-ro J.C<􀁶􀁮􀁾􀁳 yY1c 􀁃􀁯􀁾􀁾􀀩􀁾 C112-3/2-1"1./-5 􀀨􀁻􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀩 􀁃􀁾􀁝􀁐􀁬􀁥􀁴􀁥􀁤by: JIrrl l1evc..e Contact number: Q?7.-'f50-')-879 Email address: J 􀁴􀁮􀁥􀁹􀁣􀀮􀀮􀁾 Q 􀁃􀁴􀀬􀁌􀀴􀁊􀀯􀀡􀁊􀁤􀀱􀀱􀁾 ft. tiS AIR QUALlTYffDM SCORECARD DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERVICE AREA I f)-I). -<:J'+-RESPONDENT: IOWtl D+ AtJJ""" Yes or Points No for Yes Car and Van Pooling: Does City/County conduct employee transportation surveys to determine commute ND 15 patterns and provide information and education to employees regarding commute alternatives? Does City/County have an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)? Yes 15 Does City/County provide priority parking for car and van pool vehicles? No 5 Does City/County promise a guaranteed ride home to car and van pool riders? "'0 5 Does City/County subsidize the cost of van pools or offer alternative transportation Yes 10 allowance? Variable Work Hours: Does City/County allow its staff to work flexible hours at the employees' discretion No 5 (other than public safetv)? Does the City/County stagger its employees' work schedules? No 5 Does City/County offer the alternative of a compressed work week? Yes 5 Does City/County execute employee trip reduction strategies and alter schedules for No 10 equipment operation on ozone alert days? Telecommuting: Does City/County allow home-based work? I/o 15 Bicycling and Walking to Work: Does City/County provide safe, convenient employee bicycle storage at the Nf) 5 workplace and a place for those who bicvcle and walk to freshen up? School Contacts: Does City/County participate/cooperate with schools to provide traffic management )II> 5 at school sites during drop off/pick UP hours? Does City/County encourage and work directly with schools on an on-going basis to No 25 develop school air qualitylTDM programs? . Commercial Employer Contact: Does City routinely contact major employers to encourage and assist with ND 25 implementation of air qualitylTDM proarams? Transit Use: Does City/County participate in DART's Discount Pass Program? Program? Yes 35 Does City/County provide information/education to its employees regarding transit 􀁙􀁥􀀮􀁾 5 schedules? Side One Score 70 ***Please complete other side for bonus points*** C:\mydocwnents\tdm 2004\survey dart front 2004.doc - AIR QUALITYrrDM SCORECARD DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERViCE AREA SIDE TWO RESPONDENT: Yes or Points No for Yes Vehicles and Equipment Conduct an inventory of all diesel-fueled on-and off-road vehicles and equipment over 8,500 2 pounds gross weight (GVW) and develop a four-year capital plan to retrofit or replace vehicles and /'1o eQuipment with high nitrogen oxide (Nox) 􀁥􀁭􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀮 Adopt methods through bidding and contracting provisions to involve contractors on public 2 jobs in the reduction of Nox emissions from vehicles and equipment that they own, lease, or otherwise bring to the iob site. N° Adopt a procurement policy that requires the purchase of the cleanest vehicle available which yes 2 meets the functional reQuirements of the governmental entity. Scrap rather than auction vehicles owned or controlled by the governmental entity which cannot NO 2 meet emission testing reQuirements. Building and Facilities 2 Inventory all energy efficiency strategies which have been implemented since 1999 and any which yts are scheduled for future implementation on buildings owned or leased by the governmental entity. Conduct an energy audit on buildings and facilities with high..energy demands, if an audit has not 2 been completed in the past four years, and develop a four-year capital plan for implementing yts recommendations of new audits. Implement a four-year capital plan for converting to hlgh..efficiency lighting in all existing 3 governmental entity-owned or leased buildings or facilities and continuing this practice in all new No buildings and facilities. Implement the use of "cool roofing" materials, where practicable, on new governmental entity-No 2 owned buildinas and for replacement roofs. Other Governmental Entity Actions Irnplement a four-year capital plan for converting to light..emitting diodes (LED) lamps in all existing 1tS 2 traffic signals and continuina this practice with future traffic signals. Limit governmental meetings, particularly those requiring extensive travel of participants, between NO 2 the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. during the ozone season. Institute and promote expedited freeway clearance practices follOWing an accident or incident. IVO 3 Institute and promote a pre-tax, ozone season employee trip reduction program. Ale 2 Institute and promote a pre-tax, ozone season transit pass program where applicable. NO 2 Policies Affecting the Private Sector Consider adopting green energy building codes such as "Energy Star" which has been adopted by NO 3 the City of Frisco. Consider an ordinance requiring large commercial and industrial buildings to have energy audits Ala 2 and resulting recommendations implemented. Consider an ordinance requiring the use of "cool roofing" materials, where practicable, on new NO 2 privatelv-owned buildings and for replacement roofs. Consider an ordinance requiring truck stops to provide technological alternatives for reducing or IJD 2 eliminating the need for long-term idling of diesel engines. Adopt sustainable development practices which result in reducing overall miles of travel. All) 2 Total Score -Side 2 fI Total Score -Side 1 70 TOTAL SCORE ..,,, C:\mydocwnents\tdm 2004\survey dart back 2004.doc Completed by: _ Contact number: _ Email address: _ AIR QUALlTYfTDM SCORECARD DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERVICE AREA' RESPONDENT: IOWtl D+ AJJ"(H Yes or Points No for Yes Car and Van Pooling: Does City/County conduct employee transportation surveys to determine commute No 15 pattems and provide information and education to employees regarding commute alternatives? Does City/County have an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)? Yes 15 Does City/County provide priority parking for car and van pool vehicles? No 5 Does City/County promise a guaranteed ride home to car and van pool riders? No 5 Does City/County subsidize the cost of van pools or offer alternative transportation Yes 10 allowance? Variable Work Hours: Does City/County allow its staff to work flexible hours at the employees' discretion i/o 5 (other than public safety)? Does the City/County stagger its employees' work schedules? No 5 Does City/County offer the alternative of a compressed work week? Yes 5 Does City/County execute employee trip reduction strategies and alter schedules for No 10 eauipment operation on ozone alert days? Telecommuting: Does City/County allow home-based work? 110 15 Bicycling and Walking to Work: Does City/County provide safe, convenient employee bicycle storage at the No 5 workplace and a place for those who bicycle and walk to freshen up? School Contacts: Does City/County participate/cooperate with schools to provide traffic management )If) 5 at school sites during drop off/pick UP hours? Does City/County encourage and work directly with schools on an on-going basis to No 25 develop school air aualilylTDM programs? . Commercial Employer Contact: Does City routinely contact major employers to encourage and assist with ND 25 implementation of air aualitvrroM programs? Transit Use: Does City/County participate in DART's Discount Pass Program? Yes 35 Does City/County prOVide information/education to its employees regarding transit 􀁙􀁥􀀮􀁾 5 schedules? Side One Score 70 ***Please complete other side for bonus points*** C:\rnydocuments\tdm 2004\survey dart front 20M.doc - ,.. AIR QUALITYrrDM SCORECARD DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERViCE AREA SIDE TWO RESPONDENT: Vehicles and Equipment Conduct an inventory of all diesel-fueled on-and off-road vehicles and equipment over 8,500 pounds gross weight (GVW) and develop a four-year capital plan to retrofit or replace vehicles and eQuipment with high nitrogen oxide (Nox) emissions. Adopt methods through bidding and contracting provisions to involve contractors on public jobs in the reduction of Nox emissions from vehicles and equipment that they own, lease, or otherwise bring to the job site. Adopt a procurement policy that requires the purchase of the cleanest vehicle available which meets the functional reQuirements of the Qovernmental entity. Scrap rather than auction vehicles owned or controlled by the governmental entity which cannot meet emission testing reauirements. Building and Facilities Inventory all energy efficiency 􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁧􀁩􀁾􀁳 which have been implemented since 1999 and any which are scheduled for future implementation on buildings owned or leased by the governmental entity. Conduct an energy audit on buildings and facilities with high-energy demands, if an audit has not been completed in the past four years, and develop a four-year capital plan for implementing recommendations of new audits. Implement a four-year capital plan for converting to high-efficiency lighting in all existing governmental entity-owned or leased buildings or facilities and continuing this practice in all new buildings and facilities. Implement the use of "cool roofing" materials, where practicable, on new governmental entityowned buildings and for replacement roofs. Other Govgmmental Entity Actions Implement a four-year capital plan for converting to light-emitting diodes (LED) lamps in all existing traffic signals and continuing this practice with future traffic signals. Limit governmental meetings, particularly those requiring extensive travel of participants, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. during the ozone season. Institute and ·promote expedited freeway clearance practices following an accident or incident. Institute 􀁡􀁮􀁾 promote a pre-tax, ozone season employee trip reduction program. Institute and promote a pre-tax, ozone season transit pass program where applicable. Policies Affecting the Private Sector Consider adopting green energy building codes such as "Energy Star" which has been adopted by the City of Frisco. Consider an ordinance requiring large commercial and industrial buildings to have energy audits and resulting recommendations implemented. Consider an ordinance requiring the use of "cool roofing" materials, where practicable, on new privately-owned buildings and for replacement roofs. Consider an ordinance requiring truck stops to provide technological alternatives for reducing or eliminatina the need for 􀁬􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀭􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁭 idling of diesel engines. Adopt sustainable development practices which result in reducing overall miles of travel. Total Score -Side 2 Total Score -Side 1 TOTAL SCORE C:\mydocwnents\tdm 2004\survey dart back 2004.doc Yes or No 􀁴􀁩􀁾 y€5 No yes No No NO 4JD No Ala IJD All) Points tor Yes 222222322232232222 70 DALLAS-REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION If you have any questions concerning the survey, please give me a call (972-312-1644). As in prior years, the top two agencies in each category will receive special recognition at the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce Transportation Crossroads set for November 4, 2004 at the Anatole Hotel. l.JkL LAIIIl'''''''' J.'-.UCIU Suite 113-205 Dallas, Texas 75248 9721312-1644 9721312-]645 (FAX) gpa@FSI9@Bjgpaj' lIS Survey results are CITY MANAGER '-James McCarley, Executive Director Travel Demand Management (TDM)/Air Quality Survey Results DRMC City Managers/County Judges Inside DART Service Area FROM: The annual DRMC TDM Survey has been completed. attached for your infonnation. SUBJECT: TO: October 4, 2004 Executive COmmittee Ron Hams, Co-Chair Margaret Keliher, Co-Chair Sandy Greyson, Vice-ehair Grady Smithey, Secretary Rick Stopfer, Treasurer ChadAdams Gary Base Bruce Beaty Bill Blaydes Angie Chen Button Terri Dunn Pat Evans David Green John L. Heiman, Jr. Mary Hom C. Shane Johnson PeteKamp Gordon Mayer Mike Nowels Jayne Peters Bob Phelps Frank W. Robertson Mike Simpson Gary Slagel Mark Stokes Steve Terrell Paul N. Wageman Bill Whitfield Charles Emery William Hale Jerry Hiebert Michael Morris GaJyThomas Ex-Qfficio Members Executive Direetor James McCarley David A Griffin, Associate Attachments • 2004 results -inside DART • 2004 comparisons ..:.... inside DART ) \ , ) DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT SCORECARD JULY, 2004 INSIDE DART SERVICE Car & Variable Tele-Bicycling! School Commercial Transit Bonus Score· Respondent Van Work commuting Walking Contacts Employer Use Total Poolinl! Hours Contact Addison 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No response Carrollton 15 15 15 0 5 0 40 21 111 Dallas 10 25 15 5 30 0 40 37 162 Dallas 0 25 15 0 0 -0 40 18 98 County Farmers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No Branch response Garland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 pending Glenn 10 0 0 0 5 0 5 6 26 Heights Highland 20 20 15 5 5 0 40 12 117 Park Irving 30 15 IS 5 30 25 40 27 187 Plano 40 20 15 5 30 25 40 18 193 Richardson 50 15 15 5 30 25 40 22 202 Rowlett 0 10 0 0 5 0 5 8 28 University 15 5 0 5 5 0 40 0 70 Park * Maximum score available is 229 Mydocumcntsl2004 results -inside.doc ) DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT SCORECARD COMPARISON OF 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003, & 2004 SURVEYS INSIDE DART SERVICE 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Respondent Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Score * Score * Score ** Score ** Score ** Score ** Score *** Addison 45 80 40 90 65 60 No response Carrollton 75 20 85 85 85 100 111 Dallas 75 85 125 75 80 180 162 Dallas County 75 70 95 80 95 90 98 Fanriers Branch 55 55 40 40 130 130 No response Garland 20 35 55 75 50 40 pending Glenn Heights 0 No No 5 No No 26 Response response response response Highland Park 30 30 35 40 50 70 117 Irving 70 70 70 170 170 160 187 Plano 50 50. 135 90 150 150 193 Richardson 130 130 180 180 180 180 202 Rowlett No No 50 45 50 25 28 response Response University Park 90 30 35 40 35 80 70 * Maximum score available is 140 ** New scoring system (2000); maximum score available is 190 ***New scoring system (2004); maximum score available is 229 Mydocumentsl2004 comparison -inside.com ,') DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION CITY MANAGER 7522 Campbell Road Suite 113-205 Dallas, Texas 75248 972/312-1644 972/312-1645 (FAX) Executive Committee Ron Harris, Co-Chair Margaret Keliher, Co-Chair Sandy Greyson, Vice-Chair Grady Smithey, Secretary Terry Waldrum, Treasurer ChadAdams Gary Base Bruce Beaty Mark Burroughs Angie Chen Button Jim Dunn Pat Evans Stanton Foerster Robert Franke John L. Heiman, Jr. Mary Hom Mike Nowels James O'Neal Jayne Peters Bob Phelps Frank W. Robertson Mike Simpson Gary Slagel Mark Stokes Steve Terrell Paul N. Wageman AlanWalne Bill Whitfield Ex..Qflicio Members Jerry Hiebert Michael Morris Jay Nelson Gary Thomas Executive Director James McCarley David A Griffin, Associate June 9, 2003 Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town ofAddison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 7500 The D las Regional Mobility Coalition (DRMC) is conducting its te annual travel demand management survey to determine the extent that DRMC Participants are engaging in employee trip reduction activities. The DRMC Executive Committee adopted a revised format in 2000 to allow local governments additional credit for expanded TDMIAir Quality efforts. The revised format also establishes three different categories to reflect geographic differences. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has yet to approve the Dallas -Fort Worth area State Implementation Plan (SIP)). Formal approval of the plan has been delayed due to lack of funding for the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) and a recent lawsuit from environmental groups on the extension of an attainment date to 2007 for Texas SIPs. A key component of the SIP, although not yet mandatory, includes local efforts to reduce the number of ,trips' for business and pleasure. While the area will be mandated to implement all items in the SIP, the measuring stick for the current 2007 attainment date is the number of times area monitors exceed the threshold for air quality. Thus, voluntary efforts such as TDM programs may be the key to meeting federal requirements. The DRMC Executive Committee continues to feel the programs implemented by local governments to affect employee trip reduction have a strong impact in encouraging the private sector to expand and/or implement similar travel demand strategies. Under the survey categories, recognition will be provided to the top two local governments from 1) Dallas County and cities inside the DART service area, 2) cities outside the DART service area, and 3) counties outside the DART service area The awards will be presented at the annual Transportation Crossroads sponsored by the North Dallas Chamber ofCommerce in late 2003. If you have suggestions or comments as to how DRMC can make the survey more effective or accurate, please let us know. Preliminary tabulations will be sent to respondents for verification before the results are publicized. 􀀡􀁾􀀺􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀱􀁨􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺 􀁾􀁾􀁙􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁦􀁏􀀺􀀳􀁾􀁾􀁒􀁅􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁲􀁩􀁖 􀁾􀁧􀀱􀁴􀁾􀁧􀁾􀀺 􀂷􀀱􀀱􀁾􀁜􀁾􀁰􀁢􀁥􀁩􀁬􀁒􀁯􀀡􀀱􀁤􀀬 Ste: 113-205, Dallas, Tex!iS7S24S'orfax 972-312-1645. . Thanks for our assistance, participation, and support! nclosure -TDM Survey xc: R. Scott Wheeler, Mayor -Town ofAddison Bob Phelps, Mayor -City ofFarmers Branch · Completed by: J \VV\ v1 en..eContact numberlemail address:1.72-lf-56 -J.fi71 AIR QUALITY/TDM SCORECARD Jf)l e.V'c2-Q cJ.... a..&&1.5.fY1. helUS DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERVICE AREA RESPONDENT: Town of Addison Yes or Points Respondent's No for Yes Score Car and Van Pooling: Does City/County conduct employee transportation surveys to determine tJO 15 commute patterns and provide information and education to employees regarding commute alternatives? Does City/County have an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)? ifs 15 \5 Does City/County provide priority parking for car and van pool vehicles? tJD 5 Does City/County promise a guaranteed ride horne to car and van pool riders? No 5 Does City/County subsidize the cost of van pools or offer alternative tJO 10 transportation allowance? Variable Work Hours: Does City/County allow its staffto work flexible hours at the employees' 100 5 discretion? Does the City/County stagger its employees' work schedules? NO 5 Does City/County offer the alternative of a compressed work week? 􀁜􀁬􀁾􀁊 5 5 Does City/County execute employee trip reduction strategies and alter schedules 􀁾􀁏 10 for equipment operation on ozone alert days? Telecommuting: Does City/County allow horne-based work? Nco 15 Bicycling and Walking to Work: Does City/County provide safe, convenient employee bicycle storage at the ND 5 workplace and a place for those who bicycle and walk to freshen up? School Contacts: Does City/County participate/cooperate with schools to provide traffic Nv 5 management at school sites during drop off/pick up hours? Does City/County encourage and work directly with schools on an on-going No 25 basis to develop school air QualitylTDM programs? Commercial Employer Contact: Does City routinely contact major employers to encourage and assist with ND 25 implementation of air qualitvlTDM programs? Transit Use: Does City/County participate in DART's Discount Bus Pass Program? itS 35 35 Does City/County provide information/education to its employees regarding bus 􀁩􀁥􀁾 5 5 S schedules and bus use? Max Score 190 f.oO C:\mydocurnents\tdm 2003\survey dart cities 2003.doc ) HP LaserJet HP LASERJET 3200 3200se invent JUN-16-2003 9:08AM Fax Call Report Job 889 Date 6/16/2003 Time 9:07:14AM Type Send Identification 99723121645 Duration 0:58 Pages 1 Result OK I' 1\ n A . Compblodhy: J\VV\ Aene.. Or {-'r(JlCXISe::lr\ COII..-a;V1 AIRQUALITYrrDMSCORECARD JP' ..rc.LQ ci-. o.&J'!>hl, 'he.us DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERVICE AREA RESPONDENT, Taw••fAddbo. Yes or hill.. Rapoadeat's No for Yes Score Cu aDd V•• Poo1iog: Does City/Couilly conduct employee tnuL'lportalion survey' to dett:rmine kio 15 commute pitt.... and provide wannatim and educa1ioolo employ... regarding commute alternatives? Does City/County have an Employ.. Transportation Coordinator (ETC)? ie; IS \5 Does City/CountY provide priority patkiog for car aod van pool v 0 ....'...... -1990 SOURCE: NCTCOG Transportation Department Attainment Demonstration SIP voe Emission Budget = 107.60 (tons/day) 2007 2015 Analysis Year 2025 .. 􀁾 ..--" CONFORMITY OF THE 2002 TIP AND 2025 METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE FOR THE DALLAS/FORT WORTH METROPOLITAN AREA Nitrogen Oxide Emissions 400 w..... ...-.. 􀁾co 􀁾 300 co :t::.. oco .Ci) 200 o .-Ew>< oz1000 ....'..... -Attainment Demonstration SIP NOx Emission BUdget = 164.30 (tons/day) 1990 SOURCE: NCTCOG Transportation Department 2007Analysis Year2015 2025 North Central Texas Council Of Governments TO: The Surface Transportation Technical Committee DATE: March 8, 2001 The Bicycle/Pedestrian Transportation Task Force The Travel Demand Management! Congestion Management System Committee FROM: Michael Morris, P.E. Director of Transportation SUBJECT: Mobility 2025 Plan Update Workshop On March 23, 2001, there will be a workshop to discuss the development of the Mobility 2025 Plan Update currently underway. The workshop will begin at 11 :30 a.m. in the Board Room, Second Floor, of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) offices, and will end at approximately 1:15 p.m. prior to the regularly scheduled Surface Transportation Technical Committee (STTC) meeting. A deli style lunch will be provided to those who wish to attend the workshop. In January 2000, the current Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Mobility 2025, was adopted. Since that time there have been ongoing efforts to move forward with the recommendations of the Plan. As a result of these ongoing efforts, NCTCOG, in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA), Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), Fort Worth Transportation Authority (FWTA), and local governments, is developing the Mobility 2025 Plan Update. The purpose of the Update will be to incorporate the latest efforts associated with the policies, programs, and projects contained in Mobility 2025. The Update is being conducted concurrently with the development of the 2002 Transportation Improvement Program and associated Air Quality Conformity. Attachment 1 contains background information on the review of mobility performance measures between 1995 and 1999 as well as the potential policy implications of many of the transportation-related activities that have occurred over the last year along with the schedule for this effort. Attachment 2 contains information regarding how these activities may affect the metropolitan transportation plan. '-(ES ,,-We look forward to your participation in this workshop. lease RSVP to Roxane R berts by Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at (817) 695-9244, or email atrrobes@dfwinfo.com. If you ha questions about the workshop, please call Dan Lamers at (817) 695-63. DL:rr Attachments cc: 2000-01 UPWP Element 4.01 Project File STTC Correspondence File TDM/CMS Committee Correspondence File BPTTF Correspondence File 616 Six Flags Drive, Centerpoint Two P. O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 (817) 640-3300 FAX: 817-640-7806 is> recycled paper http://www.dfwinfo.com J . \. -j . j Mobility 2025 Policy Review Public Meetings March 5, 6, and 7, 2001 North Central Texas Council of Governments Transportation Department PERCENT CHANGE BETWEEN 1995 AND 1999 Measures Percent Change Population 10.1 0/0 Employment 15.2 0/0 Vehicle Miles of Travel 18.4 % Roadway Capacity 1.8% Signal and Congestion 37.00/0 Delay Time Level of Service 52.1 0/0 "F" Facilities 􀁉􀁲􀁔􀀺􀁨􀀺􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁰􀀺􀀻􀁩􀁾􀀺􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁦􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁓􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀺􀀻􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺� �􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀱􀀱 II Excess roadway capacity has been II II used up and congestion delay will .. il increase at a faster rate. .. 􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀱 c' \ .. ) FEDERAt.. REQUIREMENTS AND OTHER POLICY IMPLICATIONS IMPACTING MOBILITY PLAN UPDATE (MAY 2001 AND MAY 2004) 1. Progress on Corridor Refinement "Studies" 2. Air Quality Conformity (Speed Limit, Sustainable Development, High Emitting Vehicle Program, Low Emitting Vehicle Program, Legislative Initiatives) 3. Implications on Financial Constraint ("Studies", Deletions/Additions, Legislature, New Administration/Discretionary Funds) 4. Policy and Program Review 5. Olympic Plan (2012) 6. NAFTA Initiative 7. Recent Congestion Report 8. SIP Approval: Proposed Conditions 9. Update Environmental Justice Performance Measures 10. Progress on Thoroughfare Plans , CONFORMITY OF THE 2002 TIP AND 2025 METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE SCHEDULE MILESTONE DATE(§} STTC Action (Approve Schedule and Public Meeting Dates).............. January 26 RTC Action (Approve Schedule and Public Meeting Dates)............... February 8 STTC Information '. .......................... March 23 Press Briefing February 8; March 1; April 4 Public Meetings February 8; March 5, 6, and 7; April 9, 10, and 11 RTC Presentation on Conformity Results...................................... April 12 TDM/CMS Committee Information............... ................................. April 18 SITC Action.. .. ... .... ...... ...... ....... ..... .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. April 27 RTC Action ,.. . .. . .. .... ... ... .. .... .. May 10 TIP and Conformity Analysis Submittal.......................................... May 11 TxDOT Approval of Statewide TiP.............. JUly 26 Latest Conformity Submittal (90-Day Process)................................ July 27 Conformity Determination Deadline (18 Months After SIP Submittal)... October 25 TDM/CMS =Travel Demand Management/Congestion Management System Committee STTC =Surface Transportation Technical Committee RTC =Regional Transportation Council , SIP =State Implementation Plan , ----' ''"--./ .. ) '1/MOBILITY 2025 UPDATE Public Meetings March 5-7, 2001 North Central Texas Council of Governments Transportation Department J CURRENT TRANSPORTATION PLAN MOBILITY 2025 Mobility 2025 Adopted in January 2000 Current Update -May 2001 Next Update -May 2004 Identifies $45 Billion of Policies, Programs, and Projects for Continued Development Multimodal System Includes Light Rail/Commuter Rail High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes Freeways Tollways Bike/Pedestrian Facilities Intelligent Transportation System Management Other Major Programs Include Travel Demand Management Sustainable Development Alternative Fuels Elderly and Disabled Public Transportation Intermodal/Freight Initiatives Includes Financial Analysis and Planning Includes Positive Air Quality Conformity Test MOBILITY 2025 TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION PROCESS 􀁉􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁟􀁾􀁾 2025 Programmed Network (Conformity) 􀁾 ,r ..!Infrastructure Maintenance!;;: J!} J-£ 􀁾 􀁾 m w 􀁾 􀁾 -CMS 􀁾􀁾__􀁾 􀁾 o -􀁾 -VI 5 (TSMITDM, 􀀮􀁾 o Bicycle/Pedestrian) 􀁾 􀁾 -:= + c.. em5 􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁬􀀺 Rail and Bus 􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁩 -􀁾 .: 􀁾 E 􀁾 􀁾 (ij 􀀱􀀴􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀺􀀭 HOV 􀀱􀀴􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀢􀁅 .--CJ 􀁾 􀁾 .= . FreewaylToliway and LL 􀀱􀀴􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾 ---Arterial --"o(1) ...>.-.. ..m..-.. .--c:: ..... c:: (1) ECo -(1) >(1) c(1) -.cm.c-:: m..... o􀁾 CJ) '-----------' 􀁾 : ! 2025 Plan 􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀮 2 MOBILITY 2025 UPDATE 2001 Refinement Areas Performance Measures Short Range Environmental Justice Travel Demand Management Implementation of Existing RTC Policy Air Quality Conformity (TCMs) Speed Limits High Emitting Vehicle Maintenance Sustainable Development Center of Excellence Accessibility Program Transportation Enhancements New RTC Eligibility Criteria Alternative Fuels Low Emitting Vehicles Program Intermodal/Freight New Process NAFTA Corridors Safety At-Grade Rail Crossing Program ·'\ ) .1 . . ,I MOBILITY 2025 UPDATE 2001 Refinement Areas TSMBottleneck Locations Thoroughfare Audit Program Rail/Bus Corridor Refinement Studies/Other Initiatives Local Transit Initiatives 2012 Olympics D/FW Airport Access Commuter RaillTransit Authority Expansion HOV/Managed Corridor Re'finement Studies/Other Initiatives Regional Value Pricing Task Force FreewaylTollway Corridor Re'finement Studies/Other Initiatives Regional Arterials Regional Thoroughfare Plan Review Financial Planning Corridor Refinement Studies/Other Initiatives Legislative Initiatives4 RAIL MOBILITY 2025 UPDATE POTENTIAL CORRIDOR CHANGES DRAFT n Potential Update to Facility Limits Mobility 2025 Corridor Refinement Studies Fort Worth Systems Study Various Routes Consider Options Northwest Corridor Rail Options (Irving Alignment) Northwest Hwy -DFW Airport Clarify Alignment Other Initiatives Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) -Southwest Commuter Rail FW CBD -South through Burleson and Cleburne Possible Inclusion DFW Airport Rail Access Various Routes Consider Options Denton Commuter Rail Denton -Lewisville Clarify Alignment Northwest Corridor Rail Options (Frisco Extension) S.H. 121 -Frisco Possible Extension South Oak Cliff Line Extension I.H. 20 -Proposed Olympics Village Possible Extension Union Pacific -Southeast Commuter Rail Dallas CBD -South through Lancaster and Waxahachie Possible Inclusion 􀀭􀁾􀀧 􀀭􀀭􀁾 ROADWAY/HOV MOBILITY 2025 UPDATE POTENTIAL CORRIDOR CHANGES DRAFT 0'1 Facility Limits Potential Update to Mobility 2025 Corridor Refinement Studies I.H.30 Ballpark Way -Cooper Street Add Frontage J.H.35E Royal-Walnut Hill Add Frontage I.H.635 I.H. 35E -U.S. 75 Lane Revisions I.H.820 Meadowbrook -I.H. 20 Lane Revisions President George Bush Turnpike (East) S.H. 78 -I.H 30 Lane Revisions S.H.114 International Pkwy -S.H. 183 Lane & Managed Facility Revisions S.H. 114/S.H. 121 S.H. 114 -International Pkwy Lane & Managed Facility Revisions S.H. 121-Southwest Parkway F.M. 1187 -U.S. 67 Upgrade to Tollroad S.H. 121 /S.H. 183 I.H. 820 -S.H. 121 Lane Revisions Trinity Parkway I.H. 35E -U.S. 75 Lane Revisions Trinity Westfork Loop 12 -Trinity Pkwy Limits and Lane Revisions U.S. 287 Berry Road -I.H. 820 Lane & Managed Facility Revisions U.S. 287 /I.H. 20 Express U.S. 287 -U.S. 287 Managed Facility Lane Re\isions U.S. 75 HOV North of I.H. 635 Possible Realignment and Extension Other Initiatives Central Dallas ConnectorlTunnel S.H. 183/I.H. 30 -I.H. 635 Possible Inclusion D/FW Airport East-West Connector S.H. 360 -S.H. 161 Downgrade to Arterial Local Government Thoroughfare Planning Regional Arterials Possible Revisions Loop 288 I.H. 35 -I.H. 35E Lane Revisions Proposed Denton/Collin/Rockwall Outer Loop /Grid System Various Alignments Possible Inclusion Proposed McKinney Loop Stacy Rd -S.H.5 Possible Removal S.H.121 U.S. 75 -Preston Lane Revisions .-...,.// 􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀯 NA Fort Worth ceo North Central Texas Council of Governments Transportation Dallas ceo New facility locations indicate transportation needs and do not represent specific alignments>:.---/Add itional and improved freeway interchanges and service roads should be considered on all freeway facilities in order to accomodate a balance between mobility and access needs. Mobility 2025 Freeway and Tollway System Legend _ Improve EXisting Freeway _ New Staged Freeway _ New Staged Tollway New Staged Parkway .. Upgrade to Parkway Preserve ROW • Mobility 2025 HOV and Managed Facility System Legend Reversible _ Managed HOV/lntegrated Tollroad .. 􀁔􀁷􀁯􀁾􀁗􀁡􀁹 Freeways/Parkways Arrows represent the direction of travel during the morning peak period. Direction of travel is reversed during the afternoon peak period on these HOV facilities 􀁒􀁩􀁧􀁨􀁴􀁾􀁯􀁦􀀭􀁗􀁡􀁹preservation should be encouraged in all freeway corridors to accommodate potential future HOV facilities. New facility locations indicate transportation needs and do not represent specific alignments. All HOV facilities will be managed for mobility efficiency. 􂀢􀁡􀁾--North Central Texas N Council of Governments 4 Transportation t\ . e-=-􀀧􀁾􀀮 -./ DRAFT NA Fort Worth ceo North Central Texas Council of Governments Transportation Oallas ceo Additional and improved freeway interchanges and service roads should be considered on all freeway facilities in order to accomodate a balance between mobility and access needs. New facility locations indicate transportation,􀁾􀀮 needs and do not represent specific alignments. Mobility 2025 Update Freeway and Tollway System Legend _ Potential Additions _ Potential Revisions _ Mobility 2025 Plan Recommendations CENTRAL DALLAS CONNECTOR TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIVES1 1. Reduced Circuity and Vehicle Miles of Travel 􀁾 2. Reduced Signal Delay ...... 3. Reduced Roadway Emissions N 4. Improved Mobility and Reliability 5. Reduce Neighborhood Drive-Through Traffic 6. Enhance Pedestrian and Traffic Safety 1Need and Location Under Study AGENDA MOBILITY 2025 UPDATE TECHNICAL WORKSHOP March 23, 2001 1. Introduction and Schedule (Dan Lamers) /2. Draft Mobility 2025 Update Recommendations: Project Level /Travel Forecasting (Ken Cervenka) /Rail (Greg Royster) ,/, Freewayrrollway/HOV/Managed Facilities (Dan Lamers) v' Regional Arterials (Wes Beckham) ,,/3. Comments and Discussion (AII);/4. Draft Mobility 2025 Update Recommendations: Program/Policy Level /Management and Operations Overview (Dan Kessler). /Transportation System Management (Dan Rocha) ,/Intelligent Transportation Systems (Dan Rocha)//Travel Demand Management (Barbara Maley) I Elderly and Disabled Transportation 􀀨􀁂􀁾􀁲􀁢􀁡􀁲􀁡 Maley) /Sustainable Development 􀀨􀁍􀁩􀁫􀁾􀁩􀁭􀁳􀀩 Intermodal/Freight (Mike Sims) /Transportation Enhancements (Mike Sims) V Bicycle/Pedestrian (Mike Sims)V' . /Low Emitting Vehicles (Nan Miller) V 5. Public Involvement and Environmental Justice (Lynn Hayes/Dan Kessler) v" 6. Financial Planning (Mahmoud Ahmadi) V /7. Air Quality Conformity (Chris Klaus) v 8. 8. Comments and Discussion (All) DEVELOPMENT OF 2002-2004 TIP Guide to Project Review Worksheets The North Central Texas Council of Govemments is requesting your review of surface transportation projects in the following funding programs: the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), the Surface Transportation ProgramMetropolitan Mobility (STP-MM), the Urban Street Program, and the Urbanized Area Formula Program. The CMAQ program directs funds toward transportation projects in nonattainment areas for ozone and carbon monoxide as designed by the federal Clean Air Act. These projects must contribute to the attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The majority of STP-MM projects are roadway widenings on various farm-tomarket roads and major arterials as well as construction of new arterials. The objective of the Urban Street Program is to rehabilitate deteriorated streets that feed the State Highway System. Project Review Worksheets have been included for the CMAQ, STP-MM, and Urban Street programs. These are sorted by subregion, funding program, city, and project code. Each project is presented in a doubl'e-entry format: the first row indicates the project attributes from the 2000-2002 TIP, and the second row shows the project as proposed for the 2002-2004 TIP. A Comment field has also been incorporated to facilitate review of proposed project adjustments. For the most part, the information contained in this field is self-explanatory. However, the following explanations may be helpful: 􀁾 "NO PROJECT STATUS FORM REC'D" indicates additional information is needed on the status of various phases of project development 􀁾 "TXDOT SPLIT" indicates that TxDOT is proposing to subdivide the project into two or more manageable components 􀁾 "CITY 200X; COG 200Y" indicates that although the city or agency requested a particUlar funding year for the project, NCTCOG staff review of the status along with average implementation time frames resulted in a different funding year recommendation 􀁾 "PME" indicates that this project is part of the Dallas County Project Management/Engineering effort; in some cases, PM/E estimates are also provided For additional information, and to discuss projects included in the listings, contact: Dan Rocha, Program Manager LaDonna Smith, Eastem Subregion Contact Nathaniel Bamett, Western Subregion Contact 616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 200, Centerpoint Two P.O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 Phone: (817) 695-9240 fax: (817) 640-3028 http://www.dfwinfo.com Transportation Improvement Program Project Review Worksheet Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area PROJECT COST (dollars in thousands) FEDERAL FUNDS BY FISCAL YEAR (doliars in thousands) OTAL FUNDED Current totals PROJECTS Adiusted totals Printed 3/23/01 Sorted by: District, Funding Program, City, Project Code PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT '","!7JD __ iii. Zqa::gSd 􀁉􀁬􀁾® Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 May 4,2001 Mr. James McCarley, Executive Director Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition 7522 Campbell Road, Suite 113-205 Dallas, TX 75248 Re: Travel Demand Management Survey Dear Mr. McCarley: ) (972) 450-2871 16801 W1estgrove This is to return the Travel Demand Management Survey as requested in your letter of April 30, 2001. If you have any questions about the survey, please call me at 972-450-2879. Very truly yours, Town of Addison 􀀧􀁉􀁙􀀮􀀹􀁾􀁾􀁾 J es C. Pierce, Jr., P.E. ssistant Public Works Director cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager Chris Terry, Assistant City Manager Michael E. Murphy, P.E., Director ofPublic Works c 􀁾􀀮 '-\ .:J ) , AIR QUALITYffDM SCORECARD DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERVICE AREA RESPONDENT: Town of Addison Yes or Points 􀁒􀁥􀁳􀁾􀁮􀁤􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀧􀁳 No for Yes Score Car and Va! Pooling: Does City/County conduct employee transportation surveys to determine Ye.S 15 !15 commute patterns and provide information and education to employees regarding commute alternatives? Does City/County have an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)? "reS 15 i!\5 Does City/County provide priority parking for car and van pool vehicles? No 5 iI Does City/County promise a guaranteed ride home to car and van pool riders? 􀁾􀁖 5 I, Does City/County subsidize the cost of van pools or offer alternative 􀁾 fS 10 ,10 transportation allowance? Variable Work Hours: Does City/County allow its staff to work flexible hours at the employees' No 5 discretion? Does the City/County stagger its employees' work schedules? \[es 5 J5 Does City/County offer the alternative of a compressed work week? '-I e5 5 I .5 Does City/County execute employee trip reduction strategies and alter schedules 􀁾􀁏 10 for equipment operation on ozone alert days? Telecommuting: Does City/County allow home-based work? tVa 15 Bicycling and Walking to Work: II Does City/County provide safe, convenient employee bicycle storage at the NO 5 i workplace and a place for those who bicycle and walk to freshen up? ScboolContacts: Does City/County participate/cooperate with schools to provide traffic NO 5 manag;ement at school sites during; drop off/pick up hours? i Does City/County encourage and work directly with schools on an on-going 00 25 basis to develop school air quality/TDM pro)1;Tams? I Commercial Employer Contact: , 00 i Does City routinely contact major employers to encourage and assist with 25 i implementation of air quality/TDM programs? I Transit Use: Does City/County participate in DART's Discount Bus Pass Program? \\ eJ 35 􀀱􀁾 Does City/County provide information/education to its employees regarding bus 􀁾􀁥􀀧􀀿 5 $ schedules and bus use? TI Max Score 190 CKo , :\mydocuments\tdrn\tdrn dart cities 200I.doc ) DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION 7522 Campbell Road Suite 113-205 Dallas, Texas 75248 972/312-1644 972/312-1645 (FAX) Executive Committee '.,'.; ':', April 30, 2001 As this survey is distributed, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the final stages of review for the Dallas -Fort Worth area State Implementation Plan (SIP). Formal approval of the SIP is anticipated later this year. A major part of the recommended plan, although not yet mandatory, includes local efforts to reduce the number of 'trips' for business and pleasure. While the area will be mandated to implement all items in the SIP, the real 'test' for the 2007 attainment date is the number of times area monitors exceed the threshold for air quality. Thus, voluntary efforts such as TDM programs may be the key to meeting federal requirements. MAY 2 2000 ; 􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭 .. Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town ofAddison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, 􀁾􀁾.7/ln,/.. . Dear Mr. 􀀷􀁥􀁡􀁾􀀺 _ r The Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition (DRMC) is conducting its eighth annual travel demand management survey to determine the extent that DRMC Participants are engaging in employee trip reduction activities. The DRMC Executive Committee adopted a revised format last year to allow local governments additional credit for expanded TDM/Air Quality efforts. The revised format also established three different categories to reflect geographic differences. Lee F. Jackson, Chairman Barbara Mallory Caraway Vice-Chairman Grady Smithey, Secretary Linda HaJpeT-Brown, Treasurer JeranAkers Ruben Avelar Bruce Beaty Mark Burroughs Angie Chen Button HugbCairns AI Cornelius Don Dozier Robert Franke Ron Harris John 1. Heiman, Jr. Mike Nowels Bob Pbelps Ernest Randall Frank W. Robertson Richard Rozier KathySeei Candy Sheehan Gary Slagel Mark Stokes Paul N. Wageman AlanWalne Cynthia White Ex..Qfficio Members Jerry Hiebert Michael Morris Jay Nelson Roger Snoble Executive Director James McCarley David A Griffin, Associate The DRMC Executive Committee continues to feel the programs implemented by local governments to affect employee trip reduction have a strong impact in encouraging the private sector to expand and/or implement similar travel demand strategies. Under the revised categories, recognition will be provided to the top two local governments from I) Dallas County and cities inside the DART service area, 2) cities outside the DART service area, and 3) counties outside the DART service area. The awards will be presented at the annual Transportation Crossroads sponsored by the North Dallas Chamber ofCommerce in late 200I. If you have suggestions or comments as to how DRMC can make the survey more effective or accurate, please let us know. Preliminary tabulations will be sent to respondents for verification before the results are publicized. Return by June 15, 2001 to: DALLAS REGIONAL MOBll-ITY COALITION 7522 Campbell Road, Ste. 113-205 Dallas, Texas 75248 Thanks for your assistance, participation, and support! E closures -TDM Survey xc: R. Scott Wheeler, Mayor -Town ofAddison Bob Phelps, Phelps, Mayor -City ofFarmers Branch ') DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION \) 7522 Campbell Road Suite 113-205 Dallas, TX 75248 972/312-1644 972/312-1645 (FAX) Executive Committee If you have questions or need to clarify any element of the survey, please call the DRMC office (972-312-1644). As communicated to you with the survey document, a new scoring system was implemented this year to offer an opportunity for local governments to show indirect activities related to TDM programs. Since the scoring system is different, preliminary tallies are enclosed for your review prior to release of the survey at the DRMC meeting. There is increased interest in the survey this year due to the continuing issues related to air quality in this area along with related impact of daily trip reductions. . -..-.. .􀁟􀀭􀀮􀁟􀁾􀀮􀁟􀁩 August 2, 2000 Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 􀁄􀁥􀁡􀁲􀁾􀀯􀁾􀀺􀁲 .--' The seventh annual DRMC Air Quality/Travel Demand Management (TDM) survey will be reviewed at the September 8, 2000, DRMC Executive Committee meeting. Recognition for the top two local governments is set for the annual 'Transportation Crossroads' sponsored by the North Dallas Chamber ofCommerce in November. Ex-officio Members Lee F. Jackson, Chairman Barbara Mallory Caraway Vice-Chairman Grady Smithey, Secretary Linda Harper-Brown, Treasurer Jeran Akers Ruben Avelar Bruce Beaty Mark Burroughs Angie Chen Button Hugh Cairns AI Cornelius Don Dozier Robert Franke Ron Harris John L. Heiman, Jr. Mike Nowels Bob Phelps Ernest Randall Frank W. Robertson Ricbard Rozier Kathy Seei Candy Sheehan Gary Slagel Mark Stokes Paul N. Wageman Alan Walne Kirk Wilson Jerry Hiebert Michael Morris Jay Nelson Roger Snoble Executive Director James McCarley David A Griffin, Associate J mes McCarley RMC Executive Director Enclosures -TDM Comparison, TDM Scorecard Results, TDM Scorecard (blank) xc: R. Scott Wheeler, Mayor -Town ofAddison Bob Phelps, Mayor -City ofFarmers Branch DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT SCORECARD COMPARISON OF 1996,1997,1998,1999 & 2000 SURVEYS INSIDE DART SERVICE II I 1996 I 1997 I 1998 I 1999 J 2000 Respondent Total Score* Total Score* Total Score* Total Score* Total Score ** Addison 40 35 45 80 40 Carrollton 30 60 75 20 85 ----_._--------------'-------,-Dal1as 85 70 75 85 125 Dallas County 70 70 75 70 95 Fanners Branch 50 50 55 55 40 Garland 25 5 20 35 55 Highland Park 5 60 30 30 35 Irving 45 50 70 70 70 Plano 50 50 50 50 135 Richardson 105 105 130 130 I 180 Rowlett 0 No response No response No Response 50 University Park No response 80 90 30 35 * Maximum score available is 140 ** New scoring system; maximum score available is 190 MydoclIl11cnls/l000 col11parison . insidc.col11 􀁾 . .) DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALrnON TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT SCORECARD JUNE,2000 INSIDE DART SERVICE Car& Van Variable Tele-Bicycling/School Commercial Transit Respondent Pooling Work commuting Walking Contacts Employer Use U Hours Contact Addison 30 5 0 0 5 0 0 40 Carrollton 15 25 0 0 5 0 40 85 Dallas 45 15 15 5 5 0 40 125 .. --_. Dallas County 20 20 15 0 0 0 40 95 Farmers Branch 30 0 0 5 0 0 5 40 Garland 0 25 15 5 5 0 5 55 Highland Park 20 0 0 5 5 0 5 35 Irving 30 15 15 0 5 0 5 70 Plano 40 20 0 5 30 0 40 135 Richardson 50 15 15 5 30 25 40 180 Rowlett 0 10 0 0 0 0 40 50 University Park 15 5 0 5 5 0 5 35 * Maximum score available is 190 MydocunlCII[sl20(l(l results insidc.doc AIR QUALITYffDM SCORECARD DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERVICE AREA RESPONDENT: Yes or Points Respondent's No for Yes Score Car and Van Pooling: Does City/County conduct employee transportation surveys to determine 15 commute patterns and provide information and education to employees regarding commute alternatives? Does City/County have an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)? 15 Does City/County provide priority parking for car and van pool vehicles? 5 Does City/County promise a guaranteed ride home to car and van pool riders? 5 Does City/County subsidize the cost of van pools or offer alternative 10 transportation allowance? Variable Work Hours: Does City/County allow its staff to work flexible hours at the employees' 5 discretion? Does the City/County stagger its employees' work schedules? 5 Does City/County offer the alternative of a compressed work week? 5 Does City/County execute employee trip reduction strategies and alter schedules 10 for equipment operation on ozone alert days? Telecommuting: Does City/County allow home-based work? 15 Bicycling and Walking to Work: Does City/County provide safe; convenient employee bicycle storage at the 5 workplace and a place for those who bicycle and walk to freshen up? School Contacts: Does City/County participate/cooperate with schools to provide traffic 5 management at school sites during drop off/pick up hours? Does City/County encourage and work directly with schools on an on-going 25 basis to develop school air quality/TOM programs? Commercial Employer Contact: Does City routinely contact major employers to encourage and assist with 25 implementation of air quality/TOM programs? Transit Use: Does City/County participate in DART's Discount Bus Pass Program? 35 Does City/County provide information/education to its employees regarding bus 5 schedules and bus use? Max Score 190 Jim Pierce To: Cc: Subject: Ron Whitehead Chris Terry; Michael Murphy Next Year's Budget/Employee Transporation I would like to propose that money be put in the budget for employee transportation purposes. The employee survey that we did last fall showed that 15 employees would be able to commute to work on public transportation. My proposal would be to subsidize most, if not all of the cost for a monthly transit pass for those employees that would use public transportation instead of driving their car to work. The cost of a local pass is $28 per month, and a premium pass (express service from downtown) is $58 per month. Assuming 10 local and 5 premium users, the cost would be $6,840 per year. Also, even though we could not get a vanpool going, there seemed to be some potential based upon the grouping of where people lived. The total cost to vanpool riders is $400 per month, split between the riders. If the Town would fully subsidize the cost of the van, and the riders could ride free, this could possibly provide the impetus needed for a group to form. This cost would be $4,800 per year. Both of these initiatives would require some administrative effort, but I believe it would be small. Both of these initiatives would help our "score" on the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition scorecard, which assesses our Travel Demand Management efforts. In April, 1999, we scored 80 out of 140 possible points. With the above programs, we would score 125 out of 140 possible points. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant City Engineer PO Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 1 .') DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION -00 • _ .... --' 7522 Campbell Road Suite 113-205 Dallas, TX 75248 972/312-1644 972/312-1645 (FAX) Executive Committee Lee F. Jackson, Chairman Barbara Mallory Caraway Vice-Chairman Grady Smithey, Secretary Linda Harper-Brown, Treasurer Ruben Avelar Bruce Beaty Angie Chen Button AlCornelius Don Dozier Robert Franke Milburn R. Gravley Ron Harris John L. Heiman, Jr. John Longstreet Jack Miller Mike Nowels Bob Phelps Ernest Randall Frank W. Robertson Richard Rozier Kathy Seei Candy Sheehan Gary Slagel Paul N. Wageman Buddy Wall Alan Walne Kirk Wilson Ex-Officio Members Jerry Hiebert Michael Morris Jay Nelson Roger Snoble Executive Director James McCarley David A Griffin, Associate April 24, 2000 Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town ofAddison P.O. Box 9010 Addison. TX 75001-9010 "'"Mr. 􀁾􀀻􀀬􀀮􀀬r The 􀁾􀁡􀁳 Regional Mobility Coalition (DRMC) is conducting its seventh annual travel demand management sum:y tQ,.detennine'the'extentthatDRMC-participants·areengagingin employee trip reduetionactivities. The DRMC Executive Committee adopted a revised format for the year 2000 to allow local governments additional credit for expanded TDMlAir Quality efforts. The revised format also establishes three different categories to reflect geographic differences. As this survey is distributed, the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) is adopting a new Dallas -Fort Worth Area State Implementation Plan (SIP) for submission through the Governor to the EPA. A response from the EPA is expected by mid-summer. A major part of the recommended plan, although not yet mandatory, includes local efforts to reduce the number of 'trips' for business and pleasure. Also enclosed, for your information and consideration, is a list of 'Clean Air Initiatives' developed by the TNRCC. The DRMC Executive Committee continues to feel the programs implemented by local governments to affect employee trip reduction have a strong impact in encouraging the private sector to expand and/or implement similar travel demand strategies. Under the revised categories, recognition will be provided to the top two local governments from I) Dallas County and cities inside the DART service area, 2) cities outside the DART service area, and 3) counties outside the DART service area. The awards will be presented at the annual Transportation Crossroads sponsored by the North Dallas Chamber ofCommerce in November. If you have suggestions or comments as to how DRMC can make the survey more effective or accurate, please let us know. Preliminary tabulations will be sent to respondents for verification before the results are publicized. 􀁾􀁭􀀬􀁢􀁹 􀁊􀁵􀁰􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀲􀁏􀁄􀁄􀀻􀁴􀁯􀀺 .. D .' .'. . 􀂷􀁾􀀤􀀧􀁏􀁏􀁁􀁌􀁬􀁔􀁉􀁏􀁎 , 􀁡􀁴􀁮􀁰􀁾􀁥􀀡􀀱􀀺􀁡􀁑􀁡􀁤􀀮􀀬􀁓􀁴 􀁥􀀾􀀧􀀡􀁈􀀳􀀭􀀲􀀰􀀵 􀁄􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁡􀁴􀁾􀀺􀁲􀁾􀀷􀀵􀀲􀀧􀀱􀀭􀀸 Thanks for your assistance, participation, and support! Enclosures -TDM Survey and Clean Air Initiatives xc: R. Scott Wheeler, Mayor -City ofAddison Bob Phelps, Mayor -City ofFarmers Branch · 'J AIR QUALITYrrnM SCORECARD DALLAS COUNTY AND CITIES INSIDE DART SERVICE AREA RESPONDENT: Town ofAddison Yes or Points Respondent's No for Yes Score Car and Van Pooling: Does City/County conduct employee transportation surveys to detennine 􀁩􀁥􀁾 15 15 commute patterns and provide information and education to employees regarding commute alternatives? Does City/County have an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)? it$ 15 \S" Does City/County provide priority parking for car and van pool vehicles? tJO 5 -Does City/County promise a guaranteed ride home to car and van pool riders? l\Jo 5 -Does City/County subsidize the cost ofvan pools or offer alternative No 10 -transportation allowance? Variable Work Hours: Does City/County allow its staff to work flexible hours at the employees' ND 5 -discretion? Does the City/County stagger its employees' work schedules? No 5 -Does City/County offer the alternative of a compressed work week? 􀁩􀁥􀁾 5 CS Does City/County execute employee trip reduction strategies and alter schedules No 10 for equipment operation on ozone alert days? -Telecommuting: Does City/County allow home-based work? ND 15 --Bicycling and Walking to Work: Does City/County provide safe, convenient employee bicycle storage at the N" 5 -workplace and a place for those who bicycle and walk to freshen up? School Contacts: Does City/County participate/cooperate with schools to provide traffic 7 y* 5 􀁾 management at school sites during drop off/pick up hours? Does City/County encourage and work directly with schools on an on-going No 25 -basis to develop school air qualitylTDM programs? Commercial Employer Contact: Does City routinely contact major employers to encourage and assist with 􀁾􀁏 25 -implementation ofair quality/TDM programs? Transit Use: Does City/County participate in DART's Discount Bus Pass Program? No 35 -Does City/County provide information/education to its employees regarding bus No 5 schedules and bus use? -Max Score 190 to C:\mydocumeots\tdm\tdm dart cities 2000.doc DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION Executive Committee 7522 Campbell Road Suite I 13-205 Dallas, Texas 75248 972/312-1644 9721312-1645 (FAX) Lee F. Jackson, Chairman Barbara Mallory Caraway Vice-Chairman Grady Smithey, Secretary Linda Harper-Brown, Treasurer Ruben Avelar Bruce Beaty Angie Chen Button AI Cornelius Don Dozier Robert Franke Milburn R. Gravley Ron Harris John L. Heiman, Jr. .Iohn Longstreet Jack Miller Bob Phelps Ernest Randall Frank W. Robertson Richard Rozier Kathy Seei Candy Sheehan Gary Slagel Paul N. Wageman Buddy Wall Alan Walne Kirk Wilson Ex-Officio Members Jerry Hiebert Michael Morris Jay Nelson Roger Snoble Executive Director James McCarley David A. Griffin, Associate Executive Summary -Need for Congressional Action Re S. 1053/H.R.1876 Transportation Plan Non-Conformity -Air Quality Revised Ozone Standard -July 2000 Two court cases at the federal level removed authority for EPA to provide flexibility on air quality conformity for previously approved transportation projects. While the Dallas -Fort Worth area has met transportation plan conformity for the current one-hour ozone standard, the EPA is scheduled to designate the four-county (and possibly surrounding counties) as nonattainment under the revised ozone standard in July 2000. Due to these court rulings and EPA's decision not to appeal them, any transportation project that has not commenced by July 2000 could be considered non-conforming and halted. No federal funding could be secured until conformity was met and design and right-of-way acquisition could not be authorized. S.1053 and H.R. 1876 simply codify EPA's previous rules to provide a oneyear grace period upon an area's designation as non-attainment and allow projects previously approved to move forward (the grandfather provision). The effort to secure passage of this legislation is not an attempt to delay or reduce requirements for any area to achieve air quality standards. Since many of the projects potentially impacted are actually part of the solution, passage of this bill will help accelerate an area's compliance. Bipartisan support should be considered due to the impact on an area's air quality, mobility, and economic development. Congress needs to act in early 2000 to prevent the issue from becoming a focus of the presidential race. Transportation Plan Non-Conformity /July 2000 /Revised Ozone Standard • Two recent federal court cases removed the EPA's rules that allowed previously approved transportation projects (grandfathered) to move forward in non-attainment areas. The EPA did not appeal. • In July 2000 the EPA is scheduled to designate new areas across the nation (potentially over 600 counties) as non-attainment under the revised ozone standard. In Texas this will probably include the Dallas -Fort Worth, Houston -Galveston, EI Paso, Beaumont -Port Arthur, Tyler -Longview, Austin, and San Antonio areas. • Transportation Plans could be immediately 'non-conforming' since the EPA cannot provide a grace period or allow grandfathered projects to move forward (due to the court rulings). Up to $2 billion worth of projects in the Dallas -Fort Worth area could be halted, and design and right-of-way acquisition could not move forward. Projects such as the Trinity, LBJ, IH 35E, SH 161, SH 121, and DART rail extensions could be severely delayed. • S. 1053 and H.R. 1876 were introduced in Congress to codify the previous EPA rules allowing a one-year grace period and grandfathering of projects previously meeting conformity. Many of these projects enhance traffic flow and decrease congestion, thus actually improving air quality. The legislation does not remove an area's obligation to implement control measures and meet air quality attainment deadlines. • Congressional leadership has indicated there must be bipartisan support for the bill(s) to move forward. The Senate needs action in the House with support of the bill from key Democratic and Republican leaders. In an effort to keep the issue from becoming more embroiled in the presidential race, action early in 2000 has been encouraged. • Pros for the legislation... • Projects continue moving through development and construction • Enhanced mobility for the region through project completion • Air quality goals realized through better mobility and decreased congestion • Economic development capability capability continues through efficient transportation system • Cons on the legislation... • Environmental groups criticize supporters for 'harming the environment' • Perception that grace periods and grandfathering delay area's attempt to comply with clean air standards Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition Interim Transportation Finance Legislative Policy (as adopted by the DRMC Executive Committee 0/1/-07-00) The Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition (DRMC) supports the efforts by several organizations and legislative committees to address Texas transportation, mobility, and air quality issues in a comprehensive way. To support development of such a strategy, DRMC believes that: 1. Maximum and efficient use must be made of existing resources, policies, and methods. Studies of new methods, new organizational structures, and new legal authority, along with management studies and audits, should be implemented without delay to assure legislators and the public that existing transportation resources are being used to their fullest impact. 2. Every area of the State should be included in the development of new advocacy and planning organizations. Local elected officials, economic development groups, and business and civic leaders need to join traditional transportation organizations organizations in involving state leaders to make transportation and air quality a higher priority for the legislative sessions of 2001. 3. The State of Texas needs a better, more clearly understood strategy for maintaining an acceptable level of mobility and roadway safety for all residents. A prerequisite to transportation and air quality improvement will be the development of criteria and measurements of the effectiveness of existing transportation systems and acceptable minimum standards for the future. 4. We support consideration of additional revenues to meet Texas transportation needs after a careful study of current services and after a plan is adopted to address the needs of all areas of the state. We recognize that some State officials and interest groups do not believe that all of these issues can be addressed by the 2001 legislative session, but we do not support postponement of the initiation of this planning process. We believe the plans and goals should be established in 2000 in order to be addressed in 2001. DRMC will support these specific approaches: A. We support a performance audit of TXDOT to be conducted by the State Comptroller in 2000. If there are organizational improvements which can improve the efficiency of the department, we will support prompt implementation of those recommendations. We urge state leaders, however, to recognize that such improvements will be only a part of addressing the State's mobility needs, not a substitute for a comprehensive plan. B. We support a bold reexamination by House and Senate interim committees of all options for improving Texas' transportation and air quality programs. Other states may have innovations which can be adapted to Texas and used to improve our planning, financing, project acceleration.. management, and public involvement in these important quality of life issues. 0\J We support serious consideration of granting design/build project authority to TxDOT and other transportation providers as a means to accelerate timely completion of projects. We support evaluation of State right-of-way acquisition requirements to remove barriers to the timely completion of projects. C. We support the initiatives of the Partners in Mobility, Texas Transportation Funding Coalition (TTFC), and the Tex21 Coalition to build new statewide coalitions to advocate for effective transportation solutions by bringing all regions and interest groups of Texas together around a common transportation agenda. D. We urge State leaders to underscore their commitment to better mobility by agreeing on several clearly expressed transportation goals which address the needs of all regions of Texas and which will constitute a strategic plan to guide state agencies and future legislative sessions. E. We support stabilizing the amount of State fuel tax dollars (Fund 6) allocated to the Texas Department of Public Public Safety, thus providing more of these dollars for direct transportation related projects. F. We support use of State issued bonds to accelerate completion of projects with the stipulation that such projects must meet prioritization criteria established by TxDOT. G. We support evaluation of existing fees and permits, such as motor vehicle registration and overweight permits, to develop equity on a user fee basis. H. We support the principle that all areas of the State of Texas have vital transportation needs and that all these different issues need to be recognized and addressed fairly before future resources are dedicated to specific localities, regions, or selective programs. I. We urge the State of Texas to recognize the challenge presented to most of the State's metropolitan areas by the National Clean Air Act and to consider the need for modifications of state laws and programs to help address the special needs of non-attainment areas. We believe this is such a difficult problem that the State should look for opportunities to grant different kinds of program flexibility, financial incentives, and legal authority in the non-attainment areas. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁉􀁉􀀡􀁉􀁬􀀮􀁲􀁭􀀪􀀮􀀡􀁬􀁩􀀡􀁉􀀡􀁩􀀡􀁬􀁡􀁡􀂷 ® Posl Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001·9010 MEMORANDUM (972) 450-2871 16801 Weslgrove To: From: Subject: Ron Whitehead, City Manager JJ Jim Pierce, Assistant City Engineer 0--\. Travel Demand Management I have attached a copy of my letter to James McCarley regarding our scorecard. We could have scored higher if we subsidized the cost of vanpools or participated in DART's Discount Bus Pass Program. While we do not have our employee survey info back yet from DART (due to a software upgrade problem), I have a sense there is not too much interest in vanpools. However, if the Town subsidized the vanpools, there may be more interest. I would like to suggest the Town putsome money in next year's budget for vanpools and the discount bus pass program. And, if we really want to take a bold step forward, I suggest DART's E-Pass Program. EPass is.an annual photo J.D. bus/rail pass the Town would purchase for Town Council and ALL employees that provides unlimited use of DART bus/rail facilities. The program includes 2 free emergency rides home per quarter via taxi. A ballpark estimate of cost to the Town for this program to cover Council and all employees is $20,OOO/year. DART believes this program would really get people to use the system who otherwise would not use it. If the Town would subsidize these programs it could be -counted as another valuable employee benefit and would demonstrate "corporate" good will. A subsidy would also enhance recruitment and employee retention. Interestingly, the first $65/month of any benefit funded by the Town is not counted as income to the employee, which makes the benefit even more valuable. Other benefits to the Town are less vehicular traffic, less parking space required, less air pollution, and each participant is provided reliable transportation. Participation by the Town would show strong support of the DART transit system. These programs can be paid for out of our DART LAP/CMS funding if so desired. If we subscribed to the E-Pass program, we would be the first Member City to do so. I'm sure we could get some good publicity while we underscore our leadership position. Cc: John Baumgartner, Director of Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001·9010 . (972)450-2871 16801 Weslgrove MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Ron Whitehead, City Manager JJ Jim Pierce, Assistant City Engineer 0--\. Travel Demand Management I have attached a copy of my letter to James McCarley regarding our scorecard. We could have scored higher if we subsidized the cost of vanpools or participated in DART's Discount Bus Pass Program. While we do not have our employee survey info back yet from DART (due to a software upgrade problem), I have a sense there is not too much interest in vanpools. However, if the Town subsidized the vanpools, there may be more interest. I would like to suggest the Town put some money in next year's budget for vanpools and the discount bus pass program. And, if we really want to take a bold step forward, I suggest DART's E-Pass Program. EPass is an annual photo I.D. bus/rail pass the Town would purchase for Town Council and ALL employees that provides unlimited use of DART bus/rail facilities. The program includes 2 free emergency rides home per quarter via taxi. A ballpark estimate of cost to the Town for this program to cover Council and all employees is $20,OOO/year. DART believes this program would really get people to use the system who otherwise would not use it. If the Town would subsidize these programs it could be counted as another valuable employee benefit and would demonstrate "corporate" good will. A subsidy would al.so enhance recruitment and employee retention. Interestingly, the first $65/month of any benefit funded by the Town is not counted as income to the employee, which makes the benefit even more valuable. Other benefits to the Town are less vehicular traffic, less parking space required, less air pollution, and each participant is provided reliable transportation. Participation by the Town would show strong support of the DART transit system. These programs can be paid for out of our DART LAP/CMS funding if so desired. If we subscribed to the E-Pass program, we would be be the first Member City to do so. I'm sure we could get some good publicity while we underscore our leadership position. Cc: John Baumgartner, Director of Public Works j' . "\J 'e¢@i\ltiftN#U' May 4, 1999 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 (972) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove Mr. James McCarley, Executive Director Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition 12655 N. Central Expressway, Suite 820 Dallas, TX 75243 Re: Travel Demand Management Scorecard Dear Mr. McCarley: On behalf ofRon Whitehead, City Manager, this is to transmit the Travel Demand Management Scorecard for the Town ofAddison. The Town, with DART, has taken a survey of the Town employees to determine ifthere are opportunities for car or vanpools within our ranks. However, DART has had a problem with the software that scans the survey forms and interprets the results. Once we get the results, we will encourage employees to car or vanpool as appropriate. Please give me a call at 972-450-2879 ifyou have any questions or need further assistance. Very truly yours, Town of Addison 􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀢􀀢􀀬Jr., _, DEE Assistant City Engineer cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager John Baumgartner, Director of Public Works Enclosure TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT SCORECARD APRIL, 1999 INSIDE DART SERVICE AREA RESPONDENT: City of Addison Yes or Points Respondent's No for Yes Score Car and Van Pooling: Does City/County conduct employee transportation surveys to determine 15 IS commute patterns and provide information and education to employees 􀁾􀀮􀂣􀁓 regarding commute alternatives Does City/County have an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) Ye.S 15 } 5 Does City/County provide priority parking for car and van pool vehicles Yes 5 5 Does City/County promise a guaranteed ride home to car and van pool Yes 5 riders 5 Does City/County subsidize the cost ofvan pools or offer alternative Il/b 10 transportation allowance -Variable Work Hours: Does City/County allow its staff to work flexible hours at the employees' 􀀧􀁩􀁥􀁾 5 S discretion as a way to reduce Travel Demand Does the City/County stagger its employees' work schedules as a way to 􀁜􀀩􀁥􀁾 5 S reduce Travel Demand Does City/County offer the alternative ofa compressed work week as a 5 ,-way to reduce Travel Demand 'ItS 􀁾 Does City/County execute employee trip reduction strategies and alter 􀁾􀀤 5 :; schedules for equipment operation on ozone alert days Telecommuting: lJo Does City/County allow home based work as a way to reduce Travel W 15 rr?-Demand Bicycling and Walking to Work: Does City/County provide safe, convenient employee bicycle storage at 􀁾􀀵 5 5 the workplace Does City/County provide a place for those who bicycle and walk to "ir:S 5 freshen up before work 5 Does City/County require commercial development to be designed in 'It' 􀁾 5 . "..-ways that promote bicycling and walking !J Transit Use: Does City/County participate in DART's Discount Bus Pass Program Alo 35 Does City/County provide Information/Education to its employees 'ItS 5 􀁾 regarding bus schedules and bus use Max Score 140 􀁾􀁏 DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION Dei: :h-'􀀢􀀺􀀾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀱 /26199911 -----------.--:.;: 􀀺􀁾) I :,_ I ' ( t -: ••• \ f .._------------12655 N. Central Expwy. Suite 820 Dallas, Texas 75243 􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀹􀀭􀀱􀁾 972/404-9721 (FAX) March 24, 1999 Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town ofAddison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 Executive Committee Lee F. Jackson, Chairman Barbara Mallory Caraway Vice-Chairman Grady Smithey, Secretary Linda Harper-Brown, Treasurer ScottArmey Bruce Beaty Angie Chen Button AI Cornelius Bob Day Don Dozier Robert Franke Milburn R. Gravley Berry Grubbs Ron Harris John L. Heiman, Jr. John Longstreet Jack Miller Ernest Randall Frank W. Robertson Richard Rozier Kathy Seei Candy Sheehan Gary Slagel Paul N. Wageman Buddy Wall Alan Walne Ex-Officio Members Jerry Hiebert Michael Morris Jay Nelson Roger Snoble 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀼􀁴􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀽􀁰􀀮 􀁾 .. 􀁾􀁾􀁾 . . pO 􀀧􀁬􀀩􀁾 􀁾􀀯 /,P' ./? OJffV -<./,fy/v 􀁄􀁥􀁡􀁲􀁍􀁾􀁾􀁡􀁤􀀺 r 􀁾􀁾 􀁾􀁾P /The Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition is conducting its sixth annual travel dem£ management 􀁾􀀮 tJ survey to determine the extent that DRMC Participants are engaging in employee trip reduction \ . 􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾 activities. /"\ cV As this survey is distributed, the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) is in . • J :t the process of meeting two critical federal EPA deadlines for submission of a plan to show how the./. f) y "\ Dallas /Fort Worth non-attainment area (Collin, Dallas, Denton, and Tarrant counties) will meet _:!-;J'X--federal air quality standards. Last year, the EPA 'bumped-up' our area from a moderate to serious 􀁾Vdesignation. Since most ofthe control measures currently in use, and those which may be proposed, involve mobile source emissions (vehicles), the level of interest in travel demand management continues to increase. The DRMC Executive Committee continues to feel the programs implemented by local governments to affect employee trip reduction have a strong impact in encouraging the private sector to expand and/or implement similar travel demand strategies. Recognition was provided last year by DRMC for successful TDM programs by local governments, and a similar award program is planned during the fall of 1999 at the North Dallas Chamber ofCommerce Transportation program. If you have suggestions or comments as to how DRMC can make the survey more effective or accurate, please let us know. Executive Director James McCarley Preliminary tabulations will be sent to respondents for verification before the results are publicized. Rich Beckert, Mayor )tetllin by May 10, 1999 to: DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION 12655.N. Central Expwy., Suite 820 Dallas, Texas 75243' Thanks for your assistance, participation, and support! i' .' iAttachment 􀁾 xc: u:S.in}erely, .1,.-, .' I tt11'YV lames McCarley Executive Director David A. Griffin, Associate 􀁾􀀧􀀪􀂥 *&&W*"M*iSllli 􀀮􀁾􀂮 May 27,1998 MEMORANDUM ) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 (972) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove To: From: Subject: Ron Whitehead, City Manager Jim Pierce, Assistant City EngineerCfR DART Rideshare Programs I have recently become aware that DART has several employer programs available to promote the use of the Train/Bus system and carpooling. Of these programs, the Monthly Pass, "E-Pass", and the Van Program seem the most appropriate for consideration for use by the Town of Addison. The monthly pass is simply a program whereby the Town would be able to buy monthly bus/rail passes at a slight discount for employees that would use them. The Town could subsidize the cost of the pass, partially or fully. A local bus service pass would cost $28/month and a premium pass would cost $58/month. Premium service providesnon-stop rides between transit centers, park & ride lots and downtown. E-Pass is an annual photo I.D. bus/rail pass the Town would purchase for ALL employees that provides unlimited use of DART bus/rail facilities. The program includes 2 free emergency rides home per quarter via taxi. A ballpark estimate of cost to the Town for this program to cover all employees is $20,000/year. DART believes this program would really get people to use the system who otherwise would not use it. The Van Program can work for between 7 and 15 people who can get together and form a pool. DART provides the van and the cost ranges from $29 to $67 per month per rider if the commute is 90 miles per day or Jess. DART provides a fuel allowance which would cover most of the fuel cost -the remainder would have to be made up by the riders. The "Captain" of the van rides free, and can use the van for 250 personal miles per month, as "compensation" for driving and collecting the fees. Two free emergency rides home are provided for any rider per quarter. I have attached a sheet that gives some more details of this program. ,-If the Town would subsidize these programs it could be counted as another valuable employee benefit and would demonstrate "corporate" good will. A subsidy would also enhance recruitment and employee retention. Interestingly, the frrst $65jmonth of any benefit funded by the Town is not counted as income to the employee, which makes the benefit even more valuable. Other benefits to the Town are less vehicular traffic, less parking space required, less air pollution, and each participant is provided reliable transportation. Participation by the Town would show strong support of the DART transit system. These programs can be paid for out of our DART LAPj CMS funding if so desired. If we subscribed to the E-Pass program, we would be the frrst Member City to do so. I'm sure we could get some good publicity while we underscore our leadership position. I am sending this memo because it is budget time, and perhaps an appropriate time to gauge the level of Council interest. As you probably know, DART will be glad to come out and make any presentations appropriate. Please let me know if I can provide further assistance. Cc: John Baumgartner Pam Storaci new DARTVan Program FARES' o Captain rides free in exchange for driving and collecting fares. o Captain can use van after work apd has 250 free personal miles. I5-Passenger Van (Captain and 10 -14 Paying Riders) ... . .... . . 91-95 ... 96-100 >101 􀁾 105 . 106-110. 111-115 116 -120 􀁾 􀀻􀁾 -. '0" .", # orRJders 1-90 MUes Miles···· Miles .' Miles , Miles ... . Miles .• ., Miles 14 529 $34 $39 $44 $49 $54 $59 13 531 $37 $42 $47 .$53 $58 $63 􀁾 12 533 $40 $45 $51 $57 $63 $68 I II $36 $43 $49 $56 $62 $68 $75 ) 10 540 $47 $54 $61 $68 $75 $82 -8-Passenger Van (Captain and 6 -7 Paying Riders) 91-95 96 -100 101 -105 106 -110 111-115 116 -120 # of Riders 1-90 Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles 7 557 $67 $77 $87 $97 SI07 $117 6 $67 $77 $87 $97 $107 S117 $127 15-Passenger Van -$ I00 per month fuel allowance 8-Passenger Van -$60 permonth fuel allowance EMERGENCY RIDE HOME Personal Emergencies Work Related Emergencies 0 Rider gets sick or injured on the job. 0 Unexpected business appointment. 0 Rider's child gets sick or injured. 0 Unexpected overtime. b Rider's family member gets sick or injured. 0 Normal vanpool arrangement fails to 0 Rider has personal crisis at home. operate on the trip home. IRS allows employers to subsidize vanpool fares up to $65 per month per employee and not count the subsidy as added income and amount can be deducted as a business expense. 2 Fuel cost above allowance, as with tolls and parking will be shared by riders. . Per 􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀱 􀁾ill,) YlcA. Trip' b1lln-th1 Cos-/-f-?r P.lder Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition A voluntary coalition of five counties and twenty-seven cities in the TxDOT Dallas District, DRMC promotes areawide mobility issues, projects, and programs for transportation improvements. The Executive Committee is comprised largely of elected officials from member agencies with Collin County Judge Ron Harris and Dallas County Judge Margaret Keliher serving as CoChairs. DRMC has given high priority to promoting more efficient use of existing roadways through HOV lanes, intelligent vehicle systems, incident management, and travel demand management. Concerned about the area's EPA nonattainment status, DRMC has implemented an annual survey assessing local government implementation of Travel Demand Management.(TDM), which includes car pooling, van pooling, transit alternatives, flexible work schedules, and work at home programs. Four years ago additional survey elements were added allowing agencies to indicate efforts in working with school districts and private businesses to to promote TOM programs. The survey encourages local governmentsto set an example for the private sector in TOM efforts by reducing the number of employee trips each day, reducing vehicle travel during peak traffic hours to relieve congestion and improve air quality. The survey, now in its tenth year, recognizes that each local government workplace (similar to the private sector) has a different TOM potential and there is no one absolute solution for employee trip reductions. Three different survey instruments are used to measure progress by local governments inside and outside the DARTservice area along with counties without full DART service. Today DRMC recognizes the City or Richardson and City orDal/as (within the DART service area), the City orDenton and City orAl/en (outside the DART service area), along with Collin County and Ellis County (counties outside the DART service area) for their exceptional efforts to implement and promote travel demand management strategies. A list of DRMC agencies is on the reverse side of this summary. DRMC also extends appreciation to the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce for this opportunity to provide recognition to these regional leaders. DALLAS REGIONAL MOBILITY COALITION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2003 REPRESENTING Judge Ron Harris, Co-Chair Judge Margaret Keliher Dallas County Councilwoman Sandy Greyson, Vice-Chair Mayor Pro-Tem Grady Smithey, Secretary Deputy Mayor Pr-Tem Terry Waldrum, Treasurer Judge Chad Adams Gary Base Commissioner Bruce Beaty CounCilman Bill Blaydes Mayor Pro-Tem Mark Burroughs Angie Chen Button Councilman Jim Dunn Mayor Pat Evans Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem Stanton Foerster Mayor Robert Franke Councilman John L. Heiman, Jr. Judge Mary Horn Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem Mike Nowels Mayor Pro-Tem James O'Neal Mayor Pro-Tem Jayne Peters Mayor Bob Phelps Councilman Frank Robertson Mayor Mike Simpson Mayor Gary Slagel Mayor Mark Stokes Mayor Steve Terrell Paul N. Wageman Bill Whitfield Ex-Officio -William Hale Ex-Officio -Jerry Hiebert Ex-Officio -Michael Morris Ex-Officio -Gary Thomas James McCarley Associate -David A. Griffin Collin County Dallas County City ofDallas Dallas County City ofIrving Ellis County Area Chambers Rockwall County City ofDallas City ofDenton City ofDallas City ofGarland City ofPlano City ofRowlett City ofSachse City ofCedar Hill City ofMesquite Denton County City ofLewisville City ofLancaster City ofDeSoto City ofHutchins City ofGlenn Heights City ofCoppell City ofUniversity Park City ofFarmers Branch Town ofAddison Town ofHighland Park City ofGrand Prairie City ofFrisco City ofRichardson City ofCarrolton City ofAllen City ofDallas City ofMcKinney City of Wylie TxDOT Dallas NTTA NCT/COG DART Executive Director