]]1-1 􀀭􀁾JJJ]J1I ]]-jj JJOJ J Statement of Qualifications Preliminary Design Study For Interceptor Sewer Tunnel SEPTEMBER 1988 City of Farmers Branch /Town of Addison ADDisoN Submitted By: CONSOER, TOWNSEND & ASSOC., INC. In Association With L1CHLITER/JAMESON & ASSOC., INC. JAY DEE CONTRACTORS, INC. SOUTHWESTERN LABORATORIES August 31, 1988 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR INTERCEPTOR SEWER TUNNEL PRELIMINARY DESIGN STUDY Consoer, Townsend & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers CT&A Dear Mr. Murawski: /Mr. Jerome V. Murawski, Jr., P.E. Chairman, Farmers Branch/Addison Sewer Development Project Committee 13000 William Dodson Parkway P.o. Box 81901 city of Farmer's Branchi Texas 75380-9010 IIII--IIII Consoer, Townsend & Associates in association with Lichliter/Jameson and Associates, Jay Dee Contractors and Southwestern Laboratories, is pleased to submit this Statement of Qualifications for 'the joint City of Farmers Branch and Town of Addison Interceptor Sewer Tunnel Preliminary Design Study. Consoer, Townsend and Associates will act as the prime member of the team and provide the over-all management and responsibility required for the successful completion of all phases of the project.. We wish to specifically call to your attention our unique approach to include a very experienced and successful sewer tunnel contractor, Jay Dee Contractors Inc., as a member of the preliminary, final design and construction management team. Their experience plus that of the other team members will provide the basic requirements for a successful project, which are constructability within budget restraints, a realistic cost estimate, and the timely completion of the project with the absence of expensive claims and litigation. II. The project team welcomes the opportunity to provide our services to the city of Farmers Branch and the Town of Addison. Key staff members are available to meet at your convenience to further discuss our qualifications. We will be pleased to answer any questions or provide any additional information that you may desire. Respectfully Submitted, if2er. Townsend rz;:s 􀁗􀀱􀀱􀁾􀁾 Regional Manager 9800 Richmond Avenue, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77042 713/780-2441 I. INFORMATION ABOUT TEAM MEMBER FIRMS I A. PROJECT TEAM DESCRIPTION The project team is made up of the following 1. Consoer Townsend & Associates Inc. 2. Lichliter/Jameson & Associates, Inc. 3. Jay Dee Contractors, Inc. 4. Southwestern Laboratories firms: This team brings together the sewer design expertise of a national consulting Engineering firm, Consoer Townsend & Associates, with an office in Houston, Texas and a national sewer tunnel contractor, Jay Dee Contractors, Inc., who have recently completed successful Sewer Tunnel projects in Houston and Dallas, Texas along with the local consulting engineering firm of Lichliter/Jameson to provide surveying and local regulatory and permit requirements and Southwestern Laboratories to provide geotechnical and soil boring reports. A brief history and description of each Team Member is as follows: B. DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY 1. CONSOER TOWNSEND & ASSOCIATES FOUNDED -1919 in Chicago, Illinois OFFICE LOCATIONS Houston Texas; Chicago, Illinois; Nashville, Tennessee; Tacoma, Washington; Erie Pennsylvania; Naples, Florida, st. Louis, Missouri; Atlanta, Georgia; Charlotte, North Carolina; Reedsburg, Wisconsin; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. SERVICES PROVIDED Consoer Townsend is a consulting Engineering firm specializing in wastewater collections and t rea t mentinc 1 ud ing rep 0 r t s , des i g n , and construction management. MUltidisciplinary services are provided by· separate in-house . mechanical,. electrical, structural & architectural departments. Other services are provided include water supply, treatment and distribution; transportation,. solid waste, and Municipal Engineering. I ! We wish to emphasize that once a project has reached the construction phase it comes under the jurisdiction of our construction department which manages and staffs the project with our experienced resident Engineers and Inspectors and coordinates the specialized shop drawing reviews and/or construction problems with the original design team, the owner, and the contractor. This procedure provides immediate response and action to construction problems and has resulted in the reduction and successful settlement of claims between the contractor, engineer and owner. STAFF Our staff of over 250 people includes over 130 senior, mid-level and junior engineers. Many of the senior engineers have over 25 years continuous service with the firm, resulting in excellent quality control both in design and construction. CORPORATE PROFILE In 1986 Consoer Townsend &Associates was purchased by PRC.(Planning Research corporation). Several other firms were purchased by PRC in that same time period and were formed into PRC Engineering. However, each company maintained their own individuality and clients. In 1987 Ashland oil company under the Engineering Branch of Ashland Technology Corporation purchased PRC Engineering and, following the purchase, reestablished the identity of the acquired companies. Each of the companies operates independently in all respects, however has the ability to utilize the expertise from any of the Ashland Technology companies. The above information is presented to eliminate any confusion with respect to project and client references referred to during the time period when Consoer Townsend &Associates performed work as PRC Engineering. 2 • JAY DEE CONTRACTORS, INC. Jay Dee Contractors, Inc. was founded in 1966 by John J. DiPonio primarily to build tunnels and other underground construction projects. Jay Dee's principle offices are located in Livonia, Michigan, with local offices in Texas, Illinois and Wisconsin. I· iI\-. i Throughout its 22 year history, Jay Dee has undertaken many types of projects including pump stations, bridges, shafts and water tunnel construction of water and sewer lines. Jay Dee has built more than 68 miles of tunnel on over 69 different projects throughout the states of Texas, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. These tunnels have been built in various types of geological conditions includingi hard and soft rock, soils ranging from gravels, sands, silts and clays, and combinations of all these materials. During the course of completing this work, Jay Dee has gained experience in nearly all types of tunnel construction methods and are considered as industry leaders in developing innovative methods to economically and efficiently complete tunnels. Jay Dee Contractors, Inc. is a world leader in longdistance pipe jacking technology and has built more tunnels with this technique than anyone in the united states. Jay Dee has produced cost estimates for hundreds of tunnel projects in the us and around the world, for bidding purposes and on a consultant basis. The company receives frequent inquiries from tunnel engineers throughout the country for guidelines on tunnel costs and information regarding tunnel construction methodology. Jay Dee Contractors, Inc.'s central office is staffed with six engineers, whose tunnel experience individually ranges from three to more than forty years. The company also has more than a dozen field 􀁾􀁡􀁮􀁡􀁧􀁥􀁲􀁳􀀬 supervisors and engineers with extensive tunnel experience. These field personnel are frequently consulted for review of tunnel methodology and production rates during the formulation of tunnel cost estimates. Jay Dee Contractors, Inc. is owned by 11 individual stockholders who are all active participants in company management. The primary corporate officers of Jay Dee are listed below: Thomas S. DiPonioi President and Chief Executive Officer John DiPonioi Executive Vice .President and Secretary Cornell TimneYiVice President Glen Rorisoni Vice President Michael A. DiPonioi Vice President and Treasurer ,IIi All these principles will be available for input on this project. 3. LICHLITER/JAMESON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Lichliter/Jameson & Associates, Inc. (L/JA) is a consulting engineering and planning firm, with offices located in Dallas, Austin, and Houston, Texas, as well as Phoenix, Arizona and Nashville, Tennessee. L/JA formed in 1972, has grown to a staff level of approximately 200 engineers, planners and technical support personnel. The Dallas Office was opened in 1980 in response to requests from two major clients. Today, the Dallas office has a Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) system and is linked with all five regional offices. The firm has been involved in both the public and private sectors dealing with major water resources proj ects, development processes, transportation planning and engineering, water and wastewater systems, surveying, and drainage design, including flood control. Our professional and technical staff is supported by state-of-the-art Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) system comprised by a VAX 11/751 Intergraph Computer and work stations. The applications of this system include land planning; street, highway, bridge and utility design; mapping and graphic presentation functions. 4. SOUTHWESTERN LABORATORIES SWL -A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION Quality Assurance. That has been the primary concern of Southwestern Laboratories since 1912. Our experienced professional staff is dedicated to providing our clients the competent service necessary to assure them the quality they demand. For this reason our staff has grown to 550 personnel in sixteen (16) offices. with these engineering, scientific and technical personnel, SWL is prepared to assist our clients in many areas of service. Clients who have dealt with Southwestern Laboratories in the past often don't realize our diversity, because we offer the personalized service of a much smaller firm. Our policies are apparent in the responsive attitude of our staff. Ours is· an environment where information and techniques flow between between professionals in all of our offices. . Ii --We can provide a single consultant or a team selected to suit the special needs of a particular project, both in the field as well as in our fullyequipped laboratories. Our specific services include: o Geotechnical engineering and exploration o Construction materials engineering and testing o Environmental engineering services o Asbestos services o Chemical analysis o Non-destructive examination o Welding inspection and testing o Metals testing and analysis o Wood products inspection and testing Southwestern Laboratories is one of the few recognized by the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation --a fact that reflects our commitment to evaluate and improve our services as well as maintain our high level of quality. It is significant that the strictest standards we follow are part of our own quality assurance program which we developed to enhance and preserve our credibility. COMPANY ORGANIZATION Southwestern Laboratories, Inc., is a privately held corporation with all stock owned by about 100 key employees and officers of the firm. It was incorporated under the laws of 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁾􀁴􀁡􀁴􀁥 of Texas on September 24, 1917. The Board of Directors sets policy and overall direction for all facets of the operations. The President of Southwestern Laboratories, Warren N. Lacey, P.E., is located in Dallas and is the Chief operating Officer of the company. He is responsible for the overall operation. Managers for each office are located at particular geographic locations (e.g., Dallas, Fort Worth, etc.), and are responsible for the coordination and execution of all engineering, inspection and testing as services assigned to them. These Managers have reporting to them engineering, inspection, and testing personnel as required. They coordinate with the Department Managers as appl icable and, when necessary, for technical support. - Department Managers within each office are responsible for the coordination and the execution of engineering, inspection, and testing within their particular service disciplines, such as Nondestructive Examination Department, Metals and Metallurgy Department, Geotechnical Engineering Department. The Department Managers have the responsibility and authority for personnel qualifications and adequate staffing. The Department Managers have reporting to them engineering, inspection and testing personnel as necessary to accomplish the execution of their· particUlar discipline. The Department Managers report directly to the Office Manager. The Manager of the Dallas office is Robert V. Scott. SWL's North Texas Geotechnical Division covers a wide geographical area and operates out of Dallas. The manager of that division is Ralph Barnes, P.E. SWL's company-wide Quality Assurance Manager is charged with the responsibility for the overall surveillance of all facilities required to assure compliance with the procedures specified in the SWL Quality Assurance Manual. The Quality assurance manager reports directly to the President. C. CONTACT INFORMATION CONSOER,TOWNSEND & ASSOCIATES Consoer, Townsend & Associates (CT&A) will be the prime consultant. All contractual negotiations, billing, and project coordination with the client will be through CT&A. The contact person and address are as follows: Contact Person -Wilbur Van Riper, P.E. Title (project) -project Manager Address -9800 Richmond, suite 600 Houston, Texas 77042 Telephone -(713) 780-2441 LICHLITER/JAMESON & ASSOCIATES, INC. The name, address and telephone number of the contact person for Lichliter/Jameson, who will perform as subcontractors to CT&A is as follows: contact Person -Thomas R. Cravens, P.E. Title .,;;. Dallas Office Manager· . Address -1420 Mockingbird Lane, suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75247 Telephone -(214) 630-8867 JAY DEE CONTRACTORS The name, address, and telephone number of the contact person for Jay Dee Contractors, who will perform as subcontractors to CT&A is as follows: Contact Person -Michael A. DiPonio, P.E. Title -Vice President Address: 9300 Airline Houston, Texas 77037 Telephone -(713) 999-7734 Southwestern Laboratories The name, address and telephone number of the contact person for Southwestern Laboratories will perform as subcontractors to CT&A is as follows: Contact Person -Ralph B. Barnes, Jr., P.E. Title -Vice President/Manager Address: 2575 Lone Star Drive Dallas, Texas 75264 Telephone -(214) 631-2700 I I . II. ORGANIZATION A. DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES TO EXECUTE WORK. 1. UNIQUE MAKE-UP OF PROJECT TEAM: When consulting engineers consider methodology, constructability, and construction costs they frequently seek the advice of contractors who are specialists in the type of work being designed. At least this is Consoer Townsend's approach to many large proj ects where several construction methods could be employed. We have therefore included in our team Jay Dee Contractors Inc. who specialize in sewer tunnel construction. Jay Dee will be an integral part of the team and will function throughout all phases of the project, from report through design and construction phases. Their people will be assigned specifically to this project with specific tasks in all phases of the project as indicated in the following organization charts and description of responsibilities. Jay Dee Contractors will provide a unique depth of experience and insight especially relating to Risk Sharing, 􀁣􀁬􀁡􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁥􀁶􀁩􀁥􀁾􀀬 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁣􀁴􀁡􀁢􀁩􀁬􀁩􀁾and Qost 􀁥􀁾􀁾􀀡􀁭􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁾􀀮 Lichliter/Jameson is a very well qualified consulting engineering firm with offices in Dallas and Houston which allows for maximum coordination within the team structure and knowledge of local governmental, regulatory and highway permit requirements. Southwestern Laboratories also have offices in Dallas and Houston but more importantly have provided geotechnical services for many large tunnel projects in Dallas. 2. ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Consoer Townsend & Associates will be the prime contractor with the Project Manager, Wilbur Van Riper, in overall charge of the work. Both CT & A and Lichliter/Jameson will have project engineers in charge of the respective tasks assigned to each company in the report, design, and construction phase. Jay Dee Contractors will have a full time proj ect engineer assigned· during the construction phase who will assist the CT&A, resident engineer with detailed inspection of construction. During the report and design phase Jay Dee will perform· their assigned tasks and work closely with the CT&A project manager and project· engineer. During all phases of the work a quality assurance/quality control committee will be formed with a member from CT&A, Lichliter/Jameson and Jay Dee Contractors. critical path tasks and milestone review points will be developed along with review check lists which will require approval signatures from QA/QC committee, the project manager and the task assignee. The general breakdowns of tasks between team members, generally for all phases of work is as follows: Consoer Townsend & Associates: • preparation of report • Design • Hydraulics • structural • specifications • Drafting • coordinating soil report • construction management Lichliter/Jameson: • Topographic surveys • Horizontal and vertical control • Right of way and easements • Permits • Field coordination of geotechnical work. Public relations • As builts • Traffic control • Existing utility information Jay Dee Contractors: .Tunnel Construction cost estimates 0 Tunnel constructability • Design input with CT&A • Tunnel Safety • Tunnel Specification and risk risk sharing input with CT&A • Construction management with CT&A Southwestern Laboratories • Preliminary soil borings • final soil borings • Preparation of soil report • instrumentation • De watering. Design coordination with Jay Dee & CT&A 3 . ORGANIZATION CHARTS In order to illustrate our total organizational and management approach for this proj ect, from preliminary report to final completion of construction, we have prepared a separate organizational chart for each phase of the work. These separate charts are important since each phase of the project (report, design & construction management) require different degrees of involvement 􀁡􀁾􀁤 expertise from each of the team members. We wish to emphasize that the same team will be involved in all three phases of the project. The organizational charts are included in the following pages. -c ::D PJ·IO -ss;;::; :D-»G) CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH Z»Z TOlo'N OF ADDISON -::D -< 􀁾 C -m 0 PROJECT MANAGER !ll z Consoer, Townsend & Assoc. G) (') \.IilbJr Van Riper, P.E. Z ::I: QUALITY CONTROL 􀁾 » Corne II T;rmey, Jay Dee ::D Ray Harrington. ellA -I Jerry Davis, l/J A c: C-< PROJECT ENGINEER SPECIAL CONSUL TANT PROJECT ENGINEER Lichl; ter/Jameson & Assoc Jay Dee Contractor Consoer r Townsend & Assoc. Timothy Lockoy Michael Oi Ponio Peter H. BraU'l, P.E. I I I I EXIST. UT III liES & SURVEY I NG & MAPP I NG GEOTECHN I CAL PRELIMINARY DESIGN ESTIKATING & CADO & CC>