN 1. i 1.tjO 􀁆􀁅􀁂􀁾 1,020 r-iAR 174,800 .; :i t:" 􀀬􀀭􀁾 i,O,J,j 2, i ;30 7,440 11,480 3;827 45,-S20 WINTER, MONTH TOTAL AVG WINTER', MONTH Ave MONTH '-1 '-t'-t'-I'·' L J LLtj 1,460 MAY 11..350 . JUN '770 JUL l i 5J30 AUG .; -''''7r, l; j f'ii 1,300 3,550 􀁩􀁾􀀸􀀷􀀰 BE? 1,280 OCT 1,310 NOV , i 􀁾 940 DEC 3,040 3,370 􀁁􀁾􀁲􀁔 􀁮􀁾􀁣􀀭􀀢􀁩 TOTAL 4444 ' 􀁴􀁾􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁓􀁒􀁵􀁖􀁅 15 ,860 TOTAL 10,40U JAN . 13 :300 FEB 13 700 MAR 30,140 13, '300 26;800 13,000 AVG WINTER 􀁾􀁵􀁎􀁔􀁈 AVG MONTH TIMES 12 17,700 16;000 17i .800 i8,800 17,500 171 800' 16f 3CiO 12,500 MAY JUL AUG SE? OCT NOV DEC 13;600 t6;200 22;000· 18;800 1-0,000 li,200 'J, i.j 700 :-t 􀁾 􀁲􀁾􀁲􀀬 J j ! :'.,}i} Accr TOTAL 258;800 20,300 .JAN 33,700 FEB 36,600 MAR 0015.18 . 35;600 2'3,000 25,900 30;800 ·43;700 􀀮􀁾 􀁾􀀭􀁉 :"i:;.tl 􀀧􀀡􀁄􀀻􀁾􀁴􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁖 ' 3S.,·800 55;800 APR JUL AUG GCT 55,300 45;200 '32,800 41,400. 31,500 38;500 63 j 2\)0 56;700 34,000 45,300 '31'l200 133,300, WINTER MONTH TuTAL 44,433 AVG WiNTER MONTH 533,200 AV6 MONTH TJMES 12 Ace,: 4575 􀁾􀁊􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁇􀁒􀁵􀁖􀁅 448;400 TOTAL 􀀸􀀳􀁾􀁇􀁏􀁏 JAN 6i;SOO FEB 113;600 r1AR 22)00 APR 4t3j '800 􀁾􀁁􀁙 20 J 700 .]UN 30 j 800 􀁊􀁕􀁾 38;500 AyG 48,800 St? 54,900. OCT 38,400 NOV 20,500 ,DEC .:i c: c:r,,:i"": :"':i-";\/:·: 34;000 38;000 􀁩􀁩􀁾 7r'in 1';",,·j:.·6· ...• 42 j '300 47;100 33 i 800 36,500 3'3,800 64,20(1 45,300 27,600 117,500 3=3,167 470 i OOO WINTER 􀁍􀁏􀁎􀁔􀁾 􀁔􀁏􀁔􀁁􀁾 AVG MONTH TIMES 􀁾􀀲 30;100 JAN 52,500 FEB 781SOO GCT 93;700 NOV 74;200 DEC ACCi TOTAL OOl289 16500 WESTGRDVE 4. 13,400 52;500 53,800 4'3,800 82;600 74,500 74,000 jiAR APR 111' JUL' ,AUG StP 5,OO'f 400 57 i 50,0 􀁴􀀭􀁾􀀺 r 􀀻􀀬􀁲􀁾 wL, 􀁑􀁾..H) 51 j 900 65 f 800 , 55,000 102,'200 71 j OOO 45 j 500 68,800 51,8qO 40,·000 172;000 57,333 6B8;000 WINTER 􀁾􀁏􀁎􀁔􀁈 TOTAL Ave ·WINTER MONTH AVB MONTH TIMES Ii ACCT TOTAL 766,0.00 TOTAL 700;000 78,000 JAN 1.51;'300 rtD_ 112,700 MAR 16500 WESTGROVE 146,200 141 1 300 .; E:".of ;. ,-,r.. 􀁩􀁾􀁩 f 􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁈􀀮􀀮􀁊 142;600. 1"58;800 66 1 200 80;400 nn "'!,,\,-, wOl' t..J\) 1.13; 000-_ APR JUN ":iH JUL SE? OCT DEC 22,':300 57,600 117,700 112,700 141,800 '34; 700 63 r 300 110;700 22 1 500 47,100 72,700 􀁉􀁊􀁾􀁊􀀺 ! ':=Ij IJ.!; -lo.JTJ WINTER MONTH TOTAL AVGWINTER MONTH Ave MONTH TIMES 12 1,434,200 . TOTAL 22 1400 JAN 29;100 reD AVG MONTH TIMES 12 􀁗􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁅􀁾 MONTH TOTAL 37;367 112,100 448 1 400 18,400 12/t 200 1.84;600 􀁾 .: 􀁾 c 􀁴􀁜􀁴􀁾 '-'-'-;"'."-' '300,600 301 300 38;500 43;300 '28,600 521 '300 NOV APR SEP OCT JUL DEC 21,60([ MAR 27;500 43;600 125;300 158 1000 􀀲􀀲􀁪􀁾 J QOO }.74; 7(H) :31 J SOO 46 J 100 42;900 000011 Acer TOTAL TuTAl TOTAL CONS: FOR CARROLLTON AceTS. 66 ITEMS 􀁌􀁉􀁓􀁔􀁅􀁄􀁾 56,731; 79f) 8'35, '300 36,504,040 SUBTOTAL LAST 33 TOTAL OF 􀁗􀁉􀁎􀁔􀁾􀁒 AVb .YEARS c . L ADDisoN -·0) FINANCE DEPARTMENT ) (214) 450-7051 􀁾􀁲􀁾 Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 November 22, 1993 Mr. Robert B. Scott Director of Finance City of Carrollton P.O. Box 110535 Carrollton, Texas 75011-0535 Dear Bob: 5350 Belt Line Road Please find enclosed an updated consumption report for the areas served by Carrollton's sewer system. The reports reflect water consumption for the two year period ending October, 1993. As I suspected, the winter averages are identical to the averages reported to you in June. I believe Carrollton's monthly billings should be based on these averages until next March at which time new averages will be available. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me. Sincerely .J 􀁾􀀯 Randolph C.Moravec, CGFO Finance Director RCM:rm Enclosure cc: John Baumgartner, Public Works Director .' "" .) October 7, 1993 Mr. Dan Johnson City Manager P.O. Box 110535 Canollton, Texas 75011 Dear Dan: I am in receipt of your letter dated 9/29/93 and appreciate you sharing your thoughts and concerns related to Addison's use ofthe Carrollton's Hutton Branch Se\v'er line. The issues raised in your letter were te\iewed by To\vn staff and the following represents the Town's position on these issues. Under-Billing of Previous Year Flows For over a decade the To\\.'Tl of Addison has been a conscientious customer of the City of Carrollton. The TO\\'n prides itself for making full and prompt payment to satisfy all debts of the To'Ml. This conviction prompted· us to immediately bring to your attention the tmderreporting of volumes .....Jzich the 􀁔􀁾􀁷􀁮 discovered (please refer to the letter from Randy Moravec to Bob Scott dated 6/22/93). Just last week the Town received the invoice from Can'ol1ton for the supplemental billing. Enclosed please find a check for the entire amO\1nt due. It is our intent to pro,ide you "'ith accurate billing information on a regular 􀁢􀁾􀁩􀁳 so that your invoice:-; reflect the true cost of servicing the TO\\11. Status of Construction Payments The 􀁔􀁏􀀧􀁾􀁬􀀱 has always valued the relationships it has v.ith surroundJng communities. For this reason the Town \Villingly participated in the oversizing of the Hutton Branch line. The S158,663 investment was made, not because of 􀁾􀁹 existing problems related to transporting the Addison's 􀁳􀁥􀁷􀁡􀁧􀁥􀁾 but on engineeringprojections ofpossible capacity problems in the future. 􀁔􀁨􀁾 Town's de¢ision (which was based on a study made by your consulting engineers, Espey Huston & Associates, Inc.) to divert flow to the Farmers Branch SeWer Tunnel \"ill result in the 􀀱􀀨􀀩􀀤􀁾 ()fthis investment. I would like to think. however, that this significant investment did purchase for the Town a measure of good-w111 with the City of Carrollton; good\vill \vhich should be applied to the capacity issue addressed below. Capacity Considerations I believe this this issue should be re"iewed in 􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁳􀀧􀁰􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁾 of the following undisputed facts. 1) There have been no instances of sewage overflow on the Hutton Branch line. Page .1- · r Letter to Dan Johnson (continued) October 7, 1993 ... ,.' 2) The Hutton Branch line has never experienced surcharge conditions. 3) the 1993 Wastewater Update stUdy petfonned by Espey Huston & Assoc. as it applies to the Hutton Branch line is based on theoretical flows; actual flows for this line have never been measured. 4) Using winter monthly water consumption a.verages as a basis for Addison 11o\\'s, the theoretical peak established by the study is no greater now than the peak established in 1983 prior to the Town's participation in line oversizing. In light of these facts the To""'n believes the capacity constraints asserted by Espey Huston are exaggerated and your concerns of EPA sanctions are premature. Also your contention that these theoretical constraints of a Carrollton wastewater line are Addison's responsibility is 􀁤􀁾􀁬􀁢􀁩􀁬􀀩􀁵􀁓 and subject to considerable debate, I frankly do not believe the Espey Huston study has merit in the context of this issue as long as it is based on inflated theoretical flows. The study \vould be significantly more credible if it included measurement of actual average and peak flows. Ifyour concerns of EPA sanctions are so great, I would encourage Carrollton to arrange for the actu.i.. l measurement of flows of the lines in question. Addison believes it has no greater responsibility to participate in the tosts of measurement than any other customer using the line. However, continuing the TO\\11'5 practice oftnaintaining a cooperative relationship with Carrollton, I \vill offer to participate in the costs on a pro rata basis. I \vant to emphasize that this offer of participation does not extend to "engineering solutions" unless they are absolutely necessary for public safety and welfare; the ToV\.'n has no intention ofmaking further unrecoverable 􀁩􀁮􀁶􀁾􀀤􀁴􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁳 in Carrollton line improvements. Dan. you are well aW3l'e that the Town has done everything possible to honor its comrnittment of removing its wastewater flows from Carrollton's lines to the Fanners Branch Se\ver Tunnel. The Town will even expedite constrUction oflines to divert the flow to the tunnel So Lhat the moment the tunnel is completed, our flow will be removed from the Hutton Branch line. Unfortunately the tunnel "",ill take time to complete. Earlier in this letter 1 mentioned tha.t Addison has earned goodwill with the City of Carrollton. I respectfully request this goodwill be applied to Addison's use of the Hutton 'Branch line during the time the tunnel is under construction. I look forward to discussing these issues at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Ron Whitehead City Manager RW:RCM:nn Page -2-TOTAL F'.OJ O1RROlbTON City Manager Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 Dear Ron: September 29, 1993 Thank you for visiting with me this past month on September 1st to discuss several items of mutual concern to Addison and Carrollton. Among our conversations, we discussed the status of Addison's use of Carrollton's Hutton Branch Sanitary Sewer line. I committed from our meeting that I would research the questions you raised, and also document our thoughts and concerns. Status of Construction Payments. In May and September 1986, Addison paid Carrollton a total of $158,653 for a two million gallon per day (mgd) reservation (21% of total capacity) of the 33 inch line being constructed between nodes 45 to 50 of the Hutton Branch line. At the time, Addison intended to remain on the Hutton Branch Line permanently and viewed the 2 mgd volume level as your ultimate build out. In 1989 Addison reversed this earlier decision and elected to jointly construct a sewer interceptor tunnel with with Farmers Branch. In a meeting here at our City Hall, Carrollton was notified not to consider Addison flows as part of its wastewater master plan. In our most recent meeting you mentioned that some might feel that the $158,653 entitled Addison to either a permanent reservation of capacity or in the event that Addison abandons Hutton Branch, a return of its original contribution. It is Carrollton's position that the $158,653 payment addressed a critical bottleneck that has allowed Addison to remain on our line since 1986. Addison does have a reservation of capacity but only for those nodes which it helped oversize. Nodes upstream from the improvement (nodes 39-42) continue to have serious capacity constraints that limit the total flows that we can accept (See attached node map). Carrollton does not feel obligated to refund the payment since the additional capacity was constructed at Addison's request and is in excess of the capacity needed by Carrollton. 1945 Jackson Road P.O. Box 110535 Carrollton, Texas Texas 75011·0535 214/466-3001 Fax: 214/466-3535 ,. .) ..􀁾􀀮 Mr. Ron Whitehead September 29 1993 Page 2 I have attached 1983 and 1985 Carrollton letters to Addison and an excerpt of a September 1988 study by Espey, Huston & Associates. These documents clearly state that construction of the 33 inch line was only the first of several improvements needed to meet both Addison's and Carrollton's long term needs and that the line was larger than Carrollton needed for its flows alone. I don't believe any communication has ever indicated that Addison's participation in that line segment constituted rights or reservation along the whole transmission line Capacity Considerations Addison recently notified us that it had inadvertently under-reported the wastewater flows for the last several years. Actual average flows are now estimated to be approximately 48 million gallons per year or .13 mgd rather than the .08 mgd originally reported. As discussed above, Carrollton has not planned the timing or the size of future improvements to include Addison flows. Using the .08 flows that Addison originally reported, our engineering studies showed that no oversizing of our lines would be necessary until 2000. Using the higher flows however, shows that several of the nodes closest to Addison may currently be at or near capacity during 􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁳 of peak flows. Carrollton is committed to working with Addison to develop acceptable solutions that will allow Addison to continue using our lines until such time that the sewer interceptor is completed and flows can be diverted. By the same token however, we view the current capacity constraints as primarily a responsibility of Addison. We are not willing to risk EPA sanctions or limit our growth to accommodate Addison flows. We also would expect Addison to pay the cost of any engineering solutions that are ultimately agreed to by Carrollton. The first step is to verify that we do indeed have a problem. Tim Tumulty, our city engineer recommends placing meters in key locations along the Hutton Branch line to verify that actual flows approximate the engineering estimates. At a meeting on Tuesday, September 21st, Addison representatives Randy Moravec and John Baumgartner agreed to this approach. We will be contacting your staff to coordinate the details of this study. Once we determine the extent of the problem, we can again meet to discuss a plan for moving forward. I know with this team of our staffs, and this positive attitude, we can arrive at a solution until the tunnel is complete. Under Billing of Previous Years Flows After learning of Addison's under reporting of actual flows we have recalculated the amounts due for transmission and treatment of Addison flows and will send Addison a bill ') Mr. Ron Whitehead September 29, 1993 Page 3 for an additional $58,724.46. For the reasons discussed above, we view this as an additional amount due and do not feel that this amount should be offset against Addison's earlier payment for construction of the 33 inch line. I appreciate our earlier visit in September, and I hope this responds to the items you asked me to review. If you would like to discuss this issue further, please do not hesitate to call. Attachments c: Marc Guy, Executive Director for Community Development Tim Tumulty, City Engineer i I ;\ -e"v----t '/C",/) (//.. I harles B'resett"J ClonHLUallen PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CARROLLTON April 28, 1983 Don Preece, Director of Utilities City of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Subject: Addison Sewer Service Dear Mr. Preece: .. 􀁾􀁳􀁹􀁯􀁵 are aware sewer service has been provided to a portion of the City of Addison through the Carrollton sewerage system starting of February 26, 1979. Various agreements have been discussed and interim guidelines set forth however, final arrangements still remain to he accomplished-1he purpose of this letter is to advise you of Carr01ltofl's pus ition in this ml!tter 􀁢􀁾􀁳􀁥􀁤 on the latest studies by Hunter Associates. Our letter of January 31, 1979 established that, pending other arrangements, it would be.necessary for Addison to pay the industrial rate charged to Carrollton customers. This rate was made up of the Trinity River Authority charge to Carrollton plus a ten cents per 1,000 gallons operational 􀁣􀁯􀁳􀁴􀁾 Currently this industrial rate is seventy-five cents per 1,000 gallons. Carrollton understands that Addison does not feel that it is appropriate for them to pay Carrollton's industrial rate for sewage. Accordingly, we consider that, as the City of Dallas has done for their area served through the Carrollton system, Addison should contract with Trinity River Authority to receive their sewage transferred through the Carrollton sewerage system to TRA at the TRA rate. It would also be necessary for Addison to reimburse Carrollton for a "wheeling" charge (operations and maintenancE at ten cents per 􀀱􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀰 gallons. Based upon the data furnished to Carrollton by its engineering consultant, we find that Addison is planning an estimated future peak load of 1.354 MGD entering the Carrollton's system at two locations. Our consultants have further checked the adequacy of the Carrollton lines from this point to the TRA line and find that we do not have sufficient capacity currently to accommodate all Addison and Carrollton requirements. At present we can only accommodate .526 MGD from the two Addison input locations. Obviously, it is necessary to increase the line size at 􀁾􀀱􀀵􀁤􀁥􀁝 locations as shown in the attached data sheets in order to accommodate bot 1son P. O.BOX '535, Ca"alltan. Tua. 7.5006, Telephane 21".323.5037 .) Addison Sewer Service April 28, 1983 Page 2 and Carrollton's requirements. It would be expected to construct this line to increase the system capacity on a pro-rata basis with Addison through that portion of the system which serves both Carrollton and Addison. These changes in line· sizing are due primarily to changed land usage since the original system design. When this construction is accomplished it will be possible for the Carrollton system to accommodate Addison's estimated peak demand of 1.354 MGD. Until then, it will be necessary to restrict the total sewage flow from Addison to .526 MGD. Accordingly, it is recommended that the City of Addison contact the Trinity River Authority with regard to becoming a customer of the TRA. The City of Carrollton will shortly furnish to you the estimated pro-rata cost for line size increase based upon what you have stated is your maximum estimated future requirements. In the interim until the arrangements can be completed with TRA, we will continue to use the Carrollton industrial rate to determine the charges to your city and your maximum flow will be limited to .526 MGD peak flow. After you have had an opportunity to consider the attached data we will be glad to schedule a meeting with you on this subject. Sincerely, Charles K. Bresett Director of Public Works 􀁃􀁾􀀸􀀮􀁪􀁷 cc: TRA -Warren Brewer Attach. bcc: City Manager Director of Utilities Consulting Engineer 􀁾􀁉􀁾􀁾 􀁥􀁾􀁊􀁾 ..-.=.--"-.:J ---......... //.........-:a·. ; .. . _0. .􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾 March 26,198' CllY OF CARROLLTON PUBLIC WORKS --;---e"3-l Cj"ty'Of:Add i son P. o. Box 144 Addison, Texas 7'001 Att: Don Preece, Director of Public Works Subject: Hutton Branch Interceptor Sewer Construction Dear Don: ,f Reference is 􀁾􀁤􀁥 to your ietter of November 19, 1984 which advised that you would like to increase your flow reservation to 2 million gallons per day average flow in the new interceptor sewer to be constructed in Hutton Branch. The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the amount of Addison's share of cost in the new line based upon bids 􀁯􀁰􀁥􀁮􀁥􀁾 this date. Attached you will find Hunter Associates analysis of projected flow in the new line which establishes that Addison's share of the capacity of the new line is 21%. The apparent low bidder of this section of the work is Secure Resources, Inc. This company bid $6'7,41'.1' for this section of the line. Thus 21% of this 􀁾􀁯􀁵􀁮􀁴􀀬􀁩􀁳 $138,0'7.18. It is expected that this project will be brought to Council for approval of award on April 16, 198'. In order to proceed with the award of the contract, Carrollton must be in recept of your share of the construct ion c.Q.s_t or an Irrevocab.le Letter of Credit in this amount. 􀀻􀁾. ... 􀁾􀁦􀀮􀁦􀀮 􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀺􀁴􀂷􀂷􀂷 􀁾􀂷􀁟􀁾􀁾􀀳􀁊􀀻􀁾􀂷􀂷􀁾􀁩􀀮􀁬􀀻􀁩􀀳􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁴􀁬􀁦􀁇􀁦􀁵􀁾􀁮􀀻􀁲􀀤􀀮􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁅􀁪􀁊􀁩􀀺􀁩􀀮􀁩􀀬􀂷􀀢􀀻􀁋􀁾 ,,,,. :==='= 􀀮􀁾􀁟􀁌􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁦􀁴􀁾􀁹􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀡� �􀀺􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀺􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁽􀀺􀁾􀀮􀁾􀂷􀁊􀁾 􀀮􀀻􀀭􀀧􀀺􀁌􀀬􀂷􀀬􀀼􀁾􀀧 􀀢􀀺􀀧􀁯􀂷􀀺􀂷􀂷􀀢􀁾􀂷􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁴􀀬􀀬􀀮􀀺 ,''''i,"/'1";',":,"'.:'1':: 􀀧􀁾􀀻􀀢􀀢􀀭􀀧􀀺􀀻􀀧􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀧􀀺􀀭􀀧 It would be appreciated if you would proceed with furnishing your share of these costs so that we may proceed with the' award of the 33" sewer 􀁾􀁩􀁮􀀮 Should you have any questions, please advise. Sincerely, Charles K. Bresett Director of Public Works CKB: jw Attach: Hunter 􀁾􀁫􀁥􀁴􀁣􀁨 P. o. 􀁂􀁾􀁘 110535. Carr.ollton. Texas 750C '\-0535. Telelll'tone 􀁾􀀱􀀴􀂷􀀳􀀲􀀳􀂷􀀵􀀰􀀳􀀷 E bcc: City Mgr., Asst. C1ty Mgr., 1ty Eng., Consul't. ng., " E5,)( HUSTON &ASSOCIATES, INC. according to the size or capacity of a facility. In the case of a pipeline, the cost of O&M is more directly related to size than capacity. Therefore, we recommend the inch-mile (diameter times length) concept, as contrasted with capacity which varies according to the square of the diameter. z. Annual Transportation Charge. TR&C recommended that the transportation charge be based on "the percentage of maximum capacity reserved by Addison in the Hutton Branch Interceptor." Except for the 33-inch line partially funded by Addison, there is no such reservation of capacity at the present time. Until such time as Addison is granted by contract a reservation of capacity, it appears more appropriate to base the transportation charge on actual flow. 3. Adjustment of Transportation Charge. TR&C recommended that the transportation charge be adjusted at year-end based on audited results. EH8cA believes that budgeted amounts are sufficiently accurate for determination of the transportation charge. 4. Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) in the Hutton Branch Interceptor and Downtown Segments. TR&C did not address the issue of I&I. EH&A believes that Addison should pay for transporting and treating their proportionate share of any I&I that occurs in interceptors used for transportation of Addison's flow to the TRA metering point. I&I attributable to Addison will be included in the flow measured and billed by TRA. Therefore, it is appropriate to include the treatment cost of I&I as an element of the transportation cost for flow Addison would discharge into the Carrollton system. 4 ES. J/, HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. TREATMENT COSTS It is recommended that Addison become a member of the TRA system and make payment directly to TRA for the cost of wastewater treatment. However, if Addison continues as a wholesale customer of Carrollton (or as an indirect customer of TRA), we recommend that Carrollton charge Addison the same price that it pays for treatment. CAPACITY ISSUES Based on EH&A's analysis of Carrollton's projected flows and the existing capacities in Hutton Branch, it appears that Carrollton will need to construct relief lines over the next 20 years for several segments. See Table 5. When Addison's flow is added, it will. accelerate the date that improvements will be needed. See Table SA. In some segments, there is interim capacity available to serve Addison's needs. However, except in the recently completed 33-inch line, there is very little capacity available to provide for Addison's long term needs. Analysis of Tables S and SA indicates that Addison's flow will advance the schedule for construction of relief lines from 1 to 9 years. However, for the 18-inch segment from node 42 to 43, the line is adequate for Carrollton's flow. It would not have to be 'improved except to handle Addison's flow. Consequently, based on this analysis, there are three scenarios under which Addision may need to participate in cost: 1. When improvements are constructed earlier than otherwise required. Z. When the size of the line is increased to handle Addison's flow. 3. When the need for the improvement is solely to accommodate Addison's requirements.6 "'" 2013 1993 2003 0-••oocr LEGEND ------. --􀁾 l.r_'-·r-! PIIOPOSEO CARROLLTON INTERC.'TOAS llEOUIRm BY YEAR: _._.. 2003 •,;tt.t􀁻􀁾􀀩 􀁾􀁏􀁏􀁅 􀁾􀁾􀁓􀁉􀁇􀁎􀁁􀁔􀁉􀁾 _ __ "'fA 􀁉􀁾􀀢􀁾􀁃􀀮􀀧􀁔􀁏􀁁􀁓 􀁅􀁘􀁲􀁓􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁃􀁩 CARRO,-LTON INT::RCE:I-:-0!15 "'C· 􀁉􀀻􀁅􀀮􀀺􀁊􀁾􀁉􀁾 NC 􀁆􀁁􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁅􀁾 􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁉􀀬􀀮􀂷􀁅􀀺 􀀡􀀮􀀺􀁦􀁬􀁴􀁾􀁓􀀺 -EXI57;,,0 CARRO.LTO/ol 􀁉􀁎􀁔􀀮􀁒􀁃􀁅􀁾􀁾􀁃􀁾􀀵 REOUIFf,NCi 􀁰􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁵􀀮􀁅􀁲􀀮􀀮 FfEr..,[i=" ",,!flw.E:$ :tV 􀁙􀂣􀀮􀁁􀁾􀀺 j ... ESPEY, HUSTON & ASSOCIAiES, INC, ___ "._I/DITAL CON5lJ/.TNlTS ''''"'"'"", ,I.i ::..􀁾 .•':.􀀮􀁾􀁾 -"e. &l.IGUIf. Itt' CITY OF CARROLLTON WAS-rEWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATE FOR 1993 'I'.lSTEl'.lTnl DIP.lCT Fa UPDATI FOR liDS , SCHEDULE OF RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS 􀀬􀁉􀁇􀁕􀁾􀁅 3-2 RESOLUTION NO. R93-111 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS, APPROVING AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CARROLLTON TO METER SEWER FLOWS INTO THE CARROLLTON SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the Town of Addison has requested, and the City of Carrollton has agreed, to provide a study of actual wastewater flows from Addison into the Hutton Branch Sanitary Sewer System in the City of Carrollton and determine the effects of these actual flows on the existing system; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Article 4413 (32c) Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, provides authorization for any local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act; and WHEREAS, an agreement between the Town of Addison and the City of Carrollton to provide a study of actual wastewater flows from Addison into the Hutton Branch Sanitary Sewer System in the City of Carrollton and determine the effects of these actual flows on the existing system and will be in the best interests of the citizens of both communities; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Manager is authorized to execute the Interlocal Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A between Carrollton and Addison to provide a study of actual wastewater flows from Addison into the Hutton Branch Sanitary Sewer System and determine the effects of these actual flows on the existing system. OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY RESOLUTION NO. 􀁒􀁧􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀱 · ) Section 2. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after the date of adoption. DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS, this the 9th day of November, 1993. MAYOR ATTEST: 􀁾􀁣􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁙􀀱􀁾􀁬 CITY SECRETARY OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY --RESOLUTION NO. R93-111 ...' '," 􀁾 .•,._., 􀁟􀀭􀁟􀀮􀁾􀀭􀀮􀀧􀀮􀁟.•..:.:. -.?-..., ,--", June 22, 1993 ) FINANCE DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 144 Addison. Texas 75001 (214) 450-7051 5350 Belt Line Road Mr. Robert B. Scott Director of Finance City of Carrollton P.O. Box 110535 Carrollton, Texas 75011-0535 Dear Bob: Please find enclosed a map which outlines that area of Addison which is served by Carrollton sewer lines. Also enclosed is a detailed listing of all Addison utility accounts which are located in the area. The listing reflects monthly water consumption for each account for the period beginning June 1991 and ending May 1993. The listing derives a winter monthly average for all accounts which, when multiplied by twelve months, yields an amount assumed to be the sewage collected by Carrollton lines. According to the listing the total sewage volume for 19Q2 (even year) was 47,920,760 gallons; the odd year, which is comprised of months from 1991 and 1993, reflects a total sewage volume of 45,598,532. As I related to you during our telephone conversation, these volumes are almost double the amounts reported to Carrollton for the last four years. This is a serious error and I offell, the most sincere apologies for not having discovered these discrepancies sooner. This discovery raises two issues. The first is the amount of money the Town owes Carrollton for under-billed sewage for the past few years. To the best of our knowledge, the under-billing began in 1989. To expedite the process of reconciling this matter, I would propose an average sewage flow of 46,750,000 gallons for the years 1989, 1990, and 1991. For 1992 the volume would be the amount reported in the preceeding paragraph. These volumes would then be billed based upon the applicable TRA and Carrollton O&M fees for each year. Please consider this proposal and get back to me with your thoughts. The second issue concerns whether the larger volume of effluent reflected in the Town's reports influences the Espey Huston report concerning the capaCity of Carrollton's sewer lines. lines. As I have related to you in prior meetings, the Town wishes to continue transporting effluent through Carrollton's lines until such time as the Farmers Branch Sewer Tunnel project is completed. Although the project is scheduled to be completed within thirty months, the Town would prefer having the flexibility of utilizing Carrollton's lines until the year 2000 in the event the Farmers Branch project is unexpectedly delayed. If you have any questions concerning the issues discussed in this letter, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from yo ....., /Sincerel 0 􀁾􀀯 􀀮􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀼􀀺􀀭􀀯 /Randolph C. avec, COFO Finance Director RCM:rm Enclosures cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager John Baumgartner, Public Works Director WATER CONSUMPTION IN SEWER AREA 'J' FROM NOV 1991 THRU OCT 1993 4115 KELLER SPRINGS 21, 100 JAN :14 ,000 001042 84069387 56,500 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 63,500 'it 19,000 FEB 22,100 18,833 WINTER AVG MONTH 21,167 16,400 MAR 7,400 226,000 TIMES 12 254,000 43,800 APR 8,500 37,400 MAY 7,200 26,500 JUN 8,300 23,300 JUL 7,900 21,700 AUG 9,200 34,600 SEP 8,600 46,900 OCT 8,000 48,900 NOV 26,600 25,000 DEC 43,600 364,600 TOTAL 191,400 4125 KELLER SPRINGS 20,300 JAN 124,000 001516 81347174 237,300 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 217,400 175,500 FEB 69,100 79,100 WINTER AVG MONTH 72,467 41,500 MAR 24,300 949,200 TIMES 12 869,600 23,300 APR 75,800 25,500 MAY 92 ,400 17,300 JUN 99,000 22,300 JUL 88,200 56,900 AUG 51,100 37,500 SEP 54,900 33,300 OCT 76,700 51,400 NOV 18,500 82,100 DEC 20,000 586,900 TOTAL 794,000 4150 KELLWAY 32,600 JAN 19,500 001122 14594348 83,900 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 93,300 29,100 FEB 41,600 27,967 WINTER AVG MONTH 31,100 22,200 MAR 32,200 335,600 TIMES 12 373,200 14,300 APR 23,900 15,000 MAY 21,500 13,700 JUN 22,100 18,100 JUL 22,600 29,700 AUG 23,800 24,600 SEP 35,800 25,600 OCT 34,200 28,100 NOV 30,300 21, 900 DEC 29,500 274,900 TOTAL 337,000 4201 KELLWAY 7,570 JAN 7,880 001125 80057844 27,770 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 30,860 9,950 FEB 13,190 9,257 WINTER AVG MONTH 10,287 10,250 MAR 9,790 111,080 TIMES 12 123,440 9,790 APR 2,180 9,900 MAY 1,860 15,910 JUN 140 11,210 JUL 140 16,920 AUG 21,000 12,130 SEP 1,250 26,690 OCT 14,000 9,990 NOV 14,280 7,340 DEC 7,390 147,650 TOTAL 93,100 4201 KELLWAY 27,000 JAN 25,910 001126 . 7035859 145,590 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 93,250 55,850 FEB 39,840 48,530 WINTER AVG MONTH 31,083 62,740 MAR 27,500 582,360 TIMES 12 373,000 74,300 APR 440 64,530 MAY 330 92 ,470 JUN 30 37,010 JUL 0 50,980 AUG 28,380 55,960 SEP 210 66,030 OCT 520 30,170 NOV 59,130 25,260 DEC 39,040 642,300 TOTAL 221,330 4251 KELLWAY 39,700 JAN 41,400 001127 81549933 200,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 117,500 67,100 FEB 39,100 66,800 WINTER AVG MONTH 39,167 93,600 MAR 37,000 . 801,600 TIMES 12 470,000 91,300 APR 42,800 107,300 MAY 59,000 122,300 JUN 82,400 111,100 JlIL 86,000 71 ,600 AUG 88,700 35,900 SEP 91,400 40,700 OCT 125,600 34,000 NOV 99,300 28,200 DEC 64,100 842,800 TOTAL 856,800 1260-90KELLWAY 3,900 JAN 6,700 001128 7072956 6,300 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 57,500 0 FEB 28,300 2,100 WINTER AVG MONTH 19,167 2,400 MAR 22,500 25,200 TIMES 12 230,000 5,600 APR 23,100 7,300 MAY 40,300 5,100 JUN 22,900 6,200 JUL 15,900 .. ! 6,500 AUG 18,800 9,300 SEP 17,700 11 ,400 OCT 22,700 13,000 NOV 2,200 7,300 DEC 65,300 78,000 TOTAL 286,400 4265 KELLWAY 500 JAN 42,100 001130 89225665 500 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 151,100 0 FEB 62,100 167 WINTER AVG MONTH 50,367 0 MAR 46,900 2,000 TIMES 12 604,400 100 APR 58,500 3,400 MAY 65,700 4,000 JUN 90,400 17,800 JlIL 97,200 4,800 AUG 91,900 24,100 SEP 82,300 55,300 OCT 95,000 76,400 NOV 12,800 63,400 DEC 800 249,800 TOTAL 745,700 16260 MIDWAY 2,300 JAN 2,020 001507 85409469 8,410 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 6,940 3,440 FEB 2,620 2,803 WINTER AVG MONTH 2,313 2,670 MAR 2,300 33,640 .. TIMES 12 27,760 5,200 APR 3,580 18,870 MAY 6,130 4,830 JUN 14,480 5,920 JUL 21,070 44,920 AUG 52,290 52,070 SEP 33,480 8,620 OCT 3,230 8,100 NOV 38,350 2,080 DEC 9,230 159,020 TOTAL 188,780 16300 MIDWAY 3,400 JAN 1,900 001508 89225663 8,200 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 6,300 2,300 FEB 2,400 2,733 WINTER AVG MONTH 2,100 2,500 MAR 2,000 32,800·· TIMES 12 25,200 3,100 APR 2,700 2,700 MAY 2,200 2,900 JUN 2,400 3,400 JUL 3,100 3,800 AUG 3,300 3,000 SEP 3,100 2,400 OCT 1,900 2,500 NOV 4,300 1,900 DEC 3,800 33,900 TOTAL 33,100 16304 MIDWAY 8,600 JAN 4,400 001509 7231737 31,800 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 12,900 13,000 FEB 6,100 10,600 WINTER AVG MONTH 4,300 10,200 MAR 2,400 127,200 TIMES 12 51,600 8,300 APR 2,900 7,200 MAY 4,100 7,000 JUN 2,800 3,600 JUL 2,400 5,700 AUG 3,300 4,900 SEP 3,300 3,500 OCT 3,000 3,600 NOV 8,500 3,100 DEC 4,800 78,700 TOTAL 48,000 AREA 'J' YEAR TOTALS 3,458,570 TOTAL 3,795,610 3,226,680 YR TOT WINTER AVG 3,402,200 WATER CONSUMPTION IN SEWER AREA 'B' NOVEMBER 1991 -OCTOBER 1993 STREET NUMBER STREET NAME WTR CONS EVEN YR WTR CONS MONTH 000 YR ------------------ACCT METER EVEN YEAR ODD YEAR NUMBER NUMBER WINTER AVG JAN, FEB, MAR WINTER AVG --------------------------------------------------16503-31 ADDISON 93,500 JAN 101,400 000184 78558149 254,500 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 344,700 68,300 FEB 119,100 84,833 WINTER AVG MONTH 114,900 92 ,700 MAR 124,200 1,018,000 TIMES 12 1,378,800 115,400 APR 143,300 88,700 MAY 126,900 87,600 JUN 179,700 125,300 JUL 210,400 126,700 AUG 163,300 169,500 SEP 198,700 160,000 OCT 133,200 172,000 NOV 125,100 147,200 DEC 116,900 1,446,900 TOTAL 1,742,200 16601 ADDISON 163,700 JAN 194,900 000187 80512415 428,300 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 640,200 117,800 FEB 239,100 142,767 WINTER AVG MONTH 213,400 146,800 MAR 206,200 1,713,200 TIMES 12 2,560,800 241,700 APR 200,400 210,800 MAY 189,400 181,300 JUN 227,300 327,800 JUL 247,900 309,500 AUG 320,600 343,600 SEP 310,600 380,400 OCT 322,400 391,600 NOV 241,500 243,900 243,900 DEC 152,400 3,058,900 TOTAL 2,852,700 16601 ADDISON 7,900 JAN 10,400 000190 80013103 23,200 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 26,000 7,500 FEB 7,400 7,733 WINTER AVG MONTH 8,667 7,800 MAR 8,200 92 ,800 TIMES 12 104,000 8,300 APR 0 9,900 MAY 21,900 9,100 JUN 47,300 13,100 JlIL 53,200 11 ,700 AUG 59,400 9,100 SEP 0 10,400 OCT 33,000 10,600 NOV 11 ,600 5,600 DEC 7,700 111,000 TOTAL 260,100 16775 ADDISON 39,900 JAN 77,100 000192 15227680 131,700 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 159,100 48,100 FEB 44,000 43,900 WINTER AVG MONTH 53,033 43,700 MAR 38,000 526,800 TIMES 12 636,400 41,800 APR 47,100 42,700 MAY 50,300 32,600 JUN 46,300 38,400 JUL 42,200 46,100 AUG 43,200 163,800 SEP 46,000 42,900 OCT 46,400 42,100 NOV 17,400 37,200 DEC 39,400 619,300 TOTAL 537,400 16801 ADDISON 9,300 JAN 109,500 000198 82154323 20,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 330,600 0 FEB 115,700 6,800 WINTER AVG MONTH 110,200 11 ,100 MAR 105,400 81,600 TIMES 12 1,322,400 10,200 APR 121,600 70,300 MAY 114,700 82,900 JUN 107,600 140,000 JlIL 99,700 148,800 AUG 240,800 123,200 SEP 249,200 104,300 OCT 226,100 104,600 NOV 55,900 93,000 DEC 83,200 897,700 TOTAL 1,629,400 16835 ADDISON 3,420 JAN 1,460 000201 77365628 17,580 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 4,370 12,740 FEB 1,500 5,860 WINTER AVG MONTH 1,457 1,420 MAR 1,410 70,320 TIMES 12 17,460 1,300 APR 1,710 14,000 MAY 3,680 5,880 JUN 12,030 46,350 JUL 12,280 17,640 AUG 34,400 23,820 SEP 32,170 16,680 OCT 38,020 17,600 17,600 NOV 1.0,060 2,520 DEC 11 ,650 163,370 TOTAL 160,570 4321 AIRBORN 58,100 JAN 60,700 000215 79613688 168,600 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 195,300 67,900 FEB 72 ,100 62,867 WINTER AVG MONTH 65,100 62,600 MAR 62,500 754,400 TIMES 12 781,200 68,500 APR 76,000 82,900 MAY 73,700 59,900 JUN 95,000 95,300 JUL 129,400 93,600 AUG 184,300 .",. 79,200 SEP 118,000 104,600 OCT 87,000 82,600 NOV 89,800 70,400 DEC 63,300 925,600 TOTAL 1,113,800 4221 AIRBORN 001293 83536575 17,000 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 0 13,400 5,667 WINTER AVG MONTH 0 3,600 68,000 TIMES 12 0 17,500 36,500 7,600 200 78,800 TOTAL 4310 AMELIA EARHART 8,700 JAN 7,200 000230 85005692 21,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 25,900 5,700 FEB 9,100 7,133 WINTER AVG MONTH 8,633 7,000 MAR 9,600 85,600 TIMES 12 103,600 7,100 APR 11 ,500 7,600 MAY 13,500 7,800 JlIN 11 ,400 8,800 JUL 11 ,400 2,800 AUG 13,800 12,800 SEP 12,000 13,400 OCT 11 ,100 23,000 NOV 5,500 11 ,400 DEC 7,500 116,100 TOTAL 123,600 4500 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 7,300 JAN 5,800 000632 5155975 25,900 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 23,100 9,500 FEB 9,300 8,633 WINTER AVG MONTH 7,700 9,100 MAR 8,000 103,600 TIMES 12 92,400 11 ,300 APR 8,500 14,300 MAY 9,300 11 ,700 JUN 11 ,200 11 ,800 JUL 62,000 25,800 AUG 4J ,500 11 ,300 SEP 83,400 11 ,600 OCT 9,800 11,700 NOV 14,100 7,800 DEC 8,500 143,200 TOTAL 271 ,400 4505 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 7,500 JAN 5,900 000637 90732510 25,100 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 26,100 9,200 FEB 10,000 8,367 WINTER AVG MONTH 8,700 8,400 MAR 10,200 100,400 TIMES 12 104,400 9,900 APR 12,200 9,000 MAY 5,600 11 ,300 JUN 5,800 11 ,500 JUL 9,700 13,300 AUG 11 ,000 16,600 SEP 6,800 20,800 OCT 9,000 28,800 NOV 10,400 10,100 DEC 19,700 156,400 TOTAL 116,300 4554 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 14,450 JAN 13,180 000652 80346128 80,300 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 66,950 37,440 FEB 18,860 26,767 WINTER AVG MONTH 22,317 28,410 MAR 34,910 321,200 TIMES 12 267,800 23,210 APR 22,670 25,160 MAY 32,850 21,630 JUN 64,660 27,580 JUL 56,420 29,650 AUG 71,590 18,810 SEP 54,690 24,310 OCT 22,690 17,570 NOV 36,340 15,470 DEC 22,890 283,690 TOTAL 451,750 4570 CLAIRE CHENNAULT JAN 8,650 000658 91727050 oWINTER MONTH TOTAL 112,240 FEB 97,610 oWINTER AVG MONTH 37,413 MAR 5,980 oTIMES 12 448,960 7,180 APR 5,710 8,310 MAY 4,180 8,560 JIJN 4,750 6,330 JUL 19,880 2,760 AUG 16,480 3,930 SEP 7,110 6,440 OCT 9,040 7,720 NOV 3,560 DEC 54,790 TOTAL 179,390 4572 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 5,790 JAN 13,900 000660 81194893 20,880 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 35,980 6,310 FEB 12,350 6,960 WINTER AVG MONTH 11,993 8,780 MAR 9,730 83,520 TIMES 12 143,920 6,840 APR 7,500 7,500 MAY 600 6,630 JUN JUN 6,220 20,630 JUL 6,500 17,060 AUG 52,240 12,880 SEP 57,630 16,120 OCT 81,760 20,280 NOV 11 ,410 17,870 DEC 11,120 146,690 TOTAL 270,960 4574 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 5,700 JAN 7.800 000669 82051199 24,100 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 24,400 7.900 FEB 8,600 8,033 WINTER AVG MONTH 8,133 10.500 MAR 8,000 96,400 TIMES 12 97,600 7.300 APR 7,700 10,200 MAY 8,200 7,800 JUN 9,000 9.600 JUL 10,000 7,900 AUG 8,600 9,900 SEP 6.400 12,000 OCT 6,700 9,200 NOV 9,100 8,900 DEC 7,000 106,900 TOTAL 97,100 4575 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 7.100 JAN 1.000 000696 89066271 18,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 19,900 6,000 FEB 1,500 6,133 WINTER AVG MONTH 6,633 5,300 MAR 17,400 73.600 TIMES 12 79,600 4.000 APR 1,400 1.900 MAY 33,800 1,500 JUN 3,500 1,700 JUL 600 1,800 AUG 700 1,600 SEP 900 1,800 OCT 1,100 1,600 NOV 6.000 1,300 DEC 33,600 35,600 TOTAL 101,500 4576 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 3,400 JAN 3,400 000703 7233551 12,100 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 13,300 3.900 FEB 5,400 4,033 WINTER AVG MONTH 4,433 4,800 MAR 4,500 48,400 TIMES 12 53,200 5,000 APR 4,600 3,900 MAY 4,700 5,000 JUN 7,500 2,600 JUL 6,500 4,700 AUG 5,700 3,300 SEP -5,700 3,000 OCT 4,700 2.200 NOV 5,600 4,800 DEC 4,600 46,600 TOTAL TOTAL 62,900 4580 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 6,300 JAN 6.300 000704 82238083 37,500 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 20,000 20,500 FEB 6,700 12,500 WINTER AVG MONTH 6,667 10,700 MAR 7,000 150,000 TIMES 12 80,000 23,900 APR 6,900 16.800 MAY 7,900 :'1} 8,300 JlIN 7,700 15,000 JUL 7,400 10,000 AUG 5,700 19,300 SEP 5,500 7,800 OCT 5,200 8,600 NOV 11,400 5,800 DEC 13,600 153,000 TOTAL 91,300 4581 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 640 JAN 320 000705 84218211 2,020 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 1,080 390 FEB 360 673 WINTER AVG MONTH 360 990 MAR 400 8,080 TIMES 12 4,320 570 APR 1,080 740 MAY 3,310 3,20 JUN 12,710 730 JUL 8,820 510 AUG 7,270 450 SEP 9,130 330 OCT 6,620 280 NOV 2,350 240 DEC 2,800 6,190 TOTAL 55,170 4582 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 200 JAN 4,400 000707 81549930 400 WINTER HONTH TOTAL 13,900 200 FEB 6,100 133 WINTER AVG MONTH 4,633 0 HAR 3,400 1,600 TIHES 12 55,600 7,400 APR 9,400 7,800 HAY 5,700 8,300 JUN 3,400 15,700 JUL 7,000 7,800 AUG 11,500 34,100 SEP 6,800 26,200 OCT 6,800 9,300 NOV 2,500 2,800 DEC 2,700 119,800 TOTAL 69,700 4584 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 5,100 JAN -8,800 000742 81360832 19,600 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 34,900 7,300 FEB 18,500 6,533 WINTER AVG HONTH 11,633 7,200 HAR 7,600 78,400 TIHES 12 139,600 8,800 APR 11,600 11 ,400 HAY 18,200 15,200 JUN 47,800 17,500 JUL 64,800 20,700 AUG 69,900 34,600 SEP 64,100 34,000 OCT 26,600 30,300 NOV 9,500 8,200 DEC 7,100 ...􀁾 200,300 TOTAL 354,500 4585 CLAIRE CHENNAULT 7,920 JAN 6,290 000743 85005709 17,440 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 20,200 4,600 FEB 7,280 5,813 WINTER AVG MONTH 6,733 4,920 MAR 6,630 69,760 TIMES 12 80,800 4,760 APR 7,880 4,840 MAY 6,690 6,100 JUN 8,700 5,370 JUL 7,990 5,670 AUG 6,970 4,870 SEP 8,790 6,360 OCT 8,400 0 NOV 6,000 12,840 DEC 5,170 68,250 TOTAL 86,790 15790 DOOLEY 18,900 JAN 18,800 000921 82011680 60,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 63,500 19,900 FEB 20,800 20,133 WINTER AVG MONTH 21,167 21,600 MAR 23,900 241,600 TIMES 12 254,000 20,200 APR 24,000 28,700 MAY 25,300 61,800 JUN 26,000 20,500 JUL 27,700 27,200 AUG 25,800 22,200 SEP 25,000 25,200 OCT 25,500 14,100 NOV 21,700 16,500 DEC 22,800 296,800 TOTAL 287,300 15800 DOOLEY 27,700 JAN 3,300 000925 80072036 85,300 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 26,900 24,000 FEB 12,600 28,433 WINTER AVG MONTH 8,967 33,600 MAR 11 ,000 341,200 TIMES 12 107,600 19,000 APR 80,600 22,900 MAY 35,500 16,400 JlIN 18,000 35,200 JUL 12,900 51,400 AUG 13,500 35,500 SEP 6,500 29,000 OCT 5,300 14,700 NOV NOV 23,100 4,200 DEC 56,500 313,600 TOTAL 278,800 15900 DOOLEY 1,090 JAN 4,530 000930 81065761 8,090 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 21,513 3,000 FEB 2,470 2,697 WINTER AVG MONTH 7,171 4,000 MAR 14,513 32,360 TIMES 12 86,052 6,300 APR 4,447 12,700 MAY 3,860 0 JlIN 2,440 30,040 JUL 2,290 3,180 AUG 2,860 6,240 SEP 2,260 4,210 OCT 1,850 4,740 NOV 6,160 3,580 DEC 2,000 79,080 TOTAL 49,680 15904 DOOLEY 1,430 JAN 1,200 000932 78175732 4,500 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 4,280 1,650 FEB 1,560 1,500 WINTER AVG MONTH 1,427 1,420 MAR 1,520 18,000 TIMES 12 17,120 1,370 APR 1,770 1,420 MAY 2,550 1,420 JUN 7,630 1,610 JUL 9,680 1,780 AUG 10,100 3,980 SEP 9,590 2,780 OCT 10,460 2,200 NOV 1,501 1,410 DEC 1,610 22,470 TOTAL 59,171 15906 DOOLEY 7,210 JAN 14,750 000935 78175736 37,480 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 34,060 21,120 FEB 9,010 12,493 WINTER AVG MONTH 11,353 9,150 MAR 10,300 149,920 TIMES 12 136,240 7,270 APR 8,130 8,170 MAY 8,740 8,150 JUN 10,530 8,330 JUL 10,120 7,260 AUG 12,320 8,610 SEP 8,670 9,610 OCT 8,170 11,960 NOV 8,040 10,420 DEC 7,550 117,260 TOTAL 116,330 16115 DOOLEY 6,700 JAN 10,600 000937 9113104 20,700 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 37,600 7,200 FEB 14,400 6,900 WINTER AVG MONTH 12,533 6,800 MAR 12,600 82,800 TIMES 12 150,400 6,700 APR 16,900 7,600 HAY 18,900 8,300 JUN 16,300 6,100 JUL JUL 25,700 11 ,700 AUG 16,400 13,800 SEP 15,900 11,900 OCT 16,600 11,300 NOV 111,300 10,300 DEC 70,600 108,400 TOTAL 346,200 16129 DOOLEY 4,680 JAN 1,910 000939 84065983 16,620 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 9,370 5,250 FEB 3,880 5,540 WINTER AVG MONTH 3,123 6,690 MAR 3,580 66,480 TIMES 12 37,480 5,670 APR 4,080 8,200 MAY 4,070 8,250 JUN 8,020 1,000 JUL 6,850 990 AUG 6,500 940 SEP 8,420 3,390 OCT 8,100 1,670 NOV 700 1,610 DEC 4,710 48,340 TOTAL 60,820 15700 MIDWAY 74,600 JAN 0 001494 4654240 218,100 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 125,300 65,400 FEB 56,200 72,700 WINTER AVG MONTH 41,767 78,100 MAR 69,100 872,400 TIMES 12 501,200 86,900 APR 114,200 83,800 MAY 135,000 106,400 JUN 158,800 97,300 JUL 177,000 84,200 AUG 178,900 86,600 SEP 172,600 8,800 OCT 80,700 0 NOV 87,600 0 DEC 82,400 772,100 TOTAL 1,312,500 15700 MIDWAY 15,480 JAN 65,790 001495 5101732 64,720 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 120,510 21,220 FEB 14,190 21,573 WINTER AVG MONTH 40,170 28,020 MAR 40,530 258,880 TIMES 12 482,040 21,740 APR 46,410 27,780 MAY 29,960 30,720 JUN 65,600 18,080 JUL 24,720 14,750 AUG 18,790 31,510 SEP 18,130 38,680 OCT 17,040 50,130 NOV 15,880 37,750 DEC 13,550 335,860 TOTAL 370,590 15770-82 MIDWAY 2,200 JAN 2,100 001498 80108760 13,300 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 7,100 7,200 FEB 2,200 4,433 WINTER AVG MONTH 2,367 3,900 MAR 2,800 53,200 TIMES 12 28,400 21,300 APR 3,700 9,100 MAY 3,200 3,900 JUN 3,400 7,700 JUL 5,000 3,400 AUG 2,700 2,500 SEP 3,200 2,200 OCT 4,800 4,800 NOV 3,600 2,300 DEC 5,600 70,500 TOTAL 42,300 15800-20 MIDWAY 26,000 JAN 50,100 001501 81209644 121,000 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 128,100 44,700 FEB 33,600 40,333 WINTER AVG MONTH 42,700 50,300 MAR 44,400 484,000 TIMES 12 512,400 32,600 APR 44,100 37,300 MAY 74,200 36,500 JUN 39,300 40,200 JUL 29,900 28,300 AUG 36,100 31,300 SEP 21,400 37,800 OCT 34,500 36,700 NOV 30,100 40,600 DEC 34,600 442,300 TOTAL 472 ,300 15870 MIDWAY 16,370 JAN 38,000 001504 5493871A 63,170 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 98,910 20,870 FEB 25,890 5493871B 21,057 WINTER AVG MONTH 32,970 25,930 MAR 35,020 252,680 TIMES 12 395,640 29,000 APR 105,710 64,630 MAY 30,570 92,820 JUN 80,130 93,620 JUL 98,400 184,900 AUG 117,250 210,020 SEP 128,540 202,280 OCT 90,800 229,030 NOV 72 ,440 97,680 DEC 17,800 1,267,150 TOTAL 840,550 15900-60 MIDWAY 36,200 JAN 64,700 001506 82446831 124,000 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 218,700 38,600 FEB 88,600 41,333 WINTER AVG MONTH 72,900 49,200 HAR 65,400 496,000 TIMES 12 874,800 25,700 APR 92,700 24,900 HAY 129,800 108,500 JIJN 176,500 197,900 JUL 171,200 349,700 AUG 252,300 225,600 SEP 234,300 288,300 OCT 170,300 157,400 NOV 89,700 94,300 DEC 39,400 1,596,300 TOTAL 1,574,900 4500 SOJOURN 2,332,300 JAN 1,775,300 001435 88146432 7,332,800 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 5,613,400 2,522,300 FEB 2,093,900 2,444,267 WINTER AVG MONTH 1,871,133 2,478,200 MAR 1,744,200 29,331,200 TIMES 12 22,453,600 2,587,500 APR 1,964,200 2,585,700 MAY 1,932,400 2,629,700 JUN 2,143,500 2,416,800 JUL 1,991,300 1,931,400 AUG 2,468,100 2,255,200 SEP 2,414,700 2,157,100 OCT 2,207,900 2,010,100 NOV 2,478,700 1,971,100 DEC 2,619,400 27,877,400 TOTAL 25,833,600 4384 SUNBELT 9,000 JAN 22,200 001093 89805212 25,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 69,900 8,900 FEB 21,400 8,467 WINTER AVG MONTH 23,300 7,500 MAR 26,300 101,600 TIMES 12 279,600 9,900 APR 28,400 9,500 MAY 48,700 10,000 JUN 38,100 10,900 JUL 19,400 12,600 AUG 78,900 20,700 SEP 98,000 13,600 OCT 53,100 15,800 NOV 17,700 12,400 DEC 12,600 140,800 TOTAL 464,800 4393 SUNBELT 10,500 JAN 10,500 001100 6009953 39,300 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 40,600 15,400 FEB 16,200 13,100 WINTER AVG MONTH 13,533 13,400 MAR 13,900 157,200 TIMES 12 162,400 14,300 APR 14,800 13,900 MAY 15,100 12,700 JUN 15,000 12,600 JUL 20,100 12,300 AUG 1_5,700 14,100 SEP 42,000 14,200 OCT 12,900 13,200 NOV 14,800 10,200 DEC 13,800 156,800 TOTAL 204,800 4400 SUNBELT 106,300 JAN 125,800 001106 78458935 394,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 377,000 126,800 FEB 130,000 131,467 WINTER AVG MONTH 125,667 161,300 MAR 121,200 1,577,600 TIMES 12 1,508,000 88,300 APR 155,400 97,700 MAY 131,700 126,900 JUN 144,700 189,500 JUL 130,100 244,100 AUG 190,000 139,100 SEP 170,600 144,700 OCT 182,100 116,500 NOV 134,800 106,200 DEC 152,800 1,647,400 TOTAL 1,769,200 4501 SUNBELT 20,000 JAN 7,410 001108 82333723 54,000 WINTER HONTH TOTAL 33,280 16,000 FEB 9,650 18,000 WINTER AVG HONTH 11 ,093 18,000 HAR 16,220 216,000 TIHES 12 133,120 15,670 APR 26,220 16,920 HAY 28,140 0 JUN 39,920 6,430 JUL 23,450 7,010 AUG 46,380 9,520 SEP 23,700 1,640 OCT 26,740 28,230 NOV 34,000 4,020 DEC 30,000 143,440 TOTAL 311 ,830 4535 SUNBELT 18,400 JAN 8,880 001111 78033420 47,740 WINTER HONTH TOTAL 31,880 11,970 FEB 11 ,890 15,913 WINTER AVG HONTH 10,627 17,370 HAR 11,110 190,960 TIHES 12 127,520 21,040 APR 11 ,500 28,880 HAY 26,380 17,370 JUN 70,970 39,300 JllL 46,840 34,250 AUG 54,120 36,340 SEP 34,600 38,270 OCT 30,440 50,150 NOV 44,880 24,470 DEC 12,350 337,810 TOTAL 363,960 4544-62 SUNBELT 22,400 JAN 77,800 001112 80454573 80,500 WINTER HONTH TOTAL 191,200 30,200 FEB 59,800 26,833 WINTER AVG HONTH 63,733 27,900 HAR 53,600 322,000 TIHES 12 764,800 43,000 APR 95,800 40,400 HAY 107,100 47,700 JUN 92,400 99,300 JUL 106,600 92,200 AUG 212,000 94,900 SEP 371,000 100,600 OCT 181,700 104,900 NOV 50,700 84,300 DEC 28,000 787,800 TOTAL 1,436,500 4620 SUNBELT 3,800 JAN 8,900 001114 7069987 13,500 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 27,400 5,000 FEB 9,700 4,500 WINTER AVG MONTH 9,133 4,700 MAR 8,800 54,000 TIMES 12 109,600 6,400 APR 12,500 8,200 MAY 8,000 10,600 JUN 12,900 11,600 JUL 11,900 11 ,100 AUG 13,400 10,900 SEP 7,400 12,200 OCT 4,800 10,900 NOV 5,200 8,900 DEC 4,700 104,300 TOTAL 106,200 4655 SUNBELT 5,700 JAN 0 001116 81577615 26,800 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 100 15,600 FEB 100 8,933 WINTER AVG MONTH 33 5,500 MAR 0 107,200 TIMES 12 400 18,000 APR 1,000 6,000 MAY 2,400 26,300 JUN 1,200 6,300 JUL 100 1,700 AUG 800 500 SEP 2,200 0 OCT 2,000 100 NOV 13,500 100 DEC 5,400 85,800 TOTAL 28,700 4300-24 SUNBELT 50,100 JAN 0 001521 81209656 178,800 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 121,600 49,400 FEB 76,400 59,600 WINTER AVG MONTH 40,533 79,300 MAR 45,200 715,200 TIMES 12 486,400 70,500 APR 65,200 90,800 MAY 65,400 87,100 JUN 77,800 85,500 JUL 34,700 82,400 AUG 136,400 89,500 SEP 76,100 80,100 OCT 42,200 90,800 NOV 67,400 74,300 DEC 63,600 929,800 TOTAL 750,400 16801 WESTGROVE 21,600 JAN 22,400 000011 80497444 74,400 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 73,100 27,000 FEB 29,100 24,800 WINTER AVG MONTH 24,367 25,800 MAR 21,600 297,600 TIMES 12 292,400 21,900 APR 27,500 74,400 MAY 43,600 38,100 JUN 125,300 115,200 JUL 158,000 145,600 AUG 221,000 151,700 SEP 174,700 114,100 OCT 91,900 72,600 NOV 51,700 18,400 DEC 30,600 826,400 TOTAL 997,400 16500 WESTGROVE 38,700 JAN 30,100 001289 80339004 131,600 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 132,000 51,700 FEB 52,500 43,867 WINTER AVG MONTH 44,000 41,200 MAR 49,400 526,400 TIMES 12 528,000 44,500 APR 52,500 53,400 MAY 53,800 49,900 JUN 49,800 57,500 JUL 82,600 70,900 AUG 74,500 66,600 SEP 74,000 51,800 OCT 78,900 40,000 NOV 37,200 27,900 DEC 39,000 594,100 TOTAL 674,300 16500 WESTGROVE 14,600 JAN 78,000 001292 80339005 71,900 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 342,600 20,000 FEB 151,900 23,967 WINTER AVG MONTH 114,200 37,300 MAR 112,700 287,600 TIMES 12 1,370,400 44,000 APR 146,200 73,200 MAY 141,300 56,500 JUN 154,400 28,100 JUL 142,600 44,000 AUG 158,800 46,100 SEP 66,200 22,500 OCT 80,400 47,100 NOV 12,400 72,700 DEC 10,300 506,100 TOTAL 1,255,200 4200 WESTGROVE 5,570 JAN r6,020 001367 78392544 31,640 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 32,560 21,470 FEB 9,340 10,547 WINTER AVG MONTH 10,853 4,600 MAR 7,200 126,560 TIMES 12 130,240 20,630 APR 7,410 6,270 MAY 5,710 4,960 JUN 3,810 25,380 JUL 5,250 4,440 AUG 8,360 5,950 SEP 7,480 7,640 OCT 12,360 11,970 NOV 6,240 22,660 DEC 14,570 141,540 TOTAL 103,750 4300 WESTGROVE 23,100 JAN 25,600 001370 7075894 80,900 WINTER HONTH TOTAL 88,200 29,000 FEB 32,200 26,967 WINTER AVG HONTH 29,400 28,800 HAR 30,400 323,600 TIHES 12 352,800 29,400 APR 31,700 40,400 HAY 33,400 34,300 JUN 37,700 35,200 JUL 41,200 44,900 AUG 34,000 30,800 SEP 32,400 35,300 OCT 37,300 35,200 NOV 19,300 22,500 DEC 33,100 388,900 TOTAL 388,300 4385 WESTGROVE 6,400 JAN 11 ,400 001377 80302058 19,000 WINTER HONTH TOTAL 43,800 6,900 FEB 17,100 6,333 WINTER AVG HONTH 14,600 5,700 HAR 15,300 76,000 TIHES 12 175,200 5,400 APR 15,500 9,800 HAY 12,200 5,400 JUN 12,400 6,700 JlIL 8,300 10,800 AUG 27,300 7,000 SEP 28,900 16,600 OCT 31,800 10,200 NOV 6,900 31,200 DEC 5,600 122,100 TOTAL 192,700 4399 WESTGROVE 800 JAN 1,090 001380 86714891 3,740 WINTER HONTH TOTAL 3,300 1,610 FEB 1,190 1,247 WINTER AVG HONTH 1,100 1,330 MAR 1,020 14,960 rIMES 12 13,200 980 APR 1,290 1,180 MAY 1,460 1,110 JUN 1,350 1,060 JUL 770 1,880 AUG 1,590 3,300 SEP 1,870 3,040 OCT 1,280 3,410 NOV 1,050 3,370 DEC 930 23,070 TOTAL 14,890 4444 WESTGROVE 8,100 JAN 10,400 001381 7134547 29,700 WINTER MONTH TOTAL 38,000 10,300 FEB 13,900 9,900 WINTER AVG MONTH 12,667 11 ,300 MAR 13,700 118,800 TIMES 12 152,000 11,100 APR 16,200 11 ,200 MAY 17,700 ) ...'ji 12,700 20,700 18,900 30,800 0 38,500 20,400 48,800 64,200 54,900 45,300 79,500 27,600 24,600 189,100 297,800 486,900 " ',. 􀀭􀁾 ''-.j ORDINANCE NO. 521 \ ...:.:.-'T. ;f STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, there is a need to establish in the Upper Trinity River Basin, generally in the area outlined in the Engineering Report, a Regional Wastewater System for the purpose of providing facilities to adequately receive, transport, treat and dispose of Wastewater in such area; and WHEREAS, the City of Carrollton:presently owns, operates and maintains its waterworks and sanitary sewer systems; and --WHEREAS, City is desirous of discharging Wastewater into the Central Wastewater Treatment System of the Trinity River Authority of Texas in order to achieve efficiencies of costs and operation; and WHEREAS, City and Authority are authorized to make this contract under Articles 8280-188 and 1109i, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and/or the Regional Waste Disposal Act (compiled as Chapter 25 Water Code of Texas); and WHEREAS, the parties 􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁯 recognize these facts: (a) That the Authority will use the payments to be received under this and similar contracts for the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense of the Authority's System and for the payment of the principal of and the interest on its Bonds and Outstanding Bonds and for the establishment and/or maintenance of reserves and other funds as provided in the Bond Resolution and in resolutions.authorizing Outstanding Bonds; and that the revenues under such contracts will be pledged to such purposes; and (b) It is anticipated that contracts similar to this instrument will be executed between the. Authority and the other Contracting Parties and may, in the future, be executed with Additional Contracting Parties; and " '-􀀬􀁾 ___ ,.i ,. . \ .... 􀁬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀺􀁾 (c) That Authority has Outstanding Bonds which were issued to finance construction of the System as it exists as of the date of execution of this contract; and (d) That the Authority is preparing to issue and sell its Bonds to refund part of the Outstanding Bonds and to provide funds to enable it to construct extensions, improvements and enlargements to the System; (e) That Authority will issue Bonds from time to time in the future to further extend, enlarge and improve the System; and (f) That City and Authority are subject to all valid rules, regulations and requirements of the Texas Water Quality Board, the Environmental Protection Agency and such State and Federal laws as now exist or may be enacted during the term of this agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Carrollton and TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS do hereby contract and agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Sectionl.Ol. DEFINITION OF TERMS. Terms and expressions as used in this contract, unless the context clearly shows otherwise, shall have the following meanings: (a) "Additional Contracting Party" means any party not defined as a Contracting Party with whom Authority makes a contract for receiving, transporting, treating and disposing of Wastewater through the System. (b) "Adjusted Annual Payment" means the Annual Payment, as adjusted due to service to Additional Contracting Parties and/or as required during or after each Fiscal Year. (c) "Annual Payment" means the amount of money to be paid to Authority by City as its proportionate share of the Annual Requirement. 2 "<" 􀁾􀀮 " 􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀩 G· (d) "Annual Requirement" means the total amount of money required for Authority to pay all Operation and Maintenance Expense of the System and to pay the debt service on its BCi.:ds and Outstanding Bonds, and to pay any. amounts required to be deposited in any special or reserve funds required to be established and/or maintained by the provisions of the Bond Resolution, and in resolutions authorizing Outstanding Bonds o (e) "Authority" means the Trinity River Authority of Texas. (f) "Authority's System)" "Regional System," Regional Wastewater System," "Central Wastewate:r Treatment System," or "System" means all of Authority's facilities for receiving, transporting, treating and disposing of Wastewater generally in the area described in the first preamble hereto. together with any improvements, enlargements or additions to said facilities and any extensions or replacements of said facilities constructed or otherwise incorporated into said facilities in the future. Said terms shall include only those facilities which are used for, constructed or acquired, or the use of which is arranged for, by the Authority to afford service to the Contracting Parties and Additional Contracting Parties which can 'economically and efficiently be served by said Systemo Said terms do not include Authority's facilities located within the boundaries of the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport and defined as the "System" in the contract between Authority and the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport Board dated July 16, 1971, as amended, Local Wastewater Facilities, any facilities constructed or acquired with proceeds of Special Project Bonds, as defined in the Bond Resolution, or obtained by Authority acting as a signatory to the State of Texas Water Pollution Control Compact, or any of the facilities designated as Authority's Ten Mile Creek System, or Wa1kerCalloway Project o (g) "BOD" (denoting Biochemical Oxygen Demand) means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five (5) days at 200 C., expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/1). (h) "Bond Resolution" means any resolution of the Board of Directors of the Authority authorizing the issuance of Bonds and providing for their security and payment, ·as such resolution(s) may he amended from time to time as therein . permitted. 3 􀁾" 􀁾􀀬􀀧 \ ' .. 􀁾􀀧 (i) "Bonds" means any bonds to be issued by the Authority pursuant to this contract to refund Outstanding Bonds and for the acquisition, construction, expansion, improvement or completion of the System, whether one or more, issues, or any bonds issued to refund same. (j) "City" means the City of Carrollton, Texas. (k) "Contracting Party" or "Contrac.ting Parties" means one or more of the following: Arlington, Bedford, Carrollton, Dallas, Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport Board, Euless,_ Farmers Branch, Grand Prairie and Irving, and any city or other party as defined in Article 762lg, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, which, prior to the issuance, sale and delivery of the initial issue of Bonds, makes a contract with the Authority for receiving, transporting, treating and disposing of Wastewater through the Authority's System. (1) "Domestic Waste'olater" (sanitary sewage) means liquid and water-carried waste discharged from sanitary conveniences of dwellings, business buildings, institutions and the like, including Properly Shredded Garbage. (m) "Engineering Report" means a report of Forrest and Cotton, Inc., Consulting Engineers, entitled Regional Wastewater System, dated December, 1971, as such report may be amended, modified and changed by Authority or at its direction at any time prior to the execution of construction contracts for improvements, additions and enlargements to the System or as modified and changed by change orders issued after execution of such construction contracts. (n) 􀀧􀁾􀁆􀁩􀁳􀁣􀁡􀁬 Year" means the twelve (12) month period beginning December 1 of each year, and applies only to Authority (i.e., Fiscal Year 1973 is the twelve (12) month period ending November 30, 1973,) or such other twelve (12) month period as may be established in the future to constitute Authority's Fiscal Year. (0)' "Garbage" means solid wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from handling, storage and sale of produce. (p) "Grease" means fats, waxes, oils, and other similar materials in Wastewater, as determined by procedures specified in the latest edition of Standard Methods of Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by American Public Health Association, Inc. (q) "Industrial Wastes" means the liquid wastes from industrial processes as distinct from wastes in Domestic Wastewater. 4 , ... 􀁾 , 􀀧􀁾 , , 􀁜􀁾􀀮􀀾 (r) "Infiltration Water" means water that has migrated from the ground into the System. (s) "Local Wastewater Facilities" means the facilities of Contracting Parties and Additional Contracting Parties for transportation of Wastewater to Points of Entry and any facilities used exclusively or primarily for the pre-treatment of Industrial Wastes. (t) "Month" means calendar month. (u) "Operation and Maintenance 􀁅􀁾􀁰􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁥􀀢 means all costs of operation and maintenance of the Authority's System including, but not limited to, repairs and replacements for which no special fund iS,created in the Bond Resolution, the cost of 􀁵􀁴􀁩􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁥􀁳􀀬 supervision, engineering, accounting, auditing, legal services, and any other supplies, services, administrative costs and equipment necessary for proper operation and maintenance of the Authority's 􀁓􀁙􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁭􀀬 and payments made by Authority in satisfaction of judgments resulting from claims not covered by Authority's insurance or not paid paid by one particular Contracting Party or Additional Contracting Party arising in' connection with the operation and maintenance of the System. The term also includes the fees of the bank or banks where the Bonds are payable. Depreciation shall not be considered an item of Operation and Maintenance Expense. (v) "Outstanding Bonds" means all bonds issued by Authority prior to the date of this contract to provide funds for construction of the System as it exists as of the date of execution of this contract. (w) "pH" means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration. The concentration is the weight of the hydrogen ions, in grams, per liter of solution. (x) "Point of Entry" means the point at which Wastewater enters Authority's System. (y) "Properly Shredded Garbage" means Garbage that has been shredded to such degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normaJ,ly prevailing in public sewers,with no particle greater than one-half (1/2) inch in any dimension. 5 ., .... 􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾 (z) "ss" (denoting Suspended Solids) means solids removable by laboratory filtering expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/1) as determined by procedures specified in the latest edition of Standard Methods'of Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by American Public Health Association, Inc. (aa) "Trustee" means the Republic National Bank of Dallas, Dallas, Texas. (bb) "Trust Indenture" means the Trust Indenture between Trinity River Authority of Texas and Republic National Bank of Dallas, dated as of June 1, 1957. (cc) "Waste\oJater" (sewage) means Domestic Wastewater and Industrial Waste, together with such Infiltration Water that may be present. ARTICLE II CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES BY AUTHORITY Section 2.01. FACILITIES. In order to provide services for receiving, transporting, treating and disposing of Wastewater for City and others, Authority will design and construct extensions, improvements and enlargements to its System, as described in the Engineering Report, and will own, operate, maintain and from time to time expand the System. ARTICLE III DISCHARGE OF WASTEWATER AND METERING Section 3.01. City shall have the right to discharge Wastewater into the System under this contract on the effective date of this contract. Section 3.02. DISCHARGE. In consideration of the payments to be made under this contract, City shall have the right to discharge Wastewater into the System meeting the requirements for 6 " , • 􀀮􀀬􀁾 \ ".: '---'" quantity set forth in this Article of the contract, and the rcquire 􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁾􀁳 for quality as set forth in Article IV. Section 3 •.03. POINT OF ENTRYo City shall discharge its Wastewater at a Point or Points of Entry designated for City in the Engineering 􀁒􀁥􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁾􀀬 or at such additional Points of Entry as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto. The Engineering Report establishes and will establish a minimum area to be served by each Point of Entryo City covenants that it will discharge all Wastewater generated in such minimum area of service into each designated Point of Entry for City during the term of this contract, to the extent Authority has provided capacity to that service area, unless City and Authority mutually agree that like service can be provided elsewhere in the Systemo Whenever additional Points of Entry are established and provided for City, a minimum service area for such Points of Entry will be established in the Engineering Report for such Points of Entry and City shall discharge all Wastewater generated in such area into such Points of Entry during the term of this contract. All such minimum areas ·of service may be expanded by mutual agreement of Authority and City, and whenever expanded, such expanded service area shall be included in the Engineering Report and City shall discharge all Wastewater generated in such expanded service area into Authority's System, at the appropriate Point of Entry, during the term of this contrftct o Section 3.04. CONVEYANCE TO POINT OF ENTRYo It shall be the sole responsibility of City, including any liability incurred in connection therewith, to convey such Wastewater to the Point or Points of Entry. 7 􀁾 ,,-,.., l/Section 3.05. QUANTITY AT POINT OF ENTRY. (a) The quantity of Wastewater 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁶􀁥􀁹􀁾􀁤 to the Point or Points of Entry shall be metered and the total annual contributing flow of Wastewater received during any Fiscal Year shall be used to determine City's Annual Payment and the Basic Charge for service as set forth in Article V. (b) , At each Point of Entry, City may deliver Wastewater at a Maximum Discharge Rate, defined as a rate in MGD, which, if continued. over 'a period of twenty-four (24) hours would not exceed 3.50 times'City's estimated annual contributing flow expressed as a daily average in MGDo (c) City's Maximum Discharge Rate for Fiscal Year, 1973 at each Point of Entry is designated in the Engineering Report. (d) For 􀁾􀁨􀁥 Fiscal Year 1974, and each succeeding Fiscal Year thereafter, City's Maximum Discharge Rate shall be redetermined in the manner described in (b) above. (e) If during any Fiscal Year City's annual contributing flow is redetermined, City's Maximum Discharge Rates shall also be redetermined to the mutual satisfaction of City and Authority.-(f) The Authority will periodically redetermine, if necessary, the Maximum Discharge Rates to assure that said Rates are adequate to allow City to discharge a reasonable Wastewater flow into the System. Section 3.06. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL OF WASTEWATER. Liability for damages arising from the reception, transportation, delivery and disposal of 8 \,,,,-_.j \'--'" all wastewater discharged hereunder shall remain in City to Points of Entry, 􀁾􀁮􀁤 upon passing through Authority's meters installed at Points of Entry liability for such damages shall pass to Authorityo As between the parties, each party hereto agrees to save and hold the other party harmless from all claims, demands, and causes of action which may be asserted by anyone on account of the reception, transportation, delivery, and disposal whilE Wastewater is in the control of such party. This covenant is not made for the benefit of any third party. Authority takes the responsibility as between the parties hereto for the proper reception, transportation, treatment, and disposal of all such Wastewater received by it at Points of Entryo Section 3.070 METERING 0 Authority will furnish, install, operate and maintain at its own expense at each Point of Entry the necessary equipment and devices of standard type for measuring properly all Wastewater to be discharged under this agreement. Such meters and other equipment shall remain the property of the Authority. City shall have access to such metering equipment at all 􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁳􀁯􀁮􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁾 times for inspection and examination, but the reading, 􀁾􀁡􀁬􀁩􀁢􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀬 and adjustment thereof shall be done only by employees or agents of Authority in the presence of a representative of the City if requested by the City. All readings of meters will be entered upon proper books of record maintained by the Authority. Upon written request City may have access to.said record books during reasonable business hours. 9 􀀬􀁾 "'--' Not more than three times in each year of operation, Authority shall calibrate its meters, if requested in writing by City to do so, in the presence of a representative of City, and the parties shall jointly observe any adjustments ,which are made to the meters in case any adjustment is found to be necessary. If, for any reason, any meters are out of service or out of repair, or if, upon any test, the percentage of inaccuracy of any meter is found to be in excess of five (5%) per cent, registration thereof shall be corrected for a period of time extending back to the time when such inaccuracy began, if such time is ascertainable, and if such time is not ascertainable, then for a period extending 'back one-half (1/2) of the time elapsed since the date of the last calibration, but in no event further back than a period of six. (6) months • City may, at its option and its own expense, install and operate a check meter to check each meter installed by Authority, but the measurement for the purpose of of this agreement shall be solely by Authority I s meters" except in the cases hereinbelow in this Section specifically provided to the contrary. All such check meters shall be of standard make and shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection and examination by any employee or agent of Authority, but the reading, calibration and adjustment thereof shall be made only by City, except during any period when a check meter may be used under specific written consent by Authority for measuring the amount of Wastewater delivered into the System, in which case the 􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁾 calibration and adjustment thereof shall be ma de by Authority with like effect as 􀁩􀁾 such check meter 'or meters had been furnished or installed by Authority. 10 , 􀁾 '-_/\........;,....> Section 3.08. UNIT OF MEASUREMENT. The unit of measurement for Wastewater delivered hereunder shall be 1,000 gallons, u. S. Standard Liquid Measure. ARTICLE IV QUALITY AND TESTING Section 4.01. GENERAL. City agrees to limit discharge into Authority's System to wastes defined herein as admissible discharges, and to prohibit entry into the System of any wastes that have the characteristics of prohibitive discharges, also described herein. Section 4.02. ADMISSIBLE DISCHARGES. Wastes discharged into the System shall consist only of Wastewater, Properly Shredded Garbage, and other wastes which the System is capable of handling, so that: (a) effluent from the System meets the current legal standards of the Texas Water Quality Board or of any governmental body having legal authority to set standards for such effluents; and (b) the System is not damaged to the extent to cause unnecessary repairs or replacements resulting in increased Operation and Maintenance Expense. Section 4.03. PROHIBITIVE DISCHARGES. (a) To enable the highest degree of treatment in the most economical manner possible, and· to comply with Federal and State regulations, certain solids, liquids and gases are hereby prohibited from entering Authority's System in excess of standards as set by said Federal and State regulations. The prohibitive discharges listed below shall apply at the Points of Entry. 11 ,; , 􀁾􀀮􀀧 Federal and State Regulatory Agencies periodically modify standards on prohibitive discharges; 􀁴􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁦􀁯􀁲􀁥􀀬 revisions to, additions to, or deletions from the items listed in this section will become necessary to comply with these latest standards. It is the intention of this contract that prohibitive discharge requirements be reviewed periodically by Authority and revised in accordance with the latest standards of any Federal or State Agency having regulatory powers o Any required revisions shall be made and 􀁷􀁲􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁾 notice thereof given to City; however, enforcement and effect of·the revision shall not begin for ninety (90) days following written notice to City of such change o (b) The following information shall govern prohibitive discharges: (i) City shall not discharge any of the following into the System at a Point of Entry: storm water, ground water, roof run-off, sub-surface drainage or water originating from down spouts, yard drains, yard fountain and ponds, or lawn sprayso In cases where, and in the opinion of Authority, the character of the Wastewater from any manufacturer or industrial plant, building or other premises is such that it will damage the System, or cannot be treated satisfactorily in the System, City shall prevent it from entering the System until the character of same is satisfactory to Authorityo (c) City shall not discharge any of the following substances, 􀁭􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁡􀁬􀁳􀀬 waters or wastes into the System: (i) Any liquid having a temperature higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees Centigrade); (ii) Any water or wastes which contain wax, grease, oil, plastic or other substance that will solidify, or become discernibly viscous at temperatures between 32 degrees to 150 degrees Fahrenheit; 12 .. 􀁜􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀭 (iii) Any solids, slurries or viscous substances of such character as to be capable of causir.g obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper operation of the Wastewater 􀁾􀁳􀁴􀁥􀁭􀀬 such as ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar,-plastics, wood, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and f1esh1ings, entrails, lime slurry, lime residues, slops, chemical residues, paint residues or bulk solids; (iv) Any solids, liquids, or gases which by themselves or by interaction with other substances may cause fire or explosion hazards, or in any other way be injurious to persons, property, or the operators of the Wastewater System; (v) Any garbage that has not been properly comminuted or shredded; (vi) Any noxious or malodorous substance, which either singly or by interaction with other substances is capable of causing objectionable odors, or hazard to life, or forms solids that wi11'cause obstructions to flow, or creates any other condition deleterious to structures or treatment processes, or requires unusual provisions, alteration, or expense to handle such substance; (vii) Any waters or wastes having a pH lower·than 6 0 0, or higher than 10.0 or having any corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazards to structures, equipment, or personnel of the Wastewater System; (viii) Any wastes or waters containing suspended or dissolved solids of such character and quantity that unusua1·attention or expense is required to handle such materials. in the Wastewater System; (ix) Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance, such as plating or heat-treating wastes, in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any wastewater treatment process, to constitute a hazard to humans or animals, or to create any hazard in the receiving waters of the Wastewater Treatment Plant; (x) Any wastes or waters exceeding the concentrations listed below: 13 .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 190 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. '. , 􀁾􀀮 Antimony greater than Arsenic greater than Barium greater than Beryllium greater than Bismuth greater than Boron greater than Cadmium greater than Chromium (Hexavalent) greater than Chromium (trivalent) greater than Cobalt greater than Copper greater than Cyanides greater than Fluorides greater than Hydrogen Sulfide greater than Iron greater than Lead greater than Manganese greater than Mercury greater than Molybdenum greater than Nickel greater than Phenol greater than Selenium greater than Silver greater than Tin greater than 􀁕􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁹􀀱􀁾􀁉􀁯􀁮 greater than Zinc greater than 0.01 mg/1 0.05 mg/1 5.0 mg/1 0'001 mg/1 0.5 mg/1 1.0 mg/1 0.02 mg/1 0 005 mg/1 5 00 mg/1 1.0 mg/1 1.0 mg/1 1.0 mg/1 105 mgj1 0.1 mg/1 003 mg/1 0 01 mg/1 100 mg/1 00005 mg/1 1.0 mg/1 100 mg/1· 00005 mg/1 0002 mg/1 001 mg/1 1 00 mg/1 5.0 mg/1 5.0 mg/1 (d) City shall not discharge into the System waters or wastes containing: (i) Free or emulsified oil and grease exceeding, on analysis, an average of 100 mg/1 (834 pounds per million gallons) of either, or both, or combinations of free or emulsified oil and grease, if, in the opinion of Authority, it appears 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁢􀁾􀁢􀀱􀁥 that such wastes: 1. Can deposit grease or oil in the sewer lines in such manner to clog the sewers; 2. Can overload skimming and grease handling equipment; 3. Are not amenable to bacterial action or other treatment processes then being employed by Authority and will, therefore, pass to the receiving waters without being affected by normal wastewater treatment processes; or, 14 ., ,. 􀁜􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁟􀁾 4. Can have deleterious effects on the treatment process due to 􀁥􀁸􀁣􀁥􀁾􀁣􀀻􀁩􀁶􀁥 quantities. (ii) (iii) Any radioactive wastes greater than the allowable releases as specified by current United States Bureau of Standards handbooks dealing with the handling of and release of radioactivity. Cyanides or cyanogen compounds capable of liberating hydrocyanic gas on acidification in excp.ss of 0.2 mg/1 by weight (as. CN) • (iv) Materials which exert or cause: • 1. Unusual concentrations of solids or compounds; as, for example, in total SS of inert nature (such as Fuller's Earth) and/or in total dissolved solids (such as sodium chloride or sodium sulfate); 2. Excessive discoloration; 3. Unusual BOD or immediate oxygen . demand. Section 4,.04. TESTING QUALITY. To determine quality of Wastewater, Authority will collect twenty-four (24) hour composite samples of Wastewater at each Point of Entry and cause same to be analyzed in pccordance with testing procedures as set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods of Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by American Public Health Association, Inc. Composite samples will normally be taken once a month, or at more frequent intervals if necessary to determine Wastewater quality. Such Wastewater shall not exceed the. limits of concentration specified for Normal Wastewater as follows: Normal Wastewater Concentration BOD SS pH, not less than Hydrogen Sulfide 250 mg/1 250 mg/1 6 nor greater 0.1 mg/115 than 10 , , ., '----) \--:..; Should the analysis disclose concentrations higher than those listed, Authority will at once inform City of such disqualification. It shall be the obligation of City to require the offending discharger of said highly concentrated materials to undertake remedial measures to bring discharge concentrations within acceptable limits. The Authority will cooperate with City in reaching a satisfactory solution but will not undertake to specify the measures that will be employed to bring those over-strength discharge concentrations within acceptable limits. In some cases of over-strength Industrial Waste, the industry discharging the over-strength waste, and City, may be desirous, and Authority may be agreeable to negotiate terms under which Authority will accept and treat the over-strength wastes, but Authority makes no commitment to perform such service. Section 4.05. ADMISSION OF DISCHARGES CONTAINING OONCENTRATIONS OF BOD AND/OR SS GREATER THAN THOSE PRESENT IN NORMAL WASTEWATER. If Wastewater at the Point or Points of Entry contains concentrations of BOD greater than 250 mg/l and/or SS greater than .250 mg/l, approval must be obtained from Authority prior to discharge of the Wastewater into the System. Charges made to City will include the Basic Charge as outlined in Article V of this contract, plus a surcharge for excess BOD and/or SS calculated in accordance with the following formula: 16 􀀧􀁾􀀧 8C .... (Q) (8.34) (a(BOD-250)" + b (88-250» where: 8C = surcharge based on excessive concentrations of BOD and/or SS (dollars per month) Q = flow (million gallons per month) a = annually adjusted unit cost of treatment, chargeable to BOD (dollars per pound of BOD introduced to System) b = annually adjusted unit cost of treatment, chargeable to SS (dollars per pound of SS introduced to System) The value of BOD and/or SS concentrations in this ca1cu1ation will be the average of values determined by testing procedures as defined in Section 4.04, TESTING QUALITY, except for the following condition: Observation of unusually high values of BOD and/or SS in samples collected at the Wastewater treatment plant or" at a Point of Entry will prompt an intensive sampling and testing program to determine the Contracting Party responsible for these high values. Once the source of high concentration of BOD and/or 55 has been determined, the responsible Contracting Party will be notified and" samples will be collected and tested for four (4) continuous days. 􀁔􀁨􀁾 average of the BOD and SS values measured during these four (4) days will be considered as representative of the Wastewater being discharged to the 􀁓􀁹􀁳􀁴􀁾􀁭 and will serve as the basis of the surcharge during the month of observation. Any surcharge for overstrength Wastewater which Authority has agreed to accept shall not be allocated among Contracting Parties discharging normal Wastewater, but shall be applied only to the Contracting Party discharging such overstrength Wastewater. At any time that Authority determines that any service hereunder should be suspended because City's Wastewater does not meet 17 standards herein established or that a surcharge will be applied, ··Authority shall furnish to City the data and expert opinion on which such determination was based prior to cessation of service or application of a surcharge. Section 4.06. INDUSTRIAL WASTES. The effects of certain types of Industrial Waste upon Wastewater and Wastewater treatment processes are such as to require that careful consideration be made of each industrial connection. This is a matter of concern both to Authority and to City. Accordingly, Authority, upon request ·by City, will work jointly in processing applications for discharge of Industrial Waste into any sewers ultimately discharging into Authority's System. The City covenants that it will have in effect and will enforce an industrial waste ordinance acceptable to Federal and State agencies or departments having lawful jurisdiction to set standards for waste discharges. An industry in City in an area being served by Authority's System seeking to connect to the City's Domestic Wastewater system . shall make an application to the City for an Industrial Waste disposal permit and, shall file therewith a statement containing the following information: (a) Name and address of applicant; (b) Type of Industry; (c) Quantity of plant waste; (d) Typical analysis of the waste; (e) Type of pre-treatment proposed. City will allow Authority access to City records to gather information and data that will be useful to Authority as statistical data for 􀁰􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁧 the operation, improvement and expansion of Authority's treatment facilities. 18 ARTICLE V FISCAL PROVISIONS Section 5.010 FINANCING. Authority will pay for the cost of construction of the improvements contemplated herein, and will issue its Bonds, from time to time, in amounts necessary which, together with other available funds, will be sufficient to accomplish such construction. Section 5.02 0 ANNUAL REQUIREMENT. It is acknowledged and agreed that payments to be made under this contract and similar contracts-with other Contracting Parties and Additional Contracting Parties will be the only source available to Authority to provide the Annual Requirement; (a) (b) (c) (d) 19 be Section 5.03. PAYMENTS BY CITY 0 􀀨􀁡􀀩􀁩􀀡􀀢􀁾􀀹􀀣􀁩􀁩􀁳􀁥􀁲􀁖􀁩􀁥􀁥􀀬 to '.'c"·--',,' ,,_.. _ ',',:;.• 􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀧 to City by Authority hereunder 􀀬􀁾􀂷􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁧􀀧􀁾􀀨􀁡􀁓 tOPllY, 􀁬􀀡􀁬􀁲􀁩􀁾􀁲􀁩􀁮􀁴􀁨􀁥 manner hereinafter. 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁱􀁥􀁤􀀬􀁩􀁴􀁳􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁰􀀨􀀩􀁲 ... 􀀱􀀺􀀩􀀡􀀤􀁬􀁾􀁡􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁩􀁩􀁾􀁾􀀩􀁪􀁅􀀢􀁩􀁴􀁴􀀱􀂫􀁾􀁊􀁾􀁬􀀱􀁴􀁬􀁕􀁾􀁌 1 􀁒􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁬􀁴􀁬􀁥􀁮􀀮􀁴􀀺􀀬􀁣 􀁩􀁾􀁈􀁩􀁴􀀴􀁨 􀂷􀀺􀀮􀂷􀁳􀁨􀁡􀀮􀁬􀀱􀂷􀂷􀀮􀁨􀁾 􀀩􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁬􀀺􀁬􀁬􀀱􀁩􀀮􀁮􀁥􀁤 shall constitute 􀁃􀁩􀁾􀁹􀀧􀁳 Annual Payment: (i) For the Fiscal Year 1973 tabulation shall apply for 1973: Estimated 1973 Annual Contributing Flow CONTRACTING PARTY (1,000 gallons) Percentage of Total Arlington Carrollton . (includes Coppell) Dallas . D/FW Airport Euless Bedford Farmers Branch (includes Addison) Grand Prairie Irving 1,769,975 1,050il 833 1,544,081 364,575 1,193,804 514,694 1,318,188 2,277,520 􀀴􀁾􀀲􀀶􀀳 6380 14,297,050 12.38 7.35 10.80 2.55 8.35 3.60 9.22 15,. 93 29.82 100.00 City's Annual Payment for the Fiscal Year 1973 shall be calculated by multiplying City's percentage from the above tabu1ation times the Annual Requirement. In the event Authority is unable to offer service under this contract to City for the complete Fiscal Year of 1973, City's Annual Payment shall be reduced to the prorata portion of the Fiscal Year for which service is provided. Such payments shall be made in accordance with and at the times set forth in a Schedule of Payments for 1973 which 20 which will be supplied to City. At the cia of th(f1973Fiscal c' 􀁲􀁥􀁤􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁭􀁩􀁮􀁥 City·s percentage by dividing contributing flow to the System by the total 􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁪􀂣􀁥􀁴􀁜􀁩􀀶􀀻􀁯􀁨􀀮􀁴􀂷􀁲􀁩� �􀁕􀁴tng 'f 􀀱􀀸􀁗􀀾􀀻􀀮􀁴􀀶􀁴􀁨􀁾􀂷System by all Contract ing Cityi s Adjusted Annual Payment shall be calculated by multiplying City's redetermined ,percentage times the Annual Requiremente . arid the 􀁥􀁮􀀮􀁤􀁥􀁴􀁥􀁴􀀧􀁭􀁩􀁮􀂷􀁅􀁬􀁾􀀬 shalt: ;be ap})lied CiS a (ii) For the Fiscal Year 1974 , and each succeeding Fiscal Year thereafter, City's proportionate share of the Annual Requirement shall be a percentaeeobtained by dividing City's estimated contributing flow to the System for 􀁳􀁾􀁣􀁨 year by the total estimated contributing flow to the System by all Contracting Parties and Additional Contracting Parties 􀁢􀁥􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁟􀂧􀁾􀁝􀀻􀀬􀁙􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀬􀁌􀀬􀁧􀁴􀀺􀀺􀀮,t::hg ..􀁴􀀾􀁾􀀮􀁢􀀬􀀮􀁌􀀮􀁬􀁬􀁕􀀮􀁌􀀮􀁬􀁬􀁢 of each.. such,.c,:il.ear (b) If, during any Fiscal Year, Authority begins providing services to an Additional Contracting Party or Parties, City's Annual Payment for such Fiscal Year shall be redetermined in the following manner: (i) Such Additional Contracting Party or Parties estimated contributing flow to the System for such year, or portion thereof, shall be determined by Authority; (ii) Cityi s proportionate share of the Annual Requirement shall be a percentage, redetermined by dividing Cityi s estimated annual contributing flow 21 to the System by the total estimated annual contributing flow to the System by all Contracting Parties, including that estimated for the Additional Contracting Party or Parties for the remaining portion of such Fiscal Year; (iii) Authority shall redetermine the Annual Requirement, taking into consideration any costs' incurred on account of the Additional Contracting Party or Parties; (iv) City's Annual Payment shall be redetermined by multiplying City's redetermined percentage times the redetermined Annual Requirement. (c) City's Annual Payment shall also be redetermined, in the manner set out above, at any time during any Fiscal Year if: (i) Additions, enlargements or improvements to the System are constructed by Authority to provide continuing service which in turn requires a redetermination of the Annual Re"quirement; or (ii) Unusual or extraordinary expenditures for operation and maintenance are required which are not provided for in the Annual Budget or in the Bond Resolution, or (iii) City's contributing flow to the System, after the beginning of the Fiscal Year, is estimated to be substantially different from that on which Annual Payments are based as determined by Authority, to the extent that such difference in flow will substantially affect City's Budget, and consequently City's Annual Payment to Authority. (e) Recognizing that the Authority will use payments received from City to pay, secure and finance the issuance of the Bonds, it is hereby agreed that upon the effective date of this contract, 22 􀁾􀁾􀀣􀀹􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁙􀀮􀁩􀁳􀁡􀁣􀁴􀁵􀁡􀁬􀀱y receiving Wa.s tewatern¢re\.loder , actually discharges Wa$􀁴􀀺􀁥􀁗􀀧􀁣􀀺􀁬􀀮􀁴􀁥􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁹􀀮􀁬􀀮􀀧􀁊􀀮􀁤􀁾􀁲􀀬 􀁯􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁷􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁾 In such event, the amount due shall be a percentage of the debt service on the Bonds • for the period of such failure of service hereunder. Such percentage shall be determined by dividing the amount of Wastewater actually discharged into the System by City in the month preceding cessation of service hereunder by the total amount of Wastewater discharged into the System by all Contracting Parties and Additional Contracting Parties for the same period. In the event service hereunder is never begun, the percentage of Debt Service for Bonds outstanding at the time of such failure of service hereunder for City shall be 6.75%. (f) On or before August 1 of each year Authority will furnish City with an estimated schedule of monthly payments to be made by City for the ensuing Fiscal Year. On or before November 1 of each year, Authority shall furnish City with a finalized schedule of the monthly payments to be made by such City to the Authority for the ensuing Fiscal Year. City hereby agrees that it will make such payments to the Authority on or before the 10th day of each month of such Fiscal 23 that City will recover its overpayment. In the event City is assessed a surcharge for excess BOD and/or SS, Authority will bill City for such surcharge on or before the fifth (5th) day of the month following the determination of the surcharge and City shall pay such surcharge on or before the tenth (10th) day of the month of receipt of any such 􀁢􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁾 Any such surcharge collected by Authority shall be applied by Authority against the total cost of -Operation and'Maintenance Expense of the System. (g) If City's Annual Payment is redetermined as is herein provided, Authority will promptly furnish City with an updated schedule of monthly payments reflecting such redetermination. 􀁾􀀨􀀱􀁴􀀧􀀩 ARTICLE VI GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 6.01. CONSTRUCTION. Authority" agrees to proceed promptly with the construction of the facilities necessary to the performance of its obligations hereunder. Authority shall not be liable to the City for any' damages occasioned by delay in the commencement of such service to City. After Authority has notified City of readiness to accept such Wastewater, at the Point or Points of Entry, Authority shall, subject to other terms and conditions of this contract, continually hold itself ready, willing and able to supply such service to City. Liability of the Authority under this covenant shall be subject to the provisions of Section 6.02 of this contract. Authority agrees to maintain and provide service to City with existing facilities until such time as construction of additional or replacement facilities are completed. 24 Section 6.02. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. It is expressly understood and agreed that any obligation on the part of the Authority to complete and operate the said facilities shall be conditioned upon the following: (a) Sale of Bonds in an amount which, together with other available funds, will be sufficient to assure the construction of the System; (b) The Authority's ability, or the ability of the Authority's contractors, to obtain,all material, labor and equipment necessary for completion of the System. (c) Execution of contracts in substantially the form of this-contract with Arlington, Bedford, Carrollton, Dallas, Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport Board, Euless, Farmers Branch, Grand Prairie and Irving; (d) Release by the Trustee of the Trust Indenture. Section 6.03. OBLIGATIONS OF CITY. Authority shall never have the right to demand payment by City of 􀁡􀁮􀁾 obligation assumed or imposed on it under and by virtue of this contract from funds raised or to be raised by taxation, it being expressly pnderstood by by the parties hereto that all payments due by City hereunder "are to be made from the revenues and income received by City from its waterworks and sanitary sewer systems, as authorized by Section 3 of Article 1109i, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes. Section 􀀶􀁾􀀰􀀴􀀮 PAYMENTS TO CONSTITUTE OPERATING EXPENSES BY CITY. City represents and covenants that the services to be obtained pursuant to this contract are essential and necessary to the operation of City and its Local Wastewater Facilities, and that all payments to be made hereunder by it will constitute reasonable and necessary "operating expenses" of City's waterworks '25 and sanitary sewer systems, within the meaning of Article 1113, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and the provisions of all Ordinances authorizing the issuance of all revenue bond issues of City which are payable from revenues of City's waterworks and sewer sys tems. Section 6.05. CITY TO ESTABLISH ADEQUATE RATES. City agrees to establish and collect such rates and 􀁣􀁨􀁡􀁲􀁧􀁾􀁳 for Waterworks and Domestic Wastewater services to be supplied by its Waterworks and Domestic Wastewater systems as will make possible the prompt payment of all expenses of operating and maintaining its Waterworks and Domestic Wastewater systems, including all payments contracted hereunder, and the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on its obligations, if any, payable from the revenues of its Waterworks and Domestic Wastewater systems. Section 6.06. USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY. By these presents, City authorizes use by the Authority of streets and general utility or sewer easements of City for construction, operation and maintenance of the Authority's System, so long as such use by the Authority does not interfere with any lawful use by the City, and subject to all of City's Ordinances respecting the manner of such use and restoration of lands, pavement or improvements resulting from exercise of the rights provided in this section, including the cost of relocation as an expense of the Authority's System. Authority will work with City and cooperate in the timing, planning and installation timetable of all facilities to be constructed and installed by Authority. Section 6.07. USE OF REVENUES OF SYSTEM. All revenues received from any source whatsoever by Authority by reason of its ownership of this System shall, to the extent permitted by law, 26 be credited to the tunds of the System as established in the Bond Resolutions. To the extent permitted by law, if the Authority receives income from the use of treated Wastewater, prior to its discharge into a public stream of the State of Texas, the Authority will apply said income against the Operating and Maintenance Expense of the System. Provided, that revenues received by Authority from the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport Board under contract dated July 16, 1971, as amended, and any revenues received under contracts, the revenues from which are pledged to the payment of special facility bonds, as permitted in the Bond Resolutions, shall not be credited to said funds of the System and will not be a part of the pledge of revenues for payment of the Bonds. Neither shall any revenues received by the Authority under contracts where the Authority is acting as a signatory to the Texas Water Pollution Control Compact be included as a part of the pledge of revenues for payment of the Bonds. No funds derived derived from the Contracting Parties shall ever be used for the benefit of any project the revenues of which have been excluded from the pledge for payment of the Bonds hereunder or which may be so excluded in the future. Section 6.08. FORCE MAJEURE. In case by reason of "Force Majeure" either party hereto shall be rendeJ;ed unable wholly or in part to carry out its obligations under this agreement, then if such party shall give notice and full particulars of; such "Force Majeure" in writing to the other party within a reasonable time after occurrence of the event or cause relied on, the obligation of the party giving such notice, so far as it is affected by such Force Majeure, with the exception of the obligation of City to make the payments required in Section 5.03(e) hereof, shall be suspended during the continuance of the inability then claimed, but for no longer periods, and any such party shall endeavor to remove or overcome such inability with all reasonable dispatch. 27 The term "Force Majeure" as employed herein, shall mean acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of public enemy, orders of any kind of the Government of the United States or the State of Texas or any civil or military authority, insurrecti?ns, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, storms, floods, washouts, droughts, arrests, restraint of government and people, civil disturbances, explosions, breakage or accidents to machinery, pipe lines or canals, partial or entire failure of water supply, and inability on part of City to provide water necessary for operation of its water and Domestic Wastewater system hereunder, or of Authority to receive Wastewater on account of any other causes not reasonably within the control of the party claiming such inability. It is understood and agreed that the settlement of strikes and lockouts shall be entirely within the discretion of the party having the difficulty, and that the above requirement that any Force Force Majeure shall be remedied with all reasonable dispatch shall not require the settlement of strikes and lockouts by acceding to the demands of the opposing.party or parties when such settlement is unfavorable to it in the judgment of the party having the difficulty. Section 6.09. INSURANCE. The Bond Resolution will contain appropriate provisions requiring Authority to carry insurance for purposes and in amounts which would ordinaril¥ be carried by a privately owned utility company under contract to perform services similar to those undertaken by Authority in this contract. Such provisions will be so designed as to afford protection not only for the holders of the Bonds but to assure and facilitate, to the extent feasible and practicable, the restoration 28 of dam3[ or de' 􀁾􀁯􀁹􀁥􀁤 properties and to 􀁭􀁾􀁟􀁩􀁭􀁩􀁺􀁥 the interruption of service to City and others. Section 6.10. REGULATORY BODIES. This contract shall be subject to all valid rules, regulations and laws applicable hereto passed or promulgated by the United States of America, the State of Texas or any governmental body or agency having lawful jurisdiction or any authorized representative or agency of any of them. 􀁓􀁥􀁣􀁾􀁩􀁯􀁮 6.11. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The City's governing body shall annually appoint one of the members of its governing body or Qne of its officers as a voting member of the Advisory Committee for the Authority's Central Wastewater Treatment System. Said Committee shall be comprised of one voting representative of each Contracting Party and Additional Contracting Party. Additionally, the Board of Directors of the Authority shall annually appoint to serve as nonvoting members of the Advisory Committee one of its Dallas County Directors and one of its Tarrant County Directors. The Advisory Committee, at its first called meeting, shall elect a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and a Secretary. The Advisory Committee shall establish bylaws governing the election of officers, meeting dates and other matters pertinent to the functioning of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee shall consult with and advise the Authority, through its General Manager, with regard to the following matters pertaining to the System: (i) Future plans for expansion; (ii) Methods for improved service; (iii) The inclusion of Additional Contracting Parties; (iv) The proposed Annual Budget, prior to its submission by the Authority's General Manager to the Authority's Board; 29 (v) Review of the Annual Report and Annual Audit; and (vi) All such matters as relate to its management, operation and maintenance. Said Committee shall inspect, no less than annually, all physical elements of the System. A copy of the minutes• of the meetings of the Advisory Committee and all .other pertinent data, shall be provided to the Authority's President. The term of membership on the Advisory Committee shall be fo'r twelve (12) months, beginning on December 1st of each year .. .. and ending on November 30th of the succeeding year. A member may serve more than one (1) term if so appointed by the governing body represented. The Authority's General Manager, or his designated representative, shall serve ex officio as a member of the Advisory Committee without voting rights. All expenses of the Advisory Committee shall be considered as an operating expense of the System. Section 6. 12. AUTHORITY OJNTRACTS WITH OTHERS. The Authority reserves the right to contract with other persons, natural or. corporate, private or public, to perform services similar to those to be performed under this contract or other services; provided, however, that no contract will be made for service within City's City limits or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of any City, as defined, in Article 970a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, on the date of such contract, without such City's written consent. Section 6.13. ADDITIONAL CAPACITY AND FACILITIES. As the responsible agency for the establishment, administration, operation and maintenance of the System, the Authority will, from 30 time to time, determine when it is necessary to provide additional facilities to receive, transport, treat and dispose of additional Wastewater of the Contracting Parties and any Additional Contracting Parties. In making the determinations called for herein, Authority covenants that such determinations will.be made only after detailed studies of statistical data available as to the need and feasibility have been made and after consulting with the Advisory Committee, consulting engineers and financial advisors o City will be kept advised at all times of planning and proposed development of the System. In no event shall any contract with an Additional Contracting Party be on terms more favorable than is available to City hereunder unless the governing body of City shall approve such contract. Section 6.14. CITY CONTRACTS WITH OTHERS. City shall have the right to enter into contracts with other persons outside the City limits of City, natural or corporate, private or public, to receive Wastewater from such persons. City covenants that it will advise Authority of all such contracts and will, if requested by Authority, furnish Authority with a copy of such contracts. Section 6.15. ANNUAL REPORT AND AUDIT OF SYSTEM. The Authority shall, at the close of each Fiscal Year, cause to be prepared an Annual Report and Audit of the System o Such report shall contain such matters and information as may be considered necessary and 􀁾􀁳􀁥􀁦􀁵􀁬 by Authority and the Advisory Committee. Section 6.16. PUBLICATIONS, REFERENCE WORKS, GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS. In each instance herein where reference is made to a publication, reference work or Federal or State regulation, it is the intention of the parties that at any given time the then current edition of any such publication of reference work or Federal or State regulation shall apply. If a publication or reference work is discontinued or ceases to be the generally accepted work in its field or if conditions change or new methods 31 or processes are implemented by the Authority, new standards shall be adopted which are in compliance with State and Federal laws and any valid rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto o Section 6 0 lh; OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM o Authority covenants that it will operate the System in accordance with accepted good business and engineering practices and in accordance with requirements of the Fed-• eral Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, and as said Act may be amended in the future, and any rules and regulations issued and to be issued by appropriate agencies in the administration of said Acto City and Authority agree that their obligations hereunder shall include compliance with the requirements made under said Act, and any rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto. Upon sale of the first issue of Bonds, Authority will immediately commence actions designed to eliminate odors caused by the ponds of Authority's present System. It is the intention of Authority to proceed as rapidly as possible with with the design and construction of new facilities to eliminate all known sources of odor. ARTICLE VII AUTHORITY ANNUAL BUDGET Section 7.01 0 FILING WITH CITY. 32 But if protest or request for a hearing is duly filed, it shall be the duty of the Authority to fix the date and time for a hearing on the tentative budget before the Advisory Committee as constituted in Section 6.11 hereof and shall so • advise all Contracting Parties and Additional Contracting Parties in writing. The Advisory Committee-shall consider the testimony :, and showings made in such hearing and shall report its findings to the Board of Directors of Authority. The Board of Directors of Authority may adopt the budget or make such amendments thereof as 􀁴􀁾 it may seem proper. The budget thus approved by the Board of Directors of the Authority shall be the Annual Budget for the next ensuing Fiscal Year. The Annual Budget may be amended to provide for transfers of budgeted funds between expenditure accounts, provided however that said transfers do not result in an overall increase in budgeted funds as approved in the Annual Budget. The Annual Budget may be increased through formal action by the Board of Directors of Authority. Certified copies of the amended Annual Budget and resolution shall be filed immediately by the Authority with each Contracting Party and Additional Contracting Party. ARTICLE VIII EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM OF CONTRACT Section 8.01. EFFECTIVE DATE. This contract shall become effective as of the date and time of the release of the Trust Indenture by the Trustee, as shown on said release, and as communicated in writing to City. Provided, the quality 33 standards specified in Article IV hereof shall not go into effect for a period of 120 days from the date the last of the Contracting Parties executes a contract in substantially the form and content of this contract. During such 120 day period, the quality standards to be in effect shall be those contained in contracts executed in 1957 between Authority and the Cities of Dallas, Farmers Branch, Grand Prairie and Irving. As of the date and time of the release of the Trust Indenture by the Trustee, this contract shall constitute the sole and only contract between City and Authority regarding Wastewater disposal services, except for contract dated as of October 20, 1967, between City and Authority. City hereby recognizes and affirms its duty of making the payments required under said contract. Section 8.02. TERM OF CONTRACT.' This-contract shall continue in force and effect from the effective date hereof for a period of £ifty (50) years, and thereafter shall continue in effect until any Outstanding Bonds, Bonds, or any Bonds issued to refund same, if any, have been paid in full. City shall have the right to the continued performance of services provided hereunder for the useful life of the System after amortization of Authority's investment in the System, upon payment of charges by City, reduced to take into consideration such amortization. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting under authority of their respective governing bodies have caused this 34 contract to be duly executed in several counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, all as of the 􀀯􀁾􀁾􀁡􀁹 􀁯􀁾􀀬 1973 0 􀁁􀁔􀁾􀀺􀀺 􀁾􀀧􀀩􀀱􀀮􀁣􀁊􀀡􀁾􀁹 􀁔􀁒􀁉􀁎􀁾􀀧􀀹􀁊 RIVER AUTHO 􀁂􀁹􀁤􀁾􀀱 General Manager TEXAS 􀀬􀀭􀁾 (SEAL>!.) i/"tary- ."":.::..1-.""".,.,_.LI _,r_ w(j) ,;; ft I ." .•􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀢􀀭􀀧􀀢􀀧􀀭 􀁾 IL « ]{7 􀀢􀁾􀀧􀀭􀀧 (._-./." .... _. -;......\ '-'-'-'-'-. t '. 'J 􀁾 . .' -,.. 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I ,1,1 . ,I, EXHIBIT NO, 2 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM RENNER AREA OF DALLASNOVEMBER 1978 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT t. §§§ • jCITY OF DALLAS TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY CONTRACT WHEREAS, the City of Dallas, Texas, hereinafter called Dallas, desires to provide sewer service to an area of Dallas of approximately 1600 acres located in Denton and Collin Counties, known as the Renner Area; and, WHEREAS, the Trinity River Authority of Texas, hereinafter called the Authority, and Dallas executed a contract on October 8, 1973 providing for Dallas to discharge wastewater into the Central Regional Wastewater System of the Authority; and, WHEREAS, the Authority has now obtained, or will'obtain, the contractual right to use sufficient capacity in existing sewer lines owned by the City of Carrollton, Texas, such lines being locally known as the Furneaux Creek lines and the Hutton Branch line, to transport the wastewater generated in the Renner Area of Dallas to the Central Regional Wastewater System owned by the Authority; and, $ WHEREAS, it will be necessary to make certain improvements to the existing South Fork of the Furneaux Creek line of the City of Carrollton and to construct three metering stations to serve the Renner Area; NOW THEREFORE, THE TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS AND THE CITY OF DALLAS DO HEREBY CONTRACT AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Dallas shall construct or cause to be constructed an extension of the South Fork of the Furneaux Creek sewer line along a right-of-way to be provided by the City of Carrollton approximately 2,600 feet long and extending generally easterly from Scott Mill Road along an unnamed tributary of Furneaux Creek between the platted streets of Lockwood Drive on the North and Green Valley Drive and Stonebrook Drive on the South to the intersection of such unnamed tributary with the St. Louis, San Francisc@Railroad right-of-way, such extension being graphically depicted by a yellow line on the map attached hereto as Exhibit No.1. 2. Dallas shall construct or cause to be constructed the extension to the Furneaux Creek line referred to in Paragraph 1 herein in accordance with the appropriate construction standards of the City of Carrollton and shall dedicate the line to Carrollton upon final inspection of the extension. 3. Dallas shall construct or have constructed three metering stations to be located generally as follows: Metering Station A shall be constructed at the eastern end of the northern branch of the Furneaux Creek sewer line; Metering Station B shall be constructed at the eastern end of the extension provided for by Paragraph 1 herein of the southern branch of the Furneaux Creek sewer line; and Metering Station C shall be constructed at the eastern end of the Hutton Branch sewer line. The location of such metering stations are generally described by red circles on Exhibit No. 1 attached hereto. 4. The metering stations to be constructed under Paragraph No. 3 herein shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate construction standards of the Authority and shall be dedicated to the Authority upon final inspection. 5. Dallas shall limit the maximum rate of discharge through Metering Stations A, B, and C as follows: A. Metering Station A (Area A) 2.80 mgd B. Metering Station B (Area B) 1.10 mgd C. Metering Station C (Area C) 0.90 mgd TOTAL MAXIMUM RATE OF FLOW 4.80 mgd 6. As consideration for transporting wastewater from the Renner Area of Dallas, an area generally described on the map attached hereto as Exhibit 2 as Area A, Area B, and Area C, through Authority acquired capacity rights within the City of Carrollton's Furneaux Creek line and Hutton Branch line, Dallas shall pay the Authority a rate based on the unit cost of power to pump wastewater through the Furneaux -?- Creek pumping facility multiplied by the total number of gallons of wastewater flow measured by Metering Stations A, B, and C, such rate formula being more particularly described in Section 6 of the proposed contract between the Authority and the City of Carrollton, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 3. The money to be paid the Authority under this Paragraph will become a part of Dallas' proportional share of the Annual Requirement as defined by the Dallas-Authority contract of October 8, 1973, for sewer service by the Central Regional Wastewater System and will be divided into twelve equal monthly installments, each being added to all other monthly charges due the Authority by Dallas for such service. The obligation of Dallas to the Authority under this paragraph shall cease whenever the corresponding responsibility of the Authority to the City of Carrollton for the use of capacity in its Furneaux Creek system and Hutton Branch system to serve the Renner Area ceases or on January 1, 1985, whichever occurs first. 7. Dallas understands that the City of Carrollton plans to construct a relief sewer line parallel to its Hutton Creek line between Josey Lane and Perry Road. Dallas agrees that, if Carrollton awards a construction contract to construct the Hutton Creek relief sewer line before January 1, 1985, Dallas shall pay the Authority the cost of oversizing the relief line to serve the Renner Area of Dallas, such costs to be calculated under a formula established in Section 14 of the proposed Carrollton-Authority contract attached hereto as Exhibit No.3. Provided however, if Dallas is required to contribute to the cost of oversizing the Hutton Branch relief sewer line, the Authority shall credit Dallas against "the cost of such oversizing the amount of money which Dallas has paid the Authority for the wastewater transmitted through the Hutton Branch Line as measured by Metering Station C. 8. If the three metering stations to be constructed under Paragraph 3 above are constructed in accordance with the appropriate Authority standards, the Authority shall -3- accept the dedication of such facilities from Dallas, and, thereafter, the Authority shall own, operate, and maintain such facilities and all costs associated with the operation and maintenance shall be an operation and maintenance expense of the Authority's Central Regional Wastewater System. 9. The three metering stations shall be points of entry as defined by the Dallas-Authority Contract of October 8, 1973, and Authority agrees to accept wastewater from the Renner Area of Dallas subject to the flow limitations of Paragraph 5 above and subject to the terms and conditions of the aforementioned Dallas-Authority Contract. 10. The Authority shall determine the volume of flow generated within the Renner Area of Dallas by reading the three metering stations once a month, or such other time may be established by a mutual agreement. The Authority will furnish Dallas, on or before January 1 of each year, necessary information in order for Dallas to budget costs attributable to the Renner Area for the next calendar year. 11. This contract, even if executed, shall have no force and effect and shall be null and void unless and until the proposed contract between the City of Carrollton and the Authority attached hereto as Exhibit 3 is executed. 12. The term of this contract is the same as the term of the Dallas-Authority contract of October 8, 1973. Executed in multiple originals this _______, 19 ATTEST: ___ day of GEORGE SCHRADER, CITY MANAGER CITY OF DALLAS ATTEST: DAVID BRUNE, GENERAL MANAGER TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY -4- AMENDATORY WASTEWATER SERVICE CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF CARROLLTON 􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁎􀁉􀁔􀁙 RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS 􀁾 􀁾() 11 -}Me-/-HYrJf rtd1/1(!n15 QOVYIP Ii w H-hne-w "5-tA--!e-Ireclef'rJ.,/has dul y executed and J, 􀁉􀀯􀁾 tober, 1973. with the //)1 J4r7 cr O--IT.5 . d' f Vl 1 ng or wastewater T reference is hereby WHEREAS, the Cit entered into a CONTR Tri ni ty Ri ver Author servi ce to the Ci ty made for all purposes WHEREAS. on Jun i ronmental Protecti on Agency published a .) which established mechanisms and procedures for enforcing National Pretreatment Standards controll ing the introduction of wastes from non-domestic sources into Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs); and WHEREAS, thi s rul e, 40 CFR 403, requi res that a Pretreatment Program be developed for the Central Regi onal Wastewater System; and WHEREAS. the Authority. as the operator of a POTW, 􀁭􀁵􀁾􀁴 comply with rule 40 CFR 403; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary that Sections 1, 4, and 8 of the CONTRACT dated October 10, 1973, be amended. NOW. therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises. contained herein, the City and Authority agree as follows: } THAT Section 1.01 of the CONTRACT is hereby amended to include the following definitions: (dd) Industrial User (IU) -Any person, including but not limited to, any i ndi vi dual fi rm, partnershi p, corporati on, associ ati on, muni ci pal i ty, or any other legal entity, who discharges or desires to discharge industrial wastes to the Central Regional Wastewater System. (ee) POTW -Publ icly Owned Treatment Works as defined in 40 CFR 403. (ff) Significant Industrial User (SIU) -Any industrial user who is connected or desires to connect to the City's domestic wastewater collection system and meets at least one of the following criteria:, (i) Average industrial wastewater discharge rate greater than 50,000 gpd. (i i) BOD and/or suspended sol ids concentrati ons in i ndustri a1 wastewater greater than 250 mg/1 • (i i i) Industri a1 category regu1 ated by Nati ona1 Pretreatment Standards as promu1 gated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. (gg) Total Toxic Or9anics -The sum of all· detected concentrations greater than 10 mi crograms per 1iter for all organi c compounds c1 assi fi ed as priority pollutants by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. THAT Section 4.03(a), of the CONTRACT is deleted and the following language substituted therefor: To enable the hi ghest degree of treatment in the most economi cal manner possible, and to comply with Federal and State regulations, certain solids, 1i qui ds and gases are hereby prohibited from enteri ng Authority I s System in excess of standards as set by sai d Federal and State regu1 ati ons. The prohibitive discharges listed below shall apply at the Points of Entry. Federal and state regulatory agencies periodically modify standards on prohibitive discharges; therefore, revision to, additions to, or deletions from the items 1i sted in thi s secti on will become necessary to comply with these latest standards. It is the intention of this CONTRACT that prohibitive di scharge requi rements be revi ewed peri odi call y by Authori ty and revi sed in accordance wi th the 1atest standards of any federal or state agency havi ng regu1 atory powers. Any requi red revi si ons shall be made and wri tten noti ce thereof given to the City. City shall be responsible for integrating such changes into the local i ndustri a1 waste ordi nance and noti fyi ng all affected users of the change within ninety (90) days following written notice to the City of such change. THAT Section 4D3(c)(x) of the CONTRACT is deleted and the following language substituted therefor: (x) Any wastes or waters exceeding the concentrations listed below: Pollutant Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bismuth Boron Cadmium Chromi um (total) Cobal t Copper Cyanides Fl uori des Hydrogen Sulfide Lead Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Ni ck e1 Phenol Selenium Si 1ver Tin Uranyl-Ion Zinc Cyanides or Cyanogen Compounds (capable of liberating hydrocyanic gas on acidification) Total Toxi c Organi cs Maximum Allowable Concentrati on (mgjl) 0.010 0.100 2.000 0.010 0.500 1. 000 0.100 3.500 1.000 2.500 1.000 1. 500 0.100 2.000 3.500 0.005 1. 000 1.500 0.005 0.020 0.100 1.000 5.000 2.500 0.200 1. 000 THAT Secti on 4.06 of the CONTRACT is hereby del eted and the foll owi ng language substituted therefor: Section 4.06. INDUSTRIAL WASTES. The effects of certain types of Industri al Waste upon Wastewater and Wastewater treatment processes are such as to require that careful consideration be made of each industrial connection. This is a matter of concern both to Authority and to City. The .." City covenants that it will have in effect and will enforce an i ndustri al waste ordinance acceptable to Federal and State agencies or departments having 1awful jurisdiction to set standards for waste discharges. This ordinance wi 11 inc1udeb0t h but not bel i mited tothe f 01 1owi ng provis ion s : (a) For each existing and future SIU, the City shall require said user to compl ete and submi t a permi t appl i cati on contai ni ng that i nformati on specified in the attached sample application (Exhibit 1). The Authori ty shall be provi ded a copy of the permi t appl i cati on wi thi n thi rty days after recei pt by Ci ty. Authori ty shall provi de comments on said application within thirty days of receipt and return comments to City. Failure to comment within 30 days of receipt of the application shall be construed as concurrence by Authority. After approval of the permit appl ication by both City and Authority, the Ci ty may issue a permi t to di scharge whi ch shall be as shown on Exhibit 2. Said permit to discharge shall be required of all SIUs before sai d user wi 11 be allowed to di scharge i ndustri al wastes into the sewage system. A copy of the permit to di scharge shall be forwarded to the Authority. (b) The City shall requi re SIUs to comply with appl icabl e Federal Categori cal Pretreatment Standards as well as any appl i cabl e state and local standards. (c) The City shall maintain certain information contained in permit applications as confidential at SIU's request. (d) The City shall disallow dilution as a means of reducing pollutant concentrations in an SIU's waste stream except where expressly authorized by an applicable Categorical Pretreatment Standard. (e) The City shall be authorized to enter SIU premises at any time for independent monitoring, inspection, or review of applicable records to determine compliance. (f) The City shall develop and require adherence to SIU compliance schedules. (g) The City shall require self-monitoring and reporting at SIU's expense. (h) The Ci ty shall choose or approve 1aboratory to anal yze i ndustri al wastes. (i) The City shall require SIU's to pay 􀁡􀁰􀁾􀁬􀁩􀁣􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁥 fees for: (i ) sampling and testing to determine compliance 􀁾􀀬 '.' (ii) disconnection/reconnection of service resulting from noncompliance (i i i) abnormal strength wastes (iv) additional costs incurred by City or POTW in transporting or treating wastes (v) filing, revision, or renewal of permit application (j) The City shall provide public notification for instances of violation. (k) The City shall deny/revoke permit, disallow/disconnect service, assess civil or criminal penalties, and seek other available legal and equitable remedies against SIU for: (i) discharge to sewerage system resulting in violation of POTW's discharge permit conditions (ii) hazard to health or life of POTW personnel or users of receiving waters (iii) violation of any applicable ordinance or regulation (iv) false information transmitted to approving authority through permit application, monitoring reports, etc. The Ci ty shall furni sh to the Authori ty all documents and and records, in addition to those outlined herein, as necessary to demonstrate compliance by all industries. All provisions contained herein are in addition to those contained in the CONTRACT entered into between the parties dated October la, 1973, These Amendments and the 􀁾􀁲􀁩􀁧􀁩􀁮􀁡􀁬 CONTRACT, except those provisions in the original CONTRACT which have been specifically deleted, shall be construed as a single agreement. \, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting under authority of their respect i ve governi ng bodi es have caused thi s Amendatory Wastewater Servi ce Contract to be du1y executed in several counterparts» each of which shall constitute an ori gi na1» a11 as of the !Lti day of 'tr;t1J«4£» 1981. » General Manager ATTEST: L 􀀷"􀁦'􀁾 SAM SCOTT, Secretary-Treasurer (SEAL) SECRETARY 􀁾􀁾 ATTEST: (SEAL) "---'" '\) EXHIBIT 1 PROPOSED PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WITH COVER LETTER CITY OF CARROLLTON Date: To: Significant Industrial Users From: Subject: Application for a Permit to Discharge Industrial Wastewaters to the Sanitary Sewer System. Ordinance number has been adopted for the purpose of regulating the qual ity of industria! wastewaters contributed to the sanitary sewer. The objectives of the Ordinance are to prevent damage or obstruction to the sewer, to avoid interference with the regional wastewater treatment plant operated by the Trinity River Authority, and to comply with state and federal regulations regarding pretreatment of industrial wastes. Significant industrial users must obtain a Permit to discharge industrial wastewaters to the sewer. The Permit authorizes your discharge and sets forth criteria for discharge quality and requirements for reporting. The attached application for a Permit must be completed and returned to the mailing address shown below within 180 days. A fee of must accompany this Appl ication. The City and the Trinity River Authorlty will review your application. Additional information such as evidence of treatabil i ty may be requested from ei ther entity. The Ci ty will return a Permit to you upon approval of your application and will either approve or deny said application within 90 days of its receipt by City. Please address questions concerning the Industrial Wastewater Ordinance Permit tQ: :\ .. j , EXHIBIT 1 (COMTtO) .f. APPLICATION fOR APERHIT TO DISCHARGE INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TO THE SANITARY SEWER Hote to Signing OHlctal: Please complete and return this application within 180 days. Signing offlc:tals must have authorization to provide Information on behal f of the cOlllpan:-. Information considered c:onfldenthl by your company should be clearly marked so that this information can be lIlaintalned in separate. Itmited access files. SECTION A. GENERAL INFORMATION YES NO 1. Company name 2. Ha lllng addre':'"ss:::--------------------:Zl7j-::p-,C O"::7a=-e---3. Fac:llity address Telephone Number _ (address where 􀁳􀁥􀀭􀁷􀀭􀁥􀁲􀀭􀀭􀁳􀀭􀁥􀀭􀁲􀁶􀁾􀁩􀁾􀁣􀀭􀁥􀁾􀀱􀁳􀁾􀁲􀀭􀁥􀁱􀀭􀁵􀀭􀁥􀀭􀁳􀁾􀁴􀁥􀀭􀁤􀁾􀀩􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 4. Is COlllpany currently In operation at facility Iddress? SECTION 8. PRODUCTS OR SERViCE INFORMATION 1. Brief description of manufacturing processes or servic:e ac:thlty It the facility Inc:luding rate of production. if applic:able: 2. Principal raw Illaterials. including chelllic:als. catalysts. solvents. etc •• used in any phase of the manufacturing process or service activity: 3. Number of employees ,Hours per day of operation " Days per tleek of operation _. 4. Standlrd Industrial Code Number (4 digits), 5. List other environmental control penDits held at this time. 6. Attach a property plat prepared by In engineer or architect showing 10cat1ons of water and setler connections. lII.nholes. traps. etc. Also Indicate the locations of an acceptable IlIOnitoring statton for collecting samples and lIIeasurlng flows of the industrial tlastewater strelllS prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer. "----. .... , . 􀁾 EXHIBIT 1 (CONTID) SECTION C. WASTEWATER DISCHARGE INFORMATION 1. Indicate the types and quantity of Industrial wastewater by completing the table below: Check Industria I Flow Flow Flow Appropriate Flow Metered Estimated Proposed 801t For· Average Da11y/(check (check For Hew Type Of Huimwa Dai Jy If yes) tr yes) Industry Wastewater (check If yes) (a) Process Wastewater; Continuous Discharge I Batch Discharge I (b) Boller Blowdown I .' (c) CooJing Water Release I (d) P14nt and Equiplllent I Washdown (e) Other I (speclfy) For each wastewater strlall attach a schtlllattc of water flow that depicts the water source. Industrial units where water Is used and pretreatment units. 2. Wastewater Quality. The applicant IlUSt present InfonaaUon on the quality 01 industrial wastewaters. Samples collected from wastewater 􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁾􀁳 Should be representative of dally operations. Analytical procedures should foJ Jow those fn Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA.WPCF. 14th Edlfl0n. 1915. , ) ... EXHIBIT 1 (CONT'C) (a) Conventional Pollutants. In the spiCes belotf. indicate the average and maximum value of each constituent in the discharge. Wastewater Constituent Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 day) Total Suspended Solids pH _lIg/l __g/l pH units of ...... 􀁾􀀧􀀮􀀧 􀀭􀁾􀀺􀁾 ..􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀬􀀢􀀧􀀮 '. ' ••••• I • , EXHIBIT 1 (CONr"D) .\I ". (.) 'rlorU, '.Ilutlllt ID'O""tlOIl: P1.II. I...,lell, II, PhcllIl to "I" III ,lit IPproprhtt 110. II, tlcll IIn.d c",,"lul "IIeO.r It " "u,p.ettd to II. All"",'••"'."" to lit 􀁉􀁯􀁢􀀢􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀢􀀬 "SuIP.ett. to lit 'ruellt". or "t"o"" \0 lit 're,."t" I" ,our .,"u',cturlll, .r "r.lce Ictl_ll, or ,e"er.te."I. I ',·product. • • =wu ._. 15 􀁅􀁾 d aur-.. I;I"=5=.. Ie.. Ill" s::C l':C to. (""ICAl. lUI IllI1 !II QIIorOuIIO ...􀁾 ... ... ... 10. CCIlICAL CIIIIPOUIIO .. I .... ... .. I. ....Ilol Ifler.... ) I ) I ) I I I) 'I. 1....leIll_._. I ) I ) I ) I ) •• e,••lft 1•••11) I II II I I .,. 1.1..le..or....... I. ..,,-, 1.·.11) II II tI II '. 1,...le 1....1) II •n••. ...'•..•.•'eI......r..le..••.o.r..1...... I I if I. .."III.. 1•••11) I ) II I 1O. 1.'"le.I_,r.,_ •,•. e_l.. 1101111 fl. lei' , .r... ) 1.1..le"or.,r_.. I Ii •• e_I"I'." ) n. ".1.,1. •• c.,..' 1••111) n. ...",1 .....1••• II If ... I••• 1••ul) n. •....1..""',.....1 ..rc"" 1••••1) n. .....,. ",.IItIa" I ) 1I .11. .lel.1 h...I) I III III JI. .1....""1 pOlllthu .IU.I... I,,I1h•o•r1..1'.111101..)1) 7"f.. .•......_.I..l'1tr."·I"_lit.II\.I,........ .. II II ...111.. 110..1) II• .....'.Ure"..,1 I fI II II. ,IIIC (10111) 10. 1....111"'...1__ II. •e...,....... II • .....I•••r.'.I"'.. ". ". _"",1... fI fI II If II. 1,....,...,1.,.,.1\,.. II II If 􀁾 II. •er.I". U• ....,.u... I ) H I'. oc.,loolI,lI. ) I I II I'. ......1'•• II II 10. ''''1. I I I n. .....,.u....u... II. I II II .......-... II• ....-''''111 ". ...rl• •'''1\1.. II II II. ......1.. I I II ... I •• 􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀮 ltl ••"r.c... ... .'1\11....-n_....... II• ..... .",... ... ..... to. n........ .) n.or..' ..... tI • ..,..eIl'" ( I II ". ..... •....1) ..,,1_ tI. .."oe............ II. ..... 'I fI • .,.••lII,••• I It. .·IIC 'J• ".oe"'_.e_ .,...) I I I •• ...oc..I........._ ! IL ••• lItu) II. ..••e.I_'el_'..I_ II. ,·tlC .u.) ) I I ... U. c'. ....e..I_...... 1.-) I I .,. 1.._ ".I.I-e41 flrtIII n. 11 (1""......'1\11) .\1.' II. h ......._ L I II U. ai' II""•••' .., ....,. I .'''r I ... _1\11_ COl...'.. I II U. ... '."".1.,.....'.',1) .,..' II II I '00. ..,..Ot,... M. OI, ....._ ••'11 ...., 101• I I ."..-.-U. I" 1....,1...'1 ,........ lor. 1.." ..,....1 I M. .._Ie..or_'..... IDJ• ...,,'....... I II II It. -,.... '0. 101. •..1'.........1\11_1.. .,_...... II. ,1/1• •..IIn...I..•....'I..I.. ...........'I....fl ....' II I IN. ...1" ....',....,1_1.. 1 '.. ",",'NtI.,1 .......,. ",. ,et·loa. II. ...... '.V,,"I...I.. I ) II ". .... IDI. PCI·"'. -If II lOt. ,et·IUI I I"t.. e.".."I...1.._...,1._...0,1,....1 ilL 'CI·al" I II II ) III. rcl.II" I.i it ". calor...IIt.. I II I I III. 'CI.IISt IItI.•. e''.'.'l'.o.Ir...'......t.l\lhl.'.....' m. '(1·1110 I II I 10. e'I_,.... II'. ........1....,....1 I III• ..........-I! II II II II. .""...or......tlltl... .... ,....1 II. '''''.1.......... 117. ".... t I II. .""...........'1,....,....., I II II II lit. •• J.' .....'roe..I_I...... It. e.." ... " ,"11010 !I II u. •••.• IIGO lit. l.I•••I.t...oc..I......' ...... II II n$I••••••••••••O•OC, lit. ,.,roc.._ ...... M........ I•••) .., .." .... Imn•. •..•.1....-.... It. ...._ ..lor_.IIt... I I I ) I II II II IU. 1,','·"'e"I.._._ II II II 'I to. 1.1·..e.I.._ .... ... "'. 1.1•••.,leIll....'_ •• I..le..I.,........ I ii 1/In. 1•••I·"le..I....'_ I: II. 1....le..I.._ ..... I IU. , ••c......._ UII.. .1...1.·1....1•..•.1....._..._..,..1...... 117. ..Ie......n_..... I} L II. 1.... le............ lit. ••••••erl..._ .......1 I ) I ) I I I I I lit• Wi.,. eIl...I.. , ( I I ) I ) I ) ......􀀭􀁾 , \! EXHIBIT 1 (CUNTID) .1. For chemical compounds which .re Indicated to be -Known Present-please list and 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁾􀁬􀁤􀁥 the following data for each (attach additional sheets If needed). Estimated Average HaxhlUlll Annual Loss To Concentration Concentration Ite" Usage Sewer In 01 scharge In Discharge No. Chemical Compound (lbs) (1 bs/year) (lIIg/1 ) (lllg/l) ... , EXHIBIT 1 (CONT'D) J. Is your discharge subject to national Pretreatment StudardS establ ished under 40 CFR, Chapter I, Subchapter N• YES NO The above question must be ansvered vith certainty. For additional information regarding Hat10nal Pretreatment Standards, applicant should contact Region VI of the Environmental Protection Agency at (214) 767-2630 or the Trinity River Authority, Northern Region Office at (81') 467-4223. 4. For elisting significant induUrlal users, if the ansver to the above question is yes, please indicate the applicable pretreat_ent standards in the space provided below and attach a statement reviewed by applicant's authorized representative and certified by a qualified profe$s1onal, indicating whether appl1cable pretreatment standards are being met on a cons htent basis. If appltcabl e pretreatment standards are not being lIIet on a consistent basis, certified statement Should indicate the following: a. Whether additional operation and maintenance (O&H) andlor additional pretreatllent is requi red for app l1eant to Net pretreatllent standards i and b. The shortest schedule by which applicant will provide .dditional O&H or pretreatment. The COlllp1eUon date in this schedule must not be later than compliance date established for applicable pretreatment standard. Applicable Standards Constituent Limit(s) Date _ 􀁾􀀬􀀮 .---'...-........,. f EXHIBIT 1 (CONT'D) s. for new signtficant industrial users describe the preyeatllent processes proposed for your fac 11i ty to lIIeet the requ1 rements 11 sted 1n item 4. (Examples: neutralization, materials recovery, grease traps, sand traps, etc.) I the undersigned applicant. being the authorized representative of the herein named company. do hereby request a PenDit to continue to use or to establish an Industrial sewer connection at the location indicated herein .nd do agree to comply with provisions of City Ordinance ___ Signature of Applicant __ /Came of Si gnee 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁲􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀽􀀢􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 (Please Print) Kame and phone number of person to contact regarding PerGit inron-ation. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE Of TEXAS COUNTY OF _ Before .e. the undersigned author1ty. on this day person.lly .ppeared I corporation. known to lilt to be the person whose na..e is subscribed to the foregoing instrulllent. and acknowledged to lIle that he executed the same for purposes Ind considerations therein expressed. in the upac1ty therein stated and as the act and deed of said corporation. Given under my hand and seal or office on this day of ___ 19 • Notary PUblic in .nd for County. TexIS ------------􀁾 Commission Expires: ) EXHIBIT 2 CITY OF CARROLLTON PERMIT TO DISCHARGE INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATERS TO THE SANITARY SEWER Name of Industry (Permittee) _ Address -------..,.-r--..,........-"-F----...,...,--,-----------(locatio n of sewer servIce) Permit No. ----------Account No. The above named Permittee is authorized to discharge industrial wastewaters to the sanitary sewerage system accordi ng to the provi sions of this Permit. Authorization is granted for a period beginning until AuthorIzed RepresentatIve City of Carrollton Date '\) EXHIBIT 2 (CONT'D) A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS The quality of permittee's industrial discharges will be limited by the provisions of City Ordinance No. and the National 􀁐􀁲􀁥􀁴􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁴􀁭􀁾􀁮􀁴 Regulations which include the following numerical limitations: Maximum Allowable Concentration. mg/I Pollutant or Pollutant Property STANDARDSAverage Concentration and/or Load mg/l or lb/day The discharge of any pollutant at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by this permit, shall constitute a violation of the termS and conditions of this permit. Such a violation may result in . permit revocation and/or the imposition of civil and/or criminal penalties. B. MONITORING AND REPORTING 1. Permittee shall collect representative samples of the wastewater discharge and analyze these waters for the pollutants indicated in Section A. Where feasible, samples shall be obtained using flow proportional composite sampling techniques specified in the applicable Categorical Pretreatment Standard. Where composi te sampling is not feasible, grab sampling is acceptable. The permittee shall collect and analyze sample(s) during a period. (number) (interval) 2. Permittee shall summarize monitoring information on a copy of the attached "Significant Industrial User Self Monitoring Report" form. Dupl icates of this form shall be submitted during the months of __ and of each year to: City Engineer City of 􀁃􀁡􀁲􀁲􀁯􀁬􀁾􀀱􀁴􀀧􀀭􀀺􀁯􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀺􀁮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 with copy to: Pretreatment Program Manager Trinity River Authority of Texas P. O. BOlt 240 Arlington. Texas 76010 ... ..,.,.,--'.... , \J EXHIBIT 2 (CONTIO) 3. Failure to submit any report or inforlnatlon required by this permit shall constitute a violation. 4. Any changes In the characterlsdcs of the Industrial dlsch.rges as • result of modiflc.tions to the industrial processes must be reported. Modifications to the perlDlt may then be made to reflect any necess.ry changes in process conditions. Including any necessary effluent limitations for any pollutants not Identified .nd 􀀱􀀱􀁾􀁬􀁴􀁥􀁤 herein. This pemlt is not tr.nsferr.ble to comp.nles or processes other than those to which It is orlgin.lly Issued. 5. Permittee sh.ll imaedl.tely notify the treatment pl.nt man.ger at (214) 225-3462 In the event of • slug loading of pollutants as a result of an operational failure of pretre.tment f.cllities or accident.l spills. 6. Pemlttee lIlust malnt.ln records of .11 Information resul tlng frOlll any monl torlng act tv Ities for • lIinimwa period of 3 yurs. Such records will include for all sa..ples: (i) The date, exact place, IDethod, and time of sampling .nd the names of the person or persons t.king the samplesi (Ii) The dates the analyses were performed; (III) Who performed the an.lyses; (Iv) The .nalytic.l techniques/methods used; .nd (v) The results of such an.lyses. Records shall be ..ade available for inspection and copying by the city, or its represent.tives! 7. Compliance Schedule: Activity 8. Permittee is .dvlsed that he m.y need to comply with additional regulations listed as follows: .--..../". I. CONTRACTING PARTIES CONTRACT FOR SERVICES 􀀧􀁾􀀺􀀭. The Receiving Agency: City of Carrollton ,whose authorized address is Environmental Health Department. P.0. Box 110535. 􀁃􀁾􀁴􀁯􀁮􀀬 TX 75011-0535 The Performing Agency: Trinity River Authority of Texas, whose authorized address is 5300 South Collins, P. O. Box 240, Arlington, Texas 76010, Attention: Danny F. Vance, General Manager (or his designated representative). II. STATEMENT OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED In order to discharge the responsibilities associated with the enforcement of Federal, State, and City regulations, the Receiving Agency requires services of a laboratory qualified to perform water and wastewater analysis, and of personnel to conduct industrial inspection and/or sampling services, such services detailed in Section A, Subsection(s) 2. and 3. , below. A. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES I. Industrial Inspection Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees agrees to perform industrial inspection services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet. The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) shall perform all Industrial Pretreatment Inspections, review permit applications and prepare for submittal Permits to Discharge Industrial Wastes to the Sanitary Sewer in accordance with procedures established by the Trinity River Authority of Texas in accordance with 40 CFR Part 403.8. Industrial Pretreatment Inspections, Application reviews and Permit preparations and submittals shall be in compliance with the Receiving Agency's Industrial Waste Ordinances, Sewer Ordinances Numbers 534, 1092 , and EPA General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources. Records of Inspections, Applications and Permits shall be maintained as required by EPA General Pretreatment Regulations, 40 CFR Part 403.12. 2. Industrial Sampling Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees to perform industrial sampling services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet and in accordance with the Receiving Agency's Industrial Waste Ordinances and Sewer Ordinances Numbers 534. 1092 The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) shall perform all sample collections, sample preservation, and maintenance of chain-of-custody records in accordance to the approved procedures set forth in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, EPA Manual SW-846, Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA Manual EPA-600/4-79-020, and the Handbook for Sam lin and Sam 1e Preservation of Water and Wastewater, EPA Manual EPA-600 4-82-029. The samples shall be properly collected, preserved and delivered by the Performing Agency to the Performing Agency's laboratory located at 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas. When feasible flow or time composited sampling will be conducted. When composited sampling is not feasible, grab sampling will be appropriate. '.:..---' 􀀧􀁾􀀧 3. Analytical Services In keeping with the foregoing, the Receiving Agency employs the Performing Agency and the Performing Agency agrees to perform analytical services within the parameters listed on the attached schedule sheet. The Receiving Agency estimates an average of 100 samples per month will be collected and delivered to the laboratory for analysis. It is understood that these samples will be properly collected and preserved in accordance with applicable sections of A Practical Guide to Water Quality Studies of Streams, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration publication and Methods for Chemical Analysis for Water and Wastes, EPA manual, as well as the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Achainof-custody procedure shall be maintained in the field and the laboratory in accordance with procedures to be established by the Receiving Agency. The Receiving Agency will furnish chainof-custody tags. The Performing Agency (Trinity River Authority of Texas) will perform all analyses according to the approved procedures set forth in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, current edition or the latest edition of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA manual. Samples will be analyzed by these methods on the production basis, to include appropriate analytical quality assurance procedures. Records will be kept for documentation of the Performing Agency's quality assurance program and copies will be available to the Receiving .Agency upon request. Unusual interferences and problems will be reported to the Receiving Agency at its authorized address noted above. Research into specific techniques to overcome these difficulties will be undertaken when practical, and by mutual agreement. The sample information sheet submitted with each sample will designate the particular analysis or analyses to be made of each sample submitted. The laboratories will be operated in such a manner as to insure the legal sufficiency of the sample handling; analytical and raporting procedures; and to remedy effects in the procedures should such be discovered. The various laboratory personnel shall be directed upon receipt of written notice from the Receiving Agency 72 hours in advance, to appear and testify in enforcement actions. In such event, travel and per diem expenses for such employees shall be paid by the Receiving Agency. Travel and per diem for court appearances hereunder shall be based on current State laws. Receiving Agency may deliver to Performing Agency samples for analysis separate and apart from those samples collected by the Performing Agency. When the Receiving Agency delivers samples to the Performing Agency for analysis, the Receiving Agency shall indicate the nature and extent of the analyses it desires to be conducted. Performing Agency shall not be responsible for the manner of collection or chain-of-custody tags or sheets which are matters entirely outside Performing Agency's control. Performing Agency shall receive, log and perform such analyses of samples in accordance with that part of the chain-of-custody procedures identified as Transfer of Custody and Shipment attached hereto. Samples analyzed to maintain the normal quality assurance program which the Performing Agency presently maintains in its laboratory will be charged to the Receiving Agency at the same rate as submitted samples. 􀁜􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁾.. B. TERMINATION Either party to this Contract may terminate the Contract by giving the other party thirty (30) days notice in writing at their authorized address as noted previously. Upon delivery of such notice by either party to the other and before expiration of the thirty (30) day period, the Performing Agency will proceed promptly to cancel all existing orders, contracts, and obligations which are chargeable to this Contract. As soon as practicable after notice of termination is given, the Performing Agency will submit a voucher for work performed under this Contract through its termination. The Receiving Agency will pay the Performing Agency for the work performed less all prior payments. Copies of all completed or partially completed reports, documents, and studies prepared under this Contract will be delivered by the Performing Agency to the Receiving Agency when and if this Contract is terminated prior to the completion of the prescribed work. C. AMENDING THE CONTRACT The parties hereto without invalidating this Contract may alter or amend this Contract upon advance written agreement of both parties to exclude work being performed or to include additional work to be performed and to adjust the consideration to be paid hereunder by virtue of alterations or amendments. III. BASIS FOR CALCULATING REIMBURSABLE COSTS The financial basis for calculating reimbursable costs shall be as stated in Attachment A. The expenditures by the Trinity River Authority of Texas of funds paid to it under this Contract shall be subject to such State or Federal audit· procedures as may be required by law and by accepted practices of the State or Federal auditor, or both, if requested. The Trinity River Authority of Texas shall be responsible for maintaining books of account that clearly, accurately and currently reflect financial transactions. The financial records must include all documents supporting entries on the account records which substantiate costs. The Trinity River Authority of Texas must keep the records readily available for examination for a period of three (3) years after the close of the last expenditure. Reimbursement for the inspection, sampling, and/or analytical costs, and cost for any travel and per diem expenses shall not exceed Nine Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($ 9,500.00 ) for the period of this Contract. IV. CONTRACT AMOUNT The total amount of this Contract shall not exceed Nine Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($ 􀀹􀀬􀀵􀀰􀀰􀀮􀀰􀁾 nor be less than Three Thousand dollars ($3,000.00. V. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES The Performing Agency shall bill the Receiving Agency monthly for services performed. Charges for these services shall be based on the attached cost schedules. The Receiving Agency shall pay the monthly billings of the Performing Agency within thirty (30) days of their receipt. VI. TERM OF CONTRACT Thi s Contract is to begin October september 3.Q.., 19 92. 14, 19__91nd shall terminate 􀁾 􀁾􀀮 VII. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Inasmuch as the Receiving Agency and the Performing Agency are political subdivisions of this state, and inasmuch as the testing of water and wastewater are critical to the maintenance of public health and such testing is therefore, a governmental function and service, this contract shall be deemed authorized by the Interlocal Cooperation Act, art. 4413(32c), Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Receiving Agency: Performing Agency: GENERAL 􀁍􀁁􀁎􀁾􀀮􀀯 􀁾􀁾 .91 l.-/: II) ..e:l" ..... DATE: 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀮􀁺􀁴􀀺􀂥 ATTEST: 2 ;I r.. rrr.. F(.SEAL) .. ...lA..D....,........ 􀁾􀁾􀁡 􀀺􀁲􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀡􀀡 '" CITY OF TRINITY RIVER AUTHOR /JIJ BY: 􀁾 􀁾 a ---BY: 􀁉􀁴􀁦􀁾 TITLE:PMo-· 􀁾􀁩􀁲􀀽􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀮􀂭 DATE: 'err ''7" Cf I ATT I7t" 􀁜􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀁾􀀮􀀺 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY PROCEDURES Sample Collection 1. To the maximum extent achievable, as few people as possible should handle a sample. 2. Stream and effluent samples should be obtained using standard field sampling techniques and preservation procedures. 3. Chain-of-Custody tags or sheets should be attached to each sample at the time it is collected. The tag or sheet contains basically laboratory (requested parameters) information; however, certain identifying items including City, City Code, Type Sample, Material Sampled, and Method of Preservation must be completed by the field personnel .co11ecting the sample. In completing the Chain-of-Custody tag or sheet, care should be utilized to insure that all necessary information is correctly and legibly entered onto the form. A black ballpoint with water proof ink should be used at all times. Transfer of Custody and Shipment 1. All samples should be handled by the minimum possible number of persons. 2. All incoming samples shall be received by the custodian, or his alternate, and logged into a record book (log book). Information to be' entered into the Log Book shall include the sample number, date received, source, time(s) sampled, date(s) sampled, and analyses requested. 3. Promptly after logging, the custodian will distribute the sample to an analyst or place the sample in the sample room, which will be locked at all times except when samples are removed or replaced by analysts. 4. The custodian shall ensure that heat-sensitive samples, or other sample materials having unusual physical characteristics, 9r requiring special handling, are properly stored and maintained. 5. Samples shall be kept in the sample storage security area at all times when not actually being used by analysts, such as during overnight absences. 6. The analysis sheet will be signed and dated by the person performing the. tests and retained as a permanent record in the laboratory. 7. Test results shall be sent by the laboratory to the appropriate Receiving Agency control poin t.Trility RiverAuthority of l€xas Central Regional Wastewater System TECHNICAL SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE FOR LABORATORY ANALYSES INDUSTRIAL INSPECTIONS ,.ND IKDUltRIAL .AM'LIMG FISCAL YEAR 1991 December 1, 1990 through Rovember 30, 1991 P.o. Box 531198 Grand Prairie. Texas 75063 (214) Metro 283-2251 ,) C HE" I CAL A N A L Y S E S WATE R Alkalinity. Total Alkalinity. Phenolphthalein Bicarbonate carbonate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODS) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (C-BODS) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (C-B0020) Bioch.ical Oxygen Demand (B0020) Bioch.ieal Oxygen Demand (BOD-7) CheIIical Oxygen Demand Olloride 􀁏􀁬􀁲􀁯􀁭􀁩􀁾 Hexavalent Conductance. Specific Conductance. Diluted Cyanide Cyanide (Amendable to Chlorination) Fluoride, Dissolved Fluoride, Total Hardness Isnitability (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup) Hitroaen: "-DOnia ICjelclahl, Total Nitrate Nitrite Organic Oil ud Grease S 5.00 S 4.50 S 4.50 S 4.50 S 12.50 S 12.95 S 14.50 S 13.75 S 15.00 S 8.00 S 5.00 S 9.50 S 3.00 S 5.25 S 26.00 S 30.00 $ 8.80 $ 8.20 $ 6.00 $ 28.00 $ 6.00 S 15.00 $ 5.50 $ 5.50 $ 32.00 S 23.00 pH pH Sediment Phenols: High Level Low Level Phosphorus: Ortho Total Solids: Iotal (IS) Total Dissolved (IDS) Total Suspended (ISS) Volatile Suspended (VSS) After TSS Sulfate Sulfide Surfactant. -HBAS Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Organic carbon Turbidity SEDIMENT Chemical Oxygen Demand Cyanide Nitrogen. Kjeldahl. Total Oil and Grease Phosphorus. Total SolidS, Total Volatile Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S 2.75 S 5.00 S 32.00 50.00 S 5.50 S 8.25 S 4.00 S 7.30 S 6.70 S 3.65 S 11.00 S 5.00 S 24.00 S 40.00 S 11.75 S 2.50 S 22.00 S 28.50 S 18.00 S 22.00 S 10.00 S 7.75 S 34.50 ICPIAA METAL ANALYSES S8.00 EACH 16.45 EACH Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver l'halliUID Zinc S 15.00 S 55.00 S 55.00 S 28.50 Antimony Arsenic Beryllium C&dmi\B Cu'OIDium Copper Lead SAMPLE PREPARATION Sediment and Oils EP Toxicity Leachate tcLP Toxicity Leachate 1WC Leachate Thallium Tin Urani,. Vanadium Zinc PotassiUID Silica Sodil.. Iron Lead Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Silver Te11irium 􀁁􀁉􀁾􀁩... Boroa Calciua Mapesiua Antmony 􀁂􀁡􀁲􀁩􀁾 􀁂􀁥􀁲􀁹􀁬􀀱􀁩􀁾 􀁃􀁡􀁤􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁾 􀁡􀁵􀀭􀁣􀀮􀁩􀁾 Cobalt Copper 112.60 EACH Arsenic Mercury Seleniua Lea4 -Low Level Copper -Low Level 􀁃􀁡􀁤􀁡􀁩􀁾 -Low Level GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY PRIORITY POLLUTANTS A NA L Y S E S ( G C /MS ) PES TIC IDE S /PCB'S ANALYSES Volatiles Base Neutrals Acid Extractables Pesticides/PCB's ORGANIC DETERMINATION Hyd rocarbon/So Ivents General Hydrocarbon/So1vent Scan (VOA) (One column); *Five or less components; including quantification General Hydrocarbon\Solvent Scan (VOA) (Two column); *Five or less components; includinB quantification Volatile Organic Constituents (EPA regulated -method 601/602) *Add fifteen dollars ($15) for each extra component scanned and quantified HERBICIDES Chlorinated Phenoxy Acid Herbicides (Confirmed and quantified) SPECIAL ANALYSES TeLP/Er TOXICITY Leachate Extraction Procedure Metals: Arsenic, Sarita, CadmiWi ChrOlliWl, Lead, Mercury, Selenita Silver Oraanics: Indrin; Lindane; Methoxychlor; Toxaphene; 2, 4, D; 2, ., s-rr Silvex KICROBIOLOGICAL Qlloropbyll "a" Olloropbyll "a" and Pheophytin "a" Colifol'a, Fecal (NF) Colifol'a, Total (NF) Colifol'aS, Total (tH>/HUG) Microacoptc General Examination Mierotox, Bacterial Bioassay Streptococcus, Fecal (NF) Heterotrophic Plate Count Quoted Upon Request ( G C $105.00 $160.00 $ 51.00 $115.00 $ 55.00 $ 77.80 $245.00 $ 7.70 $ 7.70 $ 7.70 $ 6.00 $ 7.00 $ 9.00 $ ItO.SO $ 7.75 $ 7.75 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. Organophosphate Pesticides. and 􀁾􀁯􀁬􀁹􀁣􀁨􀁬􀁯􀁲􀁩􀁮􀁡􀁴􀁥 􀁤 Biphenyls (sample preparation. extraction. and cleanup per sample) ADD for Chlorinated Hydrocarbon (Confirmation and quantification per sample) ADD for Organosphosphate Pesticide (Confirmation and quantification per sample) ADD for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)Water (Confirmation and quantification per sample) ADD for PCB -Oil (Confirmation and quantification per sample) TRIHALOMETHANES Trihalomethanes SAMPLE PREPARATION ADD for Special Treatment/Per sample (Sediment. Oil) ADD for Special Treatment/Per sample (El Toxicity Leachate) ADD for Special Treatment/Per sample (TCLP Toxicity Leachate) PRIORITY POLLUTANTS Cyanides Metals Organics $ 87.00 $ 43.00 $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 38.00 $ 15.50 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 $ $ 26.00 $117.80 Quote .. ") I N D U S T R I ALP RET REA THE N T S E R v ICE S INDUSTRIAL SAMPLING I N 0 U S T R I A LIN S P E C T ION -Installation of Automatic Composite Samplers -Grab Sampling -Delivery to IRA Laboratory -Field Testing Available -Sample Preservation -Proper Chain of Custody -Permit Application Review -Chemical Inventory Review -Verification of Application Data -Consultation with Industries on Industrial Pretreatment Composite Sampling/24 Hours Installation and Removal Grab Sample Pick-up S 50.00 S 30.00 Inspection/On Site S 65.00 GENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION 1. Effective Date: December 1, 1990, all prices listed are per sample and subject to review. 2. All analyses are run in accordance with "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," 16th Edition, 1985 and/or EPA ''Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes," 1983. 3. TRA will add a 10% charge, at the same rate as submitted samples, on the monthly billing to lllaintain the nOl'Blal quality assurance program. 4. Priority samples will be billed at one and one-half times the normal rate. 5. Sample preparations, if required, are charged additionally as listed. 6. Sample containers, preservatives, and supplies will be provided upon request at a reasonable charge. 7. Samples* should be delivered to the laboratory before 4: 30 p.m. on weekdays. Samples cannot be accepted on weekends or holidays unless special arrangements are lllade in advance. *(Bacteriological samples should be delivered prior to 2:00 p.m. unless special arrangements are made in advance. After-hour samples may be left in cold storage vault with analyses request 􀁦􀁯􀁾􀀮􀀩 8. Averap;e completion time for standard tests is two weeks with the analyses results normally mailed Within two days of completion. Billing statements for completed monthly analyses are lllailed by the 10th of the following IIOIlth. 9. Laboratory hours are weekdays 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p ••• and weekends 9:00 a ••• to 5:00 p ••• 10. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For after-hour emergencies, leave message with cOIIIpUter operator. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Patricia Cleveland Manager, Technical Services Bill Cyrus Laboratory Division O1ief Stephen Bainter PretreatJlent Coordinator