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Cost: $113,422.00 BACKGROUND: This project was established to design and construct the reconfiguration ofthe existing Belt Line Road/Dallas North Tollway interchange to act as a single intersection instead of two. The proposed improvements will allow the simultaneous operation ofleft turns for the east/west traffic and north/south traffic movements. In addition, it is anticipated that there will be a 15-20% improvement in efficiency in this intersection upon completion of the project. The:finn ofCarter & Burgess, Inc. submitted a proposal, in the amount of $113,422, to perform the first phase ofthe proposed SPill improvements. Through the selection process and submittal of Statements ofQualifications by several engineering :finns, Carter & Burgess was selected. This first phase will consist ofidentifying and analyzing five geometric and operational approaches that will make a significant enhancement to the overall traffic operations in the intersection and develop several alternatives for design consideration. Subsequent phases ofthis project will include final design and construction services. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Carter & Burgess, Inc., in the amount of$I13,422.00, for engineering services associated with the first phase ofthe Single Point Urban Interchange project. Ca."tE!r==Burgess September 20, 2001 Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Addison, TX 75001 ;. Reference: . Belt Line Road Intersection Improvements Dear Mr. Chutchian: 7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, Texas 75247-4925 Phone: 214.638.0145 Fax: 214.638.0447 www.c·b.com Please find ,attached our proposed scope of services for this study. We have prepared this scope based on our discussions and negotiations with you and your staff. The cost proposal includes Carter & Burgess and Lee Engineering and effort by Quality Counts, a certified DBE firm. ., If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign and return one copy to this office. Sincerely, CARTER & BURGESS, INC. 􀁾Bruce S. Russell, P.E. Vice President Attachments 021068010,L03.doc ACCEPTED Town of Addison Carter &Burgess, Inc. Carter &Burgess Architects/Engineers, Inc. Carler &Burgess Consultants, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, P.c. C&B Nevada, Inc. Nixon &Laird Architects/Engineers, P,c. ( Scope of Services Intersection Improvements Beltline Road at Dallas North Tollway September 4, 2001 The scope of services for Intersection Improvements to Beltllne Road at the Dallas North Tollway includes planning, design and construction phase services. The intent of this scope is to identify and analyze geometric and operational improvernents that will make a significant improvement to the overall traffic operations of the intersection and along Beltline Road. This scope will use previously conducted studies of this intersection as a basis for alternatives. These previous studies will be the basis for identifying alternatives; however, new traffic information including traffic counts, changes in land use, and changes in travel patterns in the immediate area will be included in the analysis. This study will include five alternatives: 1. the:base (existing) condition, also known as the no-build alternative; . 2. 'one single-point diamond alternative with U-turns, 3. one single-point diamond alternative without U-turns; 4. a traditional diamond interchange alternative with geometric and operational improvements, and 5. one additional alternative. 􀁁􀁬􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁮􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁾􀁳 will consider options for pedestrian movements over the Dallas North Tollway and options for aesthetic enhancements. "1-The City will provide Carter & Burgess all available studies or plans including plans for cityowned utilities and traffic counts or timing plans for intersections along Beltline Road. Carter & Burgess will obtain relevant studies, traffic counts, plans, etc., from the City of Dallas. Upon completion of the alternatives analysis phase, the City will select a recommended action for design and construction. Additions to this scope of services will be made for design and construction phase services. Additional right of way may be required at each of the four corners of the intersection. It may be necessary to relocate City-and Dallas-owned and private or franchise utilities. . Phase 1: Identify and Analyze Alternatives Phase1A: Phase1A: . 1.1 Using results from previous intersection study by Parsons Transportation Group, identify alternatives for intersection improvements. Study alternatives will include five alternatives: the base (existing) condition, also known as the no-build alternative; one single-point diamond alternative with U-turns; one single-point diamond alternative without U-turns; a traditional diamond interchange alternative with geometric and operational improvements, and one additional alternative. 1.2 Collect additional traffic-related information including 24-hour traffic volumes and peakperiod turning movement counts, signal timings, accident data, pedestrian movements, land uses, etc. Develop design volumes for use in traffic analyses. Coordinate with Addison and Dallas for respective data on accidents, land use, etc. 09/20/2001 Page 1 ( . 1.3 Collect plans of existing facilities in the immediately surrounding area including plans of Beltline Road, plans of the Dallas North Tollway and Dallas Parkway, utility locator plans, plans of various critical utilities, plats of adjacent developments, etc. . 1.4 Supplementplans of eXisting facilities with field surveys. Determine locations of property corners for potentially impacted properties. . Complete Phase 1A (Tasks 1.1 through 1.4) within 90 calendar days of Notice to Proceed. Phase 18: 1.5 With City staff input, develop criteria to evaluate intersection improvements. Standards will include objective measures such as calculated total intersection delay, lengths of approach queues, additional right-of-way cost, and construction cost. Subjective measures may include inciden,tal affects to adjacent property, affects to pedestrian . movements, ability to effectively sign approaches, etc. 1.6 Analyze alternatives for operational, construction and traffic impacts. 1.7 Prepare draft findings report report including recommended action. Draft findings will include description of alternatives, draWings of alternatives, estimated cost of construction, sl;lmriiary of traffic analyses including potential traffic improvements and impacts, required additional right of way, and utility impacts. Potential sources offunding will be ide'ntified. Complete Phase 1B (Tasks 1.5 and 1.6) within 60 calendar days of completion of Phase 1A. 1.8 Meet with affected or involved parties and agencies including DART, Dallas, North Texas Tollway Authority, County of Dallas, utility companies, adjacent property owners. With the City of Addison, seek concurrence with recommendations frqm study from affected cities and agencies. 1.9 Meet with city staff at various times throughout project. Phase 1C: 1.10 Present draft findings including recommended action to city staff for review and comment. Provide 10 copies of draft report. 1.11 Within two weeks of receipt of staff comments, incorporate comments, update analyses and prepare pre-pre-final report for council review. Provide 15 copies of the pre-finaf'report. 1.12 Present pre-final report to City Manager and/or City Council in workshop format. 1.13 Within two weeks of receipt of final council comments, complete and publish final report. Provide 15 copies of final report. Phase 2: Design of Selected Alternative 09/20/2001 Page 2 ( The scope of construction for the Beltline Road intersection will be determined upon completion of Phase 1. The scope of services shall include the following: 2.1 Prepare final construction plans, specifications and estimates of selected alternative. Prepare roadway, drainage, bridge, retaining walls, and traffic signal, signing and . pavement markings designs. Coordinate designs with adjacent private development and with city plans for Beltline Road. Prepare landscape and aesthetic enhancement plans, sidewalks and pedestrian features, traffic handling for construction, pavement markings, illumination and plans to adjust city-owned utilities. This scope does not include plans to adjust privately-owned or franchise utilities, or technical assistance in support of condemnation proceedings. 2.2 Obtain additional field information needed for design inclllding soil boring data and geotechnical recommendations. 2.3 Meet with city staff at least monthly to review progress. As directed by city, coordinate . plans plans with affected parties. 2.4 Prepare right-of-way documents for acquisition of additional right of way. Responsibility for acquisition for each parcel shall be determined at initiation of final design phase. AcqUisition proceedings shall be coordinated with City of Dallas and NTTA as appropriate. 2.5 Ce;trter & Burgess shall assist Addison in preparation of interlocal andlor interagency agreements as determined in Phase 1. 2.6 Submit to city for review and comment plans at approximately 35-percent level of completion. Plans shall identify significant construction items and include roadway geometry, location of structures, and overall drainage plan. The cost estimate from Phase 1 shall be updated and confirmed. 2.7 Submit to city for review and comment plans at approximately 65-percent level of completion. Plans shall include all roadway and drainage facilities, and traffic control facilities. Structural items shall be significantly detailed. A conceptual plan to handle traffic during construction shall be submitted. The construction cost estimate 􀁳􀁨􀁡􀁬􀁬􀀮􀁢􀁾 updated. A draft outline of construction specifications and bidding documents shall be submitted. 2.8 As determined at initiation of final design phase, gain approval of construction plans, specifications and estimates from City of Dallas and NITA. 2.9 Submit to city for review and comment pre-bid plans. Plans shall:be complete arid ready for bidding. The construction cost estimate shall be updated and construction specifications and bidding documents shall be complete. 2.10 Incorporate final plans comments and assist city in bidding project. City will bid project. Attend pre-bid conference. Evaluate bids received and make recommendation to city of contractor. 09/20/2001 Page 3 ( Phase 3: Construction Phase Services .. . Construction phase services will be determined upon completion of Phase 1. The scope of services shall include the following: \ . 3.1 Attend pre-construction conference 3.2 Review shop drawings and other contractor submittals. 3.3 Provide engineering design support to city during construction. 3.4 Provide construction inspection services and other construction phase services as determined by Addison. .....,.' 09/20/2001 Page 4 TOWN OF ADDISON BELTLINE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STUDY Phase 1 Summary of Costs :/0 .􀁾􀀮􀀧 Estimated cost of services ' ..' 09/2012001 Carter & Burgess, Inc. Lee Engineering Total costs Page 1 $58,522 $54,900 $113,422 ,.r--'-. TOWN OF ADDISON BELTLINE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STUDY Phase 1 carter & Burgess Phase 1 Identify and Analyze Alternatives 1.1 IdenUfyaRemaUves (assumes Stotal) 1.2 Collect addlUonal trallic data 1.3 Collect plans of adjacent properties and faclllUes 1.4 Field surveys and prepare topo 1.S Develop evaluaUon Criteria 1.6 Analyze aReraOves 1.7 Prepare draft report 1.8 Meet with affected parties (assume 10 meeUngs) 1.9 Meet with cltystaff(assume 10 meeUngs) 1.1 Present draft report to staff 1.11 Incorporate draft report comments and prepare pre-final report 1.12 Present pre-final report to clty manager/council 1.13 Complete and publish final report Direct expenses PrinUng and reproduction Mileage Travel expense Photos Computer renderings Property research (abstractor) Total Direct Expenses Total Phase 1 Phase 2 Design of Selected Alternative 2.1 Prepare detailed design drawings 2.2 Obtain addlUonal design data 2.3 Meet with elty staff 2.4 Prepare and submit 3S% plans 2.S Prepare and submit 6S% plans 2.6 Prepare and submit pre-bid plans 2.7 Assist city In bIdding PM SrEngr 2 8 4 4 8 40 8 24 20 20 10 B 8 2 8 6 6 8 16 $1,000 $35 $3S $500 $1,000 Total Engr CADDTech Seely RPLS Survey Crew Cost 16 24 $5,000 􀁾􀀧􀀻􀀢 , $0 8 􀁾􀀮 4 $1,19S 80 ':' 36 80 $19,940 $1 ,34!i , 40 $10,881 40 16 10 $4,999 $S,379 $2,691 8 4 $2,5OS $2,018 16 7 $2,570 $58,S22 $0 $0 $0 , $0 $0 $0 $0 Direct expenses PrinUng and reproduction Mileage Photos Computer renderings Total Direct Expenses Total Phase 2 Phase 3 construction Phase Services 3.1 Attend pre-bid conference 3.2 Review shop drawings 3.3 Provide engineering services during conslnJellon 1000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 DIrect expenses PrinUng and reproduction Mileage Photos Computer renderings Total Direct Expenses Total Phase 3 TOTAL PROJECT 0912012001 -. $0 $2,000 $61,S22 Page 2 TOWN OF ADDiSON BELTLINE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STUDY Phase 1· Total Lee Engineering PM Pro) Engr SrEngr Eng Tech RPLS Survey Crew Cost Phase 1 Identify and Analyze A1temaUves 1.1 Idenllfy anemaUves (assumes 5 total) 12 12 16 ...􀁾.... $4,980 1.2 Conect additional traffic data 4 6 20 􀁾􀀻 $3,240 1.3 Collect plans of adjacent properties and facilities 2 2 6 􀁾􀀮 $1,130 1.4 Field surveys and prepare topo 0 0 $0 1.5 Develop evaluation cr1terta 4 $660 ., ..􀁾􀀮 1.6 Analyze alteratives 20 20 72 $12,380 1.7 Prepare drall report 4 8 32 $4,560 1.8 Meet with affected parties (assume 10 meellngs) 20 24 18 $8,040 1.9 Meet with City staff (assume 10 meetings) 12 18 18 $5,940 1.1 Present draft report 10 staff 9 $1,485 1.11 Incorporate draft report comments and prepare pre-flnal report 8 8 24 $4,520 1.12 Present pre-flnal report to City manager/counCil 9 $1,485 1.13 Complete and publish flnal report 4 4 12 $2,260 DIrect expenses Printing and reproduction $100 Mlleage $100 Travel expense $4,000 Photos Computer renderin9s Property research (abstractor) Total DIrect Expenses $4,200 Total Phase 1 $54,900 Phase 2 ceslgn 01 Selected A1tematlve 2.1 Prepare detailed design drawings 16 12 60 80 $15,600 2.2 ObtaIn addlUonal design data $0 2.3 Meel with City staff 4 4 $880 2.4 Prepare and submll35% plans 4 6 20 $2,740 2.5 Prepare and submn 65% plans 4 8 12 $2,140 2.6 Prepare and submn pre-bid plans 4 4 6 $1.460 2.7 Assist dIy In bidding 4 $520 Direct expenses Ponllng and reproduction $100 Mileage $100 Photos Computer renderings Total DIrect Expenses $200 .'---._, Total Phase 2 $23,560 Phase 3 construction Phase ServIces 3.1 Attend pre-bid conference 4 $520 3.2 Revfew shop drawings 4 8 8 $2,420 3.3 Provfde engineering services during construction 8 8 $1,760 DIrect expenses Prinllng and reproduction Mileage Photos Computer renderings Total DIrect Expenses Total Phase 3 $4,700 TOTAL PROJECT 4528 154 318 5000 $63,160 0912012001 Page 3 September 14,2001 Ron Whitehead, City Manager... Town of Addison Town Hall 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, Texas 75240 6350 LBJ Freeway Suite 158 Dallas, TX 75240 972.726.6130 Voice 972.726.6142 Fax • Re: Phase I Report for Single Point Urban Interchange Jurisdictional Support Investigation Dear Mr. Whitehead, Attached you will find the Phase I Report to determine the level of support for the construction of a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPill) at the intersection ofBeltline Road and the North Dallas Tollway, Dallas, Texas. The objectives of Phase I of the assignment were to determine the level of support for the construction of a SPill at this intersection and to obtain concurrence and approval, if possible, of the project from the City ofDallas, Dallas County, the Texas Department of Transportation, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, the North Texas Turnpike Authority, and the North Central Texas Council of Governments. The Coker Company met with representatives from various jurisdictions and the general consensus was that if the SPUI design could effect a measurable improvement in the intersection's efficiency at a cost that would not be umeasonable for the traffic improvement created, that the project should be pursued. None of the jurisdictions put their position in writing, but the attached report provides a synopsis of discussions, issues, and opinions from the interviewees about the proposed project. During discussions with the jurisdictions, we did discuss funding opportunities and potential jurisdictional funding support. My impression is that the City ofDallas is inclined to participate at some, unspecified level in the construction of the intersection since it is in the City of Dallas. Dallas County indicated that any funding for the next three years has already been prioritized and would not likely be assigned to this project. DART indicated that the Town of Addison has received their allocation ofDART related funding and that the Town may allocate a portion ofthis funding to this project in accordance with the standards and requirements of the funding agreement. The Council of Governments, as the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) empowered with the distribution ofTEA 21 funds, indicated that application could be made through that organization, but that project funding may not be available and if funding were made available, that the funding cycle would more than likely occur following the target dates for design and construction. NTTA did not offer any funding for the project during this support investigation. ZONING· LAND PLANNING· DEVELOPMENT SERVICES· LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Page 2 Whitehead Letter September 14,2001 Support for the project is generally good with the related jurisdictions. Coker Company recommends that that Town ofAddison vigorously pursue additional funding resources from the City ofDallas, NCTCOG, DART and others to fully fund the land acquisitions required, the engineering and ultimately the construction ofthe interchange. Sincerely, Coker Company Michael R. Coker, AICP President ( COKERCompony 6350 LBJ Freeway Suite 158 Dallas, TX 75240 972.726.6130 Voice 972.726.6142 Fax PHASE I REPORT SINGLE POINT URBAN INTERCHANGE SUPPORT INVESTIGATION BELTLINE ROAD AT NORTH DALLAS TOLLWAY Prepared By: Michael R. Coker, President Coker Company 6350 LBJ Freeway Suite 158 Dallas, Texas 75240 972-726-6130 (V) 972-726-6142 (F) mrcoker@cokercompany.com ZONING· LAND PLANNING· DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • ( This report is the result ofan investigation perfonned by the Coker Company on behalf of the Town of Addison to determine the level of potential support from a number of governmental and quasi-governmental jurisdictions for the construction of a single point urban interchange at the intersection of Beltline Road and the North Dallas Tollway, Dallas, Texas. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY There is generally support for the project across the jurisdictions and agencies interviewed. There remains some skepticism about potential improvements in mobility and safety resulting from the operation of this type of interchange. Insuring pedestrian mobility and safety continue to be a theme from a number of the agencies interviewed. Funding, outside of what the Town ofAddison has identified, has not been committed, but multiple agencies have indicated a willingness to consider funding if appropriate requests are submitted. Other sources of funds may require significant additional time to acqUire. ASSIGNMENT The Phase I assignment included contacting officials with the specified jurisdictions and determining or assessing their level of support for the proj ect. Officials in each of the specified jurisdictions were contacted either in person or by telephone. INVESTIGATION TOWN OF ADDISON The Town of Addison, while not one ofthe jurisdictions to be interviewed, is critical to this assessment of support. Officials and citizens from the town believe that a single point urban interchange (SPUI) design will improve traffic operations at this intersection. To that end, the citizens have authorized a significant source of funding through the Town's capital bond program to underwrite a substantial amount of the land acquisition, design and construction for the project. The majority ofthe intersection is within the corporate limits ofthe city of Dallas. Therefore, obtaining support from the city ofDallas is critical to the potential for success at this intersection. CITY OF DALLAS On June 18, Coker Company representatives Michael Coker and Liz Carter met with City of Dallas Public Works and Transportation Director David Dybala and one of his Assistant Directors responsible for the Capital Bond Program, Warren Benoy. Mr. Dybala indicated that he was supportive any intersection design that could improve traffic operations at this intersection. Mr. Benoy indicated that there was money in the upcoming bond election (May 2002) for improvements to the east of the intersection and ( that he would work to include as much funding as he could for improvements and/or land acquisition at the intersection. Mr. Dybala stated that statistical information that supports the contention that a SPill will demonstrably improve traffic operations and safety would help him market the concept to the City Manager and the City Council. Coker Company representatives advised him that that information was available. One concern that Mr. Dybala expressed was related to the pedestrian safety issue. His contention is that there is a significant volume of pedestrian traffic that crossed over the Dallas North Tollway during lunch hours and in the evening. Coker Company representatives advised him that the Town of Addison is aware of those concerns and that the engineer/intersection designer is considering all ofthe opportunities available to ensure the safety ofthe pedestrian public. Mr. Dybala and his staff are supportive of the concept and are interested in cooperating with the design and ultimate construction of the project. COUNTY OF DALLAS Michael R. Coker met with Dallas County Planning Director, Rick Loessberg and Don Cranford, Assistant Director of Public Works and other senior members of the Department of Public Works regarding the proposed SPUI on July 3, 2001. Their position was that of moderate support. There was no support for providing additional county funding for the project at this time since their funding cycle recently closed, but there was no opposition to the concept provided that the SPUI design actually does improve traffic operations and safety. Like the city of Dallas, there was concern expressed regarding the ability ofpedestrians to successfully and safely navigate their way from one side ofthe interchange to the other. The County supports the project, especially if it improves mobility and traffic safety. NORTH TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY On July 3, 2001 Michael R. Coker met with the executive director ofthe North Texas Turnpike Authority, Jerry Hiebert and several senior staff members. They indicated that they did not have a position about the SPUI concept, but guardedly indicated that an improvement to the transportation system would be a good thing as long as construction did not adversely affect their main lane operations on the Tollway. Mr. Hiebert and his staffmade it clear that any construction interference with the Tollway's main lanes would necessarily require significant coordination and cooperation. NTTA staff did not provide any encouragement about funding for any portion of the project. ( ( It is my assessment that NTTA staff are neither supportive nor are they adverse to the concept. They do not want any interchange construction (SPUI or other) to interfere with the Tollway's ability to move vehicles. DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY Coker Company representatives, Michael R. Coker and John Abbott met with senior DART manager, Jack Wierzenski regarding DART's level of support for the concept and whether or not they would be able to contribute any funding to the land acquisition, design or construction of the project. DART supports any transportation improvement that reduces congestion, improves circulation and vehicular through put, and that does not adversely affect pedestrian mobility or safety. He indicated that the Town of Addison receives money from DART for them to use for transportation improvements that are important to the overall transportation system and that are consistent with traffic and safety issues, and that assist in reducing the environmental impacts of vehicular transportation. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The Coker Company discussed the project with staff at the TXDOT regional office. While there was not an expression of support for the project, neither was there opposition to the project. TXDOT supports projects that improve mobility and that reduce adverse air quality impacts. There was no indication of a willingness to support the project financially. NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS In a telephone conference with Michael Morris at the North Central Texas Council of Governments, it was determined that there is support for the project ifit does improve mobility. It was also determined that funding for projects of this type can be made available, but the process included an application and review process that can take a long time. Coker Company recommends that the application process be commenced, especially with as many ofthe potentially affected jurisdictions (including DART) as possible in sponsorship roles. CONCLUSION There is a consensus of support for the project, especially if this design can improve mobility, reduce operational costs, and not adversely affect pedestrian mobility and safety. There remain some skeptics regarding the forecasted mobility improvements and projected costs for the design and construction of the project. Additional funding, while potentially available, has not been committed. The Coker Company recommends that the Town of Addison and the other potentially affected jurisdictions pursue all available avenues of financial support for the project. ( Carter==Burgess September 20, 2001 Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Addison, TX 75001 Reference: Belt Line Road Intersection Improvements Various SPUI Locations Dear Mr. Chutchian: f 􀀯􀀯􀁾􀀮 '}Ih-( <-I-7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, Texas 75247·4925 Phone: 214.638.0145 Fax: 214.638.0447 www.c-b.com Mr. Jim Lee furnished us a list of single-point urban interchanges in various cities. Each of these interchanges has frontage roads, similar to what would be the condition at Belt Line Road. Phoenix: 1-17/Dunlap 1-17 /Northern SR51 /Thomas Loop 101 /Guadalupe 1-17/Camelback 1-17/Glendale Largo, Florida: US 19/SR 686 (East Bay Drive) US 19/SR 688 Huntsville, Alabama: US 231 /US 72 (University Avenue) US 231 /Governors Drive Atlanta, Georgia: Peachtree Industrial Blvd. /Winters Chapel Road Peachtree Industrial Blvd. /Jimmy Carter Blvd. Wichita, Kansas: US 54 (Kellog) /West Street Please let us know how else we can be of service. Sincerely, CARTER & BURGESS, INC. Bruce S. Russell, P.E. Vice President 021 06801 0.L04.doc Carter & Burgess, Inc. Carter & Burgess Architects/Engineers, Inc. Carter & Burgess Consultants, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, P.e. C&B Nevada, Inc. Nixon & Laird Architects/Engineers, P.e. 09/04/01 TUE 11:24 FAX 121463A5632 ( . Carter;=Burgess. September 4, 2001 Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Addison, Texas 75001 CARTER &BURGESS 7950 flmbrook Drive Dollas, Texos 75247·492$ Phone: 214.63B.DI4$ 􀁆􀁡􀁾􀁾 􀀲􀀱􀀴􀀮􀀶􀀳􀀸􀀮􀀰􀀴􀁾􀀷 _.c·b.com 􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀲 Reference: Belt Line Road Intersection Improvements Dear Mr. Chutchian: Please find attached out revised proposed scope of services for this study. We have incorporated your comments to the scope and have revised our cost estimate accordingly. Most of the comments related to the Phase 1 scope were to clarify the meaning of the scope and had little impact on the cost proposal. We did Incorporate additions to the scope for the design and construction phases but these changes had no impact on the cost proposal as they are to be negotiated when the recommended alternative is selected. The cost proposal includes Carter &Burgess and Lee Engineering and effort by Quality Counts, a certified DBE firm. Sincerely, CARTER & BURGESS, INC. Bruce S. Russell. P.E. Vice President 021068010.L02.doe Attachments \ /.5, 'TH::: eESCr-LT 􀁾 F .1-1'1--?'!?r eLf /VAt:.. 􀀯􀀲􀀭􀁥􀀰􀀭􀀨􀀭􀀧􀁾 Br 􀁔􀀨􀁾 (/ftysecF. 71fE 4/􀁉􀁾􀁱􀀮􀀮􀀯􀁏 (I?5T Fp;"C 􀁦􀁾 I 5E!2/..{C 6 R E f'£6e"'-75 􀁁􀁦􀀯􀁾􀀩􀀨􀀮 A"?J av f?e {)&oC 7/0 v Ff?:P""1 17.Je (j ,e(t( rIV',K 􀁦􀀽􀁾 􀁾 (./B􀁾 (T7'>1L r 71f..s,,-Yj 􀁾f to 1D. 􀁾􀁾􀀨􀁌 M-fe'V 􀁙􀁾􀁊􀀮􀁾􀀻􀁾 , COfl.r &􀀦􀁾􀁲􀁂􀁏􀀧􀀢 Inc. (orler & 􀁂􀁾􀁲􀁧􀁥􀁾􀀱 􀁁􀁦􀁣􀁨􀁩􀁬􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁾􀀯􀁅􀁮􀁧􀁩􀁮􀁂􀁥􀁮􀀬 Inc. (aIr"" &8urson 􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁾􀁨􀁡􀁮􀁬􀀬􀀮 Inc. C&B 􀁁􀁲􀁣􀁨􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁤􀁾􀀯􀁅􀁮􀁧􀁩􀁮􀀮􀁥􀁮􀀬 Inc. C&B Archih:c,,/EnginoBn, PoC. C&B Nl!vgclCl, Inc. Ni"ol\ & Laird Archilccll/Engin.ers, P.C. 09/04/01 􀁔􀁴􀁾 11:24 FAX 􀀱􀀲􀀱􀀴􀀶􀀳􀁾􀁾􀀶􀀳􀀲 ( CARTER &BURGESS ( 􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀳 Scope of Services Intersection Improvements BeltlinB Road at Dallas North Tollway September 4, 2001 The scope of services for Intersection Improvements to Beltline Road at the Dallas North Tollway includes planning. design and construction phase services. The intent of this scope is to Identify and analyze geometric and operational improvements that will make a significant improvement to the overall traffic operations of the intersection and along Beltline Road. This scope will use previously conducted studies of this intersection as a basis for alternatives. These previous studies will be the basis for identifying altematives; however, new traffic information including traffic counts, changes in land use, and ch,anges in travel patterns in the immediate area will be included in the analysis. This study will include five alternatives: 1. the base (existing) condition, also known as the no-build alternative; 2. one single-point diamond alternative with U-turns, 3. one single-point diamond alternative without 􀁕􀁾􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁮􀁳􀀻 4. a traditional diamond interchange alternative with geometric and operational improvements, and 5. one additional alternative. Altematives will consider options for pedestrian movements over the Dallas North Tollway and options for aesthetic enhancements. The City will provide Carter & Burgess all available studies or plans including plans for cityowned utilities and traffic counts or timing plans for intersec.tjons,along Beltline Road. Carter & Burgess will obtain relevant studies, traffic counts, plans, 􀁥􀁴􀁾􀁩􀀬 from the City of Dallas. Upon completion of the alternatives analysis phase, the City will select a recommended action for design and construction. Additions to this scope of services will be made for design and construction phase services. Additional right of way may be required at each of the four corners of the intersection. It may be necessary to relocate City-and Dallas-owned and private or franchise utilities. Phase 1: Identify and Analyze Alternatives Phase 1A: 1.1 Using results from previous intersection study by Parsons Transportation Group, identify alternatives for Intersection improvements. Study alternatives will Include five alternatives: the base (existing) condition, also known as the 􀁮􀁯􀁾􀁢􀁵􀁩􀁬􀁤 alternative; one ' single-point diamond alternative with U-turns; one single-point diamond alternative without U-turns: a traditional diamond interchange alternative with geometric and operational Improvements, and one additional alternative. 1.2 Collect additional traffic-related Information including 24-hour traffic volumes and peakperiod turning movement counts, signal timings, accident data, pedestrian movements, land uses, etc. Develop design volumes for use in traffic analyses. Coordinate with Addison and Dallas for respective data on accidents, land use, etc. 09/0212001 Page 1 09/04/01 TUE 11:24 FAX 􀀱􀀲􀀱􀀴􀀶􀀳􀁦􀁴􀁾􀀶􀀳􀀲 ( CARTER &􀁂􀁬􀁾􀁇􀁅􀁓􀁓 ( III 004 1.3 Collect plans of existing facilities in the immediately surrounding area including plans of Beltline Road. plans of the Dallas North Tollway and Dallas Parkway. utility locator plans, plans of various critical utilities. plats of adjacent developments. etc. 1.4 Supplement plans of existing facilities with field surveys. Determine locations of property corners for potentially impacted properties. Complete Phase 1A (Tasks 1.1 through 1.4) within 90 calendar days of Notice to Proceed. Phase1B; 1.5 With City staff input, develop criteria to evaluate intersection improvements. Standards will inclUde objective measures such as calculated total intersection delay. lengths of approach queues, additional right-or-way cost, and construction cost. Subjective measures may include incidental affects to adjacent property, affects to pedestrian movements, ability to effectively sign approaches, etc. 1.6 Analyze alternatives for operational, construction and traffic impacts. 1.7 Prepare draft findings report Including recommended action. Draft findings will include description of alternatives. drawings of alternatives. estimated cost of construction. summary of traffic analyses including potential traffic improvements and impacts. required additional right of way, and utility impacts. Potential sources of funding will be identified. Complete Phase 1B (TaSkS 1.5 and 1.6) within 60 􀁣􀁡􀁬􀁥􀁮􀁤􀁡􀁲􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁤􀁡􀁹􀁾􀀮􀁯 􀁦 completion of Phase 1A. 1.8 Meet with affected or involved parties and agencies including DART. Dallas. North Texas Tollway Authority. County of Dallas. utility companies. adjacent property owners. With the City of Addison, seek concurrence with recommendations from study from affected cities and agencies. 1.9 Meet with city staff at various times throughout project. Phase 1C: 1.10 Present draft findings including recommended action to city staff for review and comment. Provide 10 copies of draft report. 1.11 Within two weeks of of receipt ofstaff comments, incorporate comments, update analyses and prepare pre-final report for council review. Provide 15 copies of the pre-final report. 1.12 Present pre-final report to City Manager and/or City Council in workshop format. 1.13 Within two weeks of receipt of final council comments, complete and publish final report. Provide 15 caples of final report. Phase 2: Design of Selected Alternative 09/0212001 Page 2 09/04/01 TUE 11:25 FAX 12146385632 ( CARTER &BURGESS III 005 The scope of construction for the Beltllne Road intersection will be determined upon completion of Phase 1. The scope of services shall include the following: 2.1 Prepare final construction plans, specifications and estimates of selected alternative. Prepare roadway, drainage, bridge, retaining walls, and traffic signal, signing and pavement markings designs. Coordinate designs with adjacent private development and with city plans for Beltline Road. Prepare landscape and aesthetic enhancement plans, sidewalks and pedestrian features, traffic handling for construction, pavement markings, illumination and plans to adjust city-owned utilities. This scope does not include plans to adjust privately-owned or franchise utilities, or technical assistance in support of condemnation proceedings. 2.2 Obtain additional field information needed for design including soil boring data and geotechnical recommendations. 2.3 Meet with City staff at least monthly to review progress. As directed by city, coordinate plans with affected parties. 2.4 Prepare right-of-way documents for acquisition of additional right of way. Responsibility for acquisition for each parcel shall be determined at initiation of final design phase. Acquisition proceedings shall be coordinated with City of Dallas and NTIA as appropriate. 2.5 Carter & Burgess shall assist Addison in preparation of interlocal and/or Interagency agreements as determined in Phase 1. 2.6 Submit to city for review and comment plans at approximately 35-percent level of completion. Plans shall identify significant constructipn items and include roadway geometry, location of structures, and overall drainage plan. The cost estimate from Phase 1 shall be updated and confirmed. 2.7 Submit to city for review and comment plans at approximately 55-percent level of completion. Plans shall include all roadway and drainage facilities, and traffic control facilities. Structural items shall be significantly detailed. A conceptual plan to handle traffic during construction shall be submitted. The construction cost estimate shall be updated. A draft outline of construction specifications and bidding documents shall be submitted. 2.8 As determined at initiation of final design phase, gain approval of constructiorl plans, specifications and estimates from City of Dallas and NTIA. 2.9 Submit to city for review and comrnent pre-bid plans. Plans shall be complete and ready for bidding. The construction cost estimate shall be updated and construction specifications and bidding documents shall be complete. 2.10 Incorporate final plans comments and assist city in bidding project. City will bid project. Attend pre-bid conference. Evaluate bids received and make recommendation to city of contractor. 09/02/2001 Page 3 09/04/01 TUE 11:25 FAX 12146385632 ( Phase 3: Construction Phase ServIces CARTER Be BURGESS llJ 006 Construction phase serv.lces will be determined upon completion of Phase 1. The scope of services shall include the following: 3.1 Attend pre-construction conference 3.2 Review shop drawings and other contractor submittals. 3.3 Provide engineering design support to city during construction. 3.4 Provide construction inspection services and other construction phase services as determined by Addison. •. 09/02/2001 Page 4 TOWN OF ADDISON BELTUNE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STUDY Phase 1 Summary of Costs ". QCD ...... QI5:a ...... Q.... 􀁾tr1 ........ 09f()212001 Estimated cost of services Carter& Burgess, Inc. .Lee Engineering Total costs ',:....Page 1 $58,522 $54,900 $113,422 NO C/O 􀁾;><. ..... .N..O. I5:a Q) 􀂷􀁾􀂷􀁃􀁯􀁏 .'lI> .:11 Q) CoO N(") 􀁾"l!'> l::I !iJ C'> tr1 (/; (/; 􀁾􀀮l§l QQ.... TOWN OF ADDISON BELTLINE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STUDY Phase 1 􀁾 oCD ".o.,. ."o... Carter& Burgess Phase 1 IdentIfyand Analyze AlternaUves 1.1 Idenllfy allematlves (assumes Slotal) 1.2 Collect addiUonallraflic dala 1.3 Collect plans of adjacent properties and faciliUes 1.4 Field surveys and prepare IDpo 1.5 Develop evallJation criteria 1.6 Analyze al!endiws 1.7 Prepare draft report 1.8 Meet with affected parties (assume 10 meetings) 1.9 Meet with city.slaff (assume 10 rrieeDngs) 1.1 Present draft report 10 staff 1.11 InCOl'pOlaIe draft 'eport commenls and prepare pre-final report 1.12 Present pre-linel report 10 city manager/council 1.13 Complete and pUblish flnal report Direct eJl:per15es Prinling and reproduction Mileage Travel expense PholDs Computer renderlngs property researdl (abstractor) Total DIrect Expenses Total Phase 1 0910212001 PM SrEngr 2 8 4 4 8 40 8 24 20 20 10 8 8 2 8 6 6 8 16 $1,000 $35 $35 $500 $1,000 7 .•.Page 1 Engr CADD Tech secty RPLS SUrvey Crew 16 24 8 4 80 36 BO 40 40 16 108 4 16 7 Total Cost $5.000 SO $1,195 $19,940 $1,345 $10,681 $4,999 $5,379 $2,691 $2,505 $2,016 $2.570 $58,522 0.,) 0::: tl1 ........ Nen 􀁾:>o! .... .N....,.. CD 􀁾􀀬􀁣􀀮􀁯 .", JI CD 􀁾N(") >􀁾:>:l l!" t:l:I 0::: :>:l C) tI:I ·1 Carter==Burgess JUly 17, 2001 Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Addison, Texas 75001 RE: Belt Line Road Intersection Improvements Dear Mr. Chutchian: 7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, Texas 75247-4925 Phone: 214.638.0145 Fax: 214.638.0447 www.c-b.com 􀁾􀀯􀁫􀁅 SPl/:L f J2 t? Pt'JAL Please find attached our proposed scope of services for the study of intersection improvements to the Belt Line Road intersection with the Dallas North Tollway. We have incorporated comments from our meeting in your offices. This scope is for the study phase to evaluate five alternatives of . improvements. We have also included basic scope descriptions for design and construction. Upon completion of the study and selection of preferred alternative by the city, we will prepare the scope of services for design and construction phases. The cost proposal includes Carter & Burgess and Lee Engineering, and effort by Quality Counts, a certified DBE firm. Please let me know what else I can furnish you. Sincerely, CARTER& BURGESS, INC. Bruce S. Russell, P.E. . Vice President 021 06801 O.L01.doc Attachment Carter & Burgess, Inc. Carter & Burgess Architects/Engineers, Inc. Carter & Burgess Consultants, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, P.e. C&B Nevada, Inc. Nixon & Laird Architects/Engineers, P.e. ( Scope of Services Intersection Improvements Beltline Road at Dallas North Tollway JUly 17, 2001 The scope of services for Intersection Improvements to Beltline Road at the Dallas North Tollway includes planning, design and construction phase services. The intent of this scope is to identify and analyze geometric and operational improvements that will make a significant improvement to the overall traffic operations of the intersection and along Beltline Road. This scope will use previously conducted studies of this intersection as a basis for alternatives. These previous studies will be the basis for identifying alternatives; however, new traffic information including traffic counts, changes in land use," and changes in travel patterns in the immediate area will be included in the analysis. This study will include five alternatives: 1. the base (existing) condition, also known as the no-build alternative; 2. one single-point diamond alternative with U-turns, 3. one single-point diamond alternative without U-turns; 4. a traditional diamond interchange alternative with geometric and operational improvements, and 5. one additional alternative. Alternatives will consider options for pedestrian movements over the Dallas North Tollway and options for aesthetic enhancements. The City will provide Carter &Burgess all available studies or plans including plans for cityowned utilities and traffic counts or timing plans for intersections along Belt/ine Road. Upon completion of the alternatives analysis phase, the City will select a recommended action for design and construction. Additions to this scope of services will be made for design and construction phase services. Additional right of way may be required at each of the four corners of the intersection. It may be necessary to relocate City-owned and private or franchise utilities. Phase 1: Identify and Analyze Alternatives Phase 1A: 1.1 .Using results from previous intersection study by Parsons Transportation Group, identify alternatives for intersection Improvements. Study alternatives will include five alternatives: the base "(existing) condition, also known as the no-build alternative; one single-point diamond alternative with U-turns; one single-point diamond alternative without U-turns; a traditional diamond interchange alternative with geometric and operational improvements, and one additional alternative. 1.2 Collect additional traffic-related information including 24-hour traffic volumes and peakperiod turning movement counts, signal timings, accident data, pedestrian movements, land uses, etc. Develop design volumes for use in traffic analyses. 07/17/2001 Page 1 1.3 Collect plans of existing facilities in the immediately surrounding area including plans of Beltline Road, plans of the Dallas North Tollway and Dallas Parkway, utility locator plans, plans of various critical utilities, plats of adjacent developments, etc. 1.4 . Supplement plans of existing facilities with field surveys. Determine locations of property· corners for potentially impacted properties. Complete Phase 1A (Tasks 1.1 through 1.4) within 90 calendar days of Notice to Proceed. Phase 18: 1.5 With City staff input, develop criteria to evaluate intersection improvements. Standards will include objective measures ·such as calculated total intersection delay, lengths of . approach queues, additional right-of-way cost, and construction cost. Subjective measures may include incidental affects to adjacent property, affects to pedestrian movements, ability to effectively sign approaches, etc. 1.6 Analyze alternatives for operational, construction and traffic impacts. 1.7 Prepare draft findings report including recommended action. Draft findings will include description of alternatives, estimated cost of construction, summary of traffic analyses including potential traffic improvements and impacts, required additional right of way, and utility impacts. Potential sources of funding will be identified. Complete Phase 1B (Tasks 1.5 and 1.6) within 60 calendar days of completion of Phase 1A. 1.8 Meet with affected or involved parties and agencies including DART, Dallas, North Texas Tollway Authority, County of Dallas, utility companies, a,djacent property owners. 1.9 Meet with city staff at various times throughout project. Phase 1C: 1.10 Present draft findings inclUding recommended action to city staff for review and comment. Provide 10 copies of draft report. 1.11 Within two weeks of receipt of staff comments, incorporate comments, update analyses and prepare pre-final report for council review. Provide 15 copies of the pre-final report. 1.12 Present pre-final report to City Council in·workshop or council meeting format. 1.13 Within two weeks of receipt of final council comments, complete and publish final report. Provide 15 copies of final report. Phase 2: Design of Selected Alternative The scope of construction for the Beltline Road intersection will be determined upon completion of'Phase 1. The scope of services shall include the following: 07/17/2001 Page 2 2.1 Prepare final construction plans, specifications and estimates of selected alternative. Prepare roadway, drainage, bridge, retaining walls, and traffic signal, signing and pavement markings designs. Coordinate designs with adjacent private development and with city plans for Beltline Road. Prepare landscape and aesthetic.enhancement plans, sidewalks and pedestrian features, traffic handling for construction, pavement markings, . illumination and plans to adjust city-owned utilities. This scope does not include plans to adjust privately-owned or franchise utilities, or technical assistance in support of condemnation proceedings. 2.2 Obtain additional field information needed for design including soil boring data and geotechnical recommendations. 2.3 Meet with city staff at least monthly to review progress. As directed by city, coordinate plans with affected parties. 2.4 Submit to city for review and comment plans at approximately 35-percent level of completion. Plans shall identify significant construction items and include roadway geometry, location of structures, and overall drainage plan. The cost estimate from Phase 1 shall be updated and confirmed. 2.5 Submit to city for review and comment plans at approximately 65-percent level of completion. Plans shall include all roadway and drainage facilities, and traffic control facilities. Structural items shall be significantly detailed. A conceptual plan to handle traffic during construction shall be submitted. The construction cost estimate shall be updated. A draft outline of construction specifications and bidding documents shall be submitted. 2.6 Submit to city for review and comment pre-bid plans. Plans shall be complete and ready for bidding. The construction cost estimate shall be updated and construction specifications and bidding documents shall be complete. 2.7 City will bid project. Incorporate final plans comments and assist city in bidding project. Attend pre-bid conference. Evaluate bids received and make recommendation to city of contractor. Phase 3: Construction Phase Services Construction phase services will be determined upon completion of Phase 1. The scope of .services shall include the following: 3.1 Attend pre-construction conference 3.2 Review shop drawings and other contractor submittals. 3.3 Provide engineering design support to city during construction. 07/1712001 Page 3 TOWN OF ADDISON BELTUNE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STUDY Summary of Costs Estimated cost of services I \.07/17/2001 Carter & Burgess, Inc. Lee Engineering Total costs ! : $60,048.33 $62,220.00 $122.268.33 Page 1 l'lli 􀁾􀀮 􀀬􀁾􀀭􀀮 : 􀁾 i-,. I TOWN OF ADDISON· BELTLINE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STUDY 􀁾 Carter &Burgess Phase 1 Identify and Analyze Alternatives PM . Sr Engr Engr CADDTech Secty RPLS Survey Crew Total Cost. 4 4 8 40 8 24 20 20 10 8 8 2 8 8 8 8 16 $1,000 $35 $35 $500 $1,000 1.1 Identify alternatives (assumes 5 total) 1.2 Collect additional traffic data 1.3 Collect plans of adjacent properties and facilities 1.4 Field surveys and prepare topo 1.5 Develop evaluation criteria 1.6 Analyze alteratives 1.7 Prepare draft report 1.8 Meet with affected parties (assume 10 meetings) 1.9 Meet with city staff (assume 10 meetings) 1.1 Present draft report to staff 1.11 Incorporate draft report comments and prepare pre-final report 1.12 Present pre-final report to council 1.13 Complete and publish final report Direct expenses Printing and reproduction Mileage Travel expense Photos Computer renderings Property research (abstractor) Total Direct Expenses Total Phase 1 0711712001 8 Page 1 8 88 40 40 108 16 24 80 1647 $5,434 $0 8 $1,615 36 80 $19,940 $1,345 $10,881 $4,999 $5,379 􀁾􀁾􀀮 $2,691 $2,505 $2,691 $2,570 $60,048 TOWN OF ADDISON BELTUNE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS STUDY Lee Engineering Phase 1 Identify and Analyze Alternatives 1.1 Identify alternatives (assumes 5 total) 1.2 Collect additional traffic data 1.3 Collect plans of adjacent properties and facilities 1.4 Field surveys and prepare topo 1.5 Develop evaluation criteria 1.6 Analyze alteratives 1.7 Prepare draft report 1.8 Meet with affected. parties (assume 10 meetings) 1.9 Meet with city staff (assume 10 meetings) 1.1 Present draft report to staff 1.11 Incorporate draft report comments and prepare pre-final report 1.12 Present pre-final report to council 1.13 Complete and publish final report Direct expenses Printing and reproduction Mileage Travel expense Photos Computer renderings Property research (abstractor) Total Direct Expenses Total Phase 1 07/17/2001 Total PM Proj Eng!' Sr Engr Eng Tech RPLS Survey Crew Cost 12 12 16 $4.980 2 2 6 $1,130 4 6 20 $3,240 0 0 $0 $0 20 20 72 $12,380 4 8 32 $4,580 30 40 . 18 $11,770 􀁾 16 10 30 $6,640 16 $2,640 8 8 24 $4,520 16 $2,640 4 8 20 $3,500 $100 $100 $4,000 $4,200 $62,220 Page 1 Michael Murphy From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mike, Randy Moravec Monday, JUly 02, 2001 5:06 PM Michael Murphy Jim Pierce; Steve Chutchian; Chris Terry; Bryan Langley Single Point Urban Interchange Project # and Redistribution of Bond Funds In response to a project application submitted to this office, we have assigned the SPUI project the following number: 12302. All initial costs should be charged to fund 46. As you may be aware, we did not anticipate any funding coming out of the 2000 bond issuance. The following is a breakdown of 􀁴􀁾􀁬􀁥 distribution of the $9,905,000 bond funds. Town Hall Purchase (funds can only be spent for this project) Athletic Club Expansion (funds can only be spent for this project) Arapaho Road (funds can only be spent for this project) Belt Line Road Streetscape (funds can only be spent for this project) Spectrum Road (funds can be shifted to other street projects) Morris Road (funds can be shifted to other street projects) Midway Road (funds can be shifted to other street projects) $1,300,000 $3,000,000 $4,005,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 650,000 $ 350,000 If we wish to set aside some funds prior to the next bond issuance for the SPUI, we need to redistribute the funds associated with those last three projects. Please develop a revised plan showing the application of funds for the entire $40,025,000 issuance over the next few years. Please call me if you have any questions. THANKS!!! Kand'y 1 ( . DRAFT Scope of Services Intersection Improvements Beltline Road at Dallas North Tollway June 18, 2001 The scope of services for Intersection Improvements to Beltline Road at the Dallas North Tollway includes planning, design and construction phase services. The intent of this scope is to identify and analyze geometric and operational improvements that will make a significant improvement to the overall traffic operations of the intersection and along Beltline Road. This scope will use previously conducted studies of this intersection as a basis for alternatives. These previous studies will be the basis for identifying alternatives; however, new traffic information including traffic counts, changes in 􀁉􀁾􀁮􀁤 use, and changes in travel patterns in the immediate area will be included in the analysis. Stuayalternatives will include five alternatives: the base (existing) condition, also known as the no-build alternative; one single-point diamond alternative with and one without U-turns; a traditional diamond interchange alternative with geometric and operational improvements, and one additional alternative. Upon completion of the alternatives analysis phase, the City will select a recommended action for design and construction. Additional right of way may be required at each of the four corners of the intersection. It may be necessary to relocate City-owned and private or franchise utilities. The City will provide Carter &Burgess all available studies or plans including plans for cityowned utilities and traffic counts or timing plans for intersections along Beltline Road. Phase 1: Identify and Analyze Alternatives 1.1 Using results from previous intersection study by Parsons Transportation Group, identify alternatives for intersection improvements. Study alternatives will include five alternatives: the base (existing) condition, also known as the no-build alternative; one single-point diamond alternative with and one without U-turns; a traditional diamond interchange alternative with geometric and operational improvements, and one additional alternative. 1.2 Collect additional traffic-related information including 24-hour traffic volumes and peakperiod turning movement counts, signal timings, accident data, pedestrian movements, land uses, etc. Develop design volumes for use in traffic analyses. 1.3 Collect plans of existing facilities in the immediately surrounding area including plans of Beltline Road, plans of the Dallas North Tollway and Dallas Parkway, utility locator plans, plans of various critical utilities, plats of adjacent developments, etc. 1.4 Supplement plans of existing facilities with field surveys. Determine locations of property corners for potentially impacted properties. 1.5 With City staff input, develop criteria to evaluate intersection improvements. Standards will include objective measures such as calculated total intersection delay, lengths of approach queues, additional right-of-way cost, and construction cost. Subjective measures may include incidental affects to adjacent property, affects to pedestrian movements, ability to effectively sign approaches, etc. 06/21/2001 ( 1.6 Analyze alternatives for operational, construction and traffic impacts. 1.7 Meet with affected or involved parties and agencies including DART, Dallas, North Texas Tollway Authority, County of Dallas, utility companies, adjacent property owners. 1.8 Meet with city staff at various times throughout project. 1.9 Present draft findings including recommended action to city staff for review and comment. Provide__copies of draft report. 1.10 Incorporate comments on draft findings, update analysis and report and complete final report. Provide __copies of final report. 1.11 Present final report to City Council in workshop or council meeting format. Phase 2: Design of Selected Alternative The scope of construction for the Beltline Road intersection assumes (need to identify what we are to design) 2.1 Prepare final construction plans, specifications and estimates of selected alternative. Prepare roadway, drainage, bridge, retaining walls, and traffic signal, signing and pavement markings designs. Coordinate designs with adjacent private development and with city plans for Beltline Road. Prepare landscape and aesthetic enhancement plans, sidewalks and pedestrian features, traffic handling for construction, pavement markings, illumination and plans to adjust city-owned utilities. This scope does not include plans to adjust privately-owned or franchise utilities, or technical assistance in support of condemnation proceedings. 2.2 Obtain additional field information needed for design including soil boring data and geotechnical recommendations. 2.3 Meet with city staff at least monthly to review progress. As directed by city, coordinate plans with affected parties. 2.4 Submit to city for review and comment plans at approximately 35-percent level of completion. Plans shall identify significant construction items and include roadway geometry, location of structures, and overall drainage plan. The cost estimate from Phase 1 shall be updated and confirmed. 2.5 Submit to city for review and comment plans at approximately 65-65-percent level of completion. Plans shall include all roadway and drainage facilities, and traffic control facilities. Structural items shall be significantly detailed. A conceptual plan to handle traffic during construction shall be submitted. The construction cost estimate shall be updated. A draft outline of construction specifications and bidding documents shall be submitted. 06/21/2001 2.6 Submit to city for review and comment pre-bid plans. Plans shall be complete and ready for bidding. The construction cost estimate shall be updated and construction specifications and bidding documents shall be complete. 2.7 City will bid project. Incorporate final plans comments and assist city in bidding project. Attend pre-bid conference. Evaluate bids received and make recommendation to city of contractor. Phase 3: Construction Phase Services 3.1 Attend pre-construction conference 3.2 Review shop drawings and other contractor submittals. 3.3 Provide engineering design support to city during construction. 06/21/2001 Belt Line Road Intersection Irnprovernents Design Case Scenarios Base condition: re-striping, signal timing adjustments, etc. Nominal design costs. Modifications to standard diamond interchange configuration: provide additional left-turn lanes, right turn lanes, widen Belt Line Road bridge, revise abutments to accommodate additional bridge beams for widening. Relocate power transmission line. Complex traffic handling issues. Geotechnical investigations and recommendations. SPUI alternatives: widen Belt Line Road bridge, modify existing bridge construction, posttensioned cantilevered frontage roads over DNT, drilled shaft designs for widening bridge abutments and for cantilevered frontage road, coordination with NITA for construction impacts to DNT, complex traffic signal design, potential signal modifications to adjacent signalized intersections, agency coordination of designs and construction. Complex signing and overhead signing required. Relocate power transmission line. Complex traffic handling issues. Geotechnical investigations and recommendations. Belt Line Road elevated main lane overpass: bridge and retained-fill approaches along centerline of Belt Line Road to carry Belt Line through traffic over the intersection (at least two lanes each direction), long-span bridge design(must clear frontage road intersections), modifiy traffic signal timing and possible locations, widen Belt Line Road approaches (at least two lanes each approach for left and right-turning traffic), overhead sign bridges, possible modifications to adjacent traffic signal installation timing. ) . , . .I , : I < 1,, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 􀁾􀀡􀀡􀁩􀁦􀀡􀀡􀁩􀀡􀁴􀀡􀁩􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀦􀀪􀀡􀁁􀁁 AAMi® Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 (972) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJ: DATE:· Re: Chris Terry, Assistant City Manager Michael E. Murphy, PE, Director I Public Works Agenda comments for March 13, 2001 Council meeting March 6, 2001 Consultant Proposal for Professional Services relating to Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI). '-The Town of Addison is proposing to acquire the professional services of the Coker Company to represent the Town of Addison in obtaining support and concurrence as they relate to the development and construction of a SPUI at the intersection of Dallas Parkway and Belt Line Road. The SPUI construction was approved in the February 2000 Bond Election and is estimated to cost $2.5 million. The project is located in the City of Dallas and is within the North Texas Toll Authority (NITA) right of way. We feel that the professional services provided by the consultant, using their network ofcontacts, wHl expedite the entire process in dealing with the City of Dallas, Dallas County, D.A.R.T., NITA, Texas Department of Transportation and North Central Texas Council of Governments. Staff recommends that the Council authorize the City manager to enter into a contract agreement with the Coker Company for professional services n9t to 'exceed $15,000. 3-05-2001 11 :09PM FRQM ,2-27-;2001 1: 25PM FI'lOM ,::) " I , P,2 To: Compeny: FaxNumbBr: 􀁐􀁾􀁎􀁗􀁄􀁢􀁥􀁲􀀺 Number ofPages; Subject: MESSA.GE: Ron Whitehead. City Maaager , Town ofAddison 972-450-7043 912-450-7018 SConsulting Contract From: Company: Fax Number: PhODe Number: Date: Cc: Michael R. Coker The Coker Company 972.726.6142 912.126.6130 .. Febtualy 27. 200t CmnenMoran Ron/Carmen. here is the wntraet. The price Dot to exceed fot phaseonc is 515,000. If it 􀁾􀁵􀁩􀁲􀁥􀀸 more 􀁾􀁥 I will let you know. but I do not believe 􀁾􀁴 it will. My oonual billing late is $200!hour but I have modified it to $150 for this series of aSsignnitnts. I have already visited with DART end Dallas PubUc Works about the project end have met no resistance. However, it is c:ad)" in the process. Please 􀁥􀁘􀁾 and fax be.ck to me. I will be provi (ASAy ') \:)l:.( 􀁜􀁖􀁾 ()vz.( G-l rJl.L( t-KUM /""". I FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL To: Company: Fax Number. Phone Number: Number of Pages; Subject MESSAGE: Ron Whitehead, City Manager Town ofAddison 972-450-7043 972-450-7018 5Consulting Contract From: Company: Fax,Number: Phone Number: Date: Cc: Michael R. Coker The Coker Company 972.726.6142 972.726.6130 February 27, 2001 Cannen Moran Ron/Carmen, here is the contract. The price not to exceed for phase one is $15.000. If it requires more tiJne I will let you know. but I do not believe that it will. My normal billing rate is $200lhour but I have modified it to $150 for this series ofassignments. I have already visited with DART and Dallas Public Works about the project and have met no resistance. However. it is early in the process. Please execute and tax back to me. I will be providing you (CMO, Cannen, Public Works. et al) with periodic status reports. I understand that I will be coordinating closely with Murphy and Pierce as well as Gary Yost. Call me ifyou should have questions. Mike. 􀁔􀁨􀁩􀁾 communication is intended only tor the use of the individual or entity to which it is 􀁡􀁤􀁤􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁾􀁣􀁤 iUld may contain infotmation that 􀁩􀁾 priVileged and (;onfidcntial. Tfyou are not the intended rl:Cipient ofthe employee or agmt 􀁾􀁓􀁽􀁗􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁢􀁬􀁥for delivering the communication to the intended Itl:ipient, you lire hereby notified that any dissemination, distributiun or copying Oil the communication is strictly prohibited without 􀁴􀁢􀁾 Cl\pre$$ consent ofthc sender oftbe intended recipient. Ifyou rC\,"¢ive this commwtication in error. please notify the $mdcr or sender's c()tJlpany immediately by tc:lq)hone and destroy the materials mistakenly faxed to you. t-KUM P.2 February 27,2001 Ron Whitehead, City Manager Town of Addison Town Han . 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, Texas 75240 .COKERCompony 􀁥􀀳􀀵􀀰􀁾􀁆􀁲􀁾􀁟􀁹 􀀭􀀵􀀧􀀭􀀮􀁬􀀮􀁩􀀧􀁾 158 􀁉􀀩􀀮􀀬􀁉􀁉􀁾􀀢􀀮 TX 75240 972.726.813Q 􀁖􀁾􀀬 􀀹􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀷􀁾􀀮􀁦􀀻􀀱􀀴􀀺􀀿 1'""" • Re:· Consulting agreement to represent the Town of Addison in pursuit of a Single Point Urban Interchange for the intersection of Belt Line Road and the Dallas North TollWay. Dear City Manager Whitehead: This letter is your agreement (the UAgreement") regarding services to be rendered by the Coker Company (the "Company") in representing you and the Town of Addison related to obtaining suppbrt for a single point urban interchange (SPLIt) at the intersection of Belt Line Road and the Dallas North Tol.lway. I will represent the Town of Addison in contacting the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas Department of Transportation, Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority, North Texas Turnpike Authority, and the North Central Texas Council of Governments to: determine support for and obtain concurrence and approval (where possible) for the project; determine the potential of financial participation of other governments in the project; and to prepare interlocal agreements, as necessary, to fund. construct, and maintain the project. This assignment will be performed in not [ess· than three phases; phase 1 includes determining support and approval for the project in those jUrisdictions identified above. Phase 2 includes working with the jUrisdictions identified above to determine if and how much financial support may be obtaineq from those jurisdictions for this project. Phase 3 is to prepare and coordinate the adoption of appropriate interlocal agreements for the implementation and maintenance of this project.. There may be other assignments given to the Company from time to time in writing. 1. Scope. of Engagement. The Company agrees to undertake the assignments referred to in the first paragraph of this letter. However this agreement applies only to Phase 1 of of this series of phases. Each additional phase will require a new written agreement or amendment to this contract.. 2-27-2001 1:26PM Page 2 Addison Agreement February 27. 2001 FROM ) Jt is impossible to predict the actual res\,Ilt of our representation; therefore, the Company cannot and has not made any guarantee or assurances to you regarding the outcome or success of this matter_Any such expressions as to potential results are only our best professional judgment but dO not constitute a guarantee. 2. Fees and Expenses. The hourly price not t.o exceed for phase one is $15,000.00 plus out of pocket expenses. Subsequent phases will be hourly unless an alternative arrangement is agreed to by client and consultant. Coker Company hourly rates are: Coker Company time will be billed at $150.00 per hour on this matter. Out of pocket expenses include, but are not necessarily limited to. fees and expenses related to material acquisition. copying, graphic and presentation exhibits expenses, courier services, and other out of pocket expenses. Expenses will be invoiced at a multiplier of 1.1. An invoice will be sent dUring the month following any month in which a fee payment is due or expenses have been incurred. Payment of any invoice is due within thirty days after the date thereof. Invoices remaining unpaid after thirty days may accrue interest at a rate of 18 percent annually. We reserve the right to cease work on your behalf if any invoice is not timely paid on these terms. If any delinquency continues and you do not arrange satisfactory payment terms. we have the right to withdraw from this representation and pursue collection of your account. In the event that it becomes necessary for the Company to file a lawsuit or to commence other proceedings in order to recover the fees, disbursements and/or expenses due pursuant to this Agreement. you agree to pay. in addition to any amounts owed pursuant to this Agreement, attomeys fees together with court costs and other expenses incurred for collection of such sums, including the time expended in 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁮􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁷􀁾􀁨􀀮 3. Administration. Although I will be responsible for for this assignment, you also understand that I may not always be available to receive or return your phone calls. prepare or review documents, or handle certain aspects of this assignment, in which event 1may and wUl utilize other consultants in the Company who will assist me on your behalf. You understand that you are retaining this Company. and in my discretion J may delegate to other Company consultants certain of the professional services to be provided. Page 3 Addison Agreement February 27J 2001 FROM 􀀮􀁾.....􀁾 '\) P.d 4. Termination. You may discharge the Company at any time by written notice effective upon receipt. Notwithstanding such termination, this Agreement will remain in effect for all fees for services rendered as well as disbursements made and expenses incurred prior to suCh tennination, and for all fees, disbutsements and expenses attributable to work necessary in connection with the Company's discharge. 5. Withdrawal. (a) The Company reserves the right to withdraw its representation in this matter if you: (i) Do not make timely payments of fees or expenses as required by this Agreement; (ii) Misrepresent or fail to disclose material facts to the Company; (iii) Fail to abide by this Agreement; or (iv) An irreconcilable difference of opinion arises between you and the Company. (b) You understand that the Company reserves the right to withdraw its representation in the event that we determine that a conflict of interest exists with respect to another client of this Company, (c) In the event of dismissal, withdrawal or termination of this engagement, the terms of the Agreement pertaining to fees, pricing. costs and/or expenses for services rendered. up to and including such date of dismissal, termination or withdrawal of employment. and owed to the Company, will remain In full force and effect. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between and among the parties hereto regarding the matters described herein and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements regarding the subject matter hereof. In case anyone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement is held to be invalid. illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision. and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision did not exist. To the extent permitted by law, this Agreement may only be amended in writing signed by all the parties hereto. J-KUM Page 4 Addison Agreement February 27. 2001 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligations of the parties pursuant hereto are enforceable in Dallas County, Texas. By signing this Agreement you consent to the jurisdiction of and venue tn courts located in DaUas County, Texas. Please acknowledge your acceptance of and agreement to the foregoing by siQning and dating this Agreement in the spaces provided below and returning it to. We appreciate the opportunity to represent you in this engagement and look forward to working with you. Michael R. CQker, Ale? President Accepted Name Date ATTENTION JOBNa. RE: DATE ) ® Public Works I Engineering 16801 Westgrove • P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Telephone: (972) 450-2871 • Fax: (972) 450-2837 GENTLEMAN: WE ARE SENDING YOU o Shop Drawings o Copy of letter j1.Attached . D Prints o Change order o Under separate cover via the following items: o Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 _ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION I AAAj,/J1 􀁦􀁪􀁁􀀯􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁾 j)t1.J.J Ao... _ 􀁡􀁾􀀢􀁲 /􀁐􀀧􀀯􀁾􀁮 􀁪􀀯􀁪􀁾􀀮􀁌􀀮􀁊􀀮 .fl!/'A.,v, ;/􀁃􀁾If r4/'/-r.,J 1)/sht 11/'-::: I ( o Resubmit copies for approval o Submit copies for distribution o Return corrected prints THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval D Approved as submitted Noryour use D Approved as noted o As requested 0 Returned for corrections o For review and comment D _ o FOR BIDS DUE 19__ o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: 􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀫􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀮􀁌􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀽􀀭􀁾􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 If enclosures are not as noted, please noti COPYTO 􀁾 􀁾􀀧 􀀯􀁨􀀴􀀰􀀭􀁾 '. Town of Addison Project Application 􀁬􀀭􀁾7-(!)o Project Name (Maximum 30 characters) 8elt-LlVle. DC{ Iltt.j artUJ 5puT 6 N/A [ZJ CapitalD Special Event 3 4 5 Project Description Till 5 Time to Complete (In months) 1-L/-Located in Planning Sector: 1 Project Time Line Phase (encineering. ROW, ac-quisition. construction. etc.) AJJ. 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Please call me, or Jim Pierce (2879), if you have any questions or require additional information. 􀁾􀀮 􀁲􀁊􀀺􀁴􀁾􀀩􀀮􀁊􀁴􀁾 w-fA-L 􀁾􀀮􀁾 May 15, 1998 An updated concept project cost 􀁥􀁳􀁴􀁩􀂷􀁦􀀺􀁲􀁾􀀰􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁁􀁪􀁩􀁾􀁾􀀲􀂧􀀲􀁾􀀲􀁃􀁩􀀲􀁴􀀽 Since this project will benefit both 􀁄􀁾􀁬􀁜􀁋􀀧􀁾􀂷􀀻􀀱􀀷􀂷􀀺􀁩􀀺􀁜􀀮􀁊􀀽􀁬􀀮􀀽􀁵􀁾􀀢􀀬 􀀽􀀧􀂷􀁾􀀬􀀧􀁟􀁾􀁓 􀁾􀁔􀁾􀁾􀀸􀁾􀁌􀁾􀁩􀀰􀀲􀁬􀀲􀁾􀀭 Addison, the Town would like to propose proceeding with the·􀁰􀁲􀁾􀁣􀁯􀀧 sharing program, with 1/3 of the funding each coming from the Town of Addison, DAlU and the City of Dallas. Funding would include final engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction costs. The Town would be wiJling to manage the project and absorb the management costs. As you may know, the Town of Addiso 􀁮􀀻􀁄􀁾􀁲􀀺􀁾􀀵􀀻􀁦􀀭􀁴􀁦􀁴􀀸􀀺􀁦􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀽􀁔􀁾􀁾􀁇􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾 flow of traffic through the Town. our 􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾� �􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁾􀀲􀁦 Road, which carried 67,000 vehicles pe ago. Accordingly, we are proposing r·.· 􀁾􀀭􀁪􀀰􀀱􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁦􀀱􀀺􀁾􀁦􀁾􀀡􀀴􀀮􀁦􀀵􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀲􀀱􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀽 intersection into a Single point Urban I, intersection in all directions. Ir;--"􀁾􀀮􀁔􀀱􀀮􀁾􀀸􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀱􀀫􀁾􀁴􀁉􀀲􀀺􀁉􀀱􀁾􀀨􀁦􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀽 1 have enclosed one copy of a Design R4r·-􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭 􀀭􀀷􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀽 Inc. (october, 1995), that gives the I􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀧􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁾􀀮􀁩􀁾..=.._._....􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀺..•􀁟􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀮􀁾􀁟..􀀢􀀺􀀮􀁟... 􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀷􀁾􀀭􀁟􀁾􀀬􀀭􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀷 􀀬􀂷􀁟􀁾􀂷􀁬..􀀺􀀮􀁾􀂷􀂷􀀺•.􀀺􀁾.....••.•􀀮􀀺__••􀂷􀀷•.··l··__􀀮􀁾.•..•:.·.7'•.•􀁾•... 􀂷􀁦􀁾.. __.• 􀁾..•_.;...-;••.J...••􀁾.. -􀀮􀀭􀂷􀁾􀀬•••-.-_··-·__􀀮􀂷􀀭􀁾􀁩􀂷􀀺􀀭􀁳•.􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀽 support for the expanded deck, 􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀺􀀷􀀺􀂷􀀭􀂷􀁾􀁾􀁊􀀻􀀷􀁾􀀭􀀻􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀲􀀢􀀧􀁩􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀻􀀧􀀫􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀽 between the cantilever bent and the 0 􀁲􀁬􀁾􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀻􀁔􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁔􀀭􀀸􀀰􀀢􀀰􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀲� �􀂭 are recorded on the plan view for 0 submitted the plans to Mr. 􀁊􀁡􀁣􀁫􀁾􀁉􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀱 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁩 Transportation Department and haveft Dear Ms. Greyson: Re: Single point Urban Interchange, Belt Ms. Sandy Greyson, council Member City Of Dallas 1500 Marilla, Room 5FN Dallas, TX 75201 Ms. Sandy Greyson May 15,1998 Page 2 We would like to meet with you and your staff to discuss your interest in participating in this project. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 972-450-7026. Sincerely, Richard N. Beckert Mayor cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager John Baumgartner, P.E., Director of Public Works James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E., Assistant City Engineer Enclosures /blt_toll/greyson.wpd May 15,1998 Mr. Raymond Noah, Board Member Dallas Area Rapid Transit P.O.Box 660163 Dallas, TX 75266-7200 Re: Single Point Urban Interchange, Belt Line Road at Dallas Parkway Dear Mr. Noah: As you may know, the Town of Addison is continually seeking ways to improve the flow of traffic through the Town. Our busiest east-west thoroughfare is Belt Line Road, which carried 67,000 vehicles per day at our last count a little over one year ago. Accordingly, we are proposing to convert the Belt Line/Dallas Parkway intersection into a Single Point Urban Interchange to improve the efficiency of the intersection in all directions. I have enclosed one copy of a Design Report prepared by Barton Aschman Associates, Inc. (October, 1995), that gives the results of a study to identify and evaluate alternatives for improving traffic conditions at the Belt Line/Dallas Parkway intersection. I have also enclosed one set of plans that show the concept we propose. The plans include a plan view that shows an expansion of the bridge deck to accommodate the left turn lanes, a drawing showing the drilled shaft and cantilever bent concept of support for the expanded deck, and a drawing showing the resulting clearances between the cantilever bent and the outside curb lane. Counts of pedestrian crossings are recorded on the plan view for one mid-week day in September, 1997. We have submitted the plans to Mr. Jack Antebi, P.E. of the Dallas Public Works & Transportation Department and have received favorable comment. An updated concept project cost estimate is also enclosed. Since this project will benefit both DART and the City of Dallas, as well as the Town of Addison, the Town would like to propose proceeding with the project under. a cost sharing program, with 1/3 of the funding each coming from the Town of Addison, DART and the City of Dallas. Funding would include final engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction costs. The Town would be willing to manage the project and absorb the management costs. Mr. Raymond Noah May 15,1998 Page 2 \ .;; /We would like to meet with you and your staff to discuss your interest in participating in this project. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 972-450-7026. Sincerely, Richard N. Beckert Mayor cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager John Baumgartner, P.E., Director of Public Works James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E., Assistant City Engineer Enclosures jblt_tolljraynoahl.wpd TOWN OF ) ADDIsoN To: t/l47 !lrmJr&d( Company: "'Mt?1 􀁾 FAX #: _ Date: (-O=-Cfr 􀁒􀁥􀀺􀁍􀀭􀁌􀀻􀁾􀀥􀁉􀀯􀀱􀁴􀁴 SfJUL # of pages (including cover): S PUBLIC WORKS From: James C. Pierce,Jr.,P.E.,DEE Assistant City Engineer Phone: 972/450-2879 FAX: 972/450-2837 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 o Original in mail Comments: oPer your request DFYI o Call me ) January 8, 1998 Ms. Sandy Greyson, Council Member City Of Dallas 1500 Marilla, Room 5FN Dallas, TX 75201 Re: Single Point Urban Interchange, Belt Line Road at Dallas Parkway Dear Ms. Greyson: As you may know, the Town of Addison is continually seeking ways to improve the flow of traffic through the Town. Our busiest east-west thoroughfare is Belt Line Road, which carried 67,000 vehicles per day at our last count a little over one year ago. Accordingly, we are proposing to convert the Belt LinelDallas Parkway intersection into a Single Point Urban Interchange to improve the efficiency of the intersection in all directions. I have enclosed 2 copies of a Design Report prepared by Barton Aschman Associates, Inc. ( October, 1995), that gives the results of a smdy to identify and evaluate alternatives for improving traffic conditions at the Belt LinelDallas Parkway intersection. I have also enclosed 2 sets of plans that show the concept we propose. The plans include a plan view that shows an expansion of the bridge deck to accommodate the left turn lanes, a drawing showing the drilled shaft and cantilever bent concept of support for the expanded deck, and a drawing showing the resulting clearances between the cantilever bent and the outside curb lane. Counts of pedestrian crossings are recorded on the plan view for one mid-week day in September, 1997. We have submitted the plans to Mr. Jack Antebi, P.E. of the Dallas Public Works & Transportation Department and have received favorable comment. An updated concept project cost estimate is also enclosed. Since this project will benefit both DART and the City of Dallas, as well as the Town of Addison, the Town would like to propose proceeding with the project under a cost sharing program, with 1/3 of the funding each coming from the Town of Addison, DART and the City of Dallas. Funding would include [mal engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction costs. The Town would be willing to manage the project and absorb the management costs. \) We would like to meet with you and your staff to discuss your interest in participating in this project. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 972-450-7026. Sincerely, Richard N. Beckert Mayor cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager John Baumgartner, P.E., Director of Public Works James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E., Assistant City Engineer Enclosures /blt_toll/greyson.wpd \J January 8, 1998 Mr. Raymond Noah, Board Member Dallas Area Rapid Transit P.O.Box 660163 Dallas, TX 75266-7200 Re: Single Point Urban Interchange, Belt Line Road at Dallas Parkway Dear Mr. Noah: As you may know, the Town of Addison is continually seeking ways to improve the flow of traffic through the Town. Our busiest east-west thoroughfare is Belt Line Road, which carried 67,000 vehicles per day at our last count a little over one year ago. Accordingly, we are proposing to convert the Belt Line/Dallas Parkway intersection into a Single Point Urban Interchange to improve the efficiency of the intersection in all directions. I have enclosed 2 copies of a Design Report prepared by Barton Aschman Associates, Inc. ( October, 1995), that gives the results of a study to identify and evaluate alternatives for improving traffic conditions at the Belt Line/Dallas Parkway intersection. I have also enclosed 2 sets of plans that show the concept we propose. The plans include a plan view that shows an expansion of the bridge deck to accommodate the left turn lanes, a drawing showing the drilled shaft and cantilever bent concept of support for the expanded deck, and a drawing showing the resulting clearances between the cantilever bent and the outside curb lane. Counts of pedestrian crossings are recorded on the plan view for one mid-week day in September, 1997. An updated concept project cost estimate is also enclosed. Since this project will benefit both DART and the City of Dallas, as well as the Town of Addison, the Town would like to propose proceeding with the project under a cost sharing program, with 1/3 of the funding each coming from the Town of Addison, DART and the City of Dallas. Funding would include final engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction costs. The Town would be willing to manage the project and absorb the management costs. We would like to meet with you and your staff to discuss your interest in participating in this project. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 972-450-7026. Sincerely, Richard N. Beckert Mayor cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager John Baumgartner, P.E., Director of Public Works James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E., Assistant City Engineer Enclosures /blt_toll/raynoah.wpd .-.\ *************** -CDMM.JOURNAL-******************** DATE 01-08-1998 ****** TIME 08:10AM ** P.l MODE TRANSMISSION START=01-08 08:08AM END=01-08 08:10AM NO. 001 COM SPEED NO OK a STATI ON NAME/TELEPHONE NO. 7043 PAGES 005 -Addison Svc Ctr -Upstairs-***************************************C FAX-200 V2.17)*-972 450 2834-************ 1';'08-1 998 10 : 30AM 01-09-19ge 􀀰􀀹􀀺􀁾 FROM 􀀬􀀺􀁾 (: '''son Sve Ctr--lJp$tsir $ TO ') 7043 P.01 P. 1 PuBLIC WORKS ' , lD: 􀁾􀁭􀁥􀁳 C. Pieree,Jr.'p.E.,DEE Ass.istant City EagiDeer Phone: 9721459-2879 FAX: 9721450-2837 TOWN OF ,ADDIsoN 􀁾􀁦􀁩􀁾􀁾 Company: 􀁉􀁾 t/efI.. _ FAX#:, _ Date: 􀀨􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀹􀀮􀀺􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁲􀁟􀀬 _ Rt:, 􀀦􀁈􀀭􀁉􀀮􀀮􀁴􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀻􀀧􀁉􀀯􀀯􀁴􀁬 5fJtlL # of pageJ (ilidudiDg cover): S-16801 Westgrove P.O. Bo:s 144 Addison, TX 75001 a Oripla1 ill mail CommeDb: CI Per your request aCaUme 􀀱􀁾􀀰􀀸􀀭􀀱􀀹􀀹􀀸 10:31AM FROM 􀁉􀀺􀁉􀁬􀁾􀀭􀁬􀀧􀀮􀁎􀁴􀀵 􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀮 t-1-5)..2. 􀀭􀁾􀀺􀁊􀀮􀀮􀀱􀀺􀁲􀁽 􀀭􀁈􀁲􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀧 fa· 􀁉􀁾 17 􀁾􀀮 £!lit uT------------------------------------------------------------- ( PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT May 8,1997 .MEMORANDUM TO: Ron Whitehead, City Manager FROM: John Baumgartner, Director ofPublic Works-pCJJ k 􀀮􀀺􀁲􀁋􀁾 SUBJECT: Engineering Services Contract with Barton-Aschman (972) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove Attached is a proposal from Barton Aschman Associates, Inc. to provide engineering and surveying services for the schematic designs of a Single Point Urban Interchange and pedestrian bridges at the intersection of Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway. The proposal is in the amount of $50,247.95. The project is a budgeted item. The proposed Single Point Urban Interchange will allow the intersection to operate like a normal four approach intersection. (i.e. Midway/Belt Line) This will reduce the length of the traffic signal cycle and will increase the capacity of the intersection approximately twenty-five percent. The proposed improvements will require the widening of the existing bridge, which is owned by the Texas Turnpike Authority and controlled by the city of Dallas. The new new configuration of the intersection will also make it difficult for pedestrian traffic to safely cross the intersection. Pedestrian bridges across the tollroad will be investigated as part of this contract. The scope of the project will be the preparation of schematic designs, cost estimates, preliminary environmental assessment, and potential sources of construction funding. This information will allow the Town to decide whether or not to proceed with this project. If the Council elects to proceed with the project, staffwill enter into discussions with the TTA, DART, and the city of Dallas. Staff requests that the Council approve the proposal from Barton-Aschman Associates and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement in the amount of$50, 247.95. PARSONS Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc.• A Unit of Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road· Suite 199 • Dallas· Texas· 75240 USA· (972) 991-1900 • (972) 490-9261 fax March 28, 1997 Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 RE: Belt Line Road/Dallas Parkway Single Point Urban Interchange Dear Mr. Baumgartner: We are pleased to submit this proposal to provide Civil Engineering and Surveying Services to the Town of Addison for the Schematic Design of a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) at the Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway intersection. Our proposal is based on our understanding of the requirements identified by your meeting with Mr. Gary Jost. If accepted, this proposal will become a Letter of Agreement between the Town of Addison (Client) and Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. (BA) to provide the scope of services described below. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Barton-Aschman has previously prepared traffic studies and analyses using an SPill as an alternative. The analyses indicated that the SPUI would be an effective and appropriate traffic enhancement at this intersection. The purpose of this project is to prepare a schematic design, estimate costs, provide environmental assessment documentation, and identify potential sources of construction funding. SCOPE OF SERVICES The attachment includes the services to be provided for this project. SCHEDULE We estimate that we can complete this project within four (4) months (exclusive of review time) following receipt of a signed copy of this Letter of Agreement. We are prepared to begin work on this project immediately. MEETINGS For the purpose of our fee estimate, we have included the cost of attending five (5) meetings with the Town of Addison. This cost for BA to attend additional meetings, if authorized, will be billed separately on a cost and expense basis. FEE FOR SERVICES AND METHOD OF PAYMENT The fee for completing the project will be on a Lump Sum basis for services rendered. We estimate the cost to perform the scope of services, outlined in the scope of services, is $50,247.95. This fee will not be exceeded without authorization from the Client. Direct reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses such as mileage, reproduction, etc. will be billed at cost and is included in the quoted fee for this project. The fee for extra meetings, work sessions, and presentations (and work in addition to the tasks indicated in the Scope of Services) will be billed separately based on our hourly rates for staff time and expense. Invoices will be submitted monthly and will indicate charges incurred during the preceding month. Billings are due and payable within thirty (30) days of invoice date. A one and one-half (1.5) percent carrying charge will be added each month to all past due accounts. AUTHORIZATION We are prepared to initiate work on this project immediately upon receipt of a signed copy ofthis Letter of Agreement. This proposal will remain valid for thirty (30) days. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to assisting you on this project. Uyou have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Date: g/28/°,-7 ACCEPTED AND APPROVED BY (Title) AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS FOR: -/c:'" 7.4t'o1"s---(Organization (Title)' 7 (Signature) 􀁾􀁁􀀮 􀁴􀁊􀁨􀁬􀁬􀁤􀁾􀁾 (Printed or Typed Name) 􀀯􀁃􀁾􀁾􀁊􀁉􀁕􀀭 SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER FOR A SINGLE POINT URBAN INTERCHANGE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS DALLAS PARKWAY AT BELT LINE ROAD ADDISON, TEXAS ADVANCED PLANNING & DETERMINATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND SCHEMATIC REOUIREMENTS This project will provide a schematic design of a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) in the Town of Addison and recommendations for pedestrian crossings from the east side ofDallas Parkway to the west side of Dallas Parkway. PROJECT LIMITS: Dallas Parkway ofBelt Line Road -400 feet east and west ofDallas Parkway and 400 feet north and south ofBelt Line Road. WORK PROGRAM: A schematic design will be prepared for the SPUI and Pedestrian Crossings. An environment assessment will be performed for the project once the schematic design is complete. TASKl Purpose: PROJECT INITIATION To initiate the project with a meeting ofthe Project Team, including; Town of Addison, Texas Turnpike Authority (TTA), City of Dallas, and Barton-Aschman Associates. Activities: 1.1 Meet with involved parties to review project scope of services. 1.2 Discuss available data and additional data needs. It is assumed that data will be supplied by others at no cost to Barton Aschman. Data required will include but not be limited to the following: • Proposed roadway improvements nearing construction phase and schedule of construction. • As-built plans ofthe intersection indicating curb locations, existing right-of-way location and utilities. Intersection geometries including right-of-way, number of lanes, land assignments, and turn lane storage lengths. • Pedestrian volumes and further demands. 1.3 Provide meeting minutes for review. Task 1 Deliverables: 1. Memorandum detailing meeting minutes and information provided to BartonAschman Associates, Inc. at the meeting. TASK 2 Purpose: DATA ASSEMBLY, AND REVIEW To assemble all data necessary to accomplish project goals. Activities: 2.1 Assemble data identified in Task 1. 2.2 Assemble and review data supplied by the Town and ITA. Identify any additional data needs. 2.3 Discuss additional data needs with the Town staff. 2.4 Provide draft technical memorandum detailing any additional data collection requirements if necessary for review by the Town. Task 2 Deliverable: 1. Technical memo identifying any additional needs and costs if necessary. TASK 3 Purpose: SURVEYING AND RIGHT-OF-WAY To obtain recent, accurate physical information covering the intersection to be used in schematic drawing preparation. Detailed information will typically be provided within 85 meters ofthe roadway centerline and will extend up to 135 meter along each leg ofthe intersections. Activities: 3.1 Provide survey services necessary to accurately locate existing horizontal features (i.e. curbs, street lights, traffic signals, medians, bridge structure, etc.). 3.2 Provide survey services necessary to provide elevations in the intersection area and along the Dallas North Tollway under Belt Line Road. 3.3 Identify the existing ownership of the properties adjacent to the intersection. 3.4 Locate existing right-of-way. Task 3 Deliverables: 1. One set ofhard copy plots of a 200 meter band at a 1:500 scale, with contours at .5 meter intervals along each roadway segment. 2. One set of 3 1/2" diskettes containing the AutoCAD Release 13 drawing files. TASK 4 Purpose: PREPARE SCHEMATICS. ESTIMATE OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS To provide cost data necessary to evaluate relative benefits versus costs for specific improvements. To transmit study results to the Town and provide a permanent record of the study. Activities: 4.1 Prepare list of preliminary unit construction costs and review with Town staff. 4.2 Obtain right-of-way costs from the Town to be used for study estimates and agree with Town staff on the method to be utilized. 4.3 Estimate construction and right-of-way costs and prepare table of estimated costs and discuss with Town staff. 4.4 Review and adjust in work session with Town staff. Discuss items to be addressed in the Environmental Assessment (Task 6). 4.5 Prepare summary table for input to draft report. 4.6 Provide draft memorandum for review by the Town. 4.7 Prepare intersection schematic drawings in accordance with Town and TTA design criteria. Schematics will include plan view, typical sections, traffic counts, lane lines, traffic directions, title blocks and existing features. Profiles will be provided. Task 4 Deliverables: 1. 2. 3. TASKS: Purpose: Table of estimated construction and right-of-way costs. Meeting minutes. Five copies ofthe schematic design. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS To investigate means of providing pedestrian crossings across Dallas North Tollway and at the Single Point Urban Interchange. To provide schematic designs ofpedestrian crossings. Activities: 5.1 Prepare schematic design for a pedestrian crossing north of Belt Line Road and south of Belt Line Road after evaluating potential crossing locations. 5.2 Estimate impact on existing parking and probable right-of-way needs. 5.3 Prepare conceptual pedestrian crossing at the Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI). 5.4 Identify potential utility conflicts and the need for adjustments. 5.5 Prepare estimate of construction and right-of-way costs. Task 5 Deliverables: 1. 2. 3. TASK 6: Purpose: Schematic designs for 2 pedestrian crossings. Conceptual design of a pedestrian crossing at the SPill. Table of estimated construction costs. PREPARE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT To prepare an environmental assessment report suitable for submission to TxDOT, TTA, or the FHWA. Activities: 6.1 Environmental documents will be prepared with the expectation that they will result in a EAlFONSI on projects requiring new Right-of-Way. EAlFONSls are typically 25-30 pages long and contain thorough element discussion. 6.2 Perform Noise Quality survey and analysis. 6.3 Perform Air Quality analysis as required. 6.4 Perform Hazardous Materials and Wetlands investigation. 6.5 Attend three public participation meetings. 6.6 Utilize public input to revise the Environmental Assessments and Schematics. 6.7 Submit the Environmental Assessments and Schematics to the Town. The Town will submit them for further approved by TxDOT, TTA or FHWA. Task 6 Deliverables: 1. Five bound copies ofthe Draft Environmental Assessment report. 2. Five bluelines at 1:500 ofthe design schematics. 3. Ten bound copies of the Final Environmental Assessment report. 4. Ten blueline copies at 1:500 of the design schematics. TASK 7: Purpose: INVESTIGATE FUNDING SOURCES To determine the availability and sources of construction funding. Activities: 7.1 Meet with DART, TxDOT, TTA, City ofDallas and NCTCOG to determine available construction funding sources. 7.2 Meet with the Town of Addison to review funding sources. (\ Task 7 Deliverables: 1. Memorandum specifying the results of interview with DART, TxDOT, TTA, City of Dallas and NCTCOG. 2. Table offunding sources and participation amounts. Man Hour Estimate Project Senior Task Manager Engineer Engineer Technician Clerical Estimated Cost Sub-Total 1. Prepare initiation Prepare for meeting 2 4 465.92 Attend meeting 2 2 2 478.48 Prepare minutes 2 172.80 1,117.20 2. Data assembly and review Secure data from City ofDallas I 4 2 564.10 Secure data from Town ofAddison I 4 2 564.10 Secure data and right-of-entry from Turnpike Authority I 4 2 564.10 1,692.30 3. Surveying and right-of-way Survey field work by Arredondo, Brunz & Associates 15,000.00 Review and assimilate 2 2 4 4 858.13 Survey information 15,858.13 4. Prepare schematics & estimates Prepare unit cost list 2 4 392.20 Meet with Town staff 2 2 397.44 Prepare schematic designs 2 16 32 40 5,648.26 Prepare estimates 2 8 8 1,340.58 Meet with Town staff 4 4 794.88 Prepare minutes 2 6 414.72 8,988.08 5. Pedestrian Access Schematic Design 4 8 8 1,238.78 Conceptual Design 4 8 8 1,238.78 Cost Estimates 4 8 8 4 1,400.06 3,877.62 6. Environmental assessment Secure Haz Mat report 2,000.00 Perform noise quality analysis 4 8 4 1,018.64 Perform air quality analysis 4 8 4 1,018.64 Prepare draft EA 2 8 12 12 24 4,151.49 Meet with Town, TxDOT, DART, etc. 2 4 794.88 Finalize EA & schematics 2 4 4 8 8 1,587.73 Final meeting on EA 2 0 2 305.28 10,876.66 7. Investigate funding sources Meet with DART 4 4 557.96 Meet with TxDOT 4 4 557.96 Meet with City of Dallas 4 4 557.96 Meet with NCTCOG 4 4 557.96 Meet with Town ofAddison 4 4 794.88 Prepare memo 4 2 426.24 3,452.96 ---. $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $310.00 $75.00 __ $45,862.95 Deliveries Total Labor & Suh• _..:::...;::.:.:==_ Estimated Expenses: Computer Time Reproduction Travel & Mileage Total $50,247.95 􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀮� �􀁾􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀭 July 5, 1996 3015 Raleigh Street • P.O. Box 190369 Dallas, Texas 75219 Phone 214/522-6200 Fax 214/528.4826 ----_-..... 􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀽􀁾 􀁾 _......._...._........-. ,., -.A..vllT• •U• nDITV 􀁾􀀮􀀬•• • Town of Addison P. O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 Attn: Mr. John Baumgartner City Engineer Ladies and Gentlemen: HNTB Corporation has reviewed for the TTA the Barton Aschman study of potential traffic flow improvements at Belt Line Road and Dallas Parkway. I have attached HNTB's review comments for your consideration. The TTA will be supportive of the improvements proposed by Barton Aschman, provided they do not adversely affect traffic flow on the Tollway. Northbound P.M. traffic flow on the Tollway at Belt Line is so heavy that the TTA cannot tolerate any structural modifications that would produce Tollway operational flow problems in that location. w· mes . Griffin, P.E. ecutive Director ek Ene. cc: HNTB Engineering MEMBERS: JERE WTHOMPSON,jR., CHAIRMAN, DALLAS· LUTHER G. JONES, jR., VICE CHAIRMAN, CORPUS CHRISTI ANNE S. WYNNE, AUSTIN· DONNAR.PARKER, FORTWORTH • DAVID M. LANEY, DALLAS· LORRAINE PERRYMAN, ODESSA TOMAS CARDENAS, jR., EL PASO • DAVID E. BERNSEN, BEAUMONT • LEAHRAY S. WROTEN, FAIRVIEW • I!AUL A. BESTEIRO, jR., BROWNSVILLE NATHELYNE A. KENNEDY, HOUSTON • DONALD D. DILLARD, DALLAS • JAMES W. GRIFFIN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • JIMMIE G. NEWTON, SECRETARY • SUSAN A. BUSE, TREASURER .' ( 􀁾􀀨 . 􀁾ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS June 17, 1996 Texas Turnpike Authority P.O. Box 190369 Dallas, Texas 75219 Attn: Mr. James W. Griffin, P.E. Executive Director DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY DNT-240 General Consulting Services Belt Line Road Traffic Revisions Dear Mr. Griffin: !·iil·iO.• !l.•.. We have reviewed the Design Report prepared by Barton Aschman for improvement of the efficiency of traffic flow at the intersection of Belt Line Road and the Dallas Parkway. Three alternatives are presented in the report with each having an affect on the Texas Turnpike Authority (TTA) facilities. Alternative 1 has the least effect on the TTA's, facilities and apparently would only require modification of the island separating V-turn traffic from the through traffic on Belt Line Road. As noted in the report, though, this alternative does little to improve traffic efficiency. Alternatives 2 and 3 are essentially the same insofar as the effect on the tollway bridge structure at Belt Line Road. The right-of-way needs for Alternative 3 appear to be somewhat greater than for Alternative 2, but since the additional property is to the right of the frontage road, that issue should not affect the Authority. The Single Point Vrban Interchange introduces significantly larger turning radii on the left turn lanes through the intersection. Due to the close proximity of the left turn lanes to the retaining wall and bridge structure and the larger radii, the resulting left-turn roadway will overhang the wall and require a radius corner extension at each corner of the bridge. Radius corners already exist on the bridge, and it would not be practical to introduce a bridge slab projection or cantilever in excess of that currently constructed on this prestressed concrete beam structure. It may be possible to remove a portion of the existing bridge under the V-turn lane and reconstruct this portion of the bridge to accommodate the radius corner utilizing a post-tensioned concrete box structure with a center median support pier. 23756 r .. ' l" if .v T J) C,! JIl f' tJ }l i l' S ( Texas Turnpike Authority Dallas, Texas 75.219 -2-( Dallas North Tollway June 17, 1996 Bridge modification would require cast":in-place construction over the Tollway and would restrict clearance to about 12 feet. Retaining walls at each comer of the bridge would require modification, and traffic on lanes adjacent to the median would need to be controlled during construction of the median support. These construction operations would create significant congestion for the tollway traffic. With respect to the cost estimate, we note the unit price for bridge modification is probably too low for the relatively small area of structure and difficulty of construction in the severely restricted area. Please call and we will be pleased to discuss the proposed plan in more detail if you wish. Very truly yours, HNTB CORPORATION 􀁾(􀁚//;'􀂣􀁃i ..􀁾-􀁽􀀬.􀁾􀀻􀀢.􀀯"􀀭􀀦􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮.􀁾􀀮 Daniel F. Becker, P.E. Vice President, Central Division DFB/kkg PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 450-2871 􀁾􀀶􀀸􀀰􀀱 Westgrove February 7, 1995 MEMORANDUM To: From: Re: Ron Whitehead, City Manager Gf.13 John Baumgartner, Director of Public Worky , Dallas North Tollway at Belt Line Rd. Attached is a proposal from Barton-Aschman to provide professional engineering services to study the possible alternatives to reconfigure the Belt Line Road/Dallas Parkway intersection to obtain additional capacity. This intersection is located in both the Town ofAddison and the City ofDallas and currently operates at a "level of service E or F". Barton-Aschman's proposal will examine the possibility of separating to north and south bound movement while still providing for multiple turning movements at Belt Line; at grade improvements, and the use of a modern urban interchange. The fee proposed for this initial phase ofthe project is a time and materials fee not to exceed $19,700. Because this study was not budgeted, funding will come from an unencumbered portion ofthe existing general fund balance. Staffrecommends the council consider the proposal and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement with Barton-Aschman for a time and materials fee not to exceed $19,700. JRB/amh Attachments 1. Barton-Aschman Proposal 2. Level of service descriptions <\ { i BARTON-ASCHMAN A PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP COMPANY Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199· Dallas, Texas 75240. (214) 991-1900. Fax (214) 490-9261 January 17, 1995 Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr. P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Letter of Agreement for the Dallas North Tollway at Belt Line Road Study Dear Mr. Baumgartner: Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional transportation planning and engineering services in connection with the proposed access roadway associated with the Dallas North Tollway at Belt Line Road Study in Addison, Texas. Based on our discussions and understanding of the project, we have prepared a Scope of Services for this project. Our study approach and Scope of Services are presented below in this proposal. If accepted, this letter will become an agreement between Town of Addison and Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. to provide the services described in the Scope of Services below. SCOPE OF SERVICES Our Scope of Services includes the following work tasks. Task 1.0 PROJECT INITIATION MEETING We will meet with the Town of Addison (Town) staff to discuss the proposed scope of services, project schedule, data collection activities, unit cost information, evaluation criteria, and simulation procedures and outputs. We will also discuss possible roadway improvement alternatives to be a analyzed in subsequent tasks. Output: 1. Finalized Scope of Services and Schedule. 2. Evaluation criteria for analysis. 3. Alternatives to be evaluated. 4. One meeting with Town staff. riil 􀁾 PARSONS ( Mr. Baumgartner January 18, 1995 Page 2 Task 2.0 DATA COLLECTION We will collect the following data to form a sound basis for subsequent analysis: • P.M. Peak Hour turning movement counts. These counts will be conducted on a Friday between the hours of 4:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. • "As Built" plans for the study intersection. • Existing utility information. • Existing Right-of-Way information. • Toll Plaza discharge rates for entering and exiting toll booths south of Belt Line Road. • Existing Signal Timing plans for the Belt Line RoadJDallas North Tollway Intersection. • Existing lane configurations. • Saturation Flow Rates for all approach movements to the intersection. • Vehicle delay studies for each approach to the intersection. • Site plans for adjacent properties. • Design plans for proposed right tum lane for eastbound Belt Line Road traffic. Output: 1. Database of existing transportation infrastructure and traffic characteristics for the study intersection. TASK 3.0 SIMULATE EXISTING CONDITIONS We will conduct an analysis of existing conditions during the P.M. peak hour at the intersection using the TRAF-NETSIM microscopic traffic simulation model. The model will be calibrated to existing conditions observed in the field. Model outputs include vehicle delays and stops, number of failed cycles during the design period, and vehicle emission information. These existing measures of effectiveness (MOEs) as the base conditions in the utility/cost analysis of each of the alternatives. Mr. Baumgartner January 18, 1995 Page 3 Output: 1. Calibrated simulation model. 2. Existing conditions MOEs. TASK 4.0 PREPARE BASE MAPS We will prepare base maps for the study intersection using the data collected in Task 2.0 Base maps will be prepared in AUTOCADD (vI2.0) at a scale of 1"=50' on 24"x36" sheets. The base maps will include existing roadway curb lines, R.O.W. information, lane configurations, utilities (including drainage), and prominent features (i.e. parking lots, building footprints, etc.) on adjacent properties. Output: 1. Base maps of existing conditions. TASK 5.0 DEVELOP INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT ALTERNATIVES We will develop three intersections improvement alternatives for further analysis. Up to five conceptual alternative sketches will be developed for Town of Addison review based on discussions with Town staff included in Task 1.0. The three alternatives selected for further development and analysis will be chosen during a work session with Town staff. It id anticipated that the three alternatives will include the following: • At-grade improvements only. • Depression of the Northbound and Southbound Dallas North Tollway Frontage Roads. • Modern urban interchange. The three alternatives will be developed on the existing base maps using AUTOCADD. The alternatives will be submitted to Town staff for review and comments and finalized during a work session with staff. Output: 1. Three improvement alternatives for analysis. 2. Two work sessions with Town staff. ( Mr. Baumgartner January 18, 1995 Page 4 TASK 6.0 PREPARE ENGINEER'S OPINION OF COST We will prepare an engineer's opinion of cost for each of the three alternatives developed in Task 5.0. Output: 1. Spreadsheet showing the engineer's opinion of cost for each alternative. TASK 7.0 SIMULATE EACH ALTERNATIVE We will simulate traffic conditions for each of the three alternatives using the calibrated simulation model developed on Task 3.0. Measures of Effectiveness for each alternative will be the output of each of the simulation. We will also video tape the simulation graphics developed by the TRAP NETSIM model for each of the alternatives. Output: 1. MOEs for each of the alternatives. 2. Video tape of simulation graphics for each alternative. TASK 8.0 CONDUCT UTILITY/COST ANALYSIS We will conduct a utility/cost analysis of each of the alternatives using the evaluation (utility) criteria identified in Task 1.0 and the MOEs from the simulation tasks. This utility/cost analysis will identify the preferred alternative based on the criteria and need identified in previous tasks. The results of the utilitylcost analysis will be submitted to Town staff for review and finalized in a work session with staff. Output: 1. Utility/cost analysis of each alternative. 2. Preferred alternative. 3. One work session with the Town staff. TASK 9.0 PRESENT TO TOWN COUNCIL We will present the study procedures, findings, and conclusions to the Town Council for their review and comment. Output: 1. Five copies of draft report. 2. Ten copies of final report. Mr. Baumgartner January 18, 1995 Page 5 TASK 11.0 MEETINGS For purposes of our fee estimate, we have assumed our attendance at two meetings in addition to the meeting and work sessions identified in the previous tasks. We are certainly available to attend any meetings deemed necessary. However, additional meetings will be beyond the scope of this study and will be considered additional services. Additional meetings will be billed separately based on time and expenses incurred. Output: 1. Two meetings with Town staff. FEE FOR SERVICES AND METHOD OF PAYMENT The fee for completing the project will be based on our hourly rates for staff personnel, current at the time of performance for staff services rendered. The maximum fee and expenses for completion of this project will not exceed $19,700 without receiving written authorization. Direct reimbursement for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses such as mileage, reproduction, etc., will be belled at cost and will be added to the staff time costs incurred on the project. Invoices will be submitted monthly and will indicate charges incurred during the preceding month. Billings are due and payable within thirty (30) days of invoice date. A one and one-half (1.5) percent carrying charge will be added each month to all past due accounts. ( Mr. Baumgartner January 18, 1995 Page 6 AUTHORIZATION We are prepared to initiate work on this project immediately upon receipt of a signed copy of the Letter of Agreement. This proposal will remain valid for thirty days. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to assisting you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ACCEPTED AND APPROVED BY: (Signature) (Printed or Typed Name) (Title) AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS FOR: (Organization) (Title) 02/09/95 08:25 "5'214 ( '9261 BARTON ASCHMAN l4J 0011002 BAR'rON • ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB'ESTIMATE WORKSHEET Version 1.11,03-1",94 JOB NAME AddilSion -Belt Une BY: KDM .... 􀁟􀁾􀀭􀀮 TASK PE:RSON-HOURS eSTIMATE .-TOTAL TASK NO. DESCRIPTION KDM IRAY GDJ TEK NEH HOURS COST 1000 MEl:;TING 2 :2 2 (; $533.58 2000 DATA COl.l.eCTION s 2 7 $395.85 3000 SIMULAn I:XISTING CONC. 32 32 lli1.869.12 4000 PREPARE BASE MAPS 6 8 $415.20 5000 DEVELOP INT. IMP. ALT. 16 a 12 36 $2.480.40 6000 ENGINEERS OPINION 4 4 a $1$05.64 7000 SIMULATED ALTER. 24 24 $1401.84 BOOO COST ANALVSIS a e $92$.04 9000 PESENTATION 4 4 4 12 $1067.1& 10000 ItlOCUMENTATION -------24 4 B 16 52 $3527.28 11000 IMEET"iNG·S 􀁾 4 4 12 $1,087.16 12000 0 :li0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00. 0 $0.00 0 a;0.00 a $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 􀀻􀀺􀀻􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁩􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀺􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀻􀁩􀀺􀀻􀀺􀁩􀀺􀀺􀀻􀀺 TOTAl.., 116 16 34 0 38 0 0 0 205 $14.2a6.27 COLUMN TOTAL $14,288.27 STMI" COST 􀁅􀁬􀁓􀁔􀁉􀁍􀁁􀁔􀁾 MULTIPLIER APPLIED TO RAW SALARY" .::..3 OIRECT COST ESTIMATE MUl.TIPLIER 􀁁􀁾􀁉􀀧􀁬􀀮􀁉􀁅􀁏 TO OIRECT EXl'eNSES " 1-􀁾__I·__􀁟􀁟􀁩􀂰􀁩􀀡􀁟􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁉􀀭􀁾􀀤􀁾􀁏􀁾􀂷􀂰􀁩􀁟􀂰 􀁉􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀁏􀀼􀁟􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁟􀁟􀁟􀁪 l-􀁾 􀁾􀁉 􀁟􀀺􀁏􀀻􀀺􀀮􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬􀀭􀁾􀀤􀀻􀀻􀀺􀁏􀀮􀀺􀀻􀀺􀁏􀁏􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁏􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁬 o $0.00 0 TcK.TRACY KNieRIM BG-BELINDA GUSTAVSON LEB-LAUREN BEASLEY LJG-LOREITA GRAHAM BKS-BRIAN SHEWSKI DRG-DON Gl.ENN RSW-RICKWONG JTS·JOOY SHORi KMG·KAREN GEORGE LMP-LOLLY POND RAY-RON YOUNG RM-RALPH MARTINEZ RWC-RICK OENNEY RWJ-ROBERT JENKINS TJS-TOM SIMMERI..,Y CNC·DAVE CARTER 5H·EOOIE HAAS KDM·KATHI MULLINS MRN-MANGULA NAGIREDDY JKM-JANICE MCPHAIL CWW-CLARENCE WIESEPAPE NEH-NEAl HIGINBOTHAM 􀁓􀁏􀁍􀁾􀁔􀁅􀁖􀁅􀁎 MILNER TN-TONY NIELSON Toe·TRACEY BMNOl.1 .ItillJALS GDJ-GARY JOST RCW·ROBERT WUNDERLICH RWK-ROD KELLY o $0.00 65 34 53,922.92 2 38 $1 972.20 55 18 $1.674.00 2 I 115 S8717.15 2 peRSON IHOUR-S RATE: COST COST CODE GARYD.JOST KATMI D. MULLINS TRACY E. KNIERIM NEAl. E. HIGINBOTHAM RAYA. YOUNG IrEM UNli ACTUAL BILLABLE ITEM UNIT QUANTITY COST COST COST TEMP. PERSONNEL HOURS $$12.00 $0.00 $0.00 MIl.EAGE MILES 100 $0.30 $30.00 $30.00 AIRFARE 􀁔􀁒􀁉􀁾􀁓 $138.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOTel. I DAYS $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 CAR RENTAL DAYS $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 SUIiSISTIiNce DAYS o· $100.00 50.00 $0.00 R6PROCUCTION LS 1 5600,00 5500.00 5500.00 COMPUTER HOURS 80 $18.00 $1,440.00 $1.440.00 POST/FRTlMESSNGRIFAX LS 1 Jj]5.00 $75.00 $75.00 􀀭􀁾__􀁾􀁟􀀰􀀮􀀰􀀰 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO MISCELlANEOUS $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALcosr S;Z,045.00 $;Z,045.00 02/09/95 08:26 ( '5'214 490 9261 BARTON ASCHMAN 141 002/002 BARTON· ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. JOB ESTIMATE WORKSHEET suaCONSULTANT COSTS MULTIF'L.II;R 􀁁􀁾􀁾􀁌􀀮􀁉􀁅􀁄 TO SUBCONSULTANT COSTS" ....:... ACTUAL BILLABLE NAMe COST COST COUNiS $300.00 $300.00 SO.OO SO.OO 􀀭􀁾 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL COST $300.00 $300.00 iOiAL FEE ESTIMATEITEM COST COST STAFF COSTS $14.286.27 DIReCT EXPENSES $2.045.00 sueCONSUL.TANTS $300.00 SUBTOTAL $16.631.27 ADM CONTINGENCY $1.000.04 GISN CONilNGENCY $1 428.63 ACCOUNTING $357,16 TOTAl. $19,417.09 PROJECT COST SUMMARY GROSS PROFIT PRODUCED BAPROJECT COSTS S'l"AFF $17.072.09 $8251.51 􀀤􀀸􀀬􀁂􀁦􀁾 suaCONSULTANTS $$00.00 $$00.00 --'0,00 EXPENSES $2.045.00 $2.045.00 $0.00 BACONTRACT BUOGET