-:I @Dallas Central November 29, 1995 Appraisal District Paul Waddell Bruton Center for Dev. Studies University ofTexas at DaUas P. O. Box 830688 Richardson, Texas 75083-0688 RE: City of Addison -Parcel Map Data Conversion Project Dear Paul: On November 28, Elaine Defiglia, Assessor/Collector for the City of Addison, hosted a meeting concerning Addison's efforts to convert their tax parcel maps to digital form. The attendees at the meeting were City ofAddison: Elaine Defiglia, Tax Assessor/Collector . Diane Williams, lvlIS Manager John Baumgartner, City Engineer, Public Works Dir. Randy Moravec, Director ofFinance Carmen Moran, Div. OfDevelopmental Services, City Secretary UTD: Scott Stubbs North Texas GIS Consortium: Don Raney DCAD: Paul Lauder Scarlett Green TDCJ: Robert Lake Mike Hall The purpose ofthe meeting was to have representatives from the map conversion section of the Ferguson Unit ofthe Texas Department of Criminal Justice review the quantity and quality ofparcel plat maps for the City ofAddison. Based on the review by IDCJ, they will offer a cost estimate for converting the maps to digital format. 2949 N. Stemmons Freeway· Dallas, Texas 75247·6195· (214) 631·0520 • • Addison has 34 Commercial and 17 Residential plat maps; all a;e very high quality. The commercial accounts have the property address on them, and alI parcels have their City of Addison ta." account number (which they can link to the DCAD account number). The City ofAddison will model their conversion design on that which was selected by the City of Dallas in their contract with TDCJ. That contract specified 34 levels of line work and/or anuotation which were to be captured during conversion. In addition, the City of Addison requests the following information; 1. The IDCJ shall construct the legal/platted lots polygons from the City plats, and shall attach to each polygon the unique identifier number and attributes as described in the Standards for parcel data of the North Texas GIS Consortium. 2. The TDCJ shall construct the ownership polygons from the platted lots and ownership information supplied by the City and shall attach to each polygon the unique identifier and tax accotmt (DCAD) as described in in the Standards for ownership parcels. Robert Lake said that he expects that they will have a firm conversion cost back to the City 'l'.ithin a week. He also indicated that it would only require one or two months to complete this conversion. It was also mentioned that TDCJ may wish to provide a cost for maintenallcing the digital map on a short term basis until DCAD is ready to begin maintenance (4th quarter of 1996). In addition to the cost conversion quote from IDCI, I believe we need to follow-up on several other items; 1. A demonstration ofhow a city can use a GIS for their departmental activities. Jill Urban Karr, GIS Analyst for the City ofIrving, has agreed to host a demonstration for Addison personneL They will schedule this through Elaine Difiglia. 2. A hardware/software/application "options" discussion with a GIS provider. This is intended to address some of the hardware and software decisions the City will have to make. The regional field office manager from ESRI has been asked to contact Elaine Elaine Defiglia. ·. 3. The City of Addison may need help drafting a formal request for data conversion. The City of Dallas contract, combined with the standards for parcel data adopted by the Consortium could serve as a model for all other data conversion specifications. I'm hopeful that DeAD and UTD can assist the City, as needed, in this regard. 4. There may be a need for assistance in QC ofany converted plats. This should be persons who have been through a conversion who know what to look for. This needs further input, and Scott mentioned that UTD may be able to provide this service. 5. It may be prudent to ask other conversion vendors to review the City of Addison's plats and offer an estimate of conversion costs. While TDJC has the City of Dallas contract at a very competitive price, if their estimate for Addison is a higher cost -per-parcel there may be others who would be less expensive. All in all, it was a very productive meeting and we need to continue working with Addison to help them develop their program. Sincerely, /2!7c"./Paul Lauder "-GIS Supervisor PLlbks cc: Don Raney, Lone Star Gas Elaine Difiglia, City of Addison 3 Addison Status Report -Jun12 -July 12 Page 1 of 2 Hamid Khaleghipour From: Ravi Devulapalli [rdevulapalli@nctcog.orgj Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 2:21 PM To: Hamid Khaleghipour Cc: John Hunt Subject: Addison Status Report -Jun12 -July 12 Time Period: Jun 12, 2004 -July 12, 2004 Work Performed: The parcel address information has been incorporated (100% complete) and needs to be field verified. The ROW information is complete (100% complete to the extent data is available'). The application for data entry of information from utility cards is almost complete (95% complete) and is awaiting incorporation of format for manhole data entry. Work is underway to verify fire hydrant information in the database. A meeting was held at the Town of Addison on 6/24/2004 to review the progress of the project. Attendees included Mr. Hamid Khalgezipour, Mr. Mike Murphy, Mr. Jim Pierce, Mr. Luke Jalbert and Mr. Steve Chutchian from the Town of Addison and Dr. Ravi Devulapalli from NCTCOG. The main purpose of the meeting was was to bring the Town of Addison up to speed on the progress of the project as well as to identify data and other requirements for project completion (in view of Mr. Luke Jalbert's impending departure from the city). It was mentioned at the meeting that more ROW information may be available at the city. This data will be incorporated by NCTCOG as and when it is made available. It was also decided that NCTCOG would design the templates for the manhole information and the Town of Addison would facilitate data entry. The Town has also requested that a zoning layer be added. * The current ROW coverage coverages about 60% of the roadways within the city limits. Feel free to contact me if you need further information. Ravi Devulapalli Research and Information Services North Central Texas Council of Governments (817) 695-9192, www.nctcog.org The infonnation contained in this transmittal and accompanying documents. if any, is protected by both state and federal law. This infonnation is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient. you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or action taken in reliance on the contents of this transmittal is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmittal in error, please notify the sender immediately to arrange for retum or destruction of these documents. The authorized recipient of this information is prohibited from disclosing this information to any other party except as may be permitted by law, and is required to destroy the information after its intended purpose has been fulfilled, unless othelWise pennitted by law. 7/16/2004 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AND THE TOWN OF ADDISON WHEREAS, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has available expertise and equipment to assist local governments in creating and/or maintaining a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for its members; WHEREAS, the Town of Addison (Town) wishes NCTCOG to assist it in creating it GIS base map, assist in its maintenance, and provide needed software training to its employees for use of said base map information; and WHEREAS, the Town needs assistance to accomplish this purpose and has determined that NCTCOG can fulfill this need, and NCTCOG is willing to reciprocate. NOW THEREFORE, the parties, Town and NCTCOG, agree to the terms and conditions stipulated in the Scope of Work. I. SCOPE OF WORK NCTCOG shall provide all services necessary to create the requested base map layers that will be used for future development and maintenance throughout all interested departments within the Town. This information will will be created by an NCTCOG dedicated GIS professional and additional support staff for the equivalent of 400 hours. II. OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY The parties agree that all Town provided databases and information developed for the services under this Agreement, including intellectual property rights, shall belong wholly to ihe Town for its use, reuse, and transfer notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement. With the exception of roads, railroads, hydrology and parcels (which come from outside sources), NCTCOG agrees not to provide or otherwise make available such property to any other person, business, or entity whatsoever without the prior express written permission of the Town of Addison. III. OBLIGATIONS NCTCOG Obligations NCTCOG shall provide the equivalent of 400 hours of a dedicated GIS professional (NCTCOG 􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁳􀁯􀁮􀁮􀁥􀁾􀀬􀀠additional support staff and external services for the purpose of digital file creation for the Town's GIS base map development. NCTCOG's services are as follows: BASIC SERVICES INPUT OF EXISTING CARD INFORMATION FOR UTILITY POINTS Town has existing card information for utilities that needs to be entered into a database and lied to existing utility points. Town personnel will collect all card infonnation and input this data into a usable database fonnat as directed by NCTCOG. NCTCOG personnel will then tie this data to the corresponding points in the GIS Utility layer through a unique identifier. PARCEL FIELD VERIFICATION Most of the physical addresses, per lot/parcel, exist in the DCAD (Dallas County Appraisal District) GIS file. These lots will need to be field verified and the corrected data will need to be updated in the GIS file. These parcel addresses could be used for a variety of town development and maintenance, as well as many 9-1-1 applications. There are approximately 2,196 parcels within the Town. Data to be verified will be parcel address, landuse and zoning. NCTCOG personnel will set up the fonnat for field verification. NCTCOG personnel will assist with data input and will also train Town personnel to input the data. UTILITY LINES TIED TO PARCELS r--:-;-":':.:::.t:..::. ..:...:'·L.'Jl shut off/down for repair or replacament. . ,, I . The utility lines will need to be tied graphically from the main lines to the corresponding parcel. This will enable the ! Town to accurately locate and notify all . \ .. , . addresses affected when utilities need to be L r'NCTCOG personnel will complete this task, \AIRPORT INFORMATION Town is presently contracting with a vendor for studies within the Addison Airport. Existing CAD files will be converted /cleaned and integrated with the existing GIS base layers by NCTCOG personnel. The Town or its vendor must supply any data that will need to be tied to these airport files. 2 RIGHT-OF-WAY Right-of-Way (ROW) information will need to be added to the existing parcelflot file supplied by DCAD. This information will 􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀠,>",..." 1 ...... \ i : -be extracted off of existing hardcopy files and transferred _ 1 .Ii .. __11 .'. manually to the GIS system by NCTCOG personnel. Town will 􀁳􀁵􀁰􀁾􀁬􀁹􀀠hardcopy -􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀺􀁉􀀠. i information. Only ROW information supplied by Town ,,:'. if '. will be input into the GIS system. This ROW ...) '::'>cl'q .......... . . . , . ..•...• information exists in text form and -:0wr: 􀁩􀁾􀀠researching into eXisting dlgltallnformailon. Scope of this project will be dependent on the existence of digital files. Parcels will be cleaned up at the ROW line. FIRE HYDRANTS Fire hydrants will be added to the water distribution maps by NCTCOG personnel from maps supplied by the Town. I TOTAL FEE: $25,000 I NCTCOG will complete as much of the Basic Service Items as allowed by the total amount within twelve (12) month's after the contract is executed provided that the Town supplies all needed information and the Town provides review of submitted work in a timely manner. NCTCOG personnel will give monthly reports to Town on progress of project. This timeframe may be extended or reduced based on the ability of the Town of Addison to provide the necessary staff for supplying needed data, concentration of work on the stated items, and ancillary work given by the Town. Specific time frames and workscopes will be approved by Addison before NCTCOG proceeds with the above BaSic Service. Invoices will be sent to Addison on a quarterly basis. Additional work will be established and completed as time from the 400 hour total allows. NCTCOG shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all liability, actions, causes of action, lawsuits, judgments, claims, damages, costs or fees, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense, for any harm for which damages is sought (including, without limitation, personal injury, death, and property damage) resulting from or arising out of any act or omission of NCTCOG, its officers, employees and agents under this Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 3 Town Obligations The Town shall provide a single point of contact to work with NCTCOG during establishment of the GIS Base Layers, as well as during the twelve (12) month support period. It is also the Town's final responsibility to confirm the needed accuracy of all information created as outlined in this document. IV. TERMINATION The parties agree that the Town of Addison may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days written notice to NCTCOG. Such notice shall be given to NCTCOG at the address set forth under its signature below. In the event of such termination, NCTCOG shall reimburse to the Town proratable portion of the contracted amount for services rendered. The Town would also reimburse NCTCOG for staff time billed to the project up to termination .. V. AFFIDAVIT OF PROHIBITED INTEREST NCTCOG acknowledges and represents it is aware of the laws, Town Charter, and Town Code of Conduct regarding prohibited interests and that the existence of a prohibited interest at any time will render the Contract null and void. VI. MISCELLANEOUS All payments, notices, demands, or requests from one party to another shall be personally delivered or sent by United States mail certified, or registered, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the addresses stated below the Signatures to this Agreement. Notice shall be deemed to have been given <0 if by hand delivery, at the time of delivery, or (ii) if mailed, 72 hours after the deposit of same in any United States mail post office box in the State to which the notice is addressed or 96 hours after the deposit in any such post office box in other than the State to which the notice is addressed, postage paid, addressed as set forth above. The addresses and addressees for the purpose of this Section may be changed by giving notice of such change in the manner herein provided for giving notice. Unless and until such written notice is received the last addresses and addressee stated by written notice, or provided herein if no written notice of change has been been sent or received, shall be deemed to continue in effect for all purposes hereunder. The validity of this Agreement and of any of its terms or provisions, as well as the righta and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Venue under this Agreement lies in Dallas County, Texas. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions or other act extending such authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated below. NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Mike Eastland Executive Director 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 200 Arlington, Texas 76011 Date TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Mike Murphy Director of Public Works P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Date 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF TARRANT ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mike Eastland of the North Central Texas Council of Govemments, a non-profit corporation, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of North Central Texas Council of Govemments for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the __day of ______, 20_. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF DALLAS ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mike Murphy. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the Town of Addison, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the __day of ______. 20_. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 6 JIM PIERCE, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director (972) 450·2879 (972) 450·2837 FAX jpierce@ci.adiJison.tx.us Town of Adruson 16801 Westgrove Dr. P.O. Box 9010, Ad