D 􀁾􀀠 ir a ...... 2:0 0• 3J 01 I\) -, 􀁾􀀠(;,) -N 0 0 W C} m 3: » 2 C} 􀁾􀀠::j --(j) » 2 C}..... m G) 0 il r-A• I _ \j ---"FFP-.... -,. ,-".... ..,,;.r.!)J!A. www.apwa.net September 18, 2003 James Pierce City of Addison Dept of Public Works PO Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 Dear James: Thank you for speaking at the 2003 American Public Works Association International Public Works Congress & Exposition in San Diego, California. Our goal to create a collaborative exchange of knowledge and information was achieved thanks to people like you. Your willingness to share your expertise contributed to making this year's conference a valuable learning experience for all. A summary of the participant evaluations for your session is enclosed. We hope that this feedback will assist you in measuring your effectiveness and in preparing for future presentations. Once again, thank you for your contribution to the success of the program. If you have any comments or suggestions about how we might better serve speakers at future APWA events, please contact me at kwilson@apwa.net Sincerely, Karen Wilson Education Program Manager P.S. DON'T FORGET THAT THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION FOR PROPOSALS TO SPEAK AT THE 2004 APWA CONGRESS IS SEPTEMBER 30. 2003! YOU MAY SUBMIT A PROPOSAL ONLINE BY VISITING http://www.apwa.netimeetings/congress/2004/CallforPresentations/speaker.asp. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SUBMISSION PROCESS, PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL AT (816) 472-6100. American Public. WVl'ks Associution 2345 Grand Boulevard, 􀁓􀁵􀁩􀁦􀁾􀀠sao Kansas. City, MO 64108-2641 p: (816) 472-6100 p: (BOO) S4S-APWA f: (Slb) 472-1610 14m K Street, NW. lIth Roor Wilmington, DC 2000S p; (202) 4{)3..9S41 f: (202; 406-9542 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIOENT Dwayne E. Knlynchllk, P,EuS' So.-nhlr eolls\.Iltanl 􀁓􀁬􀁩􀁬􀁮􀁴􀁾􀀧􀀨􀀠lrte. Edmonton, Albell;t PRESIDENT.ELECT ThfW'M' W, To-ke DlI«1m P{ lIIx«>MWn & Publl, Seov,tc Cllr of koyJI Oak. Mkhlg;>" PAST PRESIDENT UVUnl. Manning, P.E. l){m::(of 01 Pu!>lk Works CI:lIk County, Nev;xl" OIRECTOR • .REGION I .\_ TbomG.$ De Maio OJrn.'TI!\siol1t1r of Public WCIIM Town of lIrooIJI"e, 􀁍􀀻􀁬􀁓􀁳􀀻􀀬􀁣􀁨􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁬􀀠DIII.£CTOR, REGION II HOWIIN B. uF«ver, P.E., DEE i>rtmipal Sleamy &: WhdH; llC OuenQYlrr, 􀁎􀁾􀁷''!:Irk DIIlIiCTOIl. REGION If! lkIb l'fTudenthal Publk WOf AdJng1on. Tu;!S OIRKTOR. flEGJON VIII AnnBornett GollEmmro!41 Uahoo tor rnUte 1k'1I (tetlIN) Soln rugo. ('..lltfnm!.l DUtECTtm, AEGION IX Jad< N. PltUs,. P.E. Djl'!lctof of l'ublk Worts (mired) City or !'oJt ""srles, Wclll"8w" ENGINEEfllNG & 􀁔􀁅􀁃􀀱􀁩􀁎􀁑􀁾􀁑􀀨􀁩􀀧􀁴􀀧􀀠J()h.o. L Germnn. P.L Vlt'e 􀁲􀁦􀁥􀁬􀁬􀁤􀁾􀁮􀁴􀀠􀁾􀁬􀀢􀁉􀁤􀀠Dlm!cl Dlrector l'IIS&;J san ArUoolo, 􀀱􀁴􀁍􀁾􀀠ENVIRONMENTAL MANAG!MfN'T Chrlstlne F. Al!.dUUD, P,L Deputy City Man.lgil'! of Lovllolltn¢ntal 􀁾􀁣􀁳􀀠Clly of kculru-r, Colocado fLEET & fACIUTIES MAHAGEllEIf1 lru'ty W. Frevut, P.E. ACUlq:; OJI«1¢1 01 Public Wori.'S City of 􀁾􀁴􀁮􀀮􀁕Crty. Mlwruri l.alNl"CDtc Ii. Lux rrelkil>1'l1 LUll A<\\"I!IOrl. LTD P)alnfk!d, 􀁊􀀱􀁕􀁮􀀨􀀩􀀡􀁾􀀠TAANSPOm'AllOH It. '/Ifal'llhltll Ellu:... Jr., P.E., P.T.O.E. 􀁔􀁲􀀱􀀺􀁭􀁾􀁰􀁉􀁬􀁴􀁴􀁡􀀨􀀡􀀨􀁪􀁮􀀠􀁾􀁦􀁜􀀧􀁬􀁣􀁥􀁳􀀠􀁍􀁾􀁍􀁧􀁾􀀱􀀠􀁇􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁍􀁭􀀬􀀠Smllh Iii I'llrillfr.i Nasln1Ue. Tcnnesif'<.' Online Design Information, Bidding and Contracting Start attendees: 48 End attendees: 44 Total evaluations: 31 Speaker Poor Fair Good James Pierce 2 7% 9 31% 13 4p% Sherri Mcintyre 1 4% 3 11% 17 61% Alicia Nakamoto o 0% o 0% 18 62% Why did you choose to attend this session? Had no previous knowledge of the topic and wanted to learn something about it. Wanted to hear speaker because of his/her reputation and/or expertise Needed to know what the competition is doing in this program area Needed an update on the subject My employer/peers requested that I bring information back on this subject Other Session Content Stronglv Disagree 1 Did you learn something that you will be able to apply in your job? 0 0% Would you attend a session on this topic at next year's Congress? 0 0% Did the content match the description that was written in the program? 0 0% How likely would you attend a full-day workshop on this topic? 2 6% Comments -James Pierce should have slides to match handouts -Presentation did not flow; did not prepare before hand. Handouts did not match presentation -good topic, poor presentation. Disagree 2 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 4 13% Excellent Date: 8/27/2003 Time: 9:30:00 AM -10:45:00 AM Recommend Yes No 17 74% 6 26% 22 92% 2 8% 25 100% o 0% 17 Agree 4 55% Stronglv Agree 5 12 39% 16 52% 8 26% 22 73% 7 23% 9 29% 4 13% 5 7 11 10 15 8 1 2 2 7 1 12 17% 25% 38% 32% 3% 48% 26% 3% 6% Neutral 3 6% 23% 3% 39% -Jim's presentation was a little scattered hard to follow. Sherri's presentation was good but covered a Jot of territory, not quite focused on the advertised topic. -Slides in handout did not follow presentation. -seems that slide controller did not pracUce with speaker to know when to flip. 912312003 San Diego, CA, 2003 482 Page 1 of 1 Town of Addison, TX 1 History • Advertise in the newspaper • Fax bids • Call for quotes • Mail Bids • Copy/Mail Blueprints • Manual process tracked on local computers and file cabinets I How the Town of Addision did business before going online 2 Online Contracting and Procu rement Goals • Increase the competition for projects and bids • Create a level playing field for suppliers to work with the Town of Addison • Enhance web presence • Outsource vendor database maintenance • Minimize time spent on preparing and responding to bids and solicitations • Reduce costs associated with bidding process What were the goals of the Town of Addison when evaluating a system 3 Process to Electronic • Evaluate systems -Customized software solution • Too expensive • Too time consuming -In-house solution • IT time • Too expensive -DemandStar by Onvia • Complete solution at no cost to agency Walk through your evaluation when looking to go online 4 Decision-DemandStar • Automatic notification of bids and quotes to over 50,000 suppliers • Provide document fulfillment services -Reducing costs for blueprint reproduction as well as administrative time managing process • No cost to agency • Quick utilization of the system Why the Town of Addison signed on with DemandStar ·Automatic notification of bids and quotes to over 50,000 suppliers -Provide document fulfillment services -Reducing costs for blueprint reproduction as well as administrative time managing process ·No cost to agency ·Quick utilization of the system 5 Decision-DemandStar-con't • Ability to view plan holders -Date/time stamp -Method of distribution ie. downloaded, picked up • Automatic addenda notification • Online presence 24/7 -Contractors can go and download bid specs any time -Blueprints are available to view and purchase online • Simple, easy to use, browser-based technology -no software or significant training Reasons why you went with DemandStar. .. listed on slide -Ability to view planholders -Date/time stamp -Method of distribution ie. downloaded, picked up -Automatic addenda notification -Online presence 24/7 -Contractors can go and download bid specs any time -Blueprints are available to view and purchase online -Simple, easy to use, browser-based technology -no software or significant training 6 Bids Online Here's a screen shot of the Town of Addison's bid page and the page when you click on active bids to DemandStar 7 $ Saved by increasing competition 􀁾􀁩􀀼􀁈􀀠􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀧􀀢􀁉􀀠"...-.._--...-...-.-. ...-. 􀀽􀀺􀀺􀀢􀀻􀀧􀀺􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀷􀀧􀁾􀀢􀁲􀀢􀁾..,,""....., -,••". ,,>. .,.,...,,,. ._I!iUI7........􀁴􀁈􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀧􀀮 􀀩􀀠-J..... 􀁾􀁾􀀠....,...:.";w....."OI._, 􀁾􀀭. .... _,,-......--...,.--...,"'..,.......... "'.) 268 suppliers nolified, 5 plan holders, 3 repsonses High bid: $212,400 Low bid: 104,320 Varience: $108,0801 Here's an example of a bid that was broadcast on 6/27 Due 7115 Awarded 7/15 Posted all information online. If vendors want access to this public information, we tell them we've posted all of the information online. Significantly increased competition. We now have access to suppliers we didn't even know existed. Only the ones interested respond. So on this particular bid, we had 268 suppliers notified, 5 suppliers downloaded the bid and 3 planholders responded. As you can see on the awarded tab sheet, there was a variance of $108,080! This is a perfect example of why we are utilizing e-procurement. Bottomline, tax-payer dollars are saved and all of our purchasing information is public. 8 Questions 9 I( 'I P 􀁾􀀽􀁖􀁾􀀠􀁌􀁊􀁾􀀠r 􀁲􀁾􀁾􀀠tJ/lIA-/􀀯􀁵􀁶􀀭􀁾􀁲􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁉􀁉􀁾􀀠􀁦􀁲􀀭􀁾􀁲􀀭􀀷􀀠􀁗􀀩􀁬􀁤􀁾􀁽£J4 􀁾􀁦􀁫􀁬􀁾􀀠􀁾dUlL 􀁷􀁤􀀭􀁪􀀻􀀩􀀻􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 I "<--'1 ........... , 􀁊􀀱􀁊􀁴􀁾􀁅􀁃􀁈􀀠£)LJTI-liJe (JJ1-Li·)1t. 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(ldSi􀁒􀁥􀀭􀁾􀁩􀀲􀀵􀀧􀀱􀁳􀀠/eh--. 􀁴􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁬􀀧􀁻􀀻􀀻􀁊􀁲􀀮􀁾􀀠(IYt /uW-L ()Fl./L (1)1 􀀷􀀱􀁖􀀱􀁾􀀠rLjlJ-rutJJ.< tJ::-CetYl 􀁡􀁾􀁓􀁣􀀭􀀻􀀧􀀠.tCJt..{:;'v:rO,/--r!5, I T"A-e,-"-L i 5 tL 18ft) WIfe€, 􀁾4:... OkJk t.J1re I Please let me hear from you by the end of the week regarding the marketing statement and Wayne and Jim, we need more speaker's information details for you. Dick, we also need this for the IZOIC representative. Thanks, Larry Frevert -----Forwarded by Larry Frevert/pw/kcmo on 12/16/2002 10:27 AM ----"Jessica Reeves II To: cc: Subject: Congratulations! Your 2003 APWA Congress 12/16/2002 09:49 AM Proposal was Accepted TO: Larry Frevert Congratulations! Your proposal "On-Line Design Information, Bidding and ContractinglJ'has been selected to be presented at APWA's International Public Works Congress « Exposition, August 24-27, 2003in San Diego, CA. It was assigned to the APWA database as482. In all future contacts with us, please use this database code. REQUIRED ACTION: 1. Please review the marketing paragraph below. This was written based on the information you submitted in you proposal and will be included in the marketing materials for the 2003 Congress. Our goal was to be as brief as possible and still be true to the content and context of your session. By this Friday, December 􀀲􀀰􀁾􀀠2002 --please email kwilson@apwa.netindicating your agreement with the marketing description of your session. (Please note: your session title may have been shortened or changed to better reflect the content of your session. Also, the date and time of the session is subject to change. We apologize if your session time is shorter than you'd requested; we have a limited number of longer time frames available. ) # 482 On-Line Design Information, Bidding and Contracting 2 l)t'tr 􀁰􀀭􀁵􀁲􀁾􀁉􀀧􀀱􀀠􀁤􀀱􀁙􀁦􀁮􀁾􀀿􀁊􀀭aisrr tlQS lJerrulN/􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾edt t?t-􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁪􀁊􀀱􀁦􀀺􀁊􀀠􀀮􀁾􀀧􀁔􀁣􀁾􀁰􀀭􀁵􀁾􀁾􀁳􀀠'-fflM... 􀁾-h-􀁹􀁜􀁾􀀬􀀠 􀁾􀁥􀁊􀁬􀀮􀁩􀀯􀀩􀀻􀀮􀁳􀀠tw-􀁡􀁲􀁾􀀠flti--eresf- e£ In tb-tr 􀁾􀀧􀁩􀁴􀀱􀀢􀀵􀀮􀁪􀀠w/l--( 􀁾􀀠􀀾􀁾􀁙􀁬􀀠(il1cJu..c/t5 􀁾􀁲􀀧􀀵􀀠􀁡􀁍􀁾􀀯􀁦􀀱􀀧􀀨􀀩􀁦􀀧􀁬􀁬􀁹􀀠􀁦􀁩􀀻􀀢􀁍􀁓􀀩􀁾􀀠u.-r ,In-f/.-.L $.er III G e, To 􀁾n.o-h H ,e.i! a.bc-d-ttlJ e.tf 􀁾􀀠etc:ful 􀀨􀁾􀀠IYJ 'J) 􀁾1lf/5 4u"fJ U$-/5 $ 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀠/1:;r 'tic 􀁉􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁾􀁫􀀠sNiL of:--/-e..X;t:t.S C&sfs 􀁾Ii 5'tJO/tf'Art.. 􀀱􀁊􀀮􀁥􀁾􀁦􀁲􀀵􀀠􀁾􀁾t--k 􀁴􀀺􀀮􀁡􀁙􀁬􀀱􀁾􀁉􀀧􀀧􀁴􀀠􀁌􀁯􀁤� �􀁨􀀵􀀠((,'kfl 'J 􀁉􀁾􀀠􀁣􀀮􀁯􀀭􀁾􀀩􀀠􀁾􀁲􀀠fk "" '.:.-, :' ?'. .. 􀁾􀀠) '(' Bid Name 09-20,1nwood/SouthQuorun1'Access phase,II:Inwood'eonnection Bid Status Under'Evah.ia'tion Bid Status Text None Award To Award Amount Due Date/Time 6/10/2003 Broadcast Date 5/16/2003 Bid Bond 5% Pian (blueprint) Agency distributing plansDistribution Options Distribution Method Mail Order Only Distributed By Agency Plans can be picked up from Purchasing Office or be requested for Distribution Notes shipment if FedEx or Airborne Express account number is provided. This project consists of providing paving, storm sewer, and Scope of Work signalization improvements as shown on the plans and in accordance with the specifications. Legal 􀁁􀁤􀀮􀁖􀀺􀁩􀁅􀁾􀀬􀁩􀀠http: //www.demandstar.comlbuyerlbidslBid_ Detail.asp? ]U=%2Fbuyer%2Fbids%2FDefau... 7/2/2003 Bid Details -DemandStar by Onvia Page 2 of3 Please select either the View 􀁾button to 􀁾legal ad. Pre-Bid Conference MANDATORY May 28,2003 2:00PM Service Center 16801 Westgrove Dr Addison, TX 75001 Publications Northwest Morning News 5/16/2003 Northwest Morning News 5/23/2003 --.Documents EDIT l Bid Package 03-20 addendum 1 (35 Pages, Complete) Award 03-20 bid tab (1 Page, Complete) Commodity Codes ARC-912-23 -Construction, General (Backfill Services, Digging, Ditching, Road Grading, Rock Stabilization, etc.) ARC-913-13 -Construction, Bridge and Drawbridge (Includes Reconstruction/Rehabilitation) ARC-913-27 -Construction, Highway and Road ARC-913-45 -Construction, Sewer and Storm Drain ARC-913-50 -Construction, Street (Major and Residential) (Includes Reconstruction) ARC-913-95 -Paving/Resurfacing, Highway and Road ARC-913-96 -Paving/Resurfacing, Street (Major and Residential) ARC-914-00 -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, TRADE (NEW CONSTRUCTION) ARC-909-00 -BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, NEW SRV-968-42 -GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Statistics Planholders There gre47 planholders this bid Broadcast Ust 765 suppliers have beS!nnotified Supplemental JtS!!l2l2lemental Sup{;!liers 􀁾􀀠':7.: No 􀁗􀁾􀀠􀁾tJ 􀁾􀀠"",Sf 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾 ·.«RetUrn·· http://www.demandstar.com!buyerlbidslBid_ DetaiLasp? ]U=%2Fbuyer%2Fbids%2FDefau... 7/212003 􀁴􀁵􀁾􀀠􀀱􀀮􀁁􀁦􀁾􀀠& '. ·.kr 􀁾􀁾􀀠{3J tTL 􀁲􀁾􀀬􀀠1J.e. 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Sherri McIntyre has agreed to provide some coordination to the list and I have left my name on since an Izoic -InfoLink speaker isn1 t possible. This group of presenters will visit further by phone or e-mail closer to Congress time and 1'11 either have a presentation part or I will narrate. Session Title: On-Line Design Information, Bidding and Contracting Speaker Information: Sherri McIntyre, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Kansas City, MO Public Works Department 19th Floor -City Hall, 414 E. 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106 P: 816.513.2588 F: 816.513.2572 sherri_mcintyre@kcmo.org Gord Mac Millan DiIector of District Engineering Services Technical Services Division Works and Emergency Services Department City of Toronto 55 John Street Station 1180, 16th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6 P: 416.392.8412 F: 416.392.8410 gmacmill@toronto.ca Jim Pierce, 􀁐􀀮􀁅􀁾􀀠Assistant Director Addison Public Works Department P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 P: 972.450.2879 F: 972.450.2837 jpierce@ci.addison.tx .lls Larry 􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁴􀁦􀀠P.E. Acting Directol: Kansas City, MO Public Works Department 20th Floor City Hall 414 E. 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106 p: 816.513.2618 F: 816.513.2615 􀁬􀁡􀁲􀁲􀁹􀁟􀁦􀁲􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁴􀁀􀁫􀁣􀁭􀁯􀁾􀁯􀁲􀀹􀀠1 Go to this web site to obtain: Audio Visual Equipment Request Form Roundtable Submission Form Information on how to prepare handouts and the deadline for submission Information about APWA, the Congress audience, and how to prepare your presentation Congress Registration 􀁾􀀠a speaker at the conference, you must still register as an attendee. Specially coded "Speaker" registration forms will be included in the Congress Preview sent to you in the postal mail. It is important that you use only the specially coded form in the Registration Database. so that we may identify you as a speaker If you are ... Attending only on the day of your presentation: If you are the conference only for the day of your presentation, your attending registration is complimentary. You still must complete a registration form so that you are entered into the conference database to receive a name badge. You must use the specially coded "Speaker" registration form in order to receive this complimentary offer. Attending the entire Congress: If, however, you are attending the entire conference, you will need to pay the entire registration fee. APWA does not apply single-day compensation against full registration fees. Registering as an Exhibitor: If your company is registering you as an Exhibitor's Representative, you do not have to register using the "Speakerll registration form. Just notify me by email and we'll make sure that both the speaker and exhibitor codes are noted in the database. To register... Use the Speaker Registration Form mailed to you with your Congress Preview. Download the Speaker Registration Form from our Online Congress Speaker Information center at: http://www.apwa.net/Meetings /Congress/2003/SpeakerInfo/.print it out, and fax it to APWA. COMING SOON: In the next few weeks, we will have online registration available for Congress Speakers! Check the Online Congress Speaker Information Center at: http://www.apwa.net/Meetings/Congress/2003/SpeakerInfo/. for the latest updates! Hotel/Airline Reservations Information about about discounted airline reservations and hotels are included in the Congress Preview. You are directly responsible for your travel expenses; APWA does not cover them. Please make your hotel reservation early, as premium hotel space goes quickly. If You Must Cancel Information about your presentation will be included in marketing materials and the Final Congress Program. Registrants expect and look forward to your presentation. If at any time you become unable to honor your commitment to participate, please notify Karen Wilson ( kwilson@apwa.net). You will be asked to recruit a replacement speaker to assume your commitment. Please contact me if you have any questions. We are looking forward to your presentation! Jessica Reeves 3 American Public Works Association 2003 International Public Works Congress & Exposition August 24-27, 2003 -San Diego, CA PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR AGREEMENT TO BE A SPEAKER AT THE 2003 APWA INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS & EXPOSITION. Just click "REPLY" and send a return email toJessicaReeves(jreeves@apwa.net) indicating your agreement to speak AND that the contact information listed below is correct. Speaker Confirmation: Your name has been submitted as a speaker for the 2003 APWA International Public Works Congress & Exposition scheduled for August 24-27, 2003 in San Diego, 􀁃􀁁􀁾􀀠Please review the information below and check to make sure that we have correct and complete contact information for 􀁹􀁯􀁵􀁾􀀠This email also includes the following information: The title, date, and time of your presentation The web address of the Online Congress Speaker Information Center where you may obtain information about submission of the AV Request Form; deadline for handout submission, submission of Roundtable Session ideas, information about APWA. Speaker Information: Name: Mr. Larry W. Frevert Title: Acting Director of Public Works Company/Agency: City of Kansas City Address: 20th FI, City Hall, 414 E 12th St, Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: (816) 513-2618 Fax: (816) 513-2615 Email: 1arry_frevert@kcmo.org If this contact information is incorrect, please make the needed changes before clicking "REPLyn and confinning your agreement to be a 􀁳􀁰􀁥􀁡􀁫􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠Also, be sure to notify us if you have any address or email address changes in the corning months. Deadline reminders and other communication will be sent to you by email so it is essential that we have the correct information about you. Presentation Schedule: Session Title: Online Design Information, Bidding and Contracting Database Code: 482 **please refer to this database code in all communications about this session Speaker(s): Mr. James C. Pierce Jr., Mr. Gordon MacMillan, Mrs. Sherri K. McIntyre , Mr. Larry W. Frevert, Date: 8/27/2003 Time: 9:30:00 AM -10:45:00 AM Location: San San Diego Convention Centerl 111 West Harbor Drive¥ San Diego, CA 92101 If the list of speakers is not complete, please forward the additional narne(s) in your reply to this email. If there are other speakers in your presentation, be sure to communicate with them as you plan your presentation to ensure that your topics do not overlap and that you meet the required 􀁴􀁩􀁭􀁥􀁦􀁲􀁡􀁭􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠Online Congress Speaker Information Center APWA has set up an Online Congress Speaker Information Center at: http://www.apwa.net/Meetlngs/Congress/2003/Speakerlnfo/2 Jim Pierce From: Sent: To: Subject: LarIY_Frevert@kcmo.org Wednesday, March 12, 2003 5:27 PM SherrLMclnlyre@kcmo.org; gmacmill@toronto.ca; jpierce@ci.addison.tx.IlS Re: Session 482 Speaker Confirmation -APWA 2003 Congress Sherri, Gord and Jim, I'm sorry but the scheduling doesn't work out for me to participate in the congress session, scheduled for Wednesday morning. Some time ago, I had spoken with Sherri about taking the lead on the session and she agreed. Sherri, sorry to dump this in your lap but looks like its yours! Larry -----Forwarded by Larry Frevert/pw/kcmo on 03/12/2003 05:25 PM ----Larry Frevert Acting Director of To: "Jessica ReevesH Public Works cc: Voice: Subject: Re: Session 482 Speaker Confirmation -APWA 816.513.2618 2003 Congress(Document link: Larry Frevert) Fax: 816.513.2615 03/12/2003 05:24 PM Jessica, I see the session I put together as an engineering and technology committee guaranteed session is scheduled on Wednesday morning which conflicts with the board meeting I am scheduled to attend. My original thought was to serve as narrator for this session since Sherri McIntyre of our staff is also a participant. I had spoken with Sherri some time ago and she agreed to be the "lead person" for this session. Based on the conflict with the board meeting, I feel I must pullout of the session but I'm sure the three other committed speakers, Gord McMillan and Jim Pierce plus Sherri will do an excellent job. Larry Frevert "Jessica Reeves" To: cc: Subject: Session 482 Speaker Confirmation -APWA 2003 03/12/2003 08:45 AM Congress 1 1 of4 􀁾cJtllo-1Iq-OI 􀁛􀁾􀀠-. 􀁾􀁦􀀧􀁬􀁜􀁇􀀧􀀱􀂷􀁜􀀫􀀱􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁰􀁾􀀱􀁣􀁙􀀵􀀱􀀠[;Jw-L Ar 1::-PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT NOW, PRINT IT, U?-ff17' 􀁾􀀠AND BRING IT WITH YOU TO CONGRESS! 1fJb--h 􀁾􀀠V Dear 2003 Congress Speaker I Moderator: The 2003 APWA International Public Works Congress and Exposition in San Diego, California is only two weeks awayl Here are a few last minute details aimed at ensuring that your Congress experience is all smooth sailing I Hotels: Please send an email to ldefenbaugh@apwa.net and tell us which hotel you are staying at. Hotel Shuttles Hours: Saturday, August 23: 6:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m.; Sunday, August 24: 6:30 a.m. ·7:30 p.m.; Monday, August 25: 6:30 a.m. -6:30 p.m.; Tuesday, August 26: 6:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m.; Wednesday, August 27: 6:30 a.m .. 1:00 p.m. The conference is being held at the San Diego Convention Center (SDCC), located at 111 W. Harbor Drive. APWA will have free shuttle busses running between the downtown hotels in APWA's room block and the convention center. The shuttle will be running from these hotels: Bristol, Clarion, Embassy Suites, Horton Grand, Sheraton Suites, US Grant, Westgate and Westin Horton Plaza. For those of you staying at either the Marriott or the Manchester Grand Hyatt, the convention center is a short walking distance away. Conference Badge If you pre· registered for the conference, your name badge is being mailed to you and should arrive sometime this week. Stop by the registration counter located on the ground floor (street Level) of the San Diego Convention Center (SDCC) to pick up your full registration packet. If you have not pre·registered, stop by the registration counter to pick your name badge. Remember, the three options for speaker registration are: • Attending full conference: Must pay registration fee for entire conference. • Attending conference on day of presentation pLus one more day: Must pay one·day registration fee -or· pLus two days, must pay two·day fee. • Attending only on day of presentation: No registration fee will be charged, but must still fill out forms to obtain a registration badge. Jim Pierce From: Karen Wilson [kwilson@APWA.NEn Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 20034:36 PM To: Jim Pierce Subject: RE: Session 462 Online Design Information, Bidding and Contracting We already have. Laura Defenbaugh from APWA staff confirmed all this information with her yesterday. Thank you again for coming up with the good idea of inviting a rep from Onvia to speak. See you in San Diego! Karen Wilson Project Manager -Educ. Dept. American Public Works Association 2345 Grand Ave, Ste 500 Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 472-6100 phone (816) 472-0406 fax kwilson@apwa.net 2003 International Congress & Exposition The Best Show in Public Works! August 24-27, 2003 San Diego, CA -----Original Message----From: Jim Pierce [mailto:jpierce@ci.addison.tx.usj Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 4:32 PM To: Karen Wilson Subject: RE: Session 482 Online Design Information, Bidding and Contracting Karen: Will you take care of getting all of the meeting info to Alicia including her need to register, etc.? Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 -----Original Message----From: Karen Wilson [mailto:kwilson@APWA.NET] Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 9:12 AM To: Jim Pierce; sherri 􀁭􀁣􀁩􀁮􀁴􀁹􀁲􀁥􀁀􀁫􀁣􀁭􀁯􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁧􀀻􀀠anakamo@onvia.com Cc: larry 􀁦􀁲􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁴􀁀􀁫􀁣􀁭􀁯􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁧􀀻􀀠Laura Defenbaugh Subject: Session 482 Online Design Information, Bidding and Contracting Hello: Ever Fitch from Onvia has notified us that the individual representing their company as a speaker will be Alicia Nakamoto, so your speaker panel is now complete. We encourage you to contact each other to coordinate the order in which you will speak, how much time you will each take, etc. Also, if all of you plan to use PowerPoint, I remind you that APWA supplies only the LCD projector and not the computer. Therefore, we recommend that speakers get together before the session and load all of your PowerPoint presentations on to one computer. That way you save time in not having to hook-up a new computer between each 1 presentation. Here's contact information for each of you to facilitate your communication: Alicia Nakamoto, Director of Government Agency Partners, Onvia TEL: 206-373-9013 EMAIL: anakamo@onvia.com Sherri McIntyre, Assistant City Engineer, City of Kansas City, MO TEL: (816) 513-2588 EMAIL: sherri mcintyre@kcmo.org James Pierce, Assistant Director of Public Works, Town of Addison, TX TEL: (972) 450-2879 EMAIL: jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us If you have questions for APWA staff, please don't hesitate to contact me or Laura Defenbaugh (ldefenbaugh@apwa.net). See you in San Diego! Karen Wilson Project Manager -Educ. Dept. American Public Works Association 2345 Grand Ave, Ste 500 Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 472-6100 phone (816) 472-0406 fax kwilson@apwa.net 2003 International Congress & Exposition The Best Show in Public Works! August 24-27, 2003 San Diego, CA "This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, printing, or use of this information is strictly prohibited and possibly a violation of federal or state law and regulations. If you have received this information in error, please delete it and notify Hamid Khaleghipour at 972-450-2868 immediately. Thank you." 2 Dema. lune 3, 2003 DemandStar Changes New Document Fulfillment Partner We are pleased to announce the new partnership with Plan Express for our document fulfillment. There are several exciting aspects that make up this partnership: • Free Federal Express shipping from the agency to Plan Express -you will no longer have to send hardcopy blueprints to Seattle. • The ability to upload electronic Autocad files-this file format is .plt. • The ability for vendors to separate their orders, so they can download the bid specifications and mail order the hardcopy blueprints. There has been a change in the reproduction fee. It is now $.10 per page for 8"xll" sheets of paper and $2.00 per page for hard copy blueprints. NOTE: Please remember to attach the transmittal letter to every set of blueprints that you send to Plan Express. This will ensure a faster turn around time since Plan Express has the information to match the blueprints with the correct bid. Document Download Fee As of April 16th, BaSic Suppliers (those suppliers that are not members of DemandStar) are being charged a $5 administrative fee to download bid specifications. Vendors can still view bid details for free, but if they want to download the actual bid specification, they will be charged this $5 fee. It is a one-time only charge per bid. If there are other documents associated with the bid i.e. attachments, addenda, bid tabulations, etc, the vendor will be able to download those at no charge. NIGP Commodity Codes Do you need help finding the right commodity codes for your bid or quote? Feel free to contact Agency Services and we can help you with finding the best codes for your project. Agency Advisory Board Meeting In March, we hosted the First Annual Agency Advisory Board meeting. Chairpersons from each User Group were invited to attend a two-day meeting to discuss the DemandStar system. Users provided a list of requested enhancements for Bidwire, Quotewire and the general system and then prioritized the enhancements. Many of the enhancements will be be delivered in Q3 and Q4 of 2003. Users said that they would like a longer lead-time in the notification of major changes to the system, especially those that impact their vendors. We have agreed with this statement and will provide three to four weeks of lead time. All AAB members agreed that there needs to be more agencies using the system and in turn, get more vendors signed up as subscribers. "The more agencies you have in the system, the more vendors you will get, giving more satisfaction to all those involved." We are doing this by attending trade shows and looking at different marketing opportunities for both vendors and agencies. New Agencies in the DemandStar Network: • The Housing Authority of the City of Fort Pierce, FL • Town of Waterford, CT • City of New Haven, CT • St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport Authority, FL • Miami County, KS • Healthcare District of Palm Beach County, FL • City of Deland, FL Onvia Year-end Results Finishing a year of record revenue growth, Onvia has firmly established itself as the leader in publishing customized government bid opportunities. Revenue from operations in 2002 grew 138% to $7.2 million and total cash receipts grew 116% to $8.2 million. "We are very proud of our performance in 2002, our first full year of business-to-government operations," stated Clayton lewis, President and Chief Operating Officer. "We distributed over 300,000 unique opportunities to bid on government goods and services to our 25,000 subscribers. Generating revenue growth of 138%, year-over-year, while many businesses have been negatively impacted by the slow national economy, demonstrates the high value businesses place on our service." "The partnerships we have with many of the nation's premier government agencies provide valuable opportunities for our business customers," continued Clayton Lewis. Help us build the DemandStar Network! We need your help in passing the word along to other agencies that may be interested in the benefits of the DemandStar system. If we can get three new agencies in your area to begin using the DemandStar system within a threemonth time period, we will provide free on-site training and conduct a free vendor fair! Call us at 1-800-331-5337 if you would like to discuss this or if you know of agendes that you would like us to contact. We are here to help you! Tell us about your experiences using our system. We want to hear from you! Please call Agency Services at 1-800-3315337, e-mail us at agencyservices@onvia.com, or fax us at (206) 373-9008. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern time/6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific time. Agency Services Team To help serve your needs better, please contact the Agency Services Team. The people you see below will be able to help you in an efficient and professional manner. " Madeleine Grant, E-procurement Constultant ext. 54872; mgrant @onvia.com " Enver Fitch, , E-procurement Constultant, ext. 39446; efitch@onvia.com " Karen Christianson, Agency Services Manager, ext. 39642; karen@onvia.com " Greg Spearman, CPPO, Director of Agency Relations, 770-883-2908; gregs@onvia.com " Alida Nakamoto, Director of Agency Partners, ext. 39013; anakamoto@onvia.com NOTE: Madeleine Grant will be out on medical leave for the month of June. If you· have any questions, please free to contact anyone else in Agency Services. © 2003 Oovia. IlIc i Bid Details -DemandStar by Onvia Page 1 of2 user: Suh, Minok organization: Town of Addison I Logout I Help My DemandStar Buyers Account Info Log Bid [View Bids] Log Quote View Quotes Supplier Search Reverse Auctions Build Broadcast List Bid Details Bid Information E.DITl Agency Town of Addison Bid Type Request for Bid Bid Number RFB-03-19-0-2003/MS Bid Year 2003 Bid Writer Minok Suh Bid Name 03-19 Arapaho Phase III Demolition Bid Status Awarded Bid Status Text None Award To Fast Forward Demolition Award Amount Due Date/Time 6/10/20032:00 PM Central Broadcast Date 5/16/2003 Bid Bond 5% Plan (blueprint) Agency distributing plansDistribution Options Distribution Method Download and Mail Distributed By Agency Plans can be picked up Purchasing Office, 5350 Belt Line Rd, Addison, TX 75254.Distribution Notes Plans can be requested if you provide Fed Ex or Airborne Express Account Number along with physical mailing address. General Building Demolition, Pavement Removal, Grading, Adn Scope of Work Restoration as shown on the plans and in accordance with these specifications. Legal Ad http://www.demandstar.comlbu yerlbidslBid _ Detail.asp? _ RF= 1 &]U=%2Fbuyer%2Fbids%... 7/2/2003 Bid Details· DemandStar by Onvia Page 2 of2 Please select either the View or Edit button to manage legal ad. Pre-Bid Conference MANDATORY May 29,2003 9:00AM Service Center 16801 Westgrove Dr Addison, TX 75001 Publications Northwest Morning News 5/16/2003 Northwest Morning News 5/23/2003 Documents -.. .EDITl Bid Package 03-19 addendum 1 (8 Pages, Complete) Award 03-19 bid tab (1 Page, Complete) Commodity Codes ARC-912-40 . Demolition Services SRV-968-32 -DEMOLITION Statistics Planholders There are 18 planholders thi.s...pid Broadcast List 362 suppliers have been notified Supplemental 0 Surmlemental Supplierll Suppliers Filtered No « Return Onvla.com.lnc. (e} 1997M 20Q3 DemandStar byOnvia, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.demandstar.comlbuyerlbi dslBid_Detail.asp?_RF=l&]U=%2Fbuyer%2Fbids%... 71212003 No more than ono Moderator and lour Spoakers may participate in any prosentation. Speakers Do not list IndMduals as speakers unless you have definite commitment that they will appear with you on the program. No more than four speakers may partidpate In any presentation. 1 Speaker Name Ms. Sherri McIntyre TlUe Assistant City Engineer Agency/Compeny Kansas City, MO Public Works Department Address 19th Floor -City Hall, 414 E. 12m Street City Kansas City State/Prov MO Zip/Postal 64 106 Phone 816.513.2588 Fax 816.513.2572 E·mail sherri _mcintyre@kcmo.org 2 Speaker Name Wayne Green Title Director of Quality Control and System Planning Agency/Company Toronto Division ofWater and Waste Water Address City State/PraY Zip/Postal Phone Fax E-mail wgreen@city.Toronto.on.ca 3 Speaker Name Jim Pierce Title Assistant Director Agency/Company Addison Public Works Department Address City State/Proy Zip/Postal Phone Fax Proposals must bo submittod by Soptombor 30. 2002 essage Page 3 of4 =rom: Karen Christianson [mailto:kchristianson@onvia.com] ;ent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 3:09 PM iubjea: Important DemandStar Product Update )ear Agency Member, '\s you know, DemandStar was built bypurchasing professionals,jor purchasing professionals. Keeping true to that lictum, we continue to enhance the DemandStar product based on your valuable feedback. '\t our first Agency Advisory Board meeting in March 2003, the hoard members prioritized these enhancements ,uggested by our regional user groups. They are as follows: • Contact information to the planholder list -the company names on the planholder list now have a hyperlink that you can click on to view the full vendor information such as address, phone number and email address. This link will only appear for the agency users. • Provide the abifity to award a bid to multiple vendors' ifyou have a formal bid you would like to award to more than one vendor you now have the ability to do so. By default we provide room to award a bid to three vendors but you can add as many additional award fields as needed. This additional award information will also be included in the online bid report. • New State field in the search parameter· when using the Advanced Search function on the View Bids screen, you can now search for bids in a particular state. Example -You can view all Active bids in the State ofFlorida. • New default sort order -the planholder list and broadcast list will now automatically default to show vendors listed alphabetically by company name. In your Account Info tab, user names will also be in alphabetical order. Additionally, you can sort all three ofthese lists in any order you wish by clicking on the colunm header you wish to sort by. This will help you find information quickly, especially when you have a large number ofplanholders or DemandStar account users. • New 3rd party document distribution option -When logging a bid, in the section called Distributed By, you can now indicate that a 3rd party will be handling the document distribution. After selecting the 3rd Party Distribution option please enter the name ofthe 3rd party as well as the email address where document orders should be sent. Once an order has shipped please remember to add that vendor to the planholders list to ensure they receive automatic notification ofany important armouncements relating to the bid. • New document types -Several new document types added for Active bids and bids Under Evaluation; • Active • Sign-in Sheet -no notice is sent out to planholders • Clarification -notice is sent out to planholders in same marmer as addenda (fax plus email notification) • Revision -notice is sent out to planholders in same marmer as addenda (fax plus email notification) • Notice ofDelay -notice is sent out to planholders in same marmer as addenda (fax plus email notification) • Under Evaluation • Notice ofIntent • ShortList • Recommendation ofAward -no longer combined with Award • Award Document -no longer combined with Recommendation ofAward • Copy change to Bid Year -any place that you see Bid Year, it will now read Fiscal year. This will help to differentiate between the calendar year and your fiscal year. • New Field for Project Estimate -this is a not a required field, but ifyou would like to document your project estimate, you can now do so. You can also choose whether you would like your vendors to view 512004 Jim Pierce From: DemandStar by Onvia [Onvia@onvia.rsc02.com] Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 11 :04 AM To: Jim Pierce Subject: FYI -Supplier Newsletter 􀁄􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁀􀁮􀁤􀁓􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀿􀀺􀀮􀀢􀀠 􀁾􀁔􀁏􀁎􀁶􀁩􀁁􀀠 HOME ABOUT US CONTACT US 􀁈􀁯􀁭􀁥􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁤􀀮􀁾􀁥􀁣􀁵􀁲􀁩􀁴􀁶􀀠Update: Funding Emer.gency Responders America's first line of defense In any terrorist attack is the Hfirst responder" community -local police, firefighters, and emergency medical professionals. Properly trained and equipped first responders have the greatest potential to save Bves and limit casualties after a terrorist attaCk. As part of the overall homeland security effort, the federal budget to fund emergency responders is $27 billion for five years beginning in 2004. Spending by state and local governments for similar initiatives during the same period is estimated to be at least $50 billion. The funding will help pay for new eqUipment, training and other costs required to Implement local anti-terrorism plans. Onvia will publish many of the the public bids and RFPs related to these projects. More Outsourcing Update: Union Opposition Under the Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act, federal officials must determine what jobs in their agencies can be done by commercial businesses, and thus potentially be opened to public/private competition. To date, 850,000 positions/or 530ft) of the government's dllilian workforce, have been identified as performing commercial work. More IT Update: Cooperative Purchasing Recent rulings in the Federal Register allow state and local governments to now purchase information technology products and services from federal schedule contracts, giving the green light to the practice known as cooperative purchasing. More 􀁾􀁯􀁭􀁰􀁡􀁮􀁹􀀠Profile: 􀁐􀁲􀁯􀁦􀁥􀁳􀁳􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁡􀁌􀁾􀀢􀀬􀁲􀁶􀁩􀁣􀁥􀀠Industries, Inc;, Headquarters: Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois September 2003 Annual Two for 􀁏􀁲􀁬􀁾..$ale is here If you've ever considered jncreasing the number of leads you receive, now is the time to call (800) 711-1712. This month, DemandStar by Onvia subscribers can add two countiesr metros, states or regions to their DemandStar subscription for the price of one. More 􀁐􀁲􀁧􀀮􀁧􀀮􀁾􀁣􀁴􀀠SUrvey: Interested in more 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁡􀁬􀀠p-rojects? Onvi. will soon be an exclUSive provider of opportunities from federal agencies for products and services under $25,000. These contracts are not available through FedBizOpps/Commerce Business Daily. More pocument Fulfillment: Ptan Rq.Qxns are open! In the past five months, Onvia has created more than 300 plan rooms for DemandStar vendors. These plan rooms allow you to view project plans and blueprints and then select which documents you want to order online. More 9/2212003 Connectmg business to government opportunities DemandStar Agency Update August 13, 2003 Volume 03, Issue 8 Join Us 􀁦􀁯􀁲􀁾􀁾􀁡􀁴NIGP Planning to attend the NIGP Annual Forum in Nashville? Come by and visit uS in booths 821 & 823. Say hello to Jim, Clayton, Alicia, and Karen, and register to win a Weber Q Grill. 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁑􀀠Pol1able Gas Grill at NIGPI And don1 lorgetto stop by our open house reception on Tuesday, August 19'h from 6-8 pm In the Cheekwood Room at the Gaylord Opryland Resort. Appetizers and drinks will be provided. We hope to see you there! NEW on DemandStar: Online Reporting You asked for it, you got It! DemandStar now offers do-it· yourself online reporting. To run an activity report, click on the new "Reports" option under the Buyers tab and choose one of the following options: BId Activity Report View monthly bid activity by specific bid status. Report also includes year-Ioodate data. Quote Activity Report View monthly quote activity by quote status. Report also includes year-to- Madeleine Grant, E-procurement Consultant, 206-373-9022; mqrant@onvia.com }> Enver Fitch, , E-procurement Consultant, 206-373-9446; efitch@onvia.com }> Karen Christianson, Agency Services Manager, 206-373-9642; karen@onvia.com }> lim Owens, Director of Agency Relations, 513-252-5553; iowens@onvia.com }> Alicia Nakamoto, Director of Agency Partners, 206-373-9013; anakamoto@onvia.com SALES REPRESENTATIVES ISSUES & TRENDSLAURElMETZ Midwest/Southeast Sales Manager 6151 Powers Ferry Road NW Atlanta GA30339·Z941 Tel. 770.343.9019 Fax. 913.514.9055 E·mail: Imetz@primediabusiness.com Alabama Arkansas Mississippi Missouri Michigan Minnesota Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Ohio Tennessee Wisconsin KAREN LETTERMAN . Northeast Sales Manager 468 Valley Road Fairfield CT 06825 Tel. 203,365.0684 Cell. 203.895.4285 Fax. 203.373.7381 E·mail: kletterman@primediabusiness.com Connecticut Pennsylvania Delaware Rhode Island Maine South Carolina Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Virginia New Jersey Washington, DC New York WestVirginia North Carolina Ontario, Canada Quebec,Canada .j ALICIA ROBLEDO Western Sales Manager 90 Hawaii Drive Aliso Viejo CA 92656 Tel. 949.360.0669 Fax.913,514,6907 E-mail: arobledo@primediabusiness,com Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Kansas Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon South Dakota Texas Utah Washington Wyoming Alberta, Canada British Columbia, Canada Manitoba, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada tially invest in the project at the time, New Port Richey does nor pay any Zaben says. However, consrrucrion of rees to use the system. Instead, the the facility, much of which is located system charges subscription fees to underground, began in earnest last vendors who want to receive project summer. The Northshore Urility Disnotifications from government agen 􀁾􀀠triet, a water and sewer utility that cies. The fees depend on the number serves more than 60,000 residents of of government agenCies in the geo 􀁾􀀠King County, paid for the facility'S roof graphical area from which the Venin exchange for use of the plant. dors choose to receive notifIcations. -Stephen Ursery Vendors can receive notifications from government agencies in individual PuRCHASING counties, metro areas, states, regions or the entire nation. City reaches more The service allows governments to post bid application documents on thevendors with Web site so that vendors can download online bid service them, but New Pott Richey chooses In an effort to increase the pool nOt to do so. (Acrobat Reader software of vendors for government contracts, is required to both POSt and download New Port Richey, Fla., has begun using the documents.) Instead, intef!'sted an online bid notification system. The parties are instructed 'to contact the online system supplements the city's city directly. "I like to screen the ventraditional methods of soliciting bids, dors a bit, see that rhey're serious about which limited opportunities to local the project and figure out exactly what vendors. meir capabilities are/I Brewer says. If Until recently, the city the conversation proves only advertised projects satisfactory, the dty will up ror contract by runThe online send the vendor the necning notices in the St. essary documents.service has Petersburg TImes newsBecause New Port paper and by placing yielded some Richey began using the bulletins on an 􀁩􀁮􀁦􀁯􀁲􀁭􀁡􀁾􀀠service at the first of thepositivetion board in City HalL yeat, its impact is hard However, the Finance response for to determine. Brewer Department wanted to says. But. the servicethe city. make sure it was 􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁣􀁨􀁾􀀠has yielded some positive ing the broadest possible -response for the city. As audience and getting the of mid-May, the city was best possible deals, says roughly two weeks away Kathleen Brewer, purchasing specialist from a deadline for vendors to bid . lOr New Port Richey. on a contract to provide a portable .In January, the city ofapproximately diesel generator lOr the Public Works 16,000 residents began to post inforDepartment. At that point, about 15 mation about projects up for bid on the subscribers to the online service had Web site of Seattle-based DemandStar contacted New Port Richey to request by Onvia. Vendots that subscr ibe to' bid applications. Such a bid ordinarily the service are notified by 􀁥􀁾􀁭􀁡􀁩􀁬􀀠or fax would have generated a maximum of when projects that match their busi10 requests, Brewer says. 1:.r nesses are posted. .-Stephen Ursery AMERICAN City & County Correction In "Software helps dty meet GASB 34 deadline" (May 2003), the headquarters for Best Software was misstated. The correct headquarters is Herndon, Va_ 14 June 2003 AMERICAN Clrv & CoUNTY Demandstar.com Bid Detail-see attached example It gives all the information about the bid. Demandstar has several ways to distribute Bids with Plans but bids with plans currently are distributed by agency (purchasing). There are 2 Distribution Method: Download and Mail or Mail order only and from that we select who distributes the plans. -Agency -plans are sent out by purchasing, planholders list is added to demandstar by purchasing. -Demandstar -specifications can be downloaded from the web site. Small fee for nonmembers but they are notified ofaddendurns and are not charged additional fees. ,Bid Information -DemandStar by Onvia Page 1 of2 user: Suh, Minok organization: Town of Addison Logout I Help 􀁄􀁥􀁭􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁾􀁾􀀠 by ONviA My DemandStar Buyers Account Info [Log Bid] View Bids Log Quote View Quotes Supplier Search Reverse Auctions Build Broadcast List Bid Information * indicates required fields Member Town of Addison Bid Type * ICChoose.One). ..... 3 Bid Number * 10 Bid Year 12003 3 Bid Writer * ICChoose One) 3 Bid Status 1Upcoming 3 Bid Status Text Due Date/Time * rn ICChoose One) _::::JIPM:::::oJ Broadcast Date * 1 Bid Bond I (0 Bid has no associated plans (blueprints) -you are uploading bid specs only r Plans are being distributed by Agency -your Agency will distribute the blueprints outside of DemandStar http://www.demandstar.com!buyerlbidwizIBid_ BidInfo.asp? ]U=%2Fbuyer%2Fbids%2F... 7/2/2003 l3id Information -DemandStar by Onvia PageZ ofZ r Uploading electronic plan files (.plt, .dwg, .dwf) -your bid has blueprints and you have electronic versions Plan (blueprint) r Mailing hardcopy plans to DemandStar/Plan ExpressDistribution -your bid has blueprints but you are not uploading electronic Options * blueprint files Note: Plans (blueprints) are construction drawings and other specialized technical documents Distribution Method IDownload And Mail :;:. -:..l Distributed By r. DemandStar by Onvia r Agency Only Enter package cost $ 10 Fulfillment notes (Specify S/H charges/notes, ifany max. 255 chars.) Scope of Work (Max. 4096 characters.) Next> Save and Finish Later Cancel Onvla.com. Inc. (c) 1997-2003 DemandStar by OrMa, Inc. All rights reserved. Terms QJJJ.$ http://www.demandstar.com!buyerlbidwizlBid_ BidInfo.asp? ]U=%2Fbuyer%2Fbids%2F... 7/2/2003 • Learn about new bid opportunities that specifically match your business • Analyze previously awarded bids to help you win future bids • Expand your sales targets by accessing bids locally, statewide and nationally • Get i nformat i on the same day agencies post their bids so you have more timo to work on your proposals • Learn about bids directly related to your business without scanning newspaper ads, periodicals, or Web sites • Receive notices of all bids, download bid documents, and receive bid updates all from one central source • Receive requests for simple quotes online • Submit your quotes online· no need to return phone calls or fax back quotes • You're notified automatically if the agency selects your quote Connecting with government opportunities has never been easier. DemandStar by Onvia helps you connect ,easily to millions of dollars in government contracts. You'll electron ically receive notifications of opportunities targeted to your business; you decide if you want to submit a bid. No more scanning newspapers, trade periodicals, and Web sites for bid opportunities or trips to the agency to pick up bid documents" it all arrives via your computer or fax, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You select the agencies from which you want to receive bids. DemandStar by Onvia is a better way for your business to connect with government agencies. DemandStar1-.. 70NvlA 1200 South Pine Island Road, 6th floor Plantation, FL 33324 1.800.711.1712 www.demandstar.com © copyright "For a minimum investment, DemandStar by Onvia has sent us bids totaling well over $100,000 a year. No need to cold call, no need to read bid postings, no need to bug purchasing personnel." Frank A. LaRocco Regional Marketing Manager TC Specialties Co. NO POSTAGE NfCf:'SSARY IF MAilED IN THE"I I UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST·CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 250 SEATTLE WA POSTAGE Will BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE ONVIA 1260 MERCER ST STE 300 SEATTLE WA 98109-9854 11,1,,1, ,I", ,1111,,,1.1,,1,1,,1,, I. ,1.1"1,,11,,, II o It>-'«􀁏􀁾􀀠Cit> QJQ.. C.-+ .-+0 o 3 QJ d'. /"I QJ -< Immediate information A subscription to DemandStar by Onvia allows you to receive relevant new bid opportunities as soon as they are issued. This gives you greater lead time to prepare your bid response. It also saves you time looking through websites and periodicals trying to find appropriate government bid opportunities for your company. More information As a subscriber to DemandStar by Onvia, you'll have access to previously awarded bids from government agencies. You can analyze past award information and use that information to win future Automatic information Now you can receive a daily list of all the new bid opportunities from your selected government agencies on the day they are issued. Imagine the time and money save researching for bid opportunities. Targeted information You won't have to waste time scanning websites, searching newspapers and reading over government documents. DemandStar by Onvia informs you about opportunities from more than 50,000 local, municipal, state and federal agencies. You'll get a daily update that delivers bid notices, requests for proposals and contracting opportunities customized to your specific industry categories. DemandStar by Onvia connects you to government agencies that input their bid information directly into the system. That means you can stay up-to-date on bid documents and addenda from the specific government agencies in county, state or across the country. Please send me more information on DemandStar by Onvia. I have provided my contact information below. Marne: Company: Address: City: Stare: Zip: Business Type: States where you do business: Phone: { fax: { You can email me at: Where did you get this brochure? (Phone number, fa1: and email itddre'V teQulred for deliYer}'.) DemandStar bYONyJA 􀁄􀁥􀁭􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁾􀁾􀁯􀀠.. &Y10NvlA lune 3, 2003 DemandStar Changes New Document Fulfillment Parmer We are pleased to announce the new partnership with Plan Express for our document fulfillment. There are several exciting aspects that make up this partnership: • Free Federal Express shipping from the agency to Plan Express -you will no longer have to send hardcopy blueprints to Seattle. • The ability to upload electronic Autocad files-this file format is .plt. • The ability for vendors to separate their orders, so they can download the bid specifications and mail order the hardcopy blueprints. There has been a change in the reproduction fee. It is now $ .10 per page for 8"xll" sheets of paper and $2.00 per page for hard copy blueprints. NOTE: Please remember to attach the transmittal letter to every set of blueprints that you send to Plan Express. This will ensure a faster turn around time since Plan Express has the information to match the blueprints with the correct bid. Document Download Fee As of April 16th, Basic Suppliers (those suppliers that are not members of DemandStar) are being charged a $5 administrative fee to download bid specifications. Vendors can still view bid details for free, but if they want to download the actual bid specification, they will be charged this $5 fee. It is a one-time only charge per bid. If there are other documents associated with the bid i.e. attachments, addenda, bid tabulations, etc, the vendor will be able to download those at no charge. NIGP Commodity Codes Do you need help finding the right commodity codes for your bid or quote? Feel free to contact Agency Services and we can help you with finding the best codes for your project. Agency Advisory Board Meeting In March, we hosted the First Annual Agency Advisory Board meeting. Chairpersons from each User Group were invited to attend a two-day meeting to discuss the DemandStar system. Users provided a list of requested enhancements for Bidwire, Quotewire and the general system and then prioritized the enhancements. Many of the enhancements will be delivered in Q3 and Q4 of 2003. Users said that they would like a longer lead-time in the notification of major changes to the system, especially those that impact their vendors. We have agreed with this statement and will provide three to four weeks of lead time. All AAB members agreed that there needs to be more agencies using the system and in turn, get more vendors signed up as subscribers. "The more agencies you have in the system, the more vendors you will get, giving more satisfaction to all those Involved." We are doing this by attending trade shows and looking at different marketing opportunities for both vendors and agencies. New Agencies in the DemandStar Network: • The Housing Authority of the City of Fort Pierce, FL • Town of Waterford, CT • City of New Haven, CT • St. Augustine-St. Johns County Airport Authority, FL • Miami County, KS • Healthcare District of Palm Beach County, FL • City of Deland, FL Onvia Year-end Results Finishing a year of record revenue growth, Onvia has firmly established itself as the leader in publishing customized government bid opportunities. Revenue from operations in 2002 grew 138% to $7.2 million and total cash receipts grew 116% to $8.2 million. "We are very proud of our performance in 2002, our first full year of business-to-government operations," stated Clayton Lewis, President and Chief Operating Officer. "We distributed over 300,000 unique opportunities to bid on government goods and services to our 25,000 subscribers. Generating revenue growth of 138%, year-over-year, while many businesses have been negatively impacted by the slow national economy, demonstrates the high value businesses place on our service." "The partnerships we have with many of the nation's premier government agencies provide valuable opportunities for our bUSiness customers," continued Clayton Lewis. HelD us build the Demandstar Network! We need your help in passing the word along to other agencies that may be interested in the benefits of the DemandStar system. If we can get three new agencies in your area to begin using the DemandStar system within a threemonth time period, we will provide free on-site training and conduct a free vendor fair! Call us at 1-800-331-5337 if you would like to discuss this or if you know of agencies that you would like us to contact. We are here to help you! Tell us about your experiences using our system. We want to hear from you! Please call Agency Services at 1-800-3315337, e-mail us at agencyservices@onvia.com, or fax us at (206) 373-9008. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern time/6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific tirne. Agency Services Team To help serve your needs better, please contact the Agency Services Team. The people you see below will be able to help you in an effiCient and professional manner. » Madeleine Grant, E-procurement Constultant, ext. 54872; mgrant @onvia.com » Enver Fitch, IE-procurement Constultant, ext. 39446; efitch@onvia.com » Karen Christianson, Agency Services Manager, ext. 39642; karen@onvia.com » Greg Spearman, CPPO, Director of Agency Relations, 770-883-2908; gregs@onvia.com » Alicia Nakamoto, Director of Agency Partners, ext. 39013; anaka moto@onvia.com NOTE: Madeleine Grant will be out on medical leave for the month of June. If you have any questions, please free to contact anyone else in Agency Services. : © 2000, Ouvia. 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The feedback you give me will be taken and shared at the annual agency advisory board meeting scheduled for March 10th & 11th in Seattle. If you have a topic you would like to include on the the agenda for this meeting, send it to me and I will include it on the agenda. If you are unable to attend, you can still provide me with your input/feedback on the Demandstar system via email, phone, or fax listed above. Thanks to all who responded and I look forward to meeting with you on the 28th. Sincerely, Ron Ledesma Data Analyst Procurement Department Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority 2910 E 5th Street Austin, Texas (512) 389-7530 1116/2003 DemandStar Texas User Group Meeting Dallas ISD Admin Bldg January 28, 2003 10:30 am Attendees: Robert McLaughlin, Carrollton-Farmers Branch -ISD Jenny Eastman, City ofAddison Minok Sub, City ofAddison Janice Hughes, City of Arlington Greg Pervis, City ofCedar Hill Johnny Sutton, City ofDeSoto Brunswick, City ofDuncanville Judy Hollis, City oflrving Michele Brand, City ofMesquite Becky Dorsey, City ofMesquite James Horst, City ofSan Antonio Joyce Southwood, City ofWaco Gina Eckhardt, City ofWaco Paul Rosencrans, Dallas ISD Karen Christiansen, Onvia Ron Ledesma, Capital Metro Following are notes from the Texas User Group Meeting held on January 28, 2003 in Dallas. After introduction ofusers in attendance, Karen Christianson, Manager of Agency Services for Onvia gave an update on company focus, newsletters, and product changes. The floor was then opened to questions & answers and open discussion. Onvia Update • Changes made to the DemandStar system are announced in newsletters sent to agencies. • Agencies can now upload documents on the Quotewire just like what is currently available on Bidwire. .. .. • Changes made to the DemandStar system are made every two weeks. The next scheduled update is February 5, 2003. • Chairperson for User Groups will attend the annual Agency Advisory Board meeting held in Seattle on March 10 & 11,2003. Chairperson will provide feedback and input obtained at the User Group meetings. Onvia will provide chairperson with information on new releases and product updates to share with User Groups. • Onvia focus in previous years had been to sign up suppliers. In 2003 the focus has shifted to the agencies and getting agencies to sign up by attending trade shows. • Onvia has formed focus groups to discuss bidding and electronic purchasing, supplier recruitment and agency community. • Onvia changes for this quarter include: Page Iof4 --DemandStar Texas User Group Meeting Dallas ISD Admin Bldg January 28, 2003 10:30 am };> Quotewire ability to add supplemental suppliers. Current, the ability to add supplemental suppliers is not available in Quotewire. Update scheduled for 02/19/03. };> Onvia is looking at new document fulfillment partner by end of quarter, scheduled for March 19, 2003. The new partner could possibly provide a Fed-Ex number to ship documents at no cost to the agency. Suppliers will still be able to view plans online, and have the ability to download bid ; specs and order plans only. • • };> NIGP GQ.mmodity codes will be updated. There will be about 1,000 new codes. This update is scheduled for March 5, 2003. Questions & Answers Q -Does DemandStar have the ability to adapt to new environment? A -The system does not integrate with new ERPIERM -there are too many different systems right now. Q -When will the ability to add supplemental suppliers in Quotewire be available? A -By the end of the quarter, possibly sometime in February, scheduled for February 19, 2003. Agencies will be notified via special notification and also in the newsletters. Q -Is it possible to add 􀁡􀁾to Quotewire? A -Not at this time. ......... Q -What is the benefit ofusing Quotewire? A -Quotes are posted Within 15 minutes. Registered, subscribing vendors will be notified ofbid opportunity. Suppliers use DemandStar to submit bids electronically online. After the vendor enters their information, it is available for viewing by agency. Awards are done online. Agencies can award online -line item basis or complete quote. Q -In Quotewire, is it possible for the vendor to upload a sample picture of an item? A -This function is currently not available. The User Group Chairperson can submit this request for possible future upgrade to system. Q -Using Oracle how do you get individual requisition lines into Quotewire? A -You can type or copy and paste individual line information into Quotewire. Q -Why are there features in Bidwire that are not in Quotewire, such as attaching documents, adding supplemental suppliers? A -This is how the system was originally developed. Any requests for enhancements or changes for improvements to the system can be submitted through the User Group Chairperson. Page 2 of4 DemandStar Texas User Group Meeting Dallas ISD Admin Bldg January 28, 2003 10:30 am Q-Is it possible to send quotes to specific vendors, local only, or supplemental only? A -This feature or function is not currently available. Q-Is it possible in Quotewire and Bidwire to select a planholder from a drop down list when making an award? A -This is not currently available. This function will be available in an update in the near future on Bidwire only. Q -When suppliers receive notification ofbid opportunities via fax, the documents sent do not seem very appealing. A -The fax sent to suppliers includes a cover page, the DemandStar legal ad, and the fax order fonn. When sent via email, the notification includes the name ofthe agency, the bid name, and the scope for that bid opportunity. Q -Is there any documentation available that could be provided to suppliers on how to navigate the DemandStar system? Agencies receive telephone calls requesting assistance on how to create profiles, locate and download bids. A -The Online Help is currently under construction. A PDF document with instructions on navigating through the DemandStar system is in the works and will be provided to Agencies to pass on to suppliers. Q -When suppliers set-up their account is it clear on how to select the codes (medical, construction, etc.)7 A -When suppliers get to commodity codes screen, they see the same that agencies see. It is confusing, however, suppliers can search by keyword and select commodity code. Ifthe supplier selects the category, they will be notified ofbid opportunities for all items in that category. 80% of subscribing suppliers subscribe via telephone and are assisted by Supplier Services Representatives. After two weeks a representative will contact the new subscribing supplier to make sure they are receiving bid notifications for codes requested. There is also a quarterly supplier newsletter sent to all subscribing suppliers. Q -Suppliers say they are not receiving bids from agencies. A -Ifsuppliers are having problems, give them the 800 number (800-711-1712) to supplier services customer services. A representative will make sure that the correct codes were selected. An email is also sent to subscribing suppliers asking that they check their profile and commodity codes and update as needed. Q -When suppliers call the 800 number for assistance, the message they receive in their conversation with a supplier services representative, is that they must subscribe to the bid notification service in order to download bids and the cost is $400+. A -Karen Christianson will speak to supplier services representatives. Page 3 of4 Demand Star Texas User Group Meeting Dallas ISD Admin Bldg January 28, 2003 10:30 am Q -After entering supplemental suppliers for a specific bid ready for broadcast, the complete list ofsupplemental suppliers did not get a fax notification even though system indicates the supplier was notified. A -Contact Karen Christianson next time prior to broadcast. Q -Is it possible when entering supplemental suppliers to enter an email address instead offax for notification? A -Yes, but a fax number is still required. Q -IfI am a non-subscribing supplier, can I still get the bid free? -A -Yes, creating a user profile to register, get login and password does not require subscription to notification service. Your login and password gives you access to download and print bid opportunities free ofcharge. Q -A processing error message is received when uploading bid documents in Word format. A -Onvia is aware ofthis problem, send the document via email attachment and an agency services representative will upload the document(s) for you. Q -Agencies reported that there was a problem with printing the planholder list. When changing the setting to format for print, you must go to each page and print. The previous format would print more than 10 suppliers per page. A -Onvia is not aware ofthis problem, but would look into it. Q -Is it possible for suppliers to view a listing ofawarded bids, vendor and amount? A -Suppliers are not notified ofaward nor bid tabs. A future release (now available) will include Awarded Supplier and amount ofaward in bid details. Q -Can we get a report by supplier property list for MWBE only to send to an internal agency department for confirmation, with the ability to pick supplier property criteria A -This is currently in the works. Q -Agencies have received calls from company representatives (Hotsheet, Construction Data, Dodge) requesting bid information, attendance list. Why are they are not allowed to go on DemandStar site to download bid information? A -Some companies such as those listed are competitors ofDemandStar. What they do is download bid opportunities and for a fee provide documents to their clients. The next user group meeting will be held after the Agency Advisory Board meeting scheduled for March 10 & 11, 2003. Page 4 of4 M nson 2-'2-J 􀁾Karen Christl'a ;,., ;rAgency Services . 􀁾\l 􀁏􀁎􀁙􀁉􀁁􀁖􀁾􀁦􀀧",r T: 800.331.5337 . O. 206 S ereer StreetF: 206.373.9()()6 1260 M • . .373.9642 eatle. WA 96109 nvoa.com -'-Twl1r F. k--h '2.0" -'.>1:3-'1