. '" 12,000 ot?O s ., !IQI􀁾􀁊􀀳􀁂􀁊􀁊􀀮􀁢􀁯 􀁾􀁊􀁾􀀹􀀧􀁦􀀢􀀮􀁯 .u.__u-Iu j , 'LJcJ!§8:2____ .. 􀁾􀁊􀁟􀁾􀁬􀁩􀀯􀁾􀁯􀁟􀁯 u$ 􀁾􀁉􀁬􀁁􀀨􀁊􀁊􀀩􀀮􀁑􀀵􀀻􀁾􀀧􀁃􀂣 09_0 SJLf 0 L{pi!) 􀀮􀁾􀀻 lq 8;9oo.f&􀁑􀀷􀀷􀀬􀀡􀁊􀁾􀁏􀁉􀁓􀀧􀁊􀁾􀁎􀀲􀁪􀀭􀁡 00 ! I I .... I 􀂷􀀮􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀁾􀀬􀀷􀀭􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀀭􀁾􀀮􀂷􀂷􀀭􀀧 ../J. 􀁾􀁔 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove October 6, 1993 MEMORANDUM To: From: Re: Ron Whitehead Ci ty Manager 􀁾􀀿􀀱􀀲 John Baumgartn U Director of Pu ic Works Interim Outfall Sewer Agreement with Farmers Branch Attached is the proposed "Interim Outfall Sewer Agreement Between the Town of Addison and the city of Farmers Branch." The proposed agreement is for a term of 12 months and has the follow changes: 1) Requires the recalibration of the meters. This was accomplished in August. 2) Adjusts the allowable flows in each basin based on the ADS study. It is anticipated that this will give us some growth opportunity until completion of the sewer tunnel in early 1996. Staff recommends that Council approves the agreement and authorize City Manager to execute it. JRB/gmk INTERIM OUTFALL SEWER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF ADDISON AND THE CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THIS AGREEMENT; entered into by and between the Town of Addison, a Texas Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its City Manager, hereinafter referred to as "Addison" , and the City of Farmers Branch, a Texas Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its City Manager, hereinafter referred to as "Farmers Branch". WITNESSETH: SECTION 1. Covenants of Farmers Branch. a. Farmers Branch hereby agrees to provide transportation of sewage subject to the limitations identified in Section 2, generated from the Rawhide Creek and Farmers Branch Creek drainage basins within Addison through Farmers Branch IS sanitary sewer system lying within Farmers Branch. b. Farmers Branch agrees to allow the Addison sewage to flow through Farmers Branch sanitary sewer system to the Trinity River Authority's present sewer collection point west of Interstate Highway 35E and south of Interstate Highway 635. c. Farmers Branch agrees to charge Addison 120% of the fee charged to Farmers Branch by the Trinity River Authority for the duration of this interim agreement based upon measured sewage flows through the existing five entry points into the Farmers Branch sewer system from the Addison sewer system. The five entry points are noted on the attached sketch labeled Exhibit A. SECTION 2. Covenants of Addison. a. Addison will calibrate the meters in accordance with the "Wastewater Meter Station Evaluation Final Report" performed by ADS Environmental Services, Inc., dated June 16, 1993, and submit verification to Farmers Branch of the calibration within the first 30 days of this agreement. b. Addison will submit to Farmers Branch verification that the meters are still calibrated in the last 30 days of the agreement. c. Addison agrees to limit its sewage flows at each of the five entry points for the duration of this interim agreement or until such time as the improved outfall system has been provided, whichever shall occur first, as follows: 1. Rawhide Creek Basin -The sewage flow shall be limited to a total flow of 135 million gallons for the term of the agreement. The amount of flow is based on calibrated meters as reference in Section 2a, of this agreement. At such time as the total monthly flow into the Rawhide Creek Basin equals or exceeds 8 million gallons, both meters at this entry point shall be recalibrated. 2. Farmers Branch Creek Basin a) Inwood Road, Brookhaven Club West, and Brookhaven Club East and Spring Valley Road Metering Stations -the sewage flow shall be limited to a total flow of 540 million gallons for the term of this agreement. The amount of flow is based on 􀁣􀁡􀁬􀁩􀁢􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁾􀁤 meters as reference in Section 2a, of this agreement. The City of Farmers Branch Branch understands Addison is planning various measures to reduce the inflow and infiltration or otherwise reduce flow. It is not the intent of the City of Farmers Branch to reduce the flow limits to Addison as a result of their system improvement efforts. b) Beltwood -the sewage flow shall be limited to the flow generated from the existing buildings at the following addresses: 4568 through 4580, and 4600 Belt Line Road, 15000 Block of Beltwood Parkway, 14600, 14700, and 14800 Blocks of Inwood Road. Since the sewage "flow is not metered, the amount of sewage flow shall be considered as 80% of the amount of water metered to these properties. d. Addison and Farmers Branch will conduct monthly meetings to monitor sewage flows to insure that there are not any adverse affects on the system. e. Addison is prohibited from trucking sanitary sewer effluent through Farmers Branch. 2 f. Addison may contract for additional capacity within a given drainage basin through a supplemental agreement which shall incorporate the means for making additional capacity available, and the means of fmancing those improvements to provide additional capacity. g. Addison agrees to limit its sewage flows to whatever extent is necessary to reduce, prevent and/or eliminate any spill, overload or overflow of Farmers Branch's sewer system constituting a violation of the rules and regulations of the Texas Water Commission and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. h. In the event of any spill, overload or overflow for which Addison has a responsibility, and which constitutes a violation of the rules and regulations of the Texas Water Commission and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Addison agrees to reimburse Farmers Branch for the costs of any fines or penalties. i. Addison agrees to enforce the Sewer Use Ordinance, Addison Ordinance No. 087004, which ordinance incorporates the basic terms and conditions of Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967. Addison agrees to amend this ordinance to reflect the basic terms and conditions of any amendments to Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967. SECTION 3. Mutual Covenants. Addison and Farmers Branch agree that this is an interim agreement entered into to allow sufficient time for the implementation of the Addison-Farmers Branch sanitary sewer interceptor. SECTION 4. Compliance with State and Federal Re2Ulations. a. (1) To enable the highest degree of treatment in the most economical manner possible, and to comply with Federal and State regulations, certain solids, liquids and gases are hereby prohibited from entering the Farmers Branch system in excess of standards as set by said Federal and State regulations. The prohibitive discharges listed in Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967 shall also apply at the Points of Entry to the Farmers Branch Wastewater System. (2) Federal and State regulatory agencies periodically modify standards on prohibitive discharges; therefore, revisions to, additions to, or deletions from the items listed in this section will become necessary to comply with these latest standards. It is the intention of this interim agreement that prohibitive discharge requirements be reviewed periodically by Farmers Branch and revised in accordance with the latest standards of any federal or state agency having regulatory powers: Any required revisions shall be made and written notice thereof given to Addison. Addison shall be responsible for integrating such changes into the local industrial waste ordinance and notifying all affected users of the change within ninety (90) 3 days following written notice to Addison of such change. b. To determine quality of Wastewater, Farmers Branch will collect composite samples of Wastewater at each point of entry to the Farmers Branch Wastewater System and cause same to be analyzed in accordance with testing procedures as set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods of Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by American Public Health Association, Inc. Composite samples will normally be taken quarterly or at more frequent intervals if necessary to determine Wastewater quality. Such Wastewater shall not exceed the limits of concentration specified for Normal Wastewater as follows: Normal Wastewater Concentration BOD 250 mgll SS 250 mgll ph, not less than 5 nor greater than 10 Hydrogen Sulfide 1.0 mgll Should the analysis disclose concentrations higher than those listed, Farmers Branch will at once inform Addison of such disqualification. It shall be the obligation of Addison to require the offending discharger of said highly concentrated materials to undertake remedial measures to bring discharge concentrations within acceptable limits. Farmers Branch will cooperate with Addison in reaching a satisfactory solution but will not undertake to specify the measures that will be employed to bring those over-strength discharge concentrations within acceptable limits. In some cases of over-strength Industrial Waste, the industry discharging the over-strength waste, and Addison, may be desirous, and Farmers Branch may be agreeable to negotiate terms under which Farmers Branch will accept the over-strength wastes, but Farmers Branch makes no commitment to perform such service. c. (1) The effects of certain types of Industrial Waste upon wastewater and wastewater treatment processes are such as to require that careful consideration be made of each industrial connection. This is a matter of concern both to Farmers Branch and to Addison. Addison covenants that it will have in effect and will enforce a sewer use ordinance in accordance with Federal and State regulations or departments having lawful jurisdiction to set standards for waste discharges. 4 (2) Addison shall, by ordinance, require all Significant Industrial Users as defined by Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967 that ultimately discharge into the Farmers Branch wastewater system, including, without limitation, Displaytek Corporation and Circuit Automation, Incorporated, to obtain an industrial waste discharge permit. (3) Farmers Branch shall be provided a copy of the application and permit within 14 days after issuance. No Industrial User shall be allowed to connect to the sewer system discharging to the Farmers Branch Wastewater System without at least 30 days prior notification being given by Addison to Farmers Branch of the intent to connect. Addison also agrees to provide Farmers Branch with information pertaining to the expected volume and composition of the new-discharge.. The expected volume is subject to the limitation of this agreement and any supplemental agreements. (4) Addison agrees to implement and enforce U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved pretreatment program with respect to Industrial Users discharging into the Farmers Branch system. Furthermore, Addison shall, at any reasonable time upon request by Farmers Branch, produce'pretreatment program records for review by Farmers Branch. (5) Addison agrees that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pretreatment Program for Industrial Wastes will be maintained to insure continuing approval from the EPA. (6) Addison agrees to seek injunctive relief against those Industrial Users whose discharge interferes with the Trinity River Authority's treatment system, poses an imminent danger to public health, or when the specific industry is not making sufficient progress toward compliance or completing an Addison approved pretreatment plan. (7) Addison agrees that Farmers Branch shall have the right to sample wastewater discharges at points of entry to the Farmers Branch wastewater system for the purpose of determining the type and strength of discharges. (8) Addison agrees that any individual Industrial User found in violation of allowable discharges or any individual Industrial User who refuses access for the purpose of sampling shall be disconnected from Addison's and Farmers Branch's wastewater system, provided however, that the violating Industrial User shall be afforded all rights, privileges of appeal and deficiency cure periods as provided under Addison Ordinances. Addison agrees to provide public notification for instances of violation as required in 40 CFR 403. 5 THIS INTERIM AGREEMENT is effective as of September 9, 1993 and shall remain in force until September 9, 1994 unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties, or unless terminated by breach of any provisions of SECTION 2. Breach of any provision of SECTION 2 shall cause termination of this agreement within 30 days. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting under authority of their respective governing bodies have caused this Amendatory Interim Agreement to be duty executed in several counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, this 9th day September, 1993. ATTEST: City Secretary ATTEST: City Secretary TOWN OF ADDISON City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney B:OUTFALL.AGR/AGREEMENTS September 2. 19936 COWLES & THOMPSON KENNETH C. DIPPEL OF COUNSEL (214) 670·1158 Ron Whitehead, City Manager John Baumgartner, City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 4000 NCNB PLAZA 901 MAIN STREET DALLAS, TEXAS 75202·3793 TELEPHONE (214) 670·1100 FAX (214) 698·0310 CHARLES SORRELLS (1925·1982) May 26,1993 307 W. WASHINGTON. SUITE 100 PO. BOX 1127 SHERMAN, TEXAS 75091·1127 TELEPHONE (903) 893·8999 NCNB TEXAS NATIONAL BANK BLDG" SUITE 321 100 WEST ADAMS AVENUE PO BOX 785 TEMPLE. TEXAS 76503·0785 TELEPHONE (817) 771·2800 ONE AMERICAN CENTER, SUITE 777 909 ESE LOOP 323 TYLER, TEXAS 75701·9684 TELEPHONE (903) 581·5588 Re: Wastewater Capacity Limitations in the Farmers Branch Basin Our File No. 3195/25211 Dear Ron and John: Enclosed is a Confidential Memorandum regarding wastewater capacity limitations. Please call me with any questions or comments. 􀁶􀁾􀁵􀁮􀀬 Kenneth C. Dippel KCD/krf Enclosure TO: FROM: RE: DATE: CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM [Subject to attorney/client and work product privileges] Ron Whitehead, City Manager Ken Dippel, City Attorney Wastewater Capacity Umitations in the Farmers Branch Basin May 24,1993 FACfS Part of Addison is in the Fanners Branch drainage basin and is served for wastewater treatment by transporting wastewater through Farmers Branch and to treatment facilities operated by the Trinity River Authority C'TRA"). In 1986 Addison and Farmers Branch signed a wastewater contract specifying that Addison could transport up to 615 million gallons a day ("mgd.") through Farmers Branch's transmission lines to the TRA treatment facilities. That contract has expired and the two cities are operating under a series of interim (90 day) agreements. In 1990, studies showed Addison's average flow from the prior six years was 562 mgd. and remaining capacity was 52 mgd. In April of 1991, the Town adopted Ordinance 091-013 that provides a procedure for reviewing and allocating remaining capacity. The Ordinance is effective until planned improvements to the wastewater system are completed. Planned improvements include an "Intercept Tunnel" and related collector sewer lines that will relieve the capacity problems. DOC#: 97919 1 Ordinance 091-013 provides for the following procedure: • An applicant for sewer service in the Farmers Branch Basin first applies to the City for a sewer availability certificate ("sewer certificate") in connection with an application for building permit. • The City Engineer reviews the project and calculates available capacity. If he determines capacity is available to serve the proposed project, then a sewer certificate is issued for the proposed project. • The sewer certificate then allows the applicant to seek a building permit and ultimately a certificate of occupancy. An applicant may also seek to reserve sewer capacity at time of platting. The applicant has 12 months after plat to have a building permit issued or the sewer certificate expires. ISSUES At our May 4 meeting you posed· the following questions: 1. When are sewer rights vested? Two subparts of this question are: • Does an existing building have a vested right to sewer capacity/service? • Does undeveloped land have a vested right to sewer capacity/service? 2. Can a City impose a moratorium on new development by refusing to approve permits when the "sewer is full?" What are the limitations? 3. Can a City ration sewer capacity (as was done in Ordinance 091-013) and what are the limitations? 4. In light of the fact that there is no long term contract in place with Farmers Branch, does the Town legally have any capacity? (i.e. should a moratorium be adopted?) DOC#: 97919 2 4. Farmers Branch has a duty to act responsibly and cannot realistically hope to refuse to accept wastewater. The City Engineer should keep track of remaining capacity and continue to implement 091-013 as written. Once capacity has been exhausted, the Ordinance contemplates that no further sewer certificates will be issued and this will in effect create a moratorium. DISCUSSION 1. WHEN ARE SEWER RIGHTS VESTED? A Common Law Under common law, it was difficult for a landowner to successfully argue vesting of rights during the development process. Cities were given latitude to alter regulations that affected even developers' pending applications for holding building permits. See, e.g. City of Dallas v. Crownrich, 506 S.W.2d 654 (Tex. Civ. App. -Tyler 1974, writ refd n.r.e.) (applicant obtains no vested right by the mere filing of an application for a building permit). A builder has no vested right to sewer until a building permit was issued and construction was well underway. B. Limits Imposed by Vesting Statute In 1987 the legislature adopted article 4413 (301), creating a Texas Department of Commerce. Article 7 of the Act changes the substantive law that previously applied to permits issued by municipalities. After stating that current administrative practices cause unnecessary regulatory delays that inhibit the economic development of the state, the statute requires that approval or disapproval of applications for permits be based solely on duly DOC#: 97919 4 adopted requirements in effect at the time the original permit application is filed. This now appears in § 481.141 of the Texas Government Code which states: (a) The approval, disapproval, or conditional approval of an application for a permit shall be considered by each regulatory agency solely on the basis of any orders, regulations, ordinances, or other duly adopted requirements in effect at the time the original application for the permit is filed. If a series of permits is required for a project, the order, regulations, ordinances, or other requirements in effect at the time the original application for the first permit in that series is filed shall be the sole basis for consideration of all subsequent permits required for the completion of the project. Ordinance 091-013 specifically provides that it does not apply to projects with applications for building permits pending on the date the Ordinance was adopted. C. Prospective Regulation Mixon, in § 7.05 of his treatise Texas Municipal Zoning states that: The [vesting] statute does not prevent municipalities from adopting ordinances that prospectively suspend issuance of permits to permit development of land use plans for specific areas. Neither does it invalidate conditions that require commencement of construction within a specific time after issuance. The statute appears to vest an applicant's right to develop according to the regulations that exist on the date of application. D. Undeveloped Land Under the Town's regulatory scheme in Ordinance 091-013, there are no vested sewer rights for undeveloped property. An owner of undeveloped property with a specific project in mind must apply for sewer certificate in connection with his application for a building permit. The City Engineer then decides whether sewer is available to serve the project. Once an application for a sewer certificate is filed, it must be considered under the existing regulations. Once approved, the applicant has a vested right to sewer for the project DOC #: 97919 5 proposed, but subject to the limitation that the right to sewer will be lost if the project does not commence within twelve months. E. Existing Buildings Under common law and Ordinance 091-013, existing and occupied buildings enjoy vested rights to then existing sewer service. However, the Town's Ordinance 091-013 specifies that if an existing building remains vacant for 12 months, vested sewer rights are lost and the building owner must apply for a sewer certificate. 2. CAN A CITY IMPOSE A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT (BY REFUSINGTOAPPROVEPERMITS) WHENTHE"SEWERIS FULL"? WHAT ARE THE LIMITATIONS? A General Rules For Development Moratoriums Moratoriums are properly utilized in a number of situations. For example, municipalities sometimes seek to suspend issuance of building permits while considering adoption of zoning ordinances or amendments. The purpose of suspension is to avoid development that will conflict with the eventual regulations and frustrate the community's land use goals. Texas courts have upheld suspensions so long as they are reasonable. City of Dallas v. Crownrich upheld suspension of permits in affected districts while the city deliberated adoption of a historical preservation ordinance. In order for moratorium regulation to be a valid exercise of the City police power it must: (1) be substantially related to the health, safety, or general welfare of the people; (2) be reasonable, not arbitrary. DOC #: 97919 6 B. "The Sewer Is Full" The easiest cases deal with situations in which a developer was denied connection to a sewer or water system because a particular plant, system or major line was full. The courts have uniformly upheld the denial of service in such cases because they are reluctant to order the overloading of a sewer or water facility with the resulting potential public health hazards. In some cases, the capacity problem was so severe that the sewage treatment plant was discharging raw sewage into area waterways. This is a classic "sewer is full" case in that the court is faced with a direct and immediate adverse impact on the public health if it did anything other than uphold the moratorium. Accordingly, well-reasoned moratoria are sustainable against constitutional challenges under the law of most jurisdictions, including Texas. See, e.g., State ofScott v. Victoria County, 778 S.W.2d 585 (Tex. App. -Corpus Christi 1989, no writ) (seven-year sewer moratorium upheld against constitutional challenges, since duration of moratorium was reasonable in view of regional sewer plant deficiencies). Factors that have been used to determine the overall reasonableness or rationality of a moratorium include the length of its duration in relation to the documented reasons for establishing the moratorium, the reasons for imposing the restrictions, and the steps which have been taken to remedy the preceding problems. McQuillan, in § 33.30 of his treatise Municipal Corporations, indicates that: A declaration of a moratorium on sewer connections may not form the basis for a denial of connection permits in the absence of any evidence of a reasonable necessity for a moratorium [citing the Georgia case of DeKalb County v. Townsend Assocs., Inc., 243 Ga. 80, 252 S.E.2d 498]. A decision by municipal authorities not to follow their city engineer's recommendation DOC #: 97919 7 that a moratorium be declared on sewer connections, but to proceed instead to grant or deny sewer connection on a case-bycase basis, is deemed to constitute an abuse of their discretion in the matter such that mandamus will lie to compel issuance of the requisite permit [citing an Alabama case, Pritchett v. Nathan Rogers Constr. & Realty Corp., 379 So.2d 545 (Ala.)]. Factors used to determine whether a moratorium is reasonable are the length of the moratorium in relation to the reasons given for its establishment, and the steps taken to remedy the problem. For example, in the Victoria County case, the sewer plant had become overloaded due to an increase in the number of homes, and large amounts of raw sewage were being discharged in to the creek. C. Temporaty Taking A disgruntled property owner may bring a temporary taking action, alleging that the moratorium deprives him of all economically viable use of his property for the period of its duration. Such actions typically do not succeed, because most property retains substantial value during the period of the moratorium. In other words, the value of property over time must be considered in determining whether a taking has occurred. In a recent Minnesota decision, decided after the Supreme Court's recent decision in Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 112 S. Ct. 2886 (U.S. 1992), the Court upheld a two-year moratorium against a temporary taking challenge. In the Texas case Victoria County (cited above), the Court upheld a 7 1/2 year sewer moratorium. DOC #: 97919 8 3. SEWER RATIONlNG A Generally Well managed communities, like Addison, have tried to plan ahead and avoid the kind of critical-mess planning that leads to a "sewer is full" case. Those communities foresaw the capacity limitation before it was reached and adopted a program to allocate the remaining capacity among competing users. In some cases, the competition for that capacity was between users inside the boundaries of the entity providing service and users outside those boundaries. In other cases the competition was among competing users within the same boundaries. These cases are more difficult than the "sewer is full" cases, because any particular user can always argue, "the city at least has room for my five units," and generally be correct. The local government does not have the easy response of "the sewer is full and there is nothing the city can do about it." Nevertheless, there is support for the need for advance planning and cases have upheld the local government's allocation of remaining system capacity. P-W Investments, Inc. v. City of Westminster, 655 P. 2d 1365 (Colo. 1982). In my opinion the Addison Ordinance is a proper exercise of police power. The Town simply desires to control development in light of known capacity limitations and steps are underway to remedy the problem. Ordinance 091-013 is therefore constitutional. 4. EXISTING CAPACITY Addison's wastewater contract with Farmers Branch has expired and the parties now operate under a series of 90-day interim agreements since they have not been able to agree DOC #: 97919 9 on a longer term arrangement. Specifically Farmers Branch has requested the right to approve all new building permits issued by Addison for projects in the Farmers Branch Basin. Because Farmers Branch is a public entity and utility provider, we believe Farmers Branch has a legal duty to act responsibly and cannot realistically hope to discontinue transmission of Addison's wastewater (at least not without a lengthy, costly, and high risk legal battle). Accordingly, perhaps continuing with the series of 90-day interim agreements is a viable course so long as progress continues on the Tunnel. The City Engineer should continue to analyze remaining capacity and issue sewer certificates as contemplated by the Ordinance. Once capacity has been exhausted, the Ordinance contemplates that no further sewer certificates would issue thereby in effect creating a moratorium. DOC#: 97919 10 RAWHIDE CREEK SEWER CAPACITY MAY 6,1993 Existing Capacity Optimistic Pessimistic 260 million gallons/year 230 million gallons/year Existing Estimated Flow -192 to 204 million gallons/year Available Capacity -26 to 68 million gallons/year Units Sewer Requirements GallonslYear 100 9,125,000 Existing Sewer Reservations Houses under construction Vacant lots (Waterford Park II and Les Lacs) Grand Addison" (cluster homes) K-Mart /Winn-Dixie Outback Steakhouse Hoffbrau Steakhouse Waterford Court 59 76 196 SUB-TOTAL 5,380,000 6,935,000 6,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 12,520,000 47,460,000 96 lots 43 lots 400 SUB-TOTAL Sewer Requirements GallonslYear 3,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 8,750,000 3,900,000 9,000,000 9,580,000 8,000,000 25,550,000 70,550,000 Projects Without Firm Commitments Units Fresh Choice Restaurant Applebee's Restaurant 􀁾􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁯􀁮 Road Restaurant I-HOp .Gt1iek Fit A Blockbuster/Jasons Deli Grand Addison III (cluster homes) K-Mart Center Residential K-Mart Phase" . *Les Lacs Mirada Phase" (150 units or 50 lots) *McCutchin Tract **Snaydon Property Other Less Firm Proposals North of K-Mart Center Redevelopment of SSBA Vacant Land at Surveyor and Beltway Vacant Lots in Midway Meadows Redevelopment of Yoplait Plant *Actually in Farmers Branch Basin but could easily transfer to Rawhide. **Could transfer to Dallas via onsite lift station and line construction from the site to Arapaho and the Tollway. Dallas system also has capacity constraints. CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 450-2886 16801 Westgrove June 21, 1993 Mr. Gary Oshel City of Farmers Branch P.O. Box 819010 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381-9010 RE: Engineering Invoices 14 and 15 -Addison Farmers Branch Sewer Tunnel Dear Gary: The Town of Addison concurs with your recommendation for payment of Consoer Townsend's fourteenth and fifteenth invoice in the amount of $57,802.95. R. Baumgartner, P.E. Engineer JRB/js ORDINANCE NO. 􀁾􀀯􀁾 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ADDISON, TEXAS, REGULATING THE QUALITY OF DISCHARGES INTO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL CHARGES BY CERTAIN USERS OF THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF CHARGES FOR TESTING WASTEWATER FLOWS; PROVIDING FOR THE ACCUMULATIVE EFFECT OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ADDISON, TEXAS: SECTION 1. No user of the City Sanitary Sewer System shall discharge wastes into said system which are determined by the City Manager of Addison, or his dUly appointed representative, to be harmful to the sewer system of the City. In no event shall discharges be permitted which will result in the wastewater flow from the City into the system of the Trinity River Authority not satisfying the standards for quality established in that certain contract dated August 30, 1973, between the City of Farmers Branch and the Trinity Trinity River Authority, nor shall discharges exceed the limits of the contract between the City of Dallas and the City of Addison dated January 26, 1976. The quality of wastewater shall be measured at the point of entry as provided in said contract. Article IV of said contract between Farmers Branch and Trinity River Authority, entitled "Quality and Testing", Section Two of said Contract #76-35 stating the "Quality and manner of testing between Addison and the City of Dallas" is hereby adopted by reference and shall have the same effect in the interpretation of this ordinance as if copied herein in full. Any cischarge into the sanitary sewer system of the City which results in the wastewater flow of the City not meeting the requirements of said contract shall be immediately terminated upon notice or shall be given pre-treatment by the discharger, prior to entry into the system, to the extent required by the City. SECTION 2. In the event that additional charges are imposed upon the city because of its discharge of over-strength wastewater, such additional charges shall be distributed in an equitable manner among the users of the system who are either wholly or partially responsible for such over-strength wastewater. In distributing such charges, the City shall use certain contracts dated August 30, 1973 and January 26, 1976, as previously recited, in determining the acceptable quality of wastewater and the amount of any additional charges to be assessed against individual users of the system. SECTION 3. The cost of any testing of remedical action required of the City because of the discharge of over-strenght wastewater shall be apportioned in an equitable manner among users of the system who were found to be either wholly or partially responsible for such abnormal strength wastewater. SECTION 4. The requirements of this ordinance shall be accumulative of and in addition to the requirements of all other ordinances of the City regulating use of the sanitary sewer system or health and safety requirements of the City. SECTION s. If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be judged invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or portion thereof, other than the portion so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6. The fact that there is no ordinance setting forth these specific standards for the use of the sanitary sewer system creates an urgency and an emergency and requires that this ordinance be effective from and after its passage and publication of the caption as provided by law and the Charter. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ADDISON, TEXAS, this th"e pJ!:day of 􀁾􀀯 , 1979. MAYOR ATTEST: -'lL ADDisoNI CITY MAJ."iAGER'S OFFICE Post Office Box 144 Addison. Texas 75001 MEMORANDUM February 8, 1993 (214) 450·7027 5300 Belt Line Road TO: FROM: SUBJECT: The Honorable Mayor & City Council Ron Whitehead, City Manager Interim OUtfall Sewer Agreement We have been operating under interim outfall sewer agreements with the City of Farmers Branch for the past number of years. This was the result of a lawsuit which found that Farmers Branch did not have to respond to our request for additional capacity even though we had an agreement that they would accommodate our sewer flow for 50 years. The court said that a city council could not commit future councils to open-ended contracts and expenses. We agreed that if they were going to cancel the contract, then we should receive all of the land back between Spring Valley Road and LBJ Freeway. We had allowed Farmers Branch to annex this part of Addison in exchange for the sewer agreement. The court did not grant this request either, although we did not pursue it completely because Farmers Branch initiated some discussion about the possibility of entering into an interim agreement to accept our sewer flow and to consider the sewer tunnel concept. Prior to this we had explored the idea of pumping everything into the Carrollton system, but there were some problems with capacity in the Trinity River Authority (TRA) lines coming from Carrollton. We also looked at building a sewer treatment facility and determined that it could be done for about the same cost as the tunnel, but it was not a business we preferred to be in, if we could avoid it. Meanwhile, Farmers Branch had a system that was mainly in their creeks. In order to enlarge the pipes in the creeks to gain 􀀻􀁾􀁾,r􀁤e capacity for themselves, they would have to enter the creek fi.' 􀀧􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁾 􀁾􀁩􀁴􀁨 large 􀀮􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁾􀁰􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀬 but 􀁤􀁥􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁭􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁤 that :this would be ve7Y 􀀢􀁊􀀮􀀺􀁳􀀱􀀺􀀧􀀺􀁜􀁩􀀩􀁬􀀿􀁴􀁾􀁶􀁥 to 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁾􀁲 􀁣􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁺􀁥􀁮􀁳􀀮 In fact, 􀁾􀁮 many 􀁾􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀁳 they 􀁤􀁾􀁤 not ftave easements from property owners abutting the creek, so they were not sure how they would do it. We jointly hired Consoer, Townsend & Associates, Inc., to design a sewer tunnel project for us. We decided to finance the project by passing on the cost to all rate payers in Addison. 1 Farmers Branch chose to create a Public Improvement District (PID), so that only the commercial properties on their east side would pay for the construction of the new tunnel. We created the North Dallas County Water Supply Corporation in order to monitor the progress of this project, and have met on a regular basis since its creation in March of 1991. We have been ready to fund the project since the inception but have patiently awaited the formation of the PID by the City of Farmers Branch. During the last five years we have actually experienced a decline in the overall amount of sewer we have sent through the Farmers Branch System. This was the result of the economy and some aggressive actions we took to give relief in the Rawhide Creek 􀁂􀁡􀁳􀁩􀁮􀁾 which are outlined in John Baumgartner's memo to me dated January 25, 1993. In late 1991, we began to sense that development was beginning to take off again in the Rawhide Creek Basin, so the staff recommended the construction of an interim lift station to allow us to pump 130 million gallons a year to Dallas. Dallas agreed in essence to allow us to borrow this capacity from the undeveloped lands on the east side of town until we construct the sewer tunnel. This would allow us another 130 million gallons in the Rawhide Creek Basin. Based on the 1986 flow of 230 million gallons, we felt we would be able to leave 100 million gallons of existing flow in that basin, and we would gain 130 million gallons for new construction. We spent $450,000 constructing this lift station. We had operated under an agreement that said we could place flow into the system that was 105% of our 1986 flow. This was higher than our flows in 1991, so we thought with new construction and the diversions to the Dallas system, that we would be fine until the tunnel was constructed. We were trying to survive until the tunnel came on line, which we thought would be late 1993. The PID process has obviously pushed that time frame back. The week before I was terminated last year, Farmers Branch sent sent us a new interim sewer agreement that was different from the ones we had executed in the past. This agreement restricted the flow but allowed us to build 280 single family homes in the Rawhide Creek Basin. The Council did not act on this agreement. The City of Farmers Branch was sensitive to the political turmoil in Addison and did not press the issue of the interim sewer agreement. We have operated under the September 1991 agreement, but we received other requests to act on the new agreement from Farmers Branch. In their defense, we were not timely in responding because we were very busy. Frankly, with the construction of the new lift station, we did not understand the concern because we thought we were addressing the problem. In fact, we still feel that way today. 2 The newest interim sewer agreement is the result of various meetings between the staffs. This agreement calls for no new construction in the Farmers Branch Creek Basin in Addison and would allow us 160 million gallons in the 􀁒􀁡􀁷􀁨􀁩􀁾􀁥 Creek Basin. We have requested 195 million gallons in the Rawhide Creek Basin and 12 million gallons in Farmers Branch Creek. The 195 million gallons would allow 35 million gallons remaining for use by Farmers Branch. Farmers Branch has asked that we leave 70 million gallons for future use and our concern is that we know we have a need for 176 million gallons over the next year to 18 months. Our philosophy has been to try to allow development in both communities until the tunnel has been built. The Rawhide Creek Basin in Farmers Branch is almost completely developed, and we feel that the 35 million gallons would allow for expansions to existing facilities or changes in use over the next two to three years. They have stated that they do not have a project pending in that basin at this time. Over that time period we might find other efficiencies or changes that would allow both communities to continue developing until the tunnel is constructed. The Farmers Branch Creek Basin is one that they say is at capacity but has some finite amount left in it that they would like to reserve for their use. We have felt that there should be some flexibility in this basin and consequently have only requested 12 million gallons a year. Again, we are not trying to consume all of the capacity and ignore Farmers Branch's needs. We would like to find solutions that would work for both cities. I find it hard to accept the notion that we are just a customer in this relationship. I have a hard time switching from being a customer to being a partner in the tunnel and spending $15 million of Addison's funds. We have been, and still are, ready to do that! It seems that is, and should be, the priority for both communities. Farmers Branch passed a resolution last week creating the PIO and now will enter the public comment phase. That process should be completed by May, and we could conceivably begin construction of the tunnel this summer. If all of this is on go, then we would be more comfortable with a more flexible approach. It seems a shame for either community to miss development opportunities because we have been too conservative. 1. The options are as follows: Adopt the most recent submittal from Farmers Branch stop construction in the Farmers Branch Creek Basin restrict growth in the Rawhide Creek Basin to additional 60 million gallons a year. 3 and and an This would not allow construction of all of the projects we estimate will need 76 million gallons in John Baumgartner's memo of January 25, 1993. It is what the Farmers Branch staff prefers, and it would cause us to not be in conflict at a time when we should be applauding our ability to work together because of the tunnel project coming to fruition. 2. Adopt a revised agreement indicating our desire to have 195 million gallons in there Rawhide Creek Basin and 12 million gallons in the Farmers Branch Creek Basin. This would accommodate our needs in Rawhide Creek Basin, but would restrict, but not totally eliminate, new construction in the Farmers Branch Creek Basin. This would allow both communities to continue to develop, but would be more flexible than the Farmers Branch recommendation. I have worried about this quite a bit because I do not understand why we are not being aggressive and positive at this juncture. Yes, we have some restrictions on our capacities, but Addison has aggressively sought solutions to the problem through our diversions to Dallas, which have cost us over $450,000 and our commitment to eliminate inflow and infiltration. Additionally, we are about to embark on a $25 million dollar project to solve both cities problems with sewer forever. We need to have both communities prosper for the next three years until the tunnel is complete, or we will both miss this development cycle. 3. Search for alternatives, but not be forced to enter into a contract that ceases development in one basin and restricts it to 60 million gallons in the other. Sewer has been a problem for my entire existence in this community for both Addison and Farmers Branch. My question is, "Why can't we survive together for three (3) more years until we construct the ultimate solution, the tunnel?" . I look forward to discussing this with you further at the Council Meeting. .􀁾􀁾 Ron Whitehead RW:mc 4 -8L 􀁁􀁾􀁄􀁷INsooFN .l'"1.1J CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE Post Office Box 144 Addiscln. Teus 75001 MEMORANDUM JAN26 (214) 450-2886 16801 Wengrove TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ron Whitehead, City Manager John Baumgartner, City Engineer January 25, 1993 Sewqe Flow Flowiag to Farmers Brae" This memo is intended to summarize the significant events that have taken place in Addison over the· previous years that Impact the sewer flow to Farmers Branch or are· anticipated to take place prior to the completion of the sewer tunnel in 1996. March 1985 December 1986 October 1990 January 1991 Early 1992 July 1992 January 1993 Summer 1993 Purchased grout packing equipment and enhanced program to reduce inflow and infiltration. Addison enters into the first of the interim sanitary sewer agreements with Farmers Branch. Sewage flow is limited to 105% (see Exhibit A) of 1986 flows. Flow is diverted from the airport and Addison Road from 01 to E. The Yoplait plant closes reducing sewage flows by approximately twelve (12) million gallons a year. Diverted flow from· the south side of Belt Line Road and Midway Meadows to Marsh Lane North. Insitufonned 2200 feet of clay tile sewer line in the Brookhaven Club area at a cost of $140,000. . Interim lift station is completed at an estimated cost of $450,000. Budgeted $125,000 to continue the insitufonn projects in the Brookhaven area. In December 1991, Farmers Branch approached the Town with a new agreement that significantly reduced the volume of allowable sewage flow. Since January 1, 1992 the following projects have been submitted to the Town for new building permits. Rawhide Creek Basin 1) Centex Homes -88 new homes 2) Designer Homes • 25 new homes 3) Grand Homes· 49 new homes 4) Pacific American Homes • 8 new homes 5) Jim Jenne Homes· 17 new homes 6) David Weekly Homes· 10 new homes 7) Midway Meadows· 1 new home 8) Paul Aylor Homes • 41 new homes 9) Sam's 10) Shoney's 11) Spaghetti Warehouse Estimated Sewage Flow • 31 miUion gallons per year Farmers Branch Creek Basin 1) Scott Felder Homes • 35 new homes 2) General Mills Restaurants Estimated Sewage Flow • 15 million gallons per year Proposed new development consists of the following: Rawhide Creek Basin 1) Centex Homes • 92 new homes 2) Grand Homes • 143 new homes 3) Designer Homes· 15 new homes 4) K·Mart Retail Center • approximately 450,000 square feet 5) Hoffbrau Steakhouse 6) Spring Creek Barhecue 7) Two (2) Addison Road Restaurants 8) Les Lacs City Homes • 196 units Estimated Sewage Flow • 76 miUion gallons per year Farmers Branch Creek 1) Doyle Cameron • 50 single family lots 2) McCutchin Development Estimated Sewage Flow • 13 million gallons per year I would propose that Addison limit growth to tenant finish out in existing buildings and limit new construction to finish the General Mills Restaurants and the flow equivalent to 8 million gallons a year (approximately 12,000 square feet of restaurants or 88 single family homes} in the Farmers Branch Basin. In the Rawhide Creek Basin, Addison will limit growth to a maximum flow of 195 million gallons per year. This equates to our average historical flows from 1987 to average 1992 plus 280 single family homes. This is significantly less than our historical highs of 273.1 million gallons per year in 1982, 219 million gallons per year in 1986 and 230 million gallons per year in 1987. Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. EXISTING INTERIM SANITARY SEWER AGREEMENT WITH FARMERS BRANCH THROUGH 1991 Farmers Branch Rawhide Creek Year .Creek (mg) (mg) To'tal (mg) 1979 227.0 65.7 292.7 1980 207.8 61.4 269.2 1980-81 219.3 49.9 269.2 1981-82 304.5 273.1 577.5 1982-83 341.5 194.3 535.8 1983-84 368.4 205.5 573.9 1984-85 372.4 187.3 559.7 1985-86 363.6 219.1 582.7 1986-87 344.2 230.0 574.2 1987-88 338.3 172.1 510.4 1988-89 384.0 166.1 550.1 1989-90 399.0 164.8 563.8 1990-91 376.4 138.8 515.2 1991-92 358.3 167.6 525.9 Allowable flow = (582.2)(1.05)=611.mg Based on 105% of 1986 flow .\ 􀁃􀁾 􀁉􀁩􀁾 FaRmeRS BRanCI-I September 23, 1991 Mr. Ron Whitehead city Manager Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Tx 75001 Dear Mr. Whitehead: Enclosed for your signature is the Interim Outfall Sewer Agreement between the Town of Addison and the city of Farmers Branch. The agreement remains the same as our previous agreement. Four copies of the agreement have been enclosed. Please sign and return three copies to the City of Farmers Branch. . ?l_l_y_,􀁾􀁟I Jerome V. Murawski, Jr., P.E. city Engineer JVM/en Enclosures City of Farmers 8ranch P.O. Box 819010 Farmers Branch. Texas 75381-9010 214/247-3131 Unked in Friendship with the District of BassetJaw. Nottinahamshire. GI'RRt: 􀁆􀀽􀁬􀁾􀁁􀁩􀁮 A"'" r.:!"............ 􀁲􀀺􀀡􀁾 •. INTERIM OUTFALL SEWER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF ADDISON AND THE CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH STATE OF TEXAS §§ COUNTY OF DALLAS § THIS AGREEMENT; entered into by and between the Town of Addison, a Texas Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its City Manager, hereinafter referred to as -Addison-, and the City of Farmers Branch, a Texas Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its City Manager, hereinafter referred to as -Farmers Branch-. WITNESSETH: SECTION 1. Covenants of Farmers Branch. a. Farmers Branch hereby agrees to provide transportation of sewage generated from the Rawhide Creek and Farmers Branch Creek drainage basins wi thin Addison through Farmers Branch's sanitary sewer system lying within Farmers Branch.b. Farmers Branch agrees to allow the Addison sewage to flow through Farmers Branch sanitary sewer system to the Trini ty River Authority's present sewer collection point west of Interstate Highway 35E and south of Interstate Highway 635. c. Farmers Branch agrees to charge Addison 120% of the fee charged to Farmers Branch by the Trinity River Authority for the duration of this interim agreement based upon measured sewage flows through the existing five entry points into the Farmers Branch sewer system from the Addison sewer system. The five entry points are noted on the attached sketch labeled Exhibit A. SECTION 2. Covenants of Addison. a. Addison agrees to limitits sewage flows to 105\ of the 1986 flows flowing through the five entry points previously described or until current sewage system capacity is reached, for the duration of this interim agreement or until such time as an improved outfall sewer system has been provided, which ever shall occur first. b. whatever Addison extent is agrees to necessary limit its to reduce, sewage flows to prevent and/or eliminate any spi 11, overload or overf low of sewer system constituting a violation of regulations of the Texas Water Commission Environmental Protection Agency. Farmers Branch's the rules and and/or the U.S. c. In the event of any spill, overload or overflow for which Addison has a contributory responsibility, and which consti tutes a violation of the rules and regulations of the Texas Water Commission and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Addison agrees to reimburse Farmers Branch for the costs of any fines or penalties. d. Addison agrees to enforce the Sewer Use Ordinance, Addison Ordinance No. 087-004, which ordinance incorporates the basic terms and conditions of Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1555. Addison agrees to amend this ordinance to reflect the basic terms and conditions of any amendments to Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1555. SECTION 3. Mutual Covenants. Addison and Farmers Branch agree that this is an interim agreement entered into to allow sufficient time for the implementation of the engineering study which was done under a previous agreement between Addison and Farmers Branch. This study developed a conceptual design for an increased capacity outfall sewer system which will fulfill the present and future growth needs of both cities. It is the intent of this contract that Farmers Branch and Addison wi 11 enter into a long term agreement establishing each City's share of costs, operations, maintenance, design and construction for the proposed sewer system.SECTION 4. Compliance with State and Federal Regulations. a. (1)· To enable the highest degree of treatment in the most economica 1 manner possible, and to comply with Federal and State regulations, certain solids, liquids and gases are hereby prohibited from entering the Farmers Branch system in excess of standards as set by said Federal and State regulations. The prohibitive discharges listed in Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1555 shall also apply at the Points of Entry to the Farmers Branch wastewater System. (2) Federal and State regulatory agencies periodica lly modify standa rds on prohibitive di scharges; therefore, revision to, additions to, or deletions from the items listed in this section will become necessary to comply wi th these latest standards. It is the intention of this interim agreement that prohibitive discharge requirements be reviewed periodically by Farmers Branch and revised in accordance wi th the latest standards of 0148v -2- " any federal or state agency having regulatory powers. Any required revisions shall be made and written notice thereof given to Addison. Addison shall be responsible for integrating such changes into the local industrial waste ordinance and notifying all affected users of the change within ninety (90) days following written notice to Addison of such change. b. To determine quality of Wastewater, Farmers Branch will collect composite samples of Wastewater.at each point of entry to the Farmers Branch Wastewater System and cause same to be analyzed in accordance with testing procedures as set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods of Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by American Public Health Association, Inc. Composite samples will normally be taken quarterly or at more frequent intervals if necessary to determine Wastewater quality. Such Wastewater shall not exceed the limits of concentration specified for Normal Wastewater as follows: Normal Wastewater Concentration BOD SS ph, not less than Hydrogen Sulfide 250 mg/l 250 mg/l 5 nor greater 1. 0 mg/l than 10 Should the analysis disclose concentrations higher than those listed, Farmers Branch will at once inform Addison of such disqualification. It shall be the obligation of Addison to require the offending discharger of said highly concentrated materials to undertake remedial measures to bring discharge concentrations wi thin acceptable limits. Farmers Branch will cooperate with Addison in reaching a satisfactory solution but will not undertake to specify the measures that will be employed to bring· those over-strength discharge concentrations within acceptable limits. In some cases of over-strength Industrial Waste, the industry discharging the over-strength waste, and Addison, may be desirous, and Farmers Branch may be agreeable to negotiate terms under which Farmers Branch will accept the over-strength wastes, but Farmers Branch makes no commitment to perform such service. c. (1) The effects of certain types of Industrial Waste upon wastewater and wastewater treatment processes are such as to require that careful consideration be made of each industrial connection. This is a matter of concern both to Farmers Branch and to Addison. Addison covenants that it will have in effect and will enforce a sewer use ordinance in accordance with Federal and State regulations or departments having lawful jurisdiction to set standards for waste discharges. 0148v -3- 1 • • , 0148v (2) Addison shall, by ordinance, require all Significant Industrial Users as defined by Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1555 that ultimately discharge into the Farmers Branch wastewater system to obtain an industrial waste discharge permit. Addison agrees to issue permits to Displaytek Corporation and Circuit 􀁁􀁵􀁾􀁯􀁭􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀬 Incorporated within thirty (30) days of entering into and executing this agreement. (3) Farmers Branch shall be provided a copy of the application and permit within 14 days after issuance. No Industrial User shall be allowed to connect to the sewer system discharging to the Farmers Branch wastewater System without at least 30 days prior notification being given by Addison to Farmers Branch of the intent to connect. Addison also agrees to provide Farmers Branch with information pertaining to the expected volume and composition of the new-discharge. (4) Addison agrees to implement and enforce U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved pretreatment program with respect respect to Industrial Users discharging into the Farmers Branch system. Furthermore, Addison shall, at any reasonable time upon request by Farmers Branch, produce pretreatment program records for review by Farmers Branch. (5) Addison agrees that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pretreatment Program for Industrial wastes will be maintained to insure continuing approval from the EPA. (6) Addison agrees to seek injunctive relief against those Industrial Users whose discharge interferes with the Trinity River Authority's treatment system, poses an imminent danger to public health or when the specific industry is not making sufficient progress toward compliance or completing an Addison approved pretreatment plan. (7) Addison agrees that Farmers Branch shall have the right to sample wastewater discharges at points of entry to the Farmers Branch wastewater system for the purpose of determining the type and strength of discharges. (8) Addison agrees that any individual Industrial User found in violation of allowable discharges or any individual Industrial User who refuses access for the purpose of sampling shall be disconnected from Addison's and Farmers Branch's wastewater system. Provided however, that the violating Industrial User -4- shall be afforded all rights, privileges of appeal and deficiency cure periods as provided under Addison Ordinances. Addison agrees to provide public notification for instances of violation as required in 40 CFR 403. THIS INTERIM AGREEMENT is effective as of June 24, 1991, and shall remain in force until December 23, 1991, unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties, or unless terminated by breach of any provisions of SECTION 2. Breach of any provision of SECTION 2 shall cause termination of this agreement within 30 days. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting under authority of their respective governing bodies have caused this Amendatory Interim Agreement to be duly executed in several counterparts.!:? 􀁴􀁽􀁡􀁾 of 􀁗􀁨􀁩􀁣􀁨􀁾􀁬􀁾􀁥 an original, all as of the 􀀯􀁾􀁾 day of 􀁾􀁾 , 1991. ATTEST:City Secretary ATTEST:city Secretary 0148v CITY OF ADDISON 􀀭􀁧􀀭􀀭􀁜􀁾􀁾 City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM Town Attorney CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH ( . City Manager a 'I. a{ Date :---=1 -􀀷􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁊􀀭􀁃􀀩􀀮􀁾 t APPROVED AS TO FORM -5- rJ) w< 1-:c t..,V oZ >-« 1-0: 13 m . ,. -:::::::./.:. :::::;: 􀁾 .. . I: Hi iii1l:iili= -- ',' 􀁾􀁴􀀺􀀧􀁤 01; %!I'1'J!l:R.J:X OU'rJ'ALL SED:R. AGRBBHEft BE'l'WBEB THE TOn OF ADDISON .um '1'HE CITY OJ' PARJIIU BRANCH STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THIS AGREEMENT; entered into by and between the Town of Addison, a Texas Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its City Hanaqer, hereinafter referred to as "Addison", and the City of Farmers Branch, a Texas Municipal Corporation, acting by and throuqh its city Manager, hereinafter referred to as "Farmers Branch". WITNESSETH: SECTION 1. Covenants of,larmers Branch. a. Farmers Branch hereby aqrees to provide transportation of sewage subject to the limitations identified in section 2, generated from the Rawhide Creek and Farmers Branch Creek drainage basins within Addison through Farmers B:ranch' s sanitary sewer system lyinq within Farmers Branch. b. Farmers Branch agrees to allow the Addison sewage to flow through Farmers Branch sanitary sewer system to the Trinity River Authority's present sewer collection point west of Interstate Highway 35E and and south of Interstate Highway 635. c. Farmers Branch agrees to charge Addison 120% of the fee charged to Farmers Branch by the Trinity River Authority for the duration of this interim agreement based upon measured sewage flows through the existing five entry points into the Farmers Branch sewer system from the Addison sewer system. The five entry points are noted on the attached sketch labeled Exhibit A. SECTION 2. Covenants of Addison. a. Addison agrees to limit its sewage flows at each of the five entry points for the duration of this interim agreement or until such time as the improved outfall system has been provided, whichever shall occur first as follows: Rawhide Creek -the sewage flow shall be limited to the current monthly flow generated in the 12 months preceeding execution of this agreement and the addition of sewage flows, generated by 2Sa single-family and/or multi-family dwelling units presently unaer construction in Addison. Brookhaven Road -the sewage flow shall be limited to the current monthly flow generated in the 12 months preceedinq execution of this agreement. spring valley Road -the sewage flow shall be limited to the current monthly flow generated in the 12 months preceeding execution of this agreement. Inwood Road -the sewage flow shall be limited to the current monthly flow generated in the 12 months preceeding execution of this aqreement. Beltway -the sewage flow shall be limited to the amount of flow generated from the following addresses: 4568 thru 4580, and 4600 Belt Line Rd., the 15000 Blk of Beltwood Pkwy., the 14600, 14700, and 14800 Blks of Inwood Rd. since the sewage flow is not metered, the amount of sewage flow shall be considered as the 80% of the amount of water metered to these properties. b. Addison agrees to inform Farmers Branch of proposed increases in sewage flows due to additional sewer connections, changes in land use, and changes in building use: and the methods that Addison will implement to mitigate the proposed increases beyond the limits set forth in Section 2a of this agreement. Addison may contract for additional capacity within a given drainage basin through a supplemental agreement which shall incorporate the means for making additional capacity available, and the means offinancinq those improvements t.O provide additional capacity. c. Addison agrees to 1imitits sewage flows to whatever extent is necessary to reduce, prevent and/or eliminate any spill, overload or overflow of Farmers Branch's sewer system constituting a violation of the rules and regUlations of the Texas Water Commission and/or the u.s. Environmental Protection Agency. d. In the event of any spill, overload or overflow for Which Addison has a responsibility, and Which constitutes a violation of the rules and regulations of the Texas Water Commission and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Addison agrees to reimburse Farmers Branch for the costs of any fines or penalties. e. Addison agrees to enforce the Sewer Use Ordinance, Addison ordinance NO. 087-004, which ordinance incorporates the basic terms and conditions of Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967. Addison agrees to amend this ordinance to reflect the basic terms and conditions of any amendments to Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967. 2 SECTION 3. Mutual Covenants. Addison and Farmers Branch aqree that this is an interim agreement entered into to allow sufficient time for the implementation of the Addison-Farmers Branch sanitary sewer interceptor. SECTION 4. Compliance with state and Federal Regulations. a. (1) To enable the highest degree of treatment in the most economical 􀁾􀁡􀁮􀁮􀁥􀁲 possible, and to comply with Federal and state requlations, certain solids, liquids and gases are hereby prohibited from entering the Farmers Branch system in excess of standards as set by said Federal and state regulations. The prohibitive discnarqes listed in 􀁆􀁡􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁳 Branch Ordinance No. 1967 shall also apply at the Points of Entry to the Farmers Branch wastewater System. (2) Federal and state regulatory agencies periodically modify standards on prohibitive discharges therefore, revision to, -additions to, or deletions from the items listed in this section will become necessary to comply with these latest standards. It is the intention of this interim 􀁡􀁱􀁲􀁥􀁥􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁾 that prohibitive discharge requirements be reviewed periodically by Farmers Branch and revised in accordance with the latest standards of any federal or state agency having regulatory powers. Any required revisions shall be made and written notice thereof given . to Addison. Addison shall be responsible for integrating such changes into the local industrial waste ordinance and notifying all affected users of the change within ninety (90) days following written notice to Addison of such Change. b. To determine quality of wastewater, Farmers Branch will collect composite samples of Wastewater. at each point of entry to the Farmers Branch Wastewater System and cause same to be analyzed in accordance with testing procedures as set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods of Examination of Water and wastewater, pUblished by American Public Health Association, Inc. Composite samples will normally be taken quarterly or at more frequent intervals if necessary to determine wastewater quality. such 􀁷􀁡􀁳􀁾􀁥􀁷􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁲 shall not exceed the limits of concentration specified for Normal Wastewater as follows: NOrmal Wastewater Concentration BOD 55 ph, not less than 5 Hydrogen Sulfide 250 mq/l 250 mg/l nor greater than 10 La mg/l Should the analysis disclose concentrations higher than those listed, Farmers Branch will at· once inform Addison of Such disqualification. It shall be the obligation of Addison to require 3 the offending discharger of said highly concentrated materials to undertake remedial measures to bring discharge concentrations within acceptable limits. Farmers Branch will cooperate with Addison in reaching a satisfactory solution but will not undertake to specify the measures that will be employed to hring those overstrenqth discharge concentrations within acceptable limits.In some cases of over-strength Industrial waste, the industry discharging the over-strength waste, and Addison, may be desirous, and Farmers Branch may be agreeable to negotiate terms under which Farmers Branch will accept the over-strength wastes, but Farmers Branch makes no commitment to perform such service. c. (1) The effects of certain types of Industrial Waste upon wastewater and wastewater treatment processes are such as to require that careful consideration he made of each industrial connection. This is a matter of concern both to Farmers Branch and to Addison. Addison covenants that it will have in effect and will enforce a sewer use ordinance in accordance with Federal and state regulations or departments having lawfUl jurisdiction to set standards 􀁦􀁯􀁾 waste discharges. (2) Addison shall r by ordinance, require all Signifioant Industrial Users as defined by Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967 that ultimately discharge into the Farmers Branch wastewater system, including, without limitation, oisplaytek Corporation and circuit Automation, Incorporated, to obtain an industrial waste discharge permit. . (3) Farmers Branch shall be provided a copy of the application and permit within 14 days after issuance. No Industrial User shall be allowed to connect to the sewer system discharging to the Farmers Branch Wastewater System without. at least 30 days prior notification being given by Addison to Farmers Branch of the intent to connect. Addison also agrees to provide Farmers Branch with information pertaining to the expected volume and composition of the new-discharge. The expected volume is subject to the limitation of this agreement agreement and any supplemental agreements.(4) Addison agrees to implement and enforce U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved pretreatment program with respect to Industrial Users discharging into the Farmers Branch 􀁳􀁹􀁳􀁾􀁥􀁭􀀮 Furthermore, Addison shall, at any reasonable time upon request by Farmers Branch, produce pretreatment program records for review by Farmers Branch. (5) Addison agrees that u.s. Environmental protection Agency Pretreatment Program for Industrial Wastes will be maintained to insure continuing approval from the EPA. (6) Addisoh agrees to seek injunctive relief against those Industrial Users whose discharge interferes with the Trinity 4 SENf BY: .Illt I 􀁕􀁜􀁖􀁖􀀮􀁉􀁬􀁾 River Authority I s treatment system" poses an imminent danger to public health or when the specific industry is not making sufficient proc;ress toward compliance or completing an Addison approved pretreatment plan. (7) Addison agrees that Farmers Branch shall have the, right to sample wastewater discharges at points of entry to the Farmers Branch wastewater 􀁳􀁹􀁳􀁾􀁥􀁭 for the purpose of determining the type and strength of discharges. (8) Addison agrees that any individual Industrial User found in violation of allowacle discharqes or any individual Industrial User who refuses access for the purpose of sampling shall be disconnected from Addison's and Farmers Branch's wastewater system. Provided however, that the violating Industrial User shall be atforaed all rights, privileges of appeal and deficiency cure periods as provided under Addison Ordinances. Addison agrees to provide public notification for instances of violation as required in 40 eFR 403. THIS INTERIM AGREEMENT is effective as of December 23, 1991 and shall remain in force until June 24, 1992 unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties, or unless terminated by breach of any provisions of SECTION 2. Breach of any provision of SECTION 2 shall cause termination of this agreement within 30 days. 5 l ' 0' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting under authority of their respective governing bodies have caused this Alnendatory Interim Aqreement. to be duty executed in several counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, this day of 1990. ATTEST: City Secretary ATTEST: City Secretary TOWN OF ADDISON City Manaqer APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH City. Manager Date: _ APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney (J) «>w< r-II I,): FaRmeRS BRanCI-I February 5, 1993 John Baumgartner, P.E. City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box144 Addison Texas 75001 Dear Mr. Baumgartner: Presently there is not an agreement in effect that provides the basis for the City of Farmers Branch to accept sanitary sewer effluent from the Town of Adclison. The last interim sanitary sewer agreement expired on December 23, 1991. Since December 1991, the City of Farmers Branch has made several attempts to get Addison· to execute a new interim sanitary sewer agreement. The interim sanitary sewer agreement that was sent this week to the Town of Addison contains flow limits that are based on the available capacity in the Rawhide Creek and Farmers Branch Creek drainage basins. The flow limits are consistent with the limits contained within interim sanitary sewer agreement submitted to Addison in December 1991 that was not executed. The limits are supported by additional analysis of the basins that was performed in August 1992. The exact capacities of the sewer lines that serve both cities cannot be exactly defined because of the age of the lines: however, all available data and analysis shows the lines to be near capacity. It is understood that the Town of Addison doesn't want to say no to additional development, the City of Farmers Branch has recently informed two developers that there is not sufficient capacity to handle their developments. It is necessary to have an interim sanitary sewer agreement in place until the completion of the joint sanitary sewer project. We look forward to receiving the executed agreement from the Town of Addison. 􀁓􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁾􀁙􀀬 I 􀁾􀁾􀀯􀁁 ---_.._.-1 . Jerome V. Murawski, Jr., P.E. city Engineer _City of Furmers_l3ranch . 􀁾􀀮􀁯􀀮 Sox 81.9010 Farmers 􀁾􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁨􀁾 Texas 􀀮􀀿􀀵􀀳􀀸􀀱􀀭􀀹􀁾􀀱 0 214/247-3131 2-5-93 ;10:34AM ; MAILROOM--214 248 7814;# 2/7 INTERIM OUTFAll... SEWER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF ADDISON AND THE CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THIS AGREEMENT; entered into by and between the TQWII of 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁩􀁾 a Texas Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its City Manager, hereinafter referred to as "Addison", and the City of Farmers Branch, a Texas Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its City Manager, hereinafter referred to as IIFarmers Branch", WITNESSETH: SECTION 1. Covenants of Farmers Bnneh. a. Farmers Branch hereby agrees to provide traDeportation of sewage subject to the Jimitations identitled in Section 2, generated ftom the Rawhide Creek and Farmers Branch Creek drainage basins within Addison through Farmers Branch'8 15wtury 6eWer zsytstem lying within Furmens Branch.. b. Farmol'8 Branchagreesto allow tho Addison scwago to flow through, Fmmers Branchsanitary sewer syBtem to the Trinity River Authority's present sewer collection point west of Interstate Highway 35E and south of Interstate Highway 635. c. Farmers Branch agrees to charge Addison 120% of the fee charged to Farmers Branch by the Trinity River Authority for the duration of this interim agreement based upon measured sewage flows thrQugh the existing five entry points into the Fanners 8l'anch sewer system from the Addison sewersystem. The five entry points are noted on the attached sketch labeled Exhibit A. SECTION 2. Covenantll of AddisoD. a. Addison ngree& to limit ita sewage flOWB at each of the five entry points for the duration of this interim agreement or until such time as tho improvod outfall ayto.1-.em hag been. pTovided. whichever ,:;hall occur frrst 8.8 􀁦􀁏􀁮􀁏􀁗􀁂􀁾 Rawhide Creek Basin -the sewage flow shall be limited to a total flow of 160 million gallons for the term of this agreement (12 months). SENT BY: 2-5-93 ;10:34AM MAIlROOM... 214 248 7814;# 31 7 Farmers Branch Creek Basin -the sewage flow shall be limited to the flow averaged over the last two years generated from the basin. No changes in uses in existing buildings which affects Bewage flow will be permitted. Addison agrees not to issue building permits (or other approvals which might affect sewage £Iowa) without the prior approval of Farmers Bra.nch, $nch approval (by the CityManager ofFarmers Branch) shall be based solely on the determination that the amount of sanitary sewer flow will not have an adverse impact on the amount ofsewage flow into the sewer line serving both Addison and Farmers Branch. Addison and Farmers Branch will conduct monthly meetings to monitor sewage ft.ows to insure that t.here are not any adverse effects on the amount of sewage flow. Beltway. the lleWBge flow sba11 be limited to the flow generated from the existing buildings at the following addresses: . 4568 through 4580, and 4600 BaIt Line Road, 15000 Block of Beltwood Parkway. 14600, 14700, and 14800 Blocks of Inwood Road. Since the sewage flow is not metared, the amount of sewage flow shall be considered as 80% of the amount of water metered. to these properties. b. Addison may contract for additional capacity within a ghren drainage basin through a supplemental agreement which shall incorporate the means for making additional capacity 􀁡􀁶􀁡􀁩􀁬􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁥􀁾 and the means of financing those improvements to provide additional capacity. c. Addison agrees to limit its sewage flows to whatever extent is necessary to reduce, prevent and/or eliminate any spill, overload or overtlow a! Farmers Branchtg sewer system confttituting ,a. violation of the rules and regulations of the Texas Water Commission and/or the U.S. Environmental ProteetionAgen.cy. d. In the event of any spill, overload or overllow for which Addison has a responsibility, and which constitutes a violation of the roles and regulations of the Texas Water Commission and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Addison agrees to reimburse Farmers Branch for the costs of any finel!! or penalties. e. AQdil50n agrees to enforce tho Sewer Use Ordinance. Addison Onlinance No. 087-004, which ordinance incorporates the bamc terms and conditions of Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967. Addison agrees to amend this ordinance to reflect the basic terms and conditions of any amendments to Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967. 2 SENT BY: 2-5-93 ;10:36AM ; MAILROOM... 214 248 7814;# 4/7 SECTION 3. Mutual Covenants.. Ad.c:I.U!on and Farmers Branch agree that this i6 an interim agreement entered into to allow sufficient time for the implementation of the Addison-Farmers Brallch sanitary sewer interceptor. SECTION 4. CompJianee wiih State and Federal :Regulations. a. (1) To enable the highest degJ'ee of treatment in the most economical manner poHBible, and to comply with Federal and State regulations, certain :solids, liquids and gases al'e hereby prohibited from entering the Farmen Branch system in excess of standards as set by 198id Federal and State regulations. The prohibitive discharges listed in Fanners Branch Ordinance No. 1967 shall also apply at the Point6 of Entry to the Farmerl!l Branch Wastewater System. (2) Federal and State regulatory agencies periodically modify standards on prohibitive discharges therefore, revision to. additions to, or deletions from the itemB listed in this section will become necessary to comply with with these latest standards. It is the intention of thi.H interim. agreement that prohibitive discharge requirements be reviewed periodically by Farmers Branch and revised in accordance with the latest standards oCany federal or state agency having regulatory powers. Any required. revisions Bhall be made and written notice thereofgiven to Addison. Addison shall be responsible for integrating such changes into the local industrial waste ordinance and notifYing all affected users of the change within ninety (90) days following written notice to Addison of such change. b. To dete..mine quality of Wutewater1 Far:meI'8 Branch will colleet composite samples of Wastewater. at each point of entry to the Farmen Branch Wastewater System and caUB9 same to be analyzed. in accordance with testing procedures as set forth in the lateBt edition of Standard Methods oC Exiunination of Water and Wastewater, published by American Public Health 􀁁􀁳􀁯􀁯􀁣􀁩􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁾 Inc. Composite samples will normally be taken quarterly or at more frequent intervals if necessary to determine Wastewater quality. Such Wastewater mall not exceed the limits of concentration specified for Normal Wastewater as follows: Normal Wastewater Concentration BOD 250 mgt1 SS 250 mgll ph, not less than 5 nor greater than. 10 Hydrogen Sulfide 1.0 :mgIl Should the analysis disclose concentrations higher than. those listed, Fanners Branch will at once inform Addison ofSuch disqnalification. It shall be the obligation 3 SENT BY: 2-5-93 ;10:37AM 􀁍􀁁􀁉􀁌􀁒􀁏􀁏􀁾 214 248 7814;# 5/7 of Addison to require the offending discharger of said highly concentrated materials to undertake remedial mea&Ures to bring discha;rge concentratJons within acceptable Iimit8. Farmers Branch wiU cooperate with Addison inreaching a l88tisfactory solution but will not undertake to specify the measures that will be omployed to bring those over-strength discharge concentratio11.6within aooeptablelimits.In some easesof􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁾 strength Industrial 􀁗􀁡􀁳􀁾 the industry discharging the over-strength waste, and Addison, 􀁾 be demous, and Farmers Branch may be agreeable to negotiate terms under which Farmars Branch will accept the over-atrength wastes, but Farmers Branch makes no commitment to perform such service. c. (1) The effects of certain types of Industrial Waste upon wastewater and waBtewater treatment processes are such W!I to require that careful consideration be made oC each indulStrial connection. This is a matter of concern both to Farmers Branch and to Addison. Addison covenants that it will have in eff'er...t and will enfoJ:<::e Q. sewer use ordinance in accordance with Federal and State regulations or departments having lawful jurisdiction to oet standards fo!' waste dillcharges. (2) Addi80D shall, by ordinance, require all Significant Industrial Users as defined by Farmers Branch Ordinance No. 1967 that ultimately discharge into the Farmers Branch wastewater system, including, without funitation. Diaplaytek. Corporation and Circuit Automation, Incorporated, to obtain an industrial waste discharge permit. (3) Fanners Branch shall be provided a copy of the application and permit within 14 days after issuance. No Industrial User shall be allowed to connect to the sewer system discharging to the Farmers Branch Wastewater System without at least 30 days prior notification being given by Addison to Farmers Branch of the intont to connect. Addison also ogreeo to provide Farmers Branch with information pertainiJlgto the expectedvolume and composition ofthe new-discharge. The expected volume is subject to the limitatio"n of this agreement and any SUpplemental agreements. (4) Addison agrees to implement and enforce U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved. pretreatment program with respect to Industrial Users discharging into the Farmers Branch. -system. Furthermore, Addison 􀁳􀁨􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁾 at any l"e8!lonable time upon reqneat by }4'armers Branch. produce pretreatment program. records for review by Farmers Bran,ch. (6) Addison agrees that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pretreatment Program. for Industrial Waste5 will be maintained to inBUl'e continuing approval from the EPA. (6) Addison agrees to seek. injunctive relief against those Industrial Userawhose discharge interferes with the Trinity River Authority's trnatmell.t system. .. SENT BY: 2-5-93 ;10:38AM MAILROOM.... 214 248 7814;# 61 7 posesan jmmjnent danger to public health or when the specific industry is not making BUfficient progrese toward compliance orcompletinganAddi sonapprovedpretreat.ment plan. (7)Addison agrees that FarmerB Branch shall have the right to sample WSBtewater diBCharges at points of entry to the Farmer!! Branch wastewater system for the purpose of determining the type and strength of discharges. (8) AddiBOn agrees that any individual InduBtrial Userfound in violation of allowable discharges or any individual Industrial User who refuses access for the purpose of sampling shall be disconnected from Addisonts and J.4"'armers Branch's wastewater system. Provided however, that the violating Industrial User shall be afforded all rights, privileges of appeal and deficiem'..Y t:ure periods as pn:wided under Addison Ordinances.. Addison agrees to provide public notification for instances of violation os required in 40 CFR 408. THIS INTERIM AGREEMENT is effective as of February 15, 1993 and shall remain in force until Febru.aIy 15, 1994 unless extendedby mutual agreement ofboth parties, or unless terminated by bl'each of any provisions of SECTION 2. Breach of any provision ofSECTION 2 shall cause termination of this agreement within 30 days. 5 U.L...I1J. U.I· MAIlROOM'" 214 248 7814;# 7/7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting underauthority oftheit' respective governingbodies have causedthia Amendatory Interim.Agreement to be duty exet.'Uted in BQveral counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, this day of 1992. ATTEST: City Secretary ATTEST; City Secretary B:OUTFALL.AGRfAGREEMENTS February 4, 1993 6 TOWN OF ADDISON City Mamtger APPROVED.AS TO 􀁆􀁏􀁒􀁍􀁾 Attorney CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Atl.orney FaRmeRS BRanCI-I June 25, 1993 Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear John: The Interim Outfall Sewer Agreement placed several conditions upon both Farmers Branch and Addison. Section 2.C of the Agreement states that"Addison agrees not to issue building permits within the basin without providing certification that such issuance will not increase the amount of sewage that flows into the Farmers Branch sewer line. " In order to comply with the letter and the intent of Section 2.C of the Agreement, Addison needs to provide this certification to Farmers Branch prior to any issuance of building permits. Your cooperation in complying with this provision in the future is appreciated. ohn F. Burke Assistant City Manager JFB/en ADDISON. LTR City of Farmers Branch P.O. Box B1901 0 Farmers Branch. Texas 75381-9010 214/247-3131 Linked in Friendship with District of Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire. Great Britain, Garbsen, Germany, and Markham, Canada ---􀁁􀁾􀁄􀁷INSoOFN 1"\.L} CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE 􀁟􀀮􀀻􀀻􀀱􀁩􀁾􀁟􀀢 IlJI_1!ilIl Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 June 24, 1993 Mr. Jerry Murawski, P.E. City of Farmers Branch P.O. Box 819010 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381·9010 Dear Jerry: (214) 450-2886 16801 Westgrove This letter is in response to your request for a list of building permits issued since April 12, 1993, in the Spring Valley Metering Station Basin. The following list represents the permits issued in the basin: 1. 14640 -Heritage on April 14, 1993 -Pool 2. 14679 -Midway Road, Suite 219 on April 21, 1993 -minor office remodel 3. 14675 -Midway -minor office remodel Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, John Baumgartner, P.E. Director of Public Works JIVis BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 􀀱􀁬􀁉􀀡􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁉􀀡􀀱􀁩􀁬􀁉􀀡􀁬􀀡􀁩􀀢􀁁􀁾􀁉􀁉􀁩􀁉􀁬􀁉􀁬􀁬􀁉􀁩􀁉􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀡􀁉􀁉􀀡􀀡􀁉􀀧􀀡􀁉􀁾􀀢 Post Office Box 144 Addison. Texas 75001 April 7, 1993 (214) 450-2880 16801 Westgrove TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 􀁊􀁾􀁾􀁂􀁡􀁵􀁭􀁧􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁮􀁥􀁲 􀁾􀁨􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁬􀁥􀁲 New Home Construction in Les Lacs House finals since January, houses still under construction and remaining lots are as listed below. House Finals 58 Houses Under Construction 100 Lots Remaining 135 LClst m:DisoN CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE 􀀺􀀮􀀺􀁲􀀢􀀬􀀧􀀱􀀩􀀡􀀧􀁩􀀡􀀭􀁾􀀧􀀳􀁉􀁨􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧􀁾 Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001May 6, 1993 Kathy 1. Schachar PO Box 796728 Dallas, Texas 75379 RE: Sewer Capacity for Les Lacs Mirada Dear Ms. Schachar: (214) 450-2886 16801 Westgrove The sewer capacity in the system serving your proposed project is constrained by restrictions placed upon Addison by Farmers Branch. Addison is pursuing measures to provide additional sewer capacity to that basin. Unfortunately, no quick fixes are available. The Town currently has a 90 day study underway to determine if remedial repairs will provide a minimal amount of capacity. However, the ultimate solution is still two to four years away. The Town has limited capacity available on a first come basis in the Rawhide Creek Basin which is located at the intersection of Marsh Lane and Belt Line Road. If you desire to pursue the full development of your project, the Town will consider any private alternative disposal methods with appropriate safeguards. Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. f 91!-ff-jk /John R. Baumgartner, P.E. Director of Public Works JRB/js