I ,',-" 􀁾􀀧􀀭􀀭 􀁾 􀁉''􀀭'', -􀀧-"􀁾􀁾.􀀢􀀺•􀀢􀀭􀀬􀀮􀀢􀀭􀀬􀀧􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀬􀁪􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁩􀀧􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀭 􀁬􀁲􀀮􀁾􀁜􀀮􀀢􀀮􀀺__ -_-';;:'",..._...........􀁾 􀀺􀁾 􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀧 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀴 􀁾􀀬􀁬􀁚􀁾 􀀬􀁜􀀧􀀺􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀭􀁥􀀧􀀻 􀀭􀁜􀀬􀁾 .r;1;::: .-..!Sii':rt.r-"" '\...'.....".''';'"'l'􀁾' .""",//;!IJ'. ;-._.. 􀀧􀀼􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀻􀀧 􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁬􀀮􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀯 . . //'" /..,/.--" 􀁟􀁾􀁊􀁾 The Federal Aviation Administration is putting a new process for conducting aeronautical 􀁾􀁉􀁮􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁳􀁥 the annual number of validated aeronautical surveys conducted surveys into place. There are two critical components to the FAA's new Airport Surveying-GIS 􀁾􀁦􀀩 • Develop a digital map of the airport Program: -..,... ... __ The near term goal of the new Airport Surveying Progr m is to complete the necessary tools for • A New Web-Based Aeronautical Survey Process I. I an airport to plan, fund, and implement the infrastructure needed to support an approach for • A New Airport Geographic Information System (GIS) Website any given runway, independent of ground-based navigational equipment. With the development of Satellite Navigation (SATNAV) technology, the need for a highly-:;.... Included as part of the new Web-Based Aeronautical Survey Process will be the Airport Geaaccurate digital representa)ion of an airport has become a critical element in the implementa!.< graphic Information System (GIS) webSite, also known as the eALP. The GIS site will prOVide a lion of that technology, both in support of vertically-guided approaches, or in the movement central warehouse for airport survey and layout data. The goal of this system is to prOVide a of aircraft in poor visibility. For the first time in history, the movement of aircraft isn't tied to L web-based spatial database to publiC airports through a f1e;T PAD BLAST PAD (ALWAYS DASHED) \ I I THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAIN DATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXTAND STYLE SHEET OC 000 FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 2.10 DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET NOT TO SCALE 9/1/96 THRESHOLD, STOPWAY, BLAST PAD, AND RUNWAY NUMBER DEPICTIONS ON THE AIRPORT PLAN FAA NO. 405 RUNWAY SURFACE TYPE SHALL BE LABELED "PAVED" FOR PAVED SURFACES AND "UNPAVED" FOR OTHER SURFACE TYPES RUNWAY LENGTH AND WIDTH SHALL BE LABELED IN WHOLE FEET 4,500 X 150 PAVED I 􀁾 , I I 4,500 X 150 UNPAVED I ( RUNWAY OUTLINE SHALL BE SOLID " FOR SPECIALLY PREPARED HARD SURFACES (SPHS) AND DASHED FOR OTHER SURFACES r----------------------------l L 4,500 X 250 UNPAVED J FAR -77 PRIMARY SURFACE ENDS 200 FEET BEYOND RUNWAY FOR SPHS RUNWAYS AND AT RUNWAY END FOR NON-SPHS RUNWAYS "--_/THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAIN DATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXT AND STYLE SHEET OC 000 FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 2.11 DIMENSIONSARE IN FEET NOT TO SCALE 9/1/96 RUNWAY LENGTH AND SURFACE TYPE DEPICTIONS ON THE AIRPORT PLAN FAA NO. 405 ) This dOCUi11ent has been divided into 2 parts for ease of downloading. Refer to Part 2 to view the rest of this docmnent. 9/1196 SECTION 3 AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (CONVENTIONAL LANDING) SURVEYS FAANo. 405 9/1196 SUBSECTION SECTION 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (CONVENTIONAL LANDING) SURVEYS FAA No. 405 PAGE 1. DESCRIPTION 3.1. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL 3.1. 3. ACCURACIES 3.1. 4. RUNWAYAND STOPWAY POINTS 3.1. 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 3.2. 6. OBSTRUCTIONS " 3.2. 6.1. DEFINITION 3.2. 6.2. OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACES 3.3. 6.3. SPECIAL CASES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.7. 6.4. SELECTION 3.9. 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL 3.10. 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS 3.10. 9. MISCELLANEOUS 3.10. 10. DATA DELIVERY 3.10. 9/1196 FIGURES FIGURE 3.1 FIGURE 3.2 FIGURE 3.3 FIGURE 3.4 FIGURE 3.5 FIGURE 3.6 FIGURE 3.7 FIGURE 3.8 FIGURE 3.9 FIGURE 3.10 FAANo. 405 TABLE OF CONTENT CONT. RUNWAY NUMBERS AND REQUIRED POINTS FOR SPECIALLY PREPARED HARD SURFACE RUNWAYS/STOPWAYS OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACES -PRECISION APPROACH, PRIMARY, AND TRANSITIONS OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACE -MISSED PRECISION APPROACH OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACE -NONPRECISION APPROACH OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE PRIMARY AREA OBJECT REPRESENTATION IN FIRST 2,566 FEET OF A PRECISION APPROACH AREA OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE PRECISION APPROACH AREA OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE TRANSITION AREAS OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE MISSED APPROACH AREA OBSTRUCTING MOBILE OBJECT AREAS AND ESTIMATED MAXIMUM ELEVATION (EME) POINTS 9/1/96 FAA No. 405 SECTION 3: AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (CONVENTIONAL LANDING) SITRVEYS 1. DESCRIPTION Area Navigation Approach (ANA) surveys for conventional landing provide runway, obstruction, and other information to support precision and nonprecision instrument approach procedure development for conventional aircraft using area navigation systems, such as, GPS. In addition, these surveys provide positions and elevations for selected navigational aids (NAVAIDS) associated with the airport. ANA surveys also establish (if it does not exist) geodetic control in the airport vicinity consisting of permanent survey marks accurately connected to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). This control and the NSRS connection assures accurate relativity between surveyed points on the airport and between these points and other surveyed points in the National Airspace System (NAS), including the navigation satellites. In addition, this control supports not only ANA surveys, but also future engineering activities, such as, runway/taxiway construction, NAVAID siting, obstruction clearing, road building, and other airport related projects. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL Datmn tie and local control requirements for all surveys accomplished in accordance with FAA No. 405 standards are identified in Appendix 3. 3. ACCURACIES Accuracy requirements for all data provided in accordance withFAA No. 405 standards are identified in Appendix 5. 4. RUNWAY AND STOPWAY POINTS Runway/stopway data shall be provided for all runways and stopways with a specially prepared hard surface (SPHS) existing at the time ofthe field survey. Data shall be provided for non-SPHS runways only if specifically requested by appropriate Federal Aviation Administration authorities. Data shall be provided for non-SPHS stopways if the stopway was officially designated a stopway by appropriate airport authorities. Unless otherwise stated, all runway/stopway points shall be on the runway/stopway centerline. Runways shall be identified by the number painted on the runway at the time of the field survey. If a number is not painted on the runway, the runway number published in the "U.S. Terminal Procedures" current at the time of the field survey shall be used. 4.1. REQUIRED DATA FOR RUNWAYS AND STOPWAYS Required data for SPHS and Non-SPHS runways and stopways are presented in Table 3.1. (Also see Figure 3.1). 3.1. FAA No. 405 TABLE 3.1 REQUIRED RUNWAY/STOPWAY DATA 9/1/96 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS A FACILITY IS CONSIDERED OFFSET IF LOCATED MORE TIIAN 10 FEETFROMTHERUNWAYCENTERLINElCENTERLINEEXTENDED. ELEVATION REQUIRED ONLYIF AN OBSTRUCTION SURVEY WAS PERFORMED D = DISTANCE FROM RUNWAY'S: (1) NEAR END FOR AIRPORT ELEVATION, (2) APPROACH END FOR RUNWAY IN1ERSECTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTALPRomEPOINTS, AND (3) STOP END FOR STOPWAYS E = ELEVATION N = POSITION, DISTANCE, OR ELEVATION NOT REQUIRED P = LATfTIJDE AND LONGfTIJDE AIRPORT ELEV DIE DIE RUNWAY ENDS PIE PIN INTERSECTION OF SPHSRWYS DIE NIN DISPLACED THLDS PIE P/E* TOUCHDOWN ZONE NIE NIN STOPWAY ENDS DIE DIE SUPPLEMENTAL PROFILE POINTS DIE NIN POINT ABEAM GS PIE NIN POINT ABEAM MLSEL PIE NIN POINT ABEAM OFFSETLOC PIN NIN POINT ABEAM OFFSETLDA PIN NIN POINT ABEAM OFFSET SDF PIN NIN POINT ABEAM OFFSET MLSAZ PIN NIN RWY/STWY POINT REQUIRED DATA SPHS RWY NON-SPHS RWY ELECTRONIC NAVAIDS A position, and sometimes an elevation, depending on the navigational aid (NAVAID), shall be determined for selected electronicNAVAIDS associated with the airport. The horizontal and vertical survey points for electronic NAVAIDS are listed in Appendix 4. Survey data is required for NAVAIDS meeting all of the following three criteria: -The NAVAID is listed in Appendix 4. -TheNAVAID is located within 10 nautical miles of the Airport Reference Point. -The NAVAID is associated with an instrument approach procedure for the airport being surveyed and the procedure is published in the United States Govermnent flight information publication "U.S. Terminal Procedures" current at the time ofthe field survey. This requirement also applies to Airport Surveillance Radars. If the NAVAID is also an obstruction, the obstruction requirements of Subsection 6 ofthis section also apply. VISUAL NAVAIDS Visual NAVAIDS are not required. 6. OBSTRUCTIONS 6.1. DEFINITION An obstruction, for purposes ofthis section, is any object that penetrates anANA obstruction identification surface (OIS). 3.2. ) 9/1/96 6.2. OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACES PRECISION ANA ') FAA No. 405 OIS dimensions for precisionANA surveys are presented in Table 3.2 through Table 3.5. and Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3. • TABLE 3.2 PRIMARY SURFACE PRECISION AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH BEGINS LENGTH WIDTH AT THRESHOLD WIDTH AT THRESHOLD PLUS 200 FT. SLOPE ELEVATION 200 FT. ON APPROACH SIDE OF THRESHOLD DISTANCE BETWEEN RUNWAY THRESHOLDS PLUS 400 FT. 1,000 FT. 1,000 FT. SEE "ELEVATION" BELOW BETWEEN THRESHOLDS -ELEVATION OF NEAREST POINT ON RUNWAY CENTERLINE BEYOND THRESHOLD -ELEVATION OF RUNWAY CENTERLINE AT THRESHOLD THE PRlMARY SURFACE IS A 1,000 FOOT WIDE RECTANGLE CENTERED ON THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE, BEGINNING 200 FEET ON THE APPROACH SIDE OF A RUNWAY THRESHOLD AND EXTENDING TO 200 FEET ON THE APPROACH SIDE OF THE OPPOSITE RUNWAY THRESHOLD. 3.3. FAA No. 405 BEGINS LENGTH BEGINNING WIDTH 4/15/98 CHANGE 1 TABLE 3.3 APPROACH SURFACE PRECISION AREA NAVIGAnON APPROACH 200 FT. ON APPROACH SIDE OF THRESHOLD (AT END OF PRIMARY SURFACE) 50,000 FT. 800 FT. WIDTH AT 50,000 FT. SLOPE ELEVATION AT BEGINNING I ELEVATION AT 2,566 FT. ELEVATION AT 50,000 FT. 4,400 FT. 50: 1FOR FIRST 2,566 FT. THEN 34:1 TO END OF APPROACH SURFACE ELEVATION OF THRESHOLD 51.3 FT. ABOVE THRESHOLD 1,446.4 FT. ABOVE THRESHOLD THE APPROACH SURFACE IS CENTERED ON THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE/CENTERLINE EXTENDED. 3.4. 9/1/96 BEGINS LENGTH BEGINNING WIDTH ) FAA No. 405 TABLE 3.4 APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE PRECISION AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH 200 FT. ON APPROACH SIDE OF THRESHOLD 50,000 FT. 600 FT. (EACH SIDE OF APPROACH SURFACE) WIDTH AT 50,000 FT. SLOPE TOP ELEVATION AT BEGINNING TOP ELEVATION AT 2,566 FT. TOP ELEVATION AT 50,000 FT. 6,376 FT. (EACH SIDE OF APPROACH SURFACE) 7:1 PERPENDICULAR TO RUNWAY CENTERLINE/CENTERLINE EXTENDED 85.7 FT. ABOVE THRESHOLD 179.4 FT. ABOVE THRESHOLD 2,357.3 FT. ABOVE THRESHOLD TRANSITION SURFACES EXISTS ALONG THE ENTIRE LENGTH, AND ON EACH SIDE, OF THE APPROACH SURFACE. THE WIDTH AND SLOPE ARE MEASllRED PERPENDICULAR TO THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE/CENTERLINE EXTENDED. 3.5. FAA No. 405 ) TABLE 3.5 ) 9/1/96 BEGINS LENGTH BEGINNING WIDTH WIDTH AT 7,800 FT. SLOPE MISSED APPROACH SURFACE PRECISION AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH 1,300 FT. ON APPROACH SIDE OF THRESHOLD 7,800 FT. 2,333.3 FT. 6,200 FT. 40:1 ELEVATION AT BEGINNING ELEVATION AT 7,800 FT. 22 FT. ABOVE THRESHOLD 217 FT. ABOVE THRESHOLD THE MISSED APPROACH SURFACE IS CENTERED ON THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE/CENTERLINE EXTENDED. 3.6 .) NONPRECISION ANA DIS dimensions for nonprecision ANA surveys are presented in Table 3.6 and Figure 3.4. TABLE 3.6 APPROACH SURFACE NONPRECISION AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH BEGINS LENGTH WIDTH AT BEGINNING WIDTH AT END SLOPE ELEVATION AT BEGINNlNG ELEVATION AT END 6.3. SPECIAL CASES TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED -Vehicular Traverse Ways Vehicle Height Allowances follow: In general, a vehicular traverse way shall be treated as any other obstruction, except that the appropriate vehicle height allowance must be included in the elevation (See "Obstruction Exemptions" in this subsection for possible exemptions that may apply to vehicular traverse ways). -Catenaries In most cases, the pOSItIOn and elevation of supporting towers will adequately represent catenaries. These towers shall be treated as any other potential obstruction. However, if one, or both, towers are outside the limits ofthe obstruction surface, the catenary itself may become a significant obstruction. In these cases, a position and elevation shall be provided on the imaginary straight line connecting the tops of the two adjacent catenary support towers at the highest point within the obstruction surface. The elevation ofthis point shall be carried as an estimated maximum elevation (EME). Noninterstate roads Interstate roads Railroads 15 feet 17 feet 23 feet 3.7. FAA No. 405 -Mobile Obstructions Representative obstructions that are mobile within a defined area (except vehicles on roads and railroads, and vessels which are treated under separate headings) shall have an estimated maximum elevation (EME) determined for each area. EME points shall be selected at: (l) the point nearest to the runway centerline at the threshold for primary surface penetrations, (2) the most penetrating point for approach surface penetrations, and (3) as appropriate to represent each mobile object area. (See Figure 3.10) The word "MOBILE," which always implies an EME, shall be included in the object name, such as, "MOBILE CRANE." -Obstructions Under Construction Representative obstructions that are under construction shall be identified as being under construction, such as, "BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION." The elevation at the time of the survey shall be carried. However, if a construction crane extends above the feature under construction, it is necessary and sufficient to carry the elevation and position of the crane. -Vessels Because of uncertainties in determining maximum vessel heights, travel limits, and frequency of passage, vessel heights and locations shall not be provided. However, if a possible obstructing condition exists, an obstructing vessel caution shall be provided onANAsurvey products cautioning that vessels may obstruct at certain times and that further investigation by the data user regarding maximum vessel height, travel limits, and frequency of passage is advised. This exemption does not apply to vessels that are permanently moored. -Manmade Objects Equal to or Greater than 200 Feet Above Ground Level (AGL) 3.8. ) 9/1/96 The AGL elevation sball be determined for manmade objects equal to, or greater than, 200 feet AGL. The AGL shall be measured from the highest point of ground in contact with either the object or the structure on which the object rests. This AGL requirement applies only to representative objects that normally would be carried on ANA survey products and does does not necessarily require measuring all 200+ AGL manmade objects in the survey area. -Obstruction Exemptions The following obstructions are not required to be measured or carried onANA Conventional Landing products: -Vegetation that is both obstructing by less than three feet and with a maximum cross sectional diameter no greater than one-half inch where transected by an obstruction surface. -Annual vegetation, such as annual weeds, corn, millet, and sugar cane. -Frangible objects under the control of airport authorities with locations fixed by function. Examples are runway and taxiway signs, and many approach light structures. -Roads with restricted public access that are intended for airport/facility maintenance only. This exemption does not apply to airport service roads associated with other airport operations, such as, food, fuel, and freight transportation. -Construction equipment and debris, including dirt piles and batch plants, that are: (l) temporary in nature, (2) under the control of airport authorities, and (3) located on airport property. -Vessels. However, if a possible obstructing condition exists, an obstructing vessel caution shall be provided on ANA survey products cautioning that vessels may obstruct at certain I 4/15/98 CHANGE 1 tinrs and that further investigation by the data user regarding maximum vessel height, travel limits, and frequency of passage is advised. This exemption does not apply to vessels that are permanently moored. -Parked aircraft. The location and maximum elevation ofindividual parked aircraft cannot be determined and shall not be provided under ANA surveys. This exemption does not apply to aircraft that are permanently parked for display purposes. 6.4. SELECTION Obstruction selection shall include a representation of objects that penetrated ANA OIS's at the time ofthe field survey. In addition, certain nonobstructing objects may be required in the first 2,566 feet ofthe approach area. The special cases that apply to obstructions (see Subsection 6.3) also apply to these required nonobstructing objects. Required objects/obstructions include: -Primary Surface (See Figure 3.5) The highest obstruction on the approach side of the threshold. In addition, for Category II and Category III approaches, approaches, the highest obstruction on each side ofthe nmway centerline and between thresholds shall be determined. This requirement is in effect only when the approach has been specifically identified as a Category II or Category III by appropriate FAA authorities. -Precision Approach Surfaces (See Figure 3.6 and Fig. 3.7) The two most penetrating obstructions and the most penetrating man-made obstruction in the first 2,566 feet of an approach area. :,:) FAA No 405 The two highest objects that are within the first I 2,566 feet of an approach area and also higher than the threshold These objects mayor may not penetrate the approach surface and may be nonobstructing EME points. The highest obstruction between 2,566 feet and 10,000 feet of an approach area. This area is the first 7,434 feet of the 34:1 slope area. The highest obstruction in the first 20,000 feet, in the first 30,000 feet, and in the first 40,000 feet ofan approach area. The highest obstruction in the approach area. -Nonprecision Approach Surface (See Figure 3.4) TO BE DEVELOPED -Transition Surfaces (See Figure 3.8) The two highest obstruction in the first 2,566 feet (as measured along the nmway centerline or centerline extended) ofeach transition area. The highest obstruction in the first 10,000 feet, in the first 20,000 feet, in the first 30,000 feet, and in the first 40,000 feet ofthe each transition area. The highest obstruction in each transition area. -Missed Approach Surface (See Figure 3.9) The highest obstruction and the most penetrating obstruction on each side of the nmway centerline or centerline extended. Note: obstructions may be EME points for obstructing mobile object areas. (See Figure 3.10) 3.9. ) ," FAA No. 405 In some cases, strict adherence to the object selection criteria listed above may result in congestion or inadequate obstruction representation. To minimize 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀁥 situations, the following guidelines shall be followed m object selection: -If objects that are required in the primary area or first 10,000 feet of an approach area are located within 100 feet of each other, the lower object may be omitted. -If objects that are required outside the primary or first 10,000 of an approach area are located within 500 feet of each other, the lower object may be omitted. (Note: required primary or approach objects shall not be omitted because of the close proximity ofhigher objects outside of the primary or approach areas). -When a required object is omitted because of congestion, a replacement object/objects shall be selected ifpossible that meets the spacing criteria. -Occasionally, additional obstruction information may be useful in representing certain obstructing conditions. While rigorous selection criteria is not practical, information useful to obstruction clearing activities should be considered in the selection. 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL Planimetric detail is not required. 3.10. 9/1196 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS Meteorological apparatus data is not required unless it is selected as a representative obstruction. 9. MISCELLANEOUS AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT The Airport Reference Point (ARP) shall be computed using the centerline end positions of all usable runways. However, since runways without specially prepared hard surfaces are often not required to be surveyed, the ARP position for these airports shall be approximate. The ARP shall be tagged with the year of the most recent runway end survey used in the ARP computation, such as, "ARP (1995)." Procedmes for computing ARP are presented in Appendix 2. 10. DATA DELIVERY ANAsurvey data shall be furnished in the Universal Data Delivery Format (UDDF). The UDDF is described in Appendix 1. 􀀭􀁾􀀧 STOPWAY END •r SUPPLEMENTAL PROFILE POINT RUNWAY END I • POSITIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED FOR SUPPLEMENTAL PROFILE POINTS, SELECTED SO THAT A STRAIGHT LINE BETWEEN ANY TWO ADJACENT PUBLISHED RUNWAY/STOPWAY POINTS WILL BE NO GREATER THAN ONE FOOT FROM THE RUNWAY/STOPWAY SURFACE. RUNWAYS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY THE NUMBER PAINTED ON THE RUNWAY AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY. IF A NUMBER IS NOT PAINTED ON THE RUNWAY, THE RUNWAY NUMBER PUBLISHED IN THE "U.S. TERMINAL PROCEDURES" CURRENT AT THE TIME OF THE FIELD SURVEY SHALL BE USED. OFFSET NAVAID • 235.2 235.8 237.4 233.1 POINT ABEAM OFFSET NAVAID INTERSECTION OF SPECIALLY AIRPORT ELEVATION PREPARED HARD SURFACE RUNWAYS POSITIONS AND/OR ELEVATIONS (SEE TABLE 3.1) SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR: (1) RUNWAY ENDS, (2) DISPLACED THRESHOLDS, (3) TOUCHDOWN ZONES (ELEV ONLY), (4) RUNWAY INTERSECTIONS, (S) AIRPORT ELEVATION, (6) POINT ABEAM CERTAIN OFFSET NAVAIDS, AND (7) STOPWAY ENDS. TOUCHDOWN ZONE ELEVATIONS ARE REQUIRED ONLY FOR SPECIALLY PREPARED HARD HARD SURFACE RUNWAYS WITH A USABLE LANDING LENGTH OF AT LEAST 3,000 FEET. SEE TEXT AND TABLE 3.1 FOR NON-SPECIALLY PREPARED HARD SURFACE RUNWAY/STOPWAY REQUIREMENTS. 236.0 236.3 234.1 '\. '\. 233.2 231.2 ICD • • JLACED\\ \ SUPPLEMENTAL RUNWAY END I THRESHOLD PROFILE POINT 􀀧􀁾 DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 3.1 RUNWAY NUMBERS AND REQUIRED POINTS FOR SPECIALLY PREPARED HARD SURFACE RUNWAYSISTOPWAYS FAA NO. 405 THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAIN DATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXTFOR COMPLETE STANDARDS 9/1/96 EACH TRANSITION SURFACE IS 6,376 FEET WIDE AT 50,200 FEET FROM "THE THRESHOLD EACH TRANSITION SURFACE 18 6,376 FEET WIDE AT 50,200 FEET FROM THE THRESHOLD APPROACH SURFACE IS 4,400 FEET WIDE AT 50,200 FEET FROM THE THRESHOLD 34:1 • Slope 7:1 Slope I rS ... AS TS t 7: 1 Slope I TRANSITION SURFACES ARE ADJACENT TO THE APPROACH SURFACE. WIDTH AND SLOPE ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE I CENTERLINE EXTENDED. 􀁾... 50:1/34:1 Slope Change • AS = Approach Surface TS = Transition Surface .. -------TS I + AS 800 􀁾 Runway t • Slope + ... 600 lsOOO ... rS ---+1 I.... 200 ... 2,766 THE PRIMARY SURFACE IS lsOOO FEET WIDE. RECTANGULAR IN SHAPEs AND CENTERED ON THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE. IT BEGINS 200 FEET ON THE APPROACH SIDE OF A RUNWAY THRESHOLD AND EXTENDS TO 200 FEET ON THE APPROACH SIDE OF THE OPPOSITE RUNWAY THRESHOLD. FAA NO. 405 NOT TO SCALE WT = 0.15152(0.200) + 1,000 • WA WA = 0.036(D -200) + 400 Where: D -Distance from Threshold as Measured along Approach Centerline 50,200 -II · DIMENSIONSARE IN FEET FIGURE 3.2 OBSTRUCTION INDENTIFICATION SURFACES PRECISION APPROACH, PRIMARY, AND TRANSITIONS 􀁾Threshold Location (Displaced in this case) THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAIN DATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXT FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS 9/1196 TRANSITION SURFACE APPROACH SURFACE 22 FEET ABOVE THRESHOLD • 2,333.3 WIDE /PRIMARY SURFACE THRESHOLD LOCATION 􀁾 1"-1,300 -+ (DISPLACED IN THIS CASE) 40:1 SLOPE MISSED APPROACH SURFACE C-J oJ: (/) WD' J: IW>oa::I -< IWW LL. ........ N 6,200 .... 7,800 ... 􀁾􀁉 THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAIN DATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXT FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET FIGURE 3.3 NOT TOSCALE 9/1/96 OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACE MISSED PRECISION APPROACH FAA NO. 405 􀀢􀁾 TO BE DEVELOPED FAA NO. 405 THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES NOT TO SCALE CERTAINDATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXTFOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 3.4 DIMENSIONS .ARE IN FEET OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACES NONPRECISION APPROACH 9/1/96 OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE PRIMARY AREA SHALL INCLUDE THE: A-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION ON THE APPROACH SIDE OF THE THRESHOLD B-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION ON EACH SIDE OF THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE AND BETWEEN THRESHOLDS. THIS REPRESENTATION IS REQUIRED ONLY FOR CATEGORLY II AND III APPROACHES. SEE TEXT WHEN OBJECT/OBSTRUCTION CONGESTION OCCURS. PRIMARYAREA TREE B 􀁾 229 B • TREE 229 AI., FENCE 210 ',----,' THRESHOLD LOCATION THRESHOLD LOCATION (DISPLACED IN THIS CASE) 􀀢􀀭􀀭􀁾 4/15/98 CHANGE 1 THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAINDATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXTFOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 3.5 OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE PRIMARY AREA NOT TOSCALE DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET FAA NO. 405 '.....􀁾􀀮􀀧 NOT REQUIRED -WITHIN 100 FEET OF D \ APPROACHSURFACE 􀀭􀀭􀁾 SEE TEXT WHEN OBJECT/OBSTRUCTION CONGESTION OCCURS A,e A.,B A-􀁾􀀦 􀁉􀁾 2,566 FEET NOT REQUIRED -WITHIN 100 FEET OF A, C 􀁾.;. /RUNWAY PRIMARYSURFACE OBJECT REPRESENTATION IN THE FIRST 2,566 FEET OF A PRECISION APPROACH AREA SHALL INCLUDE THE: A-MOST PENETRATING OBSTRUCTION B-SECOND MOST PENETRATING OBSTRUCTION C-MOST PENETRATING MAN-MADE OBSTRUCTION D-HIGHEST OBJECT ABOVE THE THRESHOLD E-SECOND HIGHEST OBJECT ABOVE THE THRESHOLD NOTE: ITEMS D AND E MAY NOT PENETRATE APPROACH SURFACE '---' NOT TOSCALE 4/15/98 CHANGE 1 THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAINDATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXT FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 3.6 OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN FIRST 2,566 FEET OF A PRECISION APPROACH AREA FAA NO. 405 OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN A PRECISION APPRAOCH AREA SHALL INCLUDE THE: A-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION BETWEEN 2,566 FEET AND 10,000 FEET B-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN THE FIRST 20,000 FEET C-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN THE FIRST 30,000 FEET D-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN THE FIRST 40,000 FEET E-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN THE APPROACH AREA SEE TEXT WHEN OBJECT/OBSTRUCTION CONGESTION OCCURS E "0' 50:1 TO 34:1 SLOPE CHANGE 􀁒􀁕􀁎􀁗􀁾 -2,566 "'1 1'-7,434 ... 1 .. 20,000 • .. 30,000 C,D \ NOT REQUIRED -WITHIN 500 FEET OF C, D 40,000 • 9/1/96 .. 50,000 DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAINDATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXTFOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 3.7 OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE PRECISION APPROACH AREA NOT TOSCALE FAA NO. 405 ''-...---' C-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN THE FIRST 20,000 FEET D-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN THE FIRST 30,000 FEET E-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN THE FIRST 40,000 FEET F-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN EACH TRANSITION AREA SEE TEXT WHEN OBJECT/OBSTRUCTION CONGESTION OCCURS OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN EACH TRANSITION AREA SHALL INCLUDE THE: A-TWO HIGHEST OBSTRUCTIONS IN AREA Tl B-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION IN THE FIRST 10,000 FEET AREA Tl IS THE FIRST 2,566 FEET OF THE TRANSITION SURFACE THRESHOLD LOCATION (DISPLACED IN THIS CASE) \ 􀁾􀁟􀁏􀁌 POLE ITREE 1159 AREA T1 A _ 1127 TRANSITION SURFACE APPROACH SURFACE BTREE 1591 (236) C, D, E, F------. 􀀢􀁾􀀨 TREE 1090 --.11 +200 4 2,566 .... A_I TREE AREA T1 1142 ·1 TRANSITION SURFACE 10,000 F ------. OLSTACK 1699 (235) 􀀮􀀬􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀭 FAA NO. 405 THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET NOT TOSCALE CERTAINDATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXT FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 3.8 OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE TRANSITION AREAS 9/1/96 B • POLE 435 MISSED APPROACH SURFACE A. B • POLE 389 OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE MISSED APPROACH AREA SHALL INCLUDE THE: A-MOST PENETRATING OBSTRUCTION ON EACH SIDE OF THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE OR CENTERLINE EXTENDED. B-HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION ON EACH SIDE OF THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE OR CENTERLINE EXTENDED. POLE. A 323 SEE TEXT WHEN OBJECT/OBSTRUCTION CONGESTION OCCURS 􀁾􀀧 􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁾􀀧 9/1/96 THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAIN DATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXTFOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 3.9 OBSTRUCTION REPRESENTATION IN THE MISSED APPROACH AREA NOT TO SCALE FAA NO. 405 NOTE: EME POINTS ARE NECESSARY ONLY WHEN REQUIRED AS REPRESENTATIVE OBJECTS. EME POINTS SHALL BE SELECTED AT THE: A-POINT NEAREST TO THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE AT THE TRESHOLD FOR P&IMARY SURFACE PENETRATIONS B-MOST PENETRATING POINT FOR APPROACH SURFACE PENETRATIONS C-AS APPROPRIATE TO REPRESENT EACH MOBILE OBJECT AREA '-/"-........,/TRANSITION SURFACE APPROACH SURFACE SEE TEXT WHEN OBJECT /OBSTRUCTION CONGESTION OCCURS OBSTRUCTING MOBILE OBJECT AREA //\ /EME POINT \ /TRANSITION 􀁾􀂥C SURFACE \ \ "\ /' ./􀁾􀁾 OBSTRUCTING MOBILE --OBJECT AREA _If RUNWAY A,B ,-PRIMARY SURFACE /THIS EME POINT SATISFIES BOTH PRIMARY AND APPROACH AREA REQUIREMENTS THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES NOT TO SCALE CERTAINDATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXT FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS FIGURE 3.10 DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET OBSTRUCTING MOBILE OBJECT AREAS 9/1/96 AND ESTIMATED MAXIMUM ELEVATION (EME) POINTS FAA NO. 405 9/1196 SECTION 4 AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (VERTICAL LANDING) SlTRVEYS FAANo. 405 9/1/96 SUBSECTION ) SECTION 4 TABLE OF CONTENT AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (VERTICAL LANDING) SURVEYS FAA No. 405 PAGE 1. DESCRIPTION 4.1. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL 4.1. 3. ACCURACIES , 4.1. 4. HELIPAD REFERENCE POINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.1. 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 4.1. 6. OBSTRUCTIONS 4.1. 6.1. DEFINITION 4.1. 6.2. OBSTRUCTION SURFACE 4.1. 6.3. SPECIAL CASES 4.2. 6.4. SELECTION 4.2. 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL 4.2. 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS 4.2. 9. MISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.2. 10. DATA DELIVERY 4.2. 9/1/96 SECTION 4: AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (VERTICAL LANDING) SURVEYS FAANo. 405 1. DESCRIPTION 4. HELIPORT REFERENCE POINT Area Navigation Approach (ANA) (Vertical Landing) To Be Developed surveys provide data for the Heliport Reference Point (HRP) and associated obstructions to support precision and nonprecision instrument approach procedures 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS development for vertical landing aircraft using area navigation systems, such as, GPS. To Be Developed 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL 6. OBSTRUCTIONS CONTROL 6.1. DEFINITION To Be Developed To Be Developed 3. ACCURACIES To Be Developed 6.2. OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACE See Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1 TABLE 4.1 BEGINS LENGTH OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACE TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED WIDTH AT BEGINNING WIDTH AT END SURFACE SLOPE TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED TO BE DEVELOPED 4.1. FAA No. 405 6.3. SPECIAL CASES To Be Developed 6.4. SELECTION To Be Developed 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL To Be Developed 4.2 ) 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS To Be Developed 9. MISCELLANEOUS To Be Developed 10. DATA DELIVERY To Be Developed 9/1/96 TO BE DEVELOPED --.-'" '--...-/THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAIN DATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXT FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET NOT TO SCALE 9/1196 FIGURE 4.1 OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACES FAA NO.405 9/1/96 ) SECTIONS SPECIAL PITRPOSE SURVEYS FAA No.405 9/1196 '\) SECTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS : . \ ') FAA No. 405 SUBSECTION SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEYS PAGE 1. DESCRIPTION 5.1. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL 5.1. 3. ACCURACIES '" '" 5.1. 4. RUNWAYAND STOPWAYPOINTS 5.1. 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 5.1. 6. OBSTRUCTIONS 5.1. 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL 5.1. 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS 5.1. 9. MISCELLANEOUS 5.1. 10. DATA DELIVERY 5.1. ..􀁾 9/1/96 SECTION 5: SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEYS FAA No. 405 1. DESCRIPTION Special Purpose (SP) surveys provide selected data on an "as requested" basis. They typically furnish navigational aid (NAVAID) and runway information to support instrument approach procedure development. These surveys, which may be conducted entirely off airport property, are usually limited in extent with the particular survey requirements specified for each project. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL Datum tie and local control requirements for all surveys accomplished in accordance with FAA No. 405 standards are identified in Appendix 3. 3. ACCURACIES Accuracy requirements for all data provided in accordance withFAA No. 405 standards are identified in Appendix 5. 4. RUNWAY AND STOPWAYPOINTS Runway/stopway data requirements will be identified in individual project instructions. 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Navigational aid requirements will be identified in individual project instructions. 6. OBSTRUCTIONS Obstruction requirements will be identified in individual project instructions. 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL Planimetric detail requirements will be identified in individual project instructions. 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS Meteorological apparatus requirements will be identified in individual project instructions. 9. MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous data requirements will be identified in individual project instructions. 10. DATA DELIVERY SP survey data will be delivered in formats appropriate to the individual survey data and user requirements. 5.1. 9/1/96 ..􀁾 . ) FAA No. 405 SECTION 6 AllWORTLAYOUTSURVEYS 9/1196 SUBSECTION '\-' SECTION 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS AIRPORT LAYOUT SURVEYS FAA No. 405 PAGE I. DESCRIPTION 6.1. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.1. 3. ACCURACIES .. , , " 6.1. 4. RUNWAY POINTS " , 6.1. 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 6.1. 6. OBSTRUCTIONS , 6.1. 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL " 6.1. 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS 6.1. 9. MISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.1. 10. DATA DELIVERY 6.1. 9/1/96 SECTION 6: AIRPORT LAYOUT SURVEYS FAA No. 405 1. DESCRIPTION Airport Layout (AL) surveys provide detailed runway, taxiway, and apron information in a digital format for use in safely guiding taxiing aircraft, especially in poor visibility conditions. These data can be converted to an Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE) radar overlay allowing air traffic controllers to monitor and direct ground traffic, or to a moving map display in a GPS equipped aircraft cockpit to provide the crew with taxi guidance. AL surveys also establish (if it does not exist) geodetic control in the airport vicinity consisting of permanent survey marks accurately connected to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). This control and the NSRS connection assures accurate relativity between surveyed points on the airport and between these points and other surveyed points in the National Airspace System (NAS), including the navigation satellites. In addition, this control supports not only AL surveys, but also future engineering activities, such as, runway/taxiway construction, NAVAID siting, obstruction clearing, road building, and other airport improvement projects. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL Datum tie and local control requirements for all surveys accomplished in accordance with FAA No. 405 standards are identified in Appendix 3. 3. ACCURACIES Accuracy requirements for all data provided in accordance with FAA No. 405 standards are identified in Appendix 5. 4. RUNWAY POINTS To Be Developed 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS To Be Developed 6. OBSTRUCTIONS To Be Developed 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL To Be Developed 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS To Be Developed 9. MISCELLANEOUS To Be Developed 10. DATA DELIVERY To Be Developed 6.1. 9/1/96 ) FAA No. 405 SECTION 7 WIDE AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM SURVEYS 9/1196 FAA No. 405 SECTION 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS WIDE AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM SURVEYS SUBSECTION PAGE 1. DESCRIPTION 7.1. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL : 7.1. 3. ACClJRACIES 7.1. 4. RUNWAYPOINTS 7.1. 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 7.1. 6. OBSTRUCTIONS 7.1. 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL 7.1. 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS 7.1. 9. MISCELLANEOUS 7.1. 10. DATA DELIVERY 7.1. 9/1/96 FAA No. 405 SECTION 7: WIDE AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM SlTRVEYS 1. DESCRIPTION 5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Wide Area Augmentation System 0NAAS) surveys Navigational aid data is not required. establish two permanent survey marks (pSM) at FAA WAAS sites and determine accurate positions and elevations for these marks. These PSM's provide initial 6. OBSTRUCTIONS geodetic control for WAAS implementation and later serve as permanent geodetic references. Obstruction data is not required. The WAAS is a network of continuously operated, accurately located, GPS receivers and the associated data 7. PLANIMETRIC DETAIL links which supply critical GPS data to aircraft, thereby enhancing navigation accuracy and integrity. Planimetric detail is not required.. 2. DATUM TIE AND LOCAL 8. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS CONTROL Datum tie and local control requirements for all surveys accomplished in accordance with FAA No. 405 standards are identified in Appendix 3. 3. ACCURACIES Accuracy requirements for all data provided in accordance with FAA No. 405 specifications are identified in Appendix 5. 4. RUNWAY POINTS Runway data is not required.. Meteorological apparatus is not required.. 9. MISCELLANEOUS None 10. DATA DELIVERY WAAS data will be delivered in formal, hard copy reports. 7.1. 9/1196 SECTION 8 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FAA No. 405 9/1196 SUBSECTION SECTION 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS AERlALPHOTOGRAPHY ) FAA No. 405 PAGE 1. DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.1. 2. EQillPMENT AND MATERIALS 8.1. 2.1. CAMERA 8.1. 2.2. FILM 8.1. 3. FLYING HEIGHT " 8.1. 4. WEATHER., SOLAR ALTITUDE, AND TIME OF YEAR 8.1. 5. NAVIGATION 8.2. 6. TILT 8.2. 7. CRAB 8.2. 8. OVERLAP AND SIDELAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.2. 9. PHOTOGRAPH LABELING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.2. 10. FILM PROCESSING 8.2. 11. IMAGE QUALITY , " " " 8.3. 9/1/96 SECTION 8: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FAA No. 405 1. DESCRIPTION Aerial photographs are acquired to support several aeronautical surveys, including the Airport Obstruction Chart (AOC), Area Navigation Approach, and Airport Layout surveys. Contact scale, ftlm type, and other parameters may vary depending on the specific application. When changes from these standards are necessary, the change will be specified in individual project instructions. 2. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 2.1. CAMERA The aerial camera shall meet the following specifications: -Single lens metric camera with quality equivalent to or better than a Wild RC8 or Zeiss RMK-A 15123 -9 inch x 9 inch format -Between-the-lens, variable speed shutter -Six inch (153 ±3 mm) focal length lens having a usable angular field not less than 90 degrees. -Minimmn resolution of 15 lines/mm with an Area Weighted Average Resolution (AWAR) not less than 55lines/mm. Tangential distortion shall not exceed 0.010 mm and radial distortion shall not exceed 0.030mm. -Equipped Equipped with a vacuum or pressure devise for holding film flat against a platen at the instant of exposure. Platen departure from a true plane shall not exceed 0.0005 inch. -Record on each exposure at least 8 fiducial marks. Fiducial marks shall be located in each comer of the format and at the center ofeach side. -Record on each exposure a clock displaying correct coordinated universal time. -Record on each exposure the lens identification number and focal length. -Recording a level bubble on each exposure is desirable but not required. In addition to the specific camera requirements, a certificate of calibration, no older than three years, shall be maintained. Any disturbance of the camera that will affect its calibration automatically voids the calibration certificate. 2.2. FILM Film shall be Kodak Plus X 2402, Aerographic AGFA Pan 150 PE, or equivalent. The use of "equivalent" films require prior approval by appropriate FAA officials. Film shall be shipped and handled in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. 3. FLYING HEIGHT Flying height shall vary depending on the application Flying height variation shall not exceed 2 percent of the target height. 4. WEATHER, SOLAR ALTITUDE, AND TIME OF YEAR No clouds or cloud shadows shall appear on the photographs. Overcast shall be permitted above the 8.1. FAA No. 405 flying altitude if it does not cause ground mottling or a discernable reduction in ground object shadows. Sun angle shall not be less than 30 degrees above the horizon Photography shall be obtained at a time of year when trees are in full foliage. 5. NAVIGATION Flight line deviation from its target ground track shall not exceed X. where X = flying height in feet/20. Flight lines may be patched. The patched portion shall be flown in the same nominal direction and under similar physical conditions as the original line. 6. TILT Tilt shall not exceed four (4) degrees for any photographic frame and shall average not more than two (2) degrees for any ten (lO) consecutive frames. The average tilt for the entire project shall not exceed one (l) degree. Relative tilt exceeding six (6) degrees between any two successive frames may be cause for rejecting that portion ofthe flight line. 7. CRAB Crab angle as measured from the average line of flight shall not exceed five (5) degrees. The course heading differential between any two successive exposures shall not exceed five (5) degrees. 8. OVERLAP AND SIDELAP Forward overlap shall be 60 percent ± 5 percent between consecutive exposures. The average sidelap (overlap of parallel strips ofvertical photographs) shall be 30 percent ± 10 percent. Any frame having sidelap less than 20 percent or more than 40 percent may be rejected 8.2. 9/1/96 9. PHOTOGRAPH LABELING Each usable frame shall be titled within the image area between 1/16 inch and 1/4 inch from the format border using machine lettering approximately 1/5 inch high. Each title shall consist ofthe agency's initials ("NOSII for National Ocean Service), date of photography, camera identifier ("X" shall be used to indicate a contractor's camera), :film type ("P" for panchromatic), lens serial number, and exposure number. Example: NOS 06-23-90 XP UAG332 No 1501 The title may be along any edge of the frame but the preferred location is along the leading edge. The location shall be consistent for all photographs under this contract. For each lens system used, usable exposures shall be numbered in an unbroken sequence starting at 0001 for the first exposure and continuing through the last exposure by that lens system The nwnbering sequence shall not be broken even though more than one airport is photographed, more than one roll of:film is used, or the :film is spliced If splicing is perform.ed, tape residue, finger prints, and other blemishes from the splicing shall be avoided Blanks and other unusable exposures shall not be included in the exposure nwnbering sequence and shall not be labeled. Film exposed by different lens systems shall not be spliced onto the same roll. 10. FILM PROCESSING Original :film negative shall be processed to a gamma of 0.95 ±0.05 for Kodak Plus X 2402 and 1.25 ± 0.05 for AGFA Pan 150 PE. Base fog density for both :films shall not exceed 0.10 with a minimum density above base fog of 0.30 and a maximum density above base fog of 1.35. Processing of "equivalent" :films shall be in accordance with the Chief, Photogrammetry Branch, National Geodetic Survey. A standard reference sensitometric step wedge shall be exposed near the beginning ofeach :film roll. 9/1/96 11. IMAGE QUALITY Image quality on the original negative film and on all copies shall meet the highest professional standards. Dark areas shall not bleed together and individual objects shall be readily discernable. Detail shall be FAA No. 405 sufficiently sharp to allow photogrammetric measurement oftrre heights, compilation of runway/taxiway edges and other fine map features, and accomplishment of other intended uses for the film. Photographic products shall also be free of blemishes, scratches, tears, and irregularities. 8.3. 9/1/96 ) APPENDIXl .. ) FAA NoA05 ·UNIVERSAL DATA DELIVERY FORMAT (lTDDF) ) FAA No. 405 9/1/96 APPENDIX 1: UNIVERSAL DATA DELIVERY FORMAT (UDDF) The Universal Data delivery Format (UDDF) is a digital delivery system which provides airport, runway, navigational aid, obstruction, and additional information in a standard ASCII format. This information can be easily down loaded into user data files and data bases. UDDF files are organized into the following five sections:: -Airport Data Furnishes airport location identifier and site number, FAA region, airport name and associated city and state, survey datums, magnetic declination, and other airport related information. -Runway Data Furnishes runway, stopway, and blast pad information. -Navigational Aid Data Furnishes navigational aid information, including computed distances betweenNAVAIDS and selected runway points. -Obstruction data Furnishes obstruction information, including computed distances from, and heights above selected runway points. -Additional Information Furnishes miscellaneous information that cannot be logically included with the other data, such as, "nice to know" and special information that concerns the airport or an individual UDDF file. UDDF information, including a complete documentation and access instructions, can be obtained by calling the National Geodetic Survey Information Branch at 301713-3242 or by accessing the following Internet address: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/AERO/aero.html Al.l. 9/1/96 ') APPENDIX 2 AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT COMPUTATION ) FAA No.405 \) 4/15/98 CHANGE I APPENDIX 2: AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT COMPUTATION FAA No. 405 The Airport Reference Point (ARP) is the approximate geometric center of all usable runways. The ARP position computation is somewhat similar to a center of mass computation, except that only two dimensions are considered. The datums used in the computations are normally selected as the lowest absolute value latitude and longitude coordinates, respectively, of all runway ends used in the computation. This convention eliminates computing with negative moments. ARPLAT = LATITUDE DATUM +(SUM OF RUNWAY MOMENTS ABOUT THE LATITUDE DATIJMJSUM OF RUNWAY LENGTHS) ARPLON = LONGITUDE DATUM + (SUM OF RUNWAY MOMENTS ABOUT THE LONGITUDE DATIJMJSUM OF RUNWAY LENGTHS) RUNWAYMOMENT ABOUT THE LATITUDE DATUM = RUNWAY GROUND LENGTH TIMES THE DISTANCE IN SECONDS BETWEEN THE APPROXIMATE RUNWAY CENTER POINT* AND THE LATITUDE DATUM RUNWAY MOMENT ABOUT THE LONGITUDE DATUM = RUNWAY GROUND LENGTH TIMES THE DISTANCE IN SECONDS BETWEEN THE APPROXIMATE RUNWAY CENTER POINT* AND THE LONGITUDE DATUM RUNWAY COORDINATES MUST BE ENTERED AS ABSOLUTE VALUES. RUNWAY LENGTHS MUST BE ENTERED AS GROUND LENGTH, ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST WHOLE FOOT. * THE APPROXIMATE RUNWAY CENTER POINT IS THE MEAN OF THE LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES OF A RUNWAY'S ENDS. THIS CONVENTION ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR COMPLEX GEODETIC FORMULAS TO COMPUTE THE PRECISE RUNWAY CENTER POINT, THUS ALLOWING SIMPLE AND CONSISTENT ARP COMPUTATIONS AFTER ONLY BRIEF INSTRUCTIONS. A SAMPLE ARP COMPUTATION FOLLOWS (SEE FIGURE A2.1): APPROXIMATE RUNWAY CENTER PTS: RWY 1/19 LAT = 392457.7852 LON = 77 22 41.1951 RWY 5/23 LAT = 392448.4806 LON = 77 2234.9130 ARPLAT = 392434.1979 + (4,000 FT(23.5873 SEC) + 3,799 FT(l4.2827 SEC»17,799 FT 392434.1979 + 19.0549 SEC 392453.3 ARPLON = 772219.1959 + (4,000 FT(21.9992 SEC) +3,799 FT(15.7171 SEC)17,799 FT 77 2219.1959 + 18.9391 SEC 77 2238.1 A2.1. RUNWAY END LATITUDE 1 392438.0871 19 39 25 17.4832 5 392434.1979 23 392502.7632 \ . ) LONGITUDE 0772243.3322 077 22 39.0579 0772250.6301 0772219.1959 GROUND· LENGTH 4,000 FT 3,799 FT 392520 2510 􀀶􀁾 • lLL ooo􀁾 • 392500 2450 2440 .,... 1.__1 􀁦􀁾 LATITUDE DATUM .s-392434.1979 392430772300 2250 2240 2230 2220 n2210 • USE GROUND, NOT GEODETIC, RUNWAY LENGTH ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST WHOLE FOOT THIS FIGURE EXPLAINS OR CLARIFIES CERTAIN DATA REQUIREMENTS -SEE TEXT FOR COMPLETE STANDARDS NOT TO SCALE 4/15/98 CHANGE 1 FIGURE A2.1 .AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT COMPUTATION FAA NO.405 9/1196 ') APPENDIX 3 DATITM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL FAA No. 405 9/1/96 SECTION APPENDIX 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS DATlTM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL FAA No. 405 PAGE 1. GENERAL A3.1. 1.1. TERMINOLOGy A3.I. 1.2. DATUMS A3.1. 1.3. MARKSTAMPING A3.l. 1.4. ACCURACIES A3.1. 2. AIRPORT SURVEYS A3.2. 2.1. GENERAL A3.2. 2.2. CONTROL STATION SITING A3.2. 2.3. CONTROL STATION CONSTRUCTION A3.2. 3. HELIPORT SURVEYS A3.3. 3.1. GENERAL A3.3. 3.2. CONTROL STATION SITING A3.3. 3.3. CONTROL STATION CONSTRUCTION A3.3. 4. WIDE AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM SURVEyS A3.3. 4.1. GENERAL A3.3. 4.2. CONTROL STATION SITING " '" A3.3 4.3. CONTROL STATION CONSTRUCTION A3.3 5. SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEYS A3.3 ) 9/1/96 APPENDIX 3: DATUM TIE AND LOCAL CONTROL FAA No. 405 1. GENERAL 1.1. TERl\IIINOLOGY As used in this appendix., the term "observation" means the survey observations that result in a position and/or elevation for the survey mark in question, whether the mark is an existing mark or a newly set mark. The term "set" means physically constructed. A mark may be set at one titre and be observed for position and/or elevation at a later time. 1.2. DATUMS Surveys accomplished in accordance with FAA No. 405 standards shall be tied to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). Positions and ellipsoid heights shall be referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) which is operationally equivalent to, and may be used as, World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84) values for charting and navigation purposes. Orthometric heights (MSL elevations) shall be referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). 1.3. MARK STAMPING Reference stations set at Wide Area Augmentation System sites, Heliport Reference Points set at Area Navigation Approach -Vertical Landing sites, and Primary Airport Control Stations and Secondary Airport Control Stations set at airports shall have unique stampings. Marks set at a site without an FAA site identifier shall be stamped with a name that characterizes the mark location plus the year the mark was set, such as, "KNOLL 1994". Marks set at a site with an official FAA site identifier shall be stamped with that identifier, followed by a sequential letter, followed by the year the mark was set. The sequential letter shall be assigned in the chronological order that the mark was set. For example, the first mark set at the Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center at Nashua, New Hampshire, during the 1994 survey would be stamped "ZBWA 1994". The second mark set in 1994 would be "ZBW B 1994". Ifmarks using this stamping convention already exist, the sequential letter for the next mark should use the next letter after the existing letters. For example, if "K78 B 1995" already exist, the next mark set in 1995 would be stamped "K78 C 1995". If this next mark was set in 1996, it would be stamped "K78 C 1996". Ifa previously set mark used a letter in another stamping convention, such as, "AP STA A 1984", the next mark would be stamped disregarding the existing "A". A stamping of "K78 A 1995" for the next mark set at this airport would be appropriate. Stampings of destroyed or presumed destroyed marks shall not be reused. Previous stampings will never be changed or added to, even if the FAA site identifier changes. All letters shall be capitals. 1.4. ACCURACIES Accuracy requirements for all data provided in accordance with FAA No. 405 standards are listed in Appendix 5. A3.l. FAA No. 405 2. AIRPORT SURVEYS 2.1. GENERAL Surveys included under this section are surveys accomplished on, or in the vicinity of, an airport and specifically intended to support aircraft operations at that airport. These smveys include: Airport Obstruction Chart (AOC); Area Navigation Approach (ANA) Conventional Landing; and Airport Layout (AL). Requirements for Special Purpose smveys are identified in Section 5 ofthis appendix.. Three permanent smvey marks (pSM) shall be established on, or within one km of, the airport. One ofthese marks shall be designated the Primary Airport Control Station (PACS). Horizontal and vertical datmn ties shall be made directly between the PACS and the NSRS. The other two marks shall be designated Secondary Airport Control Stations (SACS). Horizontal and vertical comections shall be tmde directly between the SACS and the PACS. Existing stations may be used as the PACS and SACS if they meet the accuracy, siting, construction, and other criteria identified in this appendix. and Appendix 5. 2.2. CONTROL STATION SITING PACS shall be established in a secure area on airport property. A GPS suitable site should be selected where surveying equipment may be left unattended at the mark with a minimum probability ofdisturbance. SACS should be established on airport property if practical. However, if the siting requirements, such as, intervisibility and spacing as described below, cannot be met, one SACS may be set off the airport but no further than 1 km from the nearest airport boundary. If establishing the PACS and SACS requires new rnonumentation, the new monuments should be set no closer than 60 meters from a runway edge, ifpractical. A3.2. 9/1196 Ifan existing control station is used, this station should be at least 15 meters from a runway edge. In all cases, PACS and/or SACS should be at least 400 meters apart. PACS and SACS should be located so that a surveying tripod can be situated over the mark. In addition, if the mark could be in peril from snow removal, mowing, and other operations, it should be slightly recessed. PACS and SACS should be strategically located so as to provide ma.xirrnnn use for subsequent surveys yet situated where the chances of future disturbance will be minimal. An elevated site with runway end visibility is desirable. PACS and SACS should also be located where future station occupation will cause no interference to or from aircraft, including from prop and jet blast. The sight path between stations over paved areas should be minimized. Intervisibility choices for PACS and SACS are: FIRST CHOICE The PACS and both SACS are all intervisible with each other. SECOND CHOICE The PACS is intervisible with both SACS but the SACS are not intervisible with each other. THIRD CHOICE The PACS is intervisible with one SACS and both SACS are intervisible with each other. 2.3. CONTROL STATION CONSTRUCTION PACS and SACS construction shall meet mark stability standards as defined by the National Geodetic Survey, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for Federal Base Base Network stations. 9/1/96 -PACS Stability "A" or "B." In addition, stability "C" is acceptable if, and only if, the monument: (l) already exists, (2) is poured in place concrete, (3) is a triangulation station, reference mark, azimuth mark, or bench mark stamped "U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey", or any mark stamped ''National Geodetic Survey", (4) is set below the frost line, (5) is set in nonexpansive soils, and (6) shows no evidence of movement. -SACS Stability "A," "B," or "C." 3. HELIPORT SURVEYS 3.1. GENERAL Surveys included under this section are all surveys accomplished on, or in the vicinity of, heliports and specifically intended to support aircraft operations at that heliport. These surveys include the Area Navigation Approach (ANA) -Vertical Landing surveys. 3.2. CONTROL STATION SITING To Be Developed 3.3. CONTROL STATION CONSTRUCTION To Be Developed 4. WIDE AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM SURVEYS 4.1. GENERAL Surveys included under this section are all surveys specifically intended to support the Wide Area Augmentation System. Two PSM's shall be ) FAA No. 405 established at each WAAS site. These marks are called WAAS reference stations. Horizontal and vertical datums ties shall be made directly between NSRS and one of the reference stations. To ensure the required relative accuracy between the two reference stations, dITect horizontal and vertical ties shall be made between the two stations. Existing marks may be used as the WAAS reference stations if they meet the accuracy, siting, construction, and other criteria identified in this appendix and Appendix 5. 4.2. CONTROL STATION SITING While there are no separation or intervisibility requirements for WAAS reference stations, other siting guidelines apply. If practical, one station should be established in a secure area and the other established in a public access area. Neither station should be further than 1 km from the WAAS antenna site. They should be established where the chances of future disturbance will be minimal and be sufficiently separated to reduce the probability that both marks would be destroyed by the same construction project. In addition, both stations should be located where they have maximum practical sky visibility above 15 degrees above the horizon. 4.3. CONTROL STATION CONSTRUCTION WAAS reference station construction shall meet mark stability "A" or "B" standards as defined by the National Geodetic Survey, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for Federal Base Network stations. 5. SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEYS Special Purpose (SP) surveys provide selected data on an "as requested" basis. They typically furnish navigational aid (NAVAID) and runway information to A3.3. FAA No. 405 support instrument approach procedure development. These surveys, which may be conducted entirely off airport property, are usually limited in extent, with the particular survey requirements specified for each project. A3.4. Tre datumties for SP surveys shall be in accordance with Section 1.2. of this appendix. Control station requirements, including mark stamping, siting, and construction will be specified for each project. 9/1/96 ) . J FAA No. 405 APPENDIX 4 NAVIGATIONAL AID SURVEY POINTS 9/1/96 FAA No. 405 APPENDIX 4: NAVIGATIONAL AID SURVEY POINTS NAVAID HORZSURVEY POINT (HSP) VERT SURVEY POINT (VSP) AIR ROUTE SURVEILLANCE RADAR (ARSR) (1) (2) AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR (ASR) (1) (2) DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT (DME) (3) CENTER OF CENTER OF ANTENNA COVER ANTENNA COVER LOCALIZER (LOC) (4) CENTER OF ANTENNA (2) SUPPORTING STRUCTURE GLIDE SLOPE -ALL EXCEPT END CENTER OF ANTENNA (2) FIRE TYPE (GS) SUPPORTING STRUCTURE GLIDE SLOPE -END FIRE TYPE (GS) PHASE CENTER PHASE CENTER REFERENCE POINT REFERENCE PT. INNER MARKER (1M) CENTER OF N/A ANTENNA ARRAY MIDDLE MARKER (MM) CENTER OF N/A ANTENNA ARRAY OUTER MARKER (OM) CENTER OF N/A ANTENNA ARRAY BACK COURSE MARKER (BCM) CENTER OF N/A ANTENNA ARRAY FAN MARKER (FM) CENTER OF N/A ANTENNA ARRAY LOCALIZER TYPE DIRECTIONAL AID (LDA) CENTER OF ANTENNA (2) SUPPORTING STRUCTURE MLS AZIMUTH GUIDANCE (MLSAZ) PHASE CENTER PHASE CENTER REFERENCE POINT REFERENCE PT. A4.1. ) FAA No. 405 NAVIGATIONAL AID SURVEY POINTS CONT. ) 9/1/96 NAVAID HORZSURVEY POINT (HSP) VERT SllRVEY POINT (VSP) MLS ELEVATION GUIDANCE (MLSEL) NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON (NOB) SIMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL FACILITY (SFD) TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION (TACAN) VHF OMNI DIRECTIONAL RANGE (VOR) VORl TACAN (VORTAC) PHASE CENTER PHASE CENTER REFERENCE POINT REFERENCE PT. CENTER OF N/A ANTENNA ARRAY CENTER OF ANTENNA (2) SUPPORTING STRUCTURE CENTER OF (2) ANTENNA COVER CENTER OF (2) ANTENNA COVER CENTER OF (2) ANTENNA COVER EXPLANATION OF CODE NUMBERS IN PARENTHESIS (1) The HSP will be the axis ofantenna rotation if possible. Ifthe antenna is covered, the HSP will be the center ofthe antenna cover. (2) The VSP for these items will be the intersection ofthe ground, gravel, concrete pad, or other base and a plumb line through the HSP. When access to this point is impractical, elevation ofthe VSP will be approximated (3) DME elevations are required only when the DME is frequency paired with an Instnunent Landing System or Microwave Microwave Landing System (4) When LOC clearance and course array antennas are both present, only the course array antenna will be surveyed. NOTE: A compass locator within 50 feet ofan Instnunent Landing System marker is considered collocated at the position of the marker. Other NAVAIDS are not considered collocated unless their HSP's are the same. A4.2. 9/1/96 APPENDIX 5 ACCURACIES FAANo. 405 9/1196 SUBSECTION ") APPENDIX 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCURACIES FAA No. 405 PAGE 1. GENERAL AS.l. 2. DIGITAL ACCURACIES AS.l. 2.1. CONTROL STATIONS AS.2. 2.2. HELIPORT REFERENCE POINT AS.2. 2.3. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS AS.3. 2.4. MISCELLANEOUS AS.3. 2.5. NAVIGATIONALAIDS AS.4. 2.6. OBSTRUCTIONS AS.6. 2.7. RUNWAY/STOPWAYPOINTS A5.10. 2.8. SPECIAL PllRPOSE SURVEYS AS.II. 3. GRAPHIC ACCURACIES A5.11. 3.1. AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CHART AS.Il. 3.2. MISCELLANEOUS AS.12. 911/96 APPENDIX 5: ACCURACIES I. GENERAL Accuracy standards for data provided Wlder FAA No. 405 are presented in this appendix. Requirements for digital and graphic data are listed separately. When an object is selected for its obstruction value only (for example, meteorological apparatus), obstruction accuracies apply. All accuracies are listed in feet except control station accuracies which are listed in centimeters and graphic accuracies which are listed in millimeters on the graphic. All accuracies are stated for a 95 percent confidence level. FAA No. 405 The following contractions are used throughout FAA No. 405 and are repeated here for convenience: AGL -Above Ground Level ELLIP -Ellipsoid HORZ -Horizontal HRP -Heliport Reference Point ORTHO -Orthometric PACS -Primary Airport Control Station SACS -Secondary Airport Control Station 2. DIGITAL ACCURACIES Digital data is construed as any data furnished as digits, regardless ofthe delivery medium. FAA No. 405 digital accuracy standards are presented in the tables that follow. AS. 1. ') -'.,) FAA No. 405 9/1/96 2.1. CONTROL STATIONS VERTICAL ITEM (VALUES ARE IN CENTIMETERS) HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL PRIMARY AIRPORT CONTROL STATION (PACS) I 5 25 15 N/A SECONDARY AIRPORT CONTROL STATION (SACS) 2 3 5 4 N/A WIDE AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (WAAS) REFERENCE STATION 1 5 10 10 N/A WIDE AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (WAAS) REFERENCE STATION 3 1 0.2 2 N/A ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE NEAREST NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY SANCTIONED CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE STATION 23 ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE PACS AND OTHER SACS AT THE AIRPORT ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE OTHER WAAS REFERENCE STATION AT THE SITE 2.2. HELIPORT REFERENCE POINT ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) HORZ VERTICAL ORTHO ELLIP AGL HELIPORT REFERENCE POINT ACCURACY STANDARDS ARE TO BE DEVELOPED AS.2. 911/96 2.3. METEOROLOGICAL APPARATUS FAA No. 405 ITEM (VALVES ARE IN FEET) VERTICAL HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL THE HORIZONTAL ACCURACY IS 20 FEET WHEN LOCATED ON A PUBLIC USE AIRPORT OR MILITARY FIELD AND 50 FEET FOR ALL OTHER LOCATIONS. ELEVATIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED. ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE NEAREST PACS, SACS, ORHRP 2.4. MISCELLANEOUS ITEM (VALVES ARE IN FEET) VERTICAL HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT FLOOR OF CONTROL TOWER CAB 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE NEAREST PACS, SACS, OR HRP AS.3. FAA No. 405 2.5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 9/1/96 ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) VERTICAL HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL ELECTRONIC NAVAIDS AIR ROUTE SURVEILLANCE RADAR (ARSR) (1) 100.00 100.00 N/A AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR (ASR) (1) 10.00 10.00 N/A DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT (DME): FREQUENCY PAIRED WITH LOC 1.00 1.00 1.00 N/A FREQUENCY PAIRED WITH MLSAZ 1.00 1.00 1.00 N/A FREQUENCY PAIRED WITH NDB (1) N/A N/A N/A FREQUENCY PAIRED WITH VOR (1) N/A N/A N/A NOT FREQUENCY PAIRED (1) N/A N/A N/A FAN MARKER (FM) (1) N/A N/A N/A LOCALIZER (LOC) 1.00 1.00 1.00 N/A GLIDE SLOPE (GS) 1.00 0.25 0.20 N/A INNER MARKER (1M) 20.00 N/A N/A N/A MIDDLE MARKER (MM) 20.00 N/A N/A N/A OUTER MARKER (OM) 50.00 N/A N/A N/A BACK COURSE MARKER (BCM) 50.00 N/A N/A N/A LOCALIZER TYPE DIRECTIONAL AID (LDA) 1.00 1.00 1.00 N/A MLS AZIMUTH GUIDANCE (MLSAZ) 1.00 1.00 1.00 N/A. MLS ELEVATION GUIDANCE (MLSEL) 1.00 0.25 0.20 N/A AS.4. 9/1/96 2.5. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS CONT. FAA No. 405 ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) HORZ VERTICAL ORTHO ELLIP AGL NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON (NDB) (1) N/A N/A N/A SIMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL FACILITY (SDF) 1.00 1.00 1.00 N/A TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION (TACAN) (1) 100.00 100.00 N/A VHF OMNI DIRECTIONAL RANGE (VOR) (1) 100.00 100.00 N/A VOR/TACAN (VORTAC) (1) 100.00 100.00 N/A VISUAL NAVAIDS AIRPORT BEACON (1) N/A N/A N/A VISUAL GLIDESLOPE INDICATORS 20.00 N/A N/A N/A REIL 20.00 N/A N/A N/A APPROACH LIGHTS 20.00 N/A N/A N/A THE HORIZONTAL ACCURACYREQUIREMENT FOR ITEMS CODED "(I)" IS 20 FEET WHEN LOCATED ON A PUBLIC USE AIRPORT OR MILITARY FIELD, AND 50 FEET FOR ALL OTHER LOCATIONS. ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE NEAREST PACS, SACS, OR HRP. AS.5. " .) ) FAA No. 405 4/15/98 CHANGE 1 2.6. OBSTRUCTIONS AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CHART SURVEYS VERTICAL ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) HORZ ORTHO ELUP AGL NON MAN-MADE OBJECTS, AND MAN-MADE OBJECTS LESS THAN 200 FT. AGL, THAT PENETRATE THE FOLLOWING OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACE: -A PRIMARY SURFACE 20.00 3.00 3.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF AN APPROACH SURFACE WITHIN 10,200 FEET OF THE RUNWAY END 20.00 3.00 3.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF A PRIMARY TRANSITION SURFACE WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE PRIMARY SURFACE 20.00 3.00 3.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF AN APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE THAT ARE WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE APPROACH SURFACE AND ALSO WITHIN 2,766 FEET OF THE RUNWAY END 20.00 3.00 3.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF A PRIMARY TRANSITION SURFACE FURTHER THAN 500 FEET FROM THE PRIMARY SURFACE 50.00 20.00 20.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF AN APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE FURTHER THAN 500 FEET FROM AN APPROACH SURFACE AND ALSO WITHIN 10,200 FEET OF THE RUNWAY END 50.00 20.00 20.00 N/A -THE HORIZONTAL SURFACE 50.00 20.00 20.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF AN APPROACH SURFACE FURTHER THAN 10,200 FEET FROM THE RUNWAY END 100.00 50.00 50.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF AN APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE FURTHER THAN 10,200 FEET FROM THE RUNWAY END 100.00 50.00 50.00 N/A -THE CONICAL SURFACE 100.00, 50.00 50.00 N/A AS.6. ) 9/1/96 2.6. OBSTRUCTIONS CONT. AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CHART SURVEYS FAA No. 405 ITEM (VALVES ARE IN FEET) VERTICAL HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL 􀁾􀀭􀁍􀁁􀁄􀁅􀁏􀁂􀁭􀁃􀁔􀁓􀁅􀁑􀁕􀁁􀁌􀁔􀁏􀁏􀁒􀁇􀁒􀁅􀁁􀁔􀁅􀁒􀁔􀁈􀁁􀁎 200 FEET AGL THAT PENETRATE THE FOLLOWING OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACES: -A PRIMARY SURFACE 20.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 -THOSE AREAS OF AN APPROACH OR APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE WITHIN 10,200 FEET OF THE RUNWAY END 20.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 -THE PRIMARY TRANSITION SURFACE 20.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 -AN APPROACH OR APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE FURTHER THAN 10,200 FEET FROM THE RUNWAY END 50.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 -THE HORIZONTAL SURFACE 50.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 -THE CONICAL SURFACE 50.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE NEAREST PACS, SACS, OR HRP. DISTANCES RELATIVE TO THE THRESHOLD OR RUNWAY END ARE MEASURED ALONG THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE OR CENTERLINE EXTENDED TO THE ABEAM POINT. AS.? FAA No. 405 2.6. OBSTRUCTIONS CONT. AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (CONVENTIONAL LANDING) SURVEYS 4/15/98 CHANGE 1 ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) VERTICAL HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL NON MAN-MADE OBJECTS, AND MAN-MADE OBJECTS LESS THAN 200 FEET AGL, THAT PENETRATE THE FOLLOWING OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACES: -THE PRIMARY SURFACE 20.00 3.00 3.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF THE APPROACH SURFACE WITHIN 10,200 FEET OF THE THRESHOLD 20.00 3.00 3.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF AN APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE WITHIN 2,766 FEET OF THE THRESHOLD (AREA Tl) 20.00 3.00 3.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF THE APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE FURTHER THAN 2,766 FEET FROM THE THRESHOLD BUT NOT MORE THAT 10,200 FEET FROM THE THRESHOLD 50.00 20.00 20.00 N/A -THE MISSED APPROACH SllRFACE 50.00 20.00 20.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF THE APPROACH SURFACE FURTHER THAN 10,200 FEET FROM THE THRESHOLD 100.00 50.00 50.00 N/A -THOSE AREAS OF THE APPROACH TRANSITION SURFACE FURTHER THAN 10,200 FEET FROM THE THRESHOLD 100.00 50.00 50.00 N/A MAN-MADE OBJECTS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 200 200 FEET AGL THAT PENETRATE THE FOLLOWING OBSTRUCTION IDENTIFICATION SURFACES: -THE PRIMARY SURFACE, THOSE AREAS OF THE APPROACH AND TRANSITION SURFACES WITHIN 10,200 FEET OF THE THRESHOLD 20.00 -THE MISSED APPROACH SURFACE 20.00 AS.8. 3.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 3.00 10.00 ) 9/1/96 2.6. OBSTRUCTIONS CONT. ) FAA No. 405 AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (CONVENTIONAL LANDING) SURVEYS ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) VERTICAL HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL -THOSE AREAS OF THE APPROACH AND TRANSITION SURFACES FURTHER THAN 10,200 FEET FROM THE THRESHOLD 50.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE NEAREST PACS, SACS, OR HRP. DISTANCES RELATIVE TO THE THRESHOLD OR RUNWAY END ARE MEASURED ALONG THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE OR CENTERLINE EXTENDED TO THE ABEAM POINT. AREA NAVIGATION APPROACH (VERTICAL LANDING) SURVEYS ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) HORZ VERTICAL ORTHO ELLIP AGL AREANAVIGATION APPROACH (VERTICAL LANDING) SURVEYACCURACY STANDARDS ARE TO BE DEVELOPED. A5.9. ) FAA No. 405 2.7. RUNWAY/STOPWAY POINTS \ ) 9/1/96 ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) VERTICAL HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL PHYSICAL END DISPLACED THRESHOLD THRESHOLD ZONE ELEVATION (fDZE) SUPPLEMENTAL PROFILE POINTS POINT ABEAM HSP FOR: OFFSET LOC, LDA, OR SDF GS,MLSEL STOPWAY LENGTH STOPWAYEND AIRPORT ELEVATION 1.00 1.00 N/A 20.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 N/A 20.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 N/A 0.25 N/A 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 N/A 0.20 N/A 0.20 0.20 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ACCURACIES ARE RELATIVE TO THE NEAREST PACS, SACS, OR HRP UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, ALL RUNWAY/STOPWAY POINTS SHALL BE ON THE RUNWAY/STOPWAY CENTERLINE. NOTE: RUNWAY POINT ELEVATIONS NEED NOT BE REVISED UNLESS THE ELEVATION HAS CHANGED BY AT LEAST 0.5 FEET. AS.lO. ) 9/1/96 2.8. SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEYS FAA No. 405 ITEM (VALUES ARE IN FEET) VERTICAL HORZ ORTHO ELLIP AGL SPECIAL PURPOSE SURVEY ACCURACY STANDARDS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED FOR THE SPECIFIC SURVEY. 3. GRAPHIC ACCURACIES 3.1. AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CHART THESE ACCURACY STANDARDS APPLY TO WELL DEFINED POINTS AND WELL DEFINED PLANIMETRIC DETAIL. ITEM (VALUES ARE INMMON THE MAP) POINTS AND PLANIMETRIC DETAIL IN AREAS REQUIRING A 20 FOOT DIGITAL HORIZONTAL ACCURACY FOR OBSTRUCTION POINTS AND PLANIMETRIC DETAIL IN AREAS REQUIRING A 50 FOOT DIGITAL HORIZONTAL ACCURACY FOR OBSTRUCTIONS ACCURACY 0.6 1.3 AS.11. ) FAA No. 405 3.1. MISCELLANEOUS ITEM (VALUES ARE IN MM ON THE MAP) ) ACCURACY 9/1/96 GRAPHIC ACCURACIES FOR OTHER THAN THE AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CHART HAVB NOT BEEN DEFINED. AS. 12. 9/1/96 ) APPENDIX 6 CONTRACTIONS ) FAA No. 405 9/1/96 APPENDIX 6: CONTRACTIONS ) FAA No. 405 The following list presents the approved contractions for data provided under FAA No. 405 standards. WORDI PHRASE AAbandoned Above Ground Level Accelerate-Stop Distance Available Advisory Circular Agricultural Air Route Surveillance Radar Aircraft Airport Airport Beacon Airport District Office Airport Facility Directory Airport Location Point Airport Obstruction Chart Airport Reference Point Airport Surface Detection Equipment Airport Surveillance Radar Airport Traffic Control Tower Airway Beacon Anemometer Antenna Approach Approach Light Approach Light System Area Navigation Approach Arresting Gear Automated Flight Service Station Automated Surface Observing System Automatic Weather ObservinglReporting System CONTRACTION ABND AGL ASDA AC AG ARSR ACFT ARPT APBN ADO AFD ALP AOC ARP ASDE ASR ATCT AWYBN AMOM ANT APCH APPLT ALS ANA A-GEAR AFSS ASOS AWOS A6.1. ) FAA No. 405 WORD! PHRASE BBack Course Marker Bridge Building CCenterline Ceilometer Chimney Closed Common Traffic Advisory Frequency Construction Continuously Operating Reference Station DDirection Finder Displaced Threshold Distance Measuring Equipment Distance to Centerline Distance to Runway End Distance to Threshold EElectrical Elevation Elevation Ellipsoid Engine Out Departure Equipment Estimated Maximum Elevation FFan Marker Flagpole Flight Service Station A6.2. CONTRACTION BCM BRDG BLDG CIL CLOM CRY CLSD CTAF CONST CORS DF DTHLD DME DCLN DEND DTHR ELEC EL ELEV ELLIP EOD EQUIP EME FM FLGPL FSS 9/1196 9/1/96 WORD/PHRASE ) CONTRACTION FAA No. 405 GGlide Slope GS Global Positioning System GPS Ground GRD Ground Control Approach GCA HHangar HGR Height Above Airport HAA Height Above Runway HAR Height Above Touchdown HAT Heliport Reference Point HRP Horizontal HaRZ Horizontal Survey Point HSP IInner Marker 1M Inoperative INOP Instrument Flight Rules IFR Instrument Landing System ILS Instnnnent Meteorological Conditions IMC International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO International Earth Rotation Service Terrestrial Reference Frame ITRF Intersection INTXN JNone KNone LLead In Lighting System LDIN Light LT Lighted LTD A6.3. -j FAA No. 405 WORDI PHRASE L (Cont.) Localizer Localizer Type Directional Aid Locator Middle Marker Locator Outer Marker MMagnetic Variation Mean Sea Level Microwave Microwave Landing System Microwave Landing System Azimuth Guidance Microwave Landing System Elevation Guidance Middle Marker Monument NNational Airspace System National Flight Data Center National Flight Data Digest National Geodetic Survey National Geodetic Vertical Datwn of 1929 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service National Spatial Reference System Nautical Mile Navigational Aid Nondirectional Radio Beacon North American Datwn of 1927 North American Datwn of 1983 North American Vertical Datwn of 1988 Not Commissioned Note to Exceed Notice to Airmen A6.4. ) CONTRACTION LOC LDA LMM LOM VAR MSL MCWV MLS MLSAZ MLSEL MM MON NAS NFDC NFDD NGS NGVD29 NOAA NOS NSRS NM NAVAID NOB NAD27 NAD83 NAVD88 NCM NTE NOTAM 9/1/96 9/1/96 WORD! PHRASE ) CONTRACTION FAA No. 405 0Observation OBS Obstruction OBST Obstruction Identification Surface OIS Obstruction Lighted OL Obstruction Light On OLON Onmidirectional Approach Light System OOALS Orthometric ORTHO Out OfService OTS Outer Marker OM PPoint of Contact POC Permanent Survey Mark PSM Precision Approach Path Indicator PAPI Precision Approach Radar PAR Primary Airport Control Station PACS Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicator PVASI QNone RRailroad RR Reflector RFLTR Relocated RELCTO Remote Connnunications Outlet RCO Remote Transmitter/Receiver RTR Road RD Road (Noninterstate) RD(N) Road (Interstate) RD (I) Rooway RWY Runway Alignment Indicator Lights RAIL Runway End Identifier Lights REIL Runway Visual Range RVR A6.5 FAA No. 405 WORDI PHRASE SSecondary Airport Control Station Simplified Directional Facility Specially Prepared Hard Surface Stack Standard Instrument Departure Standard Terminal Arrival Standpipe Stopway TTactical Air Navigation Aid Tank Taxiway Temporary Threshold Take-off Distance Available Take-off Run Available Touchdown Reflector Touchdown Zone Touchdown Zone Elevation Tower Transmissometer Transmission Tower Tri-color Visual Approach Slope Indicator UUnder Construction Until Further Notice VVertical Vertical Survey Point Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range Visual Approach Slope Indicator Visual Flight Rules Visual Meteorological Conditions VORITaetical Air Navigation A6.6. ) CONTRACTION SACS SDF SPHS STK SID STAR SPIPE STWY TACAN TK TWY TMPRY THLD TODA TORA TDR TDZ TDZE TWR TMOM TRMSNTWR TRCV llNC UFN VERT VSP VOR VASI VFR VMC VORTAC 9/1/96 9/1/96 WORD! PHRASE WWide Area Augmentation System Wind Direction Indicator Wind Tee Wind Tetrahedron Windsock World Geodetic System of 1984 xnone ynone ZZMarker ) CONTRACTION WAAS WDI WTEE WTET WSK WGS84 ZM FAA No. 405 A6.7. FAA No. 405 CONTRACTION AABND AC ACFT ADO AFD AFSS AG A-GEAR AGL ALP ALS AMOM ANA ANT AOC APBN APCH APPLT ARP ARPT ARSR ASDA ASDE ASOS ASR ATCT AWOS AWYBN BBCM BLDG BRDG A6.8. ) WORD! PHRASE Abandoned Advisory Circular Aircraft Airport District Office Airport Facility Directory Automated Flight Service Station Agricultural Arresting Gear Above Ground Level Airport Location Point Approach Light System Anemometer Area Navigation Approach Antenna Airport Obstruction Chart Airport Beacon Approach Approach Light Airport Reference Point Airport Air Route Surveillance Radar Accelerate-Stop Distance Available Airport Surface Detection Equipment Automated Surface Observing System Airport Surveillance Radar Airport Traffic Control Tower Automatic Weather ObservingIReporting System Airway Beacon Back Course Marker Building Bridge 9/1196 9/1/96 CONTRACTION ) WORDI PHRASE ) FAA No. 405 CCIL Centerline CHY Chinmey CLOM Ceilometer CLSD Closed CONST Construction CORS Continuously Operating Reference Station CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency DDCLN Distance to Centerline DEND Distance to Runway End DF Direction Finder DME Distance Measuring Equipment DTHLD Displaced Threshold DTHR Distance to Threshold EEL Elevation ELEC Electrical ELEV Elevation ELLIP Ellipsoid EME Estimated Maximum Elevation EOD Engine Out Departure EQUIP Equipment FFLGPL Flagpole FM Fan Marker FSS Flight Service Station GGCA Ground Control Approach GPS Global Positioning System GRD Ground GS Glide Slope A6.9. FAA No. 405 CONTRACTION HHAA HAR HAT HGR HORZ HRP HSP IlCAO lFR ILS IM IMC INOP INTXN ITRF JNone KNone LLDIN LT LDA LMM LOC LOM LTD A6.10. WORDI PHRASE Height Above Airport Height Above Runway Height Above Touchdown Hangar Horizontal Heliport Reference Point Horizontal Survey Point International Civil Aviation Organization Instrument Flight Rules Instrument Landing System Inner Marker Instrument Meteorological Conditions Inoperative Intersection International Earth Rotation Service Terrestrial Reference Frame Lead In Lighting System Light Localizer Type Directional Aid Locator Middle Marker Localizer Locator Outer Marker Lighted 9/1/96 9/1196 CONTRACTION WORDI PHRASE FAA No. 405 MMCWV Microwave MLS Microwave Landing System MLSAZ Microwave Landing System Azimuth Guidance MLSEL Microwave Landing System Elevation Guidance MM Middle Marker MON Monument MSL Mean Sea Level NNAD27 North American Datum of 1927 NAD83 North American Datum of 1983 NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NAVAID Navigational Aid NCM Not Commissioned NDB Nondirectional Radio Beacon NFDC National Flight Data Center NFDD National Flight Data Digest NGS National Geodetic Survey NGVD29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NM Nautical Mile NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOS National Ocean Service NOTAM Notice to Airmen NSRS National Spatial Reference System NTE Not to Exceed 0OBS Observation OBST Obstruction ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Light System OIS Obstruction Identification Surface OL Obstruction Lighted OLON Obstruction Light On OM Outer Marker ORTHO Orthometric OTS Out OfService A6.ll. FAA No. 405 CONTRACTION PPACS PAPI PAR POC PSM PVASI QNone RRAIL RCO RD REIL RELCTD RFLTR RD(I) RD(N) RR RTR RVR RWY SSACS SDF SID SPHS SPIPE STAR STK STWY A6.12. )WORD! PHRASE Primary Airport Control Station Precision Approach Path Indicator Precision Approach Radar Point of Contact Permanent Survey Mark Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicator Runway Aligmnent Indicator Lights Remote Connnumcations Outlet Road Runway End Identifier Lights Relocated Reflector Road (Interstate) Road (Noninterstate) Railroad Remote Transmitter/Receiver Runway Visual Range Runway Secondary Airport Control Station Simplified Directional Facility Standard Instrument Departure Specially Prepared Hard Surface Standpipe Standard Terminal Arrival Stack Stopway ) 9/1196 9/1/96 CONTRACTION WORDI PHRASE FAA No. 405 TTACAN Tactical Air Navigation Aid TDR Touchdown Reflector TDZ Touchdown Zone TDZE Touchdown Zone Elevation THLD Threshold TK Tank TMOM Transmissometer TMPRY Temporary TODA Take-off Distance Available TORA Take-off Run Available TRCV Tri-color Visual Approach Slope Indicator TRMSNTWR Transmission Tower TWR Tower TWY Taxiway UUFN Until Further Notice UNC Under Construction VVAR Magnetic Variation VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator VERT Vertical VFR Visual Flight Rules VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions VOR Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range VORTAC VORITactical Air Navigation VSP Vertical Survey Point WWAAS Wide Area Augmentation System WDI Wind Direction Indicator WGS84 World Geodetic System of 1984 WSK Windsock WTEE Wind Tee WTET Wind Tetrahedron A6.13. FAA No. 405 CONTRACTION xNone yNone ZZM A6.14. WORDI PHRASE Z Marker 9/1/96 9/1/96 APPENDIX 7 SAMPLE AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CHART FAA No. 405 9/1/96 A SAMPLE AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION CHART (OC 000) IS FOLDED INSIDE THE BACK COVER FAANo. 405 9/1196 GLOSSARY ) FAANo. 405 9/1/96 GLOSSARY A,B,C ) FAA No. 405 Accuracy -The degree of conformity with a standard, or a value accepted as correct. Precision is the degree of uniformity of repeated measurements or events. For example, repeat measurements ofthe distance between two points may exhibit a high degree of precision by virtue of the relative uniformity of the measurements. However, if a "short" tape were used in the measurements, accuracy would be poor in that the measured distance would not conform to the true distance between the points. Surveying and mapping accuracy standards should include three elements: (1) a stated variation from a true value or a value accepted as correct, (2) the point to "MUch the new value is relative, and (3) the probability that the new value will be within the stated variation For example, "Horizontal accuracy will be 10 em relative to the nearest Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) at the 95 percent confidence level." Abeam Point -The point on a line that is nearest to an offline point. For example, a point on the runway centerline is "abeam" the Glide Slope Antenna when the distance from the centerline point to the antenna is a minimum. Accelerate-Stop Distance Available -(ASDA) The runway plus stopway length declared available and suitable for the acceleration and deceleration ofan airplane aborting a takeoff. Aeronautical Beacon -A visual navigational aid dispaying flashes of white and/or colored light to indicate the location of an airport, a heliport, a landmark, a certain point of a federal airway in mountainous terrain, or an obstruction. (See Airport Rotating Beacon under Airport Lighting.) Air Navigation Facility -Any facility used in, available for use in, or designed for use in, aid of air navigation, including landing areas, lights, any apparatus or equipment for disseminating weather information, for signaling, for radio-directional finding, or for radio or other electrical communication, and any other structure or mechanism having a similar purpose for guiding or controlling flight in the air or the landing and takeoff ofaircraft. (See Navigational Aid.) Airport -An area on land or water that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft and includes its buildings and facilities, if any. Airport Elevation -The highest point of an airport's usable runways measured in feet from mean sea level (technically, from the vertical datum.) Airport Lighting -Various lighting aids that may be installed on an airport. Types of airport lighting include: Airport Rotating Beacon (APBN) -A visual navigational aid operated at many airports. At civil airports, alternating white and green flashes indicate the location of the airport. At military airports, the beacons flash alternately white and green. but are differentiated from civil beacons by dualpeaked (two quick) white flashes betweeQ the green flashes. Approach Light System (ALS) -An airport lighting facility which provides visual guidance to landing aircraft by radiating light beams in a directional pattern by which the pilot aligns the aircraft with the extended centerline of the runway on his final approach for landing. CondenserDischarge Sequential Flashing Lights/Sequenced G1. FAA No. 405 Flashing Lights may be installed in conjooction with the ALS at some airports Omnidirectional Approach Light System (ODALS) -Seven onmidirectional flashing lights located in the approach area of a nonprecision approach. Five lights are located on the runway centerline extended with the first light located 300 feet from the threshold and extending at equal intervals up to 1,500 feet from the tbresoold. The other two lights are located, one on each side of the runway threshold, at a lateral distance of 40 feet from the runway edge, or 75 feet from the rtmway edge when installed on a rtmway equipped with a VASI. Runway Alignment Indicator Lights (RAIL) Sequenced Flashing Lights which are installed only in combination with other light systems. Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) -Two Synchronized flashing lights, one on each side of the runway threshold, which provide rapid and positive identification of the approach end of a particular runway. Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) -A visual approach slope indicator normally consisting of light units similar to the VASI but in a single row of either two or four light units set perpendicular to the rtmway centerline. The row of light units is normally installed on the left side of the runway. Indications are as follows: Below glide path -all lights red; Slightly below glide path -three lights closest to runway red, other light white; Onglide path -two lights closest to rtmway red, other two lights white; Slightly above glide path -light closest to rtmway red, other three lights white; Above glide path -all lights white. Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicator (pVASI) -A pulsating visual approach slope indicator normally consisting ofa single light unit projecting a two-color visual approach path into G2. 9/1196 the:final approach area ofthe rtmway upon which the indicator is installed. The on glide path indication is a steady white light. The slightly below glide path indication is a steady red light. If the aircraft descends further below the glide path, the red light starts to pulsate. The above glide path indication is a pulsating white light. The pulsating rate increases as the aircraft gets further above or below the desired glide slope. Tri-Color Visual Approach Slope Indicator (TRVC) -A visual approach slope indicator nonnally consisting ofa single light unit projecting a three-color visual approach path into the final approach area of the rtmway upon which the indicator is installed. The below glide path indication is red, the above glide path indication is amber, and the on glide path indication is green. Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) -An airport lighting facility providing vertical visual approach slope guidance to aircraft during approach to landing by radiating a directional pattern ofhigh intensity red and white focused light beams which indicate to the pilot is ""on path" ifhe sees red/white, "above path" if white/white, and "below path" if red/red. Some airports serving large aircraft have three-bar VASI's which provide two visual glide paths to the same rtmway. Airport Location Point (ALP) -The permanent position, usually expressed in latitude and longitude, of an airport for identification and reference purposes. The ALP coincides with the original Airport Reference Point. (See Airport Reference Point. ) Airport Reference Point (ARP) -The approximate geometric center of all usable runways. ARP is not monumented, therefore not recoverable on the groood. Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE) -Radar equipment specifically designed to detect all principal features on the surface of an airport, including aircraft and vehicular traffic, and to present the entire image on a radar indicator 9/1196console in the control tower. Used to augment visual observation by tower personnel of aircraft and/or vehicular movements on the runways and taxiways. Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) -Approach control radar used to detect and display an aircraft's position in the terminal area. ASR provides range and azimuth information but does not provide elevation data. Coverage of the ASR can extend up to 60 nautical miles. Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) -Air route traffic control center (ARTCC) radar used primarily to detect and display an aircraft's position while en route between terminal areas. Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) -A facility established to provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace and principally during the en route phase of flight. When equipment and controller workload permit, certain advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR aircraft. Apron -A defined area on an airport or heliport intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refueling, parking, or maintenance. With regard to seaplanes, a ramp is used for access to the apron from the water. Area Navigation -A method ofnavigation that permits aircraft operation on any desired course within the coverage ofstation-referenced navigational signals or within the limits of a self-contained system capability. Area navigation systems include GPS, Inertial, and LORAN-C. Area Navigation Approach (ANA) -An instrument approach procedure using an Area Navigation System. Azimuth Astronomic -At the point of observation, the angle measured from the vertical plane through the celestial pole and the vertical plane through FAANo. 405 the observed object. The astronomic azimuth is established directly from observations on a celestial body and is measured in the plane of the horizon. Astronomic azimuths differs from geodetic azimuths because of the deflection of the vertical which can be greater than one minute of arc in extreme cases. Astronomic azimuths may be reckoned clockwise or counterclockwise, from either north or south, as established by convention. Geodetic -The angle at point A between the tangent to the meridian at A and the tangent to the geodesic from A to B whose geodetic azimuth is wanted.. It may be reckoned clockwise from either geodetic north or south as established by convention Because of earth curvature, the geodetic azimuth from A to B (forward azimuth) differs from the geodetic azimuth from B to A (back azimuth) by other than 180 degrees, except where A and B have the same geodetic longitude or where the geodetic latitude of both points is zero. The geodesic line is the shortest surface distance between two points on the reference ellipsoid A geodetic meridian is a line on the reference ellipsoid defined by the intersection ofthe reference ellipsoid and a plane containing the minor axis of that ellipsoid Grid -The angle in the plane ofprojection between a straight line and the central meridian of a planerectangular coordinate system Grid azimuths may be reckoned clockwise from either geodetic north or south as established by convention Magnetic -At the point of observation, the angle between the vertical plane through the observed object and the vertical plane in which a freely suspended symmetrically magnetized needle, influenced by no transient artificial magnetic disturbance, will come to rest. Magnetic azimuths are reckoned clockwise from magnetic north. Bench Mark -A relatively permanent natural or artificial material object bearing a marked point whose elevation above or below an adopted surface (datum) is known. G3. FAA No. 405 Blast Fence -A barrier that is used to divert or dissipate jet or propeller blast. Blast Pad -A specially prepared surface placed adjacent to the ends of nmways to eliminate the erosive effect ofthe high wind forces produced by airplanes at the beginning oftheir takeoff rolls. Catenary -The curve theoretically fonned by a perfectly flexible, unifonnly dense and thick, inextensible cable suspended from two points. Also a cable suspended between two points and having the approximate shape ofa catenary. Clearway -An area beyond the takeoff nmway under the control of airport authorities within which terrain or fixed obstacles may not extend above specified limits. These areas may be required for certain turbine-powered operations and the size and upward slope ofthe clearway will differ depending on when the aircraft was certificated. G4. 9/1/96 Compass Locator -A low power, low or medium frequency (LIMF) radio beacon installed at the site of the outer or middle marker of an instrument landing system system (ILS). It can be used for navigation at distances of approximately 15 miles or as authorized in the approach procedure. Control Station -A point on the ground whose position and!or elevation is used as a basis for obtaining positions and/or elevations ofother points. Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) -A permanent GPS facility whose GPS receiver continuously provides observables from the GPS satellites, allowing stations occupied temporarily by GPS receivers to be differentially positioned relative to it. CORS are related to the NAD 83 coordinate system at the 1-3 em level either by being collocated at VLBI sites which were used to define the coordinate system, or by being differentially positioned relative to such a collocated GPS station. 9/1/96 D,E,F FAA No. 405 Datum -In general, a point, line, surface, or set of values used as a reference. A geodetic datum is a set of constants specifYing the coordinate system and reference used for geodetic control (See Control Station), ie, for calculating coordinates ofpoints on the earth. At least eight constants are needed to form a complete datum: three to specifY the location of the origin of the coordinate system; three to specify the orientation of the coordinate system; and two to specifY the dimensions of the reference ellipsoid Any point has a unique X,Y,Z datum coordinate which can be transformed into latitude, longitude, and ellipsoid height (height relative to the ellipsoid). A horizontal control datum is a geodetic datum specified by two coordinates (latitude and longitude) on the ellipsoid surface, to which horizontal control points are referenced A vertical datum is a theoretical equipotential surface with an assigned value of zero to which elevations are referenced. (See Geoid). Datmn Tie -The process of determining, through appropriate survey methods, a position (horizontal tie) or elevation (vertical tie) of a new point relative to the position/elevation of a control station with established datum values, such as, a control station in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). The new point may be a permanent survey monument. This process ensures that the new point will have the proper relationship to NSRS and to all other points tied to NSRS. Direction Finder (DF) -A radio receiver equipped with a directional sensing antenna used to take bearings on a radio transmitter. Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) -Equipment (airborne and ground) used to measure, in nautical miles, the slant range distance ofan aircraft from the DME navigational aid. DME is usually frequency paired with other navigational aids, such as a VOR or localizer. Ellipsoid -See Reference Ellipsoid Ellipsoid Height -The distance, taken along the perpendicular to the ellipsoid, between a point and the reference ellipsoid Ellipsoid heights are positive if the point is above the ellipsoid. Ellipsoid heights are the heights resulting from GPS observations. Ellipsoid height = Geoid Height + Orthometric Height. Federal Base Network (FBN) -A fundamental reference network of permanently monumented control stations in the United States at a I degree x I degree nominal spacing, established, maintained, and monitored by the National Geodetic Survey, providing precise latitude, longitude, ellipsoidal height, orthometric height, and gravity values. The FBN is a very precise subset ofthe National Spatial Reference System. Flight Path -A line, course, or track along which an aircraft is flying or intended to be flown. Frangible Fixture -A fixture designed to break at a predetermined point when struck by a predetermined force to minimize damage if accidently struck by an aircraft. G5 FAA No. 405 G, H,I 9/1/96 Geoid -The theoretical surface of the earth that coincides everywhere with approximate mean sealevel. The geoid is an equipotential surface to which, at every point, the plumb line is perpendicular. Because oflocal disturbances of gravity, the geoid is irregular in shape. Geoid Height -The distance, taken along a perpendicular to the reference ellipsoid, between the reference ellipsoid and the geoid. The geoid height is positive if the geoid is above the reference ellipsoid. (Geoid height is negative for the conterminous United States). Geoid Height = Ellipsoidal Height Orthometric Height. Global Positioning System (GPS) -A space-based radio positioning, navigation, and time-transfer system. The system provides highly accurate position and velocity information, and precise time, on a continuous global basis, to an unlimited number of properly equipped users. Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) -A radar approach system operated from the ground by air traffic control personnel transmitting instructions to the pilot by radio. The approach may be conducted with airport surveillance radar (ASR) only or with both surveillance and precision approach radar (PAR). He1ipad -A small designated area, usually with a prepared surface, on a heliport, airport, landing/takeoffarea, apron/ramp, or movement area used for takeoff, landing, or parking ofhelicopters. Heliport -An area of land, water, or structure used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of helicopters and includes its buildings and facilities if any. G6. Heliport Reference Point (HRP) -The geographic position of the heliport expressed in latitude and longitude at, (I) the centtY of the fmal approach and takeoff (FATO) area or the centroid of multiple FATO's for heliports having visual and nonprecision instnnnent approach procedures, or (2) the center of the final approach reference area when the heliport has a precision instrument approach. Instrument Landing System (ILS) -A precision instrument approach system which normally consists ofthe following electronic components and visual aids: Localizer Glide Slope Outer Marker Middle Marker Approach Lighting Instrument Runway -A runway equipped with electronic and visual navigational aids for which a precision or nonprecision approach procedure having straight-in landing minimums have been approved International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) -A specialized agency of the United Nations whose objective is to develop the principles and techniques ofinternational air navigation and to foster planning and development of international civil air transport. 9/1/96 J,K,L FAA No. 405 Landing Area -Any locality either on land, water, or structure, including airports/heliports, and intermediate landing fields, which is used, or intended to be used, for the landing and takeoff of aircraft whether or not facilities are provided for shelter, servicing, or for receiving or discharging passengers or cargo. Landing Direction Indicator -A device, usually a tetrahedron, which visually indicates the direction in which landings and takeoffs should be made. Leveling -The process of determining the difference in elevation between two points. In geodetic leveling, this process results in a vertical distance from a vertical datum. Direct -The determination of differences in elevation by means of a series of horizontal observations on a graduated rod. The leveling instrument maintains a horizontal line of sight through spirit leveling or a compensation mechanism The rod is observed while it is resting on a point ofknown elevation (backsight) and then, without disturbing the elevation of the leveling instrument, is observed a second time while resting on the unknown point (foresight). The differential in rod readings is applied to the starting elevation to determine the elevation of the unknown. Indirect -The determination of differences in elevation by means other than differential leveling, such as, trigonometric leveling. In trigonometric leveling, the vertical angle and distance from the instrument to the point of unknown elevation are measured and the difference in elevation between the instrument and the unknown point is then computed using trigonometry. Local Control -A control station or network of control stations in a local area used for referencing local surveys. Local control mayor may not be tied to the National Spatial Reference System (See Control Station). Localizer (LOC) -The component of an ILS which provides course guidance to the runway. Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA) -A navigational aid used for nonprecision instrument approaches with utility and accmacy comparable to a localizer but which is not part of a complete ILS and is not aligned with the runway. Long Range Navigation (LORAN) -An electronic navigation system by which hyperbolic lines of position are determined by measuring the difference in the time of reception of synchronized pulse signals from two fixed transmitters. LORAN A operates in the 1750 -1950 kHz frequency band LORAN C and D operate in the 100 -110kHz frequency band G7. FAA No. 405 ) M,N,O 9/1/96 Marker Beacon -An electronic navigational facility transmitting a 75 MHz vertical fan or boneshaped radiation patter to be received by aircraft flying overhead.. Marker beacons are identified by their modulation frequency and keying code, and when received by compatible airborne equipment, indicate to the pilot, both aurally and visually, that he is passing over the facility. Inner Marker (1M) -A marker beacon. used with an ILS Category II precision approach, located between the middle marker and the end of the ILS runway and normally located at the point of designated decision height, normally 100 feet above the touchdown zone elevation, on the ILS Category II approach. It also marks progress during a ILS Category ill approach. Middle Marker (MM)-A marker beacon that defines a point along the glideslope of an ILS, normally located at or near the point of decision height for ILS Category I approaches. Outer Marker (OM) -A marker beacon at or near the glideslope intercept altitude of an ILS approach. The outer marker is normally located four to seven miles from tre runway threshold on the extended centerline of the runway. Mean Sea Level (MSL) -The average location ofthe interface between the ocean and atmosphere, over a period oftime sufficiently long so that all raOOom and periodic variations of short duration average to zero. Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) -A function of the ARTS ill computer that aids the controller by alerting him when a tracked Mode C equipped aircraft is below or is predicted by the computer to go below a predetermined minimum safe altitude. Minimums -Weather condition requirements established for a particular operation or type of operation; e.g., IFR takeoff or landing, alternate airport for IFR flight plans, VFR flight etc. Missed Approach -A maneuver conducted by a pilot when an instrument approach cannot be completed to a landing. Movement Area -The runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport/heliport which are utilized for taxiing/hover taxiing, taxiing, air taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive ofloading ramps and parking areas. At those airports/heliports with a tower, specific approval for entry onto the movement area must be obtained from ATC. National Airspace System (NAS) -The common network ofD.S. airspace; air navigation facilities, equipment and services, airports or landing areas; aeronautical charts, information and services; rules, regulations, and procedures, technical information. and manpower and material. Included are system components shared jointly with the military. National Flight Data Center (NFDC) -A facility in Washington, D.C., established by FAA to operate a central aeronautical information service for the collection. validation, and dissemination of aeronautical data in support of the activities of government, industry, and the aviation community. The information is published in the ''National Flight Data Digest." National Flight Data Digest (NFDD) -A daily (except weekends and Federal holidays) publication of flight information appropriate to aeronautical charts, aeronautical publications, Notices to Airmen. or other media serving the purpose of providing operational flight data essential to safe and efficient aircraft operations. National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) -A network of permanent survey monuments located throughout the United States with accurately determined positions (horizontal network) and/or elevations (vertical network). Gravity values, not always monwnented, are also part ofNSRS.G8. 9/1/96 Responsibility for establishing and maintaining NSRS rests with the National Geodetic Survey under the U.S. Department ofConnnerce. CWTent authority is contained in United States Code, Title 33, USC 883a as amended, and specifically defined by Executive Directive, Bureau of the Budget (now Office of Management and Budget) Circular No. A-16 Revised. Navigable Airspace -Airspace at and above the minimum flight altitude prescribed in the FARs, including airspace needed for safe takeoffand landing. Navigational Aid (NAVAID) -Any visual or electronic device airborne or on the surface which provides point to point guidance information or position data to aircraft in flight. (See Air Navigation Facility.) Nondirectional Beacon (NOB) -An L/MF or llHF radio beacon transmitting nondirectional signals whereby the pilot of an aircraft equipped with direction finding equipment can determine his bearing to or from the radio beacon and "home" or track to or from the station. When the NDB is installed in conjtulction with an Instrument Landing System marker, it is normally called a Compass Locator. Nonprecision Approach Procedure -A standard instrument approach procedure in which no electronic glide slope is provided; e.g., VOR, TACAN, NDB, LOC, ASR, LOS, and SDF approaches. Notice to Ainnen (NOTAM) -A notice containing information (not known sufficiently in advance to publicize by other means) concerning the establishment, condition, or change in any ) FAA No. 405 component (facility, service, or procedure of, or hazard in the National Airspace System) the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations. Obstruction -Any object that penetrates an obstruction identification surface. Obstruction Identification Surface (OIS) -Any imaginary surface authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration to identify obstructions. Any object that penetrates an OIS is an obstruction, by definition Specified OIS -Any OIS other than a supplemental OIS. Supplemental OIS -An OIS designated by appropriate FAA authorities as a supplemental OIS. A supplemental OIS, when implemented, will normally lie below a specified OIS and is intended to provide additional obstruction information. An object that penetrates a supplemental OIS only is a supplemental obstruction. Offset NAVAID -A NAVAID used during the final approach segment of a straight in instrument approach and not located on the runway centerline or centerline extended. Orthometric Height -The distance, taken along the plumb line, between a point and the geoid. Orthometric heights are positive if the point is above the geoid. Orthometric Height = Ellipsoid Height -Geoid Height. G9. FAA No. 405 P,Q,R 9/1/96 Planimetry -The plan detail of a map that has no indication of relief or contour. Plot Point -A point that represents the position of a feature. This point may be located on the feature or located between feature components. For example, the plot point for a Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) system is the center of the light array which falls between light units. Precision Approach Procedure -A standard instnunent approach procedure in which an electronic glideslope/glidepath is provided; e.g., GPS, ILS, and PAR approaches. Precision Approach Radar (PAR) -Radar equipment, in some ATC facilities operated by FAA and/or the military services at joint use civiVmilitary locations and separate military installations to detect and display azimuth, elevation, and range of aircraft on the final approach course to a nmway. This equipment may be used to monitor rertain oonradar approaches, but is primarily used to conduct a precision instrument approach wherein the controller issues guidance instructions to the pilot based on the aircraft's position in relation to the final approach course (azimuth), glidepath (elevation), and distance (range) from the touchdown point on the nmway as displayed on the radar scope. Primary Airport Control Station (PACS) -A control station established in the vicinity of, and usually on, an airport, and tied directly to the National Spatial Reference System. PACS must be declared PACS by the National Geodetic Survey and must meet the specific siting, construction, and accuracy requirements for PACS. Progressive Taxi -Precise taxi instructions given to a pilot unfamiliar with the airport or issued in stages as the aircraft proceeds along the taxi route. Published Data -Data officially issued for distribution to the public. Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR) -A device which, by measuring the time interval between transmission and reception of radio pulses and correlating the angular orientation of the radiated antenna beam or beams in azimuth and/or elevation, provides information on range, azimuth, and/or elevation of objects in the path of the transmitted pulse. Primary Radar -A radar system in which a minute portion of a radio pulse transmitted from a site is reflected by an object and then received back at the site for processing and display at an air traffic control facility. Secondary RadarlRadar Beacon (ATCRBS) -A radar system in which the object to be detected is fitted with cooperative equipment in the form of a radio receiver/transmitter (transponder). Radar pulses transmitted from the searching transmittfflreceiver (interrogator) site are received in the cooperative equipment and used to trigger a distinctive transmission from the transponder. This reply transmission, rather than a reflected signal, is then received back at the transmitter/receiver site for processing and display at an air traffic control facility. Radar Approach -An instrument approach procedure which utilizes Precision Approach Radar (PAR) or Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR). Radio Beacon -See Nondirectional Beacon Ramp -See Apron Reference Ellipsoid -A geometric figure comprising one component of a geodetic datum, usually determined by rotating an ellipse about its shorter (polar) axis, and used as a surface of reference for geodetic surveys. The reference ellipsoid closely approximates the dimensions of the geoid, with certain ellipsoids fitting the geoid more closely for various areas of the earth. Elevations derived directly from satellite observations are relative to the ellipsoid and are called ellipsoid heights. 010. 4/15/98 CHANGE 1 Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) -An unmanned communications facility remotely controlled by air traffic personnel. RCO's serve flight service stations. Remote TransmitterlReceiver s (RTR) serve terminal ATC facilities. Remote Transmitter/Receiver (RTR) -See Remote Communications Outlet. FAA No. 405 Runway -A defined rectangular area on a land airport prepared for the landing and takeoff run of aircraft along its length Runways are normally numbered in relation to their magnetic direction rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees: e.g., Runway 10, Runway 25. Runway Length -The straight line distance between runway end points. This line does not account for I surfuce undulations between points. Official runway lengths are normally computed from runway end coordinates and elevations. GIL FAA No. 405 S, T, U ) 9/1/96 Secondary Airport Control Station (SACS) -A control station established in the vicinity of, and usually on, an airport, and tied directly to the Primary Airport Control Station SACS must be declared SACS by the National Geodetic Survey and must meet the specific siting, construction, and accuracy requirements for SACS. Simplified Directional Facility (SDF) -A navigational aid used for nonprecision instrument approaches. The final approach course is similar to that ofan ILS localizer except that the SDF course may be offset from the runway, generally not more than 3 degrees, and the course may be wider than the localizer, resulting in a lower degree ofaccuracy. Specially Prepared Hard Surface (SPHS) -A concrete, asphalt, or other paved surface, or an unpaved surface that has been specially treated to stabilize the surface, protect the subsurface, or provide a smoother rolling surface for aircraft. Unpaved SPHS's include compacted gravel, and gravel treated with a stabilizing bituminous material. State Plane Coordinate System -A series of planerectangular coordinate systems established by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for the entire United States, with a separate system for each state. A mathematical relationship exists between state plane and geodetic coordinates, one being easily transformed into the other. The advantage of the State Plane Coordinate System is that it permits survey computations for small areas to be performed using plane trigonometry (as opposed to more complex spherical trigonometry), while still yielding very nearly the true angles and distances between points. Stopway -An area beyond the takeoff runway, no less wide than the runway and centered upon the extended centerline of the runway, able to support the airplane during an aborted takeoff, without causing structural damage to the airplane, and designated by the airport authorities for use in decelerating the airplane during an aborted takeoff. G12. Supplemental Profile Point -A runway/stopway point selected so that a straight line between any two acljacent published runway/stopway points will be no greater than one foot from the runway/stopway surface. Take-offDistance Available (TODA) -The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided. Take-off Run Available (TORA) -The length of the runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane take-off. Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) -An ultra-high frequency electronic rho-theta air navigational aid which provides suitably equipped aircraft a continuous indication of bearing and distance to the TACAN station. Tetrahedron -A device normally located on uncontrolled airports and used as a landing direction indicator. The small end of the tetrahedron points in the direction of landing. Threshold (THLD) -The beginning ofthat portion of the runway available for landing. A displaced threshold (DTHLD) is a threshold that is located at a point on the runway other than the designated beginning of the runway. A relocated threshold (RTHLD) is a threshold that is located at the runway end but not at the end ofpavement. Touchdown Zone (TDZ) -The first 3,000 feet of the runway beginning at the threshold. Touchdown Zone Elevation (TDZE) -The highest elevation in the Touchdown Zone. Transmissometer (TMOM) -An apparatus used to determine visibility by measuring the transmission of light through the atmosphere. It is the measurement source for determining runway visual range (RVR) and runway visibility value (RVV). 9/1196 "'. v, W,X, Y,Z FAA No. 405 VI -The takeoff decision speed. If a system failure occurs before VI the takeoff is aborted. If the failure occurs at or above VI' the pilot is committed to continue the takeoff Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Aircraft Aircraft capable of vertical climbs and/or descents and ofusing very short runways or small areas for takeoff and landings. These aircraft include, but are not limited to, helicopters. Very High Frequency Onmidirectional Range Station (VOR) -A ground-based electronic navigation aid transmitting very high frequency navigation signals, 360 degrees in azimuth, oriented from magnetic north Very High Frequency Onmidirectional Range/Tactical Air Navigation (VORTAC) -A navigation aid providing VOR azimuth, TACAN azimuth, and TACAN distance measuring equipment (DME) at one site. Visual Approach -An approach conducted on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan which authorizes the pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport. The pilot must, at all times, have either the airport or preceding aircraft in sight. Visual Glideslope Indicator -A navigational aid that provides vertical visual guidance to aircraft during approach to landing by either radiating a directional pattern of high intensity light into the approach area, or providing lighted or unlighted panels which can be aligned by the pilot, thereby allowing the pilot to determine if the aircraft is above, below, or on the prescribed glidepath. (See Airport Lighting). Waypoint -A predetennined geographical position used for route/instrument approach definition, or progress reporting purposes, that is defined relative to a VORTAC station or in terms of latitudellongitude coordinates. Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) -The total FAAsystem designed and built to meet the mission needs ofinsuring satellite integrity for using GPS for required navigation performance (RNP) in the National Airspace System and of improving accuracy to support precision approaches using GPS augmented with theWAAS. theWAAS. Gl3