DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR MAXIM DALLAS. TX 75244-3219 TOWN OF ADDISON 9/9/'02 ANNUAL LICENSE AGREEMENTWITH ADDISON 018S87 1,000.00 􀁾􀀮 --STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS §§§ LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this I􀁾􀁾 􀁾􀁡􀁹 of Oc..-r 0 B £g, , 1999, by and between the Town of Addison, Texas ("the City") and Dallas Semiconductor Corp., a__ 12eLAwAeE corporation (the ·'Company"). WHEREAS, East Beltwood Parkway is a public street located within and under the authority and control of the City; and WHEREAS, the Company owns two tracts of land along East Beltwood Parkway which are generally described as 15()cD I and I5 0 SD East Beltwood Parkway and which are depicted on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the Company desires to install under East Beltwood Parkway a telecommunications cable connecting the two tracts of land for the purpo,se of facilitating communication between the two tracts; and WHEREAS, Article III of Chapter 16 of the City's Code of Ordinances provides, among other things, that any person desiring to use a public street for a private purpose must obtain a license for such use from the the City. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations set forth herein and other geod a.nd valuable consideration, the City and the Company do hereby contract and agree as follows: 1. Grant of License. The City hereby grants to Company a nonexclusive license to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate, subject to the terms of this Agreement, four (4) four -inch conduits and one (1) two-inch inch stainless steel air line operating at 1IO PSI (together, .. the "Cable"), under East Beltwood Parkway for the sole purpose of connecting for -. telecommunication purposes the properties located at --lc....:::S""-L..:D=......::Q::::::-;.--!:.../and j 5050 1 Documenl ,: 􀁾􀀱􀀹􀀹