I Texas Department of Transportation REGIONAL PLANNING OffiCE 910-A N. WATSON ROAD • ARLINGTON, TX 76011-5262. (817) 640-6031 November 13, 2000 MR MICHAEL MURPHY, P.E. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TOWN OF ADDISON POBOX 9010 ADDISON TX 75185-0137 Dear Mr. Murphy, p,e.: The Texas Deparbnent of Transportation is preparing the Highway Element (TIP-HE), of the Transportation Improvement Program in cooperation with the North Central Texas Council of Govemments. The TIP is prepared for approval by the Regional Transportation CounCil, the transportation policy board for the Dallas-Fort Worth Region. The TIP establishes the selection of projects in conformance with the approved Mobility Plan and must include all state-federal projects receiving Federal funding. Inclusion of local govemment funded projects allows this document to depict implementation of the complete plan at ali levels and, thereby, become a more useful reference. This is a request for you to identify locally funded projects in your entity that are planned for implementation in the coming years. Please provide information for all projects for which your agency is responsible for construction or inspection if developer built/funded. Projects that should be included are: 1. Major new constructions or improvements to principle arterial, minor arterial or collectors that you might consider as regionally significant. Please do not include local street prOjects. 2. Channelization, signal progression or other traffic engineering improvements of similarly classified facilities. 3. Projects may only be included in the TIP-HE if your entity is willing to state that funding for the project will be available. For project listings that include a construction element, please indicate the month and year it will be opened for use. If your agency participated in the last TIP enclosed is a listing of your projects. Please mark your corrections or deletions directly on these sheets. New projects should be documented on the enclosed "Additional Projects" sheet. Your response is requested no later than close of business December 1, 2000. Sincerely yours, 􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀻􀀬􀁾􀀺􀀡􀀠􀀺􀁾􀀶􀀱􀀱􀀺􀁕􀁾􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀻􀁉􀀺􀀺􀀻􀁾􀀦􀁾􀀠rid 􀁔􀁜􀁍􀀧􀁾􀁣􀀢􀀮􀀠I U/9tu M A. You g '/Iv Regional Planninf Engin{ler MAY Enclosures An Equal Opportunity Employer 2000 TIP LOCALLY FUNDED. REGIONAlLY SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS DAllAS DISTRICT -FY 2000 (000's) November 2000 􀀢􀀬􀀻􀁣􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀢􀁾􀁬􀁾􀁾, "'"ill 􀁾􀀠1'81,,_ 􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀠1 􀁾􀀩J􀁾􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀮􀀠1'fi' .. 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠__ 􀁾􀀧􀀠􀁪􀁀􀁾􀁬􀀧􀁜􀀧􀁩􀀠1 􀁾􀀧􀁬􀁾􀁲􀁾􀀻􀁩􀁲􀀬􀀧􀀠􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠, 􀀺􀁾􀁅􀀨􀀧􀁬􀁾􀀱􀁉􀀧􀀬􀀢􀀬􀁜􀀧􀁻􀀱􀁩􀁒􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁣􀀮􀁻􀁉􀁾􀀡􀀱􀀧􀀢􀀠1n J ""l􀁲􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾__􀁾􀁟􀀧􀁟􀀭􀁟􀀭􀁟􀁟􀁟􀀠􀁾� �􀁝􀂧􀁩􀁌􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀠DALLAS DALLAS ADDISON ADD 120 BELT LINE RO AT DAlLAS NORTH TOllWAY WIDEN BRIDGE JUl2OO<) EST. DATE OF COMPLETION; PRINART 6t616 20 E.C,R S2.2OO I$2.200 AgentADD FY: 2000 #-of Projects;::: 1 Federal Costs Total = Slale Costs Total = Local Costs Total =2200 PHASE: C=CONSTRUC1l0N, P=PRELlMINARY ENGINEERING. R=RlGHT OF WAY Page 1 2000 TIP LOCAL!. Y FUNDED. REGIONALLY SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS DALLAS DISTRICT -FY 2001 1000's) Novembel 2000 􀀱􀀵􀁅􀁩􀁬􀀧􀀡􀁀􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁲􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁬.a:'i).iGi?t"f -􀁾􀀠1 􀁾􀁴􀁦􀀺􀁩􀀨􀀺􀀺􀂥􀁂􀁾􀁦􀀮􀀠� �􀀱􀀮􀀮􀀬􀁨􀀠1 I "",. ''''''''''@'®) ,. 􀁦􀁴􀁳􀁊􀁬􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁝􀁾􀀠I􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀧􀀬􀀱􀀼􀁅􀀠􀁬􀁾􀀠___---1 ,l!o1&r";l!i:i)W,;<';?Y,:z!Jj[, , ' 􀁾􀀡􀀠􀀬􀀾􀁾􀀠􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁬􀀧􀁾􀀬􀀩􀀳􀀠􀁪􀁾-' 􀀧􀀬􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁲􀁬􀁋􀁾􀀱􀁩􀁪􀁉� �􀀱􀀠:"___ 􀁟􀁟􀁾􀀬􀁟􀁾_______􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀠􀁌􀀻􀀻􀁾􀀠k 􀁾􀁟􀁊􀀠DALlAS DALlAS ADDISON ADD 134 AgentADO ARAPHOE RO ADDISOWRD MARStiLN MAJOR. CONSTRUCTION oemo. EST, DATE OF COMPLETION: FY. 2001 # of Projects= 1 Federal Costs. Total = PHASES llANO IIIP.E.IN ,.MINOR ART PROGRESS e,C.R1.' $8,300 01414 A.300 I Stale CO$ts Total -Local Costs Total -8300 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭� �􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭PHASE: C=CONSTRUCllON, P=PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING. R=RIGHT OF WAY Page 2 __ 2000 TIP LOCALLY FUNDED, REGIONALLY SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS DALLAS DISTRICT -FY 200. (OOO's) November 2000 􀀢􀁩􀁓􀁾􀀠􀂷􀀱􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀂷􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀹􀁾􀁾'",,'Ilf," . 1"=,,,,,, """"I -, I • 􀀧􀀮􀀧􀀳􀀡􀁩􀁾􀀠1 d-􀁾􀀠• --"'-"" 􀁬􀀮􀀻􀀮􀁾􀀠, 􀀧􀀻􀀧􀀻􀀡􀁾􀁤􀀠-'.,.,-I ",in" " 􀁾􀀬􀁴􀁩􀁊􀁩􀀮􀁲􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁀􀁬􀀢􀀧􀁩􀁬􀀧􀁩􀁬􀀺􀀠-, .' 􀁾􀀭􀀲􀀡􀁪􀀭􀀬􀁂􀀠I__".__􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠'" 􀀧􀁊􀀢􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀠-􀁬􀀷 􀀮􀀧􀁦􀀢􀁾􀀠_ _ _ "􀁉􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁶􀀻􀀻􀀼􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀼􀀠.''' . -􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁆􀁾􀁲􀀻􀀭􀂷􀀭􀀭􀁝, ." a._ 􀁾_________􀁾􀁟􀀧􀁟􀁟􀀠􀁩􀀺􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀁗􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀠􀁾􀀢􀁦􀀡􀀡􀀮􀀧􀀢􀁾􀀭. 􀁾􀀧􀀠, -,,' 􀁾􀁲􀁬􀂣􀂣􀁾􀀠􀀧􀀧􀁬􂂬􀁬􀁾􀀧􀀧� �􀀠'6 '. , OAllAS SPECTRUM DR CURRENTI..Y FUNDED FOR I DALLAS ARAPOHOERD COllECTOR 20 $300,000 RAILROAD CROSSING AIRPORT PKWVADDISON E.C05 $3,000MAJOR CONSTRUCTiON Of4l4DEC2004 EST. CATE OF COMPLETION:ADO 122 $3,000 I titate Cosls Total;: Local Costs Totar =3000A ntADD FY: 2004 # of Projects-1 Federal Costs Totat'HASE: C;CONSTRUCTION. popREL1MINARY ENGINEERING, RoRIGHT OF WAY PageS Regional Transportation Improvement Program Additional Projects Sponsor (City or County):_________________ Project is in ________ County (use project beginning if in two counties) Project name or description:__________________ Project Beginning: From(or At) : ________________ Project Ending: To:_____________________ Description of Work to be done: ________________ Check all that apply to this project: o ADD. LANES 0 TRAF. SIGNAUTIMING 0 REHABILITATION 0 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Project Length: __ ___ miles (nearest 1/100 th mile) Number of Traffic Lanes: __--'-,_--'-,__ (Present/this project/ultimate) This project is for: Engineering Right-ot-way _Construction __ (Check as needed) Funding Summary: Federal Funds 0 (by definition local sponsored projects State Funds 0 cannot use federal or state funds) Local Funds ___ (to nearest thousands ot dollars) This Project is to begin construction: ____(Month)of ___(Year) This Project is to open by: ____(Month) of ___(Year) Further Comments: (up to 75 characters) Regional Transportation Improvement Program Additional Projects Sponsor (City or County):_________________ Project is in ________ County (use project beginning if in two counties) Project name or description:_________________ Project Beginning: From(or At) : ________________ Project Ending: To:,____________________ Description of Work to be done: ________________ Check all that apply to this project: o ADD. LANES 0 TRAF. SIGNALITJMING 0 REHABILITATION 0 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Project Length: __ miles (nearest 1/100 th mile) Number of Traffic Lanes: __---!.,_---!.,__ (Present/this project/ultimate) This project is for: Engineering Right-of-way _Construction __ (Check as needed) Funding Summary: Federal Funds 0 (by definition local sponsored projects State Funds 0 cannot use federal or state funds) Local Funds (to nearest thousands of dollars) This Project is to begin construction: ____(Month) of ___(Year) This Project is to open by: ____(Month) of ___(Year) Further Comments: (up to 75 characters) I􀁾􀀻􀀪Texas Department of Transportation DEWITT C. GREER STATE HIGHWAY BLDG. -125 E. 11TH STREET -AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701-2483-(512) <163-8585 November 15, 1995 City Engineer/County Engineerl Director of Public Works! Maintenance Supervisor TxDOT's Aggregate Quality MonitOling Program (AQMP) and Rated Source Quality Catalog (RSQC) is enclosed for your infonnation and use. Before this revised program was adopted December I, 1994 the AQMP guidelines were reviewed and commented by representatives of the Texas Aggregates and Concrete Association (TACA) and the Texas Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Association (THMAPA), With the support from the industlY, the revised AQMP has been an effective and velY successful program, The AQMP not only reinfurces TxDOT's QC!QA specification for hot mix asphaltic concrete and the QClQA specification we are developing for Portland cement concrete, it also includes the following benefits: • Use of total statistical evaluation and nonnalized gradation, which provides TxDOT and/or aggregate users an efficient system for aggregate quality assurance and monitOling; • The AQMP and RSQC provide a standard of measure for quality aggregate products. Any govemment entity or commercial user can use the rated values as a basis for aggregate quality acceptance for requirements such as LA abrasion, soundness or polish value for coarse aggregatcs and acid insoluble for concrete fine aggregates; and • Substantial cost savings in materials control and acceptance to aggregate product users such as you, Currently the AQMP and RSQC infonnation are available through TxDOT's Construction Bulletin Board via CompuServe. The RSQC will be updated once every six months, effective June and December 1st. Please contact Chien Fu, P.E., Soils and Aggregates Engineer, to be placed on our mailing list for this publication. He can be reached at (512) 465-7334 or the above address, /.//' /, . //1 ///;/,/7/}/L' .I' /,}. Jeffrey Seiders, P.E. /Deputy Division Director Materials and Tests Division An Equal Opportunity Employer Employer .'. 􀁾􀀠. :.1. . 􀀺􀁾􀀠.y I Texas Department of Transportation DEWITI C. GREER STATE HIGHl'llA.Y BLDG. • 125 E. 11TH STREET. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701-2483. (512) 463-8585 Materials and Tests Division October 18, 1995 TO: All Producers and Users of Aggregate Products on tbe Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program SUBJECT: Revised Guidelines for the Materials and Tests Division's Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program and the Rated Source Quality Catalog Attached is a copy of the revised guidelines for the Materials and Tests Division's Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program (AQMP) and a Rated Source Quality Catalog (RSQC). The RSQC includes the rated source polish values (RSPV) as well as tbe rated source statistical values for other aggregate quality tests performed by tbe Materials and Tests Division. The rated source statistical values published in the RSQC will be valid 'from December I, 1995 through May 31, 1996, unless otherwise notified by the Materials and Tests Division. The RSQC contains the rated source statistical values for aggregate quality test results monitored by tbe Materials and Tests Division. The rated aggregate sources are those that regularly supply materials to tbe Texas Department of Transportation projects, and that are regularly monitored by Department personnel. The sources on the AQMP may supply aggregate product(s) to Department projects for the publisbed rated source statistical value(s) for the effective duration of the RSQC. The Materials and Tests Division will issue a test report to a Department project with the rated source statistical value(s) from the RSQC when advised by tbe project engineer that material will be furnished from one of the rated sources listed. Ifyou have any questions, please contact the following: Chien N. Fu, P.E. (512)465-7334 or Harold Albers, P.E. (512)465-7335 􀁴􀁦􀁴􀀮􀀬􀁾Deputy Division Director Materials and Tests Division JJS/CFI Attachment An Equal Opportunity Employer AGGREGATE QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM Purpose and Scope The Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program (AQMP) provides the requirements and procedures for the Materials and Tests Division to accept aggregate products that have demonstrated continuing quality and uniformity. The AQMP allows the Districts to use aggregates from rated sources qualified through AQMP without project specific testing by the Materials and Tests Division. The Districts only need to subject the aggregates to job control and independent assurance tests for final acceptance. The AQMP includes the Rated Source Polish Value (RSPV) program. The AQMP is designed to provide continuous quality assurance of aggregate products. The program includes: • quality monitoring of aggregate products representing normal production at a single source; • statistical evaluation of recent aggregate quality test histories; • expediency in aggregate quality acceptance; and • optimized resource utilization by reducing aggregate acceptance on a test-prior-to-use basis. Definitions The following terms are used throlighout the description of this program, and the intent and meaning of these terms are defined below: Aggregate -a hard, inert, granular material such as sand, gravel, slag, crushed stone, lightweight aggregate, used as a component of mortars, concrete, or bituminous mixtures, or alone as a base or subbase course, or as a loose assemblage for foundation, drainage, bank protection, filter material, bedding purposes, or other potential usage for highway construction. Department -Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Source/Pit -a geographical location of naturally occurring material which can be mined or quarried from the original in-situ deposit. Lightweight Aggregate -expanded clay, shale or slate produced by the rotary kiln method. Rated Source -a source with one or more aggregate product(s) meeting the AQMP eligibility and acceptance criteria and rated statistically by the Materials and Tests Division for quality. 1 Rated Source Quality Catalog -a catalog published biannually by the Materials and Tests Division to update the rated source statistical values for the quality tests covered by the AQMP. Producer . any business or individual seeking to supply aggregate to the Department or contractors of the Department. Product . a type, grade or class (by TxDOT specifications) of aggregate from a single source. Job Control Tests -tests routinely performed by the districts on a project basis to meet the specification requirements. Independent Assurance Tests -tests performed by Department personnel who do not normally have direct responsibilities for quality control or quality assurance sampling and testing for a particular project. They are used for the purpose of making independent checks on the reliability of the QC/QA program. Quality Assurance -the Department's management method of evaluating the consistency of aggregate products' quality including the use of AQMP samples and test results and source inspection to monitor the quality, uniformity and acceptability of aggregates. Quality Control (QC) -the producer's management method of controlling and making adjustments to processing techniques of parent materials including the use of QC samples and tests and other available information to establish and maintain the specified quality of a product. Quality Control Plan (QCP) -an over-all system developed and used by a producer that ensures that the produced aggregate products will meet the specified quality standards. Probational Status -a status assigned to an aggregate product on the AQMP when its rated source statistical value (with the exception of polish value) is within 10 percent of the Department's standard specification limit. Check Sample -an additional AQMP sample to be tested to replace the original AQMP test results. Informational Sample -a sample taken and tested for informational purpose only, and it cannot be used as a substitute for a project or AQMP sample. Informational Test(s) -test(s) not requested by the the district for project sample or not required for the maintenance of the AQMP, but performed on project or AQMP samples by the Materials and Tests Division for additional information to establish the quality test history of an aggregate product. 2 •• •• •• • Reference Test Report -AQMP test reports issued to current projects and/or requisitions_ Reference test reports should not be issued more than six (6) months after an AQMP sample date. Normalized Gradation -a standardized gradation derived from the median of the specified gradation limits and based on 100 percent of the material retained on a designated sieve size. Selective Quarrying -the practice of processing certain strata or layers of material for a designated aggregate product. Materials and Tests Division Responsibilities The Materials and Tests Division (Soils and Aggregates Section) is responsible for requesting AQMP samples, testing, reporting, and qualifying aggregates in the following areas: Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete Los Angeles abrasion (Tex-410-A) 5-cycle magnesium sulfate soundness (Tex-411-A) 5-cycle sodium sulfate soundness (Tex-411-A) potential alkali reactivity (ASTM C 227) Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete • acid insoluble (Tex-612-J) • potential alkali reactivity (ASTM C 227) Natural Aggregate for Asphaltic Concrete or Surface Treatment Los Angeles abrasion (Tex-4l0-A) 5-cycle magnesium sulfate soundness (Tex-411-A) polish value (Tex-438-A) Natural Aggregate for Micro-surfacing • 5-cycle magnesium sulfate soundness (Tex-4l1-A) Lightweight Aggregate for Asphaltic Concrete or Surface Treatment • Los Angeles abrasion (Tex-410-A) • freeze thaw loss (Tex-432-A) • pressure slake loss (Tex-43l-A) • polish value (Tex-438-A) Distriots' Responsibility It shall be the responsibility of the district within which the AQMP source is located to: • take AQMP samples from active sources; • split AQMP samples with the producer's designated quality control personnel; • verify the plant and pit locations; and • notify the affected contractor of any status change of AQMP sources upon receiving notice from the Materials and Tests Division. 3 The user district is responsible for job control testing and final acceptance of the aggregate product. If, in the opinion of the district, there is a change in aggregate production and/or quality, the district can request the Materials and Tests Division to investigate the source/pit conditions to ensure continuous quality of aggregate products from the source in question. When material from an AQMP source has questionable quality and is designated for a Department project, the user district should submit a sample as a "QM check for questionable quality", and the sample ID form should indicate which test the district is concerned about. This test result will be subjected to the routine AQMP maintenance criteria. Producer's Responsibility To maintain a source on the AQMP, it shall be the producer's responsibility to notify the Materials and Tests Division of any changes in ownership, pit and/or plant location, and designated quality control personnel at the plant. Failure to inform the Materials and Tests Division may result in removal of the source from the AQMP. The producers may formulate and execute a Quality Control Plan to control the quality and consistency of aggregate products produced. Quality Control Plan The producers are encouraged to develop and implement a Quality Control Plan (QCP) for the routine quality control testing of their aggregate products. The consistency of the producer's quality control test results will be evaluated by the Materials and Tests Division to assist in determining if a check sample is warranted. The check sample test results will be used to replace the original AQMP sample test results. The producer's QCP should include, but is not limited to, the following: + point and method of sampling;+ type, frequency and method of quality control testing;+ records review and monitoring;+ qualifications and responsibilities of quality control personnel; and + plan for communications and reporting to the Materials and Tests Division of failing quality control test results and corrective actions taken. Source Eligibility Criteria AQMP is applicable only to aggregates produced from a single source or pit. A source may be expanded to include its adjacent properties if the materials produced are the same and when approved by the Director of Materials and Tests Division. AQMP will include naturally blended aggregates only if the component materials originate from a single source or pit. This program will exclude artificially blended products of aggregates. 4 AQMP Acceptance Criteria To be accepted on the AQMP, the individual aggregate product must meet the following: • have a test history of at least five TxDOT projectsamples (of the same type and grade as described under Normalized Gradation and Standardization) within the past two years; this may include informational test histories established from TxDOT project and/or AQMP samples but excluding informational samples; • the five most recent project sample test results satisfy the standard specification requirements; • the sampling dates of the above five project samples are at least one month apart; • the statistical rating of the 5-sample test history meets the standard specification requirements; and, • the supplier maintains at the pit/plant a map delineating the boundaries of the source. The Materials and Tests Division reserves the right to accept an aggregate product on the AQMP based on four satisfactory TxDOT project sample test results. Statistical Evaluation With the exception of potential alkali reactivity, the AQMP acceptance and maintenance will be based on the statistical evaluation of the required test history using the following equations: (1) R = X + P (MS/N) 0.5 for Los Angeles abrasion, soundness, pressure slake, and freeze thaw loss or (2) R = X -P (MS/N) 0.5 for acid insoluble and polish value where: R = the statistical value, rounded to a whole number (except for pressure slake and freeze/thaw which are rounded to the nearest tenth) X = mathematical average of the 5 most recent test results P = 3.747, which is the percentile value representing the maximum (Equation 1) or minimum (Equation 2) of 99 percent of the test result outcome N = 5, which represents the number of test results used in the statistical calculation MS = Variance of the 5 most recent test results 5 NOTE: Equation 2 and a 90 percent percentile value of P = 1.533 will be used to calculate the statistical value for polish value. The AQMP will identify the statistical values of the quality tests by Rated Source as: RSLA for rated source Los Angeles abrasion RSSM for rated source 5-cycle magnesium sulfate soundness RSSN for rated source 5-cycle sodium sulfate soundness RSPV for rated source polish value RSAI for rated source acid insoluble RSFT for rated source freeze thaw loss RSPS for rated source pressure slake loss Example: Five most recent polish value test results are 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34. L X 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 160 X = = 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀭􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀭􀀭---= = 32 N 5 5 L (X') = (30)' + (31)' + (32)2 + (33)' + (34)2 = 900 + 961 + 1024 + 1089 + 1156 = 5130 (LX)' = (30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34)' = (160)2 = 25600 5130 . 0.2(25600) N-1 4 5130 -5120 10 = 􀀭􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭= = 2.5 4 4 RSPV = X 1.533 (MS/5)o.5 = 32 -1.533 (2.5/5)°·5 = 32 -1.533(0.707) = 30.916 or 11 The statistical analysis will not use a single high or low test result, though it may represent comparatively better quality, because of the adverse affect it may have on the statistical rating of a source. The single high or low test result representing better quality may be replaced by the closest test value among the five test results. A single high or low test value is defined by a deviation of 25 percent or more from the average of the other four test results. No source will be assigned a Rated Source polish value that is lower than the lowest test value used in the statistical calculation. 6 AQMP Maintenance The AQMP shall be maintained by statistical analyses of AQMP quality test results. Upon acceptance of an aggregate source or product on the AQMP, an AQMP sample will be requested and tested. The test results of the first AQMP sample and the four most recent project samples will be analyzed statistically to assign the first AQMP rating for the product. Test results of subsequent AQMP samples, either scheduled or unscheduled, will be used to replace the original project sample test results. The Materials and Tests Division will notify the producer, by letter, of his most recent AQMP sample test results. An aggregate product will remain on the AQMP as long as its statistical rating of the five most recent project and/or AQMP sample test results continues to remain within the standard specification limits. An aggregate product will be placed on a probational status for more frequent sampling and testing when its rated source statistical value (excluding RSPV) is within 10 percent of the Department's standard specification limits. To maintain an aggregate product on the AQMP, it is dependent upon the effectiveness of the producer's quality control effort as evidenced by the consistent quality and uniformity of the products. As long as the aggregate source/product is sampled and tested for the AQMP, the Materials and Tests Division can issue reference test reports to meet Districts' needs. The current AQMP statistical rating on the quality of the product will be provided on the reference test reports. Check Sample The Materials and Tests Division has the option to test a check sample and replace the original AQMP test result(s) only if: • the producer has a quality control plan (QCP) approved by the Materials and Tests Division; • the producer submits monthly quality control test data to the Materials and Tests Division on a quarterly basis; and • the producer's recent (up to two years) split sample test histories are within the following limits of the Materials and Test Division's AQMP split sample sample test results; L.A. abrasion (all aggregates) -----------±3 Soundness (bituminous aggregates) -------... ±3 Soundness (concrete aggregates) -----... ---±2 Pressure Slake (lightweight aggregates) ±0.5 Freeze Thaw (lightweight aggregates) -------±1.0 The Materials and Tests Division will not accept a waiver of any AQMP sample test result due to the producer's inability to develop and implement a QCP. To request a check sample, the producer should submit a letter of request to the Materials and Tests Division, along with his most recent quality control test 7 data, stating the AQMP test he believes to be in question. The Materials and Tests Division will analyze and evaluate the test result difference and determine if a check sample and retest is warranted. The Materials and Tests Division will evaluate the producer's quality control test data for all previously stated tests except: • potential alkali reactivity (ASTM C 227) • acid insoluble (Tex-612-J) • polish value (Tex-438-A) Normalized Gradation and Standardization Normalized gradation and standardized maximum aggregate sizes will be used in AQMP. This reduces the impact of aggregate size and gradation on the consistency of LA abrasion and soundness test results. The median of the specification gradation shall be normalized based on 100% retained on a 1_9 rom (No. 10) sieve for bituminous coarse aggregates, 100% retained on a 4.75 rom (No.4) sieve for concrete coarse aggregates, and 100% retained on a 300 urn (No. 50) sieve for.microsurface aggregates. The following normalized gradations and standardized maximum aggregate sizes will be used by the AQMP. Bituminous Coarse Aggregate Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete (HMAC) • LA Abrasion -Type C (passing 9.5 rom (3/8") sieve) • Soundness and Freeze Thaw Loss -Normalized Gradation, Item 340, Type D Percent Size Passing Size Retained 13 12.5 rom (1/2 11 ) 9.5 mm (3/8") 50 9.5 mm (3/8") 4_75 rom (No.4) 37 4.75 mm (No.4) 2.36 mm (No.8) Surface Treatment (ST) • LA Abrasion -Type C (passing 9.5 rom (3/8") sieve) • Soundness and Freeze Thaw Loss -Normalized Gradation, Item 302/303, Grade 4 Percent Size passing Size Retained 28 12.5 rom (1/2") 9.5 mm (3/8") 72 9.5mm (3/8") 4.75 rom (No.4) • Freeze Thaw Loss -Normalized Gradation, Item 303, Grade 3 Percent Size Passing Size Retained 17 16.0 rom (5/8") 12.5 rom (1/2") 54 12.5 rom (1/2") 9.5mm (3/8") 29 9.5 mm (3/8") 4.75 rom (No.4) 8 Micro-Surface (MS) • Soundness Loss -Normalized Gradation, Special Specification Item 3002 Percent Size passing Size Retained 17 4.75 mm (No.4) 2.36 mm (No. B) 23 2.36 mm (No. B) 1.lB mm (No. 16) 20 1.18 mm (No. 16) 600 urn (No. 30) 14 600 urn (No. 30) 300 urn (NO. 50) 26 300 urn (No. 50) Concrete Coarse Aggregates Portland Cement Concrete • LA Abrasion -Type B(passing 3/4") • Soundness Loss Normalized Gradation, Item 421, Grade 5 Percent Size passing Size Retained 66 19.0 mm (3/4") 9.5 mm (3/8") 34 9.5 mm (3/8") 4 . 75 mm (No.4) Source Removal and Reinstatement When the statistical rating of an aggregate product on the AQMP fails to meet the specification requirement, the Materials and Tests Division will take the following actions: (1) review the producer's recent quality control test history, if the data are current in 􀁾􀁨􀁥􀀠Materials and Tests Division's pit file, and determine if the condition warrants a check sample; (2) if the condition does not warrant a check sample or the check sample test result failed to produce a statistical value that satisfies the specification 􀁲􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀬􀀠the Materials and Tests Division will immediately notify the aggregate supplier and TXDOT user districts of the unsatisfactory statistical value; and within 15 calendar days of completing the quality test(s), send a written notice to the aggregate supplier and TxDOT user districts to remove the aggregate product from the AQMP, effective 60 days from the test completion date. It shall be the district's responsibility to notify the affected contractor of any status change of AQMP sources upon receiving notice from the Materials and Tests Division. When a source is removed from the program, AQMP samples are no longer taken. Once removed from the AQMP, the aggregate product can only be supplied to Department projects and requisitions on a test-prior-to-use basis. The Materials and Tests Division is responsible for aggregate quality testing at a rate of a minimum one test for approximately each 25,000 tons or 20,000 20,000 cubic yards. Reinstatement to an active status on the AQMP will 9 require re-establishing a satisfactory project sample test history and meeting the AQMP acceptance criteria. Producer Code Number Each source or pit on the AQMP shall be assigned a five digit producer code number. This number identifies all test data from that source for statistical analyses. Changes in source ownership will not affect AQMP status unless significant production processes are changed. A list of current AQMP sources and products is in CICS, ETC library member CYV.QMAGGSRS, D9MIFILE for Department users. For public access, this information can be obtained through the Department's Construction Bulletin Board. AQMP Sample Responsibility and Test Frequency Samples from each AQMP source shall be taken by an authorized representative of the Department. The authorized sampler (Level IA HMA Certified by the Department) will sample each aggregate product according to Test Method Tex-400-A and split all AQMP samples with the producer. For concrete and bituminous natural aggregates, the sampling rate shall be at least one sample for every six months. A more frequent sampling rate (one sample every two to three months) may be applied to a source when (1) the recent test history indicates a significant decline in material quality, or (2) its aggregate product{s) on the AQMP has been placed on a probational status. For polish value of bituminous aggregates, the sampling rate will be increased to once every three months if the spread of the five most recent test results is equal to or greater than 6. Lightweight aggregates on AQMP are normally sampled and tested monthly. Sampling and testing frequency of lightweight aggregate may be reduced to one sample every two to three months only if the producer's monthly quality control test results have been consistent with the Materials and Tests Division's test results. The Materials and Tests Division will evaluate AQMP split sample test results and determine the reliability of the producer's quality control test data. AQMP samples may be requested and/or taken by the the Materials and Tests Division at any time. Exceptional Sources All natural coarse aggregates for HMAC, surface treatment and Portland cement concrete may qualify for AQMP soundness exemption if the AQMP product: + produces a L.A. abrasion loss of no more than seventyfive (75) percent of the standard specification requirement; and + has a current rated source value for soundness (RSSM, 10 and RSSN if applicable) of no more than fifty (50) percent of the standard specification requirement. When the aggregate product meets both of the requirements stated above, the AQMP soundness test may be exempted. No more than one (1) exemption may be granted in any twelve (12) month period. Testing Gravel Samples for Polish Value If the district submits a gravel sample designated as uncrushed, the sample is tested as uncrushed. uncrushed, with all exposed faces If a gravel sample is designated by the district as crushed, sample is tested as crushed, with all crushed faces exposed. addition, a crushed face particle count is determined in accordance with Test Method Tex-460-A and reported as informational. In no case will the polish value test be performed on a combination of exposed crushed and uncrushed faces. the In Blending Polish Value Aggregates The AQMP will not rate and monitor artificially blended aggregate products for polish value. When blending is allowed by the specification, the formula in Test Method Tex-438-A, Part II, Method B shall be used to determine the blend percentages to achieve a combined polish value. The polish value blending formula is as follows: %H = where: %H = required percentage by volume of coarse aggregate with the higher polish value PV. = polish value specified pVh = RSPV or test result of the higher polish value material pVL = RSPV or test result of the lower polish value material The blending of aggregates for polish value shall meet all the blending requirements of the applicable specifications including testing for differential wear when required. For blended aggregates such as granite and trap, the AQMP will rate the lower polish value granite separately from the higher polish value trap rock from different production and stockpiles. A particle count shall be conducted on the blended granite stockpile and trap stockpile. The percentage of trap rock in the granite production stockpile shall be subtracted from the particle count of the granite production stockpile for use in the above equation. 11 Exceptions to RSPV Program Exception procedures to the polish value specifications are detailed in the Design Division Manual. Requests for exceptions must be processed through the Design Division on a project by project basis. Documentation of compliance with these procedures must be furnished to the Materials and Tests Division prior to the issuance of a test report that documents waiving of polish value requirement. Blending of Concrete Fine Aggregate Blended concrete fine aggregates will not be considered for AQMP acceptance. The Materials and Tests Division will maintain statistical ratings of acid insoluble quality test results only on a single-source basis. When blending of concrete fine aggregates is permitted by the user district, the following blending formula may be used to derive an equivalent acid insoluble for the composite material: (Al) (Pl) + (A2) (P2) Equivalent Acid Insoluble (tl = 100 where: Al acid insoluble of aggregate No. I A2 = acid insoluble of aggregate No. 2 Pl = percentage by weight of aggregate No. I in the blend P2 = percentage by weight of aggregate No. 2 in the blend Updating and Reporting of Rated Source Statistical Values The rated source statistical values for the quality tests covered by AQMP will be published once every six months effective June 1 and December 1 as the Rated Source Quality Catalog (RSQC). The RSQC will be issued approximately 45 days in advance of the effective date of the catalog. The RSQC is intended to replace the Rated Source Polish Value (RSPV) catalog. For rated sources where the statistical value changes with the issuance of a new RSQC, the effective date of the RSQC and the date of shipment of material are significant dates. Material shipped on or after the effective date of the RSQC will have the new RSQC statistical values. Materials shipped prior to the designated RSQC effective date will have the statistical values published in the previous RSQC. The RSQC will be distributed to the districts, producers of sources on the AQMP. and prequalified contractors. Public access to the RSQC is also available through the Department's Construction Bulletin Board. Test data will be gathered for a six-month period ending three months prior to the catalog effective date. Upon completion of the quality tests, the 12 Materials and Tests Division will perform the statistical calculation and revise the rated source statistical values. Unless the new statistical rating fails to meet the Department's specification requirement, the current rating will remain until the effective date of the next RSQC. If the AQMP or check sample produced a statistical value that fails to meet the Department's quality test specification requirement, the Materials and Tests Division will remove the aggregate product and its rating from the AQMP effective 60 days from the test reporting date. The Department's D9MIFILE and Construction Bulletin Board will reflect the current AQMP status of aggregate products. It shall be the user's responsibility to verify the aggregate product's AQMP status prior to use. For informational purposes, the Materials and Tests Division reserves the right to calculate and publish the statistical value of the five most recent project sample test results from non-AQMP sources/products. A clear distinction will be made between AQMP and non-AQMP sources/products in the RSQC. Selective Quarrying for High PV Aggregates The Materials and Tests Division may allow special quarrying under AQMP for high PV aggregates to optimize the usage of natural resources if the requirements for "Check Sample" are met, and • the source is located within the state of Texas or meets the Department's "sampling out-of-state aggregate sources" policy; • the source has the ability to produce pOlish value of 35 or more; • the source supplies polish aggregates to more than two districts; • the Materials and Tests Division has determined that the geological condition at a quarry has a very distinctive stratification that clearly separates the polish characteristics of the formation; Active Source For the purpose of calculating the statistical values (ratings), an active source is defined as one having been tested for AQMP quality tests within the previous data gathering period. Infor.mational Source An informational source is one which has not been tested for AQMP quality tests within the previous data gathering period. Such a source is not considered to be active on AQMP. Reference reports 13 cannot be issued more than six (6) months after an AQMP sample date. An informational source may be reactivated with a current statistical rating when: + the test results of the most recent two project samples are consistent with its previous AQMP test history; and,+ the statistical rating of test results from the current AQMP sample, the most recent two project samples, and the most recent previous two AQMP samples satisfy the Department's standard specification requirements. An informational source which has not been issued an AQMP or project test report by the Materials and Tests Division for more than two years will be removed from the AQMP. Once removed from the AQMP, the source can only supply aggregate product(s) to Department projects and requisitions on a test-prior-to-use basis. Reinstatement to an active status on the AQMP will require re-establishing a satisfactory project sample test history and meeting the AQMP acceptance criteria. 14 RATED SOURCE QUALITY CATALOG PRODUCER CODE (EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96) HMAC ST LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM .!i§g1 􀁾􀀠CONCRETE RSSM RSSN RSAI OTHER I. LIGHTWEIGHT TX Ind., Inc. 1817502 II. SANDSTONES Streetman 48 21 4 6 FT 303,Gr 3=6.8 FT 303,Gr 4=4.8 FT 340,Ty D=3.0 PS = 2.0 Arkho1a S & G Boorhem-Fields 0050118 0050437 Preston Apple, OK 38 37 30 31 26 17 19 12 27 5 2 Micro (100*)RSSM=24 Delta Mat1s 1402704 Brownlee 40 26 15 12 Dolese Bros 0050411 Cyril, OK 43 36+ (31) 24 III. LIMESTONES-DOLOMITES Alamo Conc. 1501516 Evans Rd. (35) ( 35) (17) 4* Alamo Cone. (SW) 1424603 weir 30 34 26 24 39 (23) 10 (8* ) Mis Matis 0050407 Stringtown, OK 33 23 15 13 21 6 4 Boorhem-Fields 0050434 Mill Creek 27 12 10 24 7 1 Boorhem-Fie1ds 1817504 Richland 32 33 (40 ) (33) Bu.rkett, Zack 0325204 Perry #2 31 30 20 15 Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* ) Not on AQMI? + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive concrete Aggregate. 1 , EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM RSLA RSSM RSSN RSAI OTHER Capitol Aggrs 1424604 Wood 30 32 26 19 36 15 6 (3 *) Centex Matls 1410607 Ruby 33 33 30 22 33 (24) (12) Colorado MatIs 1504605 Hunter 30 31 21 18 32 18 10 1 Contract Paving N.E. pit (30*) (31*) (29*) CSA 0722610 Maier 37 33 (30* ) (21*) Dolese Bros 0050412 Ardmore, OK 27 27 14 11 28 12 11 Dolese Bros 0050414 Coleman, OK 28 28 13 12 23 7 3 Dolese Bros 0050415 Cooperton, OK 27 28 6 5 27 4 2 Dolese Bros 0050405 Richard Spur 30 28 13 12 26 9 3 Dravo Basic 0050501 Three Rivers 30 28 19* 15 Franklin Ind.Min 0901404 Nolanvile (43 ) (25 *) (23*) Gifford-Hill 1504603 New Braunfels 30 30 19 18 32 8 3 3 Gifford -Hill 0224901 Perch Hill 27 27 10 6 26 3 2 3 Jobe Concrete 2407201 MCKelligon Dolo 29 26 15 13 27 8 2 Lampasas Kempner (11*) Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* ) Not on AQMP. + IlMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive Concrete Aggregate. 2 EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM .Mllli RSLA RSSM illID! Bmll. OTHER Lattimore 0050430 Coleman 28 7* 5 27 2 1 Luhr Bros 0050601 Tower Rock 36 35 30 22 (40 ) (19) (14) Marock 0224921 Chambers 35 30 25 (29 *) (14 *) (9 *) Pioneer Aggrs 0224902 Bridgeport 31 33 25 22 33 12 3 2 Pioneer Aggrs 1402701 Clinton 25 23 3 2 17 1 1 Pioneer-Chico 0224905 Davis 28 28 14 13 30 7 5 2 Price Constr. 0708802 Clements 34 29 (33) 25 Quarry MatIs SH 211 (35* ) (10*) (8 *) Redland Stone 1501503 Beckmann 32 34 20 16 36 10 4 2 Reed Cr. Stone 0050502 Reed (24* ) (4*) (2 *) (22*) (2 *) (1 *) Smith Cr. Stone 0914708 Bullard 41 32 10 7 (29 *) (4*) (2 *) Sunbelt 1504602 New Braunfels 28 31 15 11 34 8 5 3 Sun City Hueco (25*) (18*) (17*) Tex Cr Stone 1424602 Feld 33 33 16 14 32 7 4 Tex Industries 0224904 Bridgeport 32 30 24 17 31 13 5 2 Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive concrete Aggregate. 3 l EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM RSLA RSSM RSSN RSAI OTHER Thompson, J. R. 0316905 Nunnely 38 36+ (65) (63 ) Vulcan Matls 0822107 Black 33 34 (41 ) (38 ) Vulcan Matls 2302501 Brownwood 24 10 8 27 12 4 3 Vulcan Matls 2306805 Eastland 28 11 7 29 12 4 Vulcan Matls 0218409 Kelly 30 30 21 17 26 10 8 Vulcan Matls 1501506 FM 1604 30 29 18 16 33 17 11 3 Vulcan Matls 1501514 Helotes 32 34 24 24 31 17 9 4 Vulcan Matls 1501507 Huebner Rd 30 29 11* 10 33 10 6 2 Vulcan Matls 1523205 Smyth 40 36+ 29 22 Vulcan MatIs 0040102 Sactun 34 28 15 12 32 7 2 Word, Dean 1402702 Dow Chemical 25 31 10 8 30 4 1 Young Bros Mexia (38 ) (47) (39) (35*) (24*) (15*) IV. CALICHE Trinity Matls 0615601 Tubbs 40 38+ (46* ) (41) (32) (29 ) (29) Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* ) Not on AQMP. + IlMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive concrete Aggregate. 4 EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA .Mm1 .Mm1 RSLA RSSM .Mm:l. RSAI OTHER V. NOVACULITE Herzog Stone 0050115 Hatton,AR(NOVA) 34 24 11* 9 VI. GRAVELS Alamo Ready Mix 1516302 MUImne 28 4 3 5 Alto Bonito 2121401 La Grulla 29 20 8* 5 21 10 5 83 Arnold, Mike 1307604 zapalac (28 *) (3 *) (1 *) 95 Arnold, Mike 1304527 Burnham Ferry (24 *) (3 *) (1*) (96 *) B & B Grvl 1304528 Bunge 25 4 1 99 Baker, E. D. 0411807 Johnson 32 37+ 15 7 35 8 2 (98* ) Bay Inc. 2106706 Sweet 16 31 20 5 4 18 5 2 Bay Inc. Freeborn (97* ) Borger S & G 0411801 Spring Creek 31 35 27 20 32 15 9 90 Brazos Point Inc 0901802 Brazos Point 28 25 16 14 27 15 11 66 Bryan Co. S & G 0050401 Yuba, OK 98 C & C Matis 2124015 Buena Vida Rnch 83 Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* ( ) Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive concrete Aggregate. 5 EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION 􀁾􀁾.!.lli.§M 􀁾􀀠RSLA .!.lli.§M .!l§llli .ruag OTHER Capitol Aggrs 1422702 Balm Rd. 27 6 4 84 Capitol Aggrs 1501515 LOOp 1604 E., 112 20 3 1 24 1 1 39 Capitol Aggrs 1501518 Loop 1604 W. 23 3 4 24 2 1 30 Capitol Aggrs 0723301 Del Rio 30 22 4 3 24 3 3 54 Centex Ready Mix 0901402 Leon River 30 16 7 44 Cle-Tex San Jacinto R (100* ) Cle-Tex Wiskey Branch (99 *) Collier 1402703 Richter (95) Crockett S 5< G 1715401 Midway 22 10* 7* 25 7 6 95 Curry 2306804 Eastland 98 Eagle S 5< G 1515902 Eagle Pass 25 3 2 53 E 5< A 0050406 Waurika 89 E. Tx Matls 1010803 Creslenn 25 12 9 25 7 6 81 Elder Ind. Magnolia Sprgs 100 Espy Silica 1500704 Espy 99 Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* ) Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive Concrete Aggregate. 6 EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER 􀁾􀀠LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM 􀁾􀀠RSSM RSSN RSAI OTHER Elm Creek Matls 0720003 Mansel 72 Fordyce Co. 1323501 Briggs 19 6 1 94 Fordyce Co. 1323502 Chipley 20 3 1 95 Fordyce Co. 2110904 Showers 29 26 17 12 21 12 4 82 Gifford-Hill 1702101 Bench1ey 87 Gifford-Hill 1805716 Cobb #4 32 21 17 28 11 4 75 Gifford-Hill 0050116 Delight 33, 22 7 5 25 8 6 100 Gifford-Hill 0050119 Eagle Mills 32 22 5 6 26 9 3 Gifford-Hill 1807101 Ferris 29 15 8 74 Gifford-Hill 0050114 Little River 35 23 7 5 27 8 2 100 Gifford-Hill 0050428 Seitz 82 Gifford-Hill 0050206 Sibley (98 *) Gifford-Hill 0916101 Stewart 27 15 17 28 9 9 70 Gilvin-Terrell Attabury (27* ) (11*) (9 *) • Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available. ) Not on AQMP. + !!MAC Only. R Alkali Reactive Concrete Aggregate. 7 EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV B§m1 RSSM RSLA RSSM RSSN RSAI OTHER􀁾􀀠Gilvin-Terrell Mansfield (30*) (15*) (12*) Gilvin-Terrell Roach (32 *) (12* ) ( 10*) H & B Contrs Ramos (80*) Hallett Matls 1217007 Porter 100 Hallett Matls Porter #2 (100*) Holsey S & G 1010801 Jomac 75 HOpeS&G 0050426 Bryan Co. 100 Ingram Ent. 0221305 Glen Rose 29 15 5 87 Ingram Gravel 1516308 Hondo-Devine 27 4 2 9 Ingram RdyMix 1513305 Drymala 28 6 2 Janes, R. E. 0822104 Blackburn 23 9* 8 25 5 4 63 Janes, R. E. 0801701 Goode-Anderson 25 9 6 26 8 2 89 Janes, R. E. 0505402 Woods (uncrush) 28 27 30 25 28 (25) (16) 69 Jobe Cone Prod 2407203 Newman 99 R Jobe Cone Prod 2407216 Section 10 98 Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive Concrete Aggregate. 8 I EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM RSSM RSSN RSAI OTHER􀁾􀀠Kennedy S & G 1901902 Kennedy 27 6 2 100 Kennedy S & G 0050120 Lockesburg 23 8 5 100 King S & G 1010804 King 27 9 5 84 La Grange C & A 1307601 Kirtley 28 5 1 94 Lampasas 1402708 Oakalla 31 (19) 12 18 Lattimore 0109201 Ambrose 97 Leyendecker 2124010 Dolores Ranch 19 R 4 1 96 R Leyendecker 2124014 Tasitas 29 21 8 3 LA Ind. 0050201 Julacoca 19 2 1 100 Matador Matls 2517307 W Campbell 34 36+ 26 20 29 (20) 9 73 McMahon RdyMx 0811511 McMahon 28 6 3 Milligan 0411808 Coon 31 14 13 Milligan 0418813 Kritser,B-54 (25* ) (16*) (13 *) Mineral Wells Brazos R (85 ) Morris S & G 1217009 Woodlands 96 Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* ) Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive Concrete Aggregate. 9 ,.;"'. EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM RSLA RSSN RSAI OTHER􀁾􀀠Palo Alto 1500702 pit #2 95 Pappy's S &: G 1813002 Rosser 76 Phipps S &: G 0618601 Grand Falls 22 4 1 69 Pioneer 1304509 Arena 24 4 1 99 Pioneer 1208003 Brookshire 25 8 2 94 Pioneer 1217008 Spring 99 Pioneer 1304504 Blue Roan Bend 24 2 1 96 Pioneer 2014610 Dolan 100 Pioneer 1304505 Eagle Lake 25 2 1 99 Pioneer 1304531 Stafford 24 4 1 100 Pioneer 1217006 Woodlands 28 2 1 100 Pitcock 0325202 Bunger 31 14 6 88 Porter S &: G 0623802 Porter 25 8 3 71 Price Benavides (18*) (7 *) (3*) Red R S &: G 0050429 Waurika 91 Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* ) Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive concrete Aggregate. 10 EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM RSLA E.§§M RSSN .R.§.g OTHER􀁾􀀠Red1and 1500703 Poteet 95 Sanco Mat1s 0704110 Blackburn 24 8 3 25 3 1 86 Schneider Matls Cleveland (100*) Schneider Matls Humble (99*) Schneider Matls Waller (100*) Services, J. B. 2014611 Belcher 99 Shamrock 2509701 McA1reath 89 S. Texas Aggrs 1523209 Knippa 28 28 3 2 26 2 1 7 S. Texas Resourc1307603 Adamcek 27 2 1 96 Southern Matls 1422708 Ramirez Lane 29 7 3 84 S Western State 0050436 Snyder 95 star Sand 1501517 Star 95 Stevens, Roger 1501001 Bandera 28 5 3 7 Tex Industries 1422701 Green 27 .5 5 83 Tex Industries 0222004 Hatton-Sumner (73 *) Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* ) Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive Concrete Aggregate. 11 . -,....,. ".' EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM RSLA RSSM RSSN RSAI OTHER Tex Industries 0224919 Paradise (47) B Tex Industries 0218407 Tin Top 26 5 2 90 Texsand Gravel 0817702 Hillsdale 21 14* 9 30 13 10 70 Tex S &: G 0418001 Mansfield 35 35 22 15 32 13 8 89 Tex S & G 0418812 Krister-Fain (34) (21) (10) 95 Thrasher S &: G 2517302 Thrasher 30 12* 10 MICRO Trans-Pecos 0619502 Hoban 38 31 16 13 19 R 8 1 RSSM=14 Trans-Pecos 0618607 Imperial 76 Trinity Matls 0916104 Luckett 24 12 10 28 9 5 84 Trinity Matls 0916105 Waco W Plant 216 26* 20* 20* 29 (28) (10) 77 Trinity MatIs 2014604 Rye 100 Trinity Matls 1805710 E. Fork #53 26 13 11 28 9 9 69 Trinity Matls 1817505 Valley Farms 80 Trinity Matls 0224909 Newark 93 Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available. ) Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive concrete Aggregate. 12 71 EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM RSLA RSSM RSSN RSAI OTHER Trinity MatIs 0212701 Cleburne 28 14 11 Trinity MatIs Chatfield (75*) Troy Vines 0623805 Vines 20 5 1 68 Tufco 0911001 Whitney 84 Upper Valley 2110905 D. Garcia 30 26 23 16 25 18 3 74 Valley Caliche 2110901 Beck 27 28 24 21 19 10 8 75 Vega S & G 0418002 Tom Green 33 31 14 10 (29) (12 ) (11) (84) Weirich Bros. 0713408 Bobby Davis 26 9 4 27 3 2 7 Weirich Bros. 1408702 Boerner 32 10* 8 30 12 5 65 Western S & G 0418802 Box Canyon 32 34 25 24 32 (31) (25) 87 Western S & G 0418004 Tascosa 33 29 14 10 32 13 7 89 Wright MatIs Co 2106701 Realitos 29 18 2 1 18 2 1 98 Wright MatIs Co 1617807 FM 3088 22 12 4 94 Wright MatIs Co 1617806 Klatt 97 Young Bros FM 1860 (24* ) (12*) (10*) (77*) Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available.* l Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive Concrete Aggregate. 13 EFFECTIVE 12/1/95 TO 5/31/96 HMAC ST CONCRETE PRODUCER CODE LOCATION RSPV RSLA RSSM RSSM RSLA RSSM 1ill1lli RSAI OTHER VIII. IGNEOUS ROCKS Granite Mtn. 0050106 Sweet Home, AR 27 29 5 3 (26*) (2*) (1*) Herzog Stone 0050121 Hatton,AR(Tuff) 36 22 18 16 Jobe Concrete 2407206 McKelligon 33 40 22 14 (30*) (5*) (2 *) (granite) Meridian Aggrs 0050438 Mill Creek, OK 33 30 4 3 (trap rock) ## Meridian Aggrs 0050433 Mill Creek, OK 30 32 4 3 (granite) Meridian Aggrs 0050435 Snyder, OK 31 24 6 6 (23*) (2*) (1*) Vulcan Matls 1523206 Knippa 32 14 8 4 Western Rock 0050309 Pedernal 38 15 8 4 ## -This aggregate product consists of two materials, crushed granite and crushed trap rock. which are quarried out of the same pit. In order to use this source for polish value material. a particle count of the total coarse aggregate is necessary. The polish values of the individual materials are then used in the blend formula to deterimine if the blend of material will meet the polish value specification. The trap rock contained in the the stockpile shall be considered as granite. * Estimated source value. An actual statistical value will be applied when five complete sets of data are available. ) Not on AQMP. + HMAC Only. R Alkali Reactive concrete Aggregate. 14 APPENDIX Sources With Skid Histories These sources have been tested for Skid and are elligible for individual project approval by the Design Division Pavement Section, based on roadway traffic volumes. Questions concerning sources not on this list should be directed to the District Laboratory Engineer/Supervisor in which the source is located, or is a primary user. PRODUCER Alto Bonito Bay, Inc. Bay, Inc. C &: C Matls Colorado Matls Flint Crushing Fordyce Gvl Co. Fordyce Gvl Co. Gifford·Hill Laredo Ready Mix Leyendecker Mat1s Leyendecker Mat1s Leyendecker Matls CODE 2121401 2106705 2106706 2124015 1504605 2110903 2110904 1504603 2124002 2124012 2124008 2124014 SOURCE La Grulla Bruni Sweet 16 Buena Vida Ranch Hunter Benivides Ranch Spaulding Showers New Braunfels La Bota Jacobs Reuthinger Tasitas 15 FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Sources With Skid Histories -Leyendecker MatIs 2124013 Upper Valley MatIs 2110905 Valley Caliche Prod 2110901 W.T.Liston (Crow Gvll 2110902 Wright Bros 2106701 Continued Uniroyal D. Garcia Beck LaJoya Realitos 16 I􀁾􀀬􀁾􀀠Texas Department of Transportation AVIATION DIVISION 125 E. 11TH STREET· AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701-2483 • 6121416·4500 • FAX 5121416-4510 RECEIVED January 10, 1996 rJ4N 16w-J Mr. Ronald Whitehead i ('TV 􀁲􀀧􀁾􀁁􀁨􀁬􀀠..' ,',.. '")I. ." ..' '(I 􀁉􀀧􀁾􀀺􀀬􀁾􀀠,i>":City Manager 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75240 Dear Mr. Whitehead: Recently, the Texas Department ofTransportation (TxDOT), Aviation Division, held a regional planning meeting in your area. At the meeting we discussed several airports in the region. Enclosed are the notes from the meeting relating to your airport as well as the revised development worksheets for your airport. Since the development worksheets are the basis for programming decisions, it is important that you review the worksheets and if you have any questions or concerns, please call me. Thank you for your interest in aviation and the TxDOT. We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, 􀀡􀀡􀁉􀁣􀁤􀁲􀁾􀀠Charles Riordan Airport Planner Enclosure An Equal Opponunity Employ.r Arlington Regional Planning Meeting June 29,1995 DALLAS COUNTY -Addison Airport (Dallas) Attendees: Edward Morales Addison Airport Manager Kurt Horn Assistant Airport Manager John Hill Assistant City Attorney Kirk Hemphill Senator Royce West's Office Gilbert Ybarra & Dick Bonner Kimley-Hom Chris Klaus & Julie Dunbar NCfCOG Tami Buch & Joe Washington FAA Mike Nicely FAA James Huffman & Curtis Oppermann Tillar -Dallas District Dave Fulton & Charles Riordan TxDar -Aviation Division George Dresser TIl (Moderator) Edward Morales began by mentioning that the Addison Airport, like most reliever airports, is unable to get funding this year due to the AlP funding cuts. Three major things are happening on the immediate horizon: a master plan is in the process of being funded, the control tower is being relocated, and they would like to build a parallel taxiway on the west side with an alternate use runway designation. This would improve capacity, safety, and efficiency. On Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings, there is a slight backup at north end for departures and arrivals. These projects will segregate some of the corporate traffic from the light twin and small single engine aircraft. Jet activity at the airport is very active and general aviation is doing extremely well in the north Dallas region. Fuel sales are up, and they would like the state to help with a GPS approach as soon as possible. The tollway authority is planning to construct a east/west toll road connecting the belt line with the north Dallas toll road. The connecting toll road will run underneath the airport, and the anticipated toll will be fifty cents. The Addison Airport is the third busiest GA airport in the U.s. and with the exception of the military, probably the busiest single runway airport,in the countly. The airport has seven hundred twenty-five based aircraft and is self sufficient. With as many aircraft as the airport has, there are an average of two noise complaints a month. The Dallas Mavericks' DC-9 is based at Addison, and the community is pretty active is promoting the benefits of the airport. The airport has 170,000 annual operations, with no local operations. Everything is an arrival or a departure. Texas Airport System Plan Airport Development Worksheet Printed 12/21/95 AIRPORT DESCRIPTION Revised 06/21/95 Airport: Addison County: Dallas Associated City: Dallas Airport 10: ADS 06-10 11-20 --Annual Activity -0-5 Year 95 r:"·"· . T T T Operations: . 172000 Year 0C-III Enplanements: 0 P --Based Aircraft --1 Total 725 Multi-Engine 100 Jet 70 Helicopter 15 􀁾􀀠Date Reported 06/08/95 T Airport Sketch (ADS) +27' POlE TA UNE r T t30'D TREES VAS/.. 'i\􀁖􀁾􀁖􀀠GS 􀀢􀁬􀁅􀁉􀀧􀀡􀁬􀁾􀁉􀁦􀀮 􀁬􀁁􀁌􀀠TRAFfIC PATIERN ALT: 1500' liS\. UGH ACfT 2000' MSl HEAVY ACfT AHD JETS .91 Design Standards Airport Reference Code: Runway Type: Aircraft Size: state Role: Service Level: -"AirportData Sponsor: City NPIAS No.: 48-0063 Site No. 23710.3A Approach: CAT-I Approach Mins.: 250-1 Approach Rwy: 15/33 Altimeter:" Y Temperature: 96 Elevation: 643 Public: Y PRI RW Wind Coverage: Note: Plans Completion Date ALP 12/15/94 AMP 08/01 /91 Regional 07/03/91 Texas Airport System Plan Airport Development Worksheet Printed 12121/95 DEVELOPMEI\lT BY TIME PERIOD Page Airport: Addison Revision Date Associated City: Dallas 06/21/95 Project Description Time Period: 0-5 Project Cost(SOOO) Canst Type Object Code Airport Active" CompPrior Proj Acquire property for west side paraliel TW construction 500,0 LAND CAPT PTXY 173 N Acquire property or RW protection zone easements for 11815,0 LAND CAPT aLSO 167 N approaches (118 acres) Construct connector TW and run-up area serving TW M 130.0 PAVE CAPT STXY 171 N Reconstruct existing connector TW and modify existing TW 44,0 PAVE RECN STXY 174 N fillets Rehabilitate existing paraliel TW and connector TW's and 1100.0 PAVE PRSV PTXY 178 N install MITL Rehabilitate. groove. and mark RW 15-33 and Instali MIRL 2300.0 PAVE PRSV PRWY 179 N Construct west side paraliel TW with connector TW's. fillets ond 3718,0 PAVE CAPT PTXY 175 N MITL Install PAP! RW 33 50,0 AAIO STDS PRWY 174 N Replace existing VASI RW 15 with PAPI 50.0 MID UPGR PRWY 173 N Install !LS with ALS on RW 15 500.0 MID STDS PRWY 174 N Install lighted wind cone and segmented circle 5,0 MID STDS ANAS 170 N Install security fencing with security access system 510,0 OTHR SAFE OLSO 167 N Construct east side fuel truck service road 268.0 OTHR STOS ANAS 167 N Construct perimeter road (0.9 miles) 80.0 OTHR CAPT OLSO 162 N Rehabilitate fuel farm 500.0 OTHR PRSV ANAS 168 N $21570,0Time Period: 0-5 Total Cost Project Const Object Airport' Active'Project Description Time Period: 06-10 Cost(SOOO) Type Code CompPrior' Proj Acquire land for fuel farm expansion (0.9 acres) 1000.0 LAND CAPT ANAS 170 N Construct connector TW serving west side paraliel TW 167.0 PAVE CAPT SRWY 172 N Construct apron/TW for west side executive hangars 117,0 PAVE CAPT APRN 174 N Construct apron/TW for west side T -hangars 400,0 PAVE CAPT APRN 174 N Construct apron/TW for east side T-hangars 386,0 PAVE STDS APRN 176 N 2 Texas Airport System Plan Airport Development Worksheet Printed 12/21/95 DEVELOPMENT BY TIME PERIOD Page Airport: Addison Revision Date Associated City: Dallas 06/21/95 Construct apron/TW for east side executive hangars 97.0 PAVE STDS APRN 176 N Construct apron for FBO hangar expansion 44.0 PAVE STDS APRN 176 N Construct corporate/FBO hangar apron 234.0 PAVE STDS APRN 176 N Extend east side parallel TW with lighting and run-up area 245.0 LITE CAPT PTXY 174 N Relocate ATCT and rotating beacon 4000.0 AAID STDS ANAS 170 N Raze existing hangars within proposed east side T-hangar and 72.0 OTHR STDS HANG 166 N executive hangar development area Install/modify security fencing 6.0 OTHR SAFE OLSD 167 N Construct apron/TW drainage improvements 100.0 OTHR PRSV APRN 170 N Construct 9 west side executive hangar units with auto 781.0 BLDG cm HANG 166 N parking Construct 27 west side T -hangar units 467.0 BLDG cm HANG 166 N Construct 31 east side T-hangar units 536.0 BLDG cm HANG 166 N Construct 16 east side executive hangar units with auto 1068.0 BLDG cm HANG 166 N parking Construct FBO hangars MO.O BLDG cm HANG 166 N Construct corporate/FBO hangars with auto parking 1469.0 BLDG cm HANG 166 N Time Period: 06-10 Total Cost $11829.0 Project Description Time Period: 11-20 Construct apron/TW for west side executive hangars Construct apron/TW for west side FBO hangar Construct apron/TW for east Side T-hangars Construct apron/TW for east side executive hangars Construct apron/TW for eastside T-hangars Construct corporate/FBO hangar apron Construct corporate hangar apron . Projedf Cost($OOO) 237.0 481.0 147.0 67.0 15.0 70.0 207.0 Const . Type PAVE PAVE PAVE PAVE PAVE PAVE PAVE Object Airport Active· Code Compprior Proj cm APRN 174 N cm APRN 174 N cm APRN 174 N STDS APRN 176 N STDS APRN 176 N STDS APRN 176 N STDS APRN 176 N 3 Texas Airport System Plan Airport Development Worksheet Printed 12/21/95 DEVELOPMEI\JT BY TIME PERIOD Page Airport: Addison Revision Date Associated City: Dallas 06/21/95 Raze existing hangars within proposed east side T-hangar/executive hangar development Install/modifv securitv fencing Construct apron/TW drainage Improvements Construct 17 west side executive hangar units with auto parking Construct west side FBO hangar with auto parking Construct 20 east side T -hangar units Construct 12 eastside exectutive hangar units with auto parking and access roadway Construct 10 east side executive hangar units with auto parking Construct corporate/FBO hangar with auto parking Construct 6 corporate hangar units with auto parking 9.0 40.0 100.0 1532.0 423.0 346.0 752.0 208.0 621.0 1736.0 OTHR OTHR OTHR BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG RECN SAFE PRSV CAPT .CAPT CAPT CAPT CAPT CAPT CAPT HANG 167 N OLSD 167 N APRN 170 N HANG 166 N HANG 166 N HANG 166 N HANG 166 N HANG 166 N HANG 166 N HANG 166 N Time Period: 11-20 Total Cost $6991.0 Time Period 0-20 Total Cost $40390.0 * Active pCQiects are omitted from totals. All costs are computed by a 3 year innation factor for planning purposes' however' 0-5 time frame could report hioher costs due to actual engineering estimates 1 Texas Airport System Plan Airport Development Worksheet '. PagePrinted: 12121/95 PROJECT HISTORY Airport: Addison Associated City: Dallas ;f,YRNo;/'FederaL 1976 $.11.900,000 1977 2 $2,300,000 1979 3 S260,000 1980 4 S500,000 1980 4 S500,000 1987 $162,000 1990 2 S400,000 1992 4 $1,550,000 •State' so so so $0 so $0 $0 so Local .. so so $0 $0 so so so so Item Description Acquire land;; Land;; Land;reroute powerlines;install fencing, drainage, lighted wind cones, and lighting controls Land;construct and mark TW; Land ;construct and mark TW; FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Plan Study and Master Plan Study;; Install security fencing. Rehab RW 15-33 & MIRL, upgrade MIAL System with RAIL (MALSR) 􀁾􀀪I Texas Department of Transportation P.O. BOX 3067 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75221-3067 • (214) 320-6100 12000 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75243 February 5, 1999 Subject: Notification for Annual Utility Meeting John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Dear Mr.Baumgartner: The adjustment of existing utility facilities is an integral factor in road construction and design. The inability to provide for efficient relocation of these utility facilities can create delays in project letting and/or delays during the construction phase, resulting in increased construction cost and contractor claims. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has adopted the "TxDOT-Utility Cooperative Management Process" to improve communication, cooperation and coordination. This process is a partnership between TxDOT and the Utility industry. The Annual Utility Meeting is the first step in this process. At 2:00pm on Thursday, February 18, 1999 the First Annual Utility Meeting for TxDOT's Northwest Area Office will be held. The meeting will be held in the maintenance assembly room located at the Northwest Area Office, 12000 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Texas. This meeting is intended to provide a forum for discussion of the proposed TxDOT construction schedule. Attached for your information are listings and maps of the proposed projects. This meeting will discuss only the projects that are within the noted area on the attached map. Please review the listings and maps so that major utility concerns can be addressed at the meeting. Please call me at (972) 235-7797 if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, 􀁾􀁯􀀭􀁾􀀠Larry D. Tegtmeyer, P.E. Dallas Co. Northwest Area Engineer Attachments An Equal Opportunity Employer .. '';''. DENTON CO. 􀀧􀀢􀁾􀁾􀂭V(iil)I I 􀁾􀀢􀀠1lliJ1HEBAOH I "' . ®-2. y' < -J 􀀭􀀻􀀮􀁡􀁾􀀢􀁗􀀺􀀠=_ AOO,j... " tM1VO/lttV • HI_ PlAl • A ELL! S CO. " COWNCO . .. Do I I as CountyMaintenanceSectl.on BoundarIes Nor-thwestAr-eo Rev. 9-97 FY 1999 NORTHWEST DALLAS COUNTY DESIGN PROJECTS HWY LIMITS CSJ LENGTH FUND. CAT. WORK DESCRIPTION LET DATE PRIORITY ROW CLEAR UTIL CLEAR COMMENTS COST AREA OFF. PRIORITY MH Spring Valley Rd. At US 75 8075· t 8·005 0.625mi t7 Construct 3 Level Direct Connection Interchange 6/99 t No ? 054 $8.700.000 1 IH35E At Sandy Lake Rd. 0196·03·20C O.OOlkm 2 Intersection Improvements 4/99 1 Yes 12198 054 $1.849.130 2 SH 183 Overpass of Esters Rd. 0094·03·07C 0.204km 6A Replace Bridge and Approaches 7/99 1 Yes ? 054 $3.500.000 3 US 75 AI Galatyn CrOSSing OQ47·07·17€ 0.161km 16C Construct Interchange 2199 1 Yes 11/98 054, Consultant $5.691.034 4 MH On Royal Ln. From Skillman 81. to West of Audelia Rd. 􀀸􀀰􀀷􀀹􀂷􀀱􀀸􀂷􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀠O.264rni 11 Extend Royal Ln. on New Loc. as a 6 Lane Divided 4/99 1 No 5/99 070 $1.233.735 5 CS On Regal Row. CRI & P RR to IH 35E 0918-45·23<1 2.100ml 4C Widen 4 Lane Facility to 6 Lane Facility 6199 1 No ? 070 $7.242.000 6 MH On Luna Rd. Irom S 01 IH 635 to N 01 Royal Ln. 8037·18·00€ 0.858km 17 Widen 2 Lane Facility to 6 Lane Facility 6199 1 No ? 070 $2,037,742 7 IH 635 At The Dart Light Rail BridQe 􀀲􀀳􀀷􀀴􀂷􀀰􀁈􀀱􀁾􀀠0.014km 4C&12 Replac8,Lengthen, & Widen Light Rail Bridge 6/99 1 ? ? 054 $7.058.000 8 IH 635 Miller Rd.lRoyal Ln. to 0.800 km South 2374-01-11; 0.608km 4C&12 Addtn.ol2 Ramps to Compo Full Diamond, Widen Bridge 8/99 1 ? ? 065, Consultant $2,233.619 9 MH On Luna Rd. from Belt Line Rd. to Old Denton Rd. 8037-18·00; 1.140ml 17 Extend Luna Rd. on New Locat. as a 6 Lane Divided 5/99 1 No 6/99 070, Consultant $8,000,000 10 LP 12 From Boedecker to Dallas North Tollway 0353·05-091 2_168ml 14 Rehabilitate Existing Road 2199 1 Yes NlA 054 $3,172,604 11 FY 2000 NORTHWEST DALLAS COUNTY DESIGN PROJECTS 􀁾􀁾􀀠HWV LIMITS CSJ LENGTH FUND. WORK DESCRIPTION LET PRIORITY ROW UTIL COMMENTS COST AREA OFF. CAT. DATE CLEAR CLEAR PRIORITV AeconslrUcI US 75 ·IH 635 IH635 At US 75 • IH 635 !lC 237􀀴􀀧􀀨􀀩􀀱􀀮􀀨􀀩􀀶􀁾􀀠1.243m! 3A !lC w/Hov Conn. (Ph..e I) 7/00 1 ? ? 070, Consultant $27,879,000 1 SH289 At Campbell Ad. 0091·06-00:: 0.100ml 5 Intersection Improvements 12199 1 Yes ? 054 $2,000,000 2 On Arapaho Rd. at Northbound & Southbound SH289 Preston Rd. 0091·06·03/O.oolkm 5 Dual Lefl Tum Lanes 12199 I No NlA 054 $145,000 3 SH289 At Spring Valley 􀀰􀀰􀀹􀀱􀂷􀀰􀀶􀂷􀀰􀀳􀁾􀀠a.l00km 5 Intersection Improvements 6100 1 No 2101 054 $270,000 4 On Harvest Hill Rd. at Eastbound Left Tum Pookel SH289 Preston Rd. 0091·06-03 a.lOOml 5 and Alaht Tum Lane 9/99 I ? ? 054 $62,000 '5 MH On Belt Line Ad. at Ralltran 8050·18-03 O.400ml 17 Construct.Grade Separation 3100 2 NO 12101 070 $8,139,000 6 S. of MacArthur SH 161 to N. oliH 635 2954·01·01 7.540ml 3A Construct. Interchange 1100 1 ? ? 054, Consultant $37,500,000 7 From Aoyal Ln. 10 Dallas N. Widen 4 Lane Facility to LP354 City Limit 01ss,06·01 1.42Oml 4C 6 Lana Divided Urban 6/00 1 ? ? 062 $6,000,000 8 From Montfort Ad. IH635 10 Jupiter Ad. 2374'()1-1 I 1 14.ookm 3E 6 Intersection Improvements 3100 2 ? ? 065 $1,488,454 9 On Denton Dr, Lombardy Ln Widen 2 Lane Facility to CS to Farmers Branch City Lim. 0918-45·2361 4.940ml 4C 4 Lane Divided Urban 12199 1 Ves 6100 070, Consullant $11,083,829 10 On Hampton Rdllnwood Ad. A"""nstr.4 Lane Facility to MH from Canada to Hany Hlne. 8043·18-00 2.993km 4C 6 Lane Divided Urben 7/00 1 ? ? 051 $18,337,000 11 SP244 At Dixon Branch 0353.()5'()9 O.073m1 SA Rehabilitate Bridge 10199 2 Ves ? 054 $120,000 12 From Merrell Ad. to Oenton IH35E County Line 0196-03·20 6.429mi 2 Overlay 8100 1 Ves Ves 054 $4,000,000 13 On Keller Springs /1 On System Intersection SH289 Westgrove Dr at Preston Ad 0091.()6.()4 0.100km 5 Improvement 12199 1 ? ? 054, Consultant $400,000 14 FY 2001 NORTHWEST DALLAS COUNTY DESIGN PROJECTS HWY LIMITS CSJ LENGTH FUND. CAT. WORK DESCRIPTION LET DATE PRIORITY ROW CLEAR UTIL CLEAR COMMENTS COST AREA OFF. PRIORITY IH 35E At Belt Line Rd. ST & CRIP· ST L&SWRR 0196-03-18 0.278ml 6A Replace Bndge & Approach 1/01 1 ? ? 054 $3.800.000 1 LP 12 From IH 35E to Skillman Ave. 0353-05-08 8.540ml 17 Intersection Capacity Improvements 4/01 1 No 6102 054 $8.049.000 2 SH 356 EB Overpass At CPI&R RR & MacArthur Blvd. 0092-07-04 O.l43ml 6A Replace Bridge & Approach 1/01 2 ? ? 054 $867,000 3 MH From Lawther to Audelia 0353-05-084 2.660mi 3A Widen 6 Lane Facility to 8 Lane Divided Urban 9/00 1 No 4/02 054 $3,140,000 4 LP 12 At Continental Ave. S8 Overpass 0196-03-18 O.OOlmi 6A Replace Bndge & Approach 1/01 I ? ? 054 $700,000 5 IH 35E At Walnut Hill S8 Overpass 0196-03-185 0.085mi 6A Replace Bridge & Approach 1/01 I ? ? 054 $525,000 6 IH35E At Walnut Hilt NB 0196-03-20' O.OO1mi 6A Replace Bndge & Approach 1/01 1 ? ? 054 $700,000 7 IH35E Davenport Rd. at White Rock Creek Creek 0918-45-904 O.OOlkm 6B Replace Bridge & Approach 1/01 1 ? ? 054, Consultant $100,000 8 CR Forest Ln. Eastbound at Floyd Branch 0918-45-905 0.108ml 6B Replace Bndge & Approach 1/01 1 ? ? 054, Consultant $600,000 9 CR Belt Line Rd. NB at Bear Creek 0918-45-902 0.096ml 6B Replace Bndge & Approach 2101 1 ? ? 054, Consultant $420,000 10 CR Belt Line Rd. NB at Trinity River 0918-45-90€ 0.500ml 6B Replace Bridge & Approach 1/01 1 ? ? 054, Consultant $4,000,000 11 CR On Rochelle Blvd, O'Connor to Teleport Blvd. 􀀰􀀹􀀱􀀸􀀭􀀴􀀵􀀭􀀳􀀷􀁾􀀠1.000ml 4C Widen 3 Lane Facility to 6 Lane Facility 8/01 1 ? ? 070 $1,870,000 12 CS On Park Ln, US 75 to Greenville Ave. 0918-45-381 0.7ooml 4C Widen 4 Lane Facility to 6 Lane Facility 11/00 1 No 12102 070 $3,736,000 13 CS On Monfort Dr., Peterson Dr to Alpha Rd. 0918-45-36! 0.600ml 4C Widen 4 Lane Facility to 6 Lane Facility 4/01 1 No 12102 070 $1,750,000 14 CS From Rochelle Ln. to Walnut Hill Ln. 2984-01-02C 0.537ml 3E Construct Noise Wall 2 & 3 4/01 2 ? ? 052 $1,262,509 15 SH SH 161 At US 75 -IH 635 I/C 2374-01-10 2.oo0mi 3A Recons!. US 75 -IH 635 I/C w/Hov (Phase II) 10/00 1 ? ? ,070, Consultant $43,204,000 Phase I To Be Let wi FY 2002 AND BEYOND NORTHWEST DALLAS COUNTY DESIGN PROJECTS HWV IH 635 IH 635 IH 635 IH35E MH CS SP 244 MH SP 348 LIMITS At US 75 -IH 635 IIC At US 75 • IH 635 IIC At US 75 • IH 635 I/C At N. Tollway SB Ramp Valley View/Walnut From IH635/Greenvilie to East Dal. On Motor St., Harry Hines Blvd. to Maple Ave. On Northwest H'N)'. From Buckner Blvd to Audelia Blvd On Luna Rd From Northwest Hwy to Royal Ln. On Luna Rd. at NW Hwy CSJ 2374-01-10' 2374-01-10E 2374-0Hm 0196·03-18 0918-45-37 0918-45·366 0353-05·083 8037-18-00' 0353-04-069 LENGTH 2.000ml 2.000mi 2.000mi 0.470mi 2.250ml 0.490mi 0.209mi 1.700ml 0.190ml FUND. CAT. 3A 3A 3A 6A 4C 4C 17 17 17 WORK DESCRIPTION Raconst. US 75·IH 635 I/C wlHov Conn. (Phase III) Raconsl. US 75-IH 635 I/C wlHov Conn. (Phase IV) Reconsl. US 75·IH 6351/C w/Hov Conn. (Phase V) Replace BMdge & Approach Widen 4 Lane Facility to 6 Lane Facility Widen 2 Lane Facility to 4 Lane Facility Constr. I/C at 2 Major Thoroughfares Reconst Exist 2 Lane Rural Roadway to 6 Lane Divided Construct Grade Separation LET DATE 10102 7/04 6/06 1/05 4/02 6/02 9/02 9/01 9/02 PRIORITV 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 ROW CLEAR ? ? ? ? No Ves ? ? ? UTIL CLEAR ? ? ? ? 12102 6/03 ? ? ? COMMENTS 070, Consultant 070, Consultant 070, Consultant 054 070 070 054 054 054 COST $41,312,000 $40,364,000 $14,691,000 $4,149,000 $8,774,000 $1,585,000 $8,580,000 $8,300,000 $2,800,000 AREA OFF. PRIORITV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DENTON CO. COll IN1 ..,􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠__ 􀀭􀁾􀀭os,􀁾􀀭SA H 􀁾􀀠I ( o U ;.Z, « 0:: 0:: « ;.N DALLAS COUNTY SCAtE 􀁏􀀧􀁾􀁫􀁩􀁚􀀢􀁉􀀡􀀡􀀮􀁉􀁩􀀡􀁊􀁴􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀡􀁩􀁦􀁟􀁩􀁩􀁩􀀳􀁾􀁾􀁩􀀠MILES DAllAS //CoPPEll• '6' .. iRVING 􀁴􀀭􀀡􀀬􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁑􀀡􀀧􀁏􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠\RAND PRAIRIE 160 􀁲􀀭􀁾􀀺􀀳􀀰􀁾􀁾__________􀁾􀁾􀀠\Jilt! • OUNCj,M,V!LlE CEOAA HILL LANCASTER o I ' ),"12 ---'--j--ELL I S CO. 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