, LAWRENCE B. McNALLY, M.D. Certificant, College ofFamily Practice (Canada) 1971 Fellow, College ofFamily Practice (Canada) 1978 Diplomate; American Board of Family Practice 1978, 1984, 1990, 1996 September 16, 1997 Dear Lake Forest neighbor, I am sure that you all realize that Lake Forest Drive is a private street which belongs to the residents, unlike other streets in Addison, which like everywhere else, belong to the city. That is why ourstreet has never been resurfaced, why we have open storm sewers, and why there are no sidewalks. We all own properties that extend halfway into the street. Recently, a new owner on Lake Forest was advised by his lawyers to obtain an easement guarantying permanent access to his home along this private road. I am taking this opportunity to explore the pro's and con's ofdeeding our street to the City ofAddison. I personally gain no thrills from being part owner ofa piece ofa tired, primitive street and would much prefer to be on a modem, well-maintained street which provides guaranteed public access to all residences. I am going to explore this with the City ofAddison. I would deeply appreciate a call from you to get your perspective on this subject. My home phone number is 972-960-7365. My office number is 972-3850000. Yours very truly, L.B. McNally, M.D. cc: Rich Beckert, Mayor ofAddison Ron Whitehead, City Manager ofAddison John Baumgartoer, City Engineer ofAddison American Title Building. NIE Corner Preston at Be1tline • 6029 Beltline Road, 11105 Dallas, Texas 75240 • (972) 385-0000 • Fax (972) 385-1231 CITY MAN ER'S DEPARTMENT • (214) 4-S1J.1000 • FAX (214) .....16114 November 17, 1995 Mr. ViC Sahm 14910 Lake Forest Drive Addison, Texas 7524Q-7618 Dear Vic: I have thought a lot abo t our conversation regarding the streeL We have no records that indicate that the t is ours, so from our perspective it seems pretty clear thet it Is a private street Traditionally, neighbomood groups meet and decide what actions they need from town. We do not mind attending meatlngs, but we do not usually organize everylhin because people think we are advoadlngll posilion or a course of action. We really do not have e opinion on whether Lake Forest Drive should be improved or not, but we would be happy to respond to a recommendation from the neighborhood. We particlpate Ith neighborhoods on the basis of the town paying for a third oJ a street and the own rs on both sides paying two-thirds. I have enClosed a preliminary list that would Indl te what it might cost to build • streat to City standards and what the potential cost wo wo Id be to each homeowner. The only way we would be interested in accepting the t would be if it was reconstructed to our standards, because we obviously do no! ant to assume something that Is a constant maintenance problem. I will be happy to visit you further, once you have detennlnad the desires of the neighborhood. Sincerely,K. Ldc(l--oRon Whitehead:; City Manager RW:mc Enclosures (3) WI LU 􀁁􀁾􀁬􀀠0 􀁎􀁾􀁁􀁌􀀠 14800 LAKE 􀁆􀁃􀁾􀁅􀀤􀁔􀀠DR It ADDISON, TX 75240-7515 DAVID SCHIN:LER 14801 LAK= FOREST OR It ADDISON, TX 75240-7615 :> JOHN 􀁃􀁈􀁉􀁌􀁔􀁏􀁾􀀮􀀠 142·04 LAKE FC,eST DR It 􀁁􀁄􀁾􀁉􀁓􀁏􀁎􀀬􀀠TX 75240-7616 It WILLIAM J 􀁃􀁄􀁆􀁐􀁏􀁌􀁾􀀠 14805 LAKE 􀁆􀁃􀁾􀁅􀁓􀁔􀀠􀁄􀁾 It ADDISCN, TX 75240-7615 DESaIE HYERS 14 S07 LAKE FCqE ST OR ADDISON, TX 􀀷􀁾􀀲􀀴􀀰􀀭􀀿􀀶􀀱􀀵 􀀠 RICHARD ROCER 14883 LAKE FCqEST OR ADDISON, TX 􀀷􀁓􀀲􀁾􀁏􀀭􀀷􀀰􀀱􀀵􀀠 GEORGE P 􀁋􀁏􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁃􀁓􀀠 14904 LAKE FCREST DR ADDISON, TX 75240-4618 CA RL MILUKE N 14905 LAKE FOREST OR 􀁁􀁄􀁾􀁉􀁓􀁏􀁎􀀬􀀠TX 75240-7617 VICTOR A SAHM JR 14910 LAKE FOReST 􀁄􀁾􀀠 ;-.;ADOISON, TX 7524C-7618 LAWRENCE B "CNILLY 14917 LAKe 􀁆􀁃􀁾􀁅􀁓􀁔􀀠DR ADDISON, TX 75240-7017 • J CALLEN 14918 LAKE 􀁆􀁃􀁾􀁅􀁓􀁔􀀠DR ADDISON, TX 75240-761S 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭 I'f*-Ir Fax Note 7671 "thh. 􀁾􀀠, ..... t-'llChe{t:,. ( vine Date 􀀱􀀱􀁾􀁉􀀼􀁯􀀬􀀭􀀶􀁉􀀻􀀧􀀻􀀢􀀠. V IIILUA/\ NEAL 14800 LAKE fORest DR ADDISON, TX 7SZ40*1b15 04 VIO seHINOLE II \/14801 LAKE FOREST DR ADDISON, TX 75240-7615 JOHN CHILTONV 14804 LAKE FOREST DR ADDISON, TX 15240-7616 WILLIAM J COPPOLA v 14805 LAKE FOREST OR ADDISON, TX 75240-7615 DElIBIE MYERS 14807 LAKE FOREST DR ADDISON, TX 75240-7615 RICHARO ROllER v 14888 LAKE FOREST DR ADDISON, TX 75240-1615 GeORGE P KONOOS 14904 LAKE FOREST OR ADDISON, TX 75240-4618 CARL MILLIKEN . 14905 LAKE FOREST OR ADDISON, TX 75240-7617 VICTOR A $AHM JR1/14910 LAKE FOREST DR ADDISON, TX 75240-761e LAWRENCE B MCNALLY 14917 LAKE FOREST OR ADDISON, TX 75240-7617 •, --' J CAllEN v 14918 LAKE FOREST OR ADDISON, TX 75240-7618 LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS AND COST ESTIMATE FOR RECONSTRUCTING LAKE FOREST DRlVE NOVEMBER 15, 1995 PROPERTY OWNER Allen* Benchmark Bank Chilton Cappola Kondos * McNally Milliken Neal* Roder Sahm Schindler* Watters SUBTOTAL RESIDENTS SUBTOTAL TOWN TOTAL * Estimate offrontage length. FRONTAGE 220 268 150 150 148 242 190 100 290 142 100 100 2100 ESTIMATED PRORA TED COST 18,700 22,780 12,750 12,750 12,580 20,570 16,150 8,500 24,650 12,070 8,500 8,500 178,500 89,250 267,750 "* ** Includes construction, engineering, and 15% contingency. AUGUST 28, 1995 RON WHITEHEAD CITY MANAGER TOWN OF ADDISON ADDISON, TEXAS 75001-0144 DEAR RON: THANKS FOR YOUR UPDATE ON THE LAKE FOREST DRAINAGE PROJECT. WE ARE ALL LOOKING FORWARD TO THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THIS AGE OLD DRAINAGE PROBLEM. 􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁁􀁇􀁏􀀬􀀠SO I DO NOT THE GENERAL AGREEMENT WAS THAT THE HOME OWNERS WOULD GIVE THE CITY A CONDITIONAL LEASE OF THE STREET UNDER THREE CONDITIONS. 1) THAT THE CITY WOULD NEVER MAKE LAKE FOREST A THROUGH STREET FROM CLESTIAL, AND IT WOULD REMAIN A CUL-DE-SAC. 2) THAT THE CITY WOULD PAVE THE STREET AND ERECT THE DRAINAGE CUlVERTS ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE STREET. THE CONCRETE CURBING ON THE EASTSIDE OF THE STREET (THE SAHM AND KONDOS PROPERTY) WAS DONE BY THE CITY AND BILLED TO US PERSONALLY. 3) THAT THE CITY WOULD MAINTAIN THE STREET (DRAINAGE, ETC.). FOR THESE CONSIDERATIONS, THE HOME OWNERS GAVE THE CITY A FREE RIGHT OF PASSAGE AND LAKE FOREST WOULD FUNCTION AS A PUBLIC STREET. IT WAS ALSO NOTED THAT IF THE CITY FAILED TO MEET THESE CONDITIONS, THE HOME OWNERS HAD THE OPTION TO TAKE THE STREET BACK AND MAKE IT PRIVATE. THERE MUST BE SOME TYPE AGREEMENT LAYING AROUND IN THE ARCHIVES CONFIRMING THE ABOVE. THE ONLY PEOPLE STILL AROUND THAT MIGHT REMEMBER THIS AGREEMENT IS SKIP BEATTY AND GENE WEISMER. LET 􀁾􀀱􀁅􀀠KNOW IF I CAN DO ANYTHING FURTHER ABOUT GETTING THE STREET RESURFACED. 􀀢􀁐􀁾􀀠V. A. SAHM, JR. VAS/BS CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT • (214)450·7000' FAX (214) 960·7684 5300 Belt Line Rund August 23, 1995 Mr. Vic Sahm Maxi Lift Inc. P.O. Box 11-0518 Carrollton, Texas 75006 Dear Vic, The City Council approved the engineering design contract for the Lake Forrest drainage last evening at their meeting. It is not a particularly complicated project from a design standpoint, so the survey work and design should be completed in 60 days. The project will have to be bid, because of the size and cost of the project. That process, along with construction, will take about four months to complete. We will begin contacting the neighbors within the next two weeks to ask their permission to enter their properties to do the survey work. Your question on the street is a little more difficult. Lake Forrest is a private street. Each of the property owners owns to the middle of the street, if I understand correctly. From time to time we have thrown some asphalt into the holes on Lake Forrest, but it actually belongs to the home owners. I am glad to see you making such good progress on your new building. We will look forward to having you as a corporate citizen. Sincerely, '7/K.ee--Ron Whitehead City Manager Ma xi-Ilft.inc. L ,.0. ) "0 􀁾􀀮􀀠􀀢􀀭􀀢􀀭􀀮􀀢􀀢􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀠AUGUST 22, 1995 RON WHITEHEAD CITY OF ADDISON 5300 BELTLINE RD. ADDISON, TX 75001 DEAR RON: WOULD YOU PLEASE GIVE ME AN UPDATE ON OUR DRAINAGE PROJECT ON FOREST LANE? I, IN TURN, WILL ADVISE THE NEIGHBORHOOD. THE STREET OF LAKE FOREST HAS NOT BEEN RESURFACED IN THE 20 PLUS YEARS I HAVE LIVED ON SAME. DUE TO THE TWO HOMESITES LENGTHY CONSTRUCTION AND NORMAL WEAR THE STREET IS IN BAD SHAPE. GO FOR A DRIVE DOWN IT AND I THINK YOU WILL SEE WHAT I MEAN. WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR EVALUATION IF RE-SURFACING THE STREET IS POSSIBLE. MY BUILDING IS COMING ALONG. HOPE TO MOVE IN MARCH 1996. REGARDS, 􀁜􀁪􀁾􀀠V. A. SAHM P.O. BOX 11·0518 • CARROLLTON, TEXAS 75011·0518 1223 CROWLEY DRIVE • CARROLLTON, TEXAS 75006 (214) 245-2542 U.S. WATS (800) 527·0657 FAX NO. 1214) 242-8203 CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE (214) 450-2886 Post OffiCe Box 144 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁾􀀬􀀠Texas 75001 16801 Westgrove MEMORANDUM July 1, 1991 To: Ron Whitehead, City Manager r-" 'l 3 Vi..-?' From: John Baumgartner, City Enginee17 71" /RE: Mark and Suzanne Bond 14804 Lake Forest Drive Since late April discussions with the Bond's have taken pi ace regarding the drainage situation that exists on Lake Forest. The original complaint resulted from the construction of the new homes across the street. Mrs. Bond indicated that water, mud and mulch were washing .cross the street and depositing/ponding in front of her house. As the yard at 14801 Lake Forest is established, the mud should cease to be a problem. Two recommended a I ternatives to resol ve the Bond's probl em are a,s follows: 1. Install a bar ditch along the street in front of 14801 Lake Forest to intercept the stormwater runoff and install a storm sewer system to intercept the additional stormwater runoff before it reaches 14910 Lake Forest, Vic Sahm's residence. Estimated cost is $40,000. 2. Reconstruct Lake Forest to city standards with curbs and gutters and provide an adequate drainage system to convey the stormwater runoff. Estimated cost is $145,000. In both of the al ternatives, the big issue is funding. My recommendation is to pursue alternative 2 because it will solve some of the existing and future ;;>robl ems associated with the 1evelopment/dra1nage along Lake Forest. The issues requiring a decision are as follows: 1. Which alternative should we pursue? o How will the project be funded? In the interim, r will attempt to have Todd & Hughes (the homebuilder) make a few minor corrections to their lot grading. !rp cc: Greg Dunham. Assistant City Manager Lynn Chandler, Building Official LAKE FOREST DRIVE FACT SHEET JULY 1, 1991 1. Mr. and Mrs. Bond of 14804 Lake Forest Drive have indicated that the new homes constructed at 14801 and 14805 Lake Forest Drive have adversely changed the characteristics of the drainage. Specifically the home at 14801 filled in a drainage swale causing sprinkler water and runoff water to flow across the street, down their driveway and pond in front of their residence. 2. The Bond's have provided pictures that illustrate a swale existed at 14805 Lake Forest Drive however, the pictures do not show the conditions at 14801 Lake Forest Drive. 3. The home at 14805 maintained a. swal e along the sfreet to direct runoff to the north. 4. The walls constructed at 14801 and 14805 (along the west property line) have diverted runoff from oaks North to the north away from Lake Forest Drive. However, this causes a different problem for the residents along the west side of Lake Forest Drive. 5. Lake Forest Drive is not a traditional street and is not constructed to 􀁾􀁤􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁯􀁮􀀠standards. The street does not have the 􀁣􀁡􀁾􀁡􀁣􀁩􀁴􀁹􀀠to convey the stormwater runoff generated from the area draining to the street. This causes runoff water to flow through the lots at 14910, 14918 and 14804 during moderate rainfall events. 6. The grading around the Bond's home is marginal because it depends on a 2-inch pipe (approximate) to drain the water from the front of the home to the back. 􀁾􀀠I • As Lake Forest and Bellbrook Estates continue to develop, the drainage problems associated with the developments wi 11 continue to grow as homebui 1ders and homeowners modify the characteristics (ie. increase runoff and change flow patterns) of stormwater flowing across their property. 8. The Town does not have any irrefutabl e evidence to support the Bonds's claim and "equest the homeowner at 14801 to construct a swale and divert the runoff toward the north. I have talked with the neighbors and reviewed the city's topographic maps in an attempt to justify any modification of the drainage as constru cted. MARK BOND & COMPANY, INC. RML EsTATE VALUATION &' CONSULTATION 17060 DALLAS f"ARKlVAY 2000 E. RAnDOL MILL RD. Surre l03 sure 606 DALLAS. TEXAS 75248 ARLINGTON,. TEXAS 760 II (2H) 733.1007 MerRO: (817) .....61·1007 '1ODD&HUGHES·.• "1'8 U I L DIN G, INC. . . Jeff Cain ,floj< ,., 13 ' ---)1 ----..............._m___ .-----.---"'C __:z:de_, '1'5': ... ___ .... " m ..•... .z "".? '1.._ ;u;.6:o ------.. _.._. , ...." .. _.... _... <81.;00;'. c!l.IClO?· .. '" , 0 􀁾􀀮􀀭) . .. 1 • C» .... ..... .. 0> --. 􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠U1 III \"'1 .1... '" '" ID 􀁾􀀭0> 0 7 To Bell Line Rd. 0> '" \ 7" 􀀮􀁉􀁾􀀠\ /.8 t-0 .t; \ \,I 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠- I, ),A" /,0 i : 􀁩􀁾􀁦􀀮􀀬􀀲􀀱􀁰􀀠􀁾􀀠0/,/2-3 1': 􀀺􀁾􀁉􀀼􀀭0 (), Z'7'z-L,,I1,1 Q"'" (0-1'C , I 􀁏􀀬􀁏􀁏􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀬􀀵􀀨􀀻I'I: f 0,007> '3, I£( , . 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