PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (912) 45().2811 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀂮􀀠Post Office: Box 9010 Addison. Texas 􀀱􀀵􀀰􀀰􀀱􀁾􀀹􀀰􀀱􀀰􀀠16801 Westgro'le February 14, 2001 Ms. Donna West, Property Manager Trammel Crow Company 220 E. Las Colinas Blvd., Suite 276 Irving, TX 75039 Re: Quorum Plaza Landscaping , Dear Ms. West: I must apologize for not answering your letter of 1210412000 sooner regarding your claim for damaged landscaping ..While we agree the construction at the intersection ofQuorum . and Belt Line affected your property, we do not agree to the extent ofyour claim . . We agree that the lack ofwater has killed some ofthe Junipers in the bed along Belt Line Road. We have a contractor available that can replace those Junipers, and we would like . your permission for our contractor to do this work on your property. I would appreciate a letter from you giving this permission. For the rest ofyour claim, we wish to take a "wait and see" approach to assess damages, as we believe much ofthe turfand trees will come back in the spring. We intend to provide appropriate compensation, or replacement, for those items that do not come back. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Very truly yours, es C. Pierce, Jr., P. sistant Public Works Director cc: Chris Terry, Assistant City Manager Michael E. Murphy, P.E., Director ofPublic Works Slade Strickland, Director, Parks and Recreation QUORUM DRIVE SPECIAL DISTRICT LAND ACQUSITION COSTS SPECIAL EVENTS LAND District Element Square feet 1 Quorum Drive Median 306,000 2 East of conference 99,752 Center 3 South of Mildred 383,328 SUBTOTAL 789,080 ( 18.11 acres) DART PULSE POINT 4 DART Joint Use 65,340 SUBTOTAL 65,340 (1.5 acres) ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION 5 RTC tract 274,428 6 Right-of-way to Addison Road 100,000 SUBTOTAL 374,428 (8.59 acres) TOTAL ACQUISITION 1,228,848 (28.2 acres) Estimated Cost $918,000 $299,257 $1,149,984 $2,367,241 $196,020 $196,020 $400,000 $1,000,000 $1,400,000 $3,963,261 possible Funding Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds DART L.A.P. Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds DART L.A.P. General Fund Bonds DART L.A.P. General Fund Bonds QUORUM DRIVE SPECIAL DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT COSTS SPECIAL EVENTS LAND District Element 1 Quorum Drive Median A. street paving B. Median Landscaping C. Street Tree Planting and Sidewalks D. Street Tree Planting on South Quorum and Arapaho SUBTOTAL 2 East of Conference Center A. Landscaping 3. South of Mildred A. Landscaping SUBTOTAL DART PULSE POINT 4 DART Joint Use A. Paving Estimated Cost $1,750,000 $510,000 $663,000 $292,500 $3,215,500 $60,000 $230,000 $290,000 $325,000 possible Funding Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds DART L.A.P. Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds B. Tree Planting SUBTOTAL ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION 5 & 6 RTC tract and R-O-W to Addison Road A. Street Paving B. Median Landscaping C. Street Tree Planting SUBTOTAL 15% CONTINGENCY TOTAL IMPROVEMENT GRAND TOTAL FOR ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT $36,000 $361,000 $1,900,000 $57,600 $312,000 $2,269,600 $340,000 $6,476,540 $10,439,361 DART L.A.P. Hotel/Motel General Fund Bonds DART L.A.P. General Fund Bonds DART L.A.P. General Fund Bonds DART L.A.P. General Fund Bonds SPECDIST F=""YI EXHIBIT "AU COUNTY : DALLAS . ROADWAY SOUTH QUORUM/INWOOD cONNEC1l0N PARCEL 1 PARCEL 1 BEING A 1.7006 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SlruATED IN THE TOWN OF ADDISON, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THE CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH, OALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, IN THE JOSIAH PANCOAST SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1146. AND BEING PART OF TRACT NO.1 (ONE) OF S. F1NLEY EWING, JR. ADDITION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 73093, PAGE 1346, DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING PART OF ANDERSON &: WHITE ADDITION AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 953, PAGE 895, DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING PART OF THE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO EWING ENTERPRISES LTD PS ACCORDING TO THE DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 98050, PAGE 5573, DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEO AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH UNE OF INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY (64' R.O.W.) AND THE EAST UNE OF A 100-FOOT O. p. &: L CO. R.O.W. (VOLUME 4633. PAGE 308 ORDCT) SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHWEST. CORNER OF LOT I, BLOCK B OF INTERNATIONAL PLACE AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 98097, PAGE 0079. DRDCT; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID D. p. &: L. CO. R.O.W. NORTH 17 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST (CALLED 17 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 06 SECONDS WEST PER PLAT) A OISTANCE OF 406.78 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROO WITH REO FD CAP, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE pRE'IIOUSLY MENTIONED LOT I, BLOCK B IN TERN A TlONAL PLACE AND BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAIO TRACT NO. 1 (ONE) OF S. F1NLEY EWING. JR. ADDITION AS pRE'IIOUSL Y MENTIONED, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE COMMON LINE BETWEEN SAID D. p. '" L CO. R.O.W. AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT NO. 1 (ONE) NORTH 17 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 00 SECON.DS WEST A DISTANCE OF 794.95 FEET TO AN IRON ROO SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO. 1 (ONE) S. FINLEY EWING. JR. ADDITION AND BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4. BLOCK 1 OF WELLINGTON SOUARE AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 79206, PAGE 0350, DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE LINE OF SAID S. FINLEY EWING, JR. ADDITION NORTH as DEGREES 41 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 451.99 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 41 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 66.33 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A . NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 27 SECONDS, A RADIUS OF 70.0 FEET. A CHORO BEARING OF SOUTH 62 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 36 SECONDS WEST AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 15.27 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.30 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION ALONG A LINE AT A PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE OF 70.0 FEET FROM THE NORTH UNE OF S. FINLEY EWING. JR. ADDITION SOUTH sa DEGREES 41 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 356.01 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 26 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 46.19 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21 DEGREES 10 MINUTES 23 SECONDS, A RADIUS OF 550.0 FlEET, A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 27 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 202.09 FlEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER, SAID POINT LYING A PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE OF 64.0 FEET FlROM THE EAST LINE OF SAID D. p. '" L CO. R.O.W.; THENCE SOUTH 17 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 492.93 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER LYING IN THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID S. FINLEY EWING, JR. ADDITION AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID INTERNATIONAL PLACE; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID S. FINLEY EWING. JR. ADDITION SOUTH 69 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 66.63 FlEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 74,079.16 SQUARE FEET OR 1.7006 ACRES OF LAND. RONALD A. YOUNG REGISTERED PROFESSION TEXAS REG. NO. 2960 PAGE 1 OF 1 EXHIBIT "B" LOT 2. BLOCK 1 􀁾􀁴􀀮􀁕􀁎􀁇􀁔􀀨􀀩􀀴􀀠SQUARE' V. 79220. P. 220J OIlOCT I"III 􀁾􀀮􀀠, 2 DELTA. \2' 31' 27· 21'10' 2YIII III S. 􀁆􀀱􀁎􀁌􀁅􀁙􀁉􀀯􀁾􀁗􀀱􀁎􀁇􀀬􀀠......-...-.. V. 7309J/'P, 1346, ORDCT III I TRACT NO. , (ONE) ':1 TRACT NO.2 (TWO) j!11,.1IiLOT 1, SlOCt( 1 YlUUNGTDN SOUAR£ Y. 79220, P. 2200 OIlOCT III 􀁴􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􂀢􀀠[WINO S JII ----+IIf---,-E'MNC E;Nl[RPRIS£S Lto PS 􀀺􀀺􀀨􀀬􀁾􀁾. i Ji V "052. p 3292 􀀯􀁾􀁉􀀠v.••osa. p. "6< 􀀺􀀬􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀠.:,' L0 T'\---.--f/-------------it.1il: ----------1 \ I I 􀁉􀁾􀀠EWING rl.JRPRISES LTD PS 􀁾􀁉􀀡􀀻Y. 9S0!"bJp. 􀁾􀁾􀀷􀀳􀀠::'1 til . 􀁾􀀯􀁾􀁉􀁾􀁉􀀠-'I;" ''"'I 􀁾􀀠l§i Ih CONNECTION 1.,/S 17' 0" 00' E 492.93' --'1; 􀁾􀁢􀁾􀁣􀀭􀁟􀂷􀂷􀂷􀁟􀂷􀀭􀁟􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀭􀁟􀂷􀂷􀀺􀀭􀁟􀀻􀁟􀀢􀀻􀁦􀁦􀁦􀀡􀀢􀁴􀁻􀁱􀁦􀁴􀁊􀀡􀁾􀁾􀁾� �􀁦􀀻􀁾􀀡􀁊􀀻􀁾􀀻􀀧􀁽􀁌􀁓􀀻􀀻􀁩􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀠􀀭􀀺􀁾􀀬􀀺􀀬􀀻􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁲􀀺􀀩􀁦􀁾􀁓􀀭􀀭􀀭S 89' 4J' 00' W 66.83' ... -􀁲􀁾􀁏􀁉􀀢􀀠D. P. &: L. CO. R.O. W. (Y. 46",_ P. 308) erry 􀁾􀁾􀀠_ 􀁾􀁏􀁄􀀯􀁾... 􀁾􀀠'........" li'Pi'$ 􀀸􀁾􀁾__ , I I I POINT OF BEGINNING ST. LOUIS 8< SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD INwoon flOAIl POINT OF COMMENCING I" III III 1,'1 III III IIII',;/1 􀁾􀀠 SCALE I" -100' lJ"•• D .. tOO 200 CURVE TASlE RADIUS LENCTH 􀁫􀁾􀁾􀁇􀀠70,0· 15.30' S 82' 25' 36-'II 550.0' 203.25' S 27' 36" 11" £' IIk> ILf :soo ::rIMO COUNTY : OALLAS ROADWAY SOUTH OUORU"/iNWOOO PARCEl. 1 Nelli 15.21' 202.09' An-&N PACE 1 OF 1 lOT 1. &LOCI( e INTEilNA.nONAL PLACE v. 98097, P. 0079, ORDCf , EXHIBIT "A" COUNTY : DALLAS ROADWAY SOUTH QUORUM/INWOOD CONNECllON PARCEL : 2 PARCEL 2 BEING A 0.0641 ACRE TRACT OF LANO SITUATED IN THE TO'M'l OF AODISON, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, IN THE JOSIAH PANCOAST SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1146, AND BEING PART OF TRACT NO. 1 (ONE). OF S. FlNLEY EY<1NG, JR. ADDmON ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 73093, PAGE 1346, DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING PART OF THE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO EY<1NG 6 JV ACCORDING TO THE DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 89052 PAGE 3292, DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARnCULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECnON OF THE NORTH UNE OF INTERNAnONAL PARKWAY (64' R.O.W.) AND THE EAST UNE OF A 100-FOOT D. P. & L. CO. R.O.W. (VOLUME 4633, PAGE 306 DRDCT) SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT I, BLOCK B OF INTERNAnONAL PLACE AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 98097, PAGE 0079, DRDCT; THENCE ALONG THE EAST UNE OF SAID D. P. & L. CO. R.O.W. NORTH 17 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST (CALLED 17 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 06 SECONDS WEST PER PLAT) A DISTANCE OF 1201.73 FEET TO AN IRON ROO SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAlO TRACT NO. 1 (ONE) S. FINLEY EY<1NG, JR. ADDITION AND BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1 OF WELLINGTON SOUARE AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 79206, PAGE 0350, DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUN TY, TEXAS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID S. FlNLEY EY<1NG. JR. ADDmON NORTH 66 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 451.99 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONnNUING ALONG SAID NORTH UNE OF S. FlNLEY EY<1NG, JR. ADDmON NORTH 66 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 54.82 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 77 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 33 SECONDS. A RAOIUS OF 70.0 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 37 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 36 SECONDS WEST AND A CHORD LENGTH OF 67.61 FEET: THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC DISTANCE OF 94.65 FEET TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 66.33 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 2794.27 SOUARE FEET OR 0.0641 ACRES OF LAND. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE WEST UNE OF S. FINLEY E'MNG, JR. ADDITION AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 73093. PAGE 1346, DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. RONALD REGISTERED TEXAS REG. PAGE 1 OF 1 A. NO. 2960 EXHIBIT "e,I,ii, I', I, 􀁾􀀠SCAlf 1" = 100' COUNTY : DALLAS ROADWAY : SOUTH OUORUM/lNWOOO1/1 ';,Mo 50 100 :zoo 300'I,'I' I',,'IIIi 1,1 III"I CONNECTION PARCEL : 2 ""_MARINe S JT 25' 36" Vi III j'ADDITION ,I '1 lRACT NO.2 (TWO) 􀁾􀁊􀁾􀀠7 􀁅􀁾􀁇􀀠EN.::=!pms£s L10 ps 'si'lV. ga05O, P, SS64 􀁾􀀯􀁾􀁡􀀯􀁾􀁾􀀠PAGE 1 Of 1 􀀱􀀬􀀯􀁾􀁾􀀯􀁊􀁬􀁪-----------------It >LOT 1, BLOCK B £ INTERNAllONAI. PLACE: 􀁾,I" V. 98097. P. 0079, DlIDer t{,LTD PS J 􀁟􀁾􀁪􀁉􀁓􀀠􀁬􀀯􀁉􀁾􀀠..,J-'I'" i? l.OT 2. eL-OCK 1 v.Q.\JN(j:TON SOUARt V. 79220, P. 2203 ORllCT S. 􀁆􀀱􀁎􀁌􀁅􀁙􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁗􀀱􀁎􀁇􀀬 􀀠JR. V. 7309Ji{IP. 1346, ORDCT III (ONE) /.;' 􀁾EWiNC a JV 􀁬􀀯􀁾􀀡V. 89052. P. 3292 IJ I 1'1 II! ____.--1.lL. __ , I I , ,""/ii' _ I I PARCEL 1 I 0' '"' ;: 􀁟􀀭􀁟􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁯􀀭􀀮-f/-Af ----------------;L/' I t .....J L ________ 21:1: ________ _ 􀁾L __________ -,__ 􀁾􀀺􀀭􀀮􀀺􀀭􀁾__714.95'::--=-=-_-= =.:: =-_::.=..-: :--____N..p.: 􀁾􀀭_w_____4.E!2!: __ _ .. 17' 01' 00" VI ... ... 1201.73' I (CALL£O N rr 03' 05 9 W BY PLAT) 􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠I _, D. P. &: L. CO. CO. R.O. W. O;;'''''r 􀁾􀁃􀀧􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀠(v. 4&33. P. 308) 􀀮􀀼􀁉􀁾􀁩􀀮􀀿􀀧􀀢􀀠􀁾􀀠s 8Ji'..(N"",_ ... ST. LOUIS & SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD POINT OF" COMMENCING INWOOD ROAD CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT • (21.1) 45()..1000 • FAX (214)960-168,1 Post Office Box 144 Addisnn. Tens 15001·'0144 5300 Belt Line Ro;ltI August 17, 1998 Mr. Finley Ewing, President Ewing Investments 4464 West Plano Parkway Plano, Texas 75093 Re: Inwoodl8. Quorum Connection Project. Dear Mr. Ewing: As you know, Town staffhas been trying to reach a consensus between stakeholders for a method to relieve traffic congestion in the South QuorumlWellington Center area ofAddison. The efforts on this project date back to before 1994. Over 10 different alternative road alignments have been proposed, However, we have been unable to find a solution that satisfies all ofthe stakeholders with regard to alignment and right-of-way for the project to move forward. This being the case, it is difficult for staffto justifY the continuation of manpower and budget expense for this project with little prospect for success. As a result, staffwill recommend at the City Council meeting scheduled for August 25, 1998 that the resources for this project be redirected to other projects that are ready to move forward, Ifin the future the interested parties would like to present a mutually acceptable plan to us, we would consider revisiting the future of the project. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, 􀁾􀀻􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁷􀁴􀀮􀁬􀁴􀁣􀀮􀁏􀀠Ron Whitehead City Manager , CITY JI<1ANAGER'S DEPARTMENT • (214) 450-7000 • FAX (214) 960-768.1 P.'1't Offiee Box 144 Addison. Texns 􀀱􀀵􀀰􀀰􀀱􀁾􀁩􀀩􀁊􀀴􀀴􀀠5300 Belt Linf: ROil.! August 17, 1998 Mr. Frank Babb, General Manager Crescent Real Estate Equities, Ltd. 3333 Lee Parkway, Suite 470 Dallas, Texas 75219 Re: Inwood/S. Quorum Connection Project Dear Mr. Babb: As you know, Town staff has been trying to reach a consensus between stakeholders for a method to relieve traffic congestion in the South QuorumlWellington Center area of Addison. The efforts on this project date back to before 1994. Over 10 different alternative road alignments have been proposed. However, we have been unable to find a solution that satisfies all of the stakeholders with regard to alignment and right-of-way for the project to move forward. 1bis being the case, it is difficult for staffto justifY the continuation of manpower and budget expense for this project with little prospect for success. As a result, staff will recommend at the City Council meeting scheduled for August 25, 1998 that the resources for this project be redirected to other projects that are ready to move forward. Ifin the future the interested parties would like to present a mutually acceptable plan to us, we would consider revisiting the future ofthe project. Please contact me ifyou have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely,-Ron Whitehead City Manager CITY lvIANAGER'S DEPARTMENT • (2 H) 451).7000 • FAX (214) 960-768-1 Pust Office Box 144 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁮􀁴Texas 􀀱􀁓􀀰􀀰􀀱􀁾􀀰􀀱􀀴􀀴􀀠5300 Belt 􀁌􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠ROlul August 17, 1998 Me. Brent Steward, CPM Fidelity Commercial Realty Management Wellington Center Office Building J4643 Dallas Parkway, Suite 720 Dallas, TX 75240 Re: Inwood/S. Quorum Connection Project Dear Mr. Steward: As you know, Town staff has been trying to reach a consensus between stakeholders for a method to relieve traffic congestion in the South Quorurn/Wellington Center area of Addison. The efforts on this project date back to before 1994. Over 10 different alternative road alignments have been proposed. However, we have been unable to find a solution that satisfies all ofthe stakeholders with regard to alignment and right-of-way for the project to move forward. This being the case, it is difficult for staff to justifY the continuation of manpower and budget expense for this project with little prospect for success. As a result, staff will recommend at the City Council meeting scheduled for August 25, 1998 that the resources for this project be redirected to other projects that are ready to move forward. Ifin the furure the interested parties would like to present a murually acceptable plan to us, we would consider revisiting the furure of the project. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, -R-W't,tt.Q Ron Whitehead City Manager CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT • (U.I) 451)..7000 • FAX (214) 960-76114 Post Office Box 144 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁮􀁮􀁾􀀠Texas 􀀷􀀵􀀰􀀰􀀱􀁾􀁏􀁉􀀴􀀴􀀠5300 Belt 􀁌􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠Roatl August 17, 1998 Mr. David B. Curran, Jr. Executive Vice President Fults Realty Corporation 9400 N. Central Expressway, 5'" Floor Dallas, TX 75231 Re: Inwood/S. Quorum Connection Project Dear Mr. Curran: As you know, Town staffhas been trying to reach a consensus between stakehold.ers for a method to relieve traffic congestion in the South QuorumJWellington Center area of Addison. The efforts on this project date back to before 1994. Over 10 different alternative road alignments have been proposed. However, we have been unable to find a solution that satisfies all ofthe stakeholders with regard to alignment and right-of-way for the project to move forward. This being the case, it is difficult for staff to justifY the continuation of manpower and budget expense for this project with little prospect for success. As a result, staffwill recommend at the City Council meeting scheduled for August 25, 1998 that the resources for this project be redirected to other projects that are ready to move forward. Ifin the future the interested parties would like to present a mutually acceptable plan to us, we would consider revisiting the future ofthe project. Please contact me ifyou have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, • Ron Whitehead City Manager WfLLINGION CENTRE June 15, 1998 Mr. John Baumgartner, PE Town ofAddison Director ofPublic Works P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Re: Wellington Centre Letter ofUnderstanding concerning South Quorum Street Project Dear John, We have executed and are herein returning the above Letter ofUnderstanding given to us regarding the above road project. We are very much in favor ofthis project and continue to hope that all the details can be worked out among aU parties. Please call should you have any questions. 􀁾􀀩􀀺􀀺􀀠K. Brent Steward, CPM Enclosures Cc-Parkway, Ltd. Wellington Centre, 14643 Dallas Parkway, Suite 720, LB #1, Dallas, Texas 75240 972-991-0990, Fax 972-991-1096 --. (972) 450-287\ 16801 Westgrove PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT June 2, 1998 Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. Town of Addison Director of Public Works P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 Re: Letter of Understanding Between The Princeton and Wellington Centre Dear Mr. Baumgartner: We understand the Town of Addison is attempting to alleviate traffic congestion in the vicinity of The Princeton and Wellington Centre properties. The Town has proposed constructing a road running generally north and south, to the west of the Princeton property, with a connector road running east from said road through the Ewing Property and connecting into the Princeton property in accordance with the attached sketch. The management of both the Princeton and Wellington properties have examined the Town's proposal and agree that as a result, traffic flow through both properties will be changed, and that such changes are acceptable. The Princeton and Wellington agree that satisfactory easement modifications will be made that allows Princeton access through Wellington property and vice versa. By signing below, the Princeton and Wellington properties agree to the roadway concept as proposed by the Town and hereby encourage the Town to move forward with the project. Very truly yours, Mr. David B. Curran, Jr. Executive Vice President Fults Realty Corporation 9400 N. Central Expressway, 5th Floor Dallas, TX 75231 􀁾􀁶􀀠Mr. Brent Steward Wellington Center 14643 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 720, LB#l Dallas, TX 75240 \ s_q uorum \p&wagree62.doc 􀀳􀁨􀁾􀁡􀀠􀁲􀁭􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁯􀀠􀁁􀁖􀁍􀀩􀁉􀁾􀁖􀁃􀀺􀀡􀀠sw-n• •,va , , ., ,.:l .'" ': . I i-I III Ii J! 'II i,1111111111111 H IIIIIHIIIIIIIH I , J , i , . 0 f: 5 a..f: a::: 􀁾􀀠L\J a.. & If) :3&: Ii II 0 0 z Ii,􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠w :::::l m FROM : 􀁄􀁉􀀽􀀴􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁆􀀧􀁒􀁏􀁄􀁕􀁃􀁔ION '372 690 6463 __ 1'397.11Z1-31 DALMAC CiC'N$TROCTION OctoberJO, 1997 Mr. Larry Wallis Re: Quorum Drive Office Buildill8! Garage Cranes Larry, Per our discussion. I have contacted Mr. AI Devll.lle with the Addison Akport and informed him that my intent is to erect a conventional crane with 140' ofboom in the garage on Wednesday 10-29-97, Mr. Devane stated that J40' would not pose a problem. He had received letters requesting II. 2S0' tower and one 101' II. Z1O' tOWl:!'. I asked Mr. Devane jfbe wanted me to oa1l him each day before we raised the boom. He said tbllL would not be necessary. Mr. Devane IISked me how long the CTIille would be on site:. I said, for months. Mr. Devan" stated that he would notify all parties com;emed. He added that as low as our (,TIIJleS were, as compared to the cranes being erected now and in the near future, we were not II. cooFfIL J.f5)p,--'7 T. DOnIV)' 􀁐􀁲􀁾􀁥􀁣􀁴􀀠Supt. TDJ/mdl FROM : 􀁄􀁊􀀮􀀺􀁬􀁌􀁍􀁾􀀭􀁐􀁒􀁏􀁄􀁕􀁃􀁔1ON 972 690 6483 17156 #272 P.01/02 DALMAC CONsTRUCTION TO: Jolin Bombgartner-City ofAddison 972.450.2831 FROM: _ME Larry Wallis DAft October 31, 1991 NO. OF PAGes 2--.... Please ca1.1972238.0401 ifall pages an: nol: received, 111 '1/$,IIIN6 VAll!Y ROAIJ. PO 10" 13Q160 • IUCHAlnl'SQNTeQ$160SS.01fO 5 Til. Jl4,i3UIt1>1 • FAX a14.00.61U quornmDh 􀀵􀁲􀁾􀁃􀁬􀁡􀀮􀁐􀀠l)lstn0f LcuJcLLlst'-by QOURUM DRIVE SPECIAL DISTRICT LAND USES BY ACRE AG,(f!.MULTI-FAMILY Total acres ......... 􀁾􀀠.......... 4> ...................... ,. ............. 36.5 acres Total units @50/acre.•••......................11 825 Total assessed value @$46,OOO/unit ..•.•$83,950,OOO. PARK SPACE Quorum Drive Median ...........•....•.....•5.79 acres Bosque ......................... "" ...............2.52 acres SPECIAL EVENT AND ARTS DISTIRCT LAND East of Quorum...................................................... 1.72 acres Adjacent to Theatre••••••................•2.29 acres South of Mildred •••...••••..........•.....2.51 acres DART PULSE POINT DART buys ................................................................. 3 • 19 acres Town buys ...................................... ,. ........................ 1 .. 5 acres RIGHT-OF-WAY Quorum Drive, 2,550 feet @60'wide.......3.78 acres Spectrum Drive, 2,550 feet @80'wide ••••• 4.77 acres AD VALOREM TAXES ON VARIOUS LAND USES PER ACRE Office, Flex space I-story.••........•.......$390,OOO/acre Office, 4-story over surface parking.••••.•$l,184,OOO/ac re Office, ClasS-A, multi-story••....••.......$3,179,OOO.acre Typical Retail center•••••••.••.•..•.••••..•.$762,000/acre Free-standing Restaurant •••••.......•••••.•..$635,258/acre Multi-family, 18-unit/acre..•••......•....••.$493,870/acre Multi-family, luxury, 50 unit/acre........•$2,250,000/acre Single-family, 5 units/acre @$115,000 •••••. $575,OOO/acre PM/::􀁨􀀼􀀵􀁾􀀠3000 L fh <5F,1 blfA1[S 7#'l··.t-rtJ FROM : OOLMI=tC-PRODUCT I ON lSS7.10-20 October 20, 1997 Mr. John Bombgartner City ofAddison 16801 WestgrO'le Drive P.O. BOlt 144 Addison, Telll\S 15001 DALMAC. CONSTRUCi'!ON Re: Quorum Drive Office BuildingIGnrnge Cnmes .Dear John: Pursuant to our previous eonversatiOlls, it is this office's understanding that there are no problems with the use of cranes on the referenced project Th.• City ofAddison airport will allow 􀁾(not including the tower crane. which is "sepllriltll issue) to exceed 130' above grade lIS long lIS the foUowiug occur: 1) the tower is notified prior to the use of the cranes 2) there i. not inclement weather 3) the boom of the crane is laid dOWIl at night There is anticij?a!ed to be a 65 ton conventional mobile cralle (140' ofboom) at the Garage starting on October 27, 1997 and will remain until March 1998. The precllSt erector is expected to use a cl'III1e (approJC.imately 150' boom) at the Building from December 1997 untillanuary 1998. and at the Garage from March until. April 1998. The tower crane is scheduled to be raised on November 15, 1997 and it will be ...:::iI apf"'O'dmately 155' above grade for 4-6 weeks. Please noti1Y this office immediately ifyou foresee any conflicts. cc: File Donivy FROM 􀀺􀁄􀁾􀁍􀁾􀁃􀀭􀁐􀁒􀁏􀁄􀁕􀁃􀁔􀁉􀁏􀁎􀀠'372 6S0 6483 FACSIMILE DALMAC CONSTRUCTION TO: HAMe John Bombgartner P1RM City ofAddison FAC$lMILI! 972.450.2837 FROM: HAM. LanyWaJlis "ATE October 20, 1997 NO. OF PAGI!I5 2 Includlnli ClN'OIt '''''' CO....MENTS Please call 972.238.0401 ifall pages are not received. '11 W SPRING YALLEY ROAD. pO BOX 130160. RICHARDSON TExAS 150B3.01BO."rn :n'.ZlB.U01 • 􀁾􀁁􀀩􀀨􀀠Z14.&BO.&'83 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I i 􀁾􀀮􀀭/i j -I I I /! J f I I c 􀀭􀁾􀀠 tOWN OF ADDISoN . PUBLIC WORKS K II ' ..To: 'tU rt mrq -,'> From: John Baumgartner, P.E. Director .. Company: A:A I I Phone: 972/450-2886 FAX: 972/450-2837 FAX #: 24-&>.21 { {f Date: /0 /:;&1 /q7 16801 Westgrove r i P.O. Box 144 # of pages (including cover): 􀁾􀀮􀀠Addison, TX 75001 o Original in mail oPer your request o Call me Comments: I -z-CJ ' -)00 ,0 f 􀁾􀀠LI[) IJ /I () 0 "" ::;> m'D APR 1 71996' -"L CITYMANAGER'SDEPARTMENT (214) 450-7000' FAX (214) 960·76114..At56isoN 􀀱􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀬􀀻􀀬􀀺􀂷􀂷􀁾􀀿􀀢􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀻􀁺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀧􀁴􀀺􀀻􀀢􀀺􀁾􀀴􀀰􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁳􀁾􀀢􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀳􀀡 􀀠Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texos 75001-0144 5300 Belt Line R ••d April 13, 1996 Mr. Gabriel Ben-Abraham Greywood Development . 5000 Quorum Dr., Ste. 455, LB 12 Addison, Texas 75240-7509 Dear Mr. Ben-Abraham: I am writing regarding an infrastructure project the Town is pursuing adjacent to your property on Quorum Drive. The Town is conducting meetings with affected property owners along an approximate 35' ROW that will connect Quorum Drive with the Princeton and Wellington office complexes (see attached schematic). The Addison City Council and a number of businesses in the South Quorum area have expressed a desire to cut this new street. In an effort to develop ,the proposed street, the Town would request a meeting with you at your earliest c6nvenience to discuss how this project impacts your property at 5000 5000 Quorum Drive. I look forward to hearing from your office to set up a meeting in the coming days. Thank you for your cooperation. Respectfully, • 􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁗􀀢􀀨􀀮􀁵. •0 Ron Whitehead City Manager cc: _ fI'Wiili!iriijalii!Dl Mr. Jim Duffy -.. 11'1" 􀁬􀁾􀀧􀀠'" .."M,' ,I.HO(A$U<' • _Tl A00I11O!1 lOt I, Bl.CU I V. ,n, ". 􀀸􀀹􀁾􀀠!'ROC! .','." " '.' TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM TO: -9 ,',,",.JlVy. RON WHITEHEAD SUBJECf: b. D PLEASE REPLY PROMPTLY D TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION D FOR YOUR INFORMATION TAKE ACTION INDICATED BELOW D NOTE AND FILE D RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS D PREPARE FOR MY SIGNATURE _____________ A.MD SEE ME ABOUT THIS P.M. 􀁃􀁏􀁍􀁍􀁅􀁎􀁔􀁓􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀰􀀭􀁾􀀱􀁟􀀠 SIGNATURE ___􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭. :.' COWLES & THOMPSON A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 301 W. WASHINGTON. SUITE 100 p.e SOX 1121ATTORNEYS AT LAW SHERMAN. TEXAS 75091·11,,1 901 MAIN STAEET, SUITE 4000 TEU:'PHONE {903} S93-IHI9!l DALLAS. TEXAS 75202-3793 100 WEST AQAMS AVENUE, sur!E at'! TELEPHONE (214, 670-1100 1'.0 SO;.;: 1a5 TEMPLE. TtXAS 75503·1)185FAX (214) 􀁓􀀹􀁾􀁈􀁪􀀻􀀩􀀱􀁉􀀧􀀮􀀱􀀠TElEPHONE (8171 l1i-i!dQU CHARLES SORREllS O"E AMEAICAN CENiEh. SUITE 177(ltl2S·1982) 909 E.S.E LOOP 323 EOWARO J. FIELDS. JR. TYLER, TEXAS 7SlVl·9664 (214) 670·1120 TELEPHONE (9(3) 581·55.'16 November 29, 1993 NOV30S3 Ron Whitehead, City Manager Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 Re: 6.2 acres on Quorum Our File No. 3195/25211 Dear Ron: Enclosed is the Title Commitment issued by Commonwealth. The Title Commitment indicates that title to the property is burdened by: • Protective Covenants for Quorum North • Various platted easements • Access Easement, Volume 84240, Page 3653 • Utility Easement, Volume 84240, Page 3658 We need to analyze the effect of the Protective Covenants and easements. Please call me should you have questions. 􀁓􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁭􀁲􀁲􀁴􀀯􀀠L Edwar J. ields, Jr. EJF/krf Enclosure ! 􀁾􀀺􀁲􀀮􀀨􀀠L',t'\. L..:llj,;r J 100 P:Jcitic Avenue. Su; i40 DaUa'\, Te:<;Js 15201 , C!I..h H55·H.iOO Fux !11.i} 􀀱􀀵􀀴􀁾􀀧􀀭􀁘􀁽􀀶􀀶􀀠 􀁦􀁴􀀨􀁏􀁏􀁾􀀠627·5651 Commonwealth Land Title Company ofDallas VIA HAND DELIVERY /November 17, 􀀬􀁾􀀠Mr. steve K" FGB Realt Advisors 14651 las Parkway suit 200 D 75240 Our File No. G9047688 6.272 Acres in G.W. Fisher Survey, Abst 482 Dallas County, Texas Dear Steve: In regards to the above file, enclosed please find the Original Commitment for Title Insurance and related exception documents. As soon as the Tax Certificate is received we will forward a copy for your file. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please call Beverly Griesse or myself at the above number. our pleasure to be of service to you. 􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁬􀁾􀀠S aron Cole Escrow Assistant for Beverly Griesse 􀁾􀁩􀁯􀁲􀀠Vice President 􀁾􀁣􀁣􀀺􀀠 Ed Fields, Esq. Cowles & Thompson 901 Main, Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 . COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued By Commonwealth., Land Title Insurance Company THE FOLLOWING COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE IS NOT VALID UNLESS YOUR NAME AND THE POLICY AMOUNT ARE SHOWN IN SCHEDULE A, AND OUR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAS COUNTERSIGNED BELOW. We Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company will issue our title insurance policy or policies (the Policy) to You (the proposed insured) upon payment of the premium and other charges due, and oompliance 􀁷􀁾􀁨the requirements in Schedule B and Schedule C. Our Policy will be in the form approved by the Texas Department of Insurance at the date of issuance, and will insure your interest in the land described in Schedule A. The estimated premium for our Poli. cy and applicable endorsements is shown on Schedule D, There may be additional charges such as recording fees, and expedited delivery expenses. This Commitment ends ninety (90) days from the effective date, unless the Policy is issued sooner, or failure to issue the Policy is our faull. Our liability and obligations to you are under the express terms of this Commitment and end when this Commitment expires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this oommitmentto be Signed as of the effective date of commitment as shown in Schedule A, the commitment to become valid and binding only when countersigned by an authorized signatory. " , '.' '0 , -Countersigned; , , ... By: fbmu 􀁑􀁾􀀠􀁬􀂣􀁁􀁾􀁾􀀠. AtJthoriz ignatory Commitment lor Trtlelnsurance -rexas (Rev. '·'·93) Page One Form 1177·1 DUPLICATE ORIGINAL SCHEDULE A Effective Date: November 1, 1993 G.F. No. G9047688 Commitment No. (none), issued November 17, 1993 1. The policy or policies to be issued are: (a) OWNER POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (Form T-1) (Not applicable for improved one-to-four family residential real estate) Policy Amount: $464,454.00 PROPOSED INSURED: TOWN OF ADDISON, (b) TEXAS RESIDENTIAL OWNER POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE --ONE-TO-FOUR FAMILY RESIDENCES (Form T-1R) Policy Amount: $ PROPOSED INSURED: (c) MORTGAGEE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (Form T-2) Policy Amount: $ . PROPOSED INSURED: Proposed Borrower: (d) MORTGAGEE TITLE POLICY BINDER ON INTERIM CONSTRUCTION LOAN (FormT-13) Binder Amount: $ PROPOSED INSURED: Proposed Borrower: (e) Other: Policy Amount: $ PROPOSED INSURED: 2. The interest in the land covered by this Commitment is: Fee Simple Title 3. Record title to the land on the Effective Date appears to be vested in: RESOLUTION 􀁔􀁒􀁕􀁓􀁾􀀠CORPORATION, as RECEIVER for SANDIA FEDERAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 4. Legal description of land: Schedule A (Rev. 1/1/93) -Promulgated Page 2 Commitment for Title Insurance Valid Only If Schedules B, C, D Form 998 -Sheet 1 And Cover Page Are Attached • 'I a tract of· ..and out of the G.W. FISHER dURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and also being known as a portion of McLEAN TRACT ADDITION, an Addition to the Town of Addison, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds on the attached Exhibit "A". Schedule A (Rev. 1/1/93) -Promulgated Page 2 Commitment for Title Insurance Valid Only If Schedules B, C, D Form 998 -Sheet 2 And Cover Page Are Attached 5 IXHlIrt -II.. "'.' ,.,UeAL IlUWnICIII' . '.,:' IEClm1LtfC at .. lro. n4 ••, I. ,h. Ian I£M 01 4Io1fEIII Drh. (10 looe I.O.V.) &04 ,h. $o",b UD& ., eha $C. 􀁾􀀮􀀠elUl Sovttlwlura laUn" (l00 to!" 􀁉􀀮􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀮􀁶􀀮􀁨􀀠tHUeE vUlt tM SoUl" liM .f ...U St.. tolIb 04 S....chwu.n bll...&11 ICore' " d.,n.. 11 Idaut.. 00 ••coMI , .., • dlacatu:• ., 6U..:S t.., to all boa 􀁾fO¥A4; THt::ta SMeb. U ........ 01 alaUI:" 10 .Rollol. h.e ••􀁨􀁵􀁡􀁣􀀮􀂷􀂷􀁾􀁴􀀠61&.73 lu' tel" 􀁸􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀠trOD noel. 10'i&6ll '" eboa "na. 11M .1 Ar...... 10_ (10 '001 LO.V.h THtXIt &10., eha lton.1l liM .t ad4 AI'.t,.ho ..... Soat'b U ••,u.. " • .,uc_. " 􀀢􀁃􀁑􀁾􀀧􀀠VUi , db'nee .. US. to tau to _ in_ 1'04 ••, fOI eboa potD' .t cunat:arl 01 • CU,"" to 1M Jde bAdq • uona! ...b of J7 ."11'''. 20 ..tau:t•• 06 ucolld.... rub, of no.lit rut. u4 ••• eM"' NUl S.,.cb ., d.'..... l' _Ioutu U ,"eoad, Vue. 11,.Ot t.,,; 􀁔􀁾􀁾􀁴􀀠􀁡􀁬􀁯􀁾􀀬􀀠1M: nt of e.;.4 C''''VI 17&." tUI to • cut 􀀮􀁾􀀠'"td t. (anUUI drI",.;: 􀁴􀁈􀁴􀁾􀀡􀀺􀀠:COrels 60 4.'..... 2' .10\1"1 :z:l ..coM:. V..e • 4hra.c. of 17'.64 tn' CO ... hoo co« loue. T!i!::OCe. $et,lch at 4'1"". " .tn...," 31 ..􀁾􀀰􀁡􀀴􀀮􀀠v.", ••"uau 0' Ill.t) lu' to " cut ....... foond 􀀢􀁾􀀠COQ,u'.t...,1". 'n the !.uc lb. ot ..t. 􀁾􀀮􀀬􀁃􀀧􀁵􀁡􀀠Uc't".; THE!..:t &1011'11 the: !.aft !l•• ..t RU 􀁾􀁲􀁵􀀮􀀠'Dd.... tt.u-tb 00 ,,,,,,... ZS .taut.. 00 "'CO"," W4:sc " .tunc. d 2'1.01 I..c to eM rt.ACZ or IICUOIlJC .Itd cODulttiq 􀀶􀀮􀀲􀀷􀁚􀁾􀀠.ere. 0," 213.20' o"un tOlt of lUll'. ,_,0 1 ot I, SCHEDULE B Commitment No. G.F. No. G9047688 EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE In addition to the Exclusions and Conditions and Stipulations, your Policywill not cover loss, costs, attorney's fees, and expenses resulting from: 1. The following restrictive covenants of record itemized below (We must either insert specific recording data or delete this exception):Volume 80005, Page 3073, Volume 84201, Page 1770, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. 2. Any discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines, or any encroachments or protrusions, or any overlapping of improvements. 3. Homestead or community property or survivorship rights, if any of any spouse of any insured. (Applies to the OWner Policy only.) 4. Any titles or rights asserted by anyone, including, but not limited to, persons, the public, corporations, governments or other entities, a. to tidelands, or lands comprising the shores or beds of navigable or perennial rivers and streams, lakes, bays, gulfs or oceans, or b. to lands beyond the line of the harbor or bulkhead lines as established or changed by ani government, or c. to filled-in lands, or artif cial islands, or d. to statutory water rights, including riparian rights, or e. to the area extending from the line of mean low tide to the line of vegetation, or the rights of access to that area or easement along and across that area. (Applies to the Owner Policy only.) 5. Standby fees, taxes and assessments by any taxing authority for the year 1993, and 􀁳􀁵􀁢􀁳􀁥􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠years, and subsequent taxes and assessments by any taxing author1ty for prior years due to change in land usage or ownership. 6. The terms and conditions of the documents creating your interest in the land. 7. Materials furnished or labor performed in connection with plannedconstruction before signing and delivering the lien document described in Schedule A, if the land is part of the homestead of the owner. (Applies to the Mortgagee Title policy Binder on Interim Construction Loan only, and may be deleted if satisfactory evidence is provided to us before a binder is issued.) 8. Liens and leases that affect the title to the land, but that are subordinate to the lien of the insured mortgage. (Mortgagee Policyonly) Schedule B (Rev. 1/1/93) -promulgated page 3 commitment for Title Insurance Valid Only If Schedules A, c, D Form 998 -Sheet 3 And Cover Page Are Attached 9. The following 􀁭􀁑􀁟􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁳􀀠and all terms of the Qvcuments creating or offering evidence of the matters (We must insert matters or delete this exception.): a. The following, all according to plat recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784, of the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas: Building set back line Twenty-five (25) feet in width along the Southeast (Arapaho Road) property 11nei and . Building set back line Fifteen (15) feet in width along the West property line; and An easement Fifteen (15) feet in width along the West property line(s) for Drainage and utilities; and An easement Fifteen (15) feet in width along the Northwest (St.Louis & Southwestern Railroad) property line(s) for Drainage and utilities; and An easement Fifteen (15) feet in width along the Northeast property line(s) for Drainage and utilities; and An easement Fifteen (15) feet in width along the Southeast (Arapaho Road) property line(s) for Drainage and utilities. b. Rights of parties in possession. c. Easements, or claims of easements, easements, which are not recorded in the public records. d. Rights of tenants in possession under unrecorded leases or rental agreements. e. An easement granted by Iona Developers to adjacent property owner dated May 31, 1984, recorded in Volume 84240, Page 3653, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. f. Underground utility Easement granted by Iona Developers to adjacent property owner dated May 31, 1984, recorded in Volume 84240, Page 3658, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Schedule B (Rev. 1/1/93) -Promulgated Page 3 Commitment for Title Insurance Valid Only If Schedules A, C, D Form 998 -Sheet 4 And Cover Page Are Attached SCHEDULE C commitment No. G.F. No. G9047688 Your Policy will not cover loss, costs, attorneys fees, and expensesresulting from the following requirements that will appear as Exceptions in Schedule B of the Policy, unless you dispose of these matters to our satisfaction, before the date the Policy is issued: 1. Documents creating your title or interest must be approved by us and must be signed, notarized and filed for record. 2. satisfactory evidence must be provided that: no 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁳􀁯􀁮􀀠occupying the land claims any interest in that land aga1nst the persons named in paragraph 3 of Schedule A, all standby fees, taxes, assessments and charges against the property have been paid, all improvements or repairs to the property are completed and accepted by the owner, and that all contractors, sub-contractors, laborers and suppliers have been fully paid, and that no mechanic's, laborer's or materialmen's liens have attached to the property, there is legal right of access to and from the land, (on a Mortgagee Policy only) restrictions have not been and will not be violated that affect the validity and priority of the insured mortgage. 3. You must pay the seller or borrower the agreed amount for your property or interest. 4. Any defect, lien or other matter that may affect title to the land or interest insured, that arises or is filed after the effective date of this commitment. 5. Upon receipt of a survey acceptable to Company and upon payment of all the expenses in connection with the survey and the applicable premium,if any, Item 2 of Schedule B will be deleted except for "shortages in area," subject to any additional exceptions revealed by the survey. 6. satisfactory evidence of access having been furnished to Company, the policy to be issued will not contain an access exception. 7. Company must be furnished a properly executed corporate resolution in recordable form of the Board of Directors of Resolution Trust Corporation, as Receiver for Sandia Federal Savings Association authorizing the proposed transaction and establishing authority of the officers to act on behalf of the corporation. Schedule C (Rev. 1/1/93) -Promulgated Page 4 Commitment for Title Insurance Valid Only If Schedules A, B, D Form 998 -Sheet 5 And Cover Page Are Attached LE _OMPANY OF DALLAS Sohedule C (Rev. 1/1/93) -Promulgated Page 4 Commitment for Title Insuranoe Valid Only If Sohedules A, 8, D Form 998 -Sheet 6 And Cover Page Are Attaohed SCHEDULE D 1. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company is a wholly owned subsidiaryof Reliance Group Holdings, Inc. Reliance Group Holdings, Inc., had total assets of $10.0 billion dollars at December 31, 1990. Reliance Groupsecurities are publicly traded on the Philadelphia stock Exchange. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance company's officers and directors at December 31, 1992 were as follows: Herbert Wender, Chairman & CEO Robert J. Hauser, Sr. Vice President Frederick L. Tomblin, President William Bock, Sr. Vice President & chief operating Officer Gary C. Kidd, Sr. Vice President Stephen H. Weatherby, sr. vice James P. Kozel, Sr. Vice President President & Controller Wayne L. Levins, Sr. Vice President Edward P. Locher, Sr. Vice Irving Morgenroth, Exec. Vice President President & Treasurer H. Robert Naftzinger, Sr. Vice President James J. D. Lynch, Jr., Vice Gary L. Opper, Sr. Vice President President & secretary John P. Rapp, Sr. vice President Joseph N. Buchman, Sr. Vice James J. Ryan, Sr. Vice President President Jeffrey C. Selby, Sr. vice President Clifford L. Collins Sr. Vice President DIRECTORS George E. Bello Saul P. steinberg James J. D. Lynch, Jr. Frederick L. Tomblin Irving Morgenroth Herbert Wender Robert M. steinberg 2. As to each Commitment for Title Insurance issued by a (i) a Title Insurance Agent, or (ii) a Title Insurance Company, where not issued by a Title Insurance Agent, the issuing Title Insurance Agent or Title Insurance company shall disclose: (a) A listing of each shareholder, owner, partner, or other personhaving, owning or controlling one percent (1%) or more of the Title Insurance Agent that will receive a portion of the premium. (b) A listing of each shareholder, owner, partner, or other personhaving, owning or controlling 10 percent (10%) or more of an entity that has, owns or controls one percent (1%) or more of the Title Insurance Agentthat will receive a portion of the premium. (c) If the Agent is a corporation: (i) the name of each director of the Title Insurance 􀁁􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀬􀀠and (ii) the names of the president, the Executive or senior 􀁶􀁾􀁣􀁥􀀭􀁰􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁩􀁤􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀬􀀠the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Title Insurance Agent. (d) The name of any person who is not a full-time employee of the Title Insurance Agent and who receives any portion of the title insurance premium for services performed on behalf of the Title Insurance Agent in connection with the issuance of a title insurance form; and, the amount of premium that any such person shall receive. Schedule 0 (Rev. 9/30/92) -Promulgated page 5 Commitment for Title Insurance Valid Only If Schedules A, B, C Form 998 -Sheet 7 And Cover Page Are Attached (e) For J?urposes of this paragraph 2, "having, c;>wning or controlling"includes the 􀁲􀁾􀁧􀁨􀁴􀀠to receipt of a percentage of net 1ncome, 􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁳􀁳􀀠income, or cash flow of the Agent or entity in the percentage stated 1n subparagraphs (a) or (b). You are further advised that the estimated title premium* is: Owners Policy $ Endorsement ChargesMortgagee 􀁐􀁯􀁬􀁩􀁣􀁹􀁾􀁾􀀤􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭Total $ . Of this amount: 􀀤􀁉􀀥􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾_______ will be paid to the policy issuingTitle Insurance Company; S7% will be retained by the issuingTitle Insurance Agent; and the rema1nder of the estimated premium will be paid to other parties as fOllows: Amount To Whom For Services $/%_-----$/%_-----$/%_-----*The estimated premium is based upon information furnished to us as of the date of this Commitment for Title Insurance. Final determination of the amount of the premium will be made at closing in accordance with the Rules and Regulations adopted by the State Board of Insurance. 3. The following disclosures are made by the Title Insurance Agent issuingthis Commitment: Commonwealth Land Title Company of Dallas is a wholly owned subsidiaryof Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company. Commonwealth Land Title Company of Dallas officers at October 11, 1993 were as follows: Glen W. Cochran, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer Judy Marcotte, Senior Vice President and SecretaryTracy Byers, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Richard O. Roberts, Vice President and Senior Counsel DIRECTORS Frederick L. Tomblin Cliff L. Collins Glen W. Cochran, Jr. Schedule D (Rev. 9/30/92) -Promulgated Page 5 Commitment for Title Insurance Valid only If Schedules A, B, C Form 998 -Sheet 8 And Cover Page Are Attached ucy's,Exceptions, Exclusions and Conditions, defined below. • EXCEPTIONS are litle risks thai a Policy generally covers but does not cov.r in a particular instance. Exceplions are show!! on Schedule a or discussed in Schedule C of the Commitment. They can aiso be added H you do not . comply with the Condilions section of Ihe Commitment. When the Pof>cy is. issued, all Exceptions wUl ba on Schedule ,a 01 !he Policy. ' -EXCLUSIONS are tille risks thai a Poficy generally does not cover. Exclusions are contained in the Porocy but not shown or discussed in th" Commitment. -CONomONS are additional provisions thai quallly or limh your coverage. Conditions include your responsibiTrties " . and those of the Company. They are conlained in the Policy but not shown or olScussed in the Commitment. The -Policy 􀁾􀁮􀁣􀁦􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀠are no1 the same as the Commitment Conditions. . You can gel a copy of the poRcy form approved by Ihe Siale Board of Insurance by calPng!he Tdle Insurance Company al 1·800. , 925.()96§ or by camng camng Ihe tille insurance agenlthal issued Ihe Commitment. The Stale Board of Insurance may revise Ihe poficy form lrom time 10 time. . You can also gel a brochure thaI explains the porrey from Ihe Texas Department 01 Insurance by calling '-800-252-3439. eefore the Policy is issued, you may request change. in Ihe policy. Some of the changes 10 consider are: -Request amendment of the "area and boundary" exception (Schedule e. paragraph 2). To gel this amendment. you mustturnish a survey. On the Owner Policy, you must pay an edditional premium for the amendment. If the survey is acceplable 10 !he Company, your Poficy will insure you a9ainst toss because 01 discrepancies or conlli<:ls in boundary lines, en::roachments or prolrusions. or overlapping of improvements. The Company may then decida nol to insure asainsl specHic boundary or survey prablems by making special exceptions in the Policy. -Allow the Company 10 add an exception to "rig hiS of panies in possession.· If you rafuse this excepti,:,", the Company or Ihelitla insurance agenl may insped Ihe property. The Company may exCepl to and nol insure you against the righls of specific persons, such as renlers. adversa owners or easemenl holders who occupy th .. land. Th.. Company may charge you lor Ihe inspeclion. If you want 10 make your own inspec:\ion, you must sign a Warv .. r of lnspeclion lorm and allow the Company to add Ihis exception 10 your Policy. The enlite premium lor a Policy must be paid when the por>cy is issued. You wRI net owe any additional premiums unless you want 10 increase your coverage al II laler dale and lhe Company agrees 10 add an Increased Value Endorsement. Texas Title tnsuranee In'ormalion ACClt8Y EA8!H!MT • STATe ur TEXAS (.'OUNTY or OI\LUS 􀁾􀀠5 5 􀁾􀁎􀁕􀁗􀀠ALL HEN BY THKSB PREsENTS, WHEREAS, lOffA if 􀁓􀁃􀁾􀁓􀀠Arapaho, Suite 1 aGrantor")8 ia the ownee O&lla. County, t.xae, and 􀁉􀁘􀁨􀁩􀁢􀁩􀁾􀀠-A(h.reIn calied called -Tract 2-), 􀁡􀁴􀁾􀁡􀁣􀁨􀁥􀁤􀀠raferenee (heeein caiiod 00,1),.,,"1.,., addre•• 11ed WHERt:AS, Grantor de.tres to 􀁾􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁴􀀠for the use and 􀁾􀁮􀁥􀁦􀁬􀁴􀀠of the owners of Tract 1, their .uece••ors .nd a••lgna (heroIn called ac,;rante.-) I and WHEREAS, Grantor desire. to yrant to crantee, an access and utility ease=ent vlthin that vert ion ot Tract 2, described on t.:xhib1.t ..c .. af'.tached hereto and 􀁉􀁮􀁣􀁴􀀩􀁲􀁾􀁲􀀢􀀧􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠herein by reference (herein Called the -CAse-ent Area-). NOW, 􀁔􀁈􀁅􀁍􀁅􀁆􀁑􀁒􀁾􀀬􀀠G rantor, tor Ten and no/IOO ($lO.UU) COllars. and other yood And valuable conalderatinn. doee b1 tne.e pre••nta. GRAlIT, 􀁾􀁉􀁈􀀮􀀠SELL and C'UHVt:'t unto Grant.e a non-.xelustv. . rlvht-of-vay and •••a..nt at Invee•• and 􀁾􀁲􀁥􀀮􀁾􀀠In, over and 􀁡􀁬􀁯􀁾􀀠the 􀁅􀁡􀀮􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠Area tor the pa$Aave of 􀁾􀁡􀁾􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁩􀁡􀁮􀀠and vehicular traftiCI tor the 􀁉􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀮􀀠maintenance. repair and replace..nt oL 􀁵􀁮􀁤􀁥􀁣􀁾􀁲􀁾􀁵􀁮􀁤􀀠utilitios 4nd tor stor_ drainage. subJect to the 􀁴􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁯􀁷􀁬􀁦􀁴􀀹􀀠conditions I 1. Gr4nt.or. tor 􀁩􀁴􀁳􀁾􀁬􀁴􀀮􀀠its 􀀧􀁉􀁉􀁕􀁃􀁴􀀻􀁾􀀺􀀧􀁩􀁓􀁦􀁾 􀁲􀁓􀀠and aS$1\,1n$, Sh411 retain. rcserve and cunL.ioue to enJoy the uso ot t.h. t:ase.eot Area lor any and all purpotj,es vhich do not intertere with and prevent the use bv Ceantee at the within 􀁥􀁡􀀮􀁯􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁴􀀮􀀠1.. Grantor acknuwlcd-;:es t.hotL. 􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁉􀀺􀁾􀁲􀁯􀀠is 􀀢􀁴􀀢􀁥􀁾􀁣􀁮􀁴􀀠ly 111n'1 withtr\ the t.:aso'"ent AHa'" !,laved 􀁾􀁵􀁡􀁤􀁷􀀢􀀧􀁹􀀮􀀠,:)t" and Gr"'ntee AVree tc ahar••qually in the cost of !"""Int.alnin,} such 􀁲􀁯􀁾􀁤􀁷􀀺􀁴􀁹􀀠in a ficstc!.aslI condit.ion. lOU U,AVt: ANl.l l"U tlULU, the _,hove 􀁴􀁊􀁾􀁳􀁣􀁲􀁩􀁢􀁥􀁤􀀠 ""'y and 􀀮􀁡􀁳􀁣􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠unto th. said 􀁇􀁥􀁡􀁮􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀠its .UCCC••0Y' and assignsforever <')tocute this the.3/day nt ...1.119 # 1984a -􀁾􀀠I lUNA rlf":vtt..OPP.;HS _ " tract ot lard .!tualo4 s" .,., G. W. FSsher 􀁾􀀬_tr_NQ. 482, City. of Md!son, Ilon•• t'bwIty, Texas, an4 􀁉􀁬􀁥􀁾􀀠.....". portleularly &lscril:oeoS .... follow.. 􀁟􀀮􀁩􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀻..􀀱􀀴􀁾􀀢btblg u.t 􀁉􀁮􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁮􀁴􀁣􀀺􀀮􀁦􀀠􀁟􀀬􀀬􀀾􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀼􀁾􀀧􀀻􀀬􀁾􀁦􀁩􀀬􀀠...,.t rit::::/""""f ot Spoc...... Cd.., (80 foot R.O.W.) ..., _ right.., of ""."""" lba4 160 root R.O....)' 89· 56' 04l1lina:NC:S S.. w." ..long NU)brt.h R..O.M.... dutance ot 355..00 teet. to a p:>lnt:. foe 􀁑􀁪􀁾􀀧􀀠 :t'Htla N 45· 031 5$l1li H." COl". diltarY.:e of 21.. 34 t_t to ... point; 1HE:t'«::£ H 00· 25' 00" w.. , rOC'. dln.tee of 􀀺􀀲􀀶􀁾􀀹􀀲􀀠feet; to. point. saW point beJng the point of """""tura of • cw:va to _ rigbt" ..14 __ 􀁾􀁹􀀱􀁮􀁧􀀠• a!!Iftual, angle of 1'· .0· 18-•• 􀀱􀁬􀀰􀁾􀁏􀁏􀀠f' l'actlus" .xl • dQtd m.r.l:ng of 11 08-55' •09l1li £.,. 35." !Qet.} 􀁾1Il0hJ """ of sal4 cu,,"" " dla!.ancot of 35.85 lett. to " ""s"t. said point being' th. point of l'O'IMt'$Q CUI."V.lIture on :.s C'UI"Ytt to t:!... left, s.aid CI.l.I."\o'e having ... eu.tral .::i:ngla: of 18* 40' 18"" A 460.00 toot r"cu,us,.xs • 􀁣􀀺􀁬􀁸􀁭􀀱􀁬􀀺􀁥􀁡􀁲􀁾􀀠of N 08* !aS1 09-E., 14'.24 fect, "11tElCE, alCIin'iJ 􀁾􀁲􀁣􀀠of uL.:i l."\U"YO for a-dt"llf.ance of 􀁵􀁾..n teet to the point of 􀁾of Mid 􀁬􀀮􀀢􀁜􀁬􀁜􀁾􀁊􀀠􀁾N 00· 2$' 00" w." fuC' 4 ditlt.a..oc:e of 140.$1 (!flit to a. p>1nt tor ccn:ner; 􀁾U 89· 3S' 00" £., ,for ./I cJh:t.anco or 21l.,3 feet to a p::dIlt tor: oot1'ler; nb:!tt 5 60· 􀁾􀂷􀀮􀁴􀀠0 .... E. 􀁾􀀠fur ol 􀁤􀁢􀁴􀀬􀁩􀁉􀁾􀀢􀁥􀀠of 179.1:14 fi.'C't. to it pJint, 􀁾􀀻􀁤􀀠fOint. hloir.., l(X;."\d (80 foot R.O.W.) a....s also 􀁬􀁯􀁲􀀮􀀮􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀠in 4 􀁜􀀮􀁾􀁜􀁖􀁡􀀠to the l ...􀁦􀁬􀁾􀀠!i.,ieS \."Ul'Vl'! h.T.rlJ"q a central angle ot 27· 01' 01" oli 2'10.43 (c.ot. hklius, .oud ...... :l"'rd lRaring of S 13-OS' 33" W., 121.3. n'Ct; 􀀧􀀱􀁧􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠alOng are oC Ho" \.'\U'JQ for a uisl."l.'Jt..c of 121.5:1 ft."t!:l to t.he: point of t..lngcnt..ooy o( Siiid \.'HIVe'; 11IJ-;z.a S 00· 2!P 00" 􀁅􀀮􀁾􀀠..1«,,) t,::,ill :\l"St 􀁒􀁾􀁏􀀮􀁗•• (,,', .. tlist.'UC'C of 154.66 feet to the lOJt/r U-' IltJ.:U:WG; 􀀸􀁾􀀲􀁾􀁏􀀠􀀳􀀶􀁓􀁾􀀠 J!£llG • tract of Ibtd. .1tuatl!d l..o the 􀁇􀁾􀀠W.. FlSlIDl SURYEr, ABS'7'Ivcr NO. 482, city of Iddison, DI1llu Cl:ulty, 1hxa., ani oolng JI'OZ'II ,partic:ular13 desc:r1bed as to11Oo1S I 􀁯􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁦􀁾at the ,,_.t rl9ht-.otooway lino of Sp:dnn Drive, (80 foot R.O..ll..) and the lbrth 􀁲􀁩􀀹􀁨􀁴􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀁴􀀭􀁷􀁾􀀠Uno of Aral....v.o lOad (60 root RoO.W.h 􀁾􀀬􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠.'4.'nmQ If 00· 25' 00· 11 a1.anr; the N:sIt rlgbt-ot-1om)" llne of' 􀁁􀁮􀁰􀁡􀁴􀂻􀀢􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁪􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁩􀀣􀁥'-;-"" 180 teln} the !'Oint of """"'tun! of a """"" to the ri'ijl\t "-"""trill angle is 21'" 01· 01-4 c,adiu. of .270.. 43 feet.and a t:angertt length of '4.91 feett 'IHENCIt 􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁬􀁹.-I0r'J9 &:lid QU:ve for .. dist:.anc#l of 􀀱􀀲􀀱􀁾􀁓􀀲􀀠teet to a iOint, said point abo Lciuq the fOint of b."'\Jinning. 1HEK:E N so-lSt 00· W Cot' a dtstanco of 119.£4 feet to • p::!'iJlt forcorner, '!lISCE 5 I?-359 00· W C« a dlsblnee of 213.'3 foot to .. FOint tor: .. " ex>iico. oxner, said p>lnt abo \.olDJ in the SO\1tl1 d9ht.-ot..way llnlt of •. 􀁾􀀠of land u.necl by st,. Ioul. rud $ov:tlr.IP$lent 􀁾􀁮􀁲􀁯􀁮􀁤􀀻􀀠'JHDU N "-12' 00-E Along Mid SQtlt.n 􀁲􀁩􀁱􀁨􀁴􀀮􀀭􀁶􀁴􀁾􀀠lim foc a dist.a.nclll of 612.. 25 teet to a. f.' ,int (()r C'{Jrner; 􀀧􀁬􀁈􀁄􀁾􀀠S 2'-0)" 10· t. (ur a .\islancc t}( 414.S0 (","C't. b a f(,lint ror corner, .said point why) in U)Q North ri'Jht."1,}f-\ol<1Y lir.e of Mid J\a;rllt r1qht""r""W'lY line of saJd h:ilp.lh::> Jb!d' fot' a. dist..lnt."C' .If 2JS.ll ,....,.. 􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀠1<,';a':. 1t.liA l'C'1int also l':x!ing t:.hI! point of curvature of a (7\11"'0 \0 the lcfL 􀁜􀁯􀀬􀁨􀁯􀁾􀀠c,,'t' .:angle .i.1lII 37-::;" Jr a ro\oll:.S of 2}O.4:!' f ... ;l .1Jd a 􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀢􀁲􀀤􀁜􀁬􀀠l'1kJlh vf 􀀧􀁬􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁬􀀠('t'<'t; -nu:-a 􀁓􀁑􀁵􀁴􀁬􀁲􀀮􀀮􀀢􀁃􀀧􀁤􀁴􀁾􀁃􀀩􀀬􀁊􀀧􀀠••1(""J :-"Iid C"l.1C'I.-': f!}c it (!il,t.Hlt.'t! of l,7$•.25 fcct:; to a (Oint. said point oOll:iI,,) I..; 􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠lJ.u JOUlf Vc' 􀁊􀁬􀁴􀁬􀁡􀁾􀀱􀁕􀀮􀁣􀀮􀀠a:UfAlNm::; 273.253.J$ 􀁾􀁊􀁖􀀭􀁬􀁲􀁯􀀠f(!Ot or 5.273 ,U'H..'$ of 􀁬􀁾􀁜􀁮􀁤.. 84240 3655 ACCESS & UTILITY EASEIIElIT DUCRIPTIOli · BEING .. parcel ot .trip of land altuated In the G. V. Abstract. No. 48t. Clty of Addlaon.. Dal.l•• COUnty. T.......􀁾􀀮􀁟􀀢􀀬􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠, IjMlrtlevlar;ly 4••cZ'lbed •• folIOV.I... 􀀺􀀧􀀻􀀢􀀧􀁩􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀧􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀠. 􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀺􀁊􀁾􀀠􀀧􀀻􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀭..􀀨􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀺􀀭... . . 􀁾􀀠. 􀁾􀀢􀂥􀀮􀁟􀂷􀁣􀀮􀀢􀂷.. COMaCIK' 􀁴􀁴􀁾􀀠the inter••etlon of the hat 11,,_ of " ••plh""(. 80t 􀁒􀀮􀁏􀁾􀁗􀀮􀁊􀀠and the North line of Arapaho Ra.d fa 60' 􀁔􀁾􀀮􀁮􀁥􀀮􀀠North o· 25' 00" Weat alonq the w••t 11ne of ."ld Ar«pahoRoad for .. dl.tanca of 154 .. 68 to .. point of curvatUre o! .. Circular .;" curve to the r19ht havlhq .. central &nq1. of 2'· 00· 54-•• radlu& of 270.42 f ••t and .. tangent of 64." f ••t: Thence .10n9 .aid curve to the right in .. Northe••terly direction and oontlnUlft9 al0ft9 the lin. of ••ld Arapaho Road for an arc length of 121.S f••t to the POINT or 8EGINN1HC;: 􀁔􀁒􀁅􀁍􀁃􀁾􀀠Morth 60· 2$' west, • 􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀮􀀠of 130.0 fe.t to • point lor • corner;THEMe& 􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁴􀁨􀀠29* lS' ...t, • corMrJTHEMCE· South 60· lSI lCaat, a a comel'J THENCE South .,. 10' East, • diatance of 􀁾􀁥􀀦􀀠 to • point in the Ve.t line of sa1d Atapaho Road .aid point bein, on & circular curve to tbe l.ft 􀁶􀁨􀁾􀁡􀁥􀀠conter bears South 56· OS' 􀀴􀀰􀁾􀀮􀁅􀀦􀁡􀁴􀀮􀀠a distance of l70.41 feet, havin9 􀁾􀀠central an9l. of ,. 18' 2'-, and a taPgent of 􀀱􀀧􀁾􀀲􀀧􀀠feet;: . 􀁾􀀠􀁔􀁈􀂣􀁎􀁃􀁾􀀠along said curve to the left 1n a southweaterly direction along the West line of said Arapaho Road for an .re lengtb Qf l4.49 f ••t to the POINT OF B£CJNtUlfC and contdnin9 7,O!'O ..,....C"'C rul of lalli.. Bli2liO 3656 LS9£ O'lZfJB '1l4 OEC 10 PlI I: qO f!.'l.It"M-tJ -. :..0 f'f" U-'IA;Sn:"ItO /1'" 6v,d: t-J-vto-I I f 7c(.; or"It<. ,"".m <("" IJt,. LA􀁾􀀠13 <0(:- STATE or nv.s OOUMTI OF 􀁄􀁁􀁾􀁌􀁁􀀤􀀠s s s · .., ... -',IHOW 􀁁􀁌􀁾􀀠niH WHER&AS, Grantor dealee. to 􀁾􀁲􀀮􀁮􀁴􀀠for the use and benefit of the owneea ot Tract 1 (hee.1n 􀁾􀁡􀁬􀀱􀀮􀁤􀀠-Geantee-) a aubaurfaee uti. 11ty ea.ement within that pOet ion of 􀁾􀀮􀁣􀁴􀀠2, d.,cribed on EXhibit ·c· 􀀮􀁴􀁴􀁡􀁾􀁨􀁥􀁤􀀠hereto and incorpOrated herein by reference (heeeln called the -&as.mant Area-). MOW, 􀁔􀁈􀁾􀁒􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁒􀁴􀀬􀀠Crantor, foe Ten and no/100 ($10.00) DOllar. and other 9004 and valuable eon.ideeation, doe. by the•• pre.ent., GRANT, HAMGAIN, SELL and 􀁣􀁏􀁈􀁙􀁾􀁙􀀠to Grant.e, their .ucce.eor••nd a••i9n•• an ea...ent and 􀁲􀁬􀁾􀁨􀁴􀀭􀁯􀁴􀀭􀁷􀁡􀁹􀀠􀁷􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁬􀁮􀀠the E.....nt construct, 1n,pect, _alnt.ln, 􀁾􀁰􀁡􀁩􀁲􀀬􀀠operate. 􀁲􀁥􀁰􀀱􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁣􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀬􀀮􀁾􀀻􀁾􀀺􀀺� �􀀮􀁾􀀺􀁬􀁩􀀧􀀢􀀻􀀧􀁾􀁾ehange the size of and 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁖􀀮􀀠1ft ..nole -'or tn part. liti.s. SUbJect to the 􀁦􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁯􀁷􀁩􀁾􀀠condltiona. 1. Grantor. tor itselt. It••uccessore anQ •••19n•• ahal1 retain. 􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁥􀀠dnd 􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁵􀀮􀀠to enJoy the u•• of the Ease.ent Ar•• for any and all 􀁰􀁵􀁲􀁰􀁯􀁳􀁾􀁳􀀠whict:. do not intettere wlth and. prevent the use by Grantee of the 􀁾􀁉􀁴􀁨􀁩􀁮􀀠.asement, including, but not li.ited to, GranLorls riynLS to nuild 􀁾􀁬􀁴􀁮􀁩􀁮􀀠and use the 􀂣􀁡􀀤􀁥􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠Area fOr drainage oitches 􀁾􀁮􀁤􀀠priYate streets. roads, 􀁤􀁲􀁩􀁹􀁾􀁾􀁡􀁹􀁳􀁲􀀠alleys, 􀁾􀁡􀁬􀁫􀁳􀀬􀀠garOens. lawn., viantirt.} ahd 􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁫􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠area and other lilc.e uSes, and shall further Cttt41n ana 􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁥􀀠the riVht to dedicate all or dnf 􀁶􀁾􀁲􀁴􀀠ot the 􀁾􀀴􀁳􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁡􀁮􀁴􀀠Area to any city fot US8 as a puolic street. roaa. Alle)' or utl,lit1 􀁥􀁡􀁳􀁥􀁬􀁬􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁾􀀠26 The anoye eaSC"n...nt is l_._•• 􀁾􀀠conaition9CJ upon tne tOllOwlny; 14'least 􀁴􀁾􀁏􀀠t;asement AJ.l uLlilti'.!R !'I.'u.lti 'nt Dud"",,J to d 􀁤􀁾􀁰􀁴􀁨􀀠....t at (:.0 ttttJ't Dclu.. ttlt!' tW[tAce ot the lana ",itnln the Ared. {D} 􀁾􀁸􀁣􀁥􀁶􀁴􀀠tor in an 􀁣􀁭􀀴􀁲􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁃􀀱􀀠sittJ'ation, Grantee vill ,-lye Grantnt reASOliable not lee prior toil :Lts entry 􀁵􀁾􀁮􀀠and 􀁕􀁓􀁾􀀠of tne t;a$t;tment Are.l "nd "'ill Cduse ail vort wi thin the taSt;tment Area to 􀁏􀁾􀀠donv and comploted 45 􀁷􀁸􀁰􀁾􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁵􀁳􀁬􀁹􀀠as iK>ssiole so dS tt, limlt to " 􀁉􀀧􀁦􀀬􀁩􀁮􀁩􀀡􀁾􀁵􀁭􀀠t'he "'rantee"s use ot the t;"semenL Ated" (c) 􀁇􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁾􀀬􀀠at it. 901e cost and expense, vill repalr any and all ddmaye to thv t;allement Area c.used by Grantee'. USe 􀁯􀁾􀀠the same. t'urthvr, Ur-antor shali not be Uable for and Grantee will tndemnlt,t (;rant.or of and fro. all fines, SUi.t5, cl.ill15. demand'S; 10a80K And .\CtlOffS (includl"9 Attorneys' tee.) for anv inJuty to person or da"9_ to or 10•• ot property on or abOut the SaseMent Aeea 04N*ed by the 􀁮􀁥􀁧􀁬􀁴􀁶􀁥􀁮􀁾􀁥􀀠or mIsconduct of Grantee, its eMployeos, contrac􀁴􀁯􀁲􀁾􀀮􀀠􀁳􀁾􀁾􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁴􀀮􀁲􀁁􀁣􀁴􀁑􀁲􀁳� �􀀠􀁴􀁮􀁾􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠Qr by any pereon enteriny upon the t:asemO;tnt Ared under lin..' "'lipC"tlS$ or imylitld invitatlon of t,irantttttf or drlSi"'1 out I)t t'rllntee's ""e of the t;:asement Ared. 􀁪􀁾􀀠"rhis instrument 1" thlt Cf)tI\lJ1eto and e)(cluslve statenwnt ot the tEtrMS ot the eolsomenl. h"r\lLn \Jrantttd. ana ts subject to the v411a 􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀠􀁡􀁰􀁖􀁉􀁩􀁾􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁥􀀠laws, ordinancQ$ dnd restrIctions. 8,.2"0 3658 STATE 0" TEXAS S S COUH'fr Of' Di\l.tAs S ."pires, --, 􀁂􀁾􀀲􀁾􀁏􀀠. 3659 »ma If 45-03' 56-W.. foe. 41$' of 21.34 reet to .. P:dntl 􀁾N 00* 2S' 00'" W.. tor a dlst.anc;:e·of 26.92 teet to a. po:l.nt,. $814 pGlnI; be.In9 tM point of curvature of a """'" to tM right...1.4 """"" baYing' a centxal angle of 18* 40' 18"', a 110..00 t(lQt. radius, and a 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀺􀀠of H 01* SS'.09'" L. 35.6' feetl nIDICIt" 􀁾""'" of ...1.4 curve a ells......,. of lS.SS feet to .. pGlnI;, said beintJJ tM point of .......... """""ture oa .. .,...... to tM 1_. aai4 QIlW having' a ca\uAl angl_ of 18-40' 1'-_ •460..00 fcx)t radius. ard .. ch::lRI toa.:dl'''l of M08-sst 09'" E ... 149.24 feetl 'IIl>:NCS. al.onil al'C of aid =-roc .-dlstance of 1".91 feet to the pGlnI; of 􀁾of ..1.4 """"'I . "rHl:lII:X N 00* 2S' 00'" 􀁷􀁾􀀣􀀠lor a. 􀁤􀁬􀁳􀁾of UO.57 reet to A P':l.nt fer corner, 'lHEXX tt .,* lSI 00" 􀂣􀁾􀀮􀀠for a dist.a.oc:x: Qf 􀀲􀀱􀀳􀁾􀀹􀁬􀀠feet to a. point:; 'cor corner; 'n£r:a S 60* 2S' 00'" E., for oS {.Hst..tnce of 179.601 feet to a p:tint, Mid fCint ming l(:)lC.ojtuJ in wo \>Cst. t\.t\.v••• 􀁾􀀠􀀱􀁬􀀻􀁾􀀠t:.! "'..ii').tho ibM (80 "--t; 􀁒􀀮􀁏􀁾􀁗􀀮􀀩􀀠.vd ,'\50 )oc,toj in 4 ( ...\)".'1:: to the ll:'ft, Mid C'\ll"Ve having a C"(-:...,tra.! a.r'I9'l<: of 27· 01 t 07-'" <70.43 fo;::.t r.w.Iius. and: a chord 􀁾􀁡􀁲􀁩􀁮􀀹􀀠of S 13· as' 33-Mo. \27.34 􀁲􀁦􀁾􀁴􀀺􀀠'lHtla# al<:f'lg' arc of said curve for a tlist;.ln!e of U1.S2 feet to lhe fOirrt. of t..angency .of saio ,,",,11 vel nul'CE SOD-2S' 00" E. I' ..long :..... '0 􀁬􀁾􀁴􀀠R.O."." for a distAnCe of 154.66 feet to the IOCll" (k' 􀁐􀀮􀁾􀁉􀁾􀁉􀂷􀁾􀁭􀀺􀀻􀀻􀀠8lfZ40 3660 BEIIG • tract of lard dtuotad in u.. G. If. FI9IDI SURYEr, lIBS'nI>Cl NO. 482, City of Mdiacft, call.. CI:ulty, _, ard being ..,... portJcularly describedl as 􀁦􀁯􀁕􀁾I 􀁃􀁄􀁾at the 􀁴􀁾􀁳􀁴􀀠r1CJht-of-way Une of Spectnn Drive, (80 fcot R.·'.If.) ard u.. North 􀁲􀁬􀀹􀁨􀁴􀀢􀀧􀁦􀁾􀁏􀁙􀀠line of kapoho Ibad (60 foot R.O.If.1I 'IHOCB N 00· 25' 00· W along' U. Nirtlt 􀁲􀁊􀁃􀁊􀁨􀁴􀀭􀁯􀁦􀁾􀁊􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁬􀁉􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀱􀀱􀁾􀁕􀀮􀀲􀁾􀁯􀁾􀁦􀁾􀁩􀀻􀀡􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾-􀀡􀀺􀀻􀂣􀀺􀁴􀀺􀁾􀀮􀁗􀀺􀁾􀁦􀁾􀁏􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀺to angle b 27-01' 07-a radiua of 270.43 feet. a tangent Jength of 64.97 feet, 'IHEN:E _terly along .old __ for. dis....,., of 127.52 feet to • point, said point also being u.. point of begInning. 'IHflQ N 60-25' 00· W for • dlst:.anoa of 179.64 feet to a point for 'IHflQ S 􀀸􀁾􀂷􀀠35' 00· II fal" a distan:e of 213.93 feet to a IOlnt tor comer, 'IHOCB N 00· 25' 00· W fcc • 4ist:ance of 211.12 feet to. p:dnt fcc . , comer, said point aloo LoIn., in u.. South rlghI;-<>f_ lu. of • tract of land 00Inf!d by St. IoJJs QI'd South.'CStcl'ft RaUr0a4: 'IHflQ N 56-12' 00· E alcraq Mid. South right-of-way" rex • distance of 612.25 feet to a FOint (ex COlTler; TIir::O; S 26-03' 10" £ for " JiSlMtC'C of 414.80 teet to a point tor corner, said loint h:-ing in tJ-.c N0l"l.h 􀁲􀁩􀁾􀁨􀁴􀀭􀁯􀁲􀀭􀀱􀁯􀁬􀁡􀁹􀀠line of said Arapaho Ibad. 'IHflQ S 63-56" 46-w alC"n9 the tbrth right-ot"""-'"lY line or said Arapal'o R:lad for a di st.ancc of 275.11 loot to a p:>int, said toint also ooing tJ-e FOi.r.t ot CIJJ"'\'"lurc of., (-\It\'!! to I,K:: .... c "noS(.' 􀁉􀀮􀀺􀁉􀂷􀁲􀀮􀁾􀀱􀀢􀁩􀀧􀁉􀁝􀀠.:mgle is )7-'W' 3r a l'..'KJius ':'-: 270.42 􀁲􀀬􀀭􀁾􀁴􀀠.m' .:I 􀁬􀀮􀁜􀀺􀀩􀁬􀁊􀁬􀁾􀁴􀀠􀁬􀁣􀁾􀁊􀁬􀁮􀀠of 9L38 (l"."Ct: 'I11}l-.CE SouU:.."t..'.it..-:rly .'Llo:"l :".,id (:mvc for a rlistitnce of 176.25 (I".-et to a p:>int. said !-Oint oll!'iO wil¥J U...:: lUlNT OF 􀁭􀀮􀁣􀀻􀁬􀁜􀀬􀁾􀁬􀁾􀁟􀀠c:aaAINIHM 273.253.35 squ.U'8 teet. or 6.273 .'lCrcs 􀁯􀁾􀀠1M1d:. ·,.. 􀁾􀀸􀀱􀁦􀀲􀀴􀀰􀀠-.' 3661 BIllIG a pared or atrip of 1...4 10 fut in 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁲􀁬􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁩􀀿􀀡􀁪􀀮•.;F.", G. V. rishoc >l\Ir..-r. Abstract 110. 􀀴􀁕􀁾􀀮􀁣􀀺􀁬􀁴􀀬􀀠:'I . Tu.... al1<'l· be1n, IIOr. parUclllarl:r d..cr1l>ed .. COKHEHCING fro. the inter.actton of the l1ne of Arap.ho Road (a 80' A.O_V.) .nd the Horth l1ne ot·Arapabo 􀁾􀁯􀁡􀁤􀀠(a GO' 􀁾􀀮􀁏􀀮􀁶􀀮􀀩􀁾􀀠nence North O· :IS· 00· v••t 411009 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠 Itne of Atd Arap.aho ",' Road for & dlatanc. of 1St.GI f ••t to • point of curvature of 4 circular curve to th., right having. central &nq1. of 27· 00 ' 􀁳􀀮􀀢􀁾􀀠• rad!". of Z10.CZ t ••t and .. tangent of 64..66 tNt, ftettc. alon9 ., ..1d curve to the right tn • Northeasterly dlractioa ao4 conttnu1A9 . • lon9 t" "at l1ne of s.1d Arapaho Jt.ud tot:' All arc lenyth of 127.5 f ••t to • point for. corner; Thence Worth 60· 25 v••t d_rtift9 fr_ the V••t lina of add Aupaho Road of 17'.64 fe.t to tb. POI1ft' or I\lIGIIIIIIIIG ..14 pointcenterliDA of e 10.0 vide ...􀁾􀀬􀂷􀀵􀀮􀀰􀀮􀁦􀁥􀁥􀁴􀀠􀁏􀁄􀁩􀀮􀁾􀀻􀀢􀀻􀁾􀀧􀀠􀀠....􀀢􀀧􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀾􀀬􀀮􀀬􀁾.... of·canterl1_ de.cdb«!:· .;. «,,'«.' .,.• 􀁤􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀭􀀻􀀢􀀬􀀮 􀀬􀀬􀀬􀁾􀂷􀁟􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁩􀁩􀀡􀁩􀁃􀀠""-,,c."".' , .. THEII<:E Korth 45" 25' lleat, • dbtance of 28.28 feet for • come:!:; 􀁾South at' 35' we.t, '. distance of It3.'3 teet to th. ond . of the ......nt. 8,,2'*0 3662 • ""-.' -' -,0,,,,',, b,:Z lid 01 3JQ M. l\et'Jr.\ to 􀁴􀁾􀁾....1n S. 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠Jr. Eaker. Ch:::;t. !Udol :u'tth & E1l1Qtt 2001 Ery;;..."1 TO"Jer I..Ot", Fl¢o;c talla!1,., 􀀧􀀻􀁥􀁾􀁩􀁬􀁳􀀠􀀮􀀷􀁾􀀲􀀰􀀱􀁟t" .i'.• \.. r ..... PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR QUORUM NORTH o THIS DECLARATION, made 'hIs Jd day <1 January, 1980, by DAONTEXAS, a partnership, acting by and through its partner d:.ll)' authorized (hereinafter referred to as "Declarantu): WHEREAS, Oecll:U'aot is the owner of 􀁑􀁕􀁏􀁒􀁕􀁾􀀱􀀠NORmf an Addition to the City of Addison, DaUliS County, TaSS, aecordinlS to the subdivision plat (the "Platu} thereof recorded in Volume 􀀵􀀤􀁾􀁫􀀮􀁬􀁴􀀼􀀻􀀭t Fage..t.2.1tL, of the Map Records of Dsllas County, Texas (all or. the land in said Addition and the impro'/ements now or hereafter situated thereon being rtereinafter called the ttPropertieslt); and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to take advantage of the prc.sently-existing unique geognphlesl {eA,ures o{ the Properties and 􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁰􀁯􀁳•• to establish and Implement highly sophlsUoated end aesthetio plans lor omee. hotel, and tlmited retail and commercial use in order to create e. unique and highly landscaped and attractive oUjce park community on the Properties and to provide for the maintenanee tltld improvement of such landseaped areas; and, to this end, desires to subject the Properties t· 􀁾􀁨􀁥􀀠eGvenants, conditions. restrictions" easemEnts. charges and liees t-.ereinaf.d set forthj each and all of which i9 and are (It tfle benefit of the Properties snd each Owner of a L¢t 􀁾􀁳􀁳􀀠such terms are herelnaher detined) and which restrictive covenants and (V,;nditions will also comply w;th and be subjeet to the la.wful requirements ot AI: applicable governmental entities and agencies, including the Comprehensive Zuning 􀁏􀁲􀁤􀁾􀁮􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁣􀁳􀀠of the City of Addh!:on, Texas. and of utility companies to better ensure the 􀁥􀁡􀁲􀁾􀀠and maintenance of the landscaped areas; and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to impose said covenants, conditions, restrictions.. easements, charges and liens on the Properties and yet retain reasons.ble nexibility to respond to changing or unforeseen eirculJlstanc:es so as to control and m&intain the first-class quality and distinction of 'dle Properties; and· WHEREAS, OeI!larant hRs deemed it 􀁤􀁾􀁳􀁩􀁲􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁥􀀬􀀠and in the best 􀁩􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁴􀁳􀀠of the Owners of the LotS (as such terms a're hereinafter defined), for the 􀁥􀁦􀁦􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠pre$ervation o(the values In said eommunity and maintenance end imprcvement of the landscaped areas, to create an entity to which would be delegated and assigned the pcv-'ers of maintaining 􀁾􀁲􀁴􀁡􀁩􀁮􀀠common utility facilities, certain areas (jooicated to the public, Rnd landscaped areas, enfereing these restrietion.l;, and colle<:ting and disbursing the assessments and charges hereinafter created;: and WHEREAS, Declarant has caused to be inoorporated QUORUM NORTH PROTECTIVE CORPORATION, • To,... nonl'rolit oorporatlon, IlIld h .. designated it as such entity. . . NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant h.rebJ declares 􀁴􀁾􀁡􀁴􀀠the Pro;>erUes ere and $hall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed ar:.d occupied subhct to the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements,. charges and lien$ (sometimes C':)ilectively referred to herein as the "Covenants, Conditions anr1 Restrictions") aerdna(ter set forth. ARTIC:'E I. DEFINJnONS 'The following Words, when used in ihis DcelarR.tion or any Suppl..,mental Declaration (unleS9 the context shall 􀁯􀁬􀁨􀁾􀁲􀁷􀁩􀁳􀁣􀀠dCQrly intiicatc Or prohibit), shall hnvil the (0110"'106 meanints: Ca} "Corporation" shall mean and 􀁲􀁾􀁦􀁥􀁲􀀠::) QUORU:\1 NORTH PROTECTIVE CORPORATION, • rexllS noni>roCit corporation, 􀁷􀁨􀁩􀁣􀁾􀀠wlll hllve the powe.. , duty and 􀁲􀀨􀀡􀀺􀁳􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁪􀁢􀁩􀁬􀁩􀁴􀀱� �ot maintaining et:t.gin Climmon utility tacilities, certain areas dedicated to the pubUcJ and landscaped .veas thereon end administering and enforcing the Covenants, Conditions and Restriction: and collecting and disbursing the assessmcnts and 􀁣􀁨􀁡􀁲􀁾􀁥􀁳􀀠hereInafter preltctibed. (b) !'Properlie-s" shell mean and refer to the real property described hereinabove. (e) "Landscaped Areas'" shall mean and reter to any and aU areas ot land within the Lots which are reqJired to be planted with graS1t plantings, ground cover, trees, hedges £Uldlor shrubs: and expressly exc!uding theretrom all 5trcets, building sites, buildings, parking areas, driveways and pedestrian walkways. Cd) tl'Lot" shall mean and refer to anyone cf the plots or traets of land identiried by si!e end block number on Exhibit "A"' attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, or if no site divisions o( any block are shown 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠shall refer to the gnth'a blook. All references to subdivided portions of Lots shall rt:fer to portions of Lots otCiciA.Uy subdivided in accordance with the rUlf'3 and regulations of the, City of Addison snd Dallas CountYl Texas.. (e) "Owner" shall mean and refer to each and every person or business entity (whether one or more) who Is a record owner or e. ' fee simple or undivided (ee simple interest in any Lot or subdivided part thereof subject to these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions; however, the word tl'Ownerrt shall not include person(s) or entity(ies) who hold merely:: lien or interest in a Lot or subdivided part thereof as security foe the performAnce of an obligaUrm (specifically including, but not limited to. ar.y mC'rtgagee or trustee or beneficiary wider 8 :'.1:ortgage or Deed of Trust unless and until such mortgAgee' or 'beneficiary has acquired record legal title puMUa.,t to foreclosure or any proceeding in lieu thereot), (f) l'l).1embertl' sheil mean and refer to each ownu of a Lor or subdivided part thereof s.s provided in ,\rticle II hereof. (g) "Oec}arat.t'* shall mean and refer til DAON-TEXAS and the succe..or(.l and assign(s) (if ""y) of DA01<-,,'EXAS with respect to the ·..olucte.ry disposition ot all (or substantially all) of the assets and/or stock of DAON-TEXAS and/or the voluntary disposition of.1I (or su!>stantilllly e.Il) of the right, title and interest of OAON-TEXAS, in and 􀁾􀁯􀀠the Properties prior to !!1e corppletion of development thereon and/Or a"y 􀁥􀀮􀁳􀁳􀁬􀁧􀁮􀁥􀁾􀀠who shall 􀁲􀁥􀁣􀁾􀁩􀁶􀁥􀀠by written assignment from DAON-T£XAS all or a portion of its l'ights hereunder as Declarant. No person or entity me"ely purchasing onlJ or more Lots or subdivided parts thereof from DAON-TEXAS shall be considered as IIDee-laranP'. (g) l'tNet Acreage" st>.all 􀁭􀁾􀀸􀁮􀀠the size of the Lots as determined on exhibit "A,>1 aggregat!ng 􀀵􀀸􀁾􀀸􀀹􀀠acres. In the event of a subdivision ot any lAt, the Net Acreage for said Lot shall be allocated by Graham Associ Mc..... , Tnc., between thO parts collectively constituting the Lot, and said aUo::ati?:t mndc in good faith !.hall be conclusive on all i:lter\!stcd 􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠(h) "'l.a.nd.1tcllp:ng" shaU meiln growing plnnt5t including gras.c;; plantings, ,rines, ground CCV'::f, trees, hedges!1Od 􀀵􀁨􀁲􀁵􀁢􀁾􀀮􀀠(j) "Quorum LOOp" st:nti mcnn n te-be nllmed Innds,;:r.pcd pilI'kw::y dcsiinatcd for pUtposcs uf idcntiricut:on on Exhibit "A" as "Quorum Loop 􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀧􀁉􀁲􀁴􀁨􀀢􀀠nnd d('dicr.tcd or to be dClU..'nted to the public, i (I I, ..., , :. "; r ,'iO:h:, •'//""I·J-Z (}) 􀀢􀁌􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁳􀁣􀁡􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀠:">1edlan1' shall mean the 􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁳􀁣􀁡􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀠median to Quorum Loop. He) lfCommen Landscape Fac'ilitiesll shall mean the land-. scaping, sprinider system scrving the Landscaped Areas and Landsc:aped Median, lighting (acilities and street furniture (it any) installed hy Declarant in the Landscaped Areas, Landscaped Median and/or adjac:ent to' Queru!'fl. Loop (bUt excluding drIveway or parkIng area lighting and street (umiture instaUed or to be installed by Owners other than Declarant), and water (eatures, it anYt installed by Declarant ter the mutual benefit of the Properties. ARTICLE II. !IlEMBERSJIII' ANll VOTING RlGHTS IN THE CORPORATION 􀁾􀀪􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁅􀁶􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁹􀀠O.... ner of a Lot er subdivIded p:ll't thereot ;;;l]lMllv ti rema.!n 8 ;\fember o( the Corporation in good Section 2. Voting mghts. 'lbe Corporation shall have two (2) classes oC yotIng membershfp, Class A and Class B. Class A Members shall be all Members with the exception or O••llll'ant. The Class B Member(s) shan be Declarant. UntU Decla:ant has sold and conveyed sixty-rive percent (65'16) ot the Net Acres in the Properties (ether than to a succeSSor OeclarBJ'lt) I.e., 38.28 􀁎􀁥􀁾􀀠Acres or mere, the Class A Members stutll not be entitled to 􀁶􀀬􀀻􀁴􀁾􀀠and the Class B Member shall be .ntitled to one-hundredth U/I00) oC one (1) vote rot each one-hundredlll (1(100) ot one (l) Ket Aere ot )t in which it holds the interest required tor membership. The Class B 􀁭􀁥􀁭􀁢􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀼􀁬􀁩􀁰􀀠shall cease and become converted to Class Ii membership upen the earlier to eccur or the following: (a) when Declarant shBll have sold and conveyed si)(ty-five perctnt (65%) et the Net Acreage et Lots, i.(h, 􀀳􀁡􀁾􀀲􀁓􀀠Net Acres, or more, to' separate, distinct, bona tide third parties for their own account, use and eccupancy; or (b) De.ember 31, 1984. From and atter such conversion, each Class A Members shall \)e entitled to unehundredth (1/100) or one (l) vote Cor .a.h ono-hundtedlll (1/100) of " Ifet Acre In which it helds the Interest rcquired (or membership. When mere than one person ooids such interest in any Let or subdivided part theMOf, all such perso:lS shan be Members, and the vote for sllch wt er subdivided part thereof shall be exercised as they, among themselves, determine, but in no event shall more tha."\ one-hundredth (1/100) or one (ll vote be c ••t with respect to each such ,'ne-hundredth (1/100) of el\e (1) Net 􀁁􀁯􀁲􀁥􀁾􀀠A person's or entity's member.;hip in the CoO'peration shall terminate automatically whenever sllCh person or entity ceases to be an Ovt"ner. but such termination shan not release or relieve any such person er entity frem any liability or oblfgatlon incurred under or in any way connected with the Corporation or the Declaration during the I1"rlod or such ownership, or imPQir any rights or remedies which the Corpora. 􀁾􀀠or any other Owner has wIth regard to' suoh former Owne:. Section 3.. Quorum, Voting 8.1d Notice Requirements6 Members holding one-tbliil (US) ot the Votes enutld to be cast (I.e., e., the Ow..,.. or le.53 Net Acres), represented in person or by legitimF.te proxy, shan constitute a quorum. The vote ot the majority ot the votes entitled to' be cast by the 􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁣􀁭􀁢􀁥􀀡􀀧􀁓􀀠,resent, 􀁾represented by legitimate proxy at a meeting at which a qiXU'um is present, shaU be tne act ef the Membel'l meeting, except that any aetien authorized by Artlol. m, section 4, shaU require the assent oC two-thirds (2/3) of the '·ot .. entttted to be east (I.e.j the O'l:ners ot 39.26 Net 􀁁􀁣􀁲􀁾􀀩􀁴􀀠by the 􀁾􀁥􀁭􀁢􀁥􀁲􀁳􀀠present. or represented by Iegitlntlte proxy at a legally 􀁣􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁓􀁾􀁩􀁴􀁕􀁴􀁅􀁤􀀠mccUne. Notice requ[remt'nt.'l (or all acUon to be tbken hy the Corporation stlall bc as :o;tntc.<1 i:. its 􀂷􀁜􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁬􀀭􀀺􀁾􀀠of luc-orpor.oUoo' and (vi) t'arrvillg' val. tile \'lIriOUlt [;luth.'rs :;;0' forth 0:-􀁜􀀮􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁶􀁬􀀺􀁏􀀺􀀺􀁬􀁃􀀧􀁮􀀨􀀧􀁤􀀠herein; lind 􀀨􀁾􀁭􀀠􀁦􀀨􀀧􀀢􀁴􀁭􀁢􀁵􀁲􀀡􀀾􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠till! 􀁲􀀨􀀧􀀮􀀧􀁴􀀮􀁾􀁵􀁮􀁬􀁬􀁢􀁬􀁥􀀠\.'\{l('lt.<:l''; 0(, nod 􀁰􀁮􀁹􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠ret 􀀢􀀻􀁃􀀧􀁍􀀡􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀠i • ' .\ r I compensation. to (in sueh amounts, it' any, 􀁥􀁳􀁾􀁡􀁢􀁂􀁳􀁨􀁥􀁤􀀠by the Board of Directors) the m""mbers of the .4.rchHp.r.:tural Control COm;nittee and/or Board ot Directors Cor the 􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁃􀁯􀁲􀁭􀁡􀁮􀁾􀁥􀀠ot their .;!uties hereunder. section 3. Basis and Amount oC Annual As3es.,-:ments. Each year while ' these 􀁃􀁵􀁶􀁾􀀬􀀠Conditions and Restriotions are 10 force, the Board ot Dlrectors shall set the amount of tha annual assessment tor each year for each 􀁌􀁾􀁴􀀬􀀠taking into consideration the then current mainten&nce costs hod the future needs of the C"rporation; provide1, however; that the said annual assessments shan be ratably assessed based solely IJpon Net Acreage. section 4. addition to the the first ano'iY"rs.",y ot the Ciling of these Co'hmants, Condition.-<; and Restrictions, the Corpc 􀀾􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀮􀁊􀁏􀀠may Ie\"j' in JJJiy calendar year a specIal group assessrn apt>lies.ble t;:. Hut yc'\r only. for the p"..trpose of defraying. in whole or in pert, the cost of construction or reconstruction, une;q..q..ected repair or r'.!placement of any c-apital impMvement (exelarUng buildirliis) upon the Landscaped Areas or Land.. scaped Median, or the Common Landscape Facilities, ineluding the nec3ssary fixtures and personal property related thereto; provided that any such assessment shall have the assent of the two-thirds (2/3) of thc votes: of the Members or the. Corporation entitled to be cast 􀁷􀁾􀀠are voUng in person or by legitimate proxy nt a meeting duly 􀁾􀁡􀁕􀁥􀁤􀀠for this purpose Ci.e., Owners of 39.26 N'ct Acres), as provided in 􀁓􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠3 ot Article II, end provided that said special assessment shall be ratably assessed based solely upon Net Acreage-* 􀀧􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀷􀀻􀀬...:'l11eby the o! Directors !he COrporation to be the date of commencement, and shall be plJ.yable quarter: in advance, on the tirst day ot each month being the tirst month in said quarterlY per;oo thereafter. The due date or dates, if it is to be paid in installments, of any special group assessment under Section 4 hereof sha.ll be fixed in the resolution authorizing such assessment. Section 6. Duties ot the Board ot Directors with Respect to 􀁾􀁾􀁥􀁳􀁳􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁳􀀮􀀠(a) In the event of a revision to the amount or rate I)t the regular assessment, or establishment of a special group assessment or spet':a1 Individual assessment, the Board of Directors or the Corporation Sh&ll fix the amount of the ass't!ssment against each Lot 01" subdivided p',rt thereof and the applicable due dateCs) for eaoh assessment at least thirty (30) days in advance of such date tlr period and shall, at ttlat time, prepare a roster oC the Lots or subdivided part thereot Md asses!Jments appUeabJe thereto w:-tich shall be kept in U'!e office o! the CorpooraUon and shall be open to inspection by 811y Owner. Written notice tJf the lUISessment shaU thereupon be delivered or mailed to every Owner subject thereto. (b) The Board of Directors shall upon d':!:mand at any time !umish to any Owner llable !or said assessment a c:erti€icate in writing signed by en officer of the Corporation, setting forth ",hether said assessment has been paid. &eh eerUfi1!Ate shall be conalusive evidence of 􀁴􀁾􀁥􀀠PllYment for f1f'iy assessment thcrein stated to have l>een paid. (a) If any assessment or any part thereof is not 􀁰􀁡􀁩􀁾􀀠::.a the date(s) when due 􀁾􀁮􀁤􀀠remains unpaid fv!' a period of thirty (:30) days thereafter, then the unpaid 􀁡􀁭􀁯􀁵􀁮􀁾􀀠of such ascessmp.nt shall bt."Come delinqucnt and shnU, togcthe; with such !n(erest thereon at tl-Jc me:dmum lega.t rate and costs of collection thereoff thereupon bccome a continuIng debt secured vy a 􀁳􀁲􀀡􀁉􀁴􀁾􀁥􀁸􀁣􀁣􀁵􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠J:en on the 􀀧􀁾􀁯􀁴􀀠or :subdivided pnrt thereof of the 􀁮􀁯􀁲􀀮􀁾􀁰􀀢􀁹􀁬􀁮􀁾􀀠Owncr whit:!!'1 shall bir.1 such Lot or subdivided part thereof In thc 􀁨􀁬􀁜􀁮􀁤􀁾􀀠of the 􀁾􀀡􀀻􀁾􀁮􀀠Owner, hl1 MtMl, executors, devisces, i1(,fsonnl rtprescntolives f,' , fl!oSig-n.'i. The CorporAtion shall hnve the 􀁲􀀺􀁩􀁾􀁨􀁴􀀠to reIect ;>JirHnl 􀁰􀁮􀁹􀁭􀁥􀁾􀁴􀀨􀁳􀀩􀀠of r " -• -􀁾􀀠 any assessment(s) and de:na..1d full paymE-nt thereof, or the Corporation may accept su-::h partial payment(s} on account only, l'fithout waivtl"g any rights hereundcr with regard to the ramoinintr balance due. The obligation of the then Owner to pay such as:;essment, hcwever, shall terroR::" his personet or corporate obligation, 85 the case may be, dnd shall not pe,...s to his successors In title unless expressly 􀁡􀁓􀀤􀁵􀁭􀁾􀀠by them. The lien for any unpaid assessments, however, st,aU be unaffected by any sale or assignment of a Lot and shall continue in full foree and effect. No Owner may waive or otherwise (:;Scape liability for ttta 3ssessmelit 􀁾􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁩􀁤􀁥􀁤􀀠herein by non-use of the LandscapeJ Areas or abandonment of his Lot or part thereof. (:J) It any 􀁡􀁳􀁳􀁾􀁳􀁳􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠or part thereof' is not fully paid within thirty (30) days after the a,Je date, the unpaid amount of such a$estmen", $hall bear interest from the dfl\e or deUn;.;uer:cy at the me.ximum legal rat':! ot interest, and if there is no maximum legal rate of interest, then at the rate of ei!:{hteen "ercent (18%) per aMUmt and the 􀁃􀁯􀁲􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠r.\ay, at its election, retain the 􀁳􀁥􀁲􀁶􀁩􀁣􀁾􀁳􀀠of MY attorney for collr:ction and/or to foreclose the lien against the property subject thereto and/or pursue any other remedy which 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠Corporation may have at law or in equity, .lU1d there shaU be 􀁡􀁤􀁤􀁾􀁤􀀠t.o the amount or such unpaid assessment MY and all collection costs incurred hereunder by the Corporation, including reasonable attorneysl fees and costs of suit. Section 8. The lien of the assessments to \!1e lien of any first mortgage or deed of tM.l.-t or to any other mortgage or deed at trust in favor of any bank, savings and loan Jissociation, insurance company or sii"'lilar financial institution for the financing of construction oC improvements upon SIlid Let (including 85 a part ther<9:of the financing of the acquisition of the Lot) or l"tfinancing of capital improvements now or hereafter placed upen AAY Lot; provided. however, that such subordination shall apply cnly to the assessments which have become due and payable prior to the sale (whet,he.. public 0.' private) of such Lot or subdivided part therec( pursuant to the tetms and conditiqns of tIDy su\!h mortgage or deed or trust. Such sale Shall not relieve any such new OWnep thereof rrt>m liability Cot the amount of any assessments thereafter becoming due nor from the lien of any su":h sub.:.\:quent asseosment. ARTICLE IV. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION Section 1. Powers and Duties. The Board or Directors or the Corporation {herein the "Board"), tor the henefit of the Corporation, 􀁐􀁲􀁯􀁰􀁾􀁲􀁕􀁥􀁳􀀠and the Owners, sh.a!l provide, and shall pay for out of the maintenance fund provided ror in Artic}e rot Secticm 1 abovet the roUowing: (a) Main!'!nanee, mowing, pruning. watering. fertilizing, preservation and replacing ot U",e landscaping on the 􀁌􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀼􀀺􀁡􀁰􀁥􀁾􀀠Areas and Landscaped :\fed:an, and ruu maintenance.,. operatiO!operatiO!l ano replacemftnt of the Common Landscape Faciiities, including the furnishing and 􀁵􀁰􀁫􀁾􀁥􀁰􀀠of PJl'i desired personal property for use in the L"w"scaped Arens and Lan.heap\!d Median. specifically including. but not limited to, sprinkli?rst sprinkler mains 81'ld laterals, sprinkler heads. equipment. 􀁰􀁬􀁡􀁲􀀮􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠boxes, landsctlpe Jig-hUrlS' and project signage, water features, water pumps nnd relat.ed items. 􀁾􀁮􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁡􀁬􀀠installation of sprinklers. sprinkler laterals and 􀁳􀁰􀁲􀁭􀁫􀁊􀁾􀁲􀀠hG&dF. 1ft the LandscDP'Cd Arens shaH h'1 the obligaLJn of Lot Owners. (b) 11m 􀁲􀁣􀁡􀁾􀁮􀀸􀀮􀁵􀁬􀁥􀀠t"OSt ot st'rviees of a person or firm to mnnnge thc Cl)rporlltivn or ttn!J sepnrH\C portion thercor, to the extent dt'etnW ndvis(lblc bv the IlMrd, IInli the 􀁳􀁣􀁲􀁜􀀧􀁩􀀨􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀠of stW' \,th.:r t"" .....􀁶􀁮􀀢􀁬􀁾􀀱􀀠8!> tIll' [lOON 􀁾􀁴􀀻􀁦􀁩􀁩􀁬􀀠d;..'t{'rillinc to be 􀁴􀁴􀁣􀁣􀁥􀁾􀁜􀀺􀁴􀁬􀁲􀀩􀀧􀀠or pro});;'r for . ! '. "'. ;".' . the o?""..ratton of thd Corpo:ation, whr· ... er such personnel are employed directly by the Board or by such manager; 􀁾􀁣􀀩􀀠Les-..l and accounting ser,,'ieesj Cd) A polley or policies or insurance insl!ring the Corpora'" tian again3t any liability to the public or to the Owners (and/or invitees or tenants), ineident to the operation ot the Corporfltion, in a.., s,r.lount not lesa than $100,000.00 to indemnity against the claim of one perSO.1, $300,000.00 agatnst the claims of two or more person.; in anyone occurrence, and 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁩􀀢􀁾􀁲􀁴􀁹􀀠damage insurant:e in an amount not less tha.'l $100,000.00 T?er occurrence; (e) Workmen's compensation ir.surance to the extent ner.essu-y to comply with pny appliCAble laws; (0 Scch fidelity bonds as the Boclrd may determine to be advt:;e;ble; and (g) MY ot:'er me 􀁴􀁾􀁲􀁩􀁡􀁬􀁦􀀠sUPPUElS, fUn'liture, labor, services, maintenance, 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁩􀁲􀁳􀀬􀀠l.lteratio'13,!rance, taxes or aSSl:ssments (excluding taxes or>ments 􀁾􀁥􀁳􀁳􀁥􀀮􀀺􀀺􀁬􀀠against ar ir.dividusl Owner) which the Board is requirEd to obtain or 􀁾􀁹􀀠for pursuaM to the terms ot this T)eclaration or by lsw or which, 1:1 its reasonable opinion, shall be neet!ssary or proper toJr 􀁩􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁣􀀺􀀠e;;,eration or p:-otection ot the corporation ?r 􀁦􀁏􀁊􀁾􀀠the enforcement ot these Covenants, Copditions and Restrictions. _lion 2. shall have the perCormance ot the (a) To enter into agreements or contracts with insurance companies, the holders of first mortgage Uens on the individual Lots or subdivided parts thereor and utility companies with respect to; (j) insurance coverage Of any) en Landscaped Areu, u ($ither or b.:lth relate to the assessment, eollection and disbursement process envisionerl by Article IV hereinabove; and (in utiUty installation, consumption and service matters; (b) To borrow funds to pay costs o( operation, secured by assignment or pledge or .:i'ghts against delinqllent Owners, it the Board sees Citj (cl To 􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁾􀁲􀀠into contracts, maintain one or more bMk aCeQunts, and, gF.:nerslly, to have all the powers m:c!!ssary or inCidental to) the operation and manageutent o! the Corporation; (d) To sue or defend in any eourt ot law in behalf of the Corporation e.nd to provide adP.quate reserves tor repairs and replacements; (el To make rea""nabl. rule. and regulations for the operatl.... of tne Ltindsoa!,!ed and portlons of tho Propertles as specified herein and to amend tht"m (rom time to time. prov!ded that Any rule or regula:'ioo may be amended or repealed hy M Instrument In writing signed by the Owners of more th..􀁾􀀠fifty per.ent (50%) of the Net 􀁁􀁣􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁾􀁥􀀻􀀠(0 To make available to e!Jch Owner within sIxh' (GO) days after the end o! each year an annual report and, upon 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠written request or one-third (1/3) ot the 􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁭􀁢􀁬􀀿􀁲􀀧􀀬􀀠to have sl1l'h rep?rt a\Jd{ted by an 'ndependent certified public accountant, 􀁷􀁾􀁩􀁣􀁨􀀠􀁮􀁴􀀱􀁾􀀺􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠repoI"t shaU be made 8vuilable to each :.\!emoor within thirty (30) O)V$ after lNmpletion; p !g) Purs'Jant to Articote V herein. to adjust the nmount, ooUi'!ct, fond 􀁵􀁾􀀠I\ny 􀁾􀁮􀁳􀁵􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁃􀀱􀀡􀀧􀀠proceeds to l'Cpalr 􀁤􀁦􀁬􀁬􀁬􀀧􀁜􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀠o r 􀁲􀁣􀁰􀁨􀁬􀁣􀁾􀀠,0/f" ......_ .':-IIU,)• • 1 • •• lost property; and if ;>roce,!..!s are insuff:ci':!i1t !O 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁡􀀺􀀺􀀢􀀬􀀠-:am.lg"'! or replace lost 􀁾􀀺􀀧􀁏􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁴􀀺􀀯􀀬􀀠to 􀁡􀀡􀀭􀀮􀀧􀀧􀁓􀁥􀁾􀀠􀁴􀁾􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀧􀁉􀀱􀁾􀀺􀁮􀁢􀁥􀁩􀀧􀁓􀀠i:l 􀁩􀀿􀁲􀁯􀁾􀁑􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁏􀁮􀁉􀀺􀀡􀀮􀁎􀀠amou.nts to c:c\ler t.'e cefki.;!ncYi !:l.11d (h) To 􀁥􀁲􀀮􀁦􀁾􀁲􀁣􀁥􀀠the pro....iS!0nS o[ this 􀀺􀀭􀀬􀁴􀀧􀁯􀀮􀀺􀁬􀁊􀁲􀁡􀁢􀁾􀁮􀀠and 􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀠ruies made 􀁲􀀮􀁾􀀡􀀧􀀧􀀺􀀡􀁬􀀡􀁮􀁴􀀡􀁥􀁲􀀠a.nd to er.join and 􀁳􀁥􀁥􀁾􀀠ca:ilages f:-Qi:l anyOwner for 􀀧􀁉􀁩􀁯􀁾􀁊􀀮􀁾􀁩􀁣􀁮􀀠::Ir ;:.!ch ?l'O'Iisions or-􀁲􀁾􀁬􀀧􀀺􀁳􀀮􀀠3. 3oa..'d Po..... ers. With l'eSpeCl to 􀀺􀀡􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀠i?e!'fcrml:l,!1Ce 􀁾􀁛􀀠􀁴􀁾􀁥􀀠􀁾􀁢􀁬􀁩􀁧􀀺􀀮􀁴􀁾􀀻􀀧􀁳􀀧􀀻􀀢􀁩􀁦􀁔􀁉􀁩􀁾􀀠Corpor:l:.ion 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁵􀁮􀁤􀁾􀁲􀀬􀀠􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠BotU'd S!1clU have the right to 􀁃􀁏􀀬􀁬􀁾􀀺􀀭􀁡􀁾 􀀺􀀮􀀠for all 􀁧􀁯􀁯􀁾􀁳􀁾􀀠sHvices, 􀁾􀀱􀀮􀁤􀀠􀁾􀀮􀁳􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀢􀀧􀀹􀀮􀁩􀀱􀁣􀁥􀀬􀀠and 􀀮􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠􀁥􀁸􀁣􀁾􀁵􀁳􀁩􀁶􀁥􀀠right 􀁾􀁤􀀠oblizati:m t'J i;ierform t;,e functions ::If "he Soard, except 3.S 􀁯􀁴􀀡􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀧􀁎􀁻􀁳􀁥􀀠;>rcvicled 􀁾􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁩􀁮􀀮􀀠Se-cticn "'=. "'=. 􀁾􀁉􀁡􀁩􀀡􀀧􀀡􀀮􀁴􀁥􀁮􀀲􀀮􀁮􀁣􀁥􀀠Contr3.cts. The Boa:-d, on behalf 0[ tre Ccrporatir'lO, shall have the f'JU powp.r ana auth0rity to cont:"3.ct 'rIit!1 91ly O·.... 􀀺􀁾􀁥􀀬􀀠(bcluding wit!1out ii;niHtion 􀁴􀁾􀁥􀀠Declarant) fCl' 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁦􀀮􀁸􀁬􀀧􀀡􀁈􀁉􀀮􀁉􀁬􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀠on ;:>ehalf 0f 􀁾􀀡􀀱􀁾􀀠Corporation. of 􀁳􀁾􀁲􀁜􀀧􀁩􀁣􀁥􀁳􀀠􀀧􀁎􀁾􀁩􀁣􀀺􀁨􀀠the Ct.orp.:r'ltior, is ctl;erW'!se req:.Jired to pe,fo,"iTI pursuant to the terms r.ereof, such contracts to be at 􀁣􀁯􀁭􀁾􀁥􀁴􀁩􀁴􀁬􀁶� �􀀠rP:ltes !!.:lc! otller'Nise upon such 􀁴􀁾􀁲􀀻􀀭􀁮􀁳􀀠􀀮􀁥􀀮􀁾􀀠conditions and fcr 5uch 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁤􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠3.3 tr':! 􀁅􀀺􀁯􀁳􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀠rna:-t1eem ?ro;?et advis.s.ble .s..nd in the best interest of 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠Corp'Jr3.ti0n. Section 5. Liabi,m,,· Lim€t.s.tions. 􀀺􀁓􀀭􀁾􀁩􀁴􀀡􀀱􀁥􀁲􀀠My :'Itembp.r nor 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠B..."'clN 􀁮􀁾􀁲􀀠'the Dir-ector-s. (or any of t.hem) nor the office..-s (i!' a;,\y) of 􀁴􀁾􀁾􀀠Co:"?oration s!1aU 􀀺􀀬􀁾􀀠,i)ersonally liable fOC' debts con!:r3.cted fOC' or otherwise 􀁩􀁮􀁣􀁵􀁲􀁴􀀢􀁾􀁤􀀠iJy the Corpo'3.ti,:.n OC' for a tort of '!1lother :\.lember, whether or not such 􀁯􀁴􀁨􀁾􀁲􀀠􀀺􀁜􀀧􀁉􀁥􀀺􀁮􀁢􀁾􀁲􀀠was 􀀮􀀹􀀮􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁢􀀠C:1 behalt of the Corpocation OC' otherwise. 􀁎􀁥􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀠th:! Declarant, the Corp<!on. its Directors, 􀁯􀁲􀁲􀁩􀁣􀁾􀁲􀁳􀀬􀀠agents or employeeg 􀁳􀁾􀁳􀀮􀁬􀁬􀀠be 􀁬􀁩􀁡􀁊􀀻􀁬􀁾􀀠f.;:lI' an::,' incide:1t!l1 0!' consequential dam!iges for failu:e to 􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁾􀁥􀁣􀁴􀀠any 􀀿􀁲􀁥􀁭􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁳􀀬􀀠impro....emen:s 0"portions thereof or for f3.ilu:-e to rei?liir or 􀁴􀁾􀀠same, The Declarant. 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠Cor!?Ol'ation or any other person, fir:n or association 􀁬􀁩􀁳􀀮􀁴􀀺􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀠to make such repai:"S 􀁾􀀢􀁜􀀺􀀢􀀠maintenance shall not boo:! li6.ble for any perso;'\a.l i;lj:.1ry or other incidente.l ::Ir consequential damages occasioiled by any act OC' omission in the rei?a::-;:" maintenance of any premises, impro\'ements or portions there\)f. Section 6. Reserve Funds. 􀁔􀁨􀁾􀀠Bo..lrd may establish reserve funds .....hich may be maintained and accounted for separately from other funds 􀁭􀁡􀁩􀁮􀁴􀀺􀁜􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁤􀀠ior annual 􀁯􀁾􀁊􀀧􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠expense and ;nay establish separate, irre\'oceble trust acco,,;nts i.'l order to better demonstrate that the s.rnOunts deposited therein are capital contrigutions and not net income to the CorporaHon. The aggregate 􀁾􀁾􀁰􀀮􀁬􀁧􀁩􀁴􀁳􀀠in such resei"ve funds shaJ. not exceed Five Thousand and No/lD!) Dolls.1'S 􀀨􀁾􀀵􀀮􀀰􀀰􀀰􀀮􀀰􀀰􀀩􀀠except upon approve! by a majority of :V;:ernbers voting in person or by prc.xy 􀁾􀀡􀀠'legally constituted meeting c!uly called for the purpose of 􀁧􀁩􀁜􀁬􀁩􀁬􀁾􀁧􀀠such nppro\':li. ARTiCLE V. INSURANCE; REPAIR AND RESTORATION 􀁓􀁣􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠i. Right to Purchasp. InsUrance. The Corporation shall ht}\'e tr.e right and option to'purchase, carry nnd maintaIn In 􀁦􀁯􀁲􀁣􀁾􀀠insurance covcring-nny or all portions of the Landscaped Areas, Landscaped :-.tedian andlor COlOlilon Landscape Facilities, any improvements there""n or appurtenant thereto, for 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀢􀀠interest of the Corporation, its Board of Dirc.ctors, agcnts nnd 􀁥􀁭􀁰􀁬􀁯􀁹􀁣􀁣􀁾􀀬􀀠nnd of all )'1embers of the Cc"por&tion, in such amounts nnd 􀁾􀁩􀁴􀁨􀀠such endorsements unJ coverage as shall be conside..ed good, sound insurance CO\'cregc ror propcrti.:!s slmil'U' in construction, locatfor., and use to the Properties. Such 􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁵􀁲􀀢􀁬􀀺􀁲􀁾􀁥􀀠lO3.y, but need not be limited to: ., (a) Comprc-hcnsive public liAbility 􀁾􀀨􀁌􀁰􀁛􀀧􀁜􀀩􀁰􀁣􀁲􀁴􀁹􀀠t.lAI:l!'..gC insurnr.ce ::In D. bruaJ (orm bASio:;, including t'overAge of 􀁰􀁬􀀡􀁲􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁬􀁬􀁬􀀠liability (if nny) of the Owners ond 􀀮􀀺􀀭􀀧􀁾􀁣􀁲􀀻􀀬􀁢􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠..... ith 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁰􀁣􀁣􀁬􀀠to tilt" L&ndscaped 􀁉􀀮􀀮􀁲􀁾􀁡􀁳􀀠ond LIl!ldo:;t'npcd i\1 ....dl&n: (b) FidLlit)· t-.oml for ull orfico:-rs /tnt! CIlli?loyc('!o of tilt" ('"orpuruliun 􀁨􀁦􀁬􀁶􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠control (lVl'r the 􀁲􀁛􀀻􀁣􀁣􀁩􀁾􀁴􀀠o r 􀀧􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁄􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁉􀁲􀁳􀁥􀀺􀁮􀀨􀀧􀀱􀀠t of fun,\":. ,,' :", , !'" .... 􀁾􀀠.• H . St!ction 2. lnsuranee PtQceeds. The and the ::'tfembers: shall use the net lI'lSuranCe proceedS to repair and replace any damage or destruction of property, teal or personal, covered by such in.,:uraace. Any balance (rom the proceeds or insurance 􀁰􀁡􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠to the Corporhtion, as required in this Article, remaining after satisfactory completion or repair and replacement, shall be retained ';)y the Corporation as part of the general reserve fund {or repair and replacerr.ent of tne Landscaped Areas, 􀁌􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁳􀁾􀁡􀁰􀁥􀁤􀀠:l1cdian and Common Landscape Facilities. Section 3. Insufficient Proceeds. It the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or repl!lce any loss or damage, the Corporation may levy a special group assessment, as providea {or in Article mof this Declaration, to cover the 􀁲􀁬􀁥􀁦􀁩􀁣􀁩􀁥􀁮􀁣􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀠ARTICLE VI. USE OF LOiS AND LA'IDSCAPED AREAS The Properties (and the improvemer.ts sitlJated 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁯􀁮􀀩􀀠shall he: occupied and used as 􀁦􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁯􀁷􀁳􀁾􀀠(a) Each Lot 0\' subdivId.d part thereof shaU be used exelusively Cor a use permitted for said Lot in the Use plan for Quorum North attached] hereto as ExhFbit tlB" and r.1ade a pert hereof fOl' aU purposes and as herein provided, a.nd parking spac3S and areas shall be used exelUsively for the parking Qf 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁶􀁾􀁮􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁍􀀬􀁬􀀠passenger automobiles, except as otherwise proVided hereafter, and except that Declarant may conduct its sales and marketing prvgram for 􀁴􀀮􀁾􀁥􀀠Properties from aT: 􀁟􀁾􀀺􀁊􀁕􀁤􀁬􀁮􀁧􀀠OW:'Ied by it and/or from temporary sales building{s) and trailers and 􀁥􀁸􀁣􀀺􀁣􀁾􀁴􀀠that Declarant may conduct its construetion and development operations and activities on the Propertias and. in connection therewith, do all things reasonably necessary 01' convenient in order to most expt!ditiously commence, continue and complete such construction and development oper.l!tions (specitically including, but not limited to), : (b) No Owner shall permit t\n:ithtOU' within 􀁏􀁷􀁮􀁦􀀢􀁾􀀧􀁳􀀠control to be uonc or kept in any buihJinc or 􀁨􀁬􀁾􀀠Lot or 􀀢􀁵􀁴􀀢􀀱􀁩􀀧􀀬􀂷􀀡􀀮􀀡􀁾􀀬􀀨􀀩􀀠pnrt ., 􀁲􀀡􀀮􀁾􀁲􀀢􀀠• p • thereof 'In;lm 􀀧􀁉􀀨􀀮􀁾􀁦􀁬􀀠J:\.'ta :'! 1:1.' 􀁊􀁾􀁲􀀮􀁩􀀺􀀧􀁾􀀭􀁊􀁾􀀺􀀻􀁉􀀺􀀠:u:i..:.: ), 'i ':1' 􀁾􀀺􀀧􀀺􀁉􀁌􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀠ordinance :r 􀀧􀁉􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀡􀀡􀁬􀀠'1::1 :--,:sIU":. If ::":t! 􀀺􀀮􀁭􀀼􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀡􀀧 􀁩􀀺􀀺􀀡􀀮􀀺􀁮􀀠y', s 􀀺􀀬􀀬􀀡􀀾􀀡􀀡􀀢􀀢􀁴􀁤􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀬􀀺􀀠pr-=:nlumf..d :::,. 1.1:1 ..􀁲􀀺􀀺􀁳􀁬􀀮􀀺􀁲􀀧􀁉􀀬􀀺􀁉􀀺􀀧􀁾􀀠􀀮􀀢􀀧􀀮􀀡􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀬􀁴􀁴􀀡􀀠􀀭􀀺􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀮􀁾􀁯􀀡􀀠􀀧􀀺􀁉􀀮􀂷􀁲􀀧􀁸􀁲􀂷􀁬� �􀀺􀀧􀀺􀁮􀀬􀀠􀁾􀁲􀀠...i:;.:,l 􀁷􀁾􀁵􀁩􀀼􀀱􀀠"ZJ:!:n 􀂷􀀯􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁊􀀮􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁮􀀠1llP.:J 􀁾􀀢􀁬􀀧􀀢􀀠."f' isJ') 􀀢􀀧􀁉􀁾􀀧􀀡􀀠,:r 􀀻􀀭􀁯􀀺􀀮􀀢􀀧􀀡􀁃􀀧􀁩􀀮􀁪􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀭􀁎􀀺􀁭􀂷􀀮􀁴􀀴􀀻􀀧􀁴􀁾􀀧􀀡 􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀺􀀠':::y :'';I! 3ce;. 􀀺􀀭􀀻􀁾􀀠.y..􀁕􀁴􀀧􀁾􀀠if'U:'; 􀁾􀁐􀀠:-;11 􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀡􀀮􀀺􀀡􀀺􀀧􀀧􀀱􀀺􀀠:.":< 􀁾􀁾􀁊􀁾􀀢􀀺􀀺􀀾􀁉􀀮􀀮􀀢􀀢􀀻􀁾􀀠\''''''-:d..,: 􀀧􀀺􀁾􀁊􀀠J':' 􀀬􀀧􀀺􀀧􀁉􀁻􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁴􀁾􀀠􀁢􀁾 􀀧􀀡􀀠􀀮􀀢􀀧􀁬􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀧􀀮􀁊􀀻􀀬􀁕􀀱􀀧􀀺􀀤􀀠􀁾..tC 􀁩􀀺􀀬􀁩􀁾􀀠;:'1 􀀬􀀬􀀧􀁴􀁩􀁩􀁓􀀮􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀺􀁵􀀮􀀺􀀭􀁩􀀮􀁾􀀠::"'ti.!S 'i,::C :"'!:i"':':.1:::':t":S :!O::!):.:'l! Yl :''''o! ::C..r.--d 􀀻􀀭􀁴􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁾􀁉􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀱􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠􀁴􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀠􀀻􀀧􀁬􀀢􀁮􀁾􀀤􀀻􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀺􀁳􀀠ot 􀀮􀀡􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀡􀀺􀀡􀀠r'/. 􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀮􀀻􀁲􀀮􀀠􀀡􀁾􀀮􀁯􀀡􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀧􀁾􀁲􀁾􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀠􀀺􀀢􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀠3c1L""j )hL2 􀁾􀀺􀀼􀁩􀀧􀀯􀀧􀀡􀀠􀁦􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀻􀀭􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀧􀁴􀁬􀀮􀀧􀀠!'.' 􀁾􀁩􀁄􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀺􀁊􀁾􀀷􀀺􀁴􀁅􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀢􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁊􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀬􀁾􀀠 ::':.e Cct;r.n:i.:11 􀁾􀀺􀀻􀁣􀀠ill :i.'';C:'',¥ 􀀺􀀺􀁙􀁤􀁩􀁯􀁌􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀬􀁊􀀻􀁓􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀧􀁴􀀨􀁊􀁣􀀺􀀢􀀺􀁏􀀺􀀺􀀢􀀧􀁓􀀧􀀠􀀡􀁾􀀺􀀠􀀡􀀮􀀢􀀬􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀠r!) 􀁾􀀭􀁊􀀠Ow:",;!!;, J!'d:! 􀀧􀀧􀀺􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁴􀀺􀀢􀀺􀁾􀀠􀀧� �􀁃􀁾􀀠"'Qt.:......... 'l:-:l.. x 􀁾􀀺􀁴􀁖􀀠􀀧􀀺􀀾􀀹􀁲􀁴􀀧􀁩􀁾􀀺􀁻􀀧􀀻􀀢􀀡􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀡􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀠L'1 :..':e "'..l-=:'!' 1-: L:'y 􀀮􀀺􀁵􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀾􀀮􀀡􀁩􀁾􀀠U;'\:'u. li"!e 􀁾􀁩􀀺􀀧􀀡􀀡􀀺􀀺􀁩􀁴􀀤􀀬􀀠'.x."'l! ess 3atd 􀁸􀀺􀀺􀀬􀀺􀀡􀀡􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀠si:01!l :Of :"d 􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠􀀮􀁾􀀺􀁴􀀡􀀩􀂷􀀠[:'$ 􀁳􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁥􀁴􀀠􀁾􀀧􀀼􀀡􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠Ei:!ci:'. 􀀰􀀱􀁲􀀮􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀠'..!S.."'::; 􀀿􀀺􀀺􀀭􀁢􀁾􀁾􀀠􀀮􀁬􀀧􀁾􀀯􀁴􀀺􀀡􀀺􀀢􀀧 􀀭􀀺􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀺􀀮􀀦􀀠;)C 􀀿􀀻􀀢􀁑􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀧􀁊􀀻􀀡􀁾􀀧􀁮􀁣􀀺􀁌􀁬􀀠."=J';:n-:!ll 􀀺􀀻􀀻􀁵􀀺􀀮􀁪􀀺􀀧􀁾􀀠􀀻􀀺􀀭􀁥􀁴􀁾􀀭􀁡􀀮􀀮􀀢􀀡􀀮􀀭􀁥􀁥􀀠't.J ,;;r"",A-.l;!1 S!"'d.!l 􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁪􀁹􀀧􀀠s.!.:·;! 􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀽􀀡􀀡􀀧􀁥􀀻􀀬􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀠;...' 􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁕􀀧􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀮􀀻􀀬􀀠􀀺􀁦􀀺􀀭􀁃􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁮􀀠Or.?'!....;:;a 􀁾􀀺􀀢􀀿􀀼􀀡􀁾􀀺􀀡􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁴􀁾􀁩􀀿􀀡􀀠􀀱􀀼􀁴􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀭􀁥􀀠􀀺􀀭􀀡􀀻􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀺􀀢􀀼􀀡 􀁴􀁾􀀺􀀼􀁥􀀮􀀢􀁴􀀻􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀻􀀭􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀮􀁩􀀺􀀤􀀠::: !..,/􀀻􀀧􀁾􀁹0: tex::.:.a: ;:;:2.:.:1:':1l. 􀁁􀁒􀁮􀁾􀁌􀁅􀀠\11. 􀁳􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁾􀀠1. .\nte••o1.:e. b ...oc;lt with 􀁲􀁥􀀻􀀧􀀾􀁾􀁴􀀠t,J :"!XI! r;'l."..􀁬􀁮􀀺􀁥􀀧􀁾􀀠,l\tUerHlt.i" extending no 􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀱􀁾􀀡􀀧􀁥􀀠tn.9..' ten (tv) fcct a!::!ove 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠$aM t'oof tinE'. :mj 􀀤􀁵􀀧􀀩􀁪􀁾􀂷􀁴􀀠􀁴􀁾􀀠sections 8 e..,d 15 of t.,is Article-. M mtenna Oi' vthpr 􀁳􀁩􀀻􀁮􀁕􀁾􀁲􀀠$trtre!U7-? 􀀤􀀡􀁬􀁾􀁴􀁴􀀠􀀻􀀧􀁴􀁾􀀠􀁣􀁯􀁮􀀮􀀧􀁴􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁃􀀠0:' eree::ed 00 a,'"'.y Lot. fences. All service and s.s.tlit.3.tivn 􀀨􀁾􀁣􀁩􀁬􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁾􀀤� �m\l$t HI) lht' ?r4ctlC85le} be enctQSed within f.rnees, w:\!L.. Dr 􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁪􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀺􀁴􀁩􀀿􀁩􀁦􀁬􀁧􀀠:h) 􀁾􀀡􀀩􀀠di,..ctly yisi!)le from Quoru:r: Loop. Dallas Psrkw«S. Be-It lint' R..\:h\ \i{" adjacent Lots. fence, ·...·aU or hetJge sh.tU be erected. plaeed or 􀁬􀁜􀁈􀀨􀀧􀁲􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁉􀀮􀀱􀀠llll !11l>" Landscaped Area 􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁩􀁴􀁨􀁯􀁵􀁴􀀠the arptO\'ttl or the Arci1itectural C'olltNl 􀁃􀀧􀀨􀀩􀁭􀁭􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁜􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀮􀀠SeeU"Xl 3. Ea.sements: t.Hilities. Easements and aCC1?$S 􀁃􀀧􀁬􀀧􀁜􀀤􀀬􀁾􀁭􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁴􀀤􀀠f...ll' the instaUation an<.1 ;naintenanee or utilities and drainAge rncilitiM aN 􀁲􀀼􀀧􀀡􀁯􀀺􀁴􀀧􀁲􀁜􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁤􀀠􀁤􀁾􀀠shown on the recorded subdivision pl'!lt. FAscments and access 􀁥􀁡􀁓􀁃􀁊􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁮􀁴􀀤􀀮􀀠(1)1' 􀁴􀁨􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀠inc;,tallation and maintenance or utilities and underground vraina,b'e facilities 􀁦􀁪􀀨􀁴􀀧􀀨􀀮􀁾􀁜􀀮􀂷􀁦􀁊􀀠teet (15') i.1 width are hereby rcservad along the b,Jundary line of esch Lot tlnd along either side of the lines estnblL"Ihed or to be eszablished dividing Siocks lund 2 into sites. Temporary construction ea.&ements nre further rcser\"cd 􀁮􀁣􀁬􀀧􀁜􀀱􀁾􀁾􀀠the Properties to 􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀱􀁜􀀱􀁴􀀠the development work to be performed by or on bt'lll:\if of 􀁄􀁥􀁯􀁬􀁑􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁴􀁾􀀠Easements rcr ingro$$ nnd egress are reserved as shown on the 􀁲􀁥􀁣􀁯􀁲􀁾􀁬􀁬􀀮􀀧􀁴􀀱􀀠subdivls lon 􀁰􀁬􀁡􀁴􀁾􀀠E."(cc;>t as to m 􀁾􀁰􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁬􀀠streot lighting or othltr nerhtl (ncilith'Z' which mal be required by the City or Addjl'on or which may he rcqltirctJ by filly utaity eompany or which may be IllstaUl.'d by the i1celtu'ont pUM'u!lnt to its development p1&.n, or {ii) aeriai fncllitlc:. now In plnec, or (iii) nerinl rnl"ilitil'w instaUed by De-:1R.rant within ('m:emcnts along any cxtNlor b01U'\\lttry or Iht' Properties, or Hv) or as a requircmcnt impooed by Any 􀁰􀁕􀁢􀁾􀁩􀁣􀀠utility. or (v) 􀁭􀁴􀀧􀁴􀁾􀂷􀁲􀁾􀀮􀀠risen;:, scrvice 􀁲􀀭􀁥􀁤􀁥􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁬􀁾� �􀀠tr:msfUIlJl€H"'\ aoo other surfncc instftlJllth)I\"I nct'c>....Nr>· h> or operate approprlRt(' underground rnc-ilitics. f\i' AC'rinl utillry ('u.'llItk, of any t)':>e sh.ft:l be cr<"l:tcd or lns!ttllrd 0:1 the Propt'rtiC'$, ..... hether up'Ju fndlyldan! Lots, casemcnts. stro(lctst or ril:!Jl!twoOr-;o;liY or 1m)' 1m)' 􀁴􀁾􀀢􀁐􀁜􀀧􀂷􀀮􀀠clthC'r by 1;1(" uHUty corn",:-f!V or any other 9Cr1'Of\ IJf r'l1til,', ill('lddif1t:'. [}t:t nvl Umih..d k. n!!y Ih·r...􀁾􀀺􀁬􀀠􀁯􀁾􀁮􀁬􀁮􀁧􀀠or acquiring lin)' purr of 111(" 􀁬􀀧􀁴􀀨􀀬􀀡􀁦􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁲􀀱􀀱􀁃􀀧􀀬􀀢􀀻􀀠fin'" (.'\"f"pl n .. hf"rt·in l'I'O\-idt·,J. IIll ':' . ..:.. In· utility service facilities {including, but n(.lt limited to, water, sewer, 􀁧􀁡􀁳􀁾􀀠electricity and telephone) shall be buried undp.rgi'ound. All utility meters, equipment, air condiUOf': . .g compressors, air conditiQnirg and heating units and similar items must (to the extent reasonably practieabJe) be VlsU!1Uy screened and located in areas tlot visible trom Dallas Parkway, Quorum Loop, Belt Line Road or adjact'ilt Lots. No temporary structure of any kind shall however, Declarant or any other Class B Member may maintain temporary sales: or construction offices, provided sueh sales or construction ottices are removed within sixty (60) days after completion oC sales or construction, as the case may be. In addition Declarant or Owners may conduct their sales and marketing pro;;ram Cor the Properties (or Lot, as the c&Se :nay be) Crom any Lots owned by them and/or Crom temporary sales building(s) or trailers, and De\!larant may also conduct its construction and development operations and activities on the P:operties and, in connection therewith. do all things 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁹􀀠neces£ary or convenient in order to mOst expeditiously commence, continue and complete such construction and development operations (specifically including, but not limited to, construction and m8intenance ot tempo"'ary buildings and trailers C'X' storage 6" construction materials ard equir.;ment 6:<1d open storage ot uncovered building mate:oials and eqUipment. It is CUrther provided that an*! builder (other thIn 􀁄􀁥􀁾􀁉􀁡􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁴􀀩􀀠cmp!oyed by an Owner to construct 􀁩􀁭􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁹􀁥􀁭􀁾􀁮􀁴􀁳􀀠on saId Owner's Lot or 􀁳􀁵􀁢􀁤􀁾􀁶􀁩􀁤􀁥􀁤􀀠put thereof may conduct its 􀁴􀀢􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠operations and activities on such Lot or subdivided part thereot and, in connection thereWith, do all things reasonabiy 􀁮􀁥􀁾􀁥􀁳􀁳􀁡􀁲􀁹􀀠in order to most 􀁥􀁸􀁰􀁥􀁤􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁯􀁵􀁳􀁬􀁹􀀠commence, continue and complete such cortsh'uc:Uon operations (specifically including. b:lt not limited tol construction and maintenance of temporary b!.l!ldlngs and/or trailers for storage of construction materials and equipment and open storage of uncovered building materials and equipment in a manne' :td using temporary buildings and/or trailerst with aU such construction 􀁯􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁾􀀠and storage to be 􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁦􀁩􀁮􀁥􀁤􀀠solely within the boundaries of the Lot or subdivided part thereof on which such construction is occurring 􀀨􀁥􀁸􀁾􀁉􀁵􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁊􀀠􀁨􀁯􀁷􀁥􀁶􀁾􀁲􀀬􀀠any part ot any easE. "'ent lying within or adjacent to such Lot or subdivided patt thereorl. Garbage and Trash. No Lot or any part thereof shall be USy the Architectural Control Com mittee, garbage eontaine;s shall be situatt:d and enclosed or scr-eened so as not to be visible Crom Quorum Loop, DsUas Parkway, Belt Line Road or adjacent Lots. Each Owner shall observe and ecmply with any and all regulations or r(>quirements promulg'ated by the 􀁃􀁯􀁲􀁾􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠in connection with the storage and removal of trash and garbage. If, after ten (10) days' grior 􀁾􀁲􀁾􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀮􀀠notice, an OWner ,hall fail to: (i) remove trash, rubble, building and construction debris; or W) e:.:erciee reasonable care or condUct to prevent or remedy a daOlefOUS, unclean, untidy or unsightly condition. then the Corporation shall have tile authority and right to go onto saJd Lot Cor the purpose ot cleaning said 􀁾􀁴􀀠and/or correcting laid condition and shan have tha authority and right to assess and collect from the O\':ner oC said Lot the amount 30 expended by the Corpoi'ation in connection with cleaning said Lot on each ;-espeetlve occasion ot sllch cleaning and/or 􀁣􀁯􀁲􀁲􀀭􀀺􀀡􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠The assessments, together with such Interest thereon and costs of collection thereof, shall be a charge on the. land and shan be a continuIng lien upon each Lot against which each such assessment is made. EsJ:h such asc;essment, toS'p.ther with such interest thereon and 􀁣􀁯􀁾ts ot COlle<:don thereot1 􀁾􀁨􀁡􀁬􀁬􀀠a!so be the continuing personal obligation ot the person who was the OWner oC such Lot a:t the time when the sssessment occurred. The lien securing an,! .'iuch a5.tlessment shall be subordinate and interior to the Ue!1 'If any mortgage existir.g prior to the assessmcnt rlfite and to any renewals or extensions ot such 􀁭􀁯􀁲􀁴􀁧􀁡􀁧􀁥􀁾􀀠Se-JtiO.16. ptrensive Activities. No noxious or otfensi/!'! activity shall be COllduclea on any portron of the Pror.;erties that will adversely affcet the use and cnjoyment by any other Owners of tt';"'ir 􀁌􀁯􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀬􀀠ncr shall Rny nuisance be permitted to occur ar rl.'maln on the Pror.;ertics. ArchitecturaS Control CO:tllnith;('. rrr,':1 thc tifite of lhr Dec:ltrRtlon until 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠chrU('r 􀁏􀁔􀁬􀁙􀀨􀀮􀁣􀁃􀀧􀁭􀁢􀁾􀁲􀀠.... 1, 1f8·1 or the '!lLte "('1, 􀀺􀀬􀁉􀁾􀀻-". on which Declat'ant shl'lU have sold and colweyed sixty-five percent {6S%} of the Net. ;\creage ntE'lnplated. (b) Exterior clevations o( ail proposcd buildif\bs and 􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁴􀁬􀁃􀁾􀁕􀁲􀁣􀀵􀁾􀀠(e) A fScsc;rip'ion of e:otteriIJr materials. coiors! text1lt'(1S nmJ shapes of en 􀀻􀀧􀁵􀁩􀁬􀁤􀀻􀁮􀁡 􀀺􀁾􀀠􀁮􀁮􀁜􀁾􀀠􀀡􀁜􀁴􀁴􀀧􀁾􀁜􀀬􀀡􀀡􀁕􀁴􀁬􀀮􀀧􀁳􀀮􀀠Cd) t\ 􀁬􀁴􀁮􀁤􀁾􀁣􀁮􀁬􀁬􀁩􀀡􀁬􀀧􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀮􀁬􀁭􀁜􀁴􀀠Indudil'lt:' w.r.lkwny ... fen,,"C''t find wnll:'l. 􀁃􀁾􀀢􀀬􀀬􀀧􀁬􀁜􀁴􀁬􀁯􀁮􀀠􀀨􀀧􀁨􀁮􀁮􀁾􀁉􀁾􀀧 􀀡􀀮􀀠􀁷􀁮􀁬􀁬􀀧􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠􀀡􀀧􀁩􀁹􀀺􀀮􀀻􀁴􀀨􀀧􀁦􀀮􀀢􀁜􀁾􀀬􀀠\:C'f;:('btivtl ultd 􀁾􀁉􀀢􀁜􀀮􀀩􀀺􀁊􀀢􀀠I: (:o\'f.'r,lmtt 􀁾􀁴􀁦􀁬􀂷􀁴􀂷􀁴􀀠rl1rnj(IJr{', \ .' ," \! . (el Parking areas llnd drivewAY plans. (f) Screening of service and parki,ng .l.I'eas, including size, location and method. (g) Utility connections. (h) E.xtel"ior illUmination plan, l:'1::!luding locatio.: and :net:-ux!. m Signs, inmuding size, shape, color, content, location and materials. {j) Such other matters a!l may be 􀁲􀁾􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁤􀀠by tr.e then applicable zoning code of the City or Addison, Texas, or sach other munIcipal or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Properties. The Committee is 8!1thorized to :equest the submission of samples of prc.postd construction materials. At sucll tim!: as the plans and specifications meet the approval of the Committee, one complete 'Set or plans and specifications will be retained by the Co;nmittee the other complete set o( plans will be marked "Approvedr. and returned to the Lot Owner or his GesigTidted representative.. It found not to be in 􀁣􀁯􀁭􀁾􀁪􀁪􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀀠with these CoVenants, Co;,.ditions B..'1d Resttictiol1!, one set of such plans plans and specifications shall be returned marked "Disapproved," aC(!'ompanied by a reasonable statement of items found not to comply with these Cover-ants, Conditions and Restrictions. Any modifica tion or -::ha"'lge to the approved set o( plans and specifications must again be submitted to the Committee for its inspection and approvala The Committee's llppr<)Val or disapproval, as required herein, sh!lll be :'1 writing. If the Committee fails to awrove or disapprove such plans an -,pecificetions within ten (10) days 9.fter the date of submission, approval of the matters submltted will not be 􀁾􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁤􀀠a.."ld the approval of the Committee shall be presumed; provided, however, that the Committee shall within said te'l (10) days notity said Owner and the party then authorized pursuant to Article IX to make substantial deviations from the: Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions it the Corr.mittee is unable to approve or disapprove said plaf'.$ and 􀁓􀁾􀁪􀀡􀁩􀁃􀁬􀁬􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀬􀀠in which event the said plans and specifications shall be approved or 􀁤􀁾􀁗􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁤􀀠in aceordance with Article lX, Section 5 or Section 6, as the case may be. NotWithstanding any other provision hereof to the contrary, the Committee shan not unreasonably withhold or delay its awroval of &.TIy improvement of U.e Properties provided that the provisions of these Covenar.ts, Conditions and 􀁒􀁥􀁾􀁴􀀺􀀧􀁩􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀮􀁳􀀠are satisfied. SP.etion 8. Prohibited tYses.. The Properties shall not be used tor any use r'''':! permitted under ttle applicable zoning orein!.:1ces and regulations adopted by the City or Addison, Texas, or :he County or Dallas. No railroad trackage, sidings or spurs shall be permitted on any portion ot the Properties. No outdoor tennis courts shall be erected on any Lot 􀁥􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁴􀀭􀁲􀁴􀀠in conjunciiol1 with the construction and operation of a hotel .. No outdoor swimming pool shan be erected on the Properttett 􀁥􀁸􀁣􀁥􀁾􀁴􀀠in conjunction with the construetion and operation o( a hotel and pro;rided that plans therefor, including placement, fencing and landscaping, shall have been appro,"ed by the Architectural Centrel Committee. Each Owner, user, lessee and oceupa..,t or each and every Lot or building shall at sll time comply with all laws: and ordinances, rules, reguLations and orders of all 􀁦􀁥􀁤􀁥􀀡􀀢􀁡􀁬􀁾􀀠state. county and municipal governments and governmental agencies then applicable to the Properties. Section 9. Setb&ek Lines and BuUding ZOfi" AU building, !:-! ructures and 􀁴􀁭􀁪􀀱􀁾􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁭􀀨􀁜􀁮􀁴􀁳􀀠on the Properties shall cOmply Wit the then 􀁁􀁰􀁰􀁬􀁩􀁣􀁾􀁢􀁬􀁥􀀠Cit)" or AddtsOn Zoning (!ode with respiWt to setback lines: and in Addition, no structures, buildings or improvements of any kiM shall be plaehd within the {oliowing setback 􀀱􀁩􀁮􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠mwithIn tVlenty-rive (25) fcet from Quorum Loop right--o{..wa·, Uncs; (it) 􀁷􀁩􀀮􀁴􀁾􀀡􀁮􀀠thirty (30) feet (rom Delt Line RO.ld and Oallas Parkwny r!ght--oC-wey lines, (iil) the gl-cater of (1) the reqllircment! or aprlicable governmental Rllthorlties. or (2) fifteen !cet US,) feet from any othrr public street right--or-wllY line; anti (iv) ten (1'0) f<:et from sIde Lot lines or 􀁾􀁵􀁯􀁤􀁩􀁶􀁩􀁤􀀨􀀻􀁤􀀠pa;-t tnrr·'·... r, unies.o; 􀁾􀁩􀁬􀁣􀁨􀀠,. 􀁉􀁾􀀠I ,",:":"" . II . requiremcnt is .....ah·ed by the ':;ommittee in connection with buil1ln& to b.e constructed on hereinaftcr I')HlciallY subdivided Leot", Mid ten (to) fcot 􀁲􀀿􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠􀁾􀀻􀀾􀁰􀁬􀁹􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠 only 􀁾􀁯􀀠buildingsj and In no wise applY'"g-to surface parking:. 􀁎􀁯􀁴􀁷􀁬􀁴􀁨􀁳􀁾􀁡􀁮􀀧􀁾􀁨􀁮􀁧􀀠the Coreg?mg, s!:ructures, below and covered ::'y the ground, steps, walks, 􀁣􀀮􀀮􀀧􀁬􀁶􀁥􀁷􀁡􀁾􀂷 􀁳􀀠and 􀁣􀁵􀁲􀁾􀁬􀁮􀁧􀀠􀀨􀁾􀁴􀀠exeludmg perking areas), ptanters, walls, hedE;e5 not exceeding four (4) feet in height and Jandscaping {excepting hedges ex<.:eeding four (·n feet in height) shaU not be subject to the foregoing additional setback restrictions; p!l.tldng areas and hedgf!s four (·n feet in heiO"ht being (:'oI'press:ly made subject to said additional setback restrictions. Q Section 10. DriVeWaYfi' AU driveways connecting to Quorum toop shall be twenty-four (2·1) feeITn widt , 􀁾􀁨􀁏􀁬􀁬􀀠be permanently paved, curbed and 􀁧􀁜􀀡􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁤􀀮􀀠Prov ided, however, that such driveways "',;ith pIa\"ed surface surface not to ex.ceed fortyeight (4S1 feet in width may be 􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁴􀀻􀁵􀁥􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠provided that each twepty-four (24) feet in width of 􀁰􀁡􀁶􀁾surface is $el,)arated from aU other portions of [,)avE'ld surface in excess of tweflty-four (24) feet by a landscaped nedian not less: th9.n flJur (4) feet in 􀁷􀁩􀁤􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠SaId driveways shall not permit parking off entry aisles or cxit ac.les unless msaid parking area corr.pUcs with the applicable setback restrictions and nn i'i up'on a pull-orf' lane physieally separa.ted by a lencseaped area at least four (.U feet in width from said entry aisle and/or exit aisle. The number and location of curb cuts and median cuts shan be deterrrlincd by the Arohiteetural ContNl Committee !n the exercise of its sole diseretic.n. Section 11. Pe.rkil\1 􀁁􀁲􀁾􀁡􀀧􀀱􀀮􀀮􀀠No on-street parking will be 􀀿􀁾􀁲􀁭􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠on Quorum Loop nor, subject to' tt.e provisions of the foregoing' Section 10 respecting lanes. along any entry and/or exit driveway aisle. To the exte;:t feasible to do so, no parking areas shall be located betwcen Qucrilm toop and thc buiklings to be constructed on the Lots, except in the office/retail zone !'(s shown cn :Exhibit "8" 􀁾􀁮􀁤􀀠exeei?t tn Block 2 as sho,..'n on EKhibit !lA.1! AU surface parking areas adjacent to Quorum Loop shall be screened from view from Quorum Loop by grass-covered or otherwise landscaped earth mounds with a minimum elevation above existing !,trade of three (3) feet and with a slope or 1:6 on the street side and a slope of h3 vn the parking lot side; provided, however, that surface parking areas within the zone for which the permitted use is office/retail as shown on :Exhi!)it "B" are put to retail uses may instead be vLsually screened by methods approved by the Architectural Control Committee. ::\Unimum parking facilities shall be provided on each Lot as required by applicable ordinances e.nd regulatlcns of the Cit::" of Addison, and in addition thereto, suffiCient to accommodate aU 􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁫􀁩􀁾􀀠needs Cor emJlloyees, company 􀁶􀁥􀁨􀁬􀁣􀁬􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠occupants and visitors without the use oC on-sti'eet or driVeway parking. F2gh on-grade parking 8.4'ea shall be landscaped ""-ith msjo:r tree masses no more than three :-runrIred (300) feet apart. On-grade psrki'lg erees sha.ll be landscaped with islands separated by a concrete curb from said 􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁾􀁻􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠areas, said islands to be a minimum width of four (4) Ceet ar.!1 ¢¢ntaini:1g trees and ground cover, or shr\bs. (Io.ll parking strlJctUres w!tere utilized shaU conform to ttte 􀁳􀁥􀁴􀁢􀁡􀁾􀁫􀀠lines aboY'e stated, she-U be, except with thl approval of the Architect<:rs.1 􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁲􀁾􀁬􀀠Committee determined in its sole discretion, at a maximum heig'ht of tW2"ty··five (2S) feet to tl1e top fir.ishe!1 floor 􀁥􀁬􀁥􀁶􀁡􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁮􀀠􀁾􀁲􀀠said parking 􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁣􀁴􀁵􀁾􀀠above the filiishe'J first noor elevation CJf the principal building serviced by said perking structure, and shaU be open on all four sides with total arf'l!\ of opening 􀁤􀁪􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁩􀁾􀁵􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠along each side !'lot less than fifty p:arccnt (50%) nor greater than sixty pp.rccnt (60%) of the exterior a.rea of UlC side ot each tier, excepting areas of the parking stnlcture adjoinIng the buUdiilg serviced by said parking structul'e and 􀁥􀁸􀁾􀁥􀁰􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠structures below grade. In 3dditioo, any parking structure locA,ted 􀁮􀁥􀀸􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀠at any point to ('uorum Lao? than tile fru thest distance from the mal., structure served by said !?arJclng structure to 􀁑􀁵􀁯􀁲􀁵􀁾􀀠Loop snaU ?C subje-Jt to. approval by YIC Architectural Control comr.'littce as to bo!h aC'iHgn and matertals. The requll'\!d phlM and speeii'icntions as set (l::t In Section 7 of ;'.rUcle \,11 hereof shall ill"!uce specific informati.)n h$ to construction 􀁭􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁦􀁩􀁦􀁬􀀮􀁨􀁾􀁊􀀠construction m!!!:lOds !o bc 􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀠and diagrams of the n'Jmbcr. t}'Pf! rmd configurntlofl o! parking S:Pf\CflS. S will not be permitted, except ttl'ii'ilrn holct sho:lid bt: dc,.-cloVC'd on 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠rrot'Jt.'!'tit!sJ 􀀵􀁪􀁬􀀨􀀾􀀬􀀺􀁯􀀻􀀡􀁾􀀱􀀠exterior \iffhtifli for s!lid 􀁨􀁯􀁴􀁾􀁬􀀠;.;h'l.U be pC';Il1Hted 􀁗􀁬􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀠t!le 􀁴􀀮􀁾􀂷􀂷􀀠"\"al of 111.: 􀀮􀁾..·:hll... 􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀮􀁭􀁴􀁬􀀠t"; )ntl'o) (:'OilWllrtC'(!. AU ,larklnl'!' 􀁴􀀢􀀧􀁴􀁾􀀠I.lld dt"lvC'v.::••: .. S::I!lU 􀁾􀁜􀀧􀀠illu:nhulted Ho;in& Kim D\."'; "t·ri\'.': with 􀁾􀁾􀁏􀀠wlllt hi!::l 􀀬􀀮􀁲􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀢􀀢􀁵􀁲􀁃􀀧􀀠....,!!iu·:1 􀁬􀁐􀀻􀁉􀀧􀁶􀁾􀀠I!:('quivA,IC'1lt fi... 􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁣􀁾􀀠,\ilh ... !l\t"J:II:11 t.r·'UZ\' nn.."fll.',\ 􀁾􀀱􀀡􀁈... h i:I un 􀀡􀀼􀁜􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁮􀁬􀀻􀀨􀀾􀀠􀁮􀁾􀁮􀀬􀀺􀁻􀀢􀀠IP ,. greate: than 1.0 (oo\candle. Pedestria:'l walkways shall be illuminated in an e,verag") range no greater thl\O :,5 footeandi'!s. All landscape lighting 􀁾􀁤􀀠pedestrian lighting will be ((-..Jm a eo:ncealed source. Each Owner shall, contemporaneously with the upon the Lo\.S, fully eomplete the the Lot ui;'cn such strueture has been constructed. i!lcluding of hedgp.s, 􀁾􀁨􀁲􀁵􀁢􀁳􀀠a!ld trees in 􀁡􀁾􀁣􀁯􀁲􀁤􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀀠with prototypical plans approved by the Architectural Control 􀁃􀁯􀁭􀁭􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁥􀁾􀀠AU Areas shall be provided by the Owner with underground sprf:;kllng systems to be integrated into mains Curnished and installed by Deehl.rant. T-:> the extent Ceasible, the existing major trees shall be retained. At least twenty percent 􀀨􀀲􀀰􀁾􀀩􀀠or the total area oC the Lots shall be landscal'ed with gra3S:, ground cover, trees, shrubs and/or hedges, 􀁥􀁾􀁣􀁥􀁰􀀧􀁴􀀠Cor aree.s in the zone Cor which 􀁕􀁾􀀧􀀡􀀠permitted use is oC!fcelretail as soown on E.x:hlbit liS" that e:o put to retail useS', in which instances the enUre landscaping plE.n shell be subject to the approval of the Architectural Control Committee, but shall not be subject to the twenty 􀁾􀁣􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠(20%) minimum landscaping requirement. In addition to the requirements 􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁩􀁮􀁡􀁢􀁯􀁶􀁾􀀠stated with respect to driveways and screening of parking areast the Owne: oC each Lot shall incluOe at lp.ast one (1) tree for each two thousand (2,00G) square feet of su:face area between the building line and Quorum Loop right""Ofway linet and shall afford$; burfer strip oC Landscaped Area and/or planted earth mounds along the boundaries oC Quorum Na.·th of not tess than the following: (a) 'Thirty (30) (oot minimum width a1or.g aelt Line Road measured from the street 􀁲􀁩􀁧􀁨􀁴􀀭􀀼􀀾􀁃􀁾􀁷􀁡􀁹􀀻􀀠and (b) 'Thirty (aD) root minimum width along Dallas Parkway f['om the street 􀁲􀁩􀁬􀀡􀀢􀀧􀁴􀁴􀀭􀁯􀁲􀁾􀁷􀁡􀁙􀁴􀀠exce pt as the Architectural Control Committee may :ermine with respect to the zone for whjch the permitted use is oUlce/retail. The landse.a(>ing oC each Lot shall not obstruct sight lines at street Gr ddveway intersections as estal:llished by the City of Addison and "hall permit reasonable aCcess to publlc end private utility lines and casements for the installation or Npair thereof.. F.,),:;cept as may be ,epproved 􀁾􀁢􀁹􀀠the Architectural Control Committee on a ease by case be',ls) all plant material used in said landse.aping shall be Crom the approved list of planting materials as set out in ExhIbit "E:' attached hereto and M'ldde a part hereoC for all purp<:6eS'. All street furniture, te., trash receptacles, plant tubs, Jow "Rall seating and slabs, will be sand blasted eoncrete (or a ftl'e.te-rialapproved by the Architectural Control Committee in its sole diseretio:"l) and of a color included in the ftpproved list of wlors attached hereto as Exhibit tlF" e.OO made .a part hereof Cor all 􀁰􀁵􀁲􀁰􀁯􀁳􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠section 14. External Sculptut'!._ All exterior scul{1tl!re, CountaiN and like F";cessories on the Lots are subject to approval ot the Architeetura) Control 􀁃􀁯􀁭􀁭􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁥􀁾􀀠Section 15.. COnstruction and Use Standards. All architecture shall be within the range ot clean tra(htlonal 􀁾􀁯􀀠oontemporary. Excessive ornamentation ;s disenuraged. All buildings shall be finiShed in a similar and architeeturally harmonious tJ'BMU on all s,ides a;ld shall conCorm to all local, county, state and federal laws, rules. regulations and ordinances, including, but not limited to. 􀁢􀁵􀁩􀁬􀁤􀁾􀀮􀁧􀀠and roadway Sight and/or setbar.k lines, Maximum buildin. heights as estabUshed by the Federal Aviation Agency. Uniform Building Code, 􀁾􀀮􀀹􀀱􀀳􀁴􀀠sign ordinances and other coW!s and ordinanc6 adopted by th", 􀁃􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁾􀀠or Addison, and statutes dealing with access by physically hand:eapped persons. All 􀁾􀁸􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁉􀀶􀁲􀀠walls ot :'iJildlngs shall be or Cace brick, expOl'ed aggregate concrete. glassl metal panels, sto:-.e or pre-cftSt concrete striated i ..1d of a cl)lor or colors 􀁳􀁥􀁬􀀨􀀧􀁃􀀧􀁾􀁣􀁤􀀠from the awroved Ust oC colors sel Corth in Exhihit 􀀢􀁆􀁾􀁾􀁉􀀠The exterior u:;c oC stuccoJ simulated stone! simUlated brici<, wood 􀀨􀁥􀁸􀁾􀁥􀁩􀀧􀁴􀀠as trim) and woodltrnln lalJinates are prohibited. ,,,"11 b'Jildings 􀀨􀁥􀁸􀁣􀁾􀁰􀁴􀀠􀁃􀁲􀁣􀁥􀀭􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁩􀁾􀀠􀁲􀁥􀁴􀁾􀁃􀀠structUrc!'{ othcrwise t>ermitlvd hcreln) construe tee! ir. the p.rca sOO\'Jn on F.xhibit "BO! Cor which the permitted usc i5' Cor oCf!ee/ret'la 0." oHI.:e purposes. ShAll b2 of a mlnl:nur.t h{'>fghC t)( three (3) floor!. It permitted by 􀀴􀁴􀀾􀁰􀁕􀁉􀀮􀀡􀀸􀁢􀁾􀁣􀀠zoning ord'nonC"es. It maximum of 􀁾􀁉􀁦􀁴􀁣􀁥􀁮􀀠percent (15%) Sn the n&greg:f!.tc of the gross squlfre footpcc or nny buiJd!ug or buildIngs C'!)nstrueted on n toOt In a zone for which thc permlH-,! tl.!oU b Cor urtlcc purposCl Ir,flY be 􀁵􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁺􀁾􀀧􀀠for re' til Bt'\\l ('I)mmcrelr.l PUrllo.",·-;. 􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁩􀁤􀀠􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁪􀁾􀁩􀁬􀀧􀀩􀁮􀀠.' " 􀁥􀁯􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁭􀁰􀁬􀁡􀁴􀁪􀁮􀀮􀀻􀀠􀁴􀀮􀁾􀁡􀁬􀀠􀀬􀁾􀁮􀁯􀁲􀁥􀀢􀀠.than fifteE:n 􀀻􀁬􀁥􀁩􀀢􀁃􂂬􀁮􀁾􀀠(15'-6) ';i, c1 􀁟􀀧􀀿􀁻􀀻􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁬􀁾􀀠􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀺􀀡􀁊􀀺􀀺􀀱􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁪􀀠bUildings cn a l.>vt !a Sdlt'} l!l'ea may he devoted to ;"-!i.&ll (,ltd 􀁎􀀧􀁔􀀮􀁭􀁩􀀺􀀺􀁲􀀮􀀺􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀠:';5'1 piovided t:,at t:-te maximum of fifteen 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁣􀁥􀀻􀀢􀁜􀁴􀀠􀀡􀀱􀀵􀁾􀀩􀀠of t;1e !:t;gree;s"e 􀁢􀁾􀁊􀀤􀀵􀀠;i,,1.J.!ifo!! footage of b:.Iilding splice of .fill 􀁥􀁸􀁩􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠oui!dings 􀁾...􀀡􀁾􀀱􀀱􀁪􀁮􀀠a ',:·t ;:;: :10t 􀁯􀀡􀀡􀁸􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀡􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀡􀀮􀀠􀀿􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁩􀁤􀁥􀁤􀁾􀀠ho.....ever. that ia Addition to each 􀀡􀀢􀀢􀀺􀀵􀀺􀁲􀁩􀁣􀁬􀁨􀁾􀁮􀀠f.:.l 􀁾􀁣􀁴􀀦􀀮􀁮􀀠'..!s.e: ';e.el!1 􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁩􀀨􀁪􀁥􀁤􀁾􀀠unci notwithstanding compliam:e ...:it!; t:w. ;"emainiiig prc\-:iio;:s ;'.ereof 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁴􀀦􀁩􀁮􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠to retail :.J5e, if the amount of retail use .,J,her'·/,jise pe::-mi:',ed 􀀢􀀢􀀡􀁾􀁨􀁢􀀠en;) 􀁾􀁬􀁯􀁣􀁫􀀠as shown em Exhibit IIA'I (save and except tn&.t po!'tion of i31oc!< I 􀁾􀁯􀁲􀀠􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀻􀁃􀀧􀁨􀀠.!1e permissible use is office/retail retail as ,0 􀁂􀁬􀁾􀀱􀀨􀀠I) e:J:lding ii;>8ce, then the design(s) and location{s) of t!1e 􀀵􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁾􀁴􀀺􀁊􀁾􀀧􀁥􀀵􀀠in whi.::h s:!id lise s;laU 􀀬􀀬􀀩􀁣􀁣􀁾􀁲􀀠shall !:)e subject to the (lrior awroval .,r the: .\rehitectl.l:al C();1tr.;,l t;ornmittee. If 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁭􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠'J'i 􀀧􀁬􀁰􀁰􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁥􀀠zoning ordinances, buih:1iIl6s ':i'ecud in 7.0:les f\)r which the permitted usc is office/retsil m.ij}' ne used for office, :et! B..!ld aom,mereial ;>urposes ',..,ilhout .!'!aximum ..,.. minimum area USE; :.!:niUltio)<1S. if ;?ermi tted by applicable zoning ordinttnces, :,uilding5 􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁜􀀺􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀠in 􀀺􀁨􀁾􀀠:totel/off!ceJrctnil zone r:\IiY be used for ofrice, :,otel, retail erson or entity other than oy tent!ncy 􀁾􀀡􀀧􀁩􀀠common, the allocation ::;! 􀀿􀀢􀁥􀁲􀀻􀀺􀁬􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁳􀁳􀁩􀀡􀀩􀁬􀁥􀀠retail >!ltd commeNj9.l 􀀵􀁩􀀾􀁡􀁣􀁾􀀠i!l !:lO office/retail ',r oWce U,5e !ii'e&s 􀁾􀀺􀀬􀁡􀁬􀁬􀀠',e by 􀁡􀁧􀁲􀁥􀁥􀁭􀁾􀁮􀁴􀀠ot 􀀬􀁾􀁕􀀠such i>ersons or antitieiil'J 􀁾􀁵􀁢􀁪􀁥􀁬􀀡􀁴􀀠,1t .ill 􀁴􀁩􀁭􀁥􀁾􀀠to ::'13: 􀁾􀁊􀀮􀁾􀁤􀀠;'iltce;"\ percent (IS%) in the &ggregale maximum limitation 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁴􀀸􀁩􀁮􀁩􀁮􀀵􀀠to SIi!d t.o. ;;lna tIJ said restrictions applicable to aggregating twenty-five thOiJSRnd i15,OiiJ) "qU!1:t; feet retail USoas 'oVlthin a Block (or 'lffected part thereof Ii.S to 31<..X!r. 1). Ii ;:>ermitted Oy applicable zoning ordinance.ii, :-tigh-i'ise ..esideotial lIsoM;)f 􀁴􀁨􀁲􀀮􀀻􀁾􀀠;1ov.s or more 3haU !:)e permitted in all Meas of the 􀁐􀁎􀁾􀁲􀁴􀁪􀁥􀁳􀁬􀀠except ,.s e:Qre.»ly otherwise limited herein. Free-:.'tanding 􀁢􀀢􀀮􀁊􀁕􀁤􀁩􀁦􀀱􀁩􀁾􀀠devoted solely to :eta:l uses sl'laU !)e 􀀡􀀮􀁘􀁬􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁾􀀡􀁊􀁣􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠in simple geoPlatric 􀀳􀁨􀁥􀀮􀁰􀁾􀀠'....ith nat :00; lines s.,id )\'itn an)' r.;,vf top 􀁾􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁰􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀠screened from srolJnd level view. SuHdings coastructed fo: :'ctall ,Jscs shall ineorporate compatible Wlmed elements 􀁾􀁯􀀠cause 􀁓􀁩􀁊􀀧􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀻􀁴􀁬􀀺􀀮􀁬􀀨􀁈􀁕􀁬􀀧􀁾􀁓􀀠to appear as an :rltegrlited unit. 􀀺􀁾􀁩􀁒􀀧􀀧􀁬􀁳􀁡􀀮􀁲􀁤􀀭􀁳􀁴􀁹􀁬􀁾􀀠:cofs shall !:)e ?rv:Jibited. Fo.. ;>urposes of .his Section 15, the usuaJ ofiiee$ of oani-:s, 􀁪􀁡􀁸􀁬􀀺􀀻􀁾􀁳􀀠s..i"'ld loa.n 9.Ss()o(!iEltio!'lS, title insurance 􀁃􀁏􀁭􀁾􀀡􀀧􀁬􀁮􀁩􀁃􀀵􀀠and relil e$te.te brIJ:<:erage :;rm3 shall :,a classified !is o(Ci'\''''ie installed excetlt ,ss ;;>at and o:,.:!(;::y t''):"Iciti,)l). 􀁾􀁯􀀠signs :na.y :,e installed c.)( !l nashing, mov;;'!g, fUcker!ns or 􀁢􀁾􀁩􀁲􀀮􀁫􀁩􀁦􀀱􀁬􀀠ml.;!lli••a!:k,."l, 􀁾􀁯􀀠external 5igns shall be ];eifTlHted on thc 􀁐􀁲􀁜􀁬􀁾􀀮􀁴􀁩􀁥􀁳􀀠except 􀁡􀁾􀀠􀁲􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁊􀀺􀁜􀁾􀀺􀁩􀀺􀀠(0)􀁩􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁳􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀠'-;'7'7;2; with t.'1'! :;-rovlsicns af herevf C;xo 3.4 pcrposes, Ikclarant !T1!iY eract entry S!g:t5 at 􀁴􀁾􀁡􀀠and DaU&.S ?ttrkw&y, in 􀀡􀁩􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁮􀁲􀀬􀁪􀁤􀁊􀀱􀁃􀁥􀀠"GIl .1ttaclled 􀁨􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁴􀁯􀀠lind m:tde II ;>..:t (0) Hater Signs" In the event that 4 hotel is co!!\·ie:!>.>p-.....:i in Quorum 􀁾􀁯􀀡􀀢􀁴􀁨􀀬􀀠a f:'B>! standing entry sign may be f:re.::eJ "1.t Son ei1try....ay to said hotel at Dallas ?li.fkway, iaid 􀁳􀁩􀁾􀁮􀀠to be <1??ro\·cd,bY the Committee. !'\oo HIt! ;"otel Mme may be plttccd upon the si:.le p&tels "f the Project !iigns de!cribed in subsc-etion (Ji,) u!),)\'1! :;1 􀁡􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁤􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀀠,with the provi!iion.:i of F,,,hlhit 1',1.". (c) Entrv 􀀢􀁩􀁳􀁬􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀺􀁩􀁴􀁩􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀮􀀠 (me fre" ste.:Ii1in(t' I,mtty ::.Ii;o :nd)' be erecteJ "er 􀀭􀁢􀁕􀁔􀁉􀁤􀁩􀁉􀁾􀀱􀁨􀁥􀀠(c.rm, 􀁾􀁉􀁕􀀺􀀬􀀠;:.t,le nn,1 􀁾􀀧..j)..."\«ucur,>.):io.!:>. to 'be \,rcct;:x.t At the intt:r.H:etton uf Qlwrum 1,:",1' unu the t:atr)' ubi>! 􀀨􀁩􀁾􀀠:\0)') to sulci 􀁢􀁴􀀱􀁬􀁨􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀮􀀠it.forlntttioll ':.In "l.d,1 􀀩􀁪􀁩􀁢􀁮􀁾􀀠􀀺􀀮􀀱􀁾􀁉􀁊􀁪􀀠􀁢􀁾􀀠r.;:>tn<:....J to M 􀁡􀁤􀁴􀀮􀀧􀁬􀁎􀁾􀀠1I'.!mt,H!r Hlll\ It lI'111xiUHlm uf Ihno:... (3, Hr.\!!> ..k:>I!i::,I[Il;e: mlljor t('nllnts of tl1Cl 􀁵􀁵􀁬􀁬􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀬􀀠m 'ht, 􀀱􀀻􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁲􀁴􀀺􀁌􀀾􀀧􀀺􀀠,',f II:> il-Jk .11.. . tl ..n. thl!' Ar('hUc('lurlli ('outr')! ('om'llitlfol' Why ("llth,I'll.o.: H.i· \';'L"::. ,:. d addiUOHnl ehtry 􀀱􀀱􀀺􀁾􀁉􀁾􀀧􀀠􀁾􀀡􀁬􀀡􀁦􀁥􀀮􀀠ill> \II>:'\')}' Stn.:, t, F!I\!IIlrj :);r(1 t. /!1..a .. U;:tf l.:l!,l! 􀁾􀀭􀀮􀁣􀀮􀀠CaJ!.':S ?'!.:rJl1.'I. u';'.! 􀁾􀁾􀀠'i'J 􀁾􀀠;.:rJ:..•..􀁾􀁭􀀠􀁾􀀭􀀮􀀬􀁪􀀠􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀺􀁲􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀬􀀬􀀺􀁉􀀮􀀢􀀺􀁣􀀢􀁾􀀠'¥::."'! 􀁓􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁣􀀮􀁾􀀠!..':d 􀀼􀁾􀁷􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀻􀀺􀁴􀀠􀁪􀁾􀀻􀁌 􀀢􀀺􀀮􀁯􀀡􀁡􀀮􀀮􀀢􀀧􀀡􀀺􀀤􀀠􀁾􀁨􀀮􀁜􀀧􀁾􀀻􀀻􀁯􀁾􀁎􀀠"i -:!,\", 􀀮􀁊􀀮􀁾􀀧􀀭􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀬􀀺􀀡􀀼􀀡􀀺􀀺􀀬􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁲􀀠:::';:r:'::'>'::l 􀁃􀁑􀁯􀀻􀀺􀁹􀀻􀁩􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁾􀀮􀀠',,!j 􀁯􀁾􀁴􀀡􀁾􀀠3u::t.Ji."':It 􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀮􀀺􀁩􀁟􀀠T*N:J S!p 􀁾􀁤􀀺􀀺􀀢􀀧􀀺􀀠::co: !;) 􀁮􀁾􀁾􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀡􀀧􀀠􀀺􀁾':! ;!';'".e ;:l=:'.I;o@01 􀁮􀁴􀁾􀀱􀀠􀁜􀁕􀀺􀀩􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀮􀀠i., £'':!4 >."i: :t:: vne ;-e:::tiueJ to h!l.vt :e:a!l -:.cC'\Jp'!..1Cy r.u.y additiOOAlly hs...e :;uch 􀁳􀁩􀁾􀀠!.S 􀁾􀀺􀁮􀁩􀀺􀁴􀁎􀀠in 􀁳􀀧􀀮􀁴􀀮􀀺􀁊􀁳􀀺􀀡􀁣􀁾􀁯􀀺􀀧􀁬􀀠(t) of Section la•.vticle nI. {e' Any 􀁯􀁦􀁦􀁩􀁾􀀠Oui:cL"tg eo:tctN in tht a note! may ha\".: $ig;'l$ in aee'Jt'chmee -.vith subseetion (d) above! and 􀁥􀁮􀁾􀀧􀀠reuU 􀁢􀁵􀁩􀁊􀀬􀁪􀁩􀁾􀀠l(X'Ated in said zone :nay have sIgns in ae<:o:-dance with .subsection t{l ::,.elo,;\'. L1 the event that a hotel shall !leo COrlSt:ucted within 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠hotel/office/retaU zone, the hotel shall ,e per:t1itted to b:we three (3) ooildinr mounted signs giving the N1:t1e or the hotel, !ind. in e.dditiont one U) s· ,on the marquee or said hot!1. said m8.l'q'.lee sign to be stbjeet t':l the .!\pproval or the Architectural Control Committee. said signs shall be of separate letters o( Cha,''lMl eonstruetion, thl:ty--shc (36) inches maximum height (except with the approval of the Are:hiteeturai Contl"Ot 􀁃􀁯􀁭􀁭􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁥􀀩􀁾􀀠internally ilIuiTl'nated, with cotors compatible to those used in tJ·,e buihJing. Each said sign shan not exceed the lesser or en one hundred 􀀨􀁩􀁦􀁴􀁾􀂷􀀠(1S0) square reet in area Of' such ta."'ger size appro\'ed by the .vC'hltecturel Control Committel:!', or (ii) the maximum !:fCS 􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁭􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀠by the City ot Acidiscn Sign Ordir.ane:e, shall be placed 􀀨􀁥􀁸􀁾􀁬􀀿􀁴􀀠the marquee sign) either on the left sid... ot the 􀁾􀁡􀁦􀁡􀁰􀁥􀁴􀀠of the building or betwe-an ground !evel and twenty-ftXir (24) teet abo'''e groundt may nvt extend above the parapet of the building, and may not extend bey'md eighteen (18) inches (rom thi! (ace o( the building. 1M opere.torts) of a restaurant, florist shop ClOd retail package store in said hotel may r:UspIay one (1) t.xternal sign not higher than the first story o( said building and otherwise comylying with subsection (r) below. «() Retail Signs. No external retail signs or (except 8S required by law) Internal signs intended to be viewed externally; shAll be vermitted, except that retail establishments are permitted to have no more than two (2) signs per tenant, eacl1 sald sign to be building mounttd in the tndename o{ the tenant O{lly. Each said sign shall not exceed forty (40) square feet in area, nor shall type slzc pxc(red twenty-rour ('l4) inC.;les In height. AU sign') shall have COllccaled illuminaUon, it any, and the s:jSn eolor and matcrild shall be compatible with the buildIng materials. (c'l Each OwneC' of a Lot, or su\"lljividcd part thereor, sign tn thE' size, 􀁾􀁨􀁬􀁬􀁰􀁥􀀠find cQ;cor as shown on 11111 hereto and made 11 purt hcrf'o( fOf' aU purposest wl1lch said temporary sign must be removed no Inter than the fir3t annfversary of the issunnce of a ccrtif!eute of occupancy Cor th" first building .:;.,)ns.tructcd on snid J.elt or suhd{vhJcd pa:t thdivided 􀁾􀁳􀀺􀁴􀀠thereof for a perioj of six (6) cO:l5ecutive ;:'Ionths. Each said 􀁴􀁾􀁊􀀡􀀱􀀿􀁯􀀧􀁉􀁬􀁾􀁙􀀠sign 􀁭􀁩􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁾􀁴􀀠(ace Quoium 􀁴􀁊􀀩􀁑􀁾􀀠and :':l!.lst !:>e !:>ehind the 8??ticable setback lines e.ild .restrietions. (:,) Liternal Signs. Exce?t as required by law, no interne.l signs iiltended to be viewf!lENTS Section 1. Declarant. Easements for performance of the lVithout limitation, grading and installa:ion, maintenance end repair and removal of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved by Declarant for itself, its successors and assigns, over, under and across the Lots (other than building sites after completion of Declarant's develcpment work). Full right of ingress and egress shall be had by Declar&nt at all times over the Lots (other than building sites) for the installation, operation, 􀁭􀁡􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀀬􀀠repair or removal of any utility together with the right to remove any obstNCtiCin that may be placed in such easement that would constitute interference witll the use of such easements, or with the use, maintenance, operation or installation of such utility, Declarant shall have the right to assign and convey, in whole or in part, the e/l.SemenlS rcserved by it hereunder to one o. more public utility companies. No new easements shall be establisheri hereafter without consent of the affected Owner. Section 2, :: .tsement Resen'ed for the Corporation. Full rights of in;iiess and egress shall be had by the Corporation at a!1 times over and IJPon caeh Lot fo:􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠maintena nce and repair of each Let (other ths.n building site) p.nd LandsCE.ped Areas in accordance with the provisicns hereof and for the carrying out by the Corporation of its rights, functions, duties and obligations hereunderj tl.ovided, that any slich entry by the CortJoration upon any Lot shall be made with as minimum inccnvenience to 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠Owner as practical, and any damage caused thereby sl'.all be repaired oy the Corporation at the expcnse of the maintenance fund. ARTICLE L'C GENERAL PRQI';SIONS Section 1. Binding Effect and DUration, 􀁔􀁨􀁾􀀠Covenants, 􀁃􀁯􀁾􀁤􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀠lln.d Restrictions of this Declaratioh 􀁾􀁨􀁁􀁬􀁬􀀠run with and blild the land subJect te, thiS Dcclaration And shall inurc 10 the benefit of And be enforceable by the Corporation and its iegal represr:ntatives, successors and 􀁮􀁾􀁳􀁩􀁧􀁮􀁳􀀬􀀠for a ter:n of twcnty 􀀨􀀧􀁾􀁏􀀩􀀠years from \.le de te thA t this TJeclara tion is recorded 􀁩􀁾􀀠t.hc Deed 􀁒􀁥􀁣􀁯􀁾􀁤􀁳.of Dallas County, Texas, after which tilru: snid CovendnL<:, C(:'ndltlons arid Restrictions shRl1 be automatic!llly extendcd for s\lceessivc perhxls of ten (to) years unlc'>S an instrument hy tI-c 􀁜􀁉􀀨􀀧􀁭􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀧􀁲􀁳􀀠cntitled to e.'I.<;t !:I majority of the 􀀻􀀬􀁯􀁴􀁥􀁾􀀠of t:le Corporlltion has bccil rccorded ill the Ill'eel T.{C'eords of 􀁮􀁦􀁬􀁬􀀱􀁾􀁳􀀠.COUIII V, 􀀭􀁲􀀺􀀱􀀮􀀧􀁘􀁴􀁬􀁾􀀠Il6rccinr: to nooii.... h lI;c!'c 􀁬􀀮􀀢􀀷􀁯􀁜􀀧􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁴􀁾􀀬􀀠Condillo=l:'> lind Rc:"ln:;ot:.:'I:t<:: pro\'ided. howeve;1 thnt 110 !:'Ileh 'l.grl'enH'nts to 􀁉􀁬􀁾􀁏􀀺􀁩􀀺􀀢􀀡􀁬􀀠:.IL.'l1! bl' d(,,;:-ti\"C 􀁵􀁾􀀬􀀡􀂷􀁾􀁾􀀠=n!\(!(' Il:ld rC(,C''",t('d (\ne (t) Y('lIr in mlvnnt'(· of 􀁾􀁴􀁬􀁜􀀢􀀧􀀠􀁥􀁕􀀨􀀧􀁜􀁾􀀱􀀠h·,' II"Ll(' of !'oU('!1 nl"-.'litl' , Section 24 Arnendm,;:nts bv 􀁄􀁾􀁣􀁬􀁡􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁴􀀮􀀠Prior to the sale and 􀁉􀀺􀀡􀀧􀁏􀁮􀀧􀁩􀁾􀁹􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀀠of' sj;;,.ty-fiv.:: percent (6,,{iJ or ITl0re of the !iet Acreage by DecJarant to bona (ida third ?arties unrelated to Declarant (other than a Successor Declarant). or until 􀁄􀀧􀀡􀀡􀁣􀁅􀁈􀁲􀁉􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀠31, 1984, wMchever (I:st OCC"Jrs, Declarant shall have the 􀁥􀁸􀁣􀁬􀁵􀁾􀁩􀁶􀁥􀀠;> t;t",'er lUld right to make :ninor amendments to these Co\"enants, CondHioM and 􀁒􀁡􀀵􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀱􀁣􀀺􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁾􀀠?riO!."' to the sai..e and conveyance ot !:ixty-Cive percent (6S%) or more of' 􀁴􀁾􀁥􀀠!-let Acreage by Declarant 􀁾􀁯􀀠􀁾􀁮􀁡􀀠fide third parties unrelate1 to Declarant (other thM e g'Jccessor Decla:'antJ, or ?r:or to Decamber 31, 19U, whichever first ,..ccars, in the event Declarant should "Nish to amer.d this Declaration in any respect 􀁷􀁨􀁾􀁣􀁨􀀠is suDst!:lr.tiaUy different from its present form or from the specific and g-enersl intent!ons fU"'td pur;>oses of the C,)venants, Conditions a'ld itestrictions set iorth here tn, Declarant she: II have thi:! exclusive power and right to amend this Declaration, but only with the written consent of the :llembers entitled to cast flrty-one percent (5196) of the votes of the Corporatbn as e\'idenced by a document in writing bearing each of' their 􀁳􀁩􀁧􀁮􀁡􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠Any Md ell amendments shall become erfeetive 􀁾􀁨􀁦􀀺􀀢􀀡􀀠an insttumeilt is Wed or record in the Office of the County Clark ot DaUas County, Texas, with the signature of Declarant and/or the requisite 􀁾􀀮􀀱􀁥􀁭􀁢􀁥􀁲􀁳􀀠of the Corporation, as the case 􀁭􀁡􀁾􀀧􀀠be. Seaticn 3. as provided in Section 1 and Section 2 or this and Restrictions of this Decluation may be amended and/or changed in whole or in part only with the written agreement the 􀀺􀀬􀁜􀀱􀁾􀁭􀁢􀁥􀁲􀁳􀀠of the COi'poration entiUed to cast sixty""Six and two-thir1ember under the shall be deemed to have heen 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁾􀀱􀁹􀀠delivered when deposited in the United States Ytail, pootage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the t9st kno ....n address of the person who appears as 3 􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁭􀁴􀀻􀀮􀁥􀁲􀀠on the rel!orfE, the tL"'ld-ersigned authority, on this Clay personally 'lppeared JOE J. STUCKER. V;c:e: Presrdent, Llllld DeveIopment, Deei') Southwest of DAON CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, known til me to be too perSG-n and officerwhose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, e. partner of DAON...TEXAS, a partnership, and acknowledged to me thal he exeeuted the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and t.S the act and .;.-'ed of said corporation end partnership. GIVEN UNDER :.IY Janu=.ry, 1980 • • ": . , : ,." .􀂷􀀮􀀺􀁤􀁹􀀮􀁃􀁾􀁭􀁭􀁩􀁳􀁳􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠Expire.s: 􀁾􀀯􀀷􀀬􀁴􀁩􀀻􀁦􀀯􀀠THESTATEOPTEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this 􀁾day of Notary Publlc in and for Dallas County, Tesu BEFORE ME, the undersIgned authority, on this day personally SAM GLAST, Assistant Secretary of DAON CORPORATION, • Delawar. eorporation;known to me to be the person and oificer whose r.ame is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, a partner of DAON-TEXAS, a partnership, lind acknowledged to me that hll executed the same for the 􀁾􀁵􀁲􀁰􀁯􀁳􀁥􀁳􀀠ar.d consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therp."in stated and as the act and deed of said corporatioOl. GIVEN January, 􀁾􀀹􀀸􀀰􀀮􀀠UNDER MY IIAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this 3 -day of ()tl.-U./Jp-Lza --Notary Pul)lie in and for Dallas County, Texas My' Com mission Expires: h'l.//"n ..􀁲􀀢􀀬􀁾􀁪􀀡􀁬􀁬􀁃􀁬􀁴􀁥􀀠boundar􀀮􀀻􀁴􀀺􀁾􀀠bet...-eE:n site y of dividing 5Ioc;k .L s 1 and 2 of : I 􀁆􀁾􀁔􀁯􀁦􀁴􀁙-_.+.'.-!!"" 0·' : 􀁾􀀠􀀡􀀻􀁾􀀬...·.u· f ...C" l.. • itl. ,,'n .••,•.•4' EXHIBIT "Ar CURVE: 􀁏􀁾􀁔􀁁􀀠c·, c·,...􀀺􀀭􀀢􀁾􀀧􀀬􀀬. • • 11' ,. 1_ "",,u' I. • 'so ,t I.'" uti u' , • 1.'·1'111' •• 􀁕􀁾􀀮􀁉􀀧􀂷􀀠l' ••n.u· l.. ......f"Leo ..... '1· .. ---t JJ''\PAHO ROAO":::' J I --'f. ... ,,,:;: 􀀺􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁟􀂷􀁬􀀠4lOCrte'l'l 􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀠• 􀁮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁩􀁾􀀭􀁃􀀮􀀧􀀬􀀠 Approximate 􀁢􀁯􀁵􀁮􀁤􀁡􀁾􀁹􀀠of line betYeen sites 1 "':lock 1, CUR\'E DATA Co, • • II" II'u· ., C_I , • l"U',"•• 1:.0• • no..,. , • 􀁾􀀬􀁓􀁴􀀬T • "I.•', \. • 􀁾􀁉􀁉􀀢􀀬... 1•.•', \...t.o ID. " u;.oo In... -.,c·. • ..,:' ,,·u'· • • 􀀧􀁉􀀢􀀢􀁾􀀢􀀠n' .," r • III II'T • ,,..11 ....., '1011 01·'" U,1.".,"' \.' .."........ QUORUM NORTH Jlxhiblt "!I' -􀁐􀁾􀁭􀀬􀀢􀀬􀁬􀁢􀁬􀀮􀀠Lind to •• I L .._ Ofiice , Co, IOffice/RetsU o liotel/Office/Retsil < • 1 • <0'"'.''' ••••1" ,: • no 00: 􀁾􀀨􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀢􀁾􀀧􀀠t.a.:)'j/L.U 􀁾............. 'li,&.i0i iQlLLI.IJT", 0&A.14 • II..UI...A.Ll.l.... . _ .... '1.... a.a..l.IOIu.; .f..I.tOCU.U' " 􀁯􀀮􀀮􀀢􀀢􀀧􀁲􀁴􀀺􀁾􀁣􀁐􀁏􀁥􀀠.uOU1CTl ......... 􀁾􀁬􀀧􀁬•• f'oJ,r...",\, .... , ....... w Q I iT! \ 111) TU .. V·"i,)tj;-:.,S of cur!> 􀁣􀁵􀁴􀀮􀁳􀁾􀀠􀁊􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁮􀁾􀁾􀁵􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁬􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁥􀁓􀀠orto be or placed in 􀁬􀁑􀁬􀁬􀁯􀀬􀁦􀀮􀀬􀁰􀁴􀁾􀁉􀀢􀁴􀁨􀀮􀀠In the event a confliei. between 􀁭􀁡􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁾􀀠illustrated 􀁅􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠(/h,....," ar:d the nli.rra1.1 􀁾􀀧􀁥􀀠terms of tile ?role::.:ti\,e CO"Jenants to which this 􀁾􀀬􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁣􀁲􀀠Fh:1 is l,ittnched, the terms 0.( the Protective COVen&nLS :.:.hnll ,"\.Ir.tro), ; .." .... . ' :;e, • 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀀬􀁾􀀨􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁜/" , \ I \ ,I /I This is a schematic grading for illustrative purposesI I• 􀁯􀁮􀁬􀁹􀁾􀀠and is subject to modifi::3t1on to" '•. 3 modate final development 􀀮􀁾􀀠l plans or approved by the :'> 􀁁􀁲􀁣􀁨􀁬􀁴􀁾􀁣􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁡􀁬􀀠Control/􀁃􀁯􀀡􀁬􀁬􀁴􀀺􀁬􀀱􀁴􀁴􀁯􀀡􀁥􀁾􀀠I I :/.' :vo; f :". G E '. 􀁾,.UP' OnHVi"t,n;S 􀁾􀀬.... 'u... )""\' "'&tN'JI.! _ .......w EXHIBIT \I Ell LAN'DSCA?E MATERIAL.S LlST The Following landsecpe materials are cpproved for tJse in the Quorvm 􀁾􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁨􀀠"nd will be included in lo"" C.dor (1m " Ulm"s eronlreli" ,t'-. ::;000:, :\\1:11:3" 􀀡􀁾􀁌􀁌TREES -DECIDUOUS (t:$:((1'\ 􀀷􀀮􀁣􀁣􀁾􀁶􀁤􀀠C.r.l; conoder"l•. 􀁃􀁴􀀢􀀬􀀮􀀬􀀻􀁥􀀮􀁾􀁾􀂷􀁈􀁬􀁴􀀠 ." 􀁉􀁮􀁾􀁩􀁣􀁡􀀠 􀁅􀀡􀁾􀁕􀀵S -LARG E Scientific Nome Ugusfrum te:xonum Nerium ot eonder ?hotinia tlFrO$eri" Photinia urrulcto PiUOlporvm tabire Viburnum ioponicvm Viovrnvm odoratiuiml.lfl'l Vibumum sv:s?cnsum SHRuas -MEDIUM AND SMAll Hex "BurfordiiU Nonolno domesticQ compacta . Nerium oleander (Pelite) Pit1osporurn fooira nVlnelleti" Ro?hiole?sis bdicQ GROUND COVER AND ViNES AilJga reptons vor 􀁾􀁊􀁑􀁮􀁹􀁭􀁵􀁳􀀠Fortunei t'coforoh.rsl1' helix "Hahn's" He §", i ii: 􀁾􀁅􀀠􀁾􀀠;J. P'0 11 􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠UJ gI-I-􀁾􀀠UJ Z 0< --' 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠• a: 9 8 g " :l <3a: 0 " 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠a: UJ 3 , I-X • UJ 5 􀁾􀀠?• " :2 􀁾􀀠i:l :Jw· > cc:, G 􀁾􀀠0:' 1-, a ," 􀁾􀀻􀀠r o:f' "j I ·'f'" 􀁾􀀮􀀨􀀱􀀱􀀽􀀺􀁽􀀡􀀩􀀠􀁾􀁌􀁜􀀠('t.' "'''Oil !<... 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