Robert L. Pearce PresidentFA. PEARCE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulling Engineers 3321 Towerwood Dr. • Suite 100 • Farmers Branch. TX 75234 2141247-1353 • FAX 2141247-268Q LIIIIIIIIII---i?-A-RM-g-R-S-·B -R-AN-ca-·---·" Co?{ PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT (214) 450-2871 Post Office Box 144 Alidison, Texas 75001 16801 Wesigrove March 6, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Whirehead, City Manager FROM: John Baumgartner, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Traffic Signal for GreeohiII School on Spring Valley This memo is to provide you with an update of where we are on this project. The plans and specifications are about 95 %complete and should be ready next week. We plan to open bids at the end of the month and bring the construction contract to Council on April 9, 1996. Greenhill School has paid for the engineering design and will provide the necessary easements. The estimated construction cost for the project is $100,000. Originally, !he cost of the signal was going to be shared by Greenhill School, Addison, Farmers Branch, and !he developer of the apartment complex under construction on the south side of Spring Valley across from the school; with each party contributing 25 %of the cost. When the apartment developer elected not to contribute to to the signal, the city of Farmers Branch wi!hdrew their contribution. At that point, Greenhill School elected to pick up the developer and Farmer Branch's share and pay for 75 % of the signal. When the apartment developer withdrew his contribution to the signal the Town informed him he could not have a driveway out of his development at the proposed signal. The Town's contribution to the signal, approximately $25,000, is in the 1996 budget and will be paid out of the Street Capital Project Fund. The Town will invoice GrecohiII School for the school's share arrer the bids are opened. The Town will not execute the construction contract until Greenhill School has paid the Town. '. MA BLOCK INVESTMENTS CO. 14901 QUORUM DRIVE • SUITE 500 • (214) %0·6600 • FAX (214) 960·9175 DALLAS, TEXAS 75240 March 7, 1996 Mr. John R. Baumgartner, P,E. Director ofPublic Works Town ofAddison Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Greenhill School Easement & Spring Valley Traffic Signal Dear John: We have worked out our agreement with Greenhill School with regard to the easement for installation ofour off·site storm drain facilities for the Townhomes of Addison. Our agreement provides that we pay Greenhill a stipulated amount is cash, and they will continue with the project ofinstalling the traffic signal. Now that this hurdle has been resolved, we are moving full speed ahead to get the necessary plat approvals, start construction ofthe infrastructure and submit plans for the construction ofour first units. Ifall goes well, we should begin development work early in April. Thank you for all the professional assistance and courtesies you have extended to us since we have been involved in this project. We look forward to getting started with the fun part of building the townhome units! Sincerely, cc: Avner Papouchado Michael A. Block George Tannous FaRmeRS BRanCI-I November 10, 1994 John Baumgartner, P.E. Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Subject: Parkside Apartments Dear Mr. Baumgartner: Regardiug the subject project and our telephone conversation of November 9, 1994 about sidewalks, the developer will install sidewalks along Spriug Valley Road iu front of his property. The iustallation of the sidewalk iu front of the City's fire station, will be the City'S responsibility . The City does have a funded sidewalk program which includes criteria for repair of existing sidewalks and the construction of new sidewalks. I am confident that after the new apartments are occupied those residents will generate the demand for the installation of a sidewalk iu front of the fire station and the City will install the sidewalk. Call me if you have any questions. :;;;)' (. Jerome V. Murawski, Jr., P.E. City Engineer JVM:nm I>:\parksdjb.llf/engdev cc: Gary Oshel, Assistant City Engiueer Tom Scales, Director of Co=unity Services City of Farmers Branch P.O. Box 819010 Farmers Branch. Texas 75381-9010 2141247-3131 linked in Friendship with District of Sassetlaw. Nottingham.hire. Great Britain and Garbsen. Germany. Joined in an Economic Alliance with Markham, Canada and Guadalupe, Mexico. FaRmeRS BRanCI-I November 15, 1994 Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Parkside Apartments -Traffic Flow Dear Mr. Baumgartner: The City of Farmers Branch has included total funding to widen Midway Road between LBJ and Spring Valley in its capital improvements budget. The project will include intersection improvements at Spring Valley and Midway. This project is eligible for funding in the Intermodul Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). The City Council directed staff to pursue the ISTEA funding opportunity. The City Council further told staff that if the use of ISTEA funds delayed start of construction beyond 1998, then the City would construct the project in 1998 without ISTEA funding. Dave Davis, City Traffic Engineer, has reviewed the two-lane entrance into the subdivision. The distance between the street and the entrance gate, 130 feet, seems to be adequate to avoid any backups into Spring Valley Road. Sincerely,c:?4 Jerome V. Murawski, Jr., Jr., P.E. City Engineer JVM:nm b:\prksdtrf.llr/engdev cc: Dave Davis, P .E., Traffic Engineer City of Farmers Branch P.O. &Jx 819010 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381-9010 214/247-3131 Unked in Friendship with District of Bassetlaw. Nottinghamshire, Great Britain and Garbsen, Germany. JOined in an Economic Alliance with Markham, Canada and Guadalupe, Mexico. 􀀯􀀭􀀯􀀢􀀭􀁆􀁾􀂷􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀭􀂷􀀠􀀯􀀼􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁊􀀻􀁾􀀭􀁰􀀠!//;cY/9 Y PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEi''T (214) 450-2811 P!'Jst Office B!'Jx 144 Addison, Texos 75001 16801 Westgrove November 18, 1994 Mr. Jim Duggan 9330 LBJ Frwy. Suite 250 Dallas, Texas 75243 Re: Alteration to the Spring Valley median opening for Parkside Apartments Dear Mr, Duggan: I am writing in response to your verbal request to modify the Spring Valley median to facilitate your proposed development. We are willing to grant your request when the items from our September 13th letter are complete, As I understand, the outstanding issues are as follows: L Greenhill School does not have a fuodamental objection to the median modification, but would like assistance with the expense of a traffic signal that will serve both your property and their property mitigating some of the affects of the increased traffic generated from your proposed development. 2. Farmers Branch has iodicated a willingness to construct the bottleneck improvements identified in the 1990 Addison Bottleneck Study, However, it appears that this will take from 3 to 5 years to complete. 3, Farmers Branch has also indicated a sidewalk may be constructed between your proposed development and the Loos Field/DART Transit Center. We feel items 2 and 3 should be constructed in conjunction with your proposed development and that the negative impact to Greenhill School be mitigated prior to modifying the Spring Valley median. Also, note that a right-of-way permit is required prior to pursuing any construction within Addison. This permit is subject to review and approval of the construction for the work within Addison and has bonds and insurance requirements. We are hopeful that you can resolve the issues with the various parties and are looking forward to working with you on this project. Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. John R. Baumgartner, P .E. Director of Public Works JRB/gmd cc: Jerry Murowski Ron Whitehead PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (214) 450-2871 ADDisoN Post Office Bax 144 Addison, Texns 75001 16801 Westgrove------September 13'; 1994" Mr. Jim Duggan Duggan Realty Advisors 9330 LBI Freeway Suite 250 Dallas, Texas 75243 Re: Alterations to the Spring Valley median opening Dear Mr. Duggan: We are pleased to hear about your proposed plans for the development of the Mobil tract as a multi-fanrily community. As I have expressed verbally, Addison has some concerns regarding the proposed developments impact on the existing street and would like the following issues addressed prior to consenting to the proposed relocations of the median: 1. Does the proposed relocation impact Greenhill School> s plans for the development of their property? Have you obtained their consent to the proposed relocation? 2. How is the impact from this development to the existing Spring ValleylMidway Road intersection going to be mitigated? What is the schedule for implementation of these (if any) improvements? Attached is a copy ofa bottleneck study that Addison had completed in 1990 regarding the Spring Valley! Midway intersection. 3. As I understaod the proposal, you are planning to have security gates, limiting access to the property. Please provide detailed drawings showing the gates, turnarounds, pad locations, etc. We are concerned that sufficient room for vehicular turnaround and stack is not currently shown on the development plan. 4. Are sidewalks planned along Spring Valley? If so, what are the limits? Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. John R. Baumgartoer, P.E. Director of Public Works JRB/gmk co: Jerry Murawski Ron Whitehead • • • • II II .. II II (,'•I 􀁾􀀺􀀮􀀧􀀮􀀧􀀮􀀠I -to: " 􀁾􀀬􀀺... I ';". II Location -Midwav/Spring Vallev Street Intersection Approach Bus Stop Location Approach ADT Midwav Northbound North leg (160') 22,771 EXISTING CONDITIONS Midwav Southbound South leg 1232') 19,797 Spring ValieV Westbound West leg 1260') 13,056 Spring Vallev Eastbound West leg 1235') 6,168 Approach Lanes Left Turn Through Right Turn 1 3 0 1 3 1 1 3 0 1 3 0 Peak Hour Approach Volumes Left Turn Through Right Turn AM 103 1267 373 PM 259 1421 321 AM 286 1569 78 PM 245 1273 270 AM 279 391 288 PM 425 814 259 AM 204 688 291 PM 122 425 56 Operating Conditions VIC Average Delav LOS AM 1.04 72.6 F Intersection PM .97 56.7 E Accident Historv 1987-90 Accident Rate/MV .28 AccidentslYear 6.3 Right Angle Rear End Left Turn Right Turn Sideswipe Total 0 9 6 0 2 19 Head On Pedestrian Ran Off Road Fixed Object Other 0 0 0 51 I I lOCATION: MIdway at Sprino Valley Barton-Aschman Associates,lnc. I PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE WORKSHEET EXISTING APotD PnOJECTED DEFICIENCIES: Location: MIDWAY AND SPRING VALLEY Client: Town of Addison Project: Addison Bottleneck Study 1. Heavy rightwtum end left-tum volumes on all I'IPproachos. I 2. Storag., bey. for north and .outh approaeho'& not adequate. Job N: 1663.08.01 Dale: 8122190 3. High frequency of roar·ond end iefMum 􀁾􀁣􀁬􀁤􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁴􀁬􀀮􀀠I RECOMMENDED IMPROvtMlO1(fS: ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1. Widen Mldwcy approcchtli11: to provide duel left turns (northbound 5677 S.Y. New Pavement (concrele) 24.00 136248.00 160' storage ZlM southbound 176' storage). 371 S.Y. Rem. Exist. Pavement 8.00 2968.00 6638 L.F. New Curb & GUller 8.00 53104.00I 2. Widen Spring Valley appmachea to provide dus! !oft turns 6638 L.F. Rem. Exist. Curb & Gutter 5.00 33190.00Iwestbound 150' dorege and «unrtbound 150' ..torago) 6S well ftS I right tum Icnes (westbound 100' atorage and aanbound 100' 25 ' 'V, Intersection Signalization 70000.00 17500.00 dorege;. 0 EA. Rei. ControlierlFndn. 1664.00 0.00 4 EA. Rei. Mastarm PoielFndn. 3803.00 15212.00 EXPECT£o 9ENEFIrs OR OWlIDffFITS: 4 EA. Rei. pedstl. Pole/Fndn. 992.00 3968.00 9 EA. ReI. Pullbex 177.00 1'593.001. Dee(1teso inten:eetlon doley. 0 EA. Rem. Pullbox 56.00 0.00 I 2. Inerocse Inter.cctlon eapoelty. 0 EA. ReI. Drainage Inlet 2300.00 0.00 6 EA. Rei. Util. Pole @Inlers·n. 6000.00 36000.00 3. Improve nfoty; r>cauee ""Zlr-ond and left-tum accident potentlZlI. 0 EA. ReI. Util. Pole 2000.00 0.00 0 EA. Rei. Uti!. Vault 10000.00 0.00 I 4. Improve avereI! operation and tramc flow at tho IntersectIon. 1 EA. Rei. Fire Hydranl 755.00 755.00 MEASURE OF 􀁅􀁆􀁆􀁅􀁃􀁔􀁩􀁖􀁾􀁓􀀡􀀠 a EA. ReI. Water Meter 328.00 0.00 I 3 EA. . Adjust Manhole 413.00 1239.00 a S.F. Add'i R-O-W (residenlial) 4.00 . 0.00 2425 S,F. Add'i R-O-W (comm.lrelail) 12.00 29100.00LevelQf Awrage Delay Servlco (see/veh) Ace. Rom Sub-Total 330877.00 AM PM AM PM lAce/MEV) LS. Engineering/Contingenoy Fees 0,15 49631.55 I Existing F E 72.6 56.7 .2. TOTAL ESTIMATE 381000.00With Reeommended Improvements 0 C 31.7 >1.a .23 I I NOle: Preliminary C081 Estlmal8s Do Not Include Land8caplng. 52 I I REC'D MAR G 1 1995 FaRmeRS BRancl.... February 28, 1995 Mr. John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Subject: Parkside Apartments Dear Mr. Baumgartner I have developed an alternative plan (enclosed) that relocates the east exit of the subject project so that the exit is not opposite the Greenhill School entrance. If the alternative plan is acceptable to you, then it will be incorporated into the development requirements of the project. Call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, 􀁣􀀻􀀷􀀯􀀡􀁾􀁴􀀭􀀭􀁾Jerome V. Murawski, Jr., P.E. City Engineer IVM/nm Enclosures (2) cc: Gary Oshel, P.E., Assistant City Engineer Tom Scales, Director of Community Services Michael Spicer, Director of Planning Lynn Bennie, Sr. Engineering Technician b: \addipksd ,Jtr/engdev City of Farmers Branch P.O. Box 819010 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381-9010 214/247-3131 Linked in Friendship, with Districtof 􀀸􀁡􀁳􀁳􀁥􀁾􀁡􀁷􀀬􀀠Nottinghamshire, Great Britain and Garbsen, Germany, JOined In an an EconomiC Alliance With Markham, Canada and Guadalupe. Mexico. ',:,. . ',' ,. . . , .􀁾􀀠. " .􀁾􀀮􀀠': . o b 􀀧􀁾􀁬􀀠I " ' \ -;.., .... , . i ,'. ' '," ,,' /, "!-:) 􀀣􀁾􀀧􀀠\􀀺􀀻􀀮􀀻􀀬􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀮􀀠..... . _ 0 U*,;j':"·;' 􀁾H_ I I 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾.. 􀁯􀁾... 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁇􀁩􀀡􀀺􀀡􀀠! '0°000 􀁾􀀩􀀭􀁬􀁩􀀠"-2..,..' I " _301/814SpMg V.'.J' ,-279/425 204/12.2-'...,...-'Ir􀀲􀀱􀀱􀀱􀀱􀁓􀀸􀁾􀀠I.-ONN I 􀁾􀀺􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀠􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁯􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾 􀀠􀁾􀁁􀁊􀀬􀁬PMk fb, I rP.»..PMIk'w XXXlXxx I I I AODISON BOT1l£NECK slUe.,. MIDWAY RD. 8. SPRING VAll£{ RD. I ADDISON. lEXAS RECOMMENOEO IMPROVEMENTS 􀁾􀀢􀁉􀀠GAT{: I _.... SHmJ..IlY. 1m LJU I ""-......, IN'f'fIO'Q "l"< Of'1".40' ___ 􀁾􀁾􀁧􀀭􀀮􀀺___ L_] BD.rton-A::fc:hrnan o Assocla tes. Inc. 􀁾􀁾􀁕􀀱􀀱􀀧􀁉􀀱􀀱􀀧􀁬􀀧􀀠􀀧􀁩􀀧􀁾􀀱􀀠PROPOSEO R.O.W. PROPOSED RO.W. :::::£-PROPOSED R.O.W. PROPOSED R.O.W. I 53 I RECEIVED JAN 2519!6 ! I CI, YMIl,NAGER FaRmeRS BRanCI-I January 24, 1995 Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town of Addison P.o. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Parkside Apartments Dear Mr. Whitehead: As we discussed, an apartment complex is proposed in the City of Farmers Branch on the south side of Spring Valley Road, west of Midway Road. The developer of the apartment complex has requested permission from the Town of Addison to be allowed to relocate an existing median opening and left turn lane on Spring Valley Road to serve the proposed entrance to the development. The median that the developer desires to relocate is at the west end of the development and the developer wants to move the opening and turn lane approximately 130 feet to the east. The attached drawings show the location of the existing median openings along Spring Valley Road and the proposed median opening relocation. The entrance to The Greenhill School is approximately 630 feet east of the main entrance to the apartment complex. The driveway on the east side of the apartment complex is located south of The Greenhill School entrance and will be gated and is to be used for emergency equipment response only (fire engines, ambulances). Your approval for relocation of the median opening and left turn lane is respectfully requested without the requirement to participate in the cost of the traffic signal at the entrance to The Greenhill School. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, 􀁤􀀣􀀯􀁣􀀻􀀬􀁉􀁾􀁾 Vi(icl;1rd L. Escalante City Manager Attachments City of Farmers Branch P,O, Box 819010 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381·9010 214/247-3131 Unked in friendship with District of Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire, Greet 8ritain and Gerbsen. Germany. Joined in an ECOllornic Alliance with Markham. Canada and Guadalupe, Mexico, Duggan Real!yAdvisors i 􀀶􀁔􀁾􀁊􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁅􀁒􀀠J January 19, 1995 Mr. Ron Whitehead Town ofAddison P.D.Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 Re: Alteration to the Spring Valley median opening for the Villas at Parkside Dear Mr. Whitehead: Thank you for visiting with me on January 9, 1995 over the phone regarding Westwood's request to alter the Spring Valley median for its Villas at Parkside Development. On behalf of Westwood Development I have been working with the City of Farmers Branch, The Town of Addison, and the Greenhill School to coordinate approval for the requested alteration. Approximately six (6) months ago I contacted Mr. John Baumgartner with The Town of Addison to discuss Westwood's request. Mr. Baumgartner stated that provided the Greenhill School had no objections to the alteration, he felt there was no reason it should not be approved. I met with Mr. Ken Piel, Greenhill School's business representative, to review our plans and proposed median alteration. Mr. Piel agreed with the proposed alteration and felt that it would reduce the impact of the added traffic at Greenhill's main entrance. During our meeting he indicated that over the past four (4) years he has requestt'd a traffic signal at the main entrance of the Greenhill School. Mr. Piel asked ifwe would oppose a traffic signal as the parents of Greenhill students were having significant trouble traveling eastbound when exiting the school. I indicated that Westwood would not oppose a signal light and would assist Mr. Pie! in his discussions with both The Town of Addison and the City ofFarmers Branch. To date, Mr. Piel and I have worked in a cooperative spirit and appear to be in agreement regarding both the alteration ofthe median and the installation ofthe traffic light. In a letter dated November 18, 1994 from Mr. Baumgartner, he indicated that The Town of Addison was willing to grant our request to alter the median provided three (3) issues were addressed by Westwood. 9330 LBJ Freeway. Sui.e 250 Dallas, T_ 75243 214480.9'/40. 214·783·7409 Fax Page Two Mr. Ron Whitehead The first issue stated the Greenhill School would like assistance with the expense of the traffic signal. In discussing the issue with the Greenhill School, the comment for assistance was made to The Town of Addison and not to Westwood. Westwood has offered to pay the direct costs associated with the alteration of the median, not the traffic signal. There were two other issues that Mr. Baumgartner had requested Westwood to complete. Neither of these issues were in Westwood control as they involved city property. Apparently these two issues have been resolved between the City of Farmers Branch and The Town ofAddison. During our conversation last week:, you indicated Westwood's median alteration request would not be apprnved unless Westwood assisted in the cost of the traffic light for the Greenhill School. At that time you indicated it was your determination that the cost for such traffic signal should be shared equally by the Town of Addison, The City of Farmers Branch, the Greenhill School and Westwood Development. I contacted Mr. Piel to discuss my surprise at your request. He in filet confirmed that he had not requested Westwood Development nor the City ofFarmers Branch to participate in any of the cost of the traffic signal and that although he certainly would appreciate assistance, he is more concerned that the light be approved. Mr. Whitehead, based on our conversation, it is my understanding that Westwood's request for the median alteration (which you acknowledge is a reasonable request and should be approved), will not be approved by The Town of Addison unless Westwood agrees to pay a part of the traffic signal requested by Greenhill School. It appears that although Westwood's request is reasonable they are being pressured to share an expense which has been requested for four (4) years. Your demands serve only to penalize the parents of the Greenhill School and future residents ofthe Villas at Parkside. Please keep in mind that the revenues contributed to The Town of Addison by the new residents will be substantial. Since our meeting last week:, I have tried on numerous occasions to contact you to schedule a meeting with Mr. Piel and myself to resolve these issues. To date, I have not received a return phone call. As you instructed, I have requested The City of Farmers Branch to make a formal application for the modification of the median. It is Westwood's position that they will offer to pay the cost of the median alteration and will not oppose the installation of the traffic signal. If the median alteration is not approved, Westwood will continue with construction as planned using the existing median opening. If it is determined that the median opening is required at some future point, Westwood will not offer to pay for such modification. In addition, Westwood will request the City of Farmers Branch to oppose the installation ofany traffic signal at the Greenhill School's entrance. Page Three Mr, Ron Whitehead Mr. Whitehead, I would appreciate the opportunity to schedule a meeting to resolve the outstanding issues. In addition, to help each of us understand the other parties position, we would appreciate receiving The Town of Addisons response to Westwoods request in writing. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, James F, Duggan cc: John Carmichael (Westwood Development) Jerry Murawski (City ofFarmers Branch) Richard Beckert (Town of Addison) John Baumgartner (Town of Addison) Richard Escalanta (City ofFarmers Branch) Ken Piel (Greenhill School) -. G) c (U ....I E F :::jJ-III 812