i i\ Ordinance NO. 096-049 An Ordinance Amending The 'Water and 'Wastewater Rates, Changing The Billing Methodology For Commercial Customers 'With Cooling Towers, and Setting An EffectiYe Date Whereas, the Town of Addison has completed an engineering study that has identified all major capital projects needed in the foreseeable future, through the build out of Addison, and Whereas, the Town of Addison has concluded that there are some commercial customers with water cooling towers that are not separately metered, that are billed for wastewater because the water cooling towers are not separately metered, and that these water cooling tower flows are mostly evaporated into the atmosphere and are not returned to the wastewater system, and Whereas, the Town of Addison has also completed a multi-year financial plan and rate study with the assistance of the Town's Finance Director and City Engineer that has validated that $3.8 million of bonds and accrued interest stemming from the 1993 bond sale will not be needed to complete the current and forecasted capital improvement plans and can be retired or defeased to lower the debt service costs. Whereas, the multi-year financial plan has formed the basis for a wastewater rate decrease equal to approximately 13.0% and a water rate increase of 2.1 %. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON. 1. Sewer Rates That Chapter 18, Section 76 of the Town of Addison Code of Ordinances entitled "Sewage rates" shall be amended to read as follows: "The customer classifications, minimum bills, and consumption charges shall be as follows:Sewer Minimum Bills. Minimum monthly bills shall be applied to all customers based upon customer classification and shall include an allowance for volume based upon water consumed as follows: OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY ORDINANCE NO. 096-049 Customer Classification Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Municipal/Schools Commercial Large (meter size equal to or greater than 2 inches) Commercial Small (meter size less than 2 inches) Industrial Large (meter size equal to or greater than 2 inches) Industrial Small (meter size less than 2 inches) Hotel/Motel Minimum Monthly Bill $ 8.79 $ 50.15 $ 66.12 $120.19 $ 15.41 $257.13 $ 11.96 $257.13 Volume Included . Dear Mr. Your building is 􀁏􀁾 ofseveral in Addison utilizing a DOD-metaed roo!mounted 􀁡􀁩􀁲􀁾􀁄􀁤􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁵􀁩􀁮􀁧 eoolUlg to...-.;:r. Until 􀁲􀁥􀁯􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁬􀁹􀀮􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁳with non-meteml roofmounted oooJiDl towers, IS with all 􀁮􀁯􀁮􀂷􀁮􀀧􀀱􀁾 :systems, wm= dlargcd 'WaStewater JaWs based on water use. Only a small pen:entage Qfwatcr used by coolina towas everreatm the􀁾system 􀁾􀁵􀁳􀁥 the water COII5tiU1tly redrcuJates aad cMlJ!OJatiOU􀁾 ,war»ra . Because it is Vel)' costly to l'Wl asepanatfl water..tg 4lOOliag towm. the Town CoUDC'il recently passed au ordiDance (copy attad1ed), cb8aging bi1linC metbodolOl)' which will provido yw. subslantial saviDp. Customm with mofmountecl cooliq towers may, at their option, change to a wiD_ lUOntb5 average for wastewater biUiu&. Uader this Stlmario, WlStc'w4lter biUing will be based on flows. as bas been done in the past, extepl that the maximum wasteWater volume will not exceed 1I1e aveme.e usap dwiDgthe wimer months ofDm:mbetthrough February. Ifyou desire wd1aDge to a winttr rnoutIIs avedge for􀁾billing. 􀁰􀁬􀁥􀁡􀁥􀂷􀁾 Elaine Difiglja at (972) 4So-7080. dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:35 Account 001l20E First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 INTECOM INC Phone Number Ten 214-390-8802 Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Years Start Dt Lien 07/14/94 Override Billing Address Name Phone Enter to return or option # to Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Primary Employer Information CONNIE SMITH A/P 214-447-8077 Emergency Contact Information Name Name Addr 'Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information Owner Information CRESCENT REAL ESTATE EQUITIES 5057 Keller Springs '. 􀁨􀁱􀁏􀁾 ... · ..􀁾􀀯􀀧􀁏 . ,\., dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:43 Account 000830C First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 WALLACE ASSOCIATES Phone Number Ten 214-361-9351 Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Years Start Dt Lien 03/14/96 Emergency Contact Information Name BILL MILLS Phone 214-450-5899 Enter to return or option # to Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Addr1 .l\.ddr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Override Billing Address STE 950 15851 DALLAS PKWY ADDISON, TX 75248-3307 Primary Employer Information JEFF COKER KELLY WINN---450-5899 214-361-9351 Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information Owner Information WALLACE ASSOCIATES dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 11: 15 Account First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 001579A GREENHAVEN VILLAGE APTS Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten 214-241-8851 Years Start Dt Lien 05/15/90 Name Phone Enter to return or option # to 3900 Brookhaven Club Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Override Billing Address C/O MULTI VEST REAL ESTATE 6100 GLADES RD #205 BOCA RATON,FL 33434 Primary Employer Information Emergency Contact Information Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information STUCK METER 8-96 BILLED ON 8-9 5 GAL + JUL 95 DIFF IN JUL 96 Owner Information Ground dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:39 Account First Name MI 000883A Soc Sec No Driver Lic Last Name /Name Line 2 ONE BENT TREE TOWER SABRE REALTY MANAGEMENT INC Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten Years Start Dt Lien 03/15/90 Name Phone Enter to return or option # to Spouse/Other Party Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Override Billing Address ATT TERRY OBERLE 16475 DALLAS PARKWAY #750 ADDISON, TX 75248-2623 Primary Employer Information Emergency Contact Information Name Name Addr Zip Phone Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Other Employers Information Owner Information dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:49 Account First Name MI 000856C Soc Sec No Driver Lic Last Name /Name Line 2 MARY KAY COSMETICS INC ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten 214-687-5111 Years Start Dt Lien 11/14/94 Override Billing Address Emergency Contact Information Name GREGORY CRAIG Phone 214-248-4581 Enter to return or option # to Spouse/Other Party Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Primary Employer Information CHARLOTTE LIBERDA GILBERT---687-4554 214-687-5840 Name Name Addr Zip Phone Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Other Employers Information Owner Information 16251 Dallas Pkwy (;(0 u nJ dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:41 Account First Name MI 000889A Soc Sec No Driver Lic Last Name /Name Line 2 TWO BENT TREE TOWER SABRE REALTY MANAGEMENT INC Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten 214-931-7956 Years Start Dt Lien 03/15/90 Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Override Billing Address ATT TERRY OBERLE 16475 DALLAS PKWY #800 ADDISON, TX 75248-2661 Primary Employer Information TERRY OBERLE -BILLING CONTACT EXT 284 214-931-7400 Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information Owner Information Emergency Contact Information Name Phone Enter to return or option # to 16479 Dallas Pkwy Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:44 First Name MI SERV Account 000843B Soc Sec No Driver Lic Last Name /Name Line 2 MBNA HALLMARK INFORMATION ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten Years Start Dt Lien 06/01/92 Override Billing Address Addr1 POBOX 809051 Addr2 Zip DALLAS, TX 75380-9051 Emergency Contact Information Name S S B A SECURITY Phone 214-701-6258 Enter to return or option # to Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Name Addr Zip Phone Primary Employer Information BILLING CONTACT -CYNTHIA JOHNSON (CORP ACCTING) 214-701-6401 Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name M/A CHANGED PER LETTER 9-5-96 Other Employers Information MANAGER OF FACILITIES -FRED D HALLMAN 214-701-6334 Owner Information S S B A AMERICA CHANGED PO BOX FR 805051 TO 809051 PER CYNTHIS 6/28/93 16001 Dallas Pkwy dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 11: 11 Account 001718A First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 MARRIOTT HOTEL THE Phone Number Ten 214-661-2800 Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Years Start Dt Lien 07/08/91 Name Phone Enter to return or option # to Override Billing Address Addr1 ATTN: SCOTT GARRETT Addr2 ...;;1__􀀴􀀧􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀹􀀮􀀮􀀬 􀀻􀀻􀀰􀀢􀀢􀀱􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀻􀁄􀁁􀁌􀀽􀁌􀁁􀁓􀀽􀀻􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀺􀁐􀁾􀁋􀁗􀀬􀀻􀀬􀀻􀀬􀀬􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀻􀀻􀁙 􀁾 Zip ADDISON, TX 75240-7573 Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Name Addr Zip Phone Primary Employer Information SCOTT GARRETT, COMPTROLLER 214-661-2800 Emergency Contact Information Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information LYNN--REVERSED PENALTY FOR 3-9 6 TOLD HER ONE TIME THING 214-687-7479 Owner Information dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:12 Account 001256B First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 WALLACE ASSOCIATES Phone Number Ten 214-386-8141 Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Years Start Dt Lien 11/14/95 Override Billing Address Addr1 180 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁲􀀲􀀬􀀭􀀽􀀱􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀴􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀹􀀰􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀱􀁾􀁑􀁲􀁯􀀮􀀺􀀺􀁕􀀺􀀮􀀻􀀺􀀺􀁏􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀮� �􀁒􀀺􀀮􀀽􀀺􀁕􀁍􀁾􀁄􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀻􀀮􀀺􀁒􀀺􀀺_􀀭􀀺􀀭 _ Zip DALLAS, TX 75240 Emergency Contact Information Name A KELLY WINN OR SUSAN CAMPBELL Phone 214-386-8141 Enter to return or option # to Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Name Addr Zip Phone Primary Employer Information A KELLY WINN SUSAN CAMPBELL 214-386-8141 Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information Owner Information 14901 QUORUM PARTNERS dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:59 Account 000803B First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 CARTER CROWLEY PROPERTIES INC Phone Number Ten 214-247-8535 Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Years Start Dt Lien 12/09/91 Name Phone Enter to return or option # to 14951 Dallas Pkwy Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Override Billing Address ATTN A/P WALLACE RAINS 2711 LBJ FREEWAY #400 DALLAS, TX 75234-7320 Primary Employer Information BILLING CONTACT-JENNY EVERSALE Emergency Contact Information Spouse/Other Party Name Name Other Employers Information Name Addr Zip Phone Owner Information Name CARTER-CROWLEY PROPERTIES Addr1 2711 L B J FREEWAY Addr2 SUITE #570 Zip DALLAS, TX 75234 continue dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 11: 19 Account 000169B Soc Sec No First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 CARTER CROWLEY PROPERTIES INC Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten 214-247-8535 Years Start Dt Lien 08/12/92 Name Phone Enter to return or option # to 16415 Addison Rd Spouse/Other Party Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Override Billing Address ATTN A/P WALLACE RAINS 2711 LBJ FRWY #400 DALLAS, TX 75234-7320 Primary Employer Information SENIOR PROPERTY OWNER DEBBIE CRISLER 214-250-6283 Emergency Contact Information Name Name Addr Zip Phone Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Other Employers Information Owner Information \ dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 11:07 Account 000769A First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 PRINCETON THE Phone Number Ten 214-233-3216 Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Years Start Dt Lien 03/15/90 Override Billing Address Spouse/Other Party Name Addr1 FULTS MANAGEMENT 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁲􀀲􀁾􀀱􀀴􀀶􀀵􀀱 DALLAS PKWY #101 Zip ADDISON, TX 75240-7477 Primary Employer Information Name Addr Zip Phone Emergency Contact Information Name BETSEY BURKE Phone 214-788-1179 Enter to return or option # to Name Name Addr Zip Phone Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Other Employers Information Owner Information (;rounc! dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 11: 06 Account First Name MI 000816A Soc Sec No Driver Lic Last Name /Name Line 2 COLONNADE TOWERS THE MEPC AMERICAN PROPERTIES Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten 214-980-5000 Years Start Dt Lien 03/15/90 OVerride Billing Address Addr1 STE 100 LB-10 Addr2 􀀮􀁾􀀱􀁾􀀵􀁾􀀳􀁾􀀰􀁾􀀳􀁾􀁄􀁾􀁁􀁌􀁾􀁌􀁁􀁓􀁾􀀺􀀭􀀺� �􀁾􀁋􀁗􀁾􀁙􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀺 Zip ADDISON, TX 75248-4686 Primary Employer Information Name Addr Zip Phone Emergency Contact Information Name Phone Enter to return or option # to Name Name Addr Zip Phone Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continueSpouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information Owner Information /dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:33 Account 001239A First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 TEXAS COMMERCE BANK QUORUM Phone Number Ten 214-239-9797 Soc Sec No Driver Lie Credit Reference Information Years Start Dt Lien 03/15/90 Name Phone Enter to return or option # to 5050 Quorym Spouse/Other Party Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Override Billing Address P M REALTY GROUP 111 E IRVING LBVD #602 IRVING, TX 75060 Primary Employer Information Emergency Contact Information Name Name Addr Zip Phone Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Other Employers Information Owner Information (Roofdtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 11: 13 Account 002616A First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 BED BATH & BEYOND Phone Number Ten Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Years Start Dt Lien 08/15/94 Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Override Billing Address Addr1 650 LIBERTY AVE Addr2 Zip UNION, NJ 07083 Primary Employer Information Name Addr Zip Phone Emergency Contact Information Name Phone Enter to return or option # to 5100 Belt Line Rd Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information PER TAMMY OF VOP BILL TO BED BATH & BEYOND 214-661-5661 Owner Information dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 11:09 Account 000798C First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 CRESCENT REAL ESTATE EQ Phone Number Ten 214-871-8500 Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Emergency Contact Information Name BARRY L GRUEBBEL Phone 􀀲􀀱􀀴􀀭􀁾 55q 􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀴􀁾􀁦 Enter to return or option # to Spouse/Other Party Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone 􀁾 Override Billing Address Primary Employer Information BARRY L GRUEBBEL 214-871-8500 Name Name Addr Zip Phone Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Years Start Dt Lien 03/13/95 Other Employers Information Owner Information CRESCENT REAL ESTATE EQ .14841 Dallas Pkwy '..: dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10: 19 Account 001141A Soc Sec NoFirst Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 EMERALD PLAZA SOUTHSTATE MANAGEMENT CORP Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten 214-698-9544 Years Start Dt Lien 03/15/90 Emergency Contact Information Name RICK PRICE-DIGITAL PAGER Phone 214-229-1250 Enter to return or option # to Service Address-14900 Landmark Name Addr1 Addr2 Zip continue Addr1 Addr2 Zip Name Addr Zip Phone Override Billing Address 100 N CENTRAL EXPWY LB 102 SUITE 1006 DALLAS, TX 75201 Primary Employer Information REBECCA MOORE-PROP MGR 7880576 Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information FAX 7470306 OWner Information PAN COASTAL PARTNERS dtya024s CCSUB 1.1.11 * Inquiry on Billing Information * 09/24 10:14 Account First Name MI Last Name /Name Line 2 001402A SPECTRUM CENTER LTD Soc Sec No Driver Lic Credit Reference Information Phone Number Ten 214-490-6200 Years Start Dt Lien 03/15/90 Name Addrl Addr2 Zip continue Override Billing Address Addr1J?080 SPECTRUM DR Addr2 LB #37 SUITE 815 WEST Zip ADDISON, TX 75248-4621 Primary Employer Information Name Addr Zip Phone Emergency Contact Information Name Phone Enter to return or option # to Name Name Addr Zip Phone Spouse/Other Party Name Other Employers Information FAX NUMBER 214-490-6024 Owner Information