I N 0 0 •, > W 0 I:S (') 0.... ::;3 􀁾􀀠'" S...... en '" ...... § rS· (tI 􀁾􀀠 >, Page 1 of} .,. Michael Murphy From: MarlcSmith{msmith@utilitylawxomJ Sent:· Friday, ApriI-04, 2003 9:e6 AM To: John.HiD; MiChael Murpby;:Ron,Wbifehead Cc: 'KayTmstIe' Subject:.Qncor-Transn1issionline :Case I talked to:RebeccaMerrill'and AUimNye this-morning; and the-staff ..bas agreed to the·routingalong theDART ROW, provided Oncor will agree toa provision'in:the Conmission final·Older requiring:the transnVssionline to produce'anet.reductionin .the EMF impacton nearby residences_ Oncoris agreeabletathe-insertionof that languagein the order: kstipulation selllingthe casewiH oo-draf\ecttoda¥.or early nextweekatthe latest and cireulatedforexecutiorr bythe parties. AUhatpoint,. the case-willbe; for_aU intents and'JlUrposes. over;:as I cannoHmaginelbatthe SOAH ALJor the PUCT Cormrissioliers wiB have-any problem with anyaspea-ofthe settlement. lam.verygl1\(i"we were .ableto· get.a good resulHor the-cilywithilllt a lot oflitigatiOnexpens&; 'and I hope ou[ firm will have the pleasure ofwolkingwith you on somemattel in the future: . MilrIL 4/4/2003 SOAH DOCKET NO. 473·03·2244 DOCKET NO. 27030 APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION DELIVERY COMPANY FOR A § CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND § OF TEXAS NECESSITY FOR PROPOSED § TRANSMISSION LINE IN DALLAS § COUNTY ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY'S REQUEST FOR ABATEMENT OF PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE AND FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERAnON THEREOF TO THE HONORABLE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE: COMES NOW, Oncor Electric Delivery Company and files this Request for Abatement of Procedural Schedule and for Expedited Consideration Thereof, respectfully showing as follows: I. Oncor is pleased to announce that the parties have agreed to settle all issues in this docket. As a result of the amicable resolution of this docket, Oncor requests that the procedural schedule be immediately abated for one month, during which Oncor intends to file executed documents resolving all issues in this docket or a status report reflecting the status of such documents. Because Order No. 7 requires Oncor to file its direct testimony on or before April 22, 2003, Oncor respectfully requests expedited consideration of this Request. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Oncorrespectfully requests that the procedural schedule be immediately abated for one month, and for such other and further relief to which is shows itself entitled. REQUEST FOR ABATEMENT OF PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE, page 1 CDwles & Thompson 3/18/2003 9:24 PAGE 1/4 RightFax, COWLES &THOMPSON A Proflillonil CorulDrltlop ATTON.IY' AND COUNSE.ONS F A C 5 I MIL E C 0 V E R PAGE Date and Time Faxed: Tuesday. March 18. 20039:22:26 AM G: M! \c.G"' Total Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 04 Client/Matter #: \ To: Name: Ron Whitehead Company: Fax Number: 972-450-7043 Voice Phone: From: Name: John Hill Fax Number: 214-672-2370 Voice Phone: 214-672-2170 Message: Just received this. IMPORTANT/CONflDENTlAL;This message is intended only for the use of the Indiyidual or entity to which It is add"'55ed. This menage cDntains information from the law firm of Cowln& Thompson which may be priylllged, confidential, and exempt from di$Closure under applieable law. If tJJe reader of this message is not the intended reeipient or the employee, Dr agent rnponsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, lOu are hereby mrtlfied that an, dissemination, distribution,. or coPYing of tile communication is strictly prohibited. If you haye received tIlis communication in errar, please notify U5 immediately at Ollr telephone IHImber (214)672-2000. We will be happy to arrange for the return of this message to us, via the United States Postal Service, at no cost to you. "31 MAn IT.'IT IUITI 4DOO DALLAl, TIJIIlI ,ual-n., DALLAS T V L ! R TEL n'.H,.nOO ,AI U4.17Z.Z0ZO WWW.COWLIIT"OM.ION.COII Cowles & Thompson 3/18/2003 9:24 PAGE 3/4 RightFax 03/18/03 10:19 11512936')0 SOAR UTILITY DIV Ili002/003 SOAK DOCKET NO. 473-03-2244 PUC DQCKET NO. 27030 APPLICATION OF ONCOR § BEFORE THE STATE OFFICE ELECTRIC DELIVER1' COMPANY § FOR A CERTIFICATE OF § CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY § OF FOR A PROPOSED TRANSMISSION § ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS LINE WIIHIN DALLAS COUNTY § ORDER NO. 7 MEMORIALlZlNG PRfiHEARlNG CONFERENCE AND SEUING PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE On March17,2003 a preheating con:furence was conducted in this case. The followingparties aweared and participated: Oncor Electric Delivexy Company (Oncor); Eastgroup Properties, L.P. (Eastgroup); the City ofAddison (Addison); and the Staff ofthe Public Utility Commission (Staff). AOF Addison National n, Ltd. (AOF) is the only party that did not appear nor participate,I Notice andjurisdictional issues have previously been addressed by the Commission's Admini5trative Law Judge (AlJ) prior to the transfer ofthis case to the State Office ofAdminjstrative Hearings, and no parties challenged the prior determination that notice and jurisdiction were properly shown, At the prchearingconference, the participating parties agreed. upon the following procedural cJ,.({ schedule, which is hereby adopted and shall govern in this case:2 ..􀁾fj· 􀁾􀀠􀁍􀁾#fIN( 1Jl;1v 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀳􀀱􀀺􀀠SettlementlTechnical 􀁃􀁏􀁮􀁦􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀿􀁴􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀧􀁦􀁴􀁜􀁲􀀨􀀨􀀮􀀮􀁁􀀻􀀠April 7; Deadlineforreques1sforprelimiIllll}'hearingonsufficiencyofawlicationand proposed altem.atiVl: routes; April 22: Deadline for filing ofOne or's direct testimony; :i 􀁲􀁮􀁾􀀠􀁴􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁾􀀠""'-fa filin bj -0 ,,,,.-'_. 5 ( 􀀫􀀭􀁾April 29: DeaUlU1" r go ectIons10 . Door-s W.t",,, testimony; "'· b" n..A-' di -t1.) \ 􀁾Ic,nMay 6: Deadline for filmg responses to 0 􀁾􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳to v ....v. s rect teslllnOny;fiffiJ 􀁾\,(){l.-. I Ilastgn)1lp and AGF wete hom .,.anted intervenor party status at me pn:hearing conference. 2 All dates are in 2003. Cowles & Thompson 3/18/2003 9:24 PAGE 4/4 RightFax Q3I13/03 10:20 un2 􀀹􀀳􀁾􀁣􀀠10 SOAll UTILITY DIY 􀁾􀀨􀀩􀀰􀀳􀀯􀀰􀀰􀀳􀀠SOAR DOCKET NO. 473-03-2244 ORDER NO. 7 PAGEl PUC DOCKET NO. 211130 May 30: Deadline for discovery on Oncor's direct testimony; July 18: Deadline for filing ofintervenors' din:ct testimony or statements ofposition; July 25: Deadline for filing objections to intervenors' direct testintony; August 1: Deadline for filing responses to objections to intervenors' direct testimony; August 1: Deadline for filing ofStaff's direct testimony or statement ofpositiQn; August 8: Deadline for filing Qbjections to Staff's direct testimony; August 15: Deadline for filing responses to objections to Staff's direct testimooy; August 15: Deadline fur all discovery; August 18: DeadlineforfilingofOncor'srebuttal testimony (objections to bemade at the hearing on the merits); August 20: Hearing on the mmlS-The hearing on the merits shall convene at 9:00 a.m. on August 20, 2003, at the State OffiCI: ofAdminisllative Hearings Facility, 300 West 1 Sib Street,4'" Flom:, Austin. T axas, and shall continue day to daytbereafier until completed. Currently, the parties anticipate thatthe hearing will take three days. If newssery. the AU shall align parties and assign time limits to the parties at the comme.ncement ofthe hearing. SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS the 1811> day of March 2003. ADMINtSl'lIATJVE LAw JUDGE STATE OFFICE OF ADMlNJSTRATIV£ HEARINGS Cowles & Thompson 3/4/2003 1:49 PAGE 1/8 RightFax COWLES &THOMPSON FACSIMILE COVER P AGE Date and Time Faxed: Tuesday, March 04,20031:45:58 PM Total Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 08 Client/Matter #: \ c; 􀁾􀁏􀁬􀁬1"1\\'-"'To: Name: Company: Fax Number: Voice Phone: Ron Whitehead 972·450·7043 From: Name: Fax Number: Voice Phone: John Hill 214·672-2370 214·672-2170 Message: Received this morning. IMPORTANT/CONFIDENTIAL:This message Is Intended only for the use of the Individual or entity to whith it 15 􀁾􀁤􀁤􀁲􀀧􀁴􀁬􀁥􀁤􀀬􀀠This m'SlIge cllntains information from the IlIw firm IIf Cowl"& ThompJon which may b, prhll,g,d, confidential, and exenIJII. from disclosure under applic:able law. If tile reader {If this message is not the intended recipient or the employee, or agent rnponsible for delivering the mNSIIge to the inwnded reeipi,nt, YlJu are hereby natilird that an, di$$emination, distribution. or ClIpying of the communication is Wietl)' prohibited. If you have received this C(lmmunieatiOllIn ertVr, pl.,e nwfy us immediatell' .t OIIr telephone number (214)672-2000. We will be happy to arrllllge for the return of this message to 11$, via the UnitEd StaleS Postal Service, at no ClISt to you• • 91 MAIM nulY tUlU 0000 ULL.a, 'U" tun.uu DAlLAl TVL!& fH no .• u.zooo 'I-X 214.612.2010 WWW.;oWL5tT"OM'U".;01l Cowles & Thompson 3/4/2003 1:49 PAGE 2/8 RightFax 03/04103 09:26 'aSH 936)0 ST OFe ADMIN HRG 1lI001/007 STATE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE IIEARINGS William 1'. Clements Building 300 West Fifteenth Street Room50l Austin, Texas 78701 Phone (51:;) 475-4993 Facsimile (512) 936-0770 DATE; Marcb 4.2003 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING TInS COVER SHEET: 􀁾􀀠SOAH DOCKET NO.: PUC DOCKET NO.: REGARDING: ORDER NO.6 -NOTICE OF 1'REHEARlNG CONFERENCE FROM: JUDGE CRAIG R. BENNETI PUC& ENFORCEMENT E. ALLEN NYE JR JOHN HILL OF 936-7268 2141880/0011 214/672.2370 MAltK. SMITH f'r"'·"....TOF 469-9944 KENNEDY REPORTING 474-6104 NOTE,. IF ALL PAGES ARE :NOT ru;CllIVED, PLEASE CONTACT CHRISTINA EISCHENS @512-475·1203. The imwmallon _InedIn Ih ..fa<;slmllB m_lsprlvllogad ami _dent,,1 􀁩􀁾􀁮intended only forthe"" oftlllt_nIClpjonlls) or ilia Individual or agant responsible 10 deliver it to the intended ",oipient You '" l1eI1Iby notified thai....,. disseml_.dlm_o"OTCop ylng ofthis COIIImunilOllion is strictly probibi\l'd. If you b.. ........""........""Ihls communicallOllln _.pIaaoe Immadlalltly nOlify us by telephone, and _ \he original m""'9810 u lIIthe _1Id_via ilia u.s. PootaI s..vt... TlIank you. Cowles & Thompson 3/4/2003 1:49 PAGE 3/8 RightFax 03/04/03 09:26 tt512 936)0 ST ope ADMIN HRG IaJ 002/007 SOAR DOCKET NO. 473-03-2244 PUC DOCKET NO. 27030 APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY § § BEFORE THE STATE OFFICE FORA CERTIFICATEOF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY § § OF FORA PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE WITBIN DALLAS COUNTY § § ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS ORDER NO. 6 NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE I. Prehalriug CoDi'erence On November 27,2002, Oneor Electric Delivery Company (Qncor) filed an application for a certificate ofconvenience and necessity (CCN). The proposed project involves the design and constructionofthe double-circuit I 38-ldlovolt (k:V) ''Cm:rollton ColllltryClub"tnmSmission line and substation. The Commission has jurisdiction and authority over lhis matter pursuant to the Public UtilityRegulatory Act (PURA), TEX. UUL. CODE ANN §§ 32.001,37.053,37.056, and 37.057 and P.U.C. SUDSY. R. 25.101. Tbis matter was initially handled by a Commission Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). However, on February 24, 2003, the Commission referred lhis matter to the State Office of Administrative Hcerings (SOAH), requesting the assignment ofa SOAH ALl to conduct a hl:llring and issue a proposal for decision, ifnecessary. SOAH has jurisdiction pursuant to TEX. GOV'T CODEANN § 2003.049 (Vemon2000) and PURA § 14.053 overall matters relating to the conduct ofa hearing in lhis matter. Pursuant to P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.121, the undersigned AU will convene a prehcering conference at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, Man:h 17,2003, at the SOAH hearing rooms located at the WilliamP. Clements Offic:eBuilding, 300 West 15th, FourthFloor, Austin, Texas. The parties sba11 be prepared to discuss the pro<:edw:al status of1his case, any existing scheduling orders or other orders issued by the Commission's ALI. and any matters listed in P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.121. Cowles & Thompson 3/4/2903 1:49 PAGE 4/8 RightFax 03/04/03 09:27 ttS12 936)0 ST OFe ADMIN HRG 1iI003/007 SOAH' DOCkET NO. 47J.1l3.n44 ORDER NO. 6 PAGEl PUCDOCKET NO. Z70J1) The prehearing is open to the public, therefore protestants are 􀁾􀁬􀁣􀁯􀁭􀁥􀀠to attend. Those pemmswho have beengranted statusas interveool'sshould attend the preheating conference because the parties will discuss and propose a hearing date and other deadlines that win affect all parties. Also, parties may have questions that may be addressed or discussed at the prehearing conference. n. FiliDg aDd Service F:rocedul"C$ The procedures regarding filing are specified in Subchapter E ofthe Conunission'spn:x:edural rules and apply inthis proceeding. Parties are expected to know those pn:x:edures and comply with them fully. Pleadings and other filings shall be deemed filed when the proper number ofIegible copies are presented to the Commission filing clerk for filing. AU pleadings must contain both the SOAR and PUC doeket nlimbers to allow for efficient processing. B. Service A copy ofany document filed with the Commission must also be served on all parties as providedbyP.U.C. PRoc.R. 22.74(a). Documentshand-deliveredtotheSOAHAUmustbeserved on all parties and filed with the Conunission filing clerk. Any document that requires immediate attention must be filed and either hand-delivered to the AU at the William P. Clements Building, Room 504, 300 West 15th Street. Austin, Texas. or faxed to her at 512·936"()730. AUlmIil sentto the parties bythe AUwill be sentby first class mail, unless the party requests express mailing and provides an express mail acoount number. Parties seeking to arrange express mailing should contactMs. Christina Eischens at(512) 475·1203. The AU will fax time-sensitive oIders to the:: parties. AI! parties shall providetheil' currenttelephone and fiwsimile number, ifavailable, to all other parties and the Commission by filing and serving all parties with such numbers. Each party is responsible for providing the Commission and all patties with cummt address. teleph()ne, and Cowles & Thompson 3/4/2003 1:49 PAGE 5/8 RightFax 03/04/03 09:27 tr512 93$)0 ST OFe ADMIN BRG 1ZI004/007 SOAR DOCKET NO. 473-03-lZ44 ORDER NO. 6 PAGE 3 PI.lC DOCKET NO. 21030 fucsimile information if such infonnatian changes. Parties are responsible for LlPdllting their own service lists to reflect changed infurmation and the addition of other parties, ifany. Only one address per party will be included on the official service list maintained by SOAH. This servicelist is attached to this order, fot the parties convenience. The parties may agree to serve more than one representative per party. Corrections to the service list should be directed to Ms. Eischens. c. Filing Deadline Proc:edllres Filings at the Commission shall oC\mr by 3:00 p.m. on the date in question uuless otherwise specified. P.U.C. PRoc. R. 22.71(i). Parties are encow:aged to engage in negotiations. The conduct of negotiations, however, does not relieve the parties oftheir obligation to meet filing deadlines. Fai1\lI'C to meetsuch deadlines maysul!iect a party to sanctions specified inP.U.C. PRoc. R. 22.161. D. Assumptions Regard;. Time of Rec:eipt Under P.U.C. Pkoc. R. 22.74(b), service on II party bymai1 shall be complete upon deposit ofthe document, enclosed in IIwrapper properly addressed, stanlped" and sealed, in a post office or official depository of the United States Postal Service. Service on II party by agent or by courier receipted delivery shall be complete upon delivery to the agent or courier. Service on II party by fucsimiletransmissionshallbecompleteuponactualreceiptbytherecipient'stelecopierormcsimile trans:ft:r machine. Under P.U.C. PRoc. R. 22.74(c), a return receipt or affidavit ofany person hav:inJpersonal knowledge ofthe:fucts shall be prima facie evidence ofthe facts shown tbereon relating to service. I. Hand Delivery: If a document has been served in person or by agent, the AU will as!Ullle that the document was received on the date offiling. 2. Courier Receipted Delivery: Ifa document hIlS been served by courier receipted delivery, IIle AU will assume that tbe document was received onthe date after filing. Cowles &; Thompson 3/4/21103 1:49 PAGE 6/8 RightFax 03/04/03 09:21 ttS12 936)0 ST OFC ADMIN ERG IlJ005/007 SOAH DOCKET NO. 473-1Il·13S6 ORDER NO. 6 PAGE 4 PUC DOCKET NO. 25321 3. Regular Mail, Certified Mail, or Registered Mail: Ifa document has been served by regularmail, certified mail, or registered mail, the AU will assumethat thedocument was received no later than three days after filing. 4. Facsimile Transmission: Ifa document has been served by facsimUe transmission before 3:00 p.m., onawork. day, the AU will assume: that the document was received on that day; otherwise, the AU will assume that the document was received the next work day after filing. E. Motions for Conti.nager/Cancellation ofaProeeedinglExtension of..Deadline Molious for continuance sball be governed by the requirementofP.U.C. PRoc. R 22.79. If a continuance or extensionofa deadline is sought, the motion shall propose a new date or dates and sball indicate wbetherthe parties contacted agree on the new date or dates. Becausethe AU anellor hearing room may not be available on a given day, a proposed range ofdates would be preferable. The AU will not contact parties to ascertain their position or to negotiate dates. In the absence ofa mling bythe AU, a contested motion for continuance, cancellation, or extensionisnot granted and the existing schedule remains in place. F. Responses to Motions and Other PleadinlP Unless otherwise specified. responses to any motion or other pleading sball be filed within five walking days :from receipt ofthe pleading to which the response is made. Such responsive pleadings shall state the date ofreceipt ofthe pleading to which a response is made. Failure to file a timely response will be considered acquiescence to the relief requested. SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS the 4th day ofMal'\lh, 2003. ADMlNISTRAnVE LAw JUDGE STATE OFFICE OF ADMINISI'RATlVE HEAroNGS Jwles & Thompson 3/4/2003 1:49 PAGE 7/8 RightFax 03/04/03 09:28 "512 936 30 Sf OFe ADMIN BRG illnn6/001 STATE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS BUILDING 300 West FifteeDth Street Austin, Texas 78701 PhOlle (512) 475-4993 Facsimile (512) 936-0770 SERVICE LIST AGENCY: PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS STYLE/CASE: APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECgslTY FOR A PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE WlTmN DALLAS COUNTY . SOAHDOCKET NUMBER:473"03-2244 PUC DOCKET NUMBER: 27030 ADMlNlS'IllATIVE COURT STATE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE CRAIG R. BENNETT BEARINGS PRESIDING ADMlNlSTRATIVE LAW JUDGE PA.RTlES. PUBLIC UTD..ITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS ONCORELECTRIC TOWN OF ADDISON :REPRESEN'l'AI'lVEIADDRES S LEGAL & ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PUBLIC VTn.JTY COMM. OF TEXAS WILLIAM B. TRAVIS JroILDING 1701 N. CONGRESS, 7TH FLOOR AUSTIN, TX 78701 5121936-7260 5121936-7268 (FAX) E. ALLENNnJR HVNrON & WILLIAMS 11101 BRYAN STREET, lOTI! FLOOR DALLAS. TEXAS 75201-3402 2141979-3000 Z14-880-0011 (FAX) JOHN HILL 901 MAIN STREET, 8TE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 %14/672-2170 1141672-2370 (FAX) Cowles & Thompson 3/4/2003 1:49 PAGE 8/8 RightFax 03/04/03 09: 28 '6'512 936 .lO ST Of(; ADMIN BRG IiIIOO7l007 SOAD DOCKET NO. 473-03-2244 SERVICE LIST PAGEZ PUC DOCta:TNo.210)0 TOWN OF ADDISON MAlQ{ W. SMITH SIFUENTES DRUMMOND & SMITH LLP 1002 WEST AVENUE, STE 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 51Z/469-9933 512-469-9944 (FAX) xc: Docket Clerk. State Office of Admiujstrative Bearings Allgie SeD; PUC PUC DOCKET NO. 27030 Raj D '. h'\l\bG 􀀮􀁊􀁯􀁾􀀠+\-.APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC § DELIVERY COMPANY FOR A § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND § NECESSITY FOR A PROPOSED § OF TEXAS TRANSMISSION LINE IN DALLAS COUNTY § RESPONSE OF ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY . TO STAFF'S THIRD REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TO THE HONORABLE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS: On cor Electric Delivery Company ("Oncor") files this its Response to the aforementioned requests for information. I. Written Responses Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are Oncor's written responses to the aforementioned requests for information. Each such response is set forth on or attached to a separate page upon which the request has been restated. Such responses are made in the spirit of cooperation without waiver of Oncor's right to contest the admissibility of any such matters upon hearing. Oncor hereby stipulates that its responses may be treated by aU parties exactly as if they were filed under oath. II. Inspections In those instances where materials are to be made available for inspection by request or in lieu of a written response, the attached response will so state. For those materials that a response indicates may be inspected at the Austin voluminous room, please call in advance for an appointment in order to assure that there is suffiCient space to accommodate your inspection. To make an appointment atthe Austin voluminous room, located at 1005 Congress, Suite B-50, Austin, Texas, or to review those materials that a response indicates may be inspected at their usual repository, please call Teri Smart at (214) 812-4832. Inspections will be scheduled so as to accommodate all such requests with as little inconvenience to the requesting party and to company operations as possible. Oncor will be as cooperative as possible in making the requesting party's time as productive as possible and appreciates the requesting party's understanding of the logistical problems faced by Oncor. HUNTON Be WILLIAMS By: 􀀭􀀪􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁬􀀿􀀭􀀧􀁬􀀡􀀾􀀭􀀢􀁩􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭E:AIIee:Jr. State ar No. 00788134 Kirk D. Rasmussen State Bar No. 24013374 1601 Bryan Street, 30th Floor Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone: 214-979-3000 Fax: 214-880-0011 ATTORNEYS FOR ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE It is hereby certified that a copy of the foregoing, together with all attachments hereto. has been either hand delivered or mailed by U.S. mail. postage prepaid, to PUC Legal Division and to all other parties herein, all on this ;l8'Ii-cJay of March, 2003. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.3 Question No. ASB-13 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: Please refer to the Environmental Assessment (EA) page 6-10 and Table 6-2a: The same facility is referenced by two different names: "Lakeside Townhomes" is used on Page 6-10 and "Lakehill Townhomes· is used in Figure 6-2a. Which of the two is correct? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. The sign at the entrance to the property reads, "Lakehill Townhomes, Exclusive Rental Community, 2610 Lakehill Ln.· "Lakehill Townhomes" is used several times within the EA to correctly describe the property. The references to "Lakeside Townhomes" found on line 3 and line 6, page 6-10, line 33, page 7-1 and line 2, page 7-2, are errors. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.3 Question No. ASB-14 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: In the EA on page 6-10 and Figure 6-2a, the Lakeside/Lakehill Townhomes (Townhomes) is described as a leaSing office and 36 units. How many of the 36 units are owned by separate individuals? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. Based on information obtained prior to the filing of the CCN Application, from Dallas Central Appraisal District, Commercial Accounts Summary and the Dallas County deed records, the property in question is assessed to a single entity, "2610 Lakehill LTD.", a Texas limited partnership. i Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.3 Question No. ASB-15 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: In the EA on page 6-10 and Figure 6-2a, the distance from alternate route 1 to the Townhomes is stated to be 105 feet. Is 105 feet the distance from the project centerline only to the closest individually owned unit within the Townhomes? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. The 105 feet referenced is the approximate distance, as determined by PBS&J during ground reconnaissance activities utilizing a Bushnell Yardage Pro Laser Ranging System, from the centerline of the alternate route to the closest habitable structure on the property. As stated in the response to Question No. ASB-14, according to information obtained from the Dallas Cental Appraisal District, Commercial Accounts Summary and the Dallas County deed records, the property in question is assessed to, a single entity, "2610 Lakehill, LTD.", a Texas limited partnership. Oncor -Docket No, 27030 Staff RFI Set No, 3 Question No. ASB-16 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: If the answer to ASB-15 is "yes," what is the approximate distance to the furthest individually owned unit within the Townhomes? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T, Jasper. As stated in the response to Question ASB-14, based on information obtained prior to the filing of the CCN Application from Dallas Central Appraisal District, Commercial Accounts Summary and the Dallas County deed records, the property in question is assessed to, a single entity, "2610 Lakehill, LTD.", a Texas limited partnership. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.3 Question No. ASB-17 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: In the EA on page 6-10 and Figure 6-2a, the Willow Lane Condominiums (Condominiums) is described as containing 24 units. How many of the 24 units are owned by separate individuals? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. The EA is in error; the Willow Lane Condominiums contains 22 individual units. Based on information obtained prior to the filing of the CCN Application from Dallas Central Appraisal District, Commercial Accounts Summary and the Dallas County deed records, each of tile units is individually owned. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.3 Question No. ASB-18 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: In the EA on page 6-10 and Figure 6-2a, the distance from alternate route 1 to the Condominiums is stated to be 129 feet. Is 129 feet the distance from the project centerline only to the closest individually owned unit with the Condominiums? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. The referenced 129 feet is the approximate distance from the alternative route centerline and the closest edge of "Building BU , 1601 Marsh Ln., obtained by PBS&J during ground reconnaissance activities utilizing a Bushnell Yardage Pro Laser Ranging System. This building contains a total of 12 units. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.3 Question No. ASB-19 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: If the answer to ASB-18 is "yes," what is the approximate distance to the furthest individually owned unit within the Condominiums? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. The Willow Lane Condominiums includes five buildings. Each of the buildings are identified by letter, A, B, C, D, and E. Each building also has a unique address. Building A is designated 1609 Marsh Ln. Building B is designated 1601 Marsh Ln. Building C is designated 1603 Marsh Ln. Building D is designated 1605 Marsh Ln. Building E is designated 1607 Marsh Ln. Because each of the five buildings within the condominiums are single structures comprised of individual units, it is impossible for Oncor Electric Delivery Company to know where an individual unit ends and the next begins. Building A (1609 Marsh Ln), Building D (1605 Marsh Ln), and Building E (1607 Marsh Ln) are each outside 200 feet of the centerline of Alternative Route 1. Building C (1603 Marsh Ln) is within 200 feet of the centerline of Alternative Route 1. This building contains 10 units. Building B (1601 Marsh Ln) lies partially within 200 feet and partially outside 200 feet of the centerline of Alternative Route 1. This building contains 12 units and some portion of the total number of units lies within, and some portion of the tetallies outside, 200 feet of the centerline of Alternative Route 1. The closest unit in Building C (1603 Marsh Ln) is approximately 137 feetfrom the centerline of Alternative Route 1. Each of the units within Building C is within 200 feet of the centerline of Alternative Route 1. The closest unit in Building B (1601 Marsh Ln) is estimated to be 129 feet from the centerline of Alternative Route 1 and the furthest, at least partially, lies in excess of 200 feet from the centerline of Alternative Route 1. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.3 Question No. ASB-20 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: When the second circuit is added to the proposed transmission line project, will circuit phasing techniques be utilized to reduce proximate magnetic fields? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. Both circuits will be installed on the proposed transmission line at the time of construction of the line. It is Oncor Electric Delivery Company policy to use Circuit phasing techniques to reduce magnetic fields, where applicable. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.3 Question No. ASB-21 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: Regarding the magnetic field strengths at the affected landowners' habitable structures north of the DART railway ROW utilized in altemative routes #1 and #4: Please compare the field strength intensity of the existing distribution line between the DART railway and those habitable structures when the distribution line is loaded to the design maximum with the field strength resulting from the proposed 138 kV transmission line during the Summer 2008 contingency loading. An alternate comparison method may be used if more appropriate. Please explain assumptions. RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. The following information is provided in accordance with the agreement of the requesting party in lieu of the requested information. In order to accommodate the requesting party's schedule in anticipation of settlement discussions, information responsive to the foregoing requests have been provided on an expedited basis and as soon as information has become available. Information responsive to this specific request will be provided when it is available. Cowles & Thompson 2127/2003 10:57 PAGE 116 RightFax COWLES &THOMPSON A Prohulonll CorpDrltlon ATtORNlEvi ANti COuNSELOR8 F A C S I MIL E C 0 V E R PAGE Date and Time Faxed: Thursday. February 27.200310:56:08 AM Total Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 06 Client/Matter #: \ To: Name: Ron Whitehead Company: Fax Number: 972-450-7043 Voice Phone: From: Name: John Hill Fax Number: 214-672-2370 Voice Phone: 214-672-2170 Message: Just received re PUC Docket No. 27030. IMPORTANTICONFIOENTlAl:This message is intended only for the use of the Individual or entity to which it 15 IIddr'55ed. This musllg'; contains information from thl law firm of Cowln& Thompson which milY b. privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If tile reader of this message is not tile intended recipient or the emploYft, or agent mponsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you lire hereby notified that an, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, plea.e notif, us immediately at our telephone number (214)672·2000. We will be happy \0 arrange for the relUm of this message to us, via the United States Postal Service, at no cost to YlIu. '01 MAIII 'TIIIET IUITI _000 IALLAS, TIX,S Tllol·nu D ALL A I T V L ! R TH ?14.UI.aoOO fAX 114.672.2020 WWW.COWLIJTNOM.ION.COM Cowles & Thompson 2/27/2003 10:57 PAGE 2/6 RightFax PUC of Texas 212712(' "1, 10:39 PAGE 116 RightFa FAX To: John Hill Company: Attorney Fax: (214) 672-2370 Phone: From: Sell, Angie Fax: (512) 936-7208 Phone: (512) 936·7219 E-mail: Angie.Sell@puc.state.tx.us NOTES: 27030 Order of Referral Ollteandtimeoftransmlsslon:Thursday, February 27, 200310:37:30 AM Number of pages Including this cover sheet: 05 Cowles & Thompson 2/27/2003 10:57 PAGE 3/6 RightFax PUC of Texas 2/27/2· 1 10:39 PAGE 2/5 RightFz P.U.C. DOCKET NO. 27030 SOAH DOCKET NO. 473-03-2244 APPLICATlONOFONCOR § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY § FOR A CERTIFICATE OF § OF TEXAS CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY § (CCN) FOR PROPOSED § TRANSMISSION LINE WITJllN § DALLAS COUNTY § ORDER OF REFERRAL M'D PRELIMINARY ORDER On November 27, 2002, ONCOR Electric Delivery Company, (Oncor) med an application with the Public Utility Conunission of Texas (Commission) to amend its certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) for a 138 kilovolt (kV) transmission line in Dallas County. I. PcoceducalIHstory The proposed project involves lhe design and cons1ruction of lhe Carrollton Country Club 138 kV transmission line. The proposed 138 (kV) double-cirCllit transmission line and the Carrollton Country Club Substation are planned for installation prior to lhe summer load season of 2006 to prevent the overloading of substation and distribution facilities facilities due to the projected 2.4 percent lIIllIUai growlh over the next seven years. Three short feeders will be built to transfer about 28,000 kW of load to Carrollton Country Club Substation from lhe two overloaded substations and four overloaded feeders, thereby elinrination the projected overloads. Notice was published in the Teras Register on December 13, 2002. Oncor has filed affidavits of notice to all cities, counties, neighboring utilities and landowners within five miles of the requested facilities. The deadline for intervention is established as Januaxy 13, 2003. A number of local landowners filed letters protesting lhe CCN application. Cowles & Thompson 2127/2003 10: 57 PAGE 4/6 RightFax PUC of Texas 2/27/2' 􀁾􀀠10:39 PAGE 3/5 RightFc P.U.c. Docket No. 27030 Page 2 SOAR Docket No, 473-03-2244 Order of Referral and Preliminary Order II. Discussion Pursuant to P.u.e. SUBST. R25.101(c)(4), the Commission must render a decision approving or denying an application for a certificate within one year of the date of filing of a complete application for such certificate. A Commission decision must be issued by November 27,2003, III. Issues to be Addressed Pursuant to TEx. GoV'T CODE ANN, § 2003.049(e) (Vernon 2000 & Supp. 2003), the Commission must provide to the AI.J a list of issues or areas to be addressed in any proceeding referred to the SOAR. After reviewing the pleadings submitted by the parties, the Commission identifies the following issues that must be addressed in this docket: Application 1. Is Oncor's application to amend its CCN adequate? Does the application contain an adequate number of alternative routes to conduct a proper evaluation? Ifnot, the ALI shall allow Oncor to amend the application and to provide proper notice to affected landowners; if Oncor chooses not to amend the application, the AI.J may dismiss the case without prejudice. 2. Has Oncorcomplied with P.U.C. SUBST. R. 25.101 in its application to all\end itsCCN? 3. Are the proposed facilities necessary for the service, accommodation, convenience, or safety of the public within the meaning ofPURA1 § 37.056(a) taking into account the factors set out in PURA § 37.056(c)? In determining need, the parties shall: 1 Public Utility Regulatory Act. TEx. Um. CoDE §§ 11.001 .64.158 (Vemon 1998 & Supp. 2003)(PURA) Ccwles & Thompson 2/27/2003 10:57 PAGE 5/6 RightFax PUC of Texas 2127/2' 1 10:39 PAGE 4/5 RightFa P.U.c. Docket No. 27030 Page 3 SOAR Docket No. 473·03-2244 Order of Referral and Preliminary Order a. Give great weight to the recommendation of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOn, if applicable;2 and b. Consider the needs of the interconnected transmission systems to support a reliable and adequate network and to facilitate robust wholesale competition. 4. Is the transmission project the best option to meet this need when compared to employing distribution facilities? In addition, for utilities that are not subject to the unbundling requirements of PORA § 39.051, is the project the best option to meet the need when compared to a combination of distributed generation and energy efficiency? 5. Which proposed transmission line route is the best alternative weighing the factors set out in PORA § 37.056(c) and the following considerations: a. Does the route adhere to the Commission's "prudent avoidance policy?3 b. Does the route give adequate weight to factors such as: use of existing right-of-way and transmission line corridors; electrical efficiency; costs; and does the route follow property boundaries to the degree reasonably appropriate? 6. Are there alternative routes or facilities configurations that would have a less negative impact on landowners? What would be the incremental cost of those routes? 7. If alternative routes or facility configurations are considered due to individual landowner preference: a) Have the affected landowners made adequate contributions to offset any additional costs associated with the accommodations? b) Have the accommodations to landowners diminished the electric efficiency ofthe line or reliability? 2 See P.U.c. SUBST. R. 25.101(c), which states that the Commission shall give great weight to the recommendation ofERCOT in determining the need for aproposed transmission line. 3 See ApplicQlion o/CentralPower and Light Company,for a Certificate o/Convenience and Necessizy for a Proposed Transmission line ill Nueces, San Parricio, Bee and Goliad Counties, Docket No. 9305, 18 P.U.c. BUll. 16999,1784-85 (March J I, J993). Ccwles & Thompson 2/27/2003 10:57 PAGE 6/6 RightFax cPUC of Texas 2/27/2r : 10:39 PAGE 5/5 RightFaP.U.C. Docket No. 27030 Page 4 SOAH Docket No. 473-03-2244 Order of Referral and Preliminary Order This list of issues is not intended to be exhaustivec The parties and the AU are free to raise and address any issues relevant in this docket that they deem necessary, subject to any limitations imposed by the AU or by the Commission in futore orders issued in this docket. The Commission reserves the right to identifY and provide to the AU in the future any additional issues or areas that must be addressed, as permitted under TEx. GOV'T CODE ANN. § 2003.049(e). IV. Elred ofPrelimina.ry Order This Order is preliminary in nature and is entered without prejudice tu any party expressing views contrary to this Order before the SOAR AU at hearing. The SOAR AU, upon his or her own motion or upon motion of any party, may deviate from this Order when circumstances dictate that it is reasonable to do so. Any ruling by the SOAR AU that deviates from this Order may be appealed to the Commission, The Commission will not address whether this Order should be modified except upon iIS own motion or the appeal of a SOAR AU's order. Furthermore, this Order is not subject to motions for rehearing or reconsideration. SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS thc ___day of February, 2003. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OFTEXAS STEPHEN JOURNEAY, DIRECTOR POLICY DEVELOPMEl"T DIVISION PUBLIC UTILITY COM.1\1lSSION OFTEXAS Q:wmAREIORDERSIREF ERRALITRANSUNEI27a30 PUC DOCKET NO. 27030 APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC § DELIVERY COMPANY FOR A § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND § NECESSITY FOR A PROPOSED § OF TEXAS TRANSMISSION LINE IN DALLAS COUNTY § RESPONSE OF ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY TO STAFF'S SECOND REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TO TIlE HONORABLE PUBUC UTIT...lTY COMMISSION OF TEXAS: Oncor Electric Delivery Company ("Oncor") files this its Response to the aforementioned requests for information. 1. Written Responses Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are Oncor's written responses to the aforementioned requests forinformation. Each such response is set forth on or attached to a separate page upon which the request has been restated. Such responses are made in the spirit of cooperation without waiver ofOncor' s right to contest the admissibility ofany such matters upon hearing. Oncor hereby stipulates that its responses may be treated by all parties exactly as if they were filed under oath. n. Inspections In those instances where materials are to be made available for inspection by request or in lieu of a written response, the attached response will so state. For those materials that a response indicates may be inspected at the Austin voluminous room, please call in advance for an appointment in order to assure that there is sufficient space to accommodate your inspection. To make an appointment at the Austin voluminous room, located at 1005 Congress, Suite B-50, Austin, Texas, or to review those materials that a response indicates may be inspected at their usual repository, please call Ten Smart at (214) 812-4832. Inspections will be scheduled so as to accommodate all such requests with as little inconvenience to the requesting party and to company operations as possible. Oncor will be as cooperative as possible in making the requesting party's time as productive as possible and appreciates the requesting party' s understanding ofthe logistical problems faced by Oncor. HUNTON & WILLIAMS By: -j1V...􀂧􀁴􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀢􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁥􀀻􀀮􀀠State Bar No. 00788134 Kirk D. Rasmussen State Bar No. 24013374 1601 Bryan Street, 30th Floor Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone: 214-979-3000 Fax: 214-880-0011 ATTORNEYS FOR ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE It is hereby certified that a copy of the foregoing, together with all attachments hereto, has been either hand delivered or 􀁭􀁡􀁩􀁬􀁾by U.s. mail, postage prepaid, to PUC Legal Division and to all other parties herein, all on this 􀁾day of February, 2003. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.2 Question No. ASB-10 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: What would be the estimated project cost should Alternative Route 2 be utilized instead of Alternative (preferred) Route 41 Please detail the individual cost components in a table similar to the estimated costs table found on Page 4 of the Application. RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper, the sponsoring witness for this response. Oncor Electric Delivery Company prepared a preliminary cost estimate for the project that included the use of Alternative Route 2 as the route of the proposed transmission line. The total project cost was estimated to be approximately $6,645,017. Approximately $2,856,017 of this amount is associated with the cost of the Substation Facilities and approximately $3,789,000 is associated with Transmission Facilities. Following is an approximate breakdown similar to that found on Page 4 of the Application. Right-of-Way (easement and fee) $1,433,000 Materials and Supplies 780,966 Labor and Transportation (utility) o Labor and Transportation (contract) 1,013,442 Stores 31,656 Engineering and Admin. (utility) 289,928 Engineering and Consulting (contract) 240,008 Estimated Total $ 3,789,000 Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.2 Question No. ASB-11 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: On pages 3-3,3-38 and 5-1 of the Environmental Assessment, the Town of Addison, the City of Carrollton and the City of Farmers Branch alluded to planned or current projects involving improvements or beautifications along Belt Line Road. Please discuss the possibilities for maximizing the compatibility of the transmission line project with those projects and for improving the aesthetic appearance of the existing electric infrastructure. Please include cost estimates. RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper, the sponsoring witness for this response. In order to minimize the right-of-way requirements and to reduce perceived aesthetic impacts, Oncors application proposes to use 138 kV Armless Structure construction for the proposed project. Oncor additionally intends to unaerbuild existing distribution facilities on the transmission line support structures. These facilities and techniques are discussed in Section 1.3.1 and shown graphically in Figures 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 of the Environmental Assessment and Altemative Route Analysis for Oncor Electric Delivery Company's Proposed Carrollton Country Club 138 kV Transmission Line Project in Dallas County, Texas, included as Attachment No.2 to the CCN Application. The preliminary cost estimate for Alternative Route 2, previously provided in Oncor's response to Docket No. 27030, Staff RFI Set No.2, Question No. ASB-10, includes the facilities and construction techniques described above. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.2 Question No. ASB-12 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: Please discuss the effect, if any, on the project schedule should Alternative Route 2 be utilized instead of the Alternative (preferred) Route 4? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper, the sponsoring witness for this response. The utilization of Alternative Route 2, instead of Alternative Route 4 (Oncor's preferred route), would not be expected to have any material effect on the project schedule. Cowles & Thompson 2120/2000 0;20 PAOE 1/5 RightFax COWLES &THOMPSON A Proftulonal CorliOrlHoIJ 􀁁􀁔􀁔􀁏􀁾􀁎􀁅􀁙􀀧􀀠AND COUNSELORS FACSIMILE C 0 V E R PAGE Date and Time Faxed: Wednesday, February 26,20033:27:18 PM Total Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 05 Client/Matter #: \ To: Name: Chris Terry Company; Fax Number: 972-450-2834 Voice Phone: From: Name: John Hill Fax Number: 214-672-2370 Voice Phone: 214-672-2170 Message: Chris -received this just now in PUC Docket No. 27030. IMPORTANTICONFIDENTIAL:This message is intended only for the use of the individual Dr entity to which it is addressed. This messagll contains information from the law firm of Cowles& Thompson which may be priyll,ged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If tile reader of this message is not tile intended recipient or the employee, or agent responsible for delivering tile message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notilled that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of the communication is strictly prohibited. If yOu have received this communication in ertor, please notify us immediately at our telephone numbltr (214)672.2000. We will bit happy to arr!lllge for the return of this message to us, via the United States Postal SerVice, at no cost to you. '01 MAIN nun SUiTe 4000 PALLAS, TEUI 'UOR·.,,, DALLAS TV L ! • Ttl U'.H2.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW.COWL&STHOMPUN.COM Cowles & Thompson 2/26/2003 3:28 PAGE 2/5 RightFax 02/26/03 WED 15:16 FAX 469f 1 OFFICE Ii!l 001 SIFUENTES, DRlTMMOND e9' SlvllTH, llP TELECOPlER COVER SHEET The information contained in this facsimile is privileged & confidential It is intended only for the use of the individual Dr entity named below. Ifyou bave received this transmission in error, please notify us by telephone collect and return it to us at the above address. Thank you. DATE: February 26, 2003 CLIENT #: 153.00 Name & Comll!Dl: Fax Numl!er (214) 880-0011 TeleRbooe NllmbCl" (214) 979-3000 Allen Nyc, Jr. -Oncor .Electric Rochelle Mercier -Fobare Commercial (972) 458-0267 (972) 458·7585 Walter Humann -Osteomed (972) 677-4601 (972) 677·4600 John Hill-Town of Addison (214) 672·2370 (972) 6722170 Puc Legal Division (5I2) 936-7268 (512) 936-7260 FROM: Mark Smith TOTAL PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): 4 Cl ORIGINAL WILL FOLLOWVlt\ U.S. MAlL "-6RlGINAL WILL NOT FOLLOW Please cont(lCf Erin or April or (112) 469-9933 ifcomplete FAX iii not received. Messa tI: Attached: nnrkPl Na. AflJllirmimt IIf nora.,. RI,rtrir n,U""f'J' ('''mpall)1 far n C"rti('ntq ofComl(Jni(JJI('(J 111,,1 Necessity for Proposed Transmission Litle in Dall(1S County -Responses of tbe Town of Addison to Staff's First Request for Information, NOS. ASB I-ASH 2 I Cowles 􀁾􀀠Thompson 2/26/2003 3:28 PAGE 3/5 RightFax 02/26/03 WED 15:16 FAX 469r 1 OFFICE Ii!I 002 DOCKET NO. 27030 APPLICATIONOFONCORELECTRIC §. BEFORETBE 􀁄􀁅􀁾􀁒􀁙􀁃􀁏􀁍􀁐􀁁􀁎􀁙􀁆􀁏􀁒􀁁􀀠CERTlFICA TE OF CONVENIENCE §i § I PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION AND NECESSITY (CCN) FOR A PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE § : § ! OF TEXAS IN DALLAS COUNTY § : i RESPONSES OF THE TQLwN OF ADDISON TO STAEF'S FIRST REOUEST FOR INFORMATION, NOS. ASB 1-ASS 2 COMES NOW the Town of Addjson("Addison") and files this its respollSes to the Commission Staff's ("Staff') of the Public Utility Commission of Texas ("Commission'') First Request for Information (''RFI''), Nos. ASB I -ASB 2. The Staff's RFIs were served on Addison on February 6, 2003. Pursuant to P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.144(c)(1), thls response is being timely filed. Addison hereby stipulates that its responses may be treated by all parties as ifthey were filed under oath. Respectfully submitted, 􀁾􀁜􀁦􀁳􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀠 State Bar No. 18649200 SIFUENTES, DRUMMOND &; SMITB, L.L.P. 1002 West Avenue, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 469-9933 (512) 469-9944 -Fax msmith@Utilitylaw.com ATTORNEYS FOR TOWN OF ADDISON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned certifies that a copy of the foregoing document was served upon all parties ofrecord via hand delivery, U.S. Mail, facsimile or overnight courier, on thls 2611i day of Febroary,2003. 􀁾􀀨􀁌􀀯􀀭􀁪􀁊􀂥􀁾􀀠Mark W. Smith Page 1 Cowles & Thompson 2/26/2003 3:28 PAGE 4/5 RightFax 02/26/03 WED 15:11 FAX 469f '4 OFFICE 􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀳􀀠Docket No. 27030 Addison's Responses to Staff's First RFIs Question No. ASB I ASB-1: On pages 3-38 and 5-1 of the Environmental Assessment, the Town of Addison alluded to planned or current projects involving improvements or beautifications, including the Belt Line Streetscape Project, along Belt Line Roed. Please expand upon those plans., including those which might require integrating (he efforts of the Cities of Carrollton and Fanners Branch. Response: A Bond Election was held February 12, 2000, in which $11,000,000 was dedicated • 􀀭􀀻􀀺􀀢􀀾􀁾􀀠• towards streetscape enhancement efforts for the Belt Line Road Corridor. This funding will only finance the first phase efforts of the overall project and will most likely end at Addison Road, several blocks short of where the Transmission Line project would enter Belt Line at Surveyor Boulevard, The Town of Addison is currently engaged in the planning process regarding the Iedevelopment and beautification of the Belt Line Road Corridor. Because of current funding constraints, this project will consist only ofLandscape, Lighting and Pedestrian improvements, Prepared by: Chris Terry Assistant City Manager I Town ofAddison Page 2 Cowles & Thompson 2/20/2003 3:20 PAGE 5/5 nightFax Iill00402/26/03 WED 15:17 FAX 469f '4 OFFICE , ; Docket No. 27030 Addison's Responses to Staff's First RFls Question No. ASB 2 ASB-2: The Town of Addison has stated a preference for the proposed transmission line to be buUt utilizing the DART right-of-way (Alternative Route n If that route should not be feasible, please state whether the Town of Addison would prefer this project to be built along Arapaho/Realty Road (Alternative Route 4) or Belt Line Road (Alternative Route 2). Response: The Town ofAddison has stated its preference fur Alternate Route #1 which utilizes the .....-:'" 􀁾􀀠existing DART ROW. No otherproposed route is acceptable. Prepared by: Chris Terry Assistant City Manager I Town of Addison Page 3 􀁃􀁾􀁷􀁬􀁥􀁳􀀠& Thompson 2/20/2003 3: 53 PAGE 1/3 RightFax , , r .' .. ; FEB 2 1 2003 '. 1 .\.:',.> : COWLES &THOMPSON A Prohul;n,,1 Corllorl\!on ATTO •• ,Y' AHO COUNI'LOR. FACSIMILE COVER PAGE Date and Time Faxed: Thursday. February 20. 2003 3:51:54 PM Total Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 03 Client/Matter #: \ To: Name: Ron Whitehead Company: Fax Number: 972-450-7043 Voice Phone: From: Name: John Hill Fax Number: 214·672·2370 Voice Phone: 214·672·2170 Message: Ron· just received this from the PUC. IMPORTANT/CONFIDENTIAL:Thls message Is Intended only for the use of the Individual or entity to which it Is addr'ned. This mel5agt contains information frcrm the law firm 0' Cowl.s" Thompson which may bt privileged, confidential, anc! exempt from distlosure under applicable law. If tht reader 􀁾􀁦􀀠this message is not the in1ended recipient or tlte emplo)'ft, Dr agent I'IIIIpcrnsible for delivering the message to tlte inwnded recipient, you lire hereby notified thllt aDJ dissemination, distribution, or copying of the communication is strictly 􀁰􀁲􀁾􀁨􀁩􀁢􀁩􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀮􀀠If you havI! received this communication in error, please notify us immediately at our telephone nllmber (214)672·2000. We WIll'" happy WIIrrangt for the return of this message to us, via the United States Postal Service, at no test to lOU. '01 !lAIM nun sVln uoo 􀁄􀁁􀁾􀁌􀁁􀀧􀀮􀀠'IXlI HUI·no, DALLAl T Y L ! • Ttl U'.UZ.UOO FAA U4.tn.2UG W 'tI'tI.COWLI nMO!lPUN • COli Cowles & Thompson 2/20/2003 3:53 PAGE 3/3 RightFax PUC Of Texas 􀀲􀀯􀀲􀀰􀀯􀀲􀁲􀀧􀁾􀀠3:44 PAGE 2/2 RightFax .' '. ;' . ;, FEB 2 1 2003 -􀁾􀀬􀀠...', -'.,::' . : DOCKET NO. 27030 " ...􀁾􀀠-,---. -----'i APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMlSSION DELIVERY COMPANY FORA § OF TEXASCERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE § AND NECESSITY (CCN) FOR § PROPOSED TRANSMlSSION LINE IN § BELL COUNTY § ORDER NO. 5 GRANTING REQUEST FOR TRANSFER TO SOAR On November 27, 2002, Oncor Electric Delivery Company (Oncor) filed an application to obtain a certificate of convenience and necessity to construct a double circuit 138-kV transmission line in Dallas County. The name of this project is the Carrollton Country Club 138kV Transmission Line Project On January 10,2003, the Town ofAddison intervened in this proceeding. The Town of Addison's intervention was granted in Order No.3 on January 22, 2003. On February 14,2003, the Town of Addison filed a late request to transfer this proceeding to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAR). The Town of Addison stated in the reqllest that Oncor does not oppose referral ofthis proceeding to SOAR. Consistent with the request of the Town of Addison, tbis docket will be referred to SOAR as soon as possible. SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS on the __day ofFebruary 2003. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMlSSION OF TEXAS MARK GENTLE ADMINISTRATIVE LAWJUl)GE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Cowles & Thompson 2/20/2003 3:53 PAGE 2/3 RightFax PUC of Texas 2/20/2"-'i 3: 44 PAGE 112 RightFax FAX To: John Hill Company: Attorney Fax: 214-672-2370 Phone: From: Silguero, Melissa Fax: (512) 936-7208 Phone: (512) 936-7213 E-mail: Melissa.Silguero@puc.state.tx.us NOTES: PUC D·27030 Order No 5 Granting Request for Transfer to SOAH filed 2/20/03 Date and time oftransmlssion: Thursday, February 20, 2003 3:44: 1 0 PM Number of pages Including this cover sheet: 02 Cowles & 􀁾􀁑􀁭􀁰􀁳􀁑􀁮􀀠2114/2003 3:51 PAGE 115 RightFax ,'" ': :' '. : 􀁾􀀠􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠'.'> 􀀢􀁾􀀮􀀠. ." 􀁾􀀠.... --. " -, i. ;' .. ." ,,FEB 1 4 2003 •.-'I', COWLES &THOMPSON A 'rohnlClnll Corrnruron FACSIMILE CO V E R PAGE Date and Time Faxed: Friday. February 14. 20033:42:48 PM Total Number of Pages (including cover sheet); 06 Client/Matter #: \ To: Name: Ron Whitehead Company: Fax Number: 972·450·7043 Voice Phone: From: Name: John Hill Fax Number: 214·672-2370 Voice Phone: 214-672-2170 Message: Ron -attached is the filing in PUC Docket 27030 asking that the matter be transferred to the State Office of Administrative Hearings. IMPORTANT/CONFIOENTIAL:Thls message 15 intended only for the use of tile Indlyldual or entity to whh;h It Is addrused. Thi5 mlll&ge cuntains information from the law firm of Cowlel& Thompsun which may be IIrivlllged, confidential, and 􀁥􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁬􀁰􀁴􀀠from diSClosure under applicable law. Iftk reader of this meSSllge is not tile Intended recipient or the employee, Dr agent mpunsible far delivering the message to th. intended recipie-nl" you are hereby notifle-d that lin,dissemination, dlstrlbutloll, or copying of the communication Is stricti)' prohibited. If you have received tills communication In error, please notify us immediatel), at our telephone nlImber 􀀨􀁾􀀱􀀴􀀩􀀶􀀷􀀲􀀮􀀲� �􀀰􀀰􀀮􀀠We will be happy to .,rllllge for the return of this message to us, 􀁾􀁬􀁡the United States Postal Serylce, at no cost to you. 991 MAIl nun lUlU 4000 DALLAl. TUU 75nl.''', OALLAI T Y l! • Ttl n'.•􀀱􀁉􀀮􀁾􀁏􀁕􀀠FA' 􀁮􀀴􀀮􀁈􀁡􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁉􀁏􀀠\IiWW.UWLUTMOlinu .COM --Cowles 􀁾􀀠Thompson 2/14/2003 3:51 PAGE 2/5 RightFax02/14)03 Pat 15:30 FAX 4699944 OFFICg 􀁾􀀭􀀭Dd'SMTTH,. ilP TEI.ECOPIER COVER SHEET The informaCion eontmned in this facrimile is privileged 1ft eunfidential. It is intended only for the use of the individual Or entity named below. H you bave received this transmiHiou in error, please notify us by telephone eulleet and returnit to WI at the above address. Thank you. DATE: February 14,2003 CLIENT #: 143.0Q Name 1ft CowRau:r: Fu 􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁬􀀱􀁬􀀱􀀮􀀡􀁥􀁲􀀠Idmnone Number , Allen Nye, Jr. -Onror Eleetric Rochelle Men:ier -Fobare COJDIllerdal (214) 880-0011 (912) 458-0267 (214) 971)..3000 (972) 45S-7585 , . Walter Humann -Osteomed (972) 677-4601 (972) 677-4600 John Bill -Town ofAddison (214) 672-2370 (972) 6722170 Puc Legal Division (512) 936-7Z(i8 (512) 936-72CiO FROM: Mark Smith TOTAL PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): 4 o ORIGINAL WIU.fOu.QWVTA V.S. "MAlt. 0 Ol1.lGrl'lAL WILL NOT fOLLOW Please COntact Erin or A.pril at (512) 469-99331{conlplete FAX is not r_v84. Messa : Attached: Docket No. Application ofOncor Electric Delivery Company for a Certicate Of Convenience lind Necessity for Proposetl Trlln$lllission Line in DaIltJS County -Town of Addison's Motion ror Leave to Late l1'iIe Reqnest f(ll' Transfer to SOAR anel Request for TraDsfer Cowles & Thompson 2/14/2003 3:51 PAGE 3/5 RightFax 02/14/03 FR1 15:31 FAX 4699944 OFFICE IilJ002 DOCKET NO. 27030 APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC § BEFORE THE DELIVERY COMPANY FOR A § CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIQN AND NECESSITY (CCN) FOR § PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE § OF TEXAS IN DALLAS COUNTY § TOWN OF ADDISON'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO LATE FILE REQUEST FOR TRANSFER TO SOAR AND REOUEST FOR TRANSFER TO THE HONORABLE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE: . The Town of Addison ("Addison") hereby moves for leave from the Public Utility Commission ofTexas (''Commission'') to late file its request to transferthis docket and respectfully requests that the Commission refer this docket to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (USOAH") for assignment of an Administrative Law Judge to conduct a hearing on this matter pursuantto P .U.C. PROC. R. ']2.201. In support ofits requests, Addison would show the fullowing: On Janllaly 10,2003, Addison requested to inteIvene in this docket through its Mayor, who acting pro se, submitted Addison's request fur intervention to the Commission's Customer ProtectionDivision afterthe procedural schedule hadbeen set and after Order No.2 hadbeen sentto the parties. OnJanllaly 15, 2003, Addison's request was filed with CenttalRecords andwas granted onJanllaly 22,2003. Addison's Ma)/Qr, due thepro.renature ofhis involvement, was not aware of the deadline for filing a request fur transferto SQAH, or its significance, until after the deadline had passed. The undersigned counsel was retained only yesterday, when Addison realized that specialized counsel was needed. This docket shouldbe transferred to SOAR. There is no question thatthe legal rigIm;, duties, or privileges ofparties to this proceeding, including Addison, will be impacted by this docket. As I lwles & Thompson 2/14/2003 3:51 PAGE 4/5 RightFax 114/03 FRk 15:31 FAX 4699944 OFFICE IgJ003 such, this is a "contested case" as defined by the Texas Administrative Procedure Act. '!'EX. GOV'T CODE § 2001.003(1). State law statcli that except for cases heard by one or lllOI'e Commissioners, contested cases beron: the Commission will be beard by SOAR. TEx. aoV'T CODE § 2001.049. Graating Addison's request will not prejudice anyparties, orserve to disrupttheprocmling. The deadline for requesting a transfer to SOAR was Jlmuary 27, 2003, seven days prior to the original deadline for Staff's Recommendation in this case. The deadline for Staff's Recommendation has been moved to March 7, 2003. Addison's current request fortransferis now 21 days prior to the Staff's Recommendation in this case. Furthemtore, transferring this case to SOAR will serve the public interest. Without furecIosing the possibility offull settlement, Addison believes thst a nwnber of issues exist which may require resolutionina contested case case proceeding. Inaddition,transferringthisdockettoSOAH and establishing a procedural schedule will provide parties the impetus for engaging inmeaningfuJ negutiations and will allow the SOAR AU to rule on discovery matters which will facilitate gathering information necessary to re:lolve the issues this docket presents. The undersigned counsel has discussed this motion with ooUllsel ofrecord for Oncor, Allen Nyc, who has authorized Addison to represent herein that Oncor does not opposethe granting ofthis motion. The undersigned has not ascc:rtained the position of any other parties to the docket with respect to this Motion. On the basis ofthe foregoing, Addison respectfully requesta that the Commission grant it leave to late file this request fur transfer to SOAH and to issue an order to transfer the docket to SOAR. 2 Cowles & Thompson 2/14/2003 3,51 PAGE 5/5 RightFax 02/14io3 FRJ 15:31 PAX 4699944 OFFICE 􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀴􀀠Respectfully submitted, SlFUENrES. DRUMMOND & SMITH, L.L.P. 1002 West Avenue, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 18701 (512) 46c)"9933 Telephone (512) 469·9944 Facsimile By: Mark W. Smith State Bar No. 18649200 msmith@utilitylaw.com Miguel A. Huerta State Bar No. 00787733 mhuerta@utility1aw.00 IIl AITORNEYS FOR THE TOWN OF ADDISON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned certifies that a copy ofthe foregoing document was served upon all parties OfIecord via haud delivery, u.s. Mail, faC$imile OIoVemigbt courier, on this 14th dayofFebnlary, 2003. Mark W. Smith 3 (!./. Ro rJ C2-1'fA Z, 􀁾􀀿PUC DOCKET NO. 27030 􀁍􀁜􀁾􀀠JorttJ ft. APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR A PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE IN DALLAS COUNTY § § § § § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS RESPONSE OF ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY TO STAFF'S FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TO THE HONORABLE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS: Oncor Electric Delivery Company ("Oncor") files this its Response to the aforementioned requests for information. I. Written Responses Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are Oncor's written responses to the aforementioned requests for information. Each such response is set forth on or attached to a separate page upon which the request has been restated. Such responses. are made in the spirit of cooperation without waiver of Oncor's right to contest the admissibility of any such matters upon hearing. Oncor hereby stipulates that its responses may be treated by all parties exactly as if they were filed under oath . .11. Inspections In those instances where materials are to be made available for inspection by request or in lieu of a written response, the attached response will so state. For those materials that a response indicates may be inspected at the Austin voluminous room, please call in advance for an appointment in order to assure that there is sufficient space to accommodate your inspection. To make an appOintment atthe Austin voluminous room, located at 1005 Congress, Suite B-50, Austin, Texas, or to review those materials that a response indicates may be inspected at their usual repository, please call Teri Smart at (214) 812-4832. Inspections will be scheduled so as to accommodate all such requests with as little inconvenience to the requesting party and to company operations as possible. Oncor will be as cooperative as possible in making the requesting party's time as productive as possible and appreciates the requesting party's understanding of the logistical problems faced by Oncor. HUNTON & WILLIAMS 􀁂􀁹􀀺􀁪􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁤􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀳􀀮􀀽􀀡􀀼􀁾􀀣􀁾_______ E. All e, Jr. State Bar No. 00788134 Kirk D. Rasmussen State Bar No. 24013374 1601 Bryan Street, 30th Floor Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone: 214-979-3000 Fax: 214-880-0011 ATTORNEYS FOR ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE It is hereby certified that a copy of the foregoing, together with all attachments hereto, has been either hand delivered or mailed by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, to PUC Legal Division and to all other parties herein, all on this 􀁉􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁴􀁫􀀬􀀻􀁤􀁡􀁹 􀀠of February, 2003. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No. 1 Question No. ASB-01 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: In Table 1 of the Application, the summer area electrical load for year 2002 is an estimate. Please prepare a revised table incorporating the historical load for the year 2002. RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Michael J. Juricek. Table 1 Year Area Load (kW) 1998* 457,400 1999* 464,000 2000* 455,400 2001* 439,700 2002* 429,100 2003 475,300 2004 484,900 2005 491,000 2006 500,400 2007 510,300 2008 520,200 *Historical Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.1 Question No. ASB-02 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: On page 5 of the Application, it was claimed that the area load is projected to grow at "about 2.4 percent annually." Please recalculate the projected load growth utilizing the year 2002 historical load values in Table 1. RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Michael J. Juricek. The recalculated load growth is approximately 3.3%. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No. 1 Question No. AS8-03 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: In Table 1 of the Application, the historical summer area electrical load generally declined between the years 1998 and 2001 and then increased significantly from 2001 to 2002. Please explain the reasons for those trend fluctuations. RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Michael J. Juricek. The decline in load was primarily due to load transfers and lower than expected ambient air temperature. Load was transferred from the substations included in Table 1 to other substations not included in Table 1. These load transfers were needed to prevent overloading of the substations. The summer ambient air temperature was not the same each year. The load is sensitive to the air temperature, with higher temperatures causing higher load due to the amount of air conditioning load. The load forecast for 2002 was developed assuming expected conditions such as ambient air temperature. Much of the increase was due to 2001 actual conditions being different than the expected conditions, e.g., the actual air temperature in summer of 2001 was lower than expected. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.1 Question No. ASB-04 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: If the proposed transmission line were to be constructed in Alternative Route 1, would the existing distribution line right-of-way be utilized? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. Yes. If the proposed transmission line were to be constructed along Alternative Route 1, the existing line right-of-way would be utilized. However, an additional easement would need to be obtained for the transmission line. Oncor Electric Delivery Company would underbuild the existing distribution on transmission line support structures. It is anticipated that a distribution support structure would be required between each of the transmission line support structures to support the distribution conductors at mid span. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.1 Question No. ASB-OS Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: If the proposed transmission line were to be constructed in Alternative Route 1, what provision would be made for the existing distribution line? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. The existing distribution line could be underbuilt on the transmission line support structures. It is anticipated that a distribution line support structure would be required at mid span between the transmission line support structures to support the distribution conductors. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No. 1 Question No. ASB-06 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: In Segment B of Alternative Route 4. please describe any existing overhead electric distribution lines paralleling and adjacent to Realty Road or Arapaho Road? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. At the present time, no overhead electric distribution lines are parallel and adjacent to Arapaho Road along Segment B of Alternative Route 4. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.1 Question No. ASB-07 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: What is the estimated project cost should Altemative Route 1 be utilized instead of the Alternative (preferred) Route 4? Please detail the individual cost components in a table similar to the estimated costs table found on Page 4 of the Application. RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. Oncor Electric Delivery Company prepared a preliminary cost estimate for the project which included the use of Alternative Route 1 as the route of the proposed transmission line. The total project cost was estirnated to be approximately $5,589,317. Approximately $2,856,017 of this amount is associated with the cost of Substation Facilities and approximately $2,733,300 is associated with Transmission Facilities. Following is an approxirnate breakdown similar to that found on Page 4 of the Application. Right-of-Way (easement and fee) $ 814,000 Materials and Supplies 716,105 Labor and Transportation (utility) o Labor and Transportation (contract) 699,000 Stores 30,349 Engineering and Admin. (utility) 233,838 Engineering and Consulting (contract) 240,008 Estirnated Total $2,733,300 Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No. 1 Question No. ASB-OB Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: Please provide cost estimates associated with moving or underbuilding any distribution lines should Alternative Route 1 be utilized for the project. RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. There are no information or documents responsive to this request. Oncor -Docket No. 27030 Staff RFI Set No.1 Question No. AS8-09 Page 1 of 1 REQUEST: Please discuss the effect, if any, on the project schedule should Alternative Route 1 be utilized instead of the Alternative (preferred) Route 4? RESPONSE: The following response was prepared by or under the direct supervision of Charles T. Jasper. Use of Alternative Route 1, instead of Alternative Route 4 (Oncor Electric Delivery Company's preferred route) would not be expected to have any material effect on the project schedule. -%"'6*li" FEB-06-2003 15:38 􀁾􀁏􀁗􀁌􀁅􀀵􀀠& THOMPSON 2146722020 P.01/08 COWLES &THOMPSON A P,ohulonal Cor09PlItI0f1 􀁁􀁔􀁔􀁏􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁖􀀤􀀠ANO COUNSEL.', FACSIMILE COVER PAGE Time: _____Date: February 6. 2003 Total Number of Pages (including this sheet): B Normal/Rush: Normal Client/Matter #: 3195125211 TO: (1) Mike Murphy FAX: (972) 450-2887 FROM: John M. Hill Direct Dial #: (2141 672-2170 MESSAGE: RE: PUC Docket No. 27030 • Mike, Chris Terry aSked rne to send you a copy of the attached previously forwarded to Ron. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL YOlanda Rodriguez at (214) 672·2629 Thank you. IMPORTANT\CONFIDENTIAL; This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entilyto which it is addressed. This message contains information from the law firm of CoWles & Thompson which may be 􀁰􀁲􀁩􀁶􀁩􀁬􀁾􀁧􀁥􀁤􀀬􀀠confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicabte law. If the reader of this message is not the inhimded recipient or the employee, or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of !hili communication Is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication In error, please notify us Immediately at our telephone number (214) 672-2000. We will be happy to arrange for the return of this message to us, via the United Slates Postal Service. at no cost to you. ,., MAl. Hun aUITE iOOO OALLAI, TEXU 7U02.n'$ DALLAS TVL.ER TEl IH.H2.2000 FAX "'.HZ.2OZ' 􀁗􀁗􀁗􀀮􀁾􀁏􀁗􀁌􀂣STHOM'$ON.tOM e -fEB {) 00 15-1 F' Stat10n -OHf,,1 F D D FEB-06-2003 15:38 􀁾􀁏􀁗􀁌􀁅􀀵􀀠& THOMPSON 2146722020 P.02/08 COWLES &THOMPSON A P,ofus!onal Corporation ATTORNfYS AND COUNSELORS February 6, 2003 VIA FACSIMILE 972.450.7043 AND REGULAR U.S. MAIL Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001·9010 RE: PUC Docket No. 27030 Dear Ron: Enclosed is a copy of the Staff's First Request for InfOlll1ation to lite Town of Addison in Docket No. 27030 which I received by fax this morning, The Town's answer is due within rwenty (20) days after receipt ofthe Request (February 26); any objection to the Request must be filed and served within 10 days ofreceipt. Also, enclosed is a copy of the Staffs Second Request for Infonnation to Oncor Electric Delivery Company. Very truly yours, 􀀯􀂷􀀭􀀭􀁬􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀮􀁈􀁩􀁬􀀱􀀠JMHlyjr Enclosures cc: Mr. Ken Dippel 4JQl MAIN STREET SUITe -tOOB GALLAS. TEXAS 7HOl·)79J CALLAS TE\. 214.4U,10\)O FAX 214.bi2:.2B20 f)..:ult'!mlll IOnt)6 wWW.GfJWlt 51HOM P'S 0 N .G(J M _uuaw4··' ii:·*4n.••.. FEB-06-2003 15:38 􀁾􀁏􀁗􀁌􀁅􀁓􀀠& THOMPSON 2146722020 P.03/08 F,b-aS'D3 IG.aT From· t-3le p.Ol/ar '-5UO DOCKET NO. 11030 Al'PIJCATlON OF ONeOll § ELECTlUC DELlVEIlY COMPAN\( § FORA CERTI.flc ....n OF § CONVJ:N)BNCE AND NECESSITY , OFttXAS (CCN) FORA PROPOSiiD § TRANSMISSION LINJi: IN DA.LLAS I COUNTY § STAFF'S PlRST REQUEST FOR INFOKMA'J'IUN TO no: TOWN 0' ADDISON QUESTION NOS. ASI 1-ASB 2 The Commissiol!. SlIlff (Stai!) of tile PubUIl Ulilily COIIIIPi*Sion of T_ (Cllllllllis1ion) requem t:llAt tbe ToWII of Addison plOvidc tile foUowing infolmaliolllUid 􀁾tile fbllowilla qu.:mioD(s) WIder oalh. The questiOll{s) shall be answered iIlsufticient dclaillO liIIly presemllll ofthe relevBDI f4ctll. witbin !be time limit provided by die Pmiilillg Officer or wilbirl 20 days, if the Presiding OftiQt;I" lw not provided a 'time limil.. Please copy the qllMioll 􀁾􀁹above the lUIS"'t:I'ro each question. The,e qIlHlioll(S) art contilluing ill nature, and ifIIw:c is a Jelevllnt challse in cirl:umsumces. Submit III! lIIlleIIdecl IIIlSWcr. under Illl.cb. l1li II suppl=ent Ul )Our origina1 answer. SIIItC the Q/WC ofthe: willll!1§ ill this cause who will SpIIllIiOf t:llA __to the ProVide lUI origillalmd !ell copiell ofyour lIIl''I'IelS rolhc questions 10 lbI: Filirig Clerk. Public Utility COlDIIIissioll ofTIIXIIS, 170] N. COll81'C5S Avenue. P.O. Box 13126, AII5liII. Tau 71711.3326. ec x : B 0 5-1 10 'T F' ADD 4 . , FEB-@6-2003 15:38 -:OWLES & THOMPSON 2146722020 P.04/08 T·lai P.Ol/07 F-l40Flb-os-a. 10,91 􀁾􀁔􀁅􀀺􀁆􀁾􀀶􀀮􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀳􀀠􀁾􀁬􀁹SubmiUCCI. '1'bDmIlS S. HIulrct DMsioD DiJel:W-LeBa! Division KcitbRogas Direl:lOf -Lesa! DivisiOll, J!leclric SCll;lioQ. eS'·4jannJI. AtIo#Icy -Legal aM EDforceml!llt DIVIsIon, 􀁅􀁬􀁥􀁣􀁉􀁲􀁩􀁣􀁾􀀠Stille BarNo. 24029724 PubUI: Villi.,. COllllllis$lQA ofTexas !70J N. 􀁃􀁾􀁓􀁓􀁁􀁷􀀺􀁡􀁵􀁥􀀠P. O.Box 13326 􀁁􀁾T_1J711-33:.J6 5llfll360 7292 5121936-7268 fu DOCKET NO. 27030 CERTIFJCAl'E oraDVICE 1. 􀁒􀀮􀁇􀁾􀀬􀀮􀁋􀀮􀀠MmiU. SdAtIol'llef, ctnii1 diar a cop)' ollbis Iiclcumedt _ served 011 Ill! pNliea ofm;ard in ws pl'llCeedillB on FebrUaJy 6, 2003 by &tsimlle. Re '" d Fax' F Statlon' FEB-06-2003 15'38 􀁾􀁏􀁗􀁬􀁅􀁓􀀠& THOMPSON 2146722020 P.05/06 t-glS P.OIIOT F·SGO DOCDTNO. :l70l0 COMMISSION STAFf'S BJRS1' SET OF REQUESTS FOR JNFORMA'I10N TO TRi TOWN OF AIlDISON REQUESTS NOS. AU 1-ABU Z ASB-l OIl paps3-31111D115-1Iittlle Ealliladmmtal A.UeISZDellr.1be TOWII ofAddison alluded to pllIIlIICd or Clll'mI! pcoje!:\ll iuvolwm, impro\'mICIUS or 􀁢􀁥􀁷􀁭􀁦􀁪􀁾􀁲􀁮􀁩􀁯􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁬􀀬􀀠iIlcludin& me 􀁂􀁥􀁬􀁾􀀠J.iIIe 􀁓􀁾PnI,im. alflQ& Ddt LiM Jca4. flewexpaz14 llP01i1hosc: plms, inl:luding!hose: wbich lllisht reqllite imeara'llA8till: ertcns of 'Ihr: Ci*s ofCl!ft'OU_1II4 FIIn'IlmI Bl'f&l'lcb ASB-2 2li:i"¥tltkML" Fax Statlon . DI N . FEB-06-2003 15:38 -.:bWLES 8. THOMPSON 2146?22020 P.06/08 Flb-OS-Ol 10,a1 r-us P. GI/OT F-SIO DOCKET NO. 17030 '. n. APPLJCAnON OF ONCOR § ELECTBlC DEl-lVERY COMPANY § FOR A CQ,TJFlCATE OF CONWNliNCE AND NECBSSITY § § OF TEXAS (CCN) FOR A PROPOSED § TRANSMISSION LINE IN DALLAS § COUNTY § STAFF'S SECOND REQUEST FOlUNFORMATlON TO ONCOR ELEC1'IUC DELIVER\' COMPANY QUESTION NOS. ASB 10 -ASB 12 ThcI Commission StAff (Staff) of lIle Publfc Utility Commission of T"xas (CommissiClll) requc5l:! Wt Qncor lSlCmc Delivery ComPIII), (Om:Dr) p.rovilk tltto following irlfomlalion wi IIIl.$wc:r the followi:ng quesliQII(!\) under oillh. The 􀁱􀁵􀁥􀁳􀁬􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀨􀁾􀀩􀀠SlIaII be 1IISwm:d i:n 􀁾􀁵􀁦􀁦􀁩􀁣􀁩􀁃􀁑􀁬􀀠detail to fully present all of the lI:levllllt facts. widlin the time limil {ltovide4 by tbt! 􀁐􀁲􀁾􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁩􀀠Officer or wilhUl 20 days, lftbe Prt:sidillj Officer has I\Ot provided abme limiL PlclSll COJlY tbt! question imml:diately above 􀁉􀁨􀁾􀀠lIIl.$Wel to each quetlioll. These quesTioll(s) life <;ontimlinS i:n naMe, IIIId if lher¢ is II 􀁲􀁾􀁬􀁥􀁶􀁵􀁬􀁉􀀠clla.Il&e in circUlllStlllll:eIl, submit !III amended answer, l.Ulder Qath, as II SUpplement to ),Ollt origialllllll.$"IVa'. Stale: the 􀁬􀁗􀁉􀀱􀁾􀀠of lIle wiWU in rhis cause who will :IJXlI1Sonhe IIIWWI:t to lIle quolStigll 8I1d CIII vouch for lIle 1nII:h of W IIIswer. Provide tin ariginallllld &en copies of)'OIllIIISWI!r.i to me qucsTioWl It> lbe PiliDS Clerk, Public Utilit)' CollUllissicll ofTexas. 1701 N. Congress AvenQe, P.O. Box 13326, AUStin, ToIlS 71111·3326. · ax tat1 • 􀁯􀁴􀁾􀀠OF A i FEB-06-20e3 15:38 􀁾􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁅􀁓􀀠& THOMPSON Fro.. '·11& p.Dilor HOD DATE: Febl1W'Y 6,3003 R.cspecubl1y SvbrnilWd. Thol%lu S. Hunter DiVision Director -Lr:pl Division Kd1bRo..􀁾􀀠 DireclClr -Lesal Divisioll, SJa::ui1: S=C!ion , 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁷􀁮􀀬􀁴􀁬1U!hi! ca Ie. '1 AlUlmty -LcIlJll and􀁾􀁃􀁉􀁬􀀡􀀮􀁃􀁉􀁬􀁴Diviliall, Elecult 􀁾􀁲􀁬􀁯􀁬􀁬􀀠Sune BIr No. :24029724 Public Uzilil)' COIllltlDIOiOl1 ofTc:x.as 170l N. COl1PSsAvl:Ilue p. O. Box 13326 Aumn. Texas 78711-3326 􀁾l2l9l6-7292 5121936-7268 fill!. DOCKET NO. 27030 cEanf'ICATE Of SEltVlCE 1. Rebecca J(. Mmill, Staff Mlarney. eeJ1ify liIat a copy otdUs documeJlf was served on aU parties oCrecQrd indUs proceeding OD Febrwi:ry 6,2003 by facsbnile. =;.,.1,4 liiln¥TtitNGilI. ii_i"a;;" SON 8 FE8-B6-2003 F.b-O'-OS II:ll ASB-10 ASS· I 1 ASIH2 15: 39 􀁾􀀧􀁯􀁗􀁌􀁅􀁓􀀠& THOMPSON 2146722020 P.0E/0E Fro,," T-338 p.IT/Or F-IIO DOCKET NO.170l8 COMMISSION STAFf'S SECOND SET or REQtlESTS FOR INFORMATION TO ONcoaELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPAN¥ REQUESTS NOS. ASB lO-AiD 12 Wllal wllul4 be 􀀡􀁨􀁾􀀠csr.itIwcQ project CQSt "'ould Alternative Ro\lle 2 be utilized instead or AllCllWive (p"frInCd) Route 4? PI_ deIa.il1be individuril cost compoaezUII in lllable liimilu to 􀁾mimar.ed costs table found 011 Page 4 ofthe Applicaticn. On pases 303, 3-38 and S-J IIf1hc Euvinmfllenta! ASSI:SIGenl,!he Town of A44Ison.lhe City ofClIIlVlltOll and the City ofFIII'IMl'S Br8llllb itlluded to plannaQ Ol' 􀁾􀁴proj""llI involville bnprovemmlS Or bcQ1I'IiticaIiollS aIoIIg Belt Line a"at!. 1'1_ diS!;\liS !he possibilitics fOJ maximizing the compalibilil)' of 􀁉􀁨􀁾􀀠=mi>ll;iailline project with those projCt:lS Il)d for improving !he aesthetic appearance ofW existin, eleCU'ic infnI:nructurc. Plca.te inelwle cost tlS"limalCS. Please dlSCIlSlllhe effect, ifany, "n W ptojllcl scbedule !lbould AllttJlalive aoUIe :2 be Utilized inSIead of1br: AI_liv" (prefen'lldJ RDur.e 4? TOTAl. P.0E OF TEXAS DOCKET NO. 27030 Al'PLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC § 􀁄􀁅􀁾􀁙􀁃􀁏􀁾􀁁􀁎􀁙􀁆􀁏􀁒􀁁􀀠§ CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND § NECESSITY (CCN) FOR PROPOSED § TRANSMISSiON LINE INBELL COUNTY § § ORDER NO. 4 GRANTING REQUEST TO EXTEND STAFF RECOMMENDATION'DEADLINE On November 27, 2002, Oncor Electric Delivery Company (Oncor) filed an application to obtain a certificate ofconvenience and necessity to construct a do.uble circuit 138-kV transmission line in Dallas County. The name ofthis project is the Carrollton Country Club 138-kv Transmission Line Project. The proposed 138-kV double-circuit transmission line and the Carrollton Country Club Substation are planned for installation prior to the summer load season of 2006 to prevent the overloading of substation and distribution facilities. This substation will be located in an area that is remotely surrounded by the existing substations and served by long feeders from these substations. On February 3, 2003, Commission Staff (Staff) filed a request to extend.the deadline for its fmal . recommendation to March '3, 2003 and the deadline for responses to Staff's recommendation to March 10, 2003. Staff and Oncor jointly requested the extension since they will be meeting within the next few weeks to discuss the project and the proposed routes, and Staff is trying to co1!ect more information regarding the various routes before making a fmal recommendation. Staff stated the Town ofAddison concurs with the extension request. COnsistent with the agreement of the parties, the deadline for Staff to file its final recommendation is extended until March 7, 2003. The deadline for responses to Staff's recommendation is extended until March 10,2003. . 6 f1 SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS on the day of February 2003. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION q:lpcNocket rnanagementleleetrielecn I27xxxI27030-4.doc From-T-160 P.D11n4 F-188 Rea-ca Klrill (hirmlUJ Brett A. Perlman Cvuuuiuuuu:r Julie Carlllheu Pal'sley CQDUDI'»IODC'f W. Lalle Lallfurd 􀂣􀀺􀀮􀁸􀂫􀁾􀁴􀁩􀀢􀁃􀀧􀀠􀁄􀀮􀁩􀁲􀁲􀁾􀁬􀁯􀁲􀀠Public Utility Commission ofTexas FAX COVER SHEET 􀁣􀀻􀁾􀀠e:,........... 􀁍􀁾􀀠DATE: January 27,2003 􀁊􀁾􀀠\.l-tM.; TO: R. scon WHEELER FAX# 972-450-7043 FROM: REBECCA MERRILL PHONE: 512-936-7292 PUCTX FAX: 512-936-7268 RE; Docket No. 27030 -STAFF'S FIRST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION TO ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY I Number of pages including cover sheet: 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• If there it; a problem with thit; transmission. please call1-lNDA at 512-936-7299 T-160 􀁐􀀮􀀰􀁾􀀯􀀰􀀴􀀠F-1Sa Al'l'LlCATlON OFONCOll fi ELECI1UC DEUVERY COMPANY § :rollACERTJlllCATE OF § CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY § OFTPAS (CCN) roRA PRoroSED § TRANSMISSION LINE IN DMJAS § COUNTY § STAFF'S FIRST REQUEST FORINFOBMATION TO ONCOR ELECTR,IC DELIVERY COMPANY OUESTION NOS. ASH 1-ASH 9 '!'he Commission Staff (SWf) oftile Public Utility Commission of T!i!XAS (Commission) n:quesu; tIIat Om:or EIec1ric Delivery Comp;uly (Om:or) provide tile fbllowius infomtlllilm aud __ '!he followiDs queslioll(s) UJIder 0IIIb. The quatioa(s) sIlaII be lIWIwered in llIIftkiCllt detail to fully pment all of me Idevant facT8, within the time limit provided by lbe Ptesiding Oftict:r or within 20 days, ifthe I'midiDg omen has JlDt provided 8 time limit. Please copy the quAIIIlioIl immediately abpve the answer to each questiolL These qumioa(s) iIfC cOlllWlIiIlJ in !IlItllW" aud iftb= ill 8 JClmmf chanae in 􀁾􀁕􀁬􀁮􀁓􀁉􀀸􀁉􀁉􀁃􀁉􀀺􀁳􀀮􀀠lIUbmil 11m aml!llded 8119WU, IIIIIIer oam, 118 a 8UJIlllemelll to your origilla! _. State the name ofthe wiIxI.Hs in this cause who will spc!IlSI>rthe IIIIIWIIrto tile q\llJlllilmaud C:llmvO\ldl fortbnrotb ofthe answer. Pmvide fill oripw IIIld lim copies ofYOlIf IIIliWm to the quesUlmS to the f'ilinB Clezk, PohIie Utility CommlaiOll oftexas. 1101 N. CQIl8mS AVI!IIllr, P.O. Box 13326, AIISlin, Texas 18711-3326. FrQm-􀁔􀀭􀁬􀁾􀁏􀀠p.Oa/04 F-lse DATE: January 23, 2003 RespemiJlIy Submined, 1'homas S. Humer DivisiOll Direclof -Leglll DivisiOll Kei'ChRoga Director-Lega1 Division, E1CC11'ic SecIion PUC DOCKET NO. 21030 CEllTD'lCATE OF SJUlVlCE I. Rebecca K. MetriII. SlIIffAtlmtllly, cerIify tbar Iicopy ofThis doc:umem was served 011 aU pania ofreoom inThis prt'C""dIngon JIIIlU8rY 23. 2003. by faI:aII1IIle. from' 􀁲􀀧􀁬􀁾􀁏􀀠P·04/04 f-1Sg I PUC PROJECT NO.1703l1 COMMISSION STAFF'S FIRST SET OFREQllESTS FOB. INFORMATlON TO ONCORnECl'lUCDEUVEJlY COMPANY REQtJESTS Nos. ASB 1-ASB II ASB·) In Table 1ofthe Application. the SUIIlmI:: mea electrical load for year 2002 is an 􀁾􀀮Please prepare a tevi8ed Ulble iIICOIporIUIng the histOlicalload fot the year 2002. ASB·2 On paae Softhc: AppliQ\ticm, it\VIIi claimed _ the IItlla load is projecTed 10 grow iii 􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁢􀁯􀁵􀁴2.4 pr::n:an _laDy." 􀁐􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁣􀁡􀁬􀁾tlu: projttted load growth utilizing !be yc:lII' 2002 l!istomal load values in Table 1. ASB-3 lu. Table 1 ofthe AppliIllltioD. !he hiJtoriaIllllllll:lXll:r area elCll'lricaiload 􀁾􀁬􀁹􀀠declined between the years 1998 and 2001 and then inemsed sisDificam1y flam 200110 2002. Pl_ explain the _ for those tmId fluctuaUOlI$. ASS-4 Ifthe proposed Ulnami,sioo line _ to be C/lIISlI'IICted in Altemalive Rome 1, would the I:lriSl!n& cIistrlbulian line rlgM-of-wilY be UIillud? .t\Sa·5 Ifthc proposc4 􀁾line were TO be COlISImCIed in AlIemiUivc: Rolue 1, what provision would be made tbrtlle existing disUibutiOP line? ASB·6 b:I Segment B ofAlte.mati.ve Route 4. please desl:ri.be any I:lristiu& ovcrbea4 eleCtric cIistrlbutioo liIIIIiI pandleling and a4jllCeGt10 Realty !WIld or ArapII\IQ Roiid? ASB-1 Whal ia the 􀁭􀁩􀁭􀁾project oost sIIouki AItemative Route 1be IIliJized iMread oftile AltmIativIl (pnIfeml1) Ro!lle 41 􀁰􀁾delail tile irIdividuIII cost colllpOlll:nlS inatable similar10 tile e::timaled costs table found on Pll8e 4 ofthe Application. .ASB-S PleaKprovide oost IISIimates 􀁾withIDDving 􀁯􀁴􀁾􀁡􀁮􀁹􀀠di.ib@u u.s IbouId Altilmllliq RPIne 1 lie IIIiIi:i»d for the prqject. A8B-9 Please dIIicuslI tile effect. iflIII)'. on the JIIOjCilt Khcdli!c iihould Alle.lDlllive Route 1be II1ili2riiMIead oftile Alu:mative (pretme4) Route 4? Z14STosm Attennon 1-635 Project Coalition Members: As discussed during last Tuesday's meeting, al1ached is the letter to the Dallas area Congressional delegation seeking support lor the 1-635 Project, including tlTe request for $50 million for TEA-21 Reauthorization, Attendees of last Tuesday's meeting agreed that the teller should be signed by all the Mayors of cides that are impacted by the project, as well as County officials. We have designed lelleJtiead. which includes all of the project partners. for this letter and any future correspondence from the coalition. Please sign the leller and fax it back to me at the following: AIIn: 6rel! WHkinson 2141671l-519B -fax We Wllilhen seen your signature and add it to the final !etter. Please do not sign over printed type. Please call me at 214/67()..5197 if you have any questions. Thank you! Brett Wilkinson Interyovemmental Affairs Manager City of Dallas 􀁾􀀱􀀴􀀶􀁔􀁏􀁓􀁔􀀹􀁾􀀠T-99S P.QQl/QQ3 F-T55 1-635 Coalition M:gor COlI' C..,., 0!1ofiL'wl5vi'ffr J'dsq ...!)' ....' DentDll 􀁃􀁯􀁵􀁮􀁾􀀠 􀀯􀀱􀀱􀁾M.lrpeI K""", Oalla CO\In!y MIgot Lawa 111m" CityorO;lfn January 21, 2003 The HonOlable uFirst,Name. 􀂫􀁉􀀮􀁡􀁳􀁌􀁎􀁡􀁭􀁾􀀠United States House of Reprell6n1a1ives WashinglDn, DC 20515 DeIll'Rep!eSlllllillive uLasLName»: Transportallon moblrl\y in lhe OIFW M81I'Oplex 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁬􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠to be a major ahalleng9 Ihat afec!s everyone In our region. Our recent population explosion and ills ever-inCll!llSing demands on our transportation capacity have l'BSulll!d in the need fOr significant ir\VflSlment in our lranspolllllion infrastructure. In order to meet this IlIlaDenge. we are writing today 11'1 a spirit of regional c:ooperation to I1:!quest your support on a project that, when compla!e. will stgnificandy . improve 1I1e l1!jJion's mobnity end air qualfly. The 1·535 Project is a $1.7 billion etrort led by the Texili OepMment of Transportation to Il1I:fII1slllJr:t a 21·miIe long. eldremely congestad lransportatlDn corridor that runs from Wii5I of I35 to US SO on the eas\. The project oonSis!s of 4 major sections: 1-635/US 75 Inlercllange (Dallas High Five); MesqUlle; East ilIl4 We:;\; and Includes a variety of Jmpmvemenls such as expansion In the number of main lanes, iolen:iJanges. HOV/toH lanes, continuous frontage roads, tunnels, and replacement bridges. The 1·635 corridor runs through several l;i\ies; Dallas. Farmlil'1l Branch, Garland, Bnd Mesquite, In addition to those clUes, other pmjectpartn$f$ inclUde Dallas, Collin and Centon COunties; the North Central Texas CouncD of Governments (NCTCOG); Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART); the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA); ana 1I1e North Texas COmmiSsillll (NTC). Nearby cities wi" also be impacted by the project sInce reconstruction of 1-535 wIU affect 1I1e lIow of tralI!c throughout much of the Dallas region, Immediately impacted cities Include 11ViI1g, Plano, Carrollton, CoppeR, Richan:lSon. Addison and LewisViUe, We believe !hat this project is one of the region's most urgent needs. Therefore, we are jOining together to COnvey to our Dallas area Congressional delegBllon the importance of this project to our enUre region, Ao you know, Congllllis will begln'A'Wk liCon on reauthorimtion ofTEA-21. We are requesting $!ill mHllon for the 1-535 Projeet as II high priority project in lite new legiSlation. Since projects of !his magnitude !Il'e often funded willi gIeaI olfficulty, we believe that Congress should consider Spet:ial treatment in the Iqislatioll for addressing veIY large, complex, and expensi\lll surface lranspolllllian pro_. The North Cen!laI Texas Counc!1 of Govemmenls' Regional Tmnsportalion CouneD Is looking al new partnership opportunilles to fund projecls that am slgnlllcant from a regional plil'8pecti\lll, For example, they are proposing. among other 1Irings. to transfer SurfBl:e Transportation l"rogram funds aw'l:! from arteJiaI projecls ID more significant, larger highway projects that Improve mobility throughout 1I1e entire DIFW metlllplex. 1-535 is a perfect example of such a project, and designation of '·535 as a high priority project in tile legislallon Wl11 leVerage milians . of dollars through this new strategy. MoreeVIII'. reconSlruclion of the bollleneck inten:hanges at i 1-3511-635 and 1-3011-635 will greally assist NAFTAgoods 􀁭􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁴􀁨􀁲􀁯􀁾􀀹􀁨1I1e corridor. l14S7GaT88 Thank you for your a!1ention to this matter. We would like to visit with you about this fJltIject in the very near future and will b!J in contact with your ofIicl!, Your 811PPOrt of !he 1-635 Project is menlial1D the prcjec! moving forward mOI11 quicldy and will be greaHy epprecialed. 1'1_feel flee to contact anyone of us at any lime if you have any questions. We look foJWanl to \lisltinll with you soon. Slncen:tly. DOCKET NO. 27030 APPLICATION OF ONCOR ELECTRIC § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION DELIVERY COMPANY FOR A § 􀁃􀁾􀀠12o,.l CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND § OF TEXAS 􀁾􀁜􀁾􀀠'i4rt-lQ"\NECESSITY FOR PROPOSED § 􀁾􀁏􀁜􀁾􀀢􀁈􀁾􀁜􀁜TRANSMISSION LINE IN DALLAS § COUNTY § RESPONSE OF ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY TO ORDER NO.3 COMES NOW, Oncor Electric Delivery Company ("Oncor"), and files this its Response ("Response") to Order No.3, Granting Motion to Intervene of the Town of Addison; Requesting Documentation From Fobare Commercial, L.P.; Requiring Oncor To Respond To Osteomed's Letter ("Order No.3"), respectfully showing as follows: I. INTRODUCTION On January 13,2003, Mr. Walter J. Humann, President and C.E.O. of OsteoMed, filed a Jetter with the Comroission (UOsteoMed Letter") alleging that OsteoMed was not timely notified about Oncor's plan to construct the transmission line that is the subject of this docket ("Proposed Project"). More specifically, Mr. Humann claimed that OsteoMed had "at no time been notified about this plan from Oncor Electric Delivery Company or the Public Utility Commission.',l Order No.3, issued in this docket on January 22, 2003, requires Oncor to "review the address information and file a response to OsteoMed's allegations regarding the absence of notice,,2 by January 30, 2003. Although Oncor is uncertain as to the source of OsteoMed's confusion, as explained more fully below, OsteoMed has been aware of the Proposed Project since at least July 15, 2002, and likely prior to such date. Furthermore, Oncor has fully complied with the I OsteoMed Letter, p.2. 2 Order No.3, p. 2. RESPONSE TO ORDER NO.3 -p. 1 requirements of P.U.c. Procedural Rule 22.52. In summary, Oncor respectfully disagrees with allegations contained in OsteoMed's Letter. II. RESPONSE 1. Oncor provided OsteoMed with notice of Oncor's Open House Meeting at the address contained in the records of the Dallas Central Appraisal District. . On January 29, 2002, Oncor sent a standard "Notice of Open House Meeting" concerning the Proposed Project to all landowners of record with property within 500 feet of any alternative route. The list of recipients included OsteoMed. The address for OsteoMed (3750 Realty Road, Addison, Texas 75001-4311) was obtained from the files of the Dallas Central Appraisal District. OsteoMed's notice was not returned to Oncor as undeliverable. 2. No less than 16 representatives of OsteoMed attended a meeting organized by the Town of Addison concerning the Proposed Project. Oncor conducted a special meeting on July 15, 2002, at the request of the Town of Addison. The Town of Addison invited property owners along Arapaho and Realty Road to attend. The specific purpose of the meeting was for One or to explain the Proposed Project and answer questions from the invitees. No less than 16 persons identifying themselves as representatives of OsteoMed attended the meeting. A true and correct copy of the sign-in sheet from such meeting is attached hereto as Attachment "A." Please note that the address provided by such OsteoMed representatives on the sign-in sheet is -"OsteoMed Corp., 3750 Realty Rd., Addison, TX, 75019" -the address utilized by Oncor when providing notice to OsteoMed of Oncor's Open House Meeting and Application. RESPONSE TO ORDER NO.3. p. 2 3. Notice of the Application Oncor provided notice of the filing of its CCN Application to directly affected landowners, including OsteoMed, on November 27, 2002. Such notice was provided to OsteoMed at 3750 Realty Road, Addison, Texas 75001-4311 -the address obtained from the Dallas Central Appraisal District records and provided by representati ves of OsteoMed at the July 15, 2002 Town of Addison Meeting. The notice was not returned to Oncor as undeliverable. Accordingly, Oncor has fully complied with Commission Procedural Rule 22.52 by mailing "notice of its application to the owners of land, as stated on the current county tax roll(s), ....,,3 Furthermore, attached hereto as Attachment "B" are two recent photographs of OsteoMed's facilities located at 3750 Realty Road, Addison, Texas 75001-4311. The first picture clearly shows the address for OsteoMed as "3750." Oncor represents that the photograph was taken on Realty Road on January 17, 2003. However, the second photograph is even more telling. Such photograph shows the document taped to the OsteoMed door at 3750 Realty which clearly states that OsteoMed's "NEW ADDRESS 3885 ARAPAHO ROAD," is "effective December 23, 2002" (emphasis added). Again, formal notice of Oncor's Application was provided to directly affected landowners on November 27, 2002 --thirty-one days prior to the "effective date" of OsteoMed's new address. III. CONCLUSION Given the foregoing, it is unclear to Oncor how OsteoMed could claim that it had no knowledge of Oncor's Proposed Project. It is undeniable, however, that Oncor complied with all 3 Procedural Rule 22.S2(a)(3). RESPONSE TO ORDER NO.3 -p. 3 requirements of Commission Procedural Rule 22.52 and that OsteoMed had actual notice of Oncor's Notice in time to meet the intervention deadline. Oncor sincerely hopes that the foregoing information clarifies the issue raised by OsteoMed and looks forward to working with OsteoMed and all of the other parties as this docket proceeds. Respectfully SUbmitted, Hunton & Williams 􀁂􀁙􀁾E. AI ye, Jr. State Bar No. 00788134 :Kirk D. Rasmussen State Bar No. 24013374 Energy Plaza 1601 Bryan Street, 30th Floor Dallas, Texas 75201-3402 (214) 979-3000 (214) 880-0011 (fax) ATTORNEYS FOR ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the for ing was served on the 301h day of January, 2003, to the parties of record in this procee ....d,..i􀀧􀀿􀀥􀀼􀁾􀀠RESPONSE TO ORDER NO.3· p. 4 88332.039203 DALLAS 35245vl 􀁭􀁩􀁮􀁩􀀳􀁾􀀴􀀠(912) 􀁾􀀱􀀩􀀮􀀷􀀰􀀰􀀰􀀠FAX 􀀨􀀡􀁬􀀷􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁯􀀮􀁲􀁏􀁑􀀠AGENDA July 15, 2002 1. Welcome Ron Whitehead City Manager 2. Town Position Mike Murphy Director, Public Works 3. ONCOR Position Jean Hooker ONCOR 4. Question/Answer Phone Numbers Ron Whitehead 972-450-7027 Mike Murphy 972-450-2878 Jean Hooker 972·888-1302 .. ATl'ACBMENT A PAGE 1 'of 2 Jan-IS-a! 03:22l1li FrOir OHeOR EHUIiY DeLIVERY CO. mnlilD4 I , , • 􀁾􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀯􀀭8S,;s-t.,f to "i􀁾􀁾􀁦􀀬􀀭􀀡􀀠.􀁾􀁖􀁜􀀮􀁾􀁳􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁉􀀠1",;,It1€.J:,sf􀁴􀁊􀁾􀁡􀀬􀀠if;.7;J..•. ;J..I.{ /-􀁾¥ 0/O,sff(J#UM C()f;P ?7,Z.. -J. 􀀧􀁉􀁉􀀭􀀤􀁾d I ;1At f -}!e:WI'oAti tv. 1771 􀂷􀁓􀀹􀁾􀂷56//O'iT'EOMI5J) 6?1l...p· "f7.? .0:2 'f/3'fL:JJ 􀁏􀁳􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁬􀁄􀁾􀁾􀀠. tfn> 2.J.i /-􀁾V07 .!l ...... --"'-! " .. ' •G'J;1 J. w u), c.. I P 7 7.:Z ;;;a;;:;.a '54£.0 l 􀁑􀁾􀁾􀁎􀀮􀁤􀀮􀀠G!r.;p 9:'l2...-.2..ltt-3ltt!> ) 􀁏􀁓􀁦􀁙􀁭􀁾􀁡􀁾.... 91a. -􀁾􀀴􀀧1-B40 I t)$7E:.f:'''".Eb o,£f. en"2 -?"If,-. 3-¥r;; I 􀁾􀁾􀀠't"1',,-"2)..!.L -3Ub\ Os 'C"E.b 􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠9'1:t. 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On November 27, 2002, Oncor Electric Delivery Company (Oncor) filed an application to obtain a certificate of convenience and necessity to const:ri:!ct a double circuit 138kV transmission line in Dallas Coimty. The name ofthis project is the.Carrollton Country Club 138-kv Transmission Line Project. The proposed 138-kV double-c:ircuit transmission line and the Carrollton Country Club Substation are plauned for installation prior to the summer load season of 2006 to prevent the overloading of substation and distribution facilities. . This substation will be located in an area that is remotely surrounded by the existing substations and served by long feeders from these substations. Granting Motion to Intervene of Town of Addison. On January 10, 2003, the Commission's Office of Customer Protection received a request to intervene in the abovereferenced proceeding from Mr. R. Scott Wheeler, Mayor for the Town of Addison. The request to intervene was filed in Central Records on January 15,2003. Mr. Wheeler requested public intervention on behalf of the residents, property owners, and business owners of the Town of Addison and expressed concerns ·regarding Oncor's preferred route. While the Town ofAddison may have a justiciable interest that may be adversely affected by the outcome of this proceeding, the Mayor caunot intervene on behalf of individual residents, property owners, and business owners. Any affected residents, property owners or business owners must file motious to intervene on their own behalf. Nonetheless, the Town of Addison's requestto intervene is hereby granted pursuantto P.U.C. PROC. R. 22.103(b). DOCKET NO. 27030 ORDER NO. 3 PAGE 3 SIGNED AT AUSTIN, TEXAS the 􀀮􀀲􀁾􀁹of January 2003. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION q:\pdldocket rnanagement\electric\ccn127xxx127030-3.doc JAN-IO-OS 09:11AM FROM-TRAMMELL rQOW Z1497965S0 T-109 P,01/03 F-545 FAX MEMO TRAMMEll CROW COMPANY 22QO Ross Avenue, Suite 3100 Dalla5, TX 15201 Telephone: 214/&19-6100, Direct Line 214/919-6324 Fax; 2141919-6680, Email: swormant.§!tramme!lcrow.com DATE; January 10. 2003 TO: Mike Murphy FAX' 972-450·2837 FROM: Shawn D, Worman # Of Pages (Including Cover): 2 Re: Carrollton COl/ntIY Club 138kV Tran5mi&6ion L.ine Project. JAN-IO-03 09:22AM FROM-TRAMMELL 􀁲􀁾􀁯􀁷􀀠ZI49Tmeo T-IDS P.D2/D3 F-545 JanuatY 10,2003 Public Utilities Conunission ofTexas 1701 North Congress Austin, Texas 78711-3326 Re: Carrollton Country Club 138kV Transmission Line Project Dear Conunissioners: This letter is in response to the recent request by ONCOR to obtain a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to constnlct a double cirtuir I 38kV transmission line in Dallas County, more specifically, Addison and Carrollton Texas. The attached exhibit indicates the Preferred Route on the map as Route 4. Trammell Crow Company represenrs 8eltline &. Marsh Lane Inve$tors, LP in the management ofAddison Business Park consisting ofsix building located on the comers ofBusiness Avenue & Arapaho Road extending west along Arapaho to Marsh Lane. Trammell Crow Company also represents Beilline &. Marsh Lantl Investors, LP in the management oCtive buildings IOlASted on the comer ofArapaho Road and Marsh Lane extending west to Venture CourT in the City of CfIITOlllon. On behalfofour tenants we strongly conteST the ON COR preferred alignment through the middle ofa heavily populated Business neighborhood. Trammell Crow Company favors the DART Railroad Right-of-Way (ROW) alignment owr aU the others (Rollte 1) as noted on the altached exhibit map. It malel! sense to use this route as there is an existing ROW that has already been acquired for the purpose of this extension with an 􀁥􀁸􀁩􀁾􀁬􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠rail line bllffl!ring the proposed sU'ucture and residential area. I appreciate your time and consideration on the propolit'd U'ansmission line project. Sincerely, Trammell Crow Company 􀁦􀁫􀁷􀀻􀀱􀀯􀁊􀁾􀀠Shawn D. Wonnan Propeny Manager Cc: Town of Addison, Texas Joel Halverson, 8eltline &. Marsh Lane Investors, LP JAN-IO-Dl 09'11AM FROM-TRAMMELL rQQW 1149796590 T-IDS P.03i03 F-545 : ... , • R. seon WHEELER M,\YOR PaSt Offi-C-{.£2:Jcr•:t_. .Rli 􀀺􀁾􀀠tilAOll!ltilGM 􀁾􀁏􀁂􀀹􀁊􀀮􀀠.,...,..:.;) 􀁴􀁦􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁷􀁯􀀬􀀠qIOM :Jllqnd 􀁩􀁏􀁊􀁾􀀨􀁬􀁊􀁬􀁡􀀠'!:I'd 'A:QdJnW '31""I.fi)JW 'w"" ....,;;;I(MOi\'jf "'''45 :0, mrII0M :lnSnd NOSIOa1l' dO _OJ. HP LaserJet 3100 SEND CONFIRMATION REPORT for Prlnter/Fax/Copier/Scanner Town of Addison 972 450 2810 Jan-15-03 9:30AM Job Start Time Usage :997I 1/15 9:29AM 0'5411 Phone Number or ID Type Pages Mode 512 9367188 Send",,,,, """ 3/3 EC144 Status Cornplet ed"" , ......... " ...,.. ,'" .. " ......... Total 0'54" Pages Sent: 3 Pages Printed: 0 􀀭􀀼􀁊􀁾􀀠,-$\,Q 􀀱􀀮􀁊􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀱􀁩􀀨􀀩􀀠,\ M1 -\1'.)...\<'1 \)'177 􀁾􀁗􀀢􀀧􀁜􀁊􀀠'" I" ':.'l-1""'fY'1i!'1. ? 1,<;I ()(\, " " ...:;; \"'.􀀩􀀮􀁳􀀻􀀺􀁮􀁾􀀠-a<1.\.." W "*"II:i -e..u.Er7 :;lQ J..Jo::> "1 S1 qi>;l?'kvy 􀀧􀀱􀀾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀺􀀨􀁊􀁴􀀺� �􀁏􀁾􀀠6utpnpullsofhtd JO 'ON􀁏􀁾􀁏􀁓􀀧􀁾􀁏􀁄􀁓􀁌􀀠X.1 'UOSJPPV 􀁯􀁾􀁯􀀶xoe '0'd OAOJ61sIIM 􀁾􀁯􀁥􀁥􀁾􀀠f. 0/f;:. 'II ,.,," lt9l:"05trn:L& :)(,6::1 􀀸􀁂􀁉􀁉􀀻􀀻􀀬􀁾􀁢􀀠-'Z I Si '#'t.v, &LBt'OSvllL6 ;90!.UO J 0 dO ,"'d""" 5l!JOM :!lIqnd]O Jl,;ilOIUIO "3"d 'A4d..mw '31ec40IW ''''.," 􀁊􀀻􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀰􀀲􀀡􀀢􀁏􀀡􀀠S)lHOM :II1Bnd NOSIQOV :10 NMOi (972) 450-2871 1 tgrove 􀁃􀁗􀁾􀀠AGENDA January 6, 2003 I. Welcome & 􀁉􀁮􀁴􀁲􀁯􀁤􀁵􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁾􀀠Ron Whitehead -Addison City Manager Overview ofProject, Mike Murphy -Addison Director of Public Works m. Discussion of ONCOR recommendations to Public Utilities Commission (refer to ONCOR Public Notice) N. Upcoming important dates v. Discussion of options VI. Questionl Answer OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER (972) 450-7000 • FAX (972) 450-7043 􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀡􀁩􀁾􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀡􀁩􀁩􀁩􀀡􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀂮􀁐􀀼􀁩􀁳􀁴om..Box 9010 Addison" T...s75001-9010 . 5300 Belt Line Road December 20, 2002 Dear Business 'Owner: Oncor (formerly TXU), in accordance with the rules of the Public Utility COmmission (PUC) of Texas, has given notice of Oncor's intentto obtain a Certificate of Convenience and NeCessity to construct a double circuit 138 kV transmission line in,Dalias County; Texas. These are the large (at least 85 feet high) metal towers that will negatively impact the 􀁡􀁥􀁾􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁴􀁩􀁣􀁳􀀠ofour community anc/your business. The preferred TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE being submitted by Oncor, not the Town of Addison, will extend the new transmission line from the existing substation, located near the Surveyor/Arapaho intersection, westerly along the north side of ArapaholRealty Road for some 2,750 feet to Venture Avenue in ,Carrollton before turning northward to the DART Rail Line. (See the attached map and photo for more information). , The second preferred TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE being submitted by Oncor, whIch is the ,Town ofAddison's preferred. route, would extend the new transmission line from the existing substation, located near the Surveyor/Arapaho intersection, north to the DART Rail Line and then westerly along the south side ofthe rail line for some 6,400 feetto C6lu'mbian Club Drive in Carrollton. (See the attached map and photo for more infoi:mation). ' , .,,_.,; ... ,; -. . -'. -. The third prefE;!rred TRANSMISSIOr; LINE ROUTE being submitted by Oncol';, 'not the Town'of Addison,\i{iould extend the new transmission line·from the ". . -' eXisting substation, located 􀁮􀁥􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠Surveyor/Arapa'i1o mtersection, south 􀁴􀀮􀁣􀀾􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁴􀀠, line Road 􀁾􀁮􀁤then westerly along the north side Belt Line Road. for some 􀀶􀁾􀀳􀀺􀁰􀁏􀀧􀀠, feet to Columb)an Club Drive in 􀁃􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁴􀁯􀁮􀀮􀀠(See the attached map 􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀺􀁩􀀮􀀠photo for: ._ more infG':mation)': 􀁾􀀠,.' ' ,t ,. , . .:_ 􀁊􀀮􀁾􀀧􀀠. Obvi90sly, from the above descriptli:ms, the 1st and 3rd 􀁾􀁰􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁷􀁯􀁵􀁬􀁤􀀠have 􀁾􀀠negative visu,al impact on each: of these two corridors. However, we still" have the. , ability to file an "Intervention Request"with the Texas PUC by January 13, 2003. Therefore, I would like to organize a meeting of all of the affected business owners and representatives in these affected areas so that we can address the' PUC as one large vocal group. 􀁔􀁨􀁩􀁾􀀠is definitely a.situation where numbers matter. . ., I So please mark your calendar for January 6, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. to gather at fo.,ddison Town Hall, 5300 􀁂􀁾􀁬􀁴􀀠Line Road to prepare. a petition that will be submitted to the PUC. Please call Mike Murphy at (972)-450-2878 with any questions. Sincerely, 􀁋􀁾􀁗􀁾􀀰􀂷􀀠Ron Whitehead City Manager .. . ,', -. P.2 FRD!>' ,> Oncor Electric Delivery Company ("Oncor", "Company"), in accordance with the rules of the Public Utility Commission ofTexas, hereby gives nOlke of Oncor's intent to obtain a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to constmcl a double circuit 138 kV transmission line in Dallas County, texas as (lescribed below. The name of this project is the Carrollton Country Club 138 kV Transmission line Project. Persons with qu<:sti,onsabout this should 􀁣􀁏􀁩􀁾􀁴􀁡􀁩􀁣􀁾􀁴􀁒􀁩􀂰􀁢􀁥􀁾􀀬􀁩􀁲􀁴􀀡􀁈􀁾􀁯􀁩􀁬􀁴􀁬􀁡􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁩􀁪􀁾or call or and spc:ecl1-i1npl3irf:d' individuals with text telephones my)may contact the commission at 􀁾􀀱􀁾􀁻􀁥􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁲􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁒􀁾􀁾􀁴􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁬􀀻􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁝􀁾􀀬􀁃􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁩􀁩􀁝􀁾􀁤􀀴􀁦􀁴􀁾􀁦and In addition, a copy of the map of the project may be reviewed at the office of Robert Holt, Oneor, 500 N. Akard, Dallas, TX 75201,'telephone (214) 486-7800. Copies of the map may also be obtained by contacting Robert Holt at (214) 486-7800. PREFERRED TRANSMISSION LINE ROlJrE The preferred transmission line route (Route 4),Will begin at the existing OnoOl: 138 kV transmission line located near the exis.ting Oncor Addison SubstUion, located approximately 800 feet north of 􀁾􀁥􀁬􀁴􀀠line Road and 400 feet west of Surveyor Boulevard in the Town of Addison if} Dallas County. Tile existing Oncor 138 ltV transmission line is oriented in a north/south direction 􀁡􀁰􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁾􀁩􀁭􀁡􀁴􀀬􀁥􀁬􀁹􀀠400 feet west of Surveyor Boulevard. The new transmission line will extend to the wes!1northwest from the existing Oocor 138 kV iransmission line for approximately 400 feet,paralleling the north side of Arapaho Road (formerly Realty Road) to a slight angle point located"north of the intersection of Commercial Drive lind Arapaho Road.. From the angIe point, the new Ilansmission line proceeds in a wesllnoItbwesterly dire<;tion for approximately 2.750.feet along the north side of ArapaholRealty Jl.oad to an angie point located approxbna\e1y 200 feet east of the intersection of Realty Road and Venture Court. This segment ofthe new transmission line will cross Marsh Lane. From the angie point, the new transmission line turns in a westerly direction for approximately 450 feet to an angle point located approximately 250 feet west of the intersection of Realty Road and Venture Court. This segment of the new transmission line will cross Realty'Road. From the angle point, the new transmission line turns in a north/northwesterly direction, for 2pprQximately 500 feet to an angle point located approximately 1,900 feet west oithe intersection of the Dallas Area Rapid Transil (DART) Railroad and Marsh Lane. This segment of the new transmission line will cross Realty Road and will parallel a railroad spur. From this .angle point, the new transmission line tums in II west/northwesterly direction for approximately 2,650 feet to an angle point loCated approximately 2'.700 feet east. of the intersectiQIl oflhe DART Railroad and Kelly Boulevard. This segment <:>f the new transmission line will parallel the sollth side of the existing DART Railroad, From the angle point, the new transmission line turns in a southerly direction fOr approximately 200 feet to the proposed P.3 12-11-2002 S,19AM FROIv' \ ! Carrollton Country Club Substation local&! at the .southwest intersection of Country Club Drive and Columbian Club Drive. This segment of the new transmission line will cross Country Club Drive. The estimated cost of this project is $6,509,290. . ALIERNAIE TRANSMISSION LlNE ROUTE (ROUTE 1) An alternate route (R9ute I) fOf the transmission line will begin at the existing·Oneor 138 kV transmission line located near the existing 'Oneor Addison Substation in Dallas Coumy. The existing Oneor 138 kV tranSmiSSion line is oriented in a north/south direction approximately 400 feet west of Surveyor Boulevard. The alternate transmission line will extend to the wesVnorthwest from the existing OncGr 138 kV transmission line for approldmately 6,400 feet to an angle point located approximately 2,700 feet east of the intersection of the DART Railroad IIl)d Kelly Boulevard. This segmet\t of the alternate transmission line will parallel the .soutnside of the DART Railroad and will cross Marsh Marsh Lane. From the angle poin.t, the alternate transmission line turns in a southerly direction for approximately 200 feet to the proposed Carrollton Country Club Substation located at the southwest intersectioll ofCountry Club Drive and Columbian Club Drive. This segment of the alternate transmission line will cross Country Club Drive. ALTERNATE TRANSMISSION LlNE ROmE fROtITE 2) An alternate route (Route 2) for the transmission line will begin at the existing Oncor 138 IcV transmission line located near the existing Onco( Addison Substation in Dallas County. The existing Oncor 138 kV transmjs.sion line i.s oriented in a north/south direction approximately 400 feet west of Surveyor Boulevard. The alternate transmission line will extend to tbe west/southwest from the·existing.Oneor 138 kV tranSmission line at its' intersecriQn with Belt Line Road for approximately 400 feet to an angle point located near the northeast intersection of Crunrnercial Drive and Belt Line Road. This segment of the alternate transmission line wiliparallel the nortil side of Beltline Road. From the angle point, the alternate Il'atlsmission line proceeds in a westerly direction for approximarely 5,950 feet 10 an angle point located near the northwest intersection of Belt Line Road and Columbian Club Drive. This segment of the alternate transmission line will parallel the north side of Belt Line Road and will cross Commercial Drive, 'Business Drive, Marsh Lane, Venture Court, Tr.end prive, John Connally Drive, and Columbian Club Drive. From the angle point, the alternate.transmission line turns in a northerly ditection for approximately 1,950 feet to the proposed CarroUlon 'Country Club Substation located at the southwest intersec.lion ofCountry Club Drive and Columbian Club Drive. This segment of the alternate transmission line w,ill parallel the West side of Columbian Club Drive. . " " ALTERNATE TRANSMISSION LlNE RQUTE (ROUTE 3) An alternate route (Route 3) for the transmission line will begin at the existing Oncor 138' kV transmission line located near the existing On,cor Addison Substation in Dallas County. The existing Ot\COt 138 kV transmission line is oriented in II north/soulb P.4 FRO;; direction approximately 400 feet west. of Surveyor Boulevard. The alternate 􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁾􀁭􀁩􀁳􀁳􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠line will extend to the westlnorthwest from the eltistiilg'Oncor 138 kV uansmission line for approximately 400 feet to an angle point located north of the intersection of Commercial Drive· and Arapaho Road (fonnerly Realty Road). Prom the angle point, the alternate transmission line proceeds in a westlnonbwesterly direction for approximately 2,750 feet to an angle point located approximately 200 fe!!t east of the intersection of Realty Road and Venture Court. This segment ofthe.altemate transmission line will parallel the north side of Arapaho Road and will cross Marsh Lane. From the angle point, the alternate transmission lin!! turns in a westerly direction for approximately 950 feet to an angle point Ioc:ated near the intersection of 􀁾􀁥􀁡􀁬􀁴􀁹􀀠Road and Trend Drive. A portion of this segment of the alternate transmission line will parallel the south side of Realty Road and will cross Realty Road and Trend Drive. From the angle point, lhe alternate transmission line turns in a southerly direction for approlCimately 1,450 feet to an angle point located near the nOJ:thwest intersection ofTrend Drive and Belt Line Road. This segment of the alternate 'transmission line will parallel the west side of Trend Drive. From the angle point, the alternate transmission Hnc rums in a westerly direction for approximately 2,250 feet to .an angle point located near the northwest intersection of Belt Line Road and Columbian Club Drive. This segment of the alternate transmission line will parallel the north side of Belt Line Road and will cross John Connally Drive and Columbian Club Drive. From the angle point"lhe alternate ttansmission line 􀁴􀁵􀁾􀀠in a northerly direction for approximately 1,950 feet. to the proposed Carrollton Country. Club Substation located at the southwest intersection of Country Club Drive and Columbian Club Drive. This segment of the alternate transmission line wi!! parallel the west side of' Columbian Club Drive. .. -:130 Belt 􀁾􀀠\ I, Addison , SUBSTATION CARROLLTON COUNTRY CluB " 􀁅􀁘􀁉􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁣􀀻􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁧􀁾􀁏􀁎􀀠Airport 􀁾􀀠 • •• •• •• •• •• • 􀁊􀁁􀁎􀁾􀀰􀀶􀀭􀀰􀀳􀀠MON 10:03 AM ONcrn ,ELECTRIC DELIVERY FAX NO. 817 􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀠6959 P. 02• •'tt • 5: 12 ::t '" 􀁾􀀠IV c I .1 􀁾􀁉􀀠°10:: • --r , .,.. 􀁾􀀠􀀬􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀧􀁉-1 --12' • 􀁾􀀠"..... ---T . Distribution Facilities, ,-.... if Utilized 34' 􀁾􀀠2B' 0 10: 0 􀁬􀁾􀀠PUBLIC ROAD L-_. 􀁾􀁉􀀠fd 1 PRIVATE PROPERTY 'i. IiES' .1...___-15:I 25' 􀁾􀀠"Ena1r"'l-esering: "EnVironmental ConSU!ilng -SurveYIngPBSJ Figure 1-4 ~ -138 kV TRANSMISSION LINE ROW FOR DOUElL5·CIRCUIT, SINGLE POLE ARMLESS STRUCTURE ADJACENT TO PUBLIC STREETS AND ROW CARROLLTON COUNTRY CLUB 136 kV TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT-1-11 ) Dear Owner: Oncor (formerly TXU), in accordance with the rules of the Public Utility Commission (PUC) ofTexas, has give notice of Oncor's intent to obtain a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to construct a double' it 138 kV transmission line in Dallas County, Texas. These are the Jar e X eet hi h metal towers that will negativelv impact the aesthetics ofour community and your business. The preferred TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE being submitted by Oncor, not the Town of Addison, will extend the new transmission line from the existing substation, located near the Surveyor/Arapaho intersection, westerly for some 2,750 feet to Venture Avenue in Carrollton before tuming northward to the DART Rail Une spur. The power structure will be placed along the north side of the newly constructed Arapaho Road. (See the attached map and photo for more information). The second preferred TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE being submitted by Oncor, which Is the Town ofAddison's preferred route, would extend the new transmission line from the existing substation, located near the Surveyor/Arapaho intersection, north the the DART Rail Line spur and then westerly for some 6,400 feet to Columbian Club Drive in Carrollton. The power structure will be placed along the south side of the DART Rail Line. (See the attached map and photo for more information). The third TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE being submitted by Oncor, not the Town of Addison, would extend the new transmission line from the existing substation, located near the Surveyor/Arapaho intersection, south to Belt Line Road and then westerly for some 6,350 feet to Columbian Club Drive in Carrollton. The power structure will be placed along the north side Belt Line Road. (See the attached map and photo for more information). Obviously, from the .above descriptions, the 1st and 3m options would have a visual impact on each of these two corridors. However, we still have the ability to file an "Intervention Request" with the Texas PUC by January 13,2003. Therefore, I would like to organize a meeting of all of the affected business owners and representatives in these affected areas so that we can address the PUC in one large vocal group. This is definitely a situation where numbers matter. So please mark your calendar for January ???? at nnto gather at Town Hall to prepare a petition that will be submitted to the PUC. Please call with any questions. Landowners and Transmission Line Cases at the PUC ,Public Utility Commission ofTexas 1701 N. Congress Avenue P.O. Box 13326 Austin, Texas 78711·3326 (SI2) 936-7261 www.puc.state.IX.us Effective: January I, 2003 􀁾J. . 1 PURPOSE OF THIS BROCHURE This brochure is intended to provide landowners with infonnation about proposed new transmission lines and the Public Utility Commission's process for evaluating these proposals. At the end of the brochure is a list ofsources for additional information. The following topics are covered: • How the Public Utility Commission (pUC) evaluates whether a new transmission line should be built, • How you can participate in the PUC's evaluation of a line, and • How utilities acquire the right to build a transmission line on private property. You are receiving the enclosed formal notice because one or more of the routes for a proposed tmnsmission line may require an easement or other property interest across your property, or the centerline of the proposed project may come within 300 feet of a house or other habitable structun:o on . your property. (This distance is expanded to 500 feet if the proposed line is greater than 230kVv or greater voltage.) For this reason, your property is considered directly affected land. This brochure is being included as part ofthe formal notice process, If you have questions about the proposed routes for a transmission line, you may contact the utility company to obtain a more detailed map of the proposed routes for the transmission line and nearby habitable structures. The PUC is sensitive to the impact that ttansmission Jines have on private property. At the same time, transmission Jines deliver electricity to millions of homes and businesses in Texas, and new lines are sometimes needed so that customers can obtain reliable, economical power. The PUC's job is to assess the utility's proposal and the positions of the parties, and to decide whether a proposed transmission line should be approved. The PUC values input from landowners and encourages you to participate in this process. puc TRANSMISSION LINE PROCEEDING Texas Jaw provides that most utilities must file an application with the PUC to obtain a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) in order to to build a new transmission line in Texas. The law requires the PUC to consider a number of factors in deciding whether to approve a proposed new transmission line. The PUC may grant a CCN after considering the following factors: • Adequacy of existing service; • Need for additional service; • Effect of granting the certificate on the local utility and any utility serving the the route parallels property lines or other natural or cultural features; • Whether the route conforms with the policy of prudent avoidance (which is defined as the limiting of exposures and magnetic fields that can be avoided with reasonable investments of money and effort); and • Other factors such as community values, recreational and park areas, historical and aesthetic values, environmental integrity, and the probable improvement of service Or lowering of cost to consumers in the area. Ifthe PUC deems a line should be approved, it will grant the utility's application to construct the transmission line. Utility Application for CCN: CCN: A utility's application for approval of a CCN describes the proposed line and includes a statement from the utility describing the need for the line and the impact of building it. The application also Errett;ve, January 1, 2003 includes a route designated by the utility as a "preferred route"; however, any of the proposed routes may be selected by the Commission. The PUC conducts a proceeding to evaluate the need and impact of the proposed line and to decide whether to approve it. Landowners who would be affected by a new line can participate in the case in the following ways; • informally, by filing a protest, or • formally, by intervening in the PUC proceeding. FUin.g II Protest (in/ormal comments): If you do not wish to intervene in a CCN proceeding, you may file colUments. An individual or business or a group who files connnen!s for or against any aspect of the utility's transmission line application is considered a "protestor." Protestors make a written or verbal statement in support of or in opposition to the utility's application and give information to the PUC staff that they believe supports their position. Protestors are not parties to the case, however, and do not have the right to; • Make discovery requests and obtain facts about the case from other parties; • Receive notice of a hearing, or copies of testimony and other documents that are filed in the case; • Receive notice ofthe time and place for the negotiations; or • File testimony andlor cross-examine witnesses; • Appeal the PUC's decision to state district comt. If you want to file comments, you may either send written connnents stating your position, or you may make a statement on the first day ofthe public hearing. Although public comments are not treated as evidence, they help infonn the PUC and its staff ofthe public concerns and identitY issues to be explored. The PUC welcomes such participation in its proceedings. case and may have certain legal rights as a directly affected landowner, including the right to participate in the case and any settlement or mediation relating to the case and the right to appeal any decision of the PUC. To become an intervenor, you must file a statement with the PUC requesting intervenor status (also referred to as a party). This statement should descnbe how the proposed transmission line would affect your property. Typically, intervention is granted only to directly affected landowners. A sample form for intervention and the filing address are attached to this brochure, and may be used to make your filing. Ifyou decide to intervene in a case, you will be required to follow certain procedural rules: • Yau are required to respond to discovery requests from other parties who seek information about your position. • Ifyou file testimony, you must appear at a public hearing 􀁾be cross-examined. • Ifyou file testimony or other documents in the case, you must send copies of the documents to every party in the case. Stages ofII CCN Proceeding: If there are persons who intervene in the proceeding and oppose the approval of the line, the PUC will refer the case to an administrative law judge (AU) at the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAR) to conduct a hearing. The hearing is a formal proceeding, much like a trial, in which testimony testimony is presented, and the ALJ makes a recommendation to the PUC on whether the application should be approved. ;;ufEffective: January 1. 2003 I There are several stages of a CCN proceeding: • The ALJ holds a pre-hearing conference (usually in Austin) to set a schedule for the case. Parties to the case have the opportunity to conduct discovery; that is, obtain facts • • is (usually in Austin),•and parties have an opportunity to crossexamine the witnesses. • Parties file written briefs concerning the evidence presented at the hearing. • The ALJ makes a recommendation, called a proposal for decision, to the PUC Commissioners reprding the case. Parties who disagree with the ALJ's recommendation may file exceptions. • The Commissioners discuss the case and decide whether to approve the utility's application. The Commissioners may approve the ALJ's recommendation. approve it with specified changes, send the case back to the ALJ for further deny the • rule on the motion for rehearing, parties have the right to appeal the decision to district court in Tnvis County. RIGHT TO USE PRIVATE PROPERTY Before building a transmission line on private property, the the utility must obtain the right to enter the land and use it for the transmission line. They typically do this by obtaining an easement from the landowners. Easements convey certain rights to the utility from a landowner. Utilities may buy easements through a negotiated agreement, but they also have the power of eminent domain (condemnation) under Texas law (Texas Utilities Code § 181.004). Local courts, not the PUC, decide issues concerning easements for rights-ofway. The PUC does not determine the value ofproperty. The PUC Final Order in a transmission case normally requires a utility to take certain steps to minimize the impact of the new transmission line on landowners' property and on the environment. For example, the order nonnally requires steps to minimize the possibility oferosion during construction and maintenance activities. HOW TO OBTAIN MORE INFORMATION The PUC's online "Interchange" provides free access to documents that are filed with the Commission in Central Records. The docket number of of a proceeding is a key piece of information used in locating documents in the case. You may access the Interchange by visiting the PUC's website at www.puc.state.t ... us. Documents may also be purchased from and filed in Central Records. For more information on bow to purchase or file documents, call Central Records at the PUC at 512-936-7180. PUC SUBST. RULE 25.101, Certification Criteria is available on-line or you may obtain copies of PUC rules from Central Records. Always illclude the docket number on all filings with the PUC You can flnd the docket lIumber 011 the ellclosed formal notice. Send documents to the PUC at the following address. Effective: lanuary I, 2003 aj Public Utility Commission ofTexas Central Records Attn: Filing Clerk l701 N. Congress Avenue P.O. Box 13326 Austin, TX 78711-3326 The information contained within this brochure is not intended to provide a complete and comprehensive guide to all matters relative to landowner rights and responsibilities in transmission line cases at the PUc. This brochure should neither be regarded as legal advice nor should it be a 'substitute for the PUC's rules. However, if you should have questions about the process in transmission line proceedings, you may caU the PUC's Legal Division at 512-9367261 and speak to the PUC staff attorney assigned to this case. The attorney may help you with the PUC's rules, but may not provide legal advice or represent you in a proceeding. Communicating with Decision-Makers: Do not contact the ALl or the Commissioners by telephone or email. They are not allowed to discuss pending cases with a party or a protestor. They may only make their recommendations and decisions by relying on the evidence, written pleadings, and arguments that are presented in the case. Effective: January 1,2003 licensing Prol JSS for New 􀁔􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁳􀁭􀁾􀁾􀁳􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠Facilities Surveying Right of Way Acquisition Permitting Project Design Material Acquisition _ Planning Phase Construction _ Environmental Assessment • Clearing and Routing Phase _ Applicalion Pl\as.• Soil Investigation -"""i.... Project i!ll'ii!!!il Regulatory Phase • Structures Construction Phase• Conductor Installation Completion • Cleanup " J 13. To each copy of the application, attach the following: A. Routing map of the county or counties involved in the proposed project. Response: See attached map included as Attachment No. I. B. Routing study report conducted by the utility or consultant. Response: See attached Enviromnental Assessment and Alternative Route Analysis for Oncor Electric Delivery Company's Proposed Carrollton Country Club 138 kV Transmission Line Project in Dallas County, Texas, prepared by PBS&} and included as Attachment No.2. C. Schematic or diagram of the applicant's transmission system in the proximate area of the proposed project. Response: See attached schematic included as Attachment No.3. D. Dimensionalized drawings of the typical structures to be used. Response: See attached dimensionalized drawing of the typical structure to be used included as Figure 1-2, Page 1-7 of PBS&} Environmental Assessment and Alternative Route Analysis for Oncor Electric Delivery Company's Proposed Carrollton Country Club138 kV Transmission Line Project in Dallas County, Texas, included as Attachment 2. ADEQUACY OF EXISTING SERVICE AND NEED FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICE 14. State the reason for the proposed construction. The Fanners Branch -Carrollton -Addison area (Area) is located in the northwest corner of Dallas County, and is roughly bounded by the Dallas North Tollway on the east, 1-635 on the south, 1-35 E on the west, and Trinity Mills Road on the north (see Figure 1. included as Attachment No.4). This Area is served by the Addison, Carrollton Josey Lane, Carrollton Upfield, Carrollton Tarpley Road, Fanners Branch, Carrollton and Fanners Branch Gillis Road Substations. Long distribution feeders (feeders) from these substations are used to serve-load in the center of the Area. The summer electrical load in the Area is projected to grow at about 2.4 percent aunually over tlie next seven years (see Table 1). 5 Table 1 Year i Area Load (kW) I 1998* 457,400 : ! 1999* 464,000 I 2000* 455,400 , 2001* 439,700 2002 465,900 2003 475,300 2004 484,900 2005 491,000 : 2006 500,400 2007 510,300 i 2008 520,200 I *Histoncal This growth in load is due in part to a favorable business climate that is attracting companies to the Area. The new industriallcommercial developments are attracting residential development and supporting light commercial development. Ifsubstation and distribution facilities are not upgraded, the growth in load is projected to cause the loading on the Farmers Branch Gillis Road and Carrollton Tarpley Road Substations to be 101 percent and 102 percent oftheir ratings, respectively, under normal conditions (all facilities in service) during the summer of 2006. These overloads are projected to increase as the load in the area continues to grow beyond 2006. Also, four distribution feeders, three extending west from the Addison Substation and one extending southwest from the Carrollton Tarpley Road Substation, are projected to be loaded from 101 percent to 104 percent oftheir maximum continuous ratings under normal conditions during the summer of 2006. Operating these facilities above their ratings can cause damage to them that would remove them from service. This could result in curtailment of service to customers until repairs are completed. The proposed 138 kV double-circuit transmission line and the Carrollton Country Club Substation are planned for installation prior to the summer load season of 2006 to prevent the overloading of substation and distribution facilities described above. This substation will be located in an area that is remotely surrounded by the existing substations and served by long feeders from these substations (See Figure 1, included as Attachment No. 4). Four of these feeders are the ones projected to, be overloaded in 2006. Three short feeders will be built to transfer about 28,000 kW of load to Carrollton Country Club Substation from the two overloaded substations and four overloaded feeders, thereby eliminating the projected overloads. The resultant feeders will be shorter than the original feeders. This will improve reliability by reducing the exposure to outages of the feeders and reduce electric power losses. The upgraded distribution system will be more capable of restoring service to customers after the outage of a feeder. 6 15. List the options that were considered and the reasons for rejecting them. Option No.1 -Increase transformer capacity at Addison Substation and build new distribution feeders. The installation of a third transformer at Addison Substation and additional distribution feeders from Addison Substation into the Area before the summer load season of2oo6 would relieve the projected overloads. This option was not selected because it would be less reliable than the proposed project. Long feeders would still be used to deliver electricity to the center of the Area. Longer feeders generally have a higher probability offorced outages due to the increased exposure to the causes of outages (lightning, vehicular collisions, construction accidents, etc.) when compared to shorter feeders. Longer feeders typically serve more customers than shorter feeders so more customers are affected by a single outage. The cost of this option, in 2005, 2006 and 2007, would be greater than the cost ofthe proposed transmission line and substation by about $3,510,000. The new feeders needed to connect the third transformer at Addison Substation to the existing distribution system must be constructed in an underground duct bank due to the lack of available overhead feeder routes. Additional undergronnd feeders would be needed as more load is served by Addison Substation. The cost difference would continue to increase as more long underground feeders are built to serve growth in load. Option No.2 -Increase transformer capacity at Carrollton Tarpley Road Substation and build distribution feeders. The installation of another transformer and additional distribution feeders from Carrollton Tarpley Road Substation into the Area before the summer load season of 2006 would relieve the projected overloads. This option was not selected because it would be less reliable than the proposed project. Long feeders would still be used to deliver electricity to the center of the Area. Longer feeders generally have a higher probability of forced outages due to the increased exposure to the causes of outages (lightning, vehicular collisions, construction accidents, etc.) when compared to shorter feeders. Longer feeders typically serve more customers than shorter feeders so more customers are affected by a single outage. The cost ofthis option, in 2005, 2006 and 2007, would be greater than the cost of the proposed transmission line and substation by about $4,726,000. The new feeders needed to connect the new transformer at Carrollton Tarpley Road Substation to the existing distribution system must be constructed underground due to the lack of available overhead feeder routes. Additional underground feeders will be needed as more load is served by the Carrollton Tarpley Road Substation. The cost difference would continue to increase as more long underground feeders are built to serve growth in load. 7 Option No.3 -Construct transmission line from the west. The proposed Carrollton Country Club Substation could be served by a new 138 kV double-circuit line constructed from the N.W. Carrollton -Norwood 138 kV Line which is west of the proposed substation. This option was not selected because the new line would be about three times the length of the proposed line and would cost more to construct and affect more property owners. The proposed project (the double-circuit 138 kV line and Carrollton Country Club Substation) was selected because it relieves the projected overloads and improves service reliability better than the other options considered. It is better than options No. 1 and No. . , 2 because it locates a substation closer to the load and improves reliability by shortening the length of some of the feeders. The proposed project also costs considerably less than options No.1. No.2. and No.3. COMMUNITY VALUES 16. List any permits or approvals required by other governmental agencies for the construction of the proposed project. Indicate whether or not permits have been obtained. Response: A cultural resources survey plan will be developed with the Texas Historical Commission. 17. Provide a general description of the area traversed by the proposed project. Response: The proposed transmission line will traverse primarily flat urban land that is heavily developed with commercial bUildings, retail buildings, and light industrial buildings. See PBS&J Environmental Assessment and Alternative Route Analysis for Oncor Electric Delivery Company's Proposed CarroIlton Country Club 138 kV Transmission Line Project in Dallas County. Texas, Section 8.0, page 8-1, included as Attachment No. 2. 18. List all residenCies, businesses, schools, churches, cemeteries, hospitals, nursing homes or other habitable structures within 200 feet·of the center line of the proposed transmission line .. Response: A total of 63 habitable structures are located within 200 feet of the centerline of the preferred·transrnission line route (Route 4). The habitable structures consist of: one 8 EXISTING TO TO 􀁒􀁾􀁩􀀮􀀧􀁎􀁅􀁒􀀠R!\HNER TO NORTHlM\£ PROPOS"D-C.ARROU..1OH ,rf I' J CARROLLTON (AST SWlTr;HING STATION ,LS .... 􀀾􀀢􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀢􀀢􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭CAf!ROLlTOH < .. r ... LS,...r' /! COUNTRY CLUe <"'"'I...rr ;7-----.::.1----, LS ,. ,.-L FAql,lERS BRA."" TO NORTHHAV!tH SW!1CH FARMERS 􀁥􀁾􀁁􀁎􀁃􀁈􀀠Carrollton Country Club 138 kV Line ATTACHMENT NO.3 :>-p,,"Rr Ih.V:; 􀁾􀀠\ " 􀁲􀀽􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀁾􀀬􀀭􀁾__􀀳􀁕􀁓􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁒􀁏􀁴􀀱􀂣􀀺􀁴􀁾􀀺􀁅􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁾􀀯􀁾􀂧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁴􀁾􀀠ALPHA RD \ r NORTH -N[]RTHLAKEPUMP. 􀁾􀁆􀁁􀁒􀁍􀁅􀁒􀁓􀀠BRANCH ! 􀁾􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀻􀀠CRO\JN RD & $1' L $ 􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀢􀀠1/1/CARROLL TON • COUNTRy CLUB BEL. LtNF.: VALIli)OD : CARROLLTON , fORtST l