A URS COMPANY 1225 17'" St, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 phone 303-293-8080 fax 303-293-8585 DATE: January29,2001 TO: Michael Murphy, Town of Addison FROM: Tim Baldwin SUBJECT: Status of Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor BRW received a Notice to Proceed on December 14, 2000, for this project. Attached is a spreadsheet showing the status of the various elements of this report, along with a copy of the draft report elements completed thus far. The project is approximately 65% complete. Most narrative data collection elements (report summaries, relationship to other projects) are complete in draft form. The most difficult element of the project -securing and analyzing NCTCOG demographic and travel market data -is well under way, as we have recently secured all the NCTCOG datasets needed and are developing GIS maps and data tables for each element. We anticipate the bulk of that analysis to be completed in draft form by Friday, February 9. The major narrative elements remaining to be rompleted concern an analysis of issues to be analyzed further (including a phasing and staging scenario analysis), and conclusions and recommendations. It is our goal to have a complete draft report ready for your review by Friday, February 16. BRW, INC. Town of Addison Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor Status of Project Documentation (1/29101) Report Element 1. Introduction 2. Histo!)' and Background Brief History of Conidor DART History NCTCOG Regional Rail North Crosstown Study Northwest MIS NCTCOG N. Crosstown TF 3. Demographic Summa!), Conidor DeffnHion (TSZ's) Population trends Employment trends Socioeconomic trends Economic trends Land use trends Development trends TrafflCltransp. trands D/FW Airport Influences 4. Moving in the Corridor Activity Centers Regional Travel Pattems Corridor Travel Pattems Type ofInformation Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative NCTCOG data set/map NCTCOG data setlmap NCTCOG data set/map NCTCOG data setlmap NCTCOGilocal data NCTCOG data set/map Narrative; GIS map NCTCOG data set/map NCTCOG MobilHy 2025 data Narrative NCTCOG data set/map Narrative; GIS map NCTCOG dala set/map NCTCOG data setlmap NCTCOG daJa set/map 6. Ridership/Cost·Effectiveness Analysis PreVious PreVious Analyses DART comparison National comparison New trends 6. Key Issues Track 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁤􀁾􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀠AI-g rade crossings other neighborhood issues Technology altematives Regional connectivHy Potential station locations Phaslngfstaging scenarios 7. Conclusions! Recommendations Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Status Draft complete Draft complete Draft complete Draft complete Draft complete Draft complete Draft complete Being processed; complete by 219 Partially complete; complete by 219 Being processed; complete by 219 8elng processed; complete by 219 8elng processed; complete by 2i2 Being processed; complete by 219 Draft ready 219 8eing processed; complete by 212 Draft complete Draft complete Being processed; complete by 219 Partially complete; complete by 219 Being processed; complete by 219 Being processed; complete by 219 Being processed; complete by 219 Draft complete Draft complete Draft complete Draft complete by by 219 Draft complete by 219 Draft complete by 219 Draft complete by 219 Draft complete by 219 Draft complete by 219 Draft complete by 219 Draft complete by 219 Draft complete by 219 1. INTRODUCTION The Cotton Belt railroad corridor, as it is usually described, stretches more than 22 miles from downtown Plano to the north end of DfFW International Airport (see Figure I-I). Purchased by DART in 1990 as part ofthe agency's long-term railroad preservation programs, the corridor has long been identified by DART as a potential fixed-guideway corridor serving the rapidly growing east-west travel markets in the northern tier of DART's service area suburbs. However, most of DART's rail program has, to this point, been desigued as a radial system focused on downtown Dallas. Virtually all ofDART's light rail and commuter rail lines, as described in the original 1983 Service Plan and amended several times since, are either in place, under construction, or in some stage ofplanning for implementation. DART is now poised to embark on its next wave of regionaI-and possibly inter-regional-planning. The agency has initiated the procurement process to hire a consultant to help it update its long-range system plan. This effort will ask one crncial question: What happens next? The new Transit System Plan will consist ofthree major elements: 1. An element that will establish the future direction ofDART and 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠. region regarding transit, including the identification ofkey issues, the establishment ofgoals and objectives, and the provision of a framework for the discussion of key policy issues. Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Conidor 1 Figure 1-1 Cotton Belt Corridor , Transit MaItct Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 2 '\ 2. An element that will develop a strategic action plan for the continuing 􀁩􀁮􀁣􀁲􀁥􀁭􀁥􀁾􀁴􀁡􀁬􀀠development of DART's transit system, including the identification of major opportunities and obstacles, inter-relationships with other plan elements, and the proposed timing of projects. 3. An element that will identify specific projects to achieve the goals and objectives, including physicalfoperationalftechnological recommendations and a capital investment plan that is tied to a , phasing and staging plan. Concurrently with the pending development ofthe new DART System Plan, local leaders in the northern Dallas County area have expressed interest in re-examining the Cotton Belt corridor with the intent of determining its viability as one of DART's next priority corridors. Along those lines, the Town ofAddison asked BRW, Inc., to conduct a Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt corridor. This Transit Market Analysis is an attempt to develop a quantitative assessment ofexisting and forecast conditions conditions along the Cotton Belt Corridor telated to demographics, land use patterns and densities, traffic volumes, trip densities and trip-making patterns, and other factors. The results of this analysis may be used by the Town ofAddison and its neighboring communities to demonstrate the potential strengths of the Cotton Belt alignment as a futore transit corridor.This report is not intended as a political document. It is not an advocacy statement, nor is it intended to be adversarial in natore in promoting one solution or alignment over another with DART and other tegional decision-makers on behalfof the Town of Addison. fustead, it is intended to examine, in one comptehensive yet concise and objective report, the technical issues related to the Cotton Belt corridor that will be made available to DART and other agencies as it considers its next priority corridors for study, funding, and implementation. Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 3 In addition to this introduction, this report consists of six additional sections: • An exploration of the Cotton Belt Corridor's history as a potential rapid transit corridor, and its relation to other transportation studies in the area over the past two decades; • An assessment ofdemographic, transportation, and land use and development conditions that exist now along the corridor and that are forecast to exist through the year 2025; • An assessment of trip-making and travel patterns in the corridor, both existing and forecast, with an exploration of the major origins and destinations within and external to the study corridor; • An analysis ofpast ridership and cost forecasts for rail transit solutions in the corridor, a qualitative update of those forecasts based on updated demographic and development projections, and an analysis of how those ridership and cost figures compare to other DART corridors and fixed guideway corridors nationwide; • A compilation and exploration of key issues to he considered when examining the Cotton Belt corridor as a fixed guideway corridor, including the issue of grade crossings and track conditions along the corridor, potentiiIJ inter-connectivity to the DART system and other regional transportation networks, an examination ofpotential passenger station locations, and the development of potential phasing and staging implementation scenarios; and • A chapter on conclusions and recommendations as to where DART and the Town of Addison should proceed in the near future. Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 4 ,\ 2. THE COTTON BELT CORRIDOR IN CONTEXT: HISTORY AND BACKGROUND BRIEF HISTORY OF THE COTTON BELT CORRIDOR In December 1990, DART purchased approximately 54 miles of the Cotton Belt railroad from Wylie to North Fort Worth at a purchase price of$21.5 million. DART purchased the line for two primary reasons. First, the agency wante4 to preserve the corridor as a future potential transit right-of-way. Second, DART wanted to use a portion of the corridor to reroute freight trains from the Sante Fe line in east and northeast Dallas, which was slated for eventual light rail service. Initially, the entire length of the Cotton Belt was to be used for freight rerouting from the Santa Fe line, but additional connections were made by the Santa Fe and Kansas City Southern through Denton instead. Currently, the DGNO railro!ld operates two to four local freight trains per day on the Cotton Belt between Carrollton and Plano, with most of the freight customers being located in Carrollton. West ofI-35E, the Fort Worth and Western Railroad handles both local freight and the Tarantula tourist train between Grapevine and Fort Worth. DART's commuter rail staff has assessed the potential of the Cotton Belt as a transit corridor. Its assessment notes that the track is in generally poor shape from US 75 west, and would need a complete rebuild for any passenger service. The most expensive rebuild component would be in structures and signals, particularly west of1-35E in the Trinity River bottoms. The corridor is 100 feet wide in most places, with the existing track located in the center ofthe right-of-way. Most existing freight Transit Marlcet Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 5 customers are located on the south side of the line, which would provide an opportunity for the placement of transit tracks on the north side ofthe right-of-way without impeding access for exiting freight customers. THE CORRIDOR AND DART SERVICE AND SYSTEM PLANS Original 1983 DART Service Plan The original DART Service Plan, approved by the voters in August 1983, included the 12-rnile Cotton Belt corridor as part of that plan's Phase n program (see Figure 2-1). According to the compilation ofthe DART Service Plan developed in January 1991, the Plano/Addison/Carrollton line was described as follows: The line heads in an easterly direction from Belt Line Rd. in Carrollton (the Sternmons line) towards Plano, passing through Addison and Dallas. The line is within the SI. Louis and Southwestern (Cottonbelt) railroad right-of-way. The line terminates near 10th Street in Plano (junction with the North Central line). The entire line is at-grade. An additional unprogrammed line extends north from Station 21 (Tollway) in an unspecified horizontal and vertical alignment parallel to the Dallas North Tollway to S.H. 121, turning southwest to Paige Rd. near The Colony. (Source: January 1991 compilation ofDARTService Plan) The compilation notes that the Service Plan specified stations locations along the line as being: • Josey; • Marsh; • Tollway; • PrestonwoodlPreston; • Coit; and • Custer. Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 6 Figure 2-1 Cotton Belt AUgnment in 1983 DART Service Pltm Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 7 In addition, the Service Plan compilation noted grade separations along the line at: • Denton Dr.; • Josey La.; • Marsh La.; • Addison Rd.; • Preston Rd.; • CoitRd.; • Custer; • U.S. 75; and • Plano Parkway. The 1983 Service Plan also included the Galleria Spur as part ofits Phase m. This line, approximately 2 miles long, "heads in a southerly direction from the Planol Addison/Carrollton line at Station 21 (Tollway) near . Inwood Rd. The line parallels Inwood Rd. to 1-635. The line is aerial unless right-of-way will permit at-grade construction." Only one station was listed on this line, at Alpha Rd.fGalleria, and grade separations were noted at Belt Line, Spring Valley, and Alpha. Subsequent DART Service and System Plans Since the adoption of the 1983 Service Plan, DART has taken several actions related to the corridor. By 1988, just before that year's bond election, the line's description was changed to one of several "unprogrammed rail alignments." During the development ofthe 1989 System Plan, the corridor was actually considered (though briefly) as one alternative for two-way permanent high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, in competition with another east-west HOV alternative along S.H. 190. IDtimately, the Cotton Belt right-of-way was recommended for "future right-of-way preservation" in the 1989 System Plan. Transit Market Analysis for the Cotlon Belt Corridor 8 <', As mentioned above, DART purcbased the corridor from Wylie to Nortb Fort Worth (a distance of 54 miles) in 1990 as part of the agency's longrange corridor preservation program; DART bas agreements with local railroads to allow freigbt service on tbe corridor. In November 1995, DART revised its System Plan and re-examined the Cotton Belt corridor. By tbis time, tbe Cotton Belt was one of several alignments in the :'North Crosstown Corridor" as needing further study: Formerly referred to as the Cotton Belt Corridor, Ibis is the east/west travel corridor in tbe northern portion of the Service Area. As part of tbe development of the Transit System Plan, discussions were held with neigbborhood representatives, member city elected officials and the NCTCOG on tbis issue. The consensus ofopinion was tbat the Transit System Plan should not identify a particular alignment or technology at tbis time. It was felt that a major investment study (MIS) should be done to identify the need for an eastlwest alignment and consider several alternate technologies and alignments, including consideration oftbe Burlington Northern and Santa Fe. as well as SH-190 and the Cotton Belt. The initial study limits will generally extend from Plano to Irving including DIFW International Airport. It is expected that tbe l\1lS will take approximately two years to complete. The MIS sbould begin wilbin six months after final adoption of tbe Transit System Plan ... (Source: DART Transit System Plan, June J995). As ofthe date oftbe preparation of tbis report. DART had not yet initiated Ibis study, tbough it is anticipated that it could possibly be included in the scope ofthe next General Planning Consultant contract, expected to be issued in early 2001. The 1995 System Plan map (see Figure 2-2) noted the Cotton Belt, along with tbe SH-190 corridor and additional railroad corridors in the region, as being alternatives "for future study." Transit Markel Analysis for the Colton Bell Corridor 9 '\ Figure 2-2: Cotton Belt and Adjacent Corridors in 1995 DART System Plan Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 10 <\ The 1995 System Plan document also catalogued the resolutions of DART Service Area jurisdictions related to the Cotton Belt alignment. Those resolutions included: • Addison: "Cotton Belt Corridor to DFW Airport should be adopted as a future rail line. Initiate demand and fmandal studies immediately. Construction schedule should be supplied to the member cities." • Carrollton: "Cotton Belt rail line identified as a viable alternative and placed in the Plan to be extended west of 1-35E to DFW within the 10year financing program or as soon as possible." • Dallas: "Strongly opposes diesel locomotive service on Cotton Belt Corridor, but would, after review, strive to support other rail teclmology when ridership warrants if: the teclmology has characteristics comparable to light rail in noise, vibration, emission and other environmental concerns, and the corridor is developed from the Plano Transit Center to DFW Airport." • Garland: "Cotton Belt to DFW Airport should be adopted as a future rail line. Initiate demand and financial studies on Cotton Belt with construction beginning as studies indicate the demand." • Irving: "Develop a complete feasibility assessment of... Cotton Belt corridor to DFW Airport." • Plano: "Extend Cotton Belt rail line to DFW Airport. Initiate demand and financial studies immediately." • Richardson: "Cotton Belt rail line [to] be identified and placed in the Plan and extended west ofI-35E to DFW within the lO-yearfmancing program or as soon as possible." Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 11 • Rowlett: "Cotton Belt rail line [to] be identified and placed in the Plan and extended west ofI-35E to DFW within the lO-year financing program or as soon as possible." DART Construction Program After the initiation of the DART LRT Starter System in 1996 and 1997, the agency has proceeded with its planning and design program for system extensions. In partjcular, the North Central LRT line extension from Park Lane to downtown Plano is under construction, with revenue service slated to begin in 2003. That LRT line includes a station in downtown Plano north of the UPRR's intersection with the Cotton Belt alignment. At that intersection, DART is replacing the at-grade crossing with an aerial structore. Figure 2-3 shows the planned design of the line and its potential interface with the Cotton Belt corridor. Transit Market Analysis for !he Cotton Belt Corridor 12 Figure 2·3: Cotton Belt/North Central LRTline Interface Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 13 THE CORRIDOR AND THE NCTCOG REGIONAL COMMUTER RAIL STUDY In 1994, NCTCOG sponsored the Regional Commuter Rail Feasibility Study to examine potential commuter rail lines in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. It ranked the Cotton Belt alignment from Plano to DIFW Airport as the top-ranked corridor in the entire region. (By way of comparison, the BNSF alignment, also under consideration by DART as a potential eastwest link in the 􀁮􀁯􀁾􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁮􀀠Dallas County area, was ranked 9th out of twelve corridors examined in the Dallas-Fort Worth area). The report noted several characteristics of the Cotton Belt corridor: • Its right-of-way is approximately 100 feet; • Its overall track condition was rated "poor;" • It serves approximately two freight trains per day in each direction; • It currently has speed restrictions of 35 MPH; • It has 18 at-grade crossings; • It does not require Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)-compatible vehicles, meaning that service can be separated by time or space from existing freight traffic; • It has high operational suitability; • It has high environmental sensitivity, primarily due to its proximity to residences andlor schonls; and • It is suitable for alternative modes such as HOV lanes and bicycle trails. The report also made recommendations on the vehicles and equipment to be used, potential administration and operations arrangements, potential station locations, and a sample operating plan. Its appendix includes an Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 14 assessment of track conditions, an inventory or grade crossings, and existing drainage structures, turnout locations, and mileposts. The report developed several operating scenarios for the corridor. Possible service scenarios for Plano to Carrollton included service every 30 minutes with 3 equipment sets, or service every 40 minutes with 2 equipment sets, with a travel time of approximately 30 minutes. From Plano to DIFW, three trainsets could provide hourly frequencies, six trainsets could provide 3D-minute frequencies, and four trainsets could provide a combined schedule with 3D-minute frequencies to Carmllton and 60-minute frequencies to the airport. Hours of service would be weekday peak hours from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and evening peak hours from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The service could utilize bi-directional vehicles similar to the DART RDC cars (stainless steel, air conditioned, self propelled diesel rail cars), new self-propelled diesel rail cars, or standard single-level or bi-Ievel push-pull coaches. The report envisioned the possibility of DART contracting with local railroads to operate and maintain the service. Possible station locations include: Southern PacificlDART LRT Crossing, Collin Creek Mall, Coit Road, Preston Road, Addison Road Transit Center, Marsh Lane, Stemmons Freeway, MacArthur Road, DIFW Airport. Stations would be modest and would consist of platforms, simple shelters, parking lots, and commuter drop-off areas. To operate from Plano to Carrollton with a 3D-minute frequency, two sidings would he required for passing, and with a 40-minute frequency,' one siding wonld be required. From Carrollton to DIFW Airport with a 3D-minute frequency, two sidings would he required, and with a 60-minute frequency, one siding would he required. Fares were recommended to be similar to the Dallas-Irving commuter fares and similar to park -and-ride express fares. Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 15 1 The report also noted the availability of land along the right-of-way near the intersection of I-35E and Belt Line in Carrollton for a vehicle storage area, light vehicle maintenance and inspection facility, and track maintenance and signal maintainer's facility. No cost estimates were given for the Cotton Belt service scenarios outlined in the report. Appendix I contains existing conditions field assessment of the corridor, the highway and railroad crossing inventory, and the existing drainage structures, turnout locations, and mile post stations ofthe corridor, as documented in the report. THE COTION BELT AND THE DART NORTH CROSSTOWN CORRIDOR STUDY Probably the most comprehensive analysis of the Cotton Belt and other nearby corridors was contained in the 1997 report for DART conducted by BRW as part of that firm's General Planning Consultant work. The North Crosstown Corridor Preliminary Feasibility Study examined all potential east-west corridors in an area bounded roughly by US 75 on the east, SH121 on the nort4lt Line Rd. on the .;;;;yand LBJ Freeway on the south. The report's purpose was to examine all potential alignments to "provide the foundation for a future Major Investment Study." Four alignments were studied in the analysis: • The (then) Burlington Northern railroad from SH-121 to its intersection with the Cotton Belt near Carrollton; • The Cotton Belt alignment from Plano to D/FW Airport, with a possible eastern terminus at Addison; • The Kansas City Southern corridor from the DART Northeast LRT line in Garland to the Burlington Northern line north ofAddison; and Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 16 • An alternative using the SH-190 right-of-way from the Kansas City Southern to the Burlington Northern. The Cotton Belt was divided into four segments for this report's analysis: • Segment Fl: from the North Central LRT line to the intersection of the Kansas City Southern (2.92 miles); • Segment F2: from the Kansas City Southern to the Addison Transit Center (5.98 miles); • Segment F3: from the Addison Transit Center to the Burlington Northern intersection in Carrollton (4.89 miles); and • Segment F4: from the Burlington Northern in Carrollton to DIFW Airport (8.29 miles). Table 2-1 summarizes the report's analysis of the Corridor's physical conditions. 100' Fair TC (5.98 miles) F2: KCS to Addison Waterview. Coit, McCallum. Hillcrest, Davenport, campbell, Davenport. Addison 100'F3: Addison TC to BN Midway. Marsh, Kelly. Josey, Denton Dr. Poor 100' FairMacArthur, Denton Tap, Freeport Pkwy .• Major At-Grade Street Crossings Overall Track to KCS 100' 10th , Ave. F. Plano Pkwy., Alma Dr., Source: DARTNorth Crosstown Corridor 1997 Good Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 17 The report also analyzed travel time and access characteristics of the corridor. Table 2·2 summarizes those characteristics. Travel times are computed by assuming a 35 MPH average speed for traditional push-pull commuter rail and 45 MPH for self-propelled diesel mUltiple unit (DMU) commuter rail vehicles (which has identical travel times and average speeds as light rail). Access characteristics are gauged by measuring population and employment within a half-mile of the corridor and by cataloging sensitive land uses within 1,000 feet of the corridor. Travel time (min.) 199012020 Demographics . Segmem 􀁲􀀽􀁣􀀭􀁯􀁭􀀭􀀭􀁭􀀭􀁵􀁾􀁴􀁥􀀭􀁲􀁾􀀷􀁌􀀽􀁒􀁔􀀽􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁐􀀭􀁯􀀭􀁰􀁵􀁾􀁬􀁡􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁬􀁯􀀭􀁮􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁭􀀭􀁰􀁾􀁬􀁯􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁥􀁮􀁾􀁴􀀭􀀭􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀭 􀁾􀁾􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠Rail DMU within *ml. within *mile Schools 5 min. 4 min. 4,300/5,300 11,800121,100 Low 10.25 min. 8 min. 17,200124,500 18,600131,900 Modera Ie 8.5 min. 6.5 12,600/14,800 24,500131,900 Low min. 14 min. 11 min. 5.800117,200 8,000116,600 37.75 min. 29.5 39.900/61.800 62,9001101,500 min. Preliminary Low 3 o 3 o 4 o 2 1 12 1 The analysis showed a travel time of almost 38 minutes from Plano to DIFW along the Cotton Belt using traditional push-pull commuter rail vehicles. and just under 30 minutes using self-propelled DMU technology or light rail. Population was projected to increase along the corridor by 55% between 1990 and 2020, and employment was projected to increase Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor IS , byjust more than 61 %. Regarding sensitive land uses, the report noted that Segment F2 had the highest concentration of sensitive land uses, as it is located largely within a single-family residential area. The report also noted that residential areas located south ofSegment Fl and north of Segment F4 are buffered from the rail corridor by strips of vacant land or open space. The report also analyzed capital costs for implementing rail service in the corridor. Table 2·3 summarizes the capital cost analysis. Table 2·3: Capital Cost Analysis for Rail Service Options in the Colton Belt Corridor Capital Cost In millions Segment 􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠LRT I 􀁾􀀠CommuterRall DMU I 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀡􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠F1: Plano to KCS $64 $25 $35 2.92 miles) CSF2: K to Addison $132 $57 $72 TC 5 .98 miles) 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀫􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭ddison TC to BNF3: A $108 $46 $50 (4.89 miles) F4:BN to D/FW (8.29 $182 $79 $99 miles) 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭or Totals (22.08 $486 ($221mile) $207 ($9.4 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠􀀧􀀺􀁩􀁬􀁥􀀩􀁾􀀠􀀱􀁾􀁾􀀤􀀲􀀵􀀶􀀠($11.6/mile) ] 􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾. . . . ..Source: DART North Crosstown CorridQr Prelllrnnary Feas.bd.ty Study. BRW. 1997 The table shows that light rail is the most expensive option, followed by DMU and conventional commuter rall. Capital costs assumed improvements and upgrades such as new structures and new or rehabilitated track to achieve the average speed requirements ofeach mode. The study concluded that, of the four alignments and subsequent route combinations studied, the Cotton Belt: • was one oftwo with the greatest level ofaccess to high density employment in 2020; Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 19 • was one of two with the highest level of system connectivity to existing and planned transit services and facilities; and • was one of two with the most direct travel routes across the corridor and an associated lower capital cost and travel time. THE COTTON BELT AND THE DART NORTHWEST CORRIDOR MAJOR INVESTMENT STUDY This study, produced for DART in 2000, recommended a Locally Preferred Investment Strategy (LP1S) for the corridor extending from downtown Dallas along 1-35E to Fanners Branch, Carrollton, € 􀁾and to North Irving. It recommended: • the addition of two reversible HOV lanes and one general purpose lane in each direction on 1-35E in the Carrollton area; • implementation oflight rail service along the UPRR right-of-way that parallels 1-35E, with an aerial passenger station at Belt Line/Old Downtown Carrollton (see Figure 24). The report notes that this station provides an "Opportunity for future rail transfer with potential rail lines along the Cotton Belt RR and/or the BN RR." (p. 190). The report also shows the LRT line in an aerial structure crossing over the Cotton Belt near downtown Carrollton. Figure 2-5 shows an aerial close-up ofthe LRT line in downtown Carrollton, showing its proximity to the Cotton Belt corridor; and Figure 2-6 is a plan drawing showing the LRT aerial structure as it crosses over the Cotton Belt near Belt Line; and • implementation oflight rail service through Irving and Las Colinas to the north entrance ofDIFW Airport. No specifics are given on a station location other than that is near the north shuttle parking lot, with an eventual people mover connection to the rest of the airport. Transil Markel Analysis for the COllon Belt Corridor 20 ,. Figure 2·4: Northwest MIS LRTRecommendation Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 21 Figure 2·5: LRTAlignment in Carrolton and Proximity to Cot/on Belt Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 22 Figure 2·6: Plan View ojNorthwest LRT Line Crossing ojCotton Belt in Carrol/ton Transit Market Analysis for the Conon Belt Corridor 23 THE CORRIDOR AND NCTCOG TRANSPORTAnON PLANS The NCfCOG Mobility 2020 Regional Transportation Plan evaluated several potential rail alternatives for future implementation beyond that already programmed. The report mentioned the work of the North Crosstown Corridor Evaluation Task Force, which consisted ofinterested public and private sector individuals and was aimed at identifying mobility solutions in the North Dallas County/South Collin County area. The report recommended that the Task Foree continue its evaluation, with further examination of the engineering feasibility and environmental implications of: • rail along the Santa Fe line and the Burlington Northern line, including the feasibility ofan alternative connection along SH-l90; • rail along the full Cotton Belt corridor, from Parker Road in Plano to DIFW Airport; and • rail along the Cotton Belt with a possible eastern terminus at the Addison Intennodal Center and a western terminus at DIFW Airport. As NCTCOG moved into its 2025 Plan preparation, the North Crosstown Corridor Task Force continued its evaluation and worked with NCfCOG stsff to prepare Technical Recommendations for possible inclusion into the Plan. The Task Force examined nine potential light rail alignments and seven possible commuter rail corridors. During the course of its investigation, the Task Force carried three commuter rail alignments forward for further study (see Figure 2-7); • Alternative 4, which consisted ofthe Cotton Belt aligmnent from Plano to DIFW Airport; • Alternative 7, which consisted of the Cotton Belt from Plano westward to the Santa Fe line, running northwest to its intersection with the Burlington Northern line, then southward to re-enter the Cotton Belt near Carrollton and on to DIFW Airport; and Transit Markel Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 24 " Figure 2·7: North Crosstown Corridor Task Force "Short List" o/Commuter Rnil Alignments Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 25 • Alternative 8, which consisted of the Santa Fe line from Garland northwest to its intersection with the Burlington Northern, then proceeding southwest to fe-enter the Cotton Belt near Carrollton and on to DIFW Airport. Table 2·4 summarizes the analysis conducted for the three short-listed commuter rail corridors, with data on mobility, environmentaUquality of life issues, and cost-effectiveness. Transit Market Analysis for the Cotton Belt Corridor 26 E Ridership Daily Boardingsl 4,134 4,686 5,957:::: Alightings .Q 􀁾􀀠Activity Genters Employment at 323,100 270,075 263,600 Centers Noise Impacts 27.7% 24.9% 34.6% .!!... ..... 9 12.5 16... Q t 5 4 6 § Sensitive Sites 0 􀁾􀀠10 10 14 􀁾􀀠boundaries that 41 54.5 61 􀁾􀀠"S .ij Traffic Impacts 6 2 2 21.94 36.91 41.65 36,609 40.551 52,108 􀁾􀀠t 'I:: Cost􀁾􀀠EffectiVeness lii ,!. $1,200,000.. 􀁾􀀠$2.35 $2.02 $16.86 $20.29 $17.69 'existing ** -Assumes $3M per grade separation $1.4 M per at-grade *** -Assumes DART unit costs and 0.12026 capital recovery factor (20 years at 3.5% discount) •••• -Assumes 260 days/year annualizaJionfactor and $llrlde Source: NCI'COG Mobility 2025 North Crosstown Corridar Overview rAailS1aliM Nolo, SIllIioo ioeations '" be determinadduring MIS .'! ,1 \ I 􀀺􀁾􀁬􀀧􀀡􀀮􀀧􀀻􀀬􀀮􀀠;' Line Seclion A OBD 10 Market Oel'll&1 {UP fiR} B. MarJie! Cenler 10 Northw9s\ Hwy Bi Harty HiM$ Blvd. 􀁂􀁾􀀠UP AWOenloll Drive 83 Love field Tunnel Option 0_ NQrlhwest Hwy 10 farmers Bl!).I'teh Cl Hafq Hinfl9c is. 01 Manana) C2 Halq Hlnu {N. of Manana) C3 UP RRlOenkln Don (S. 01 MaiiMal C4 UP RRIDenIOn Oliva (N. of Manana) C5 Webb Chapel , 􀁾􀀠. 0_ farmers Stanch 10 Beillin. (UP RR/Oenwn Or. £_ Bolll!na 10 N, CarrGllton 1C. (UP RRfO.nton f _ North Carrolllon T.C. to S.H. 121 lUP RAJ G -NoM 1"lI1g T,CJ'las Colina$: Connector G! Hor!hwesIHwy{£.0!8NRR) G2 NorUlwsst Hwy {W. 01 BN AR) Ga BN RRlMaiiana G4 Maiiamt Driv8 H aN RA (North oj NorthwsstHwy.j Hl South ll¥ing 10. 10 Northwest Higbwey H2 Norlhwest Hwy. !O farmars Brandl lis Notlhw8St Hiiy to SnlUinatUP RR 121 • ; -,. 􀁉􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁉􀀠I' 􀀩􀁜􀁴􀂷􀁾􀀻􀁾􀀰􀀮􀁉􀀡􀀧􀁾􀀮􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠II''''NORTHWEST CORRIDOR.liiiii:!!! MAJOR INVESTMENT STUDY Potential!Fu(ure . Syslem 􀁾􀁸􀁰􀁡􀁮􀁳􀁬􀁯􀁮􀀺􀀠i/,::: ,l Northwest Corridor MIS Fixed Guideway Transil-Una Sections \ \ Source: BRW. Inc. Dale: June. 1998 , ;. 􀁾􀀠􀀮􀁾􀀠- TRANSIT SYSTEM PLAN YEAR 2010 APPROVED NOVEMBER 1995 REVISED DECEMBER 1997 LEGEND: CBD RAIL HOV LANES GENERAL MOBILITY --<>0 -STARTER SYSTEM .. STATIONS [!]TRANlPORTATION••_ DART PARTICIPATION nlTEN 􀁾􀀠MANA.IMENT __LleHT RAIL C::::=:JI NO DART PARTICIPATION (FULL CAPACITY) [!] INTIlLIGENT BUS 􀁾􀀭􀀮􀂭dT anTENI---LleHT RAIL (INTERMEDIATE CAPACITY) .. TRANSIT CENTER /PARK .. RIDE [!j TIIAYIL DEMAND---COMMUTER RAIL :J PASSENGER TRANSFER LOCATION 􀁾􀀠MANA.IMENT 􀁶􀁾􀁌􀀿􀁡􀀠ALTERNATIVE FOR FUTURE STUDY 2't aus OPERATIIIe FACILITY L!Jr!'1 LOcAL AIIIITANCIl PII08RAM(MAy .'QUIRI oaYle••LAM AYlHDMIMf) 6_ FUTURE SYSTEM EXPANSION (j PACILITY LOCATION SUlJlCr TO SERVICE PLAN AMENDMENT I{c%>//I FUTURE sYSTEM exPANSION c=-,--, BUS CORRIDORS(MAY IUQUIRI IfIVICE , ..AN At.tIIi1lMI.KT) 10/06/00 14: 59 􀁾􀀧􀁁􀁁􀀮􀀠912 4UH 􀁩􀁪􀁾􀁾􀁬􀀠UJ<:5 IgJ VOl FAX COVER SHEET Graystone Centre JOIO LSI Freeway, Suite 132llBRW Dallas, Texas 15234 9'J2/4(J6.{,950 telA DAMES & MOORE GROUP COMPANY 972/406-6951 fax Planrting Transportation Engineering Urban Design Date: __􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁪􀀿􀀣􀁬􀁩􀁾􀀱􀀺􀀺􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀽􀀭􀁽􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀭􀁾􀁉􀀴􀁾􀀿􀁦􀁬􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭To: 􀁃􀁯􀁭􀁰􀁡􀁮􀁾􀁟􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾____ 􀁾________ 􀁆􀁾􀁎􀁾__􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁲􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾_________________________ From: ___􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀽􀀭________􀁾_________ If you do not receive _ ...' ....2'--_pages, including this cover sheet, please caU 972/406-£950. Offices Nationwide 10/06/00 15: 00 􀁾􀀧􀁁􀀢􀀠􀁾􀀭􀀱􀀲􀀠4Ub b90i BRW ADAMES & MOORE GROUP COMPANY September 27, 2000 Mr. Michael Murphy Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive PO Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001·9010 Dear Mr. Murphy, Graystone Centre 3010 LBJ Freeway Suire 1320 o.Jlas,Texas 75234 972 406 6950 Tel 972 406 6951 Fox Based on our meeting of September 20, 2000, BRW has prepared an initial scope of work and estimated fees to conduct a Transit Market Analysis for the Area North of LBJ Freeway, This market analysis will emphasize a quantitative assessment of existing and future conditions related to demographics, land use patterns and densities, traffic volumes, trip densities and trip-maldng patterns that fall in the market area of the DART-owned Cottonbelt Railroad corridor, This analysis will take into account the trip-n:tal